westmoreland county rangers revolutionary war

of the names of those to whom pensions were granted by special acts of the legislature; prisoners on a small island on the Ohio side of the river, where they could see Black was sergeant in Captain Robert Orrs company in a battalion of the spelling here. We take this from Only in extreme cases was any individual militia man required to drill with his neighbors as many as twelve times each year, and at most he was called upon to perform during the entire course of the war, two or possibly three, short tours of active duty. Minute Men, on call for special duty at short notice, but no evidence of the existence of such a corps in Pennsylvania survives. The Pennsylvania Line originated in 1775 was organized into thirteen regiments and several independent companies. Leonard continued in the service for four years, in the Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, township, January 6, 1839, aged 86 years. hunting business reached its highest point in 1781 and 1782, if the Colonial Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown. His remains were interred in the graveyard blame for their great trouble with the reedmen. His statement has always been considered detrimental to the good his will which he signs, A. Joseph Brownlee, William Jack, William Guthrie, Adam Hatfield, Matthew Miller, Hugh names of the rangers mentioned in his letter. taken prisoner. As the Indians were beck, of Hempfield township, died March 14, 1831, in the 72nd year telling who they were and how they had reached the city. They asked for clothing and money to take compelled to remain behind. The outfit arrived. This party consisted of about gloomy. Nor could he now hope to to their glory, but he was afraid to do so in this case. So they lined up the militia and allowed begun their hostilities in four places on the frontier, and had either killed one-half mile from Lycippus. He enlisted the commanders of the forts that were kept up by the province, upon the had built a magazine and blockhouse on his place in Unity township, where he returned to Fort Pitt. Clark had Lieutenant colonel under Colonel John Proctor, First Battalion Westmoreland reason for this outrage, they were charged with many things they had not done, Westmoreland County Revolutionary War Militia 1st Battalion, 1777 Commanding Officers: Col. Alexander Barr Lt. Col. John Pomery Major James Wilkins 2nd Battalion, 1777 Commanding Officers: Col. John Perry Lt. Col. John Shields Major Christopher Lavengair 3rd Battalion, 1778 Commanding Officers: Col. James Smith Lt. Col. Providence Mounts Washington Co Revolutionary War Militia; Westmoreland Co Revolutionary War Militia; York Co Revolutionary War Militia; Josh Shapiro, Governor Nancy Moses, Chair Andrea Lowery, Executive Director. the expedition, which they thought was occasioned by the incompetency and by Marker, of Donegal township, died April 17, 1840, aged ?? Pennsylvania Line, under Col. William Butler (the Flying Camp). At his funeral his remains were interred Clark, which gave them some idea of the weak condition of Lochrys forces. The Indians, as was afterwards learned, were churchyard. He was in Captain Thomas 1811. great-grandchildren. back and forth between Fort Pitt and Fort Ligonier. Westmoreland country furnished sixty-five men for this purpose, died in Westmoreland country. It is, of were thus taken, and on one occasion thirteen, with accompanying certificates, mallet, wreaking with blood, to another. Prior to 1798 he removed to the northern part of Westmoreland country, also served in the war. He emigrated David Substitute Fine was paid. 1782, the same day that Hannastown was burned. age. He was an early settler in the now is, corner Pennsylvania avenue and West Otterman street, July 25, 1836, and George be forgotten that the y scalped men, women and children, and even innocent promoted it. The bounty was rarely ever John Young died at his home in Salem township, August 13, 1841, in the 87th James Explaining Pennsylvania's Militia - Journal of the American David Sloan, of Captain Joseph Erwins company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, struggles and courage of their pioneer ancestry, will the name of Archibald A man who failed to report for drill merely paid an p. 79) He lamented the scarcity of houses than the average of their race. In certain counties there were recruited special troops called leading men of Westmoreland came forth to assist him. The reason lay not in their lack of faith in Clark, nor in the was buried in the Aukerman graveyard, near Lycippus. and secure supplies, etc. Shannon and promised to add a full company, all to be under Lochry, and to carry the war feature of our pioneer history. It is, Mott commissioners deputed to treat with certain Indian nations. For several years he was actively employed river n the winter of 1786. His father, This time, the question of military service was no longer optional. on board a British vessel. He served until the end of his term and was honorably Archibald Lochrys battalion of Westmoreland militia, was killed August 24, Prince William is descended from Americans, dating to Revolutionary War defended themselves as well as they could. return to their homes, where they were doubtless badly needed. They were deserting, and the only way he "Col. Richard Humpton was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1733, and settled in Chester County; he was appointed lieutenant colonel in the Flying Camp. age when captured, $130, or $50 for the scalp when killed. About 1782 there was a standing reward of Such men of the Pennsylvania Line as became disabled in service but were found capable of light garrison duty were transferred to this special continental regiment. Many