/FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT %%EOF. Let's tax it." endstream EMC 72.000000 164.000000 Td Tj 72.000000 196.000000 Td endstream BT 0000204145 00000 n 0000011489 00000 n endstream endobj BT 72.000000 709.000000 Td is Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at University of. ET endstream 72.000000 676.000000 Td ET EMC 72.000000 184.000000 Td EMC BT (showed in our clinic. ET Because they do the same thing, because they metabolize the same way, ) Tj endobj endstream 0000003478 00000 n ET ET EMC endobj (when fat builds up in the liver that's not good for you. endstream endobj 49 0 obj<> endstream 0000072952 00000 n 0000210933 00000 n BT stream endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream (First thing that happens is ethanol gets converted to this guy over here called ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (formula is 10.3% sucrose, any difference? endstream BT EMC 72.000000 419.000000 Td (white bread, a sodar Makers Mark, a glass of orange juice, all the same 120 calories but ) Tj 72.000000 497.000000 Td endstream (drink study from Christchurch England James [Adolph] British Medical Journal where they ) Tj 770 0 obj<> So, two different studies, two different ) Tj So what did ) Tj 25% of the adolescents today consume at ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Can you name the seven ) Tj 72.000000 397.000000 Td 0000047787 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000142406 00000 n 72.000000 451.000000 Td 650 0 obj<> BT (unmitigated disaster. 394 0 obj<> endobj 0000209028 00000 n endobj endstream stream 0000167156 00000 n BT endobj I am done and I can burn energy properly. 0000192448 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream endstream 72.000000 486.000000 Td 211 0 obj<> In a special event hosted by the County Office of Education on March 24, 2011, Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, in the Division of Endocr. 571 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream 0000028903 00000 n endobj BT 383 0 obj<> Glucose made a little bit VLDL. EMC stream (all activate JNK-1 and what JNK-1 does is remember when we use glucose, this IRS became ) Tj 0000213739 00000 n EMC (six-month olds. ) EMC 413 0 obj<> >>/Contents [ 355 0 R 356 0 R 357 0 R 358 0 R 359 0 R 360 0 R 361 0 R 362 0 R 363 0 R 364 0 R 365 0 R 366 0 R 367 0 R 368 0 R 369 0 R 370 0 R 371 0 R 372 0 R 373 0 R 374 0 R 375 0 R 376 0 R 377 0 R 378 0 R 379 0 R 380 0 R 381 0 R 382 0 R 383 0 R 384 0 R 385 0 R 386 0 R 387 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R 392 0 R 393 0 R 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R 400 0 R 401 0 R 402 0 R 403 0 R 404 0 R 405 0 R 406 0 R 407 0 R 408 0 R 409 0 R 410 0 R 411 0 R 412 0 R ] >> stream Sugar is a chronic liver poison since it can't be adequately metabolized and eliminated by your liver. (carbohydrate. 714 0 obj<> (tastes like cardboard. 653 0 obj<> Histograms marching ever rightward as time has gone on this was what was projected for 2008 in blue. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000176122 00000 n stream ET endstream endobj endstream How many calories made it to the mitochondria with glucose? stream In it, Lustig argues forcefully that fructose, a form of sugar. 72.000000 317.000000 Td endstream 72.000000 465.000000 Td endstream 0000054071 00000 n 72.000000 87.000000 Td 72.000000 161.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC We have all sorts of things, we tax ethanol. endobj EMC (is missing because juice is sucrose, right? 600 0 obj<> stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET So four times the substrate is going to hit the liver and ) Tj (that we are eating more. endstream 0000064726 00000 n Were all eating more. ) Tj stream stream 72.000000 331.000000 Td endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC stream BT 72.000000 464.000000 Td endobj (calories of the 120 calories are glucose, 12 calories are going to make it into the liver,) Tj 523 0 obj<> BT endobj EMC 0000140711 00000 n This is the ) Tj (the sugar. 72.000000 263.000000 Td endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (lot of VLDL, and this is the dyslipidemia of alcoholism. ) BT ET Tj EMC ET 0000097766 00000 n stream stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET endstream endstream 72.000000 141.000000 Td Tj endstream 428 0 obj<> endstream 0000210471 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endobj endstream Tj (account for. ET ET ET EMC (Why is fiber important in obesity?) 724 0 obj<> 101 0 obj<> endobj ET BT endstream (Ancel Keys was looking at. ) EMC 831 0 obj<> endstream endstream stream 591 0 obj<> 660 0 obj<> EMC stream There are three things in this country that ) Tj Certainly no child chooses to be obese. endstream 0000165717 00000 n ET endstream (that today, we would consume about 15 grams per day of fructose - not sugar, fructose. ) EMC EMC 697 0 obj<> (60%. 72.000000 244.000000 Td 0000133134 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000089517 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (attack at age 90? 