Blue checkmark. District Maps | St. Charles Parish, LA Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. 302 Click here for access to the NES Student Parent Handbook 2022-2023. St. Charles Parish. Also in highschool, there's almost a club for everything, so you can find the right group for you. St. Charles Parish Public Schools adheres to the equal opportunity . St. Charles Parish Public Schools - U.S. News Education NES Band and Choir Spring Concert @ LPAC, 2:00 PM District Maps The St. Charles Parish council district maps, which include the precinct, street, and water lines, are available. Read more on how this ranking was calculated. (Photo by Chris Granger | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate). I love the fact that they get you ready for college and all the scholarships they can help you access. Clerk of Court Lance Marino serves as Chief Election officer of St. Charles Parish. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. John L. Smith was elected to the school board in 1982 and began serving in 1983. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Families whose school will change will be notified in a letter, the district said. St. Charles Parish St. Charles Parish District Summary 13855 River Road Luling, LA 70070-6220 (985) 785-6289 SchoolDigger Rank: 13th of 119 Louisiana districts See the 2022 Louisiana District rankings! St. Charles Parish Public Schools. Read 24 reviews. The changes will take place next school year, which begins in August. St. Charles Parish - The official website of Louisiana Local Louisiana St. Charles Parish Profile Name: The parish is named for Saint Charles Parish Seat: Hahnville Statistical Quick Facts Local Contact Information Assessors Clerks of Court Emergency Preparedness Fire Protection Districts Justices of the Peace & Constables Library Main Branch A native of River Ridge, he graduated from Archbishop Rummel High School in 1995. District Name: St. Charles Parish schools for this district: NCES District ID: 2201440: State District ID: LA-045: Mailing Address: 13855 River Road Luling, LA 70070: Physical Address: PO Box He is married to Jill Hezeau Cody, has two children, and resides in Destrehan. BACK TO TOP Site Map. Parish teacher benefits among best in the state - St. Charles Herald Guide Led by Principal Shannon Diodene, the school is home to more than 450 students and 60 employees. Red River Parish is ranked 1. SHREWSBURY The Old Cathedral near the Gateway Arch would become the home parish for downtown Catholics under a third round of proposals to reorganize the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Inside Sales (2) /Machinist/Combination Pipefitter. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. He went on to receive his bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University. After a lengthy meeting April 5, the board approved a plan similar to that proposed by the consultants, which includes the closure of Grace King High School in Metairie; Gretna Middle School in Gretna; Helen Cox High School in Harvey; Butler Elementary in Westwego; Mildred Harris Elementary in Westwego; and Washington Elementary in Kenner. Ray Gregson was elected to the school board in 2022 and began serving in 2023. District 2 School Board seat to be decided Saturday - St. Charles In addition to Mr. Cody's service on the school board, he is involved in community and professional organizations as a member of the St. Charles Parish Selective Service System Board and an upward basketball coach for Williams Boulevard Baptist Church. A recap of the last School Board Meeting. Definition of Terms 2020-2021 School Year Data New Orleans-Metairie, LA. He is a native of Hahnville and a 1982 graduate of Hahnville High School. You have permission to edit this article. St. Charles Parish Public Schools spends $16,396 per student each year. He went on to earn a degree in speech, social studies, and school administration from Southern University. It has an annual revenue of $182,770,000. School Board; District Budget; District Employment; District Profile; Equity; Executive Staff; . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 6:30 PM We are committed to Learning for Life.. Tuition and Fees / Tuition and Fees - St Charles School St. Charles Parish Public Schools 13855 River Road Luling, LA 70070 985-785-6289 985-785-1025. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Alternative Programs Center, George Washington Carver Early Learning Center. Featured Review: Junior says St. Charles Parish schools are amazing! She was named Teacher of the Year for Norco Elementary School in 1993 and the 2016 St. Charles Parish Public Schools Principal of the Year. Flood insurance hikes: Louisiana parish sues FEMA over rate details St. Charles Parish - The official website of Louisiana Lagniappe on the River Employee Appreciation Event, LAST DAY FOR K-11 STUDENTS/END OF GRADING PERIOD/EARLY DISMISSAL - ALL SCHOOLS (Professional Learnin. Please, 2023 Best School Districts in St. Charles Parish. Junior: St. Charles Parish schools are amazing! Led by Superintendent Dr. Ken Oertling and eight board members, the school system is home to more than 9,800 students and 1,600 employees. Below is a list of Public Schools in St. Charles Parish. St. Charles Parish Public Schools adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws. NES 5th Grade Celebration, LAST DAY FOR K-11 STUDENTS/END OF GRADING PERIOD/EARLY DISMISSAL - ALL SCHOOLS (Professional Learnin. Alex L. Suffrin was elected to the school board in 2006 and began serving in 2007. St. Charles Parish Public Schools is committed to ensuring that our web environment is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Total Students (2021) 9460. 302 closure six schools and the relocation of two others. If you are interested in becoming an Election Commissioner please contact Alaine Gregory at 985-783-6632 or via email at He is married to Debra G. Suffrin, has three children and eight grandchildren, and resides in Destrehan. He has served in numerous roles on the state level as a two-time president of the Louisiana School Boards Association and has been recognized by a number of local and state organizations for his outstanding contributions to education and community. Early Childhood Community Network / Overview Other The new maps can be found online at and will be available for in-person viewing at schools that would be affected by the proposed changes, as well as the Jefferson ParishSchools Administration Building at 501 Manhattan Blvd. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades. Carver High School. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search. Hahnville, LA 70057, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. It has 267 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 21 to 1. St. Charles Parish is ranked 7th. Statistical Area. The website ranked SCPPS as the #1school district in Louisiana! Also under the plan Haynes Academy will move to Grace Kings campus and Thomas Jefferson Academy will move to Gretna Middles campus. She is married to Gregory "Dustin" Boudreaux, is raising three children, and resides in Bayou Gauche. Colleges and Universities Ellis A. Alexander, Sr. was elected to the school board in 2006 and began serving in 2007. Livingston Parish council unexpectedly sends proposal to repeal zoning maps back to committee. She is a native of Norco and a 1980 graduate of Destrehan High School. Read the full article here. District. Art Aucoin was elected to the school board in 2010 and began serving in 2011. These schools help get your transcript on point. She is married to Stephen G. Weber, has raised five children, has seven grandchildren, and resides in Norco. Election Cycles 2020 Elections Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for St. Charles Parish Council District 1 Council District 2 Council District 3 Council District 4 Council District 5 Council District 6 Council District 7 Quick Links Public Record Search Contact Us Birth Certificates Forms Connect with Us High Schools in St. Charles Parish School District If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or religion. Students at Grace King High School will move to Bonnabel High School or Riverdale High School, Students at Gretna Middle School students will be moved to Marrero Middle School or Livaudais Middle School, Helen Cox High School students will move to John Ehret High School or West Jefferson High School, Joshua Butler Elementary students will move to Isaac Joseph Elementary or Truman School, Mildred Harris Elementary students will move to Cherbonnier Elementary or Emmett Gilbert Elementary, Washington Elementary students will move to Bunche Elementary, St. Ville Elementary students would move to Woodmere Elementary, Some John Ehret High School students would move to LW Higgins High School, Some Isaac Joseph Elementary students would move to Judge Lionel Collins Elementary or Truman School, Some Emmett Gilbert students would move to Cherbonnier Elementary, Some AC Alexander Elementary students would move to G.T. St. Charles Parish LA Schools Features Land St. Charles Parish Louisiana Public Schools Levels: P rimary, M iddle, H igh, O ther Regular Schools Levels: P rimary, M iddle, H igh, O ther St. Charles Parish Louisiana Private Schools Levels: E lementary School, S econdary School, O ther - mixed grades Regular Schools We invite you to learn more about our school "Where Life-Long Learners Excel." 24 Niche users give it an average review of 4.5 stars. St. Charles Parish Public School System - Wikipedia Alex L. SuffrinDistrict 8108 Cypress LaneDestrehan, LA 70047Email: Eual J. Landry, Sr. Educational Programs Center, Executive Director of Secondary Schools Announced, SCPPS Seeks Community Input on Physical Education and Athletic Facilities, Lagniappe on the River Employee Appreciation Event, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Applicants to the St. Charles Parish Public School System may apply for employment by accessing one of the links below. Fifteen schools, five centers and seven sites serve the community of St. Charles Parish with classes ranging from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and head start. St. Charles Parish School District (2023) - Destrehan, LA St. Charles Parish Public Schools / Homepage Our school offers an education for all students providing them with opportunities to reach their full potential by participating in numerous academic programs and the arts. The Jefferson Parish School Board will discuss and vote on the proposed zones during a special meeting Monday, a wide-ranging school reorganization plan. Before an election, the Board selects, at random, qualified commissioners to staff each precinct. St. Charles Parish Public Schools Phone: (985) 785-3173 St. Charles Parish Public Schools 13855 River Road Luling, LA 70070985-785-6289985-785-1025 BACK TO TOPSite Map St. Charles Parish Public Schools adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws. Compare St. Charles Parish School to Other Schools School Details Grades PK, K-8 Students 267 Student-Teacher Ratio 21:1 National 17:1 Full-Time Teachers 12 Part-Time Teachers 1 Tuition Norco Elementary / Homepage - St. Charles Parish Public School System Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, River Parishes Workforce Development Board, St. Charles Museum and Historical Association, Rabies Vaccinations, Microchipping and Low Cost Services, St. Charles Parish Mortgage Assistance Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Notice of Nondiscrimination & Accommodations, Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2011 LA House of Representatives Districts 56, 57 and 92. He is married to Sherri Jacob Gregson, has three children, and resides in Luling. PO Box The 2023 Best School Districts ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Click MORE for access to the 2022-2023 District Calendar, NorcoElementary School, home of the Eagles, serves students in Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade. District Calendars / 23-24 District Calendars John L. SmithDistrict 511708 River RoadSt. He went on to attend the University of New Orleans, Loyola University (New Orleans), and Nicholls State University. Address: 1471 WPA Road Des Allemands, LA 70030 Phone: (985) 758-7427 Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc./Bayou Chapter (ABC) Address: 101 Riverbend Drive St. Rose, LA 70087 Phone: (504) 468-3188 Boutte Christian Academy Preschool Address: 13271 Highway 90 Boutte, LA 70039 Phone: (985) 785-2456 Destrehan High School Address: #1 Wildcat Lane St. Charles Parish, LA Elections He retired from professional baseball in 2007 and began umpiring collegiate baseball in 2008. This close knit community takes pride in its TripleAschool system focused on academics, athletics and the arts, and its rich history, which is evident through its commitment with 94 percent of students in the area attending St. Charles Parish Public Schools. St. Charles Parish Public Schools; Map of Schools & Centers . He is married to Evelyn J. Smith, has two children and nine grandchildren, and resides in St