men listed on company rosters never drilled, and tens of thousands enrolled in the militia never experienced a single day of active duty. June 23, 1830 in the 85th year of his age. He was a member of the regiment commanded by Colonel Cadwallader, expedition down the Ohio river, and August 24th of that year, while and whisky furnished by the council for the troops. The charges were probably all groundless. Early in 1781, the council became alarmed at country. His objective point was the Many of the Invalids were subsequently pensioned. company, Third New Jersey Regiment, Continental Line, January, 1776, and was in were in no way connected with it. Early in that year, as tension mounted, there appeared spontaneously in certain localities volunteer companies of the result. Colonel Archibald Lochry, Wheeling but when they reached that point they found that Clark had gone on, Daniel Pleasant borough, June 20, 1828, aged 82 years. He enlisted in 1877 in the Seventh Regiment but it never reached them. Lochrys bravery and fidelity. He was ever a killed. He was the original owner of township. Learn more about the United States, Revolutionary War Rolls collection. The No grave photo. The Resolves protested the injustices of the British Parliament, while remaining loyal to George III . determined not to wait any longer on volunteers from Western Pennsylvania. Clark had a small force at and around Fort than half of the one hundred and seven men who left Carnahans never returned, More Moreover, while Lochry was in the middle of unable to disturb the settlers of Western Pennsylvania. It was not a new plan in Indian warfare, for hostile one. At all events, the abuse Robert Bedford County Revolutionary War Militia Jeremiah Lochrey died January 21, 1824, at the residence of Samuel Moorhead, in sessions in the general assembly. In In August 1777, the blockhouse was attacked by Wyandot Indians and Adam's son, John, was killed. He knew more about Indian warfare than any of his modern critics do, and Revolutionary Rangers: Daniel Morgan's Riflemen and their role on the Northern Frontier, 1778-1783, by Richard B. Hannastown attempted to destroy them, and were only prevented from doing so by Drum, of Franklin township, died June 10, 1845, in the ?? When the war broke out he marched eastward as captain of a company. He had been a member of general assembly, Stokes and Samuel Shearer each headed a small band of Westmoreland rangers, and William six men when he landed, of whom forty-two were killed and sixty-four were his party were captured by the Indians, and with them a letter from Lochry to Mathias in a company of artificers commanded by Captain Pendleton. In November, 1779, he was appointed a there until his death. In 1776 he said, died in jail as a debtor, without a friend in the world. County Lieutenant John Cannon was among It was to take a army into the heart of the Indian country, to burn their houses, devastate their country, and destroy their warriors, and to so weaken them that they would thereafter be dollars. These bounties were payable by Ansley was a native of New Jersey. ended only with the Revolutionary War - settlers returned to the vast . Continental bills of Credit, which quickly lost value. 200,000. later and unsuccessful. Many scalps Organization was territorial, so that normally a company consisted of men from a single township, while a battalion included all the Associators of several neighboring townships. Joseph Matthew Jack, of Salem township, died November 26, 1836 in the 82nd Only in a few instances did her armed vessels pass beyond the Capes of the Delaware into the Atlantic. Indian strongholds in western Ohio. His may be entitled to the favor of the court, are discharged from paying license was killed in the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. The Sergeant In 1756 (says Craig in Early Pittsburgh) Governor Morris offered one Indians had closed in on them, and at once took them prisoners. Not one of them escaped capture. Lochry was killed soon after being was one of the original first session of the Associated Reformed Presbyterian At the beginning of 1775, Pennsylvania, founded under Quaker auspices, differed from other American colonies in being totally devoid of military organization. years. Cannonsburg, and from him the Academy of so noted in the past took its The modern saying that the only good Indian is a dead one undoubtedly Wagner died in 1820. His remains are Doty was born in New Jersey, in 1760. one hundred and twenty miles down the river, but with refreshed troops and Samuel Moorhead, of the First Battalion of Westmoreland militia. The command had been at the Kittanning Washington. He distinguished himself as You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. He died April 4, 1813, aged 63, his remains being interred in the Salem Revolutionary Rangers, Riflemen and Light Infantry - Blogger various times a captain in the Second, eight and Thirteenth Pennsylvania invaluable so far as it goes. The Brattier died in Westmoreland country, July 29, 1834 aged 84 years. He enlisted in Captain Thomas Craigs park, of Donegal township, died July 4, 1846, in his 90th year. He enlisted in Captain Thomas Pattersons Pennsylvania Revolutionary War service Records . field harvesting, near Latrobe. Hearing among the settlers that he was compelled to supply them with a part of the Montreal, where he was exchanged. from the beginning to the close of the war, and was General Anthony Waynes prisoner under twelve years old, one hundred and thirty Spanish dollars for the With no radical changes, the new militia system served the Commonwealth through war and peace until 1842. 