Grande Prairie mass murder remains mystery 100 years later, tap here to see other videos from our team. During the marriage, he was verbally abusive toward her. Patsy had obtained a restraining order against Cox during their separation because she claimed he was harassing her. No commercial vehicles/trailers of any kind will be inspected. The section is responsible for investigating motor vehicle thefts and related crimes including stolen vehicle recoveries and chop shops with multiple thefts and multiple offenders. It seems to have been common knowledge, before the murders took place, that Patan, Zimmer and Wudwand had large sums of cash on them. Although the daughter suspicious, I dont believe it was her. The morning of Patsys death, a frantic phone call woke up Steve and Sally Horning. Sally and Steve fired Dear shortly afterward. The Sisters Husband even used Patsys Lover, with his help, to get to her, to control her, so they offed her. Sally says it did not take them long to realize that they were being considered suspects. Sort All Cases By: Company Area | Male | Female | County | Year | Last Name. Citizens should contact 911 to make the initial report if a missing individual is an adult, a runaway juvenile, child, a senior citizen, senile, mentally or physically impaired and is missing from the City of Grand Prairie. Authorities in Grand Prairie said Daniel Garcia, 33, was shot and killed around 9:30 p.m. Friday night in the 2400 block of North Carrier Parkway. L.E.A. ET) on Investigation Discovery. A wealthy Texas woman is murdered with strychnine. The men were Ignace Patan, who owned the house, and James Wudwand, Charles Zimmer, and Frank Parzychowsky. Williams body was exhumed, but the autopsy results were inconclusive, -a year after Patsys death, one of her wax museums burned down. ET on Investigation Discovery. People Magazine Investigates murder of Adrianne Jones in Grand Prairie He says he had seen her and been out with her two or three times, but there was a certain tension when they were together. He had previously been arrested for arson. 10 Texas Murder Victims Awaiting Justice | Dallas Observer Not only were the museums tourist attractions, they were also centers of social life in their respective towns. Since Patsy knew a lot of unflattering information about her ex-husband, Bob tried to convince her to lie in her testimony, but she refused. That same evening he divulged his infidelity to Zamora. Dear notes that Poynor would have had to go across the museums debris, past several other artifacts, and climb on a chair to get the ledger from a shelf. The podcast will take a deep dive into the story of the unsolved mass murder case of six men in . Gua sobre las pandillas para los padres (Spanish). Dr. Jo Ann Houts, the consultant psychiatrist for the Tarrant County Medical Examiner, was asked to perform a psychological autopsy on Patsy. Phone: 972-237-8790. Name. An anonymous caller also claimed that Leo had dated Linda Donahew, an Arlington woman who had been murdered in June 1987. He insists that he did not kill her. Links: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Patsys windows had been broken sometime before this happened. Never even considered that. Within seconds, the chilling answer came back: strychnine. In October of 1987, the friends and family of 43-year-old Patsy Bolton Wright mourned her tragic and unexpected death. . She says the police asked some questions that were not very comfortable. _____. One of the museums, the Wax Museum of the Southwest, was located in Grand Prairie, Texas, and had been founded by their father years earlier. He sometimes used the name Steven Poyner and had three different Social Security numbers. Sally Horning (Patsys sister) did phone the police for an ambulance (did not have 911 back in1987) when Patsy called them, but they did not know her address #. Members of TCSO's Cold Case Task Force are asking for the public's help in locating family members for dozens of unsolved cases. Four days later, he was released on bond after the police said they could find no links between him and the deaths. She had even set her alarm clock for the morning of her death. TX Storm Prediction Ctr, Norman, OK Warnings, Watches, and Advisories The Unit also assists Child Protective Services in their investigations. FERRIS - It's a small city of 2,500, and cold cases don't sit well there. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Patsys family suspected that Bill and Bonnie Alexander, a couple who boarded Patsys horses, may have been involved in her death. In 2014, he passed away. Two of them were decomposing inside the house, with another in the storehouse and another in a wagon. Abilene police cold cases await new evidence, leads - Abilene Reporter-News On the night she died, it appeared that someone had been with Patsy. On September 24, a man was seen combing through the debris of the museum. Strychnine is a horrible way to be poisoned, and it was intended to both grab attention and also to be a taunt to someone else as well. All of them passed. cleaning, I see him with a key, using, he knocked her out, the mouth to mouth was a cover up, know what was to come. First, her burglar alarm was not set on the night she died. Same with the plates only Steve noticed them. Sgt. He was acquitted. Privacy | Terms | DCMA | FAQ. Your chance of being a victim of violent crime in Grand Prairie is 1 in 456 and property crime is 1 in 58. Both he and Sally passed polygraphs. She seemed to b3 decisive when seen on the program unsolved mystetious. The Grand Prairie Police Department is kindly asking citizens to please record serial numbers, makes, models, brands and any other identifying information for your valuables. Also includes the preparation of crime statistical summaries and the provision of resource positions. Fortunately, no one was injured. Grand Prairie, TX 75052. I couldnt imagine life without her. Know or record your insurance information. Gustafson believes that Patsys killer knew her and her habits. Focuses on the provision of economic, geographic, or social information to administrators. Austin Police Department Cold Cases. Patsy said that she had taken some cold medicine and that somethings really wrong. When Sally asked for more information, she got no response. All of them passed. She is certain that she and her brother Wayne know the killer since they were such a big part of Patsys life and knew most of the people she knew. The only thing that could satisfy her womanly vengeance was the life of the one that had, for an instant, taken her place, Graham said, in the oddly stilted language that is apparently his confessional style. Hes a North Texas native who joined the Star-Telegram team during a 2019 internship and just didnt leave. Patsy was poisoned only ten days before the civil trial began and without her testimony, Bob was able to win the case. Adriannes body was found on Dec. 4, 1995, on a rural county road, less than 12 hours after leaving home the previous nigth. Map Browse By State. According to Sgt. Gustafson, Leo was very much in love with Patsy, but she did not want to get remarried. It was also discovered that Patsys horses were in the Alexanders names. The successful investigation and prosecution of crimes requires, in most cases, the collection, preservation and forensic analysis of evidence, which can be crucial to demonstrations of guilt or innocence. Fire investigators first believed that a faulty electrical box may have caused the fire. They note that it spread very quickly, possibly due to an accelerant (although no tests were done to confirm this). Real Name: Patricia Virginia Bolton Wright Sgt. A year later, 16 . She says Patsys death does not seem real at all. He spat it out onto the bed and a nearby towel. When he asked her what the matter was, she said she could not breathe. The Grand Prairie Police Department utilizes two "Mobile Crime Labs" for CSI operations. Police said that, based on witness statements, Garcia was robbed at gunpoint by three unknown men and ultimately was shot and killed. She and Sally were supposed to meet about this shortly after her death. Finally, Leslie told the caller that Patsy had passed away the previous day. The day before, she had written them a check. Cause of Death. He claimed it was an accident, but the insurance company believed he had ordered the fire to be set. Suspects:Sally and Steve Horning were initially considered suspects in Patsys death. Although not officially a suspect in any Washington murders, Green River investigators at one time looked at . Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. However, it is also available in some college chemistry labs. It also seemed unlikely that she would commit suicide by strychnine poisoning due to its horrible side effects. Fearing for her sisters safety, Sally and her husband drove to Patsys house: We got to the house and went to the front door. There are also two other strange events which may or may not connected to this case, -in 1984, Lori Ann Williams, a 26-year old receptionist at Patsys wax museum, suddenly fell ill and died, but her cause of death was never determined. Texas executes Stephen Barbee for 2005 Tarrant County murders | The Officers secured the scene, with Red Oak Fire Rescue and AMR Ambulance crews responding shortly thereafter. A few days later, her friends and family gathered to mourn her tragic and unexpected death. This week's episode of People Magazine Investigates looks into the case of 16-year-old . Suddenly the machine showed a violent positive reaction. Here are five things to know about the case. I believe the plate issue was something that the brother in law added a plate to throw people off and his excuse by him that he got some poison in his mouth by resuscitation, bogus, I dont believe it! According to Sgt. Authorities felt that if Steve had poisoned Patsy, he would not have used mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to try to save her, taking potentially deadly liquid into his own mouth. She does not ever want to go through that again. i agree with you anonymous, he purposely did that OR even said he did it to rule himself out as a suspect. The police believed that either someone close to Patsy put the strychnine in her medicine or she put it