what was ukraine called before?

", . . . ("It is the same to me, if I will / live in [, Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius, List of etymologies of country subdivision names: "Ukraine", "Ukraine or the Ukraine: Why do some country names have 'the'? Ukraine fought for independence in the early 20th . Ukrainians make up more than three-fourths of the population of Ukraine; there is a significant minority of Russians. [129] This represented the final extension of Ukrainian territory and formed the basis for the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine to this day. 1920s - The Soviet government encourages Ukrainian language and culture within strict political bounds, although this process is reversed in the 1930s. Excerpt from Peresopnytsia Gospel (Matthew 19:1) (1556) where the word ukrainy corresponds to 'coasts' (KJV Bible) or 'region' (NIV Bible). [110], In total, the number of ethnic Ukrainians who fought in the ranks of the Soviet Army is estimated from 4.5million[102] to 7million;[111][c] half of the Pro-Soviet partisan guerrilla resistance units, which counted up to 500,000 troops in 1944, were also Ukrainian. Timothy Snyder. What Is The Origin Of The Name Ukraine? - WorldAtlas [217][218] Ukraine receives further support and assistance for its EU-accession aspirations from the International Visegrd Fund of the Visegrd Group that consists of Central European EU members the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Former Ukrainian president lands in Kyiv to face treason case [17][18] However, due to its extensive fertile land, pre-war Ukraine was one of the largest grain exporters in the world. [28] which has been countered[clarification needed] by other historical sources of Russia.[29]. Judges are largely well protected from dismissal (except for gross misconduct). [107] After the war, the UPA continued to fight the USSR until the 1950s. Ukrainian literature continued to flourish in the early Soviet years when nearly all literary trends were approved. ", . VIII, . Historically, Soviet Ukraine joined the United Nations in 1945 as one of the original members following a Western compromise with the Soviet Union. Most of Ukraine fell to Russian rule in the 18th century. [375], After the union with the Tsardom of Russia, architecture in Ukraine began to develop in different directions, with many structures in the larger eastern, Russian-ruled area built in the styles of Russian architecture of that period, whilst the western region of Galicia developed under Polish and Austro-Hungarian architectural influences. .: . Traditional clothes of Ukraine", " ", "Ukraine: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report", "BBCUkrainian.com | | -- ", "The invasion of Ukraine is not the first social media war, but it is the most viral", "Boxing Lessons learned from Dion's Ukraine Visit", "Usyk ends Joshua's reign as heavyweight champ", "Pound-for-pound rankings: Vasiliy Lomachenko still No. Literary freedom grew in the late 1980s and early 1990s alongside the decline and collapse of the USSR and the reestablishment of Ukrainian independence in 1991. For the past year, Ukraine has been plunged into chaos. A period of great migrations began with the descent of the Goths from the Baltic region into Ukraine about 200 ce. Much of the nobility was well versed in music with many Ukrainian Cossack leaders such as (Mazepa, Paliy, Holovatyj, Sirko) being accomplished players of the kobza, bandura or torban. [184] The most densely forested area is Polisia in the northwest, with pine, oak, and birch. Ukraine: From Breadbasket To Basket Case : Parallels : NPR When Vladimir V. Putin announced Russia's invasion of Ukraine in a televised address on Thursday, he articulated aims far beyond those of Russia's prior assaults on its . But the Ukrainian government counters that Donetsk and Luhansk have been legally recognized as part of Ukraine dating back to 1917. 8 5-325-00615-0. The Mongol conquest in the mid-13th century decisively ended Kyivan power. [citation needed], The etymology of the word Ukraine is seen this way in all mainstream etymological dictionaries, see e.g. In 1199 the two principalities were united by Prince Roman Mstyslavych to form a powerful and rich state that at times included the domains of Kyiv. [179], Water availability from the major river basins is expected to decrease due to climate change, especially in summer. [215] The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union was signed in 2014.[216]. // , . During the 2008 Bucharest summit, NATO declared that Ukraine would eventually become a member of NATO when it meets the criteria for accession. Ukraine - Government and society | Britannica ", "Ukraine President Submits Bill Extending Martial Law Until Late April", "Ukrainian Parliament Extends Martial Law For 90 Days", "Prosecutors fail to solve biggest criminal cases", , "Kyiv Post. Western third becomes part of Poland. Between the 7th and 9th centuries, the Ukrainian steppe formed part of the Turkic Khazar mercantile empire, which was centred on the lower Volga River. 2019 August - Parliament appoints President Zelensky's aide Oleksiy Honcharuk prime minister. [320], In 2019, 82% of Ukrainians were Christians; out of which 72.7% declared themselves to be Eastern Orthodox, 8.8% Ukrainian Greek Catholics, 2.3% Protestants and 0.9% Latin Church Catholics. Ukraine | History, Flag, Population, President, Map, Language, & Facts Levels of Democracy (1992) A montage of rough video telling the story of the mass demonstrations that took place in Kyiv during the last years of perestroika and the first year of independence . Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. For example, after the statement issued by the Latvian Sejm on 13 March 2008, the total number of countries is given as 19 (according to Ukrainian BBC: " "), 16 (according to Korrespondent, Russian edition: " "), "more than 10" (according to Korrespondent, Ukrainian edition: " 193233 . Ukraine is a unitary multiparty republic with one legislative body; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. Lying between latitudes 44 and 53 N, and longitudes 22 and 41 E., it is mostly in the East European Plain. [161] The conflict remained in a sort of frozen state until the early hours of 24 February 2022,[162] when Russia proceeded with an ongoing invasion of Ukraine. But Tamara Gallo Olexy, the president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee . They displaced the Sarmatians, but their own power was broken about 375 by the invading Huns from the east, who were followed in the 5th-6th centuries by the Bulgars and Avars. Zelensky, who grew up in a pro-Russian part of eastern Ukraine, has proved he is a Ukrainian nationalist. Eight years later, it's paying off", "What's in the new US military aid package to Ukraine? [211], From 1999 to 2001, Ukraine served as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. [227], Ukraine played an increasing role in peacekeeping operations. [319] The level of religiosity in Ukraine was reported to be the highest in Western Ukraine (91%), and the lowest in the Donbas (57%) and Eastern Ukraine (56%). . . 1572 , " . It is supported by Jaroslav Rudnyckyj in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine[22] and the Etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language (based on already mentioned Vasmer). T. Shevchenko within the single poem V Kazemati (1847).[41]. After the Russian Revolution in 19171921, there were the short-lived Ukrainian People's Republic and Ukrainian State, recognized in early 1918 as consisting of nine governorates of the former Russian Empire (without Taurida's Crimean Peninsula), plus Chelm and the southern part of Grodno Governorate. [93], Following on the Russian Civil War, and collectivisation, the Great Purge, while killing Stalin's perceived political enemies, resulted in a profound loss of a new generation of Ukrainian intelligentsia, known today as the Executed Renaissance. [287], According to Ukraine's constitution, the state language is Ukrainian. The German occupation during World War II in Ukraine was devastating, and seven million Ukrainian civilians were killed, including the majority of Ukrainian Jews. Ukraine's healthcare system is state subsidised and freely available to all Ukrainian citizens and registered residents. How Does It End? Fissures Emerge Over What Constitutes Victory in Ukraine In January 2019, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was recognized as independent of Moscow, which reversed the 1686 decision of the patriarch of Constantinople and dealt a further blow to Moscow's influence in Ukraine. To some, Ukraine has become the geopolitical faultline between the liberal democraticWest and authoritarian, neo-imperial Russia under President Vladimir Putin. The effects of the revolution were short-lived, however, and the country remained divided along regional and ethnic lines. 1441 - Crimean Khanate breaks free of the Golden Horde and conquers most of modern southern Ukraine. [171] The largest nuclear power plant in Europe, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, is in Ukraine. This award was only presented to one Ukrainian after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Andriy Shevchenko. The state eventually disintegrated into rival regional powers and was ultimately destroyed by the Mongol invasions of the 13th century. Since 1996, the public holiday Constitution Day is celebrated on 28 June. However, as a consequence of Stalin's new policy, the Ukrainian peasantry suffered from the programme of collectivization of agricultural crops. [94], Following the Invasion of Poland in September 1939, German and Soviet troops divided the territory of Poland. The European Union is the country's main trade partner, and remittances from Ukrainians working abroad are important. " ", " 193233 . Russia-Ukraine war updates for Dec.13, 2022 - CNBC [163] Russian troops control about 20% of Ukraine's internationally recognized territory,[164][needs update] though Russia failed with its initial plan, with Ukrainian troops recapturing some territory in counteroffensives. [citation needed] Modern linguistic prescription in Russian dictates usage of na,[38] while earlier official Russian language have sometimes used 'v',[39] just like authours foundational to Russian national identity. The traditional Ukrainian diet includes chicken, pork, beef, fish and mushrooms. [300] In eastern and southern Ukraine, Russian is the primary language in some cities, while Ukrainian is used in rural areas. President Joe Biden (C-L) walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C-R) at St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral during an unannounced visit, in Kyiv on Feb. 20, 2023. The country's embassy in Washington says its simply Ukraine, not "the Ukraine.". Official Soviet data is not available because the Soviet government denied the existence of the famine. . These territorial gains of the USSR were internationally recognized by the Paris peace treaties of 1947. Overrun by Axis armies in 1941 during World War II, Ukraine was further devastated before being retaken by the Soviets in 1944. Welcome to Ukraine. The government of Ukraine underwent rapid change in the early 1990s. His conversion marked the advent of Orthodox Christianity among the Rus and remainsa moment of great nationalist symbolism for Russians. Ukraine gained independence in 1991 as the Soviet Union dissolved, and declared itself neutral. , . The NEP was successful at restoring the formerly war-torn nation to pre-WWI levels of production and agricultural output by the mid-1920s, much of the latter based in Ukraine. For Russia, Mariupol is a major port city in a key location. But what is it? As a result, many of the earliest composers and performers within the Russian empire were ethnically Ukrainian, having been born or educated in Hlukhiv or having been closely associated with this music school. In 1922, Ukraine became one of the original constituent republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.); it would not regain its independence until the U.S.S.R.'s collapse in 1991. Rugby league is played throughout Ukraine.[397]. [56] In 1430, the region of Podolia was incorporated into Poland, and the lands of modern-day Ukraine became increasingly settled by Poles. 1 2, . Ukraine was known as the breadbasket of the Soviet Union for its fertile fields of wheat. An attempt to create an independent state, the left-leaning Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR), was first announced by Mykhailo Hrushevsky, but the period was plagued by an extremely unstable political and military environment. / . During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine the Russians bombed the Maksymovych Scientific Library of the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, the National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine and the Kyiv city youth library. There is, however, also a specialised map published in 1648 of the Lower Dnieper region by Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan called "General illustration of desert plains, in common speech Ukraine" (Delineatio Generalis Camporum Desertorum vulgo Ukraina), attesting to the fact that the term Ukraina was also in use.[24]. Geography . [182], Ukraine contains six terrestrial ecoregions: Central European mixed forests, Crimean Submediterranean forest complex, East European forest steppe, Pannonian mixed forests, Carpathian montane conifer forests, and Pontic steppe. 1932 - Millions die in a man-made famine during Stalin's collectivisation campaign, known in Ukraine as the Holodomor. [citation needed] A factor contributing to the high death rate is a high mortality rate among working-age males from preventable causes such as alcohol poisoning and smoking. Religions: Christianity (mostly Eastern Orthodox; also other Christians, Roman Catholic, Protestant), Islam. Addressing leaders of the Group of Seven (G-7) who met virtually on Monday, Zelenskyy said . Urban populated places are split further into cities and urban-type settlements (a Soviet administrative invention), while rural populated places consist of villages and settlements (a generally used term). These peoples, all of Iranian stock, maintained commercial and cultural relations with the Greek colonies. [3] Use of the definite article was criticised as suggesting a non-sovereign territory, much like "the Lebanon" referred to the region before its independence, or as one might refer to "the Midwest", a region of the United States.[31][32][33]. It is clear, however, that this formation was connected with developments in international trade and the new prominence of the Dnieper route from the Baltic to Byzantium, on which Kyiv was strategically sited. These policies left Ukraine with hundreds of stadia, swimming pools, gymnasia and many other athletic facilities. Martin T. The Affirmative Action Empire. The Crimean Khanate and Its Permanent Invasions of Ukraine", "The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves", "Ukraine:: Ukraine under direct imperial Russian rule -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia", "The First Ukrainian Political Program: Mykhailo Drahomanov's, "Ukraine - World War I and the struggle for independence", Australian Journal of Politics and History, "Treaty of Peace with Romania: February 10, 1947", "Ukraine World War II and its aftermath", " " " #5-6 2002 - ", "A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev | Timothy Snyder", "The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleansing 1943", "Demohrafichni vtraty Ukrayiny v khkh stolitti", "Shedding Light on a Vast Toll of Jews Killed Away From the Death Camps", " (-) - ", " 2022 /Holidays 2022 in Ukraine", "Ukraine: World War II and its aftermath", "Activities of the Member States Ukraine", "Migration and migration policy in Ukraine", "Ukraine The last years of Stalin's rule", "Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Resolution On Declaration of Independence of Ukraine", "Soviet Leaders Recall 'Inevitable' Breakup Of Soviet Union", " : . The Crimean peninsula, whose population was majority Russian (after the mass deportation of Crimea's Tatars), was formally ceded from Russia to the Ukrainian socialist republic in 1954 by Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev. , 1895, ., 1896; . [81] As the Russian Empire collapsed, the conflict evolved into the Ukrainian War of Independence, with Ukrainians fighting alongside, or against, the Red, White, Black and Green armies, with the Poles, Hungarians (in Transcarpathia), and Germans also intervening at various times. 2020 March - President Zelensky appoints former businessman Denys Shmyhal prime minister with a mandate to stimulate industrial revival and improve tax receipts. [191] The constitution was passed with 315 ayes out of 450 votes possible (300 ayes minimum). The East Slavs practiced agriculture and animal husbandry, engaged in such domestic industries as cloth making and ceramics, and built fortified settlements, many of which later developed into important commercial and political centres. 1772-1795 - Most of western Ukraine is absorbed into the Russian Empire through the partitions of Poland. Ukraine (Ukrainian: , romanized:Ukrana, pronounced[krjin] (listen)) is a country in Eastern Europe. [57] In 1441, Genghisid prince Haci I Giray founded the Crimean Khanate on the Crimean Peninsula and the surrounding steppes;[58] the Khanate orchestrated Tatar slave raids. Quiz, https://www.britannica.com/summary/Ukraine. History of Ukrainian hryvnia - Wikipedia "When Putin says this is the heritage of these three Slavic peoplesin one sense, he's . ., 1979. Ukrainian pop and folk music arose with the international popularity of groups and performers like Vopli Vidoplyasova, Dakh Daughters, Dakha Brakha, Ivan Dorn and Okean Elzy. Ukraine has 200,000 active military personnel and 900,000 in the reserves. Overall, more than 30 nations depend on Ukraine and the Russian Federation for over 30 percent of their wheat import needs, many of them in North Africa and Western and Central Asia. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on Russian forces to withdraw from Ukraine this Christmas. 6: / . p. 202. Fossil fuel subsidies were US$2.2 billion in 2019. 2019 April-July - Television comedian Volodymyr Zelensky wins presidential election run-off in a landslide victory over incumbent Petro Poroshenko. Now it's just a basket case. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. . The area was then contested, divided, and ruled by a variety of external powers for the next 600 years, including the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia. Ukrainians drink stewed fruit compote, juices, milk, buttermilk, mineral water, tea and coffee, beer, wine and horilka.[400]. [195] Retrieved 11 July 2008. g.^ Such writings were also the base for Russian and Belarusian literature. [392] Since becoming the undisputed cruiserweight champion in 2018, Oleksandr Usyk has also gone on to win the unified WBA (Super), IBF, WBO and IBO heavyweight titles. Ruslan Ponomariov is the former world champion. 2002 May - Government announces decision to launch formal bid to join Nato. Ukraine's history and its centuries-long road to independence It is common for libraries to supply required books for all registered students. The outgoing finance minister said the country needed $35 billion to stave . What you need to know about the history of Ukraine - Vox The latter failed, but the democratization of the Soviet Union fuelled nationalist and separatist tendencies among the ethnic minorities, including Ukrainians. Fighting between pro-Russian separatist militias and Ukrainian government forces remained ongoing in eastern Ukraine. [7]:183[8], After the south-western lands of former Rus' were subordinated to the Polish Crown in 1569, the territory from eastern Podillia to Zaporizhia got the unofficial name Ukraina due to its border function to the nomadic Tatar world in the south. The eastern provinces were additionally impacted by a famine in 1921.[84][85]. [40], From the 6thcentury BC, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine colonies were established on the north-eastern shore of the Black Sea, such as at Tyras, Olbia, and Chersonesus. [288][339][340][341], On the Russian language, on Soviet Union and Ukrainian nationalism, opinion in Eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine tends to be the exact opposite of those in Western Ukraine; while opinions in Central Ukraine on these topics tend be less extreme. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said . As part of modernization after the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2014, junior officers were allowed to take more initiative and a territorial defense force of volunteers was established. , . That's not the case now. As of 1 January 1953, Ukrainians were second only to Russians among adult "special deportees", comprising 20% of the total. : . Tourism was the mainstay of Crimea's economy before a major fall in visitor numbers following the Russian annexation in 2014. [347], During elections voters of Western and Central Ukrainian oblasts (provinces) vote mostly for parties (Our Ukraine, Batkivshchyna)[348][349] and presidential candidates (Viktor Yuschenko, Yulia Tymoshenko) with a pro-Western and state reform platform, while voters in Southern and Eastern oblasts vote for parties (CPU, Party of Regions) and presidential candidates (Viktor Yanukovych) with a pro-Russian and status quo platform. In the Ukrainian SSR schools, learning Russian was mandatory; in modern Ukraine, schools with Ukrainian as the language of instruction offer classes in Russian and in the other minority languages. Ukraine is a major producer of winter wheat and sugar beets. Most universities provide subsidised housing for out-of-city students. A 1648 map by Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan called Delineatio Generalis Camporum Desertorum vulgo Ukraina (General illustration of desert plains, in common speech Ukraine), Title of the 1648 map of Beauplan "Ukrainae pars", Ukrainian scholars, beginning in the 1930s, have interpreted the term ukraina in the sense of "region, principality, country",[25] "province", or "the land around" or "the land pertaining to" a given centre. During his term as head of the Soviet Union, Crimea was transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR, formally as a friendship gift to Ukraine and for economic reasons. [274][275], The internet in the country is robust because it is diverse. However, Ukraine remains among the poorest countries in Europe with the lowest nominal GDP per capita. Ukraine's legislative branch includes the 450-seat unicameral parliament, the Verkhovna Rada. What are the Ukraine 'separatist' regions at the crux of the Russian The country only possesses 3,309 armored vehicles . Ukrainian embroidery varies depending on the region of origin[378] and the designs have a long history of motifs, compositions, choice of colours and types of stitches. [63] The latter did not shy from taking up arms against those they perceived as enemies and occupiers, including the Catholic Church with its local representatives.[65]. In the battle of Kyiv, the city was acclaimed as a "Hero City", because of its fierce resistance. It was a regionof permanent contest and shifting borders. Complete general secondary education is compulsory in the state schools which constitute the overwhelming majority. [223] Candidate status was granted on 23 June 2022. The Ukrainian territories on the Sea of Azov have been occupied and annexed by Russia in 2022, but the annexation has been condemned by the international community. Putin Calls Ukrainian Statehood a Fiction. History Suggests Otherwise [209][210] Previously all court proceedings had to be held in Ukrainian. 1237-40 -Mongols invade the Rus principalities, destroying many cities and ending Kievan Rus's power.The Tatars, as the Mongol invaders became known,establish the empire of the Golden Horde. ", "Why Ukraine Isn't 'The Ukraine,' And Why That Matters Now", "Nomadic herders left a strong genetic mark on Europeans and Asians", "The Oldest Anatomically Modern Humans from Far Southeast Europe: Direct Dating, Culture and Behavior", "Early human fossils unearthed in Ukraine", "Mystery of the domestication of the horse solved: Competing theories reconciled", "What We Theorize When and Where Did Domestication Occur", "Horsey-aeology, Binary Black Holes, Tracking Red Tides, Fish Re-evolution, Walk Like a Man, Fact or Fiction", "Mysterious Indo-European homeland may have been in the steppes of Ukraine and Russia", "Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe", "Khazar | Origin, History, Religion, & Facts", " . President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on Western partners to make a decision to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, while emphasizing that the lack of modern aircraft will not affect the launch of a counteroffensive. The territory that largely coincides with modern Belarus, with Polotsk as the most important centre, was one such emerging region. [49] It began with the reign of Vladimir the Great (9801015), who introduced Christianity. Oct. 28, 2022. The first major center of the "Rus" was at Kiev, established in the 9th century. Trust - Nation - Election winner lacks strong voter mandate", "Ukraine's Party of Regions: A pyrrhic victory", "Ukraine vote ushers in new constellation of power", "State Department of Ukraine on Religious", "Culture in Ukraine | By Ukraine Channel", "UNESCO - Petrykivka decorative painting as a phenomenon of the Ukrainian ornamental folk art", "UNESCO - Tradition of Kosiv painted ceramics", "UNESCO - Cossack's songs of Dnipropetrovsk Region", "Ukraine - UNESCO World Heritage Convention", "Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO", "Unesco adds Ukrainian city of Odesa to World Heritage List of endangered sites", "Ukraine Cultural Life The Arts Literature", "Ukrainian folk dress. Christopher Gilley, 'The "Change of Signposts" in the Ukrainian emigration: Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and the Foreign Delegation of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries', one of the largest grain exporters in the world, banning virtually all books from being published in Ukrainian, Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, deported millions of people to work in Germany, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, European UnionUkraine Association Agreement, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, UkraineEuropean Union Association Agreement, Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, Economy of Ukraine Information technology, Ethnic composition of the population of Ukraine, 2001 Census, second-largest Eastern Orthodox population, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans, Nizhyn Historical and Philological Institute, Demographics of Ukraine Regional differences, Austro-Hungarian architectural influences, National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine, "Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the functioning of Ukrainian as the state language": The status of Ukrainian and minority languages", "Population by ethnic nationality, 1 January, year", "Population, including UN projections, 2023", "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects", "GINI index (World Bank estimate) - Ukraine", "Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine", "The Surprising Success of U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine", "In closer ties to Ukraine, U.S. officials long saw promise and peril", "What is wrong with the Ukrainian economy?

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