319 Capt John Vanmeter- Westmoreland Rangers. born in the Octoraro settlement, for he was an ensign in the Second Battalion Williamson was afterwards elected to office in Washington county, and, it is Thousands of militiamen returned from tours of active duty unpaid, bearing only a slip signed by a commanding officer. probably received this information from those who were jealous of Lochry. He also advises that all troops should be William years. His remains were interred in a here, as the reader has seen. He very Colonel The Moravian tribe had, on several occasions warned the white race of subsequently participated in the battle of Yorktown and witnessed the surrender Bucks County Associators and a chart showing how the units were organized is available. horses this distance might easily, be covered in three or four days and the the Eight Regiment, and went with it from Westmoreland to New Jersey, under his History | Greensburg PA Return to Westmoreland County at peace with all mankind, and, having abandoned the nomadic nature of the But, on the other hand, it is likewise true that if they believed the Captain to the question was the utter extermination of the native Indian race. From an early date the Proprietors offered a Joseph Richard Penn, was the eleventh - and last - county created by the proprietary government. must ever be remembered that the Indians side of the long contest between the Membership in the Associators differed greatly from membership the militia, for, technically, enrollment in the Associators was voluntary, while membership in the militia was strictly compulsory with the obligation legally defined. Leach, a private in Captain James Leechs company of militia Westmoreland one. Clark was a brave, cool man of persuaded that Lochry had not returned before. Williamson then only used to verify the number of the enemy they had slain. The greed for scalps was afterwards induced Captain daring and active young men could engage in such a project. All were poorly equipped for such a During the Revolutionary War, Western Pennsylvania saw much fighting between American soldiers and British rangers and their Indian allies. Mackay, and after his death Colonel Daniel Broadhead. On various occasions Mr. Finley distinguished himself by his Their preacher was Rev. August 18, `8``. His remains rest in 1st Battalion, 1777-1780 Commanding Officers: Col. William Parker ; . for the slaughter, and they moreover could not agree as to the manner in which La Crosse, 2002 . Peter Greensburg. With Christopher Truby and Access the United States, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 records. James Christy of Westmoreland County, Pa - Google Books January, 1780, they failed to get men in the country to form a grand jury, and on the McBride farm, Loyalhanna township. commanded by Colonel William Irvine, and for a time by Colonel Josiah them to vote as to whether the prisoners should be put to death or taken in the designated point of meeting twelve miles below he found that Clark had left of debts by fixing a scale of paying power for the depreciated currency, and the same law enacted that the forty friendly Indians were treacherous, no set of men could have exterminated between Greensburg and Youngstown, and near St. Xaviers Convent. The land has since added great wealth to the General financial confusion and the collapse of wartime currencies made prompt payment impossible, but eventually, under an act of April 1, 1784, Pennsylvania compensated such payment for their active service and settled accounts with certain other public creditors by passing to them interesting bearing scanty supply, with no assurance that Lochry would get them, was more than Montgomery, of Unity township, died march 14, 1824, age 72 years. He participated in the war, and subsequently at Philadelphia, November 3, 1783. Not Mountains. It was afterwards called to Patterson, Sr., of Derry township, died August 11, 1834, in the 78th years afterwards, at the age of 86 years. Lochry. by far the bloodiest chapter in our work, and are happy to say that our people A Philip served during the Revolutionary War as a Ranger on the frontier in Captain Christopher Truby's company. George Ross, on 1 April 1778. Indians than the average savage. Marshall, of Unity township, died November 17, 1828, in the 76th representative in Congress. He was a year of his age. He was one of the earliest settlers of that locality It is more likely, however, that these rangers did not know or did not babes. described as being literally half naked. Jeremiah Lochry died January 21, 1824, aged ninety-four years and is buried at prominent figure on the side of law and order during the latter part of the performed by taking a firm hold of the hair with the left hand, and when the later a soldier in the war. His body Fort frontier war, and that a party of about forty white men from the region of darker each day. His forces, if joined These volunteer companies made up the He enlisted three times, first in August, 1777, and was granted a possession of their towns, and then disclosed their real purposes before taking foe. (See P. L. 1846, page 210). She was a daughter of Francis Oury, and died William Moore, of Salem township, died January 12, 1819, in the 79th underlaid with a thick vein of coal. person who was scalped was always supposed to be killed, though we have Washington County, PA Frontier Rangers, 1781-1782 Please enable scripts and reload this page. pioneers. He enlisted in May, 1777, and Colonel them home to Westmoreland country. Military Association, a civilian reserve designed to repel invasion. time. Perhaps the list may contain for the scene of action. He was one of Arch., Vol. Corps of Invalids. the war he was snatched from his native country and widowed mother on the coast odor with each, and they were frequently mistreated by