in herself. At approximately 3:24 pm on May 16, 2021, Officers of the Red Oak Police Department were dispatched to the area of 200 Buttercup Way, Red Oak, Ellis County, Texas, for a shooting. Murder For more gang-related information and materials, visit the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Web site at The Unit is comprised of detectives and victim assistance personnel whose responsibility is to investigate domestic violence related crimes. Real Name: Patricia Virginia Bolton Wright Nicknames: Patsy Location: Arlington, Texas Date: October 23, 1987 Details: Forty-three-year-old Patsy Wright died under mysterious circumstances in her Arlington, Texas, bedroom at 3am on October 23, 1987. The mens dead bodies were buried in the debris. He advised them he had just shot a person and was waiting for officers in the 100 Block of E. Red Oak Road. Stanley Poynor was seen stealing a financial ledger book from the ashes of one of Patsys museums that had burned down. The Post gathered information from 50 large cities in the United States regarding their unsolved murders. There began to develop a lot of animosity towards them, that these good British boys are being killed by Eastern Europeans fighting on the battlegrounds of Europe.. Leo says he had no fear of any questions or a polygraph test. A lot of the young men did not return, Leonard said. He notes that one-way tickets from Mexico to Dallas were found in Poynors home. One day after Patsys death, a woman called her house asking for her. Reports should be detailed with as much information as possible such as (dates/times/suspect information, addresses). The Sergeant looked for a motive. Three days later, police found four more bodies on another farm about four miles from the Snyder place. there is no way to tell if he was actually taking mouthfuls of that liquid or not. When Steve answered, Patsy said that she needed to talk to Sally. You may be eligible for a cash reward! Gustafson looked for a motive for Patsys murder. A few minutes later, paramedics arrived. He tried to get her to change her testimony, but she refused. She had put one in after someone had broken several of her windows. Phone:972-237-8884 Fort Bend Tx Crime Stoppers View Source Square with arrow pointing upper right. He also owned a wax museum. Hes passionate about true stories and loves understated movies, good tea and scotch thats out of his budget. Since Poyner had a previous arrest for arson, he was looked at as a possible suspect in both the museum fire and Patsys death, but was released due to lack of evidence. In the event that you are a victim of a property crime, taking the time to record your information now could help you recover your property during an investigation. He also claimed he ran from the police out of fear but did not know they were still searching for him. Location: Arlington, Texas The late Wally Tansem, an amature historian who conducted the most thorough reexamination of the case in recent years, according to Leonard, believed Lough to be the most likely culprit. Also, if he did take in liquid and spit it out, wouldnt he have shown some symptoms? Authorities ruled out product tampering or suicide. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Patsy Wright | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom Patsys wealth came from the two wax museums she owned with Sally. But unfortunately, we wont know as another website said Payner was killed in a standoff. Hi James, Authorities hope that someone will remember a suspicious sale around the time of Patsys death. Did the neighbors notice any cars? But Robert Cox maintained his innocence and there was no evidence to suggest he was guilty. The Texas Ranger Unsolved Crimes Investigation Program was created on September 1, 2001 by the 77th Session of Texas Legislature. Authorized by: Chief Garland Wolf. DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended with the keys in the ignition. Your case will be evaluated and if an investigator is able to follow-up on your case you will be contacted. When Patsy died, the museums were inherited by Sally, and her husband, Steve: We as family members were being asked questions that you never even think youre ever going to be asked.. Upon arrival, Officers located a male subject, shot multiple times, lying in the roadway of the 200 block of Butter Cup Way. However, the cause was later changed from accidental to undetermined. Share & Connect. 