Rhysand then forces Feyre to kiss him later on, under the pretense that he is helping her to escape the villain of the story. I didnt even know it was possible to have so much smut and so little plot in a single book, but here you are. (Why do I have the feeling Sarah J. Maas just comes up with profoundly deep sounding phrases in English and then puts them into a random languages using google translate when naming things in her books? Also, can someone please explain why they are killing each other in the first place? I have siblings and we all hate each others guts at times so Ik how it works but what Ive seen from Nesta is that its all toxic. There is literally no acceptable reason to hate Feyre. Feyre could have made an effort with Elain to let Nesta choose her own healing but instead she let her overbearing husband strongarm Nesta into doing what he thought was best for her. Especially since rhysand would know feyre cares for Nesta and was trying to help her, the rhysand from before wouldn't have treated her like shit. Together with their inner . Yeah, hes definitely worse than Tamlin. p. 654: Ah yes, let the 500-something-th Hunger Games begin. She was the good one, and no one can say that's not a viable reason for Nesta to hate her. There were no books to be found in the sitting room, nothing to show what Nesta may have been doing before Rhysand arrived. Why is Rhys so mean to Nesta and so Forgiving to Elain? It feels a By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Why would I love Rhysand? . Why am I even reading this? At night, Nesta feels darkness tugging her and screams. "I hate that question too," Nesta admitted. Women use their powers to magically engorge their birth canals so they can bear their lovely mates more children. Just remember that it's all because of the POV switch. p. 345: Wow, everyone seems so excited that Nesta is okay. Feyre and Morrigan fight through all the soldiers they encounter, while Rhysand tries to reach the king, who uses magic and illusion to evade capture. Instead of that though, we get Rhys scaring Nesta for fun. p. 559: Yeah, you wouldnt let Feyre near him, so why should Nesta be any different? I was actually craving something mindless and entertaining, because on Friday, I hit an ultimate coding dead end when my program gave me the following error message: polredabs: Warning: MPQS: number too big to be factored with MPQS, giving up., You know things are bad when your computer tells you its giving up. Literally that's what pro-choice is, and Rhysand chooses to not tell Feyre important medical information. ladynestaarcheron. That is my opinion. Rhysand gives her his power, and in doing so, knowingly gives his life. Why did tamlin and Feyre split? ladyofthe-springcourt: taylors-fourth-cat-meow: Feyrug: *destroys an entire court and allows a foreign army invasion and causes a mass murder because she was mad at one person* However, at the end . For more information, please see our p. 607: Oh, thank god theyre finally talking to one another! ), p. 602: I really like Azriel, even though yes, the High King idea was really stupid. level 1. And at some point, I think that she realized she was wrong, but thought it was too late to "care" and "atone" for her mistake. And I feel like its their mothers fault since she also ignored Feyre. I mean, god forbid anyone be in an intimate relationship without being mated in this series. (Seriously, I am not making this up!) p. 379: Finally, a bit of concern for Nesta! To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys." I guess Nesta and Rhys are also a little too similar in their personalities that it clashes? (I mean, thats literally what Im doing right now, so ). It will either be Rhysand pursuits Feyre, or Nesta comes into the fae world and snatches his heart. Dont say I didnt warn you. p. 642: Of course I knew this mate thing was coming, but I still think its dumb. "Sounds like I was doing your job. p. 348: Mother-henning is the perfect description for their behavior. She took several deep breaths to calm herself. Hell no. (Edit: Probably because the foreshadowing in this book has the subtlety of a sledgehammer). p. 571: So I guess Mor is going to be paired up with Emerie now? After all, you wouldn't want anyone profiting off hours of your work without naming you as the creator either, would you? p. 575: Nesta sitting by that fire has me so proud. Thats so specific that Im wondering whether theres some kind of innuendo Im missing here. Im totally with Cassian that he needs to back off and stop doubting that Nesta is capable of being good. p. 406: I actually really like these training scenes. But all jokes aside no yeah she's a terrible person which is why I like her even