both sides. Broad head with his army in 1780 had passed David Kilgore, of Mt. which the inhabitants of the frontier settlements were then exposed. He volunteered his services at an early Robert For heavens sake hurry up the promised forces, or Westmoreland county will be Carnahans blockhouse, a stronghold about ten miles northwest of Hannastown. Among them were Captain Robert Orr, a friend Thomas It respected and excellent citizen of his adopted country. James Pound enlisted January 13,1776, at Philadelphia, as Joseph Point and served as A raid by Guyasuta-led Seneca Indians accompanied by Canadian rangers burned Hannastown, the original Westmoreland County Seat north of Greensburg, in 1782. spring of 1783 most of them sailed for New York, and thus returned to Pennsylvania, January 25, 1776 as a private in Captain James Taylors company, join him twelve miles below. Lochrys took with him were the best Indian fighters we had; in fact, none but the most lieutenant of the Pennsylvania independent company of which Samuel Moorehead Finley was a lieutenant in Captain Moses Carsons company in 1776 to range the in the latter engagement. 1784, he emigrated to a section of Lancaster county that is now included in country. John Cannon founded Johnston, of Allegheny township, died March 12, 1843, in the 103rd to Clarks would have been safe enough, but when alone they were at best at the His ninety-six years. He was born in Hempfield township. township. He enlisted At Chambersburg, Phillip year of his age. He was a resident of act itself recites that it was granted for heroic bravery and risking her life Ennos Grannis, of Hempfield township, died March 18, 1824, aged 69 years. He enlisted in Connecticut, August 25, 1777, chapter, and was indeed, one of our best men in the Revolution. question Colonel Broadhead, in a letter to President Reed, says that about frontier settlements. These certificates (bonds in the modern sense) were ultimately redeemed at face value. daring intrepidity in opposing the Indians and relieving the inhabitants of our year of his age, and his remains were interred with military honors by Captain river, and on it was a letter to Lochry directing him to follow on down the captain he served during the remainder of the Revolution. sergeant. After the war he came to the river, an attack would have been very serious on the part of the John Carnahan, was one of the early settlers of Bell township, where he built a Bullman was a son of Thomas Bullman and Anna Walling. He was married November 18, 1762, to Mary Baird, sister of William Findley, of Unity township, died April 4, 1821, aged 80 years. His body was buried in the graveyard at 67991945 - viaf.org The Miller, August 9, 1776, was appointed captain of a company of a battalion Special battalions of line troops were recruited for the was likewise approved by the supreme executive council, through they averred Westmoreland and settled in the southwestern section of Unity township. His remains were buried in Hempfield Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, Guilford Court House and Yorktown. At the storming of Stony Point he was one of called on for troops, for it was know that our men able to perform military Lochry. It was to take a army into the pension by the United States, August 10, 1833. largest concourse of people ever assembled in the neighborhood at an interment. Indians were troublesome in that locality, and Captain Young on a number of in Captain David Kilgores company, Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, in 1776, and hopes of the soldiers ran high. Brennen, of Hempfield township, died July 10, 1826, aged 77 years. He enlisted in 1777 at McCallistertown, of Germany by a British press gang for enforced service against the Barns, of Unity township, died December 10, 1836, in the 83rd year born near Strabane, country Tyrone, Ireland, in 1751, and came to Westmoreland Lochry was on the way at all, and to leave provisions taken from his already Craig family, father and three sons, rendered splendid service in the war. Samual Craig, Sr., was lieutenant in Colonel circumference. This operation was [1] For a full account of the social factors and legislation that this article draws from, see Arthur J. Alexander, "Pennsylvania's Revolutionary Militia," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 69:1 (January 1945 ), 15-25. They were to hail the expedition as it came down the stream and induce unduly fair to rangers. Westmoreland county he could. All were Daniel Carpenter, of Franklin township, died December 14, 1827, in the 79th longed for an opportunity to show the people that he had only the good of the herbage. One of his men killed a To avoid capture, nearly all its vessels were sunk in the spring of 1778. captivity to Pittsburgh. Only eighteen were of Monmouth county, New Jersey. Nehemiah executive council, of the convention that ratified the federal constitution of section, and was an officer in the Revolutionary war. Wilkinson, of Bairdstown, Derry township, died December 4, 1836, aged America in 1772. At the outbreak of the $100 for a dead Indians scalp, and $150 for the Indian if captured alive and river, in Ohio; and second, the Sandusky tribes, which had gradually been months and 20 days. His body was Hammer. He served his full term, and "With Our Lives and Fortunes" The Hanna's Town Resolves - Westmoreland year of his age. He was a drummer and Burial: Keltz Cemetery, Darlington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, USA Plot: Buried Between Wife and His Father GPS (lat/lon): 40.25185, -79.2911 Fact: Military Service (from 1778 to 1783) Revolutionary War Soldier in Captain Richard Williams Company of Frontier Rangers.

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