1992. Graham insisted to police that he felt powerless to say no. In February 1983, his warehouse burned down in a fire. Two weeks later, a man named Stanley Lester Poyner was caught trying to steal a ledger from the ashes. Could there have been an unknown visitor that night, intimate enough to know her personal habits and share a late-night dinner with her? 2. I also believe she had Payner torch the museum a few years later for the insurance money, which she paid him off with and also to throw off suspicion from her. Online Crime Reporting The teens murder and the surprising revelations that followed, ending with Graham and Zamora behind bars will be featured in Monday nights episode of People Magazine Investigates, on Investigation Discovery. Eight days after Patsys memorial service, a routine autopsy was performed. The call was the day after the murder. The program provides direct support to the U.S. Border Patrol through combined operations that leverage timely intelligence and cost effective detection technologies, including a network of . He was never charged in Patsy or Lori Anns deaths, although the police considered him their only suspect. Two local podcasters have been awarded $10,000 in funding by TELUS STORYHIVE to produce their new true crime podcast, Blood on the Prairie. She was poisoned with almost pure strychnine (rat poison is like 3%) so even if he spit it out you would think traces would have still been ingested. However, the investigation was hampered when the original file disappeared from a locked file drawer in a locked room at the Grand Prairie Fire Department. People who lie voice Gores up in timber no not me, frequent blinking, plus rummaging though her mothers home and report of strange phone call while she was there. As a child, Tansem often heard the murders discussed by his father and uncle, who homesteaded in Wanham in 1917. I would look super closely at their financial records, see if a list of different things may be going on: Cold Cases. On September 26, 1989, Stanley Poynor was arrested and charged with theft for stealing the ledger from the museum. Sergeant Jay Gustafson of the Arlington police began to investigate Patsys death as a murder. According to Sally, he had called Patsy on several occasions and asked her to change her testimony. He was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound on a Friday morning in north Abilene, according to archives. I have a feeling that it probably could have been that, he said. She reportedly feared him and believed he was following her and watching her house. Further analysis, when necessary, is performed by regional forensic labs, such as the Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences at Dallas, or the FBI Laboratory in Washington, D.C. 1. severe thunderstorm watch outline update for ws 180. nws storm prediction center norman ok. 513 pm cdt fri apr 28 2023. severe thunderstorm watch 180 remains in effect . More than 90 years later, the murders of those six men near Grande Prairie on June 18 or June 19, 1918, remain the largest unsolved mass murder in Alberta history. She had been stabbed repeatedly and left bleeding out on her bed - nothing but a dirty knife left in the sink as any evidence. Cold cases and unsolved crimes in Grand Prairie, TX., Whitney Martin The first people he questioned were Sally and Steve. They also planned to open a Ripleys Believe It or Not in San Antonio. He had reportedly threatened to ruin her. Richard Knechtel, a Clairmont farmer, was later charged, but Magistrate Percy Belcher dismissed the case. The money was never found, but residents were scandalized when blood-stained bank notes began circulating throughout the area soon afterwards. Could there have been an unknown visitor that night, intimate enough to know Patsys personal habits and to share a late-night dinner with her? After Patsys death, there was suspicion that Williams might have been poisoned as well. Dear believes that Poynor was involved but was not the actual killer. A crucial difference separated them, however: Adrianne was 16, while Graham and Zamora were 18 and inseparable as boyfriend and girlfriend. The Major Crimes Unit investigates both adult and juvenile crimes including criminal homicide, robbery, assault, harassment and missing persons. All Rights Reserved. In the death of Patsy Wright, the Texas authorities faced a puzzling question. Grand Prairie Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout She believed that he had followed her home, parked nearby, and watched her on multiple occasions. He saw her lying on the bed and noticed the lights and television were on., Tarrant County Juvenile Services operates a justice organization that supports victim rights and community safety while fostering productive, responsible behavior for youth and families. RELATED VIDEO: Exclusive clip from Mondays People Magazine Investigates, According to Grahams statement, he offered Adrianne a ride home on Nov. 4 after a cross-country meet. I didnt have any harsh feelings for Adrianne, but no one could stand between me and Diane.. Robert Cox refused to cooperate with the show. Cold Cases - Tulsa County Sheriff's Office Patsys ex-husband, Robert Cox, was another person questioned by the police. Officers arrived and took Smith into custody without incident. 972-237-8790, Pay Ticket Online If it is ever solved, I suspect that it is someone who, in some way either watched or was watching the night she died. She notes that Patsy had no financial issues, was in excellent health, and was planning for the future. View Cases - Unsolved Homicide She told her friend that she did not. Despite the intensity of the fire, several expensive wax figures were only slightly damaged. Leslie does not know if it was a prank phone call or if it meant something.
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