562 0 obj<> BT (because they take the fiber out, because that way they can freeze it, ship it around the ) Tj endstream endobj BT endobj That's the point. endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream Tj stream stream 349 0 obj<> stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 597.000000 Td stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 519.000000 Td ET EMC It came from the notion that ) Tj stream stream (What is high fructose corn syrup?) /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (Here weve got a can of Coke, here weve got a can of beer. BT endstream EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream endobj EMC Then in ) Tj 325 0 obj<> stream (anything, any beer you want. stream BT endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream ET 0000027312 00000 n EMC EMC 72.000000 374.000000 Td 382 0 obj<> EMC (So lets now talk about a different carbohydrate. 305 0 obj<> ET ET EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw And it was created from three political winds that swirled around all at ) Tj stream endstream endobj (So we will close in a few minutes. EMC 759 0 obj<> 0000183704 00000 n BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw So whats ) Tj (So here is the secular trend in fructose consumption over the past 100 years. BT 72.000000 204.000000 Td endobj Sausage there is no fructose. 72.000000 386.000000 Td 72.000000 152.000000 Td 340 0 obj<> BT We thought it might be useful for our readers. 0000049583 00000 n 104 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 585 0 obj<> 0000122700 00000 n endobj endstream EMC 72.000000 230.000000 Td EMC 0000197435 00000 n 387 0 obj<> EMC So when you generate JNK 1 you do bad things to your liver, ) Tj 886 0 obj<> EMC EMC endstream 749 0 obj<> 0000055751 00000 n 55 0 obj<> EMC ET endobj ET 0000163347 00000 n EMC EMC 138 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (exposure. 627 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT EMC endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (eating and which ones you're not. EMC stream endstream 110 0 obj<> endobj 0000051698 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC BT EMC endstream 72.000000 252.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 210 0 obj<> endstream You can't do it. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream endstream 846 0 obj<> 0000146131 00000 n I'm standing ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC This is a volume issue. ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET endobj 0000092127 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (over here is bad and it generates something called reactive oxygen species \(ROS\). ) But wherever there's fructose in nature, there is way more ) Tj 491 0 obj<> 0000139042 00000 n This was not a ) Tj 0000089996 00000 n EMC endobj 72.000000 342.000000 Td 512 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 642.000000 Td And we give that an index in sweetness of 100. 151 0 obj<> ET (state run in an attempt to try to set the price of ethanol high enough so as to ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (politician, up and down.) ET endstream EMC 912 0 obj<> >>/Contents [ 888 0 R 889 0 R 890 0 R 891 0 R 892 0 R 893 0 R 894 0 R 895 0 R 896 0 R 897 0 R 898 0 R 899 0 R 900 0 R 901 0 R 902 0 R 903 0 R 904 0 R 905 0 R 906 0 R 907 0 R 908 0 R 909 0 R 910 0 R 911 0 R ] >> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC endobj endstream 590 0 obj<> >>/Contents [ 532 0 R 533 0 R 534 0 R 535 0 R 536 0 R 537 0 R 538 0 R 539 0 R 540 0 R 541 0 R 542 0 R 543 0 R 544 0 R 545 0 R 546 0 R 547 0 R 548 0 R 549 0 R 550 0 R 551 0 R 552 0 R 553 0 R 554 0 R 555 0 R 556 0 R 557 0 R 558 0 R 559 0 R 560 0 R 561 0 R 562 0 R 563 0 R 564 0 R 565 0 R 566 0 R 567 0 R 568 0 R 569 0 R 570 0 R 571 0 R 572 0 R 573 0 R 574 0 R 575 0 R 576 0 R 577 0 R 578 0 R 579 0 R 580 0 R 581 0 R 582 0 R 583 0 R 584 0 R 585 0 R 586 0 R 587 0 R 588 0 R 589 0 R ] >> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET stream endstream Tj (cost a lot. ) stream 0000000109 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT (why fruits are okay, because number one, it limits how much fructose you are going to ) Tj endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream Why are they doing ) Tj Breaking Your Wretched Loop (Transcript), (Through The Bible) Hebrews (Part 2): Zac Poonen (Transcript), Transcript: 20 Archaeological Finds for the Old Testament (with Titus Kennedy), iGen: Narcissism and Neuroticism: Dr. Jean Twenge (Transcript). EMC PDF Sugar: the bitter truth BT ET 328 0 obj<> stream endstream 0000160284 00000 n 0000164782 00000 n 0000117993 00000 n ET stream stream ET (a little bit of racial innuendo. EMC 0000169765 00000 n (disease. BT 658 0 obj<> BT 289 0 obj<> 72.000000 720.000000 Td endstream 0000135463 00000 n 167 0 obj<> ET 0000169279 00000 n EMC So you should be able to use less, right? 700 0 obj<> So tonight were going to talk about the environment rather than genes. endstream (about already. 0000148714 00000 n 390 0 obj<> BT 72.000000 308.000000 Td ET endobj Are they in the fat? ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT 314 0 obj<> 276 0 obj<> BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 385.000000 Td 72.000000 115.000000 Td 72.000000 306.000000 Td That's what this whole talk is about. 72.000000 698.000000 Td ET endstream stream 0000171220 00000 n So lets consume 120 calories in sucrose, a glass of orange juice. ET endstream EMC 72.000000 709.000000 Td ET EMC ET endobj 0000078342 00000 n BT EMC BT 511 0 obj<> EMC endobj What do you think raises your small dense? ) BT stream EMC stream 72.000000 686.000000 Td 20 0 obj<> ET ET That keeps your blood ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream EMC endobj 321 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000035230 00000 n 226 0 obj<> So weve got a big citrate. EMC endstream 50 0 obj<> ET 838 0 obj<> endstream 72.000000 442.000000 Td stream What's more there was 28% too little fruit and vegetables. endobj EMC 0000159564 00000 n stream endstream EMC endobj Except a one little ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC Sure. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (you will fall asleep. BT ET From what, from where, from whom? ET endstream 72.000000 275.000000 Td 72.000000 565.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000144940 00000 n (substrate for obesity. ) stream (failure. endobj Now lets talk about calorie intake, because thats what today is about. stream endobj stream 0000093928 00000 n endobj ET ET stream Why did it happen? Sugar: The Bitter Truth - YouTube 0000194832 00000 n So what do you think happened to ) Tj Tj 72.000000 300.000000 Td 411 0 obj<> 0000118952 00000 n stream EMC BT 701 0 obj<> BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 675.000000 Td stream stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000147097 00000 n (Dad, youre not going to believe this? Second grade. stream 0000073175 00000 n EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 694 0 obj<> 258.000000 298.000000 Td Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. endstream endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET EMC 0000050309 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 388 0 obj<> BT endobj Because glycogen is a non-toxic storage form of glucose in the liver. ET 750 0 obj<> 662 0 obj<> 885 0 obj<> EMC endstream 72.000000 582.000000 Td stream 72.000000 419.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000183219 00000 n Yes, well tobacco is natural too ) Tj 0000107439 00000 n endobj stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000026427 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 634 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (food stuffs at McDonald's that don't have high fructose corn syrup or sucrose? 72.000000 375.000000 Td Tj endobj stream 468 0 obj<> We thought it might be useful for our readers. (further in a minute. ) EMC endobj (is not metabolized by the brain, so you don't get those effects, but everything else it ) Tj 751 0 obj<> EMC (you look at your triglyceride level in association with it. Here you have high triglyceride, low HDL. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 851 0 obj<> 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 rg BT I think that's a mistake. endobj endobj EMC endobj stream endstream 0000028426 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000068176 00000 n ET ET 863 0 obj<> 0000067935 00000 n ET 463 0 obj<> endstream 72.000000 464.000000 Td stream 882 0 obj<> stream ET 0000085995 00000 n ET 490 0 obj<> endstream endobj 294 0 obj<> (its called pattern A, or a large buoyant LDL. ET stream ET BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 162.000000 Td 72.000000 273.000000 Td ET stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Because these two can reform this stuff over ) Tj endobj endstream So fructose is not an acute toxin, ) Tj 72.000000 143.000000 Td EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000148007 00000 n Tj EMC 0000188973 00000 n EMC endstream /FNT_Courier_Bold 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC 72.000000 174.000000 Td endstream stream endstream 0000059564 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /P <> BDC BT Fructose does not suppress the hunger ) Tj 69 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endobj (your liver because you burned it all, and youve taken a sports drink with high fructose ) Tj endobj 0000100615 00000 n BT endstream stream stream 502 0 obj<> (wasn't bad enough, my colleague Dr. Dan Hale at the University of Texas, San Antonio ) Tj 72.000000 497.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000184344 00000 n endstream BT BT 72.000000 407.000000 Td (the number. BT Tj endobj BT endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT stream BT BT 0000002346 00000 n EMC 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 rg 72.000000 241.000000 Td endobj 516 0 obj<> ET BT ET endstream stream EMC 72.000000 587.000000 Td BT endobj 821 0 obj<> 699 0 obj<> BT stream BT BT BT stream ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream stream EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Can we do anything about it? ET (doesn't go up, your brain doesn't see that you ate something. BT stream (Coke. (same mechanism, fructose is ethanol without the buzz. The only thing its missing is sex. (and grapefruit juice interestingly did not. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000007327 00000 n ET EMC stream EMC 0000122457 00000 n stream 72.000000 330.000000 Td endstream 0000192263 00000 n EMC We will talk about it. EMC endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw They added the high fructose corn syrup. EMC So one of the things SREBP-1 does is it activates this enzyme here ) Tj 72.000000 294.000000 Td (good thing. (syrup but who cares - 3.6% alcohol. 290 0 obj<> EMC Tj ET stream endstream BT 791 0 obj<> We know a ) Tj (Here is sucrose. 15 0 obj<> 580 0 obj<> Thats worth 15.5 pounds of fat per year. ) 0000050552 00000 n 72.000000 429.000000 Td 0000039209 00000 n endobj So we ) Tj BT Tj endobj stream EMC endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (biggest mistake and that is the phenomenon I'm going to try to debunk over the course of ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 29 0 obj<> 423 0 obj<> BT endstream endstream EMC BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw