The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of celluloid contained in the U.S. National Archives, scientifically pr. Louis. Ive always had the objection that the film clearly shows the back and to the left movement. --Michael J. Briggs , former editor-in-chief University Press of Kansas, publisher of The Zapruder Film and Breach of Trust "An impressive and staggering piece of investigative journalism. Such a possibility may explain why those frames were removed. Dino indicated in the interview that he was positive that they had the original film, and that when they projected it for the two members of the Secret Service, it was the first time they had viewed the film. This film has been edited. Some described it as a pause, a halt or a hesitation. To the west of Willis, about three seconds later, Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens also took a photo of the motorcade. (To see some astounding examples concerning the medical evidence, please go here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.). Zapruder wasn't only a 33 Degree and a Jew. I recall one researcher saying that the Elsie Dorman was the worst photographer ever. [4][5] In a 2015 interview on Opie with Jim Norton, Rather stated that the story was a myth.[6]. Zapruder Film still astonishes reporter - YouTube 7 ) Abraham Zapruder stood on a concrete pedestal along Elm Street in Dealey Plaza holding a Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. [10][13]", Source: ( Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason, ( 1995 ) pg. As you will see from what follows, this is a crucial question. It's funny how the Warren Commission apologists have no problem believing ONE witness who says it was Oswald, but can't bring themselves to believe 10 or 20 witnesses who claimed to have seen the same thing. In his testimony before the Warren Commission, Zapruder said that the cause of the blurred frames was because he was moving the camera. Were they all suffering from the same mass hallucination ? Mark Tyler on a thread here looked into the ear witness testimony and that points to two shots around the time of the headshot. The view that the Zapruder film captured the shooting from beginning to end view was challenged by Max Holland, author of The Kennedy Assassination Tapes, and professional photographer Johann Rush in a joint editorial piece published by The New York Times on November 22, 2007. Kennedys limousine was surrounded by nine motorcycle policemen: five in front, and four more close behind two on each side putt-putting away. Because the film is unique, its value was difficult to ascertain; eventually, following arbitration with the Zapruder heirs, the government purchased the film in 1999 for $16 million; however, at that time, the family retained copyright to the film. Soon after, Hill was asked, Was there anything back there that you observed, that she might have been reaching for? His response: I thought I saw something come off the back, too, but I cannot say that there was. Garrison unsuccessfully subpoenaed the original film in 1968. Pleased with the results, they asked for a 35 mm internegative to be made. I noticed that the motorcycle antennas on the top half were askew from the antennas on the bottom half. Such a possibility may explain why those frames were removed. For an instant, Abe and Marilyn stood stunned on the concrete stump, paralyzed by what had just happened. Here are a few examples: Emmett Hudson, Dealey Plaza groundskeeper: He associates the second shot he heard with the head wound. Betzner's description indicates thatthe cars were stopped BEFORE the head shot. Title 8, Chapter 21, Demonstrative Evidence; Section 214: The principle upon which photographs are most commonly admitted into evidence is the same as that underlying the admission of illustrative drawings, maps, and diagrams. The inaccuracies in his description contributed to many conspiracy theories about the assassination. I couldn't understand how a thing like this could happen. Mo Weitzman made several internegatives in 1968, giving the best to Life and retaining the test copies. Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Dealey Plaza (Father of Nehrams2020 / Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0). How did they know that the first shot was fired at Frame 210 when frame 210 isn't in the film ?If the Zapruder film was altered, why for example, does it still show a headshot throwing JFK to the left and backward, indicating the shot came from the right front ? Excepta large percentage of those suspecting a conspiracy were swayed to do so after viewing the film, and the public viewing of the film led the public to call for a second investigation, which led to the HSCA. Simply the scene content of the inside of the p. limo. There was nothing and you couldn't get anything on television . Under those circumstances, why should we not explore the possibility that government officials might also have altered the Zapruder film ? Member of Amnesty International. This seems extremely unlikely, however, because the film itself may hold the answer to whether or not it was edited.More evidence of editing: blurred vs. sharp frames. Gil Jesus has created a simple simulation to show the effect of frame removal. The president's elbows fly up, his face distorted in pain, and he suddenly hunches forward as his wife looks at Governor Connally, sitting in the jump seat across from them, before turning back to her husband with visible confusion on her face. [30] Holland and Rush have pointed out that Zapruder temporarily stopped filming at around frame 132, when only police motorcycles were visible. Director Oliver Stone paid over $85,000 to the Zapruder family for use of the Zapruder film in his motion picture JFK (1991). Geraldo Rivera of ABC's Good Night America changed a nation's perception of the JFK assassination when he showed the Zapruder film for the first time to a nationwide . During: Z-375, Z-376, Z-377, Z-378, Z-379, Z-380. The limo would had to have been stopped as well. In a subsequent frame, the image then appears to separate into a top half and a bottom half. Filmed by Abraham Zapruder. In chapter 8 of his outstanding book Survivors Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy (2013), Vince Palamera counted 59 witnesses who reported that the limo stopped or slowed down. I believe this is so you would not recognize anything in another film that would match