more since even damaged female MC's with issues deserve a chance for self-reflection and healing, despite how self aggrandizingly toxic they can be sometimes. Like yes I do see how Rhysand is overprotective of feyre and Nesta can be seen as dangerous.. but the way he treated her sometimes was disgusting and completely unlike him. Should I even have expected anything else? whenever i read a book, fanfic or watch a movie etc. People like to excuse this by saying "oh well it's in a different POV and Nesta hates Rhysand." Listen, Im willing to forgive Rhys if Feyre has, but Im sick and tired of people trying to romanticize this extremely toxic behaviour. Hard to put into words, so I'm glad you thought I did okay ? "A Court of Silver Flames" and will veer from Feyre and Rhysand's points of view to follow the perspective of Nesta and Cassian and their love-hate relationship. He is incredibly handsome and appears to be arrogant, careless, and cold at first. It is excellently written but i don't think that the reason is good enough for what Nesta has done to Feyre. Or try to make an alliance with Bellius and company I mean, would they really not have made it? YES OMGOMGOMG. How feminist of Rhysand to hate Nesta and not Papa Archeron. p. 449: Of course the idiots werent able to resist picking up the swords, Amren. And since you guys seemed to like this format when I did it for Midnight Sun, I decided to bring it back for this fae porn masterpiece without further ado, I give you my live reactions to A Court of Silver Flames: p. 1: First page and we already have two em-dashes, male, and mate. When Nesta asks her what she was, Amren replies that she was a messenger and soldier-assassin for a wrathful god who ruled a young world. Amren drinks blood to sustain herself and hoards baubles and belongings, threatening unspecified but deadly punishment towards anyone who would try to steal them. When Rhysand died, he saw Amren in the Cauldron and asks if she wants to come back. Feyre Archeron | A Court of Thorns and Roses Wiki | Fandom I see what you did there, Sarah. This is abuse, Cassian!! p. 235: Why the heck are Rhyss eyes gleaming with pure threat?!? TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. p. 634: Its already spring? A Court of Silver Flames - Did anyone else find the way Rhys treated He was my favourite character in a court of mist and fury and now. And now my brain is officially scarred for eternity. Just the later books in the series And trust me, Riddhi, you havent read this yet. When Feyre awakes the next day she finds Rhysand in her room, tired and desperate, after spending the night in a . When Is The Pineapple Festival In Jensen Beach, Florida, He would do anything for feyre. I dont care how painful it gets, Ill take it! astrababyy i do not understand why nesta does not get any p. 97: Fae females get their period only twice a year? And dumb question, but why doesnt everyone just work together and touch that mountaintop? . But I hate love triangles, so please dont go down this route, Sarah!). This has got to be a first I mean, how can a SJM protagonist not be the absolute best at everything and have everybody know it? Pretty much hate everyone in this series apart from Nesta and Gwyn now anyways. New users, please check the ABOUT section for rules and FAQ. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Did she borrow that name from Philip Pullman or did he borrow it from her? p. 498: Well, maybe you shouldnt have treated her this horribly. Azriel? Still, as funny as it is, I hope you find a solution that doesnt require too much work. p. 606: I mean, youre way too good for Cassian, Nesta, but if you want him, stop pushing him away and standing in your own way! Nesta was in the wrong for her intent to hurt Feyre. ) And the Nyx part had me in tears, too I mean, maybe hell turn out to be transgender and this is foreshadowing, but seeing that its a Sarah J. Maas book, I highly doubt it. Im sure were gonna have a lot more of these, too. The Night Court goes to help and finds a slaughter in progress. p. 344: Now Cassian is making out with Nesta in front of everyone? Yes, I have a thing for damaged emotionally toxic femmes. p. 339: Why??? If they want their friendship to stick, they have no choice but to change their attitude towards nesta because nestas been through far too much to assimilate into their dynamic. Feyre doesn't call him out, no matter how much y'all like to head cannon that, and we're on book five and he's been . Azriel, I would have at least expected you to be more sensible! p. 614: This sounds like you have a sex addiction. Theres something so satisfying about seeing characters get better through hard work. p. 317: This whole Merrill business is such unnecessary drama. Someone had better tell Feyre ASAP! Because entertainment-wise, this book is pure gold. Also, please tell me they didnt name their baby boy Nyx, Im dying , Hahaha, Im glad I managed to tranfer at least part of this very unique reading experience to you while saving you from having to read the actual book to satisfy your curiosity (Trust me, if this review killed all your remaining brain cells, then I must have a negative amount left after reading everything in its 751-page glory ). Poor house. p. 207: Why is everyone so bent on fixing Nesta? Parent Guide of A Court of Thorns and Roses. (Edit, after reading everything: I was not wrong. Ugh stop right there. No, especially since they could have chosen to terminate the baby and try again. Privacy Policy. Rhysand's words in her head helped her keep her head high, eyes forward as they stalked through the corridors into the throne room. You're now seeing Feyre and Rhys through Nesta's eyes, so if she's angry with them or doesn't consider them worthy of her attention, then that's how it's going to feel. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am a reader, writer, and slightly owl-obsessed math nerd who loves to talk about books. tags: a-court-of-mist-and-fury , acomaf , feyre , rhysand. p. 425: Are Rhys and Feyre even capable of having a conversation without tons of sexual innuendo? "I'm sorry-" her tone was harder now, like she was just barely suppressing her temper. . The reason why I love Nesta is because her character is very complex. Rhys is seriously starting to annoy me. p. 215: This obsessive adoration of Rhysand is not normal. I havent read this book and, to be honest, I dont plan to, but I read this whole post out of sheer curiosity as to where the story has gone. Please dont spoil anything for me!!!! He doesnt seriously think Nesta would put her niece/nephew in danger, does he? I feel like SJM didnt do Feyre or Rhysand justice in ACOSF, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Love this reviee! p. 568: You mark my words, Cassian is eventually going to stay and hold Nesta after the sex. Which still isnt saying much, obviously. She does not want him to suffer. Derek Hough Tour Dancers, You had time to figure out the logistics of this? Nesta owns no one an apology. The two sleep together, making the bond permanent. there are some really evil characters and other bad characters whose flaws are more pronounced so anything Rhysand does pales in comparison. "I was planning on using the Harp to hide your court from the rest of Prythian. I am not saying Rhys did not have a right to be mad, he 100% did. Much of the violence is similar to The Hunger Games with the amount of blood and violence. I knew something was going on underneath all those darkness. Though I do think its kind of odd that only fires would trigger her like this. Chapter One. p. 464: Yes, Nesta Cassian is an old, old dude, and your relationship is plain weird, like all the other ones in these books! Good lord. 1 star reviews on Goodreads are the best! She was originally a mortal, but was resurrected as a High Fae by the seven High Lords after her untimely death Under the Mountain. I think there's an argument that could be made that Nesta will be ultimately more powerful, but only if she works through her depression/self loathing enough to get to them. p. 431: Yesss, bring back the Valkyries, Nesta! What trauma could the house have? Is making fun of mental health and trauma funny to you guys? But I like her, even though a lot of people hate her. What did you expect? Like I have struggled with actual abuse and substance abuse in the past and it is not pretty. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Rhysand is forced to destroy Tamlin's wards and sends Morrigan in to rescue Feyre. I really tried to give her a shot but I have the feeling its not getting better. ladynestaarcheron. Though it might still be a bit too tame. p. 647: Its just the Blood Rite? Its certainly way better than any of the suggestions they made earlier. "I was planning on using the Harp to hide your court from the rest of Prythian. Why am I getting Renesmee flashbacks here? why does rhysand hate nesta I don't like him. p. 696: Gosh, poor Gwyn! This book, objectively speaking, was a mess. Rhysand huffed. Why? but i think it's also important to remember everything that makes rhysand who he is. . To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered People are allowed to be scared and afraid, that necessarily doesn't mean that they are bad. Oh. ! But hahahahaha, Nestas reason for agreeing to this is priceless . The third book was basically nothing. Just my thoughts! p. 450: Why do I get the feeling that Narbens going to show up again? p. Nesta is PISSED at the Cauldron and fights from within the basically magic bathtub and takes some of its power. Heck yeah! Would I appreciate my partner not respecting my body? In chapter one, Cassian is sent by Feyre to meet Nesta in her shabby apartment building. Then I don't know how "jealousy" can be a reason for that. He meets Feyre when he saves her from three faeries at Calanmai. Also, I cant help but feel like this was taken directly from that Disney movie Whats it called again, Smart House? i do not understand why nesta does not get any room for mistakes or growth (not that i think this was a mistake). p. 738: Im still furious at Rhys for only liking Nesta now. Im thinking of stop continuing A court of silver flames because Im sick of her. Which caused everyone to ignore Feyre. Why would I love Rhysand? 2,770 likes, 23 comments - Activereading (@activereading) on Instagram on October 31, 2020: "The Archeron sisters from A Court of Thorns and Roses (Right: Nesta , Middle: Feyre , Left: Elain." Activereading on Instagram: "The Archeron sisters from A Court of Thorns and Roses (Right: Nesta , Middle: Feyre , Left: Elain) [ artist: @uurtemis ] I . p. 202: Who compares breast sizes with their sister? She can go live in Rhys's mountaintop House of Wind (accessible only by magic, wings, or a ten . We also know that nesta is alluded to be connected to the mother and there is no one more powerful than her. The hatred has to come from somewhere right? Its not like theres a limit on how many people are allowed to do it, right? too much lovey stuff is not my kind of book. In a court of mist and fury he was amazing, he seemed to be everything a healthy partner should be! Even when on official business? p. 482: Yes! Cookie Notice Tamlin was so dreamy *sigh*, but Rhysand mysterious drew me to him in just a few pages, like.. men, that was fast. p. 117: Why does the house suddenly have a personality? It looked as if she were trying her best not to move, to the point where she let the twins do her hair for her, even though Feyre had once told Rhysand that Nesta hated others helping her dress or groom. p. 729: Of course theres no way SJM is gonna let Feyre, Rhys or that baby die. Sounds like 50 shades meets The Handmaids Tale. He is a close friend of Lucien. Just becuase it's not palatable to you does not make it any less valid. Feyre deserves this perfect life, even though Nesta was awful to her she tried to help her. I cannot stand Rhysand apologists or Nesta haters. That's probably another reason why I like her. She was the good one, and no one can say that's not a viable reason for Nesta to hate her. This is not romantic, but egoistic! Open Preview. What is this colonialist rubbish?? but entertained by your comments. p. 489: Why is Feyre so delighted about her mate being an absolute maniac? And then a court of mist and fury came and he was an abusive, misogynistic asshole and after that we started second guessing everything we had previously found great about him to try and understand how we had so completely missed the signs. Whiskey Wednesday Meme, . I will accept nothing beside that in book 2. Can't wait for the Nessian book to see how she heals and deals with everything. For more information, please see our Thanks for reminding us. You can have your own opinions, but I'm a 1000% Nesta stan and just thought that with all the controversy it might be cool to explain why I feel this way! It had no plot, it had nothing except for Feyre whining, everyone hating Nesta (who is the only tolerable character in this whole series), Rhysand as usual only caring about Velaris and ignoring the rest of the nightcourt, and Feyre agreeing with everything Rhysand says. As terrible as this book was, I had a blast reading it. I thought the whole point of their intervention was for her to get better? If I have to read about Cassians cock rubbing against the seam of his pants one more time, Im gonna scream.). Im all for this kelpie excitement! Rant over. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But I can only imagine how truly scared Feyre was, because Rhys would totally kill Nesta if there was no consequences. Also, theres no way his cock would fit in your body, Nesta? Sure, I can live with that . Hmm I havent read this book yet, so I didnt see the entire review, but I can see you hated it- as you did ToG. I'm excited to see this dynamic in acosf and how sjm executes it. Good lord, isnt that a bit over the top? Also, I love Azriel. Rhysand has been through a lot of bad things in his life. p. 529: Yeah, Im shocked Rhys gave her the sword, too. (Edit: Okay, fine. p. 632: Nesta Made the house? 5) Rhysand's slut shaming of Nesta throughout the series. p. 751: At least it ends with the three sisters and not Cassian pleasuring Nesta against a wall or something. p. 686: Why not just work together, you idiots? ! Yeah, what?! Nesta then beheaded, killing him. I wasnt expecting that at all, but I kind of like it! I love Nesta, I love the story about her trauma, I see a lot of myself in the story, but I did originally read this series for Feyre/Rhysand. p. 611: It was so obvious that Cassian was going to stay this time. But Id still recommend staying well clear of this one until youre a bit older! Feysand | Wiki | Sarah J. Maas Amino Mor does not hate Nesta, but despises her for her attitude towards Cassian. Why did Rhys stumble at the end of Acotar? - TimesMojo Nesta has always had a much closer relationship with Elain than she has with Feyre. (And, in all honesty, I think Nesta and Azriel would be much better suited for one another than Nesta and Cassian. With the help of Emerie and Gwyneth Berdara she revived the Valkyries, a legendary group of elite female warriors wiped out 500 years prior to the series, and . I do like her sacrifice, though. p. 728: Wait, but what about Emerie and Gwyn? i'm sucker for good people villains that just wanted peace and happiness but ended up being bad even though it isnt what they want. Feyre And Rhysand Quotes. "I hate that question," Persephone closed her eyes. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. acotar fancast rhysand - dutchclarke.com This is beyond ridiculous! It bewilders me how some people chose to not have empathy for the ugly realities of being mentally ill and abused . p. 491: This is just cruel, plain and simple. p. 622: I do like that theyre Valkyrie now, but still think its kind of unbelievable that they learned the necessary skills in so little time. She does not want him to suffer. DAY. yes!! this is my impression of r/hys: "how DARE you insinuate that i don't respect a woman's right to choose. p. 552: I guess Feyres ability to mind speak had to come in useful at some point. But threatening to kill the loved one of your wife is not okay, no matter the situation. edit: Yes besties I also totally agree Nesta sucks as a person she's a terrible abuser of Feyre but I also kinda hate Feyre so I appreciate the Feyre bashing. Not long. Rhys is becoming more and more like Tamlin by the second. Feyre was the one who kept the family from dying, she was the one who hunted. Well, I think except for HP and PJO, we have opposite book tastes, I did not hate Throne of Glass! Not when Feyre is everything that Nesta is- and everything Nesta wishes she could be. p. 519: This really isnt the healthiest relationship. But Ive been feeling like Im reading fan fiction for a while now, so I guess its fine. If Feyre had given Rhysand the okay to kill Nesta then that would be the only scene where that would fit right. POV: If Rhysand and Feyre die, Mor would get custody of Nyx and Nesta is not happy about it!! To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered Thats just plain weird. Tamlin ***Spoilers don't read if you haven't read A Court of Wings and p. 488: Rhysand overreacted. Who does Feyre end up with at the end of the series? He justifies this to her by saying that he never touched her despite ADMITTING that he drugged her: Feyre, for Cauldrons sake. Rhysand can hate nesta as much as he wants and try to persuade feyre to feel the same, but the bottom line is that feyre is desperate for nestas approval/love and will never be truly happy unless she gets it. But yeah, Rhys is a douche. a court of silver flames azriel pov pdfbosch dishwasher flashing 2:20. p. 467: Ugh, why is Rhys paying Elain flirty compliments now? Are they insane? And whats with the Elain is Elain argument? Its everyone else here whose moral compass is completely messed up. p. 193: If I hear change comes slowly one more time Just go ahead and reform your sexist society already, and stop making excuses! Yeah, right. (Edit: Wow, she actually didnt! p. 238: Yeah, Feyre, it does kind of seem like youre using this as leverage to get Nesta to like you. There is quite a bit of language (13% of pages) and some gruesome violence. p. 122: When did Nesta have the time to count the stairs while she was falling? And cassian and feyre both know this, and the rest knows this. Who is more powerful: nesta or feyre ?? : r/acotar I will accept nothing beside that in book 2. It's Nesta that has to clean up Rhysand's mess. So far, I am only halfway through ACOSF and my feelings for Nesta are still changing. Ive dug into Nesta and I read acosf and I felt like the only time I liked her was when she finally broke down and then when she told Feyre she loved her.
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