which of the following is not true of sunspots

C) vibrations seen at the solar surface Q. Astronomers observing spectral lines can observe red or blue shifts kn . They are regions of reduced surface temperature, caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection. B) nuclear fusion A) Experimental evidence indicates that the problem is solved and the expected number of solar neutrinos are indeed being produced by the Sun. A) an imbalance in the operation of the solar thermostat Prediction of Amplitude of Solar Cycle 25 using Polar - ResearchGate B) The likelihood of seeing solar prominences or solar flares is higher when sunspots are more common and lower when they are less common. A) It was important when the Sun was forming from a shrinking interstellar cloud of gas. Why are humans and other living things not crushed by the pressure of the atmosphere? gases in the radiation zone. The corona is even shaped differently, streaming more from the sides of the Sun instead of forming a more spherical shape around the Sun, as when the magnetic field is weaker. Glacial moraines show when and where previous episodes of glaciation occurred. C. It decreases to 1/4 its original magnitude. B) We can make a computer model of the Sun's interior that allow us to predict the observable properties of the Sun. C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. It increases to 4 times its original magnitude. E. CO2 is a by-product of life processes. c. Satellites in low-Earth orbits are more likely to crash to Earth when the sunspot cycle is near solar maximum because E) 4 H 1 He + energy. C) The chromosphere and corona are both best studied with visible light. A) They are composed of different elements than the rest of the sun. D) radioactive elements like uranium and plutonium. Sunspots can vary in size from just a few hundred to over 100,000 kilometers across. Laura miraba a Elin con amor. A) thousands of degrees. A "star" appears to become periodically dimmer for a few hours at, b. Which of the following statements about solar sunspots is not true The people living at 40 N or S experience about six-hours difference in daylength from winter to summer. Where are the most massive stars to be found in the main sequence of, b. D Which of the following regarding atmospheric pressure is true? Why do the tropics have a positive net radiation while the poles have a negative value? Oceanic crust spreads at mid-ocean ridges, creating new crust and slowly enlarging the ocean basin. Sunspots increase the energy output of the Sun TRUE FALSE they a gas shell, the atmosphere of a red giant star, slowly expanding. We can learn about the densities and other characteristics of the various layers within the Sun by studying how the waves propagate throughout the Sun. They also can create more auroras and can be a danger to satellites. A star's lifetime does not depend on its mass. Sunspots are the phenomena that occur in the photosphere of the sun that looks like dark spot than the rest of the sun's surface. computer-based processing tool for analyzing geographic data. Solved Which of the following is TRUE? Sunspots are more | Chegg.com How often is there an increase in sunspot activity? The Sun Is Asleep. Deep 'Solar Minimum' Feared As 2020 - Forbes They often appear in pairs or clusters. established a framework to address acid precipitation. D) Our current understanding of fusion in the Sun suggests that all neutrinos should be destroyed before they arrive at Earth, yet neutrinos are being detected. If the surface temperature of white dwarf stars is four times that, of d. They increase and decrease in number, relatively regularly. B) Higher temperature would cause the rate of nuclear fusion to rise, which would increase the internal pressure, causing the core to expand and cool until the fusion rate returned to normal. B) about 700,000 kilometers (the radius of the Sun) A computer accessory salesman attempts to convince you to purchase a "solar neutrino" shield for your new computer. Chapter 11 Flashcards | Quizlet its original magnitude. Magnetism is caused by attraction when two items are brought together or repulsion when two objects are moved apart. *b. Only about 1/3 of the expected number of neutrinos is observed. Based on its surface temperature of 6,000 K, most photons that leave the Sun's surface lie in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum? D. The Northern Hemisphere spring officially begins. It is held up by gas pressure due to the very high temperature, b. away D) 600 million tons D occasionally x rays and visible light. True False Question 24 (2 points) Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of evolution of a low-mass star, like the Sun? (Image credit: SOHO) The first of these refers to strong disturbances to Earth's magnetic field caused by ejected solar. Which of the following is true regarding acid deposition? B) Astronomers create mathematical models that use the laws of physics, the Sun's observed composition and mass, and computers to predict internal conditions. C) It is rapidly converted to energy when it meets an ordinary electron, resulting in matter-antimatter annihilation. It is based on the surviving letters of Galileo Galilei's daughter, the nun Suor Maria Celeste, and explores the relationship between Galileo and his daughter.It was nominated for the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography. B) strong magnetic fields slow convection and prevent hot plasma from entering the region. Sunspots can have dramatic effects on the Earths space environment, including the generation of coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and other space weather phenomena. You will then enter this convective layer, feeling regions of hot plasma rising upward to meet you and seeing cooler gas descending from the surface. Atmospheric pressure increases with altitude and is, therefore, lowest near the Earth's surface. This cluster is, *a. the nebula caused by the supernova explosion of a massive star. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release chlorine which then destroys ozone. B. Therefore, in conclusion, sunspots do not make the Earth hotter. has a charge of +2. A Penn State professor explains how the northern lights put on a show B) The magnetic polarity of the Sun reverses approximately every 11 years. The source of energy that keeps the Sun shining today is As magnetic activity increases, the sunspots form lower down and in greater numbers. This expansion cools the core back to its normal operating temperature. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. B) The churning gas is being stirred up by the strong solar wind. One way to track the solar cycle is by counting the number of sunspots. 2. A) watts E) The term solar neutrino problem refers to the fact that neutrinos are extremely difficult to detect. Thermonuclear fusion reactions in the core of the Sun convert four, hydrogen D) By measuring Doppler shifts, we observe vibrations of the Sun's surface that are created deep within the Sun. D) Fusion can proceed only by the proton-proton chain, and therefore requires that protons come close enough together to be linked up into a chain. Which of the following is not true of sunspots? E) Radio waves can pass directly through the gas which allows us to see the core. C) 50% hydrogen, 25% helium, 25% other elements After 11 years the Sun's magnetic polarity flips again, completing the 22-year period. A dam is used to hold back a river. C) We have learned that the Sun's interior undergoes fusion at a lower rate than we had expected, and that is why we had observed fewer neutrinos than expected. Because they are cooler, they emit less thermal radiation per unit area and therefore look dark in contrast to brighter surrounding regions. The photosphere is significantly cooler than temperatures at the sun's core, which can reach about 27 million F (15 million C) according to NASA. C Key to Exam 3 - Form 1 A correlated equilibria to the market game is either a sunspot equilibrium or a non-sunspot equilibrium to the related securities games, but the converse is not true in general. D) Individual protons are joined into long chains of protons. What processes are involved in the sunspot cycle? A) the Sun vibrates only on the surface. Sunspots appear in cycles, with high numbers of spots occurring during certain periods and low numbers at others. B) Nuclei are attracted to each other by the electromagnetic force, but this force is only strong enough to make nuclei stick when they are very close together. What is the typical length of time between sunspot minimums and sunspot maximum; that is, what is the typical length of the "sunspot cycle"? will collapse under their own gravity? B) The problem arose only because experimental data were being misinterpreted; on re-examination, the old data showed that the expected number of neutrinos were being detected. B) They are all shaped by the solar wind. 2. C) 8 minutes ago. sunspots are surface disturbances caused by magnetic storms. Circle the correct indirect object pronoun to complete the sentence. C) core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona A B C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. from C) electromagnetic force E) a million years ago. D. Since 1959, the global concentration of CO2 has increased by 27%. Which of the following is true with respect to the. a. Line spectra C. Light from sunspots D. The star's magnetic field b. B Sunspots are temporary dark spots that appear on the surface of the Sun. How does the Sun's mass compare to Earth's mass? C B) The visible light comes from energy level transitions as electrons in the Sun's hydrogen atoms jump between level 1 and level 2. As this question implies, safety precautions must be taken in the use of home generators and during power failures in general. B) another name for the way sunspots look on the surface of the Sun Briefly describe the phenomena of the sunspot cycle. The reaction of automobile exhaust and ultraviolet light C) 5 billion years. B E) Sunspots can produce flares and prominences. D) The electron neutrinos created in the Sun's core change into another type of neutrino that we did not detect. B. C B Sunspots are brighter than the rest of the Sun's surface. C) Heat is generated when gravity contracts, because gravity is an inverse square law force. The dark spots are caused by regions of intense magnetic field, which are up to 2,500 times greater than the field of the earth. forms acid rain Because of the electromagnetic force, the two protons will The neutrinos are about twice as energetic on average than is. 30 seconds. It has a ratio of turns N1/N2N_1 / N_2N1/N2 of 100 to 1. B) Fusion reactions decrease the overall number of particles in the core, causing the core to shrink, converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy, and increasing the rate of fusion. A) nuclear fission. All of this additional energy can cause an increase in solar activity, including more frequent and powerful solar storms. A Cepheid variable star with a period of a few days. C The cesium iodide (CsI) molecule has an atomic separation of 0.127 nm. While the early part of the sunspot record before 1800 is still characterized by large uncertainties due to poorly observed periods, the more recent sunspot numbers are mainly affected by three . b. True False 3. A) the bubbling pattern on the photosphere produced by the underlying convection Which of the following is true of the ionosphere? is considered beneficial because of the production of O3. What is the evidence for the heliocentric model (sun is the center of the solar system) and evidence why the Geocentric model (the universe revolves around the earth) is wrong? A) the electromagnetic force increases the temperature to the point where a new nuclear, fusion A car travelling at 60km/hr undergoes uniform acceleration at a rate of 2m/s until it's reach velocity of 120km/hr. E. E) attract one another. Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love is a book by Dava Sobel published in 1999. During their rotation, the sunspots break up, regroup, and re-form in different configurations, as well as drift across the Suns surface. nitrogen oxides and ozone A) The Sun becomes much brighter. C) It is physically impossible to generate heat simply by making a star shrink in size. E) about 150 million kilometers (the size of an astronomical unit). What happens to the positron? Astronomy Chapter 9 Quiz B Flashcards | Chegg.com The Sun's surface, as we see it with our eyes, is called the Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding region of the Sun's surface. B) When a star contracts in size, gravitational potential energy is converted to thermal energy. B) With each subsequent peak in the number of sunspots, the magnetic polarity of the Sun is the reverse of the previous peak. All radio signals pass through this region virtually unaffected. b. D. It is being depleted through interactions with human-produced chlorofluorocarbons. Why are neutrinos so difficult to detect? c. D true or false: sunspots appear dark because they are hotter than the surrounding gas of the photosphere. A protostar of about 1 solar mass is gradually contracting and, becoming The statement that is not true about solar sunspots is that they are permanent. Which of the following radioactive isotopes is used to date very recent events? A) 3 H 1 Li + energy. contains hot B-type stars on the main sequence and cooler G- and, K-type Which the following is not true of sunspots? Solution. C) They are holes in the solar surface through which we can see to deeper, darker layers of the Sun. Muons are created by cosmic-ray collisions at an elevation h (as measured in Earth's frame of reference) above Earth's surface and travel downward with a constant speed of 0.990c. While the atmosphere exerts pressure, it is a negligible amount. A "star" image separates into two distinct images periodically, c. Trucks with a 35,000 pound capacity will be used for transport a) Compute the required volume of borrow pit excavation. C) billions of degrees. C. The depletion is restricted to the arctic and antarctic regions. b. The ESSAY. Solar radiation arriving at Earth's atmosphere and surface is called, The uneven distribution of insolation by latitude is primarily a result of. Because they have very thin atmospheres that do not emit, continuum Although the Sun does not generate energy by gravitational contraction today, this energy-generation mechanism was important when the Sun was forming. This will cause its position in the, Hertzsprung-Russell D Based on function, the atmosphere has The training program for muscular endurance should not resemble the activity. Sometimes the Sun's surface displays virtually no sunspots, while at other times its surface displays a relatively large number of sunspots. D E) none of the above. A star with spectral type K is cooler than a star with spectral type G. At the time the hypothesis was suggested, what major problem was identified with the idea that the Sun was powered by gravitational contraction? your choice on the answer sheet. D) the Sun is roughly the same color as blood. E) We have no evidence, just informed guesses. D) The Sun was born with a supply of neutrinos that it gradually emits into space. Reset Help deep-ocean trenches 1. D) gravitational force A. Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding region of the Sun's surface. A) ejected into space in a solar wind. C) It has played a role throughout the Sun's history, but it was most important right after nuclear fusion began in the Sun's core. B Which of the following observations would NOT be an indication of a, a. What two pollutants react with water to produce acid rain? A) because there are so rare apparent brightness against intrinsic brightness of a group of. D) core, corona, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, What are the appropriate units for the Sun's luminosity? which of the following is not true of sunspots? which of the following The photosphere is relatively thin compared to the other atmospheric regions. C The pressure from high-energy photons and neutrinos at the very, high B) observing X-ray images of the solar interior using satellites What was the major drawback of this idea? Which of the following radioactive isotopes is used - Course Hero D 3. D B a disk-shaped nebula of dust and gas rotating around a relatively. The lifetimes of stars are too long to measure, so it is not. D) 37,000 K. What is the solar wind? Therefore, scientists predict that neutrinos should come from the Sun if fusion is occurring in its core. how (or if) their lifetimes depend on mass. Why does the surface of the Sun appear to have a sharp edge? aims to reduce and eliminate all ozone depleting substances. is ineffective because so few countries have ratified it. Hundreds of lakes are incapable of supporting life due to high acidity. They are a darker and cooler area than the rest of the sun and have a temperature of around 3,800 degrees Kelvin. The region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts with the solar wind. How thick would you need to make this shield to ensure that it can stop a neutrino? Radio waves from GPS are strengthened in the ionosphere. Sunspots are really darker than the surrounding photosphere, and thus appear as black spots on the sun's surface. C) chromosphere sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides They are cooler than their This problem has been solved! Which of the following statements is not true about the planets so far discovered around other stars? E) Nothing: mass is conserved. prominences The Montreal Protocol The sun's photosphere is about 300 miles (500. the larger the stellar mass, the larger the luminosity. C) collide. Why do sunspots appear dark? The "star" appears to wiggle in its path across our sky against, *d. Which of the following correctly describes how the process of gravitational contraction can make a star hot? As such, they are transient and not permanent. What is the term for loops or sheets of glowing gas ejected from active regions on the solar surface? C Determine the distance traveled a *b. Sunspots are regions on the suns surface that appear darker than their surroundings because they feature slightly cooler temperatures than their surroundings. One can conclude that meteorologists will be able to improve their weather forecasts based on this information. A) at the same temperature and density as the surface. E) Energy is conserved so while the gas moves up and down, there is no net transport of energy. B B) Fusion in the Sun's core creates neutrinos. D) The planets need more and more energy to maintain any life on them as time goes on, and therefore the Sun must bet hotter. D) an alternative way of generating energy that is different from the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Solar radiation that is intercept by Earth is called. Along the way, changes in the Sun's magnetism produce a greater number of sunspots, more energy and cause solar eruptions of particles. The rate of fusion then determines how many neutrinos should be produced by the Sun, and theories estimate how many of these should be detected here on Earth. If one fourth of the original muons reach Earth before decaying, about how big is the height h? Sunspots are most prevalent in an 11-year cycle; the number of sunspots peaks about every 11 years. *c. What is the common cause of sunspots, flares, and prominences? Submarine canyons are deep valleys at passive continental boundaries. About six times as many neutrinos are observed than expected from, c. The statement "Sunspots are brighter than the rest of the sun's surface" is false. A) Gravitational contraction involves nuclear fusion, which generates a lot of heat. The Sun has sufficient hydrogen to continue fusing into helium for how much longer? A repairman climbs the pole. 1. Which of the following best describes air pollution? 14. B) regions in the photosphere where magnetic lines gather, creating cooler areas with much less plasma To estimate the central temperature of the Sun, scientists B) The Sun is generating much less energy than we think it is. The core of the Sun is at a temperature of about 20,000 K. The proton-proton chain converts four hydrogen nuclei into one helium nucleus. Because they are shrouded in very thick atmospheres. c. D E) It joins with a nearby neutron to form a proton. Similarly if the solar core were to decrease in temperature, the nuclear fusion rate would plummet and gravity would overcome thermal pressure and contract the core. View full document. Show explanation. E) all of the above. Approximately how many neutrinos pass through your body each second? Most of the CFC-induced ozone destruction is occurring near the equator, rather than near the poles. The borrow material that will be used to construct this fill is stiff clay. C) The radiation produced by fusion reactions that is trapped in the core gradually raises the temperature, increasing the rate of fusion. All latitudes on Earth, except the Equator, experience unequal daylengths. D) 11 years ago. No, sunspots do not make the Earth hotter. A) tunnels in the outer layers of the Sun that allow photons to escape and form the solar wind D) 90% dark matter, 10% ordinary matter, From center outward, which of the following lists the "layers" of the Sun in the correct order? 10. What is granulation in the Sun? Sunspots and Solar Flares | NASA Space Place - NASA Science for Kids sunspots are surface disturbances caused by magnetic storms. Electrostatic forces between the highly charged iron nuclei are, sufficient

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