the Zapruder Film or come even close to matching the Zapruder Film. This is representative of the frames on Houston Street. Up on the concrete ledge, Abe looked out for the motorcade. Zapruder recovered eventually, and the two talked periodically. ), Below is a still frame that seems to show Jackie much closer to Hill. What happened to the Zapruder film? - History "[31], The evidence offered by Holland and Rush to support their theory was challenged in a series of 200708 articles by computer animator Dale K. Myers and assassination researcher Todd W. Vaughan, who defended the prevailing belief that Zapruder's film captured the entire shooting sequence. [33] Horne discovered the NPIC worked on two different versions of the Zapruder film on Saturday and Sunday nights immediately following the assassination, which had occurred on Friday. The video was projected onto Lee Harvey Oswald's T-shirt in the 2004 revival of the Broadway musical, Assassins. Such an act of forgery would be impossible to prove unless the original version or a copy of it was still in existance.Evidence of film editing: the witnesses who claimed to have seen the original These witnesses directly contradict the Zapruder Film and all of the frames past Z 133. JFK film mystery: Lost original footage of Kennedy assassination sparks The first shot of the second two seemed as if it missed because the hair on the right side of his head flew forward and there didnt seem to be any impact against his head. [43], In "Murder Most Foul", a musical meditation on Kennedy's assassination and its effect on American counterculture, Bob Dylan sings 'Zapruder's film I've seen that before / seen it 33 times maybe more' [44]. When the president was shot, he says, Kennedys head exploded, as the film so graphically shows. He was by himself on the plaza, distraught and in a daze, with the camera still in his hand and the case slung over his shoulder, when he encountered Harry McCormick, a reporter from the Dallas Morning News. Music. "And then I realized," Abe said. What he said seems to suggest he saw Kennedy being shot in the head for a second time immediately after the first time. all 10 of the witnesses listed above were wrong. . Specifically, the version of the Zapruder Film Brugioni recalls seeing had more than one frame of the fatal head shot to Kennedy with its resulting "spray" of brain matter that he referred to as a "white cloud", three or four feet above Kennedy's head. Asked about the origin of the second shot he heard: It was right, but I cannot say for sure that it was rear, because when I mounted the car it was it had a different sound than the first sound that I heard. The muzzle blast spread from a suppressed [i.e., silenced] weapon shows deception and confusion resulting from attempts to locate sound origin from a weak fixed source at various angles from the source. Famed CBS TV Newsman Dan Rather Zapruder Film Gaffe Gave Birth to JFK The first opportunity Americans had to see it was on Mar. Time Inc. wanted to donate the film to the U.S. government. This is why the images don't line up in the frame and why the edges of the frame don't line up when the images do. The reel would then be removed from the camera (a process which could take place in subdued light), the feed and take-up reels swapped and reloaded so that the other half of the film could be exposed in a process analogous to half-track audio tape. He was one of the first people to see the 'Zapruder Film' the 26-second home movie that captured President Kennedy's assassination, 50 years later, the film . To see a slow motion of the sequence showing Jackie on the trunk, please go here. But we do know that a tremendous amount of chicanery has been performed in the presentation of evidence in this entire case. Or even the next one. I dont know if you have ever laid down close to the ground when you heard the reports coming, but its a whole lot plainer than it is when you are standing up in the air. J.W. McCormick had been at the Trade Mart waiting for the president to arrive when he heard of the shooting. [15], In October 1964, the U.S. Government Printing Office released 26 volumes of testimony and evidence compiled by the Warren Commission. The True Story Behind the Zapruder Film of the Kennedy Assassination So if the blurred frames were caused by Zapruder moving the camera in order to keep up with the movement of the limo,by his own admission the "clear" frame ( 312 ) must have been caused by the camera taking a "still". Some were shooting black-and-white or color stills, Polaroids, or 35mm slides, while several others had movie cameras loaded with color film. Zapruders film has since served as a major piece of evidence for government investigators, amateur detectives and conspiracy theorists alike. Here, his granddaughter details exactly what happened on . "[19], In 1967, Life hired New Jersey film lab Manhattan Effects to make a 16 mm film copy of the Zapruder film's original version. Maybe someone blocked out the rear of JFK's head with black on some frames. Reymond also claimed that he had seen the version through a friend of his who was a member of a right wing group in France called ETEC. [24], In April 1975, in settlement of a royalties suit between Time Inc. and Zapruder's heirs that arose from the ABC showing, Time Inc. sold the film's initial rendition and its copyright back to the Zapruder family for the token sum of $1. When dressmaker Abraham Zapruder brought his camera to see President John F. Kennedys motorcade pass through Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963, he could never have suspected that hed witness anassassinationor that his home movie would become one of the most watched and examined movies of all time. I heard a noise from my right rear, which to me seemed to be a firecracker. The shocking revelation of Kennedy's head going backward and to the left resulted in a public outcry so great that Congress created the House Select Committee on Assassinations two years later. The objects' positions are updated during visibility in the Zapruder frames, and they stay motionless once each object moves out of those frames. 20 frames from the time Webb hit the dirt, until AC made contact. The film's physical location remained the same, only its record classification changed. XVIII. Zapruder was an active member of two CIA proprietary organizations, The Dallas Council On World Affairs, and The Crusade For A Free Europe.