Driven by the growing food demands of an expanding human population, cattle in many regions of the world are overgrazing, reducing the ecosystem's biodiversity in the process. Here are the top 10 most harmless animals in the world. These utterly weird things perfectly depict how creative we are in every sphere imaginable. Fridges need to socialise too, you know? Pointless. This shark is very docile and can grow to be more than 10 feet long. The Cruelest Animal Experimenters of 2020 | PETA Beyond its reputation as the worlds ugliest animal, the blobfish is a fascinating creature that calls the depths of the ocean floor near New Zealand and Australia its home. Oregon State University / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0. These dumbest animals get a kick out of eucalyptus leaves. These reptiles which are the largest member of the lizard family, live in Indonesia. There are two- and three-toed sloths. I think it's the white rabbit's secret doorway. Disgusting little blood suckers! Some of the most useless animals in the world include sloths, koalas, pandas, rats, giraffes, opossums, cats, hippos, blobfish, and lemurs. It has no value for its own life. Im not even sure where Ostriches come from, but if they went extinct tomorrow, I wouldnt lose any sleep. Yet, their unwavering energy and tireless movements prove that they are far from being useless.. It had been living on the seabed off the north coast of Iceland until it was scooped up by researchers in 2006 as part of a climate change study. The domestication of cats began when bonds were formed between humans and cats because of the cats abilities to get rid of pests. There might be a big sliding door on the left to separate the parking area on the left from the one on the right in case of fire. This allows them to knock out some animals before they can hurt or kill them. Yes, sometimes the useless inventions are a bit over-the-top, but hey, stairs that seemingly lead nowhere might be a portal to some other dimension. Theyre kind of stupid animals. Unbeknownst to them, they had just picked up the oldest animal in the world. Can't you make a side jump? Although some argue that cats are natural hunters who can help keep rodents out of the house, many indoor cats have become so pampered and well-fed that their hunting instincts have been weakened. They compete for pasture with domesticated animals. Additionally, theyre known to be lazy, as they sleep for at least 15 hours each day. Ive done my research Rhino poaching should be legal. The cutest animal in the world is way up there on the stupid chart. (Closed), The Beauty Of Nature At Dawn: I Created 38 Images Using An AI Generator, I Travelled To Hoi An, Vietnam, And Took Pictures To Show What Peoples Life Looks Like During Flood Season, Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Cursed Building You Saw? Opossums, also known as possums, spend most of their time lofting in trees and scavenging for food. They basically have to lay down to take a drink. Though sometimes called . Not a fail. The horned lizard looks unusual because of its squat, flattened shape and short, blunt snout. From innovative vloggers to controversial streamers to bone fide TikTok stars, here are the people making a splash on social media. . Many enjoy them as pets. The Lilac-breasted roller is the national bird of Kenya. "The Biblical locust plagues of 2020." To outsiders, it might seem like lemurs are just existing without much of a purpose. It has a pointhelping you trip after you started the descent. Instead, they have no control over this involuntary reaction to being threatened. They arent usually caught doing anything useful, but they can be adorable to watch as long as you watch from a distance. Still, their cute and cuddly appearance makes them a fan favourite among many animal lovers. Given their dangerous habitat, these long-necked giants also spend a substantial amount of time watching for predators lurking nearby. If I owned a machete or was able to fly a helicopter upside down, I would murder every last one of them. They should win an Oscar for the dumbest bird acting. Spending about 20 hours each day sleeping, its easy to see why they might be considered lazy. Hippos have a notorious temper that often leads to attacks on other animals, humans, and even their own offspring. Another useless creature that spends most of its time dreaming in the eucalyptus trees of eastern and southeastern Australia is the koala. The Hippo. Even the smallest organisms, like bacteria, play a vital role in maintaining our ecosystem. The kakapo, which is only found in New Zealand, is the only flightless parrot in the world. Komodo dragons may look like something out of a sci-fi movie, and they are often thought of as stupid animals based on their looks alone. Found mostly off the coastlines of Japan, the goblin shark has poor eyesight, is thought to be a poor swimmer, and is generally sluggish. They can be mainly found in caves and dark . On the Green Fence: A deep dive into the environment, US, EU must engage with 'global swing states' report. Your doctor recommends to keep a good posture while using a laptop for downloading filthy movies to your caravan. They probably did it to avoid the annoyance of angry stupid drivers who reversed into the pole and accuse them instead of admitting they drive like shit. Its hard to say which animal is the most unimportant, as every living creature plays a unique role in its ecosystem. After all, there's one thing no other species does better than us: devastate nature. Additionally, pandas are known to be incredibly anti-social, which can make breeding and raising cubs a difficult task. (It must be because I am at work that sadistic ideas surface.). Their huge mouth allows them to consume incredible amounts of food, only making their already obese frame even fatter. But they are pretty cute. Anteaters. Humans cause major imbalancesglobal warming, the extinction crisis, over-harvesting of land and sea, damaging resource extraction, pollution, overpopulation, and industry. If its about propagating the species, were confused. Mojang themselves have categorized Bats as an 'ambient' mob. Yes, sometimes the useless inventions are a bit over-the-top, but hey, stairs that seemingly lead nowhere might be a portal to some other dimension. Many people assume that the giraffes neck helps them get leaves off tall trees, but there are a limited number of trees in East Africa, where the giraffe lives. This animal is nocturnal, so it looks like a sleeping baby when you see one during the day. The Hippo is a piece of work. While it looks unusual, they appear to be lazy. These fish grow fast and aren't picky eaters. The decreased hunting impulse due to being domesticated is a bit ironic. Lollypop ladies are the sweetest people!! Heather Ross is a secondary English teacher and mother of 2 humans, 2 tuxedo cats, and a golden doodle. In several countries buildings have to be separated into different fire-sections, between which there have to be doors. Sharks are generally known as creatures of reasonable intelligence. If you ever see one in person, you will be amazedtheyre completely useless. Photograph: Imagebroker/Alamy. 10 Most Useless Animals in the World (Explained) If youre attracted to someone on the yacht, the worst thing you can do is tell Gary. Another useless creature that spends most of its time dreaming in the eucalyptus trees of eastern and southeastern Australia is the koala. Most often, they can be found relaxing at the top of a tree canopy, soaking in an astounding view of the South African rainforest, and they generally leave their tree once a week to relieve themselves. These highly adaptable South American natives, which eat almost anything and breed year-round, are most dangerous to native wildlife because their poison glands are toxic to birds, mammals, fish and reptilesand anything else that attempts to eat them. Another beloved bundle of fluff that falls into the same category has to be the koala. The killdeer bird also pretends to have a broken wing. And that trait goes beyond their meals. "Lord Howe Island - Rodent Eradication Project." This allows them to move faster, and the predator may decide to eat the partially digested meal instead of them. These stupid animals do not know when to stop eating so extra weight can slow them down tremendously. The Most Useless Animals in the World, by Max Schwartz - Vulture His articles have been mentioned by Wikipedia, USA Today, and HuffPost, among others. And 30 People Deliver Sincere Answers, Couple's Plan To Outwit Another Passenger Before Takeoff Backfires As The Stranger Ends Up With A Whole Free Row In Return, "False Frugalities": 45 Examples Of People Trying To Save But Actually Losing Money, 30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why, 50 Photos Of People Who Are Having A Worse Day At Work Than You (New Pics), Boss Believes That Employee Is Not Doing Her Duties While Working From Home, Calls Her Out As She Can Be Offline For Up To An Hour, Hey Pandas, Whats An Unspoken Rule That You Have In Your Family? Their heads are the same color as sand, which at least acts as camouflage. Theyve been endangered for years, but Im not sure I see the need. Please enter your email to complete registration. Unfortunately, these natives of Indonesia are critically endangered because of the loss of habitat. The bird freezes and waits to be a meal. It's clear that most, if not all species on this planet have earned their place even the annoying ones. Whatever. Norwegian lemmings, rodents that grow to be about 6 inches long and weigh about 4.5 lbs, are known to attack animals much larger than them like cats, birds of prey, and dogs. But their cuteness will forever make them beloved. This is because of their lack of muscle and. Another hit against Rhinos. Thats because it has a digestive system not suited for a herbivore diet. It often mistakes one of its own limbs for a tree branch. And its not just the size that makes it stand out. Offers strong interpersonal, research, writing, and creativity skills. Termites. Even worse, rats reproduce frequently and in large quantitiesand often have their babies inside human homes. Some of these impacts are just now beginning to be recognized. However, these insects serve as a crucial food source for other creatures like birds and bats. This complicates mating as no one seems to have any idea whats going on or what to do. Please include name, address and phone number, Readers answer other readers' questions on subjects ranging from trivial flights of fancy to profound scientific concepts, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Read that againtheyre a bird that cannot fucking fly! Perhaps this is why they spend so much time eating- to make up for the lack of nutrients theyre receiving. Some may argue that certain insects, such as mosquitoes or flies, serve no purpose other than to annoy humans. Whatever. I lold hard watching a Giraffe trying to drink water on YouTube. During the trek, its not unusual for the creature to slip and die. Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. The ostrich, primarily roaming the plans of Africa, travels in social groups of up to 50. If thats not reason enough to eradicate these things, then I quit. Phone: +381 69 283 48 42 Because of their appearance and nocturnal characteristics, the original natives of Madagascar gave lemurs their name, which means evil spirits of the dead. At the time, they were unfamiliar with the animals and were frightened by their evil appearance. But theyre not drinking. 5 - Well researched, answered all my questions. It doesnt blink. One of the most exciting things about these animals is their impressive height and clumsy appearance. Australia's iconic marsupials spend more than 80 percent of their lives asleep, and the rest of the time eating eucalyptus. Rhinos are poached for their horn, which is ground up and used for traditional Chinese medicine, but the effectiveness has been disproved. For example, plastic pollution is not only a visible nuisance; it creates long-lasting health issues. Furthermore, like most other items, tadpoles can also be sold in. In addition, rats will often tear up things youve packed away to make nests. But then the cow sleeps standing up too. Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime, 50 Rare Historical Photos That You Probably Haven't Seen Before, Woman Pays A Lot Of Money For A Comfortable Seat On The Train, Elderly Woman Wants Her To Move, Clueless Director Calls For A Meeting Over Mass Resignation After Company Cancels WFH, Employee Explains It In A Way He Would Understand, 30 Informative And Fun Food Charts For Anyone Trying To Eat Smarter, Someone Asks "What Makes You Not Want To Have Kids?" The panda mother is also known to aggressively kill their children. Cane toads have become wildly successful as an invasive species in Oceania, the Caribbean, and the United States. Yet, despite being a carnivorous breed, the panda is determined to spend its time eating bamboo. On top of that, the eucalyptus is difficult to digest, even with the koalas four stomachs. While many animals have essential roles in the ecosystem and other aspects of the environment, some simply exist without serving a known purpose. Unsustainable use of nature threatens billions - UNEP Ridiculous. He could be simple-minded but often used his brains to save the day. In fact, widespread destruction of the Great Barrier Reef is partly blamed on these sea stars, which have experienced a population explosion over the last decade or so. Despite their impressive size, hippos dont contribute much beyond their aquatic cooling system and foraging habits. Sloths may not be the most active or exciting animals out there, but they sure know how to relax. Therefore, they have to get close enough to bite their enemy. Their rise to global triumph, as a symbol of all things furry, is a telling commentary on our obsession with appearance over . How could you report a machine without a label, without knowing the phone number (which is on the label)? They basically have to lay down to take a drink. 10. These fish are notorious for altering their environment. 64 Of The Most Useless Things Ever Made | Bored Panda Rhinos are poached for their horn, which is ground up and used for traditional Chinese medicine, but the effectiveness has been disproved. To reach food, elephants regularly break branches, uproot bushes, and push down whole treessometimes several trees next to each other. Forget Sid the Sloth. Obviously, these creatures love physical intimacy, to say the least. Goats are rugged animals that can easily revert to a feral existence if allowed to do so. 19 Haunting Pictures That Showcase How The Most Beautiful Places Can Change After Being Abandoned, 30 Y.O. Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Happened In Your Life That You Wish Happened Again? In addition, their diets also require their bodies to use more energy to filter the toxins they ingest from eucalyptus leaves. In Pictures Ltd. / Corbis via Getty Images, 10 Invasive Species That Changed the World Forever, 20 Bizarre and Beautiful Starfish Species, Invasive Species Aren't Always the 'Boogeyman,' Biologists Say, Why Are Coral Reefs Dying? There are invasive carp in every U.S. state and throughout the Great Lakes. In fact, pandas spend about12 hours each day eating bamboo. In between taking the kids to soccer practice and grading papers, she enjoys reading and writing about all the animals! The spots really make the Giraffe stand out, not a good idea in Africa! Surely no . Are pandas stupid? The 19 Dumbest Animals in the World - AZ Animals Then, see if you think they are pandas stupid or if the horned lizard is dumber. Unlike many ocean dwellers that actively seek out their next meal, the blobfish spends its time floating above the ocean floor, waiting for food to come to it. Dressed as Karl Lagerfelds beloved cat, Choupette. Koalas have the smallest brains of any known mammals, and their behavior can be compared to someone who is high. A motivated philosophy graduate and student of wildlife conservation with a deep interest in human-wildlife relationships, including wildlife communication, environmental education, and conservation anthropology. (modern), Who are you calling pointless? Sharks think its the dumb one. 3. Most Useless Animals - Top Ten List - TheTopTens Koalas are adorable, so they have a right to their eccentricities. This phenomenon is the result of the bird consuming rain as it falls from the sky. They have two healthy, long legs but, for some odd reason, it only uses one leg most of the time. "Cane Toad." Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. If animals gave a shit, they would stage an intervention on these fat asses. These utterly weird things perfectly depict how creative we are in every sphere imaginable. OK, what about ticks and fleas? In this article, well explore ten of the most useless animals in the world and delve into what makes them so unimportant. 5 least useful mobs in Minecraft in 2021 - Sportskeeda One of the most unloved animals is the vulture. But theres no record showing it doesnt work! Well at least you know you won't be buying empty peanut shells. Yet, they attack animals, like cats, birds of prey, and bullmastiffs. Theyre the Giraffe version of a bird. Things you buy through our links may earnVox Mediaa commission. So, they stare with their mouths open in awe. Hippos are always short a few teeth, but that doesnt stop them from eating every motherfucking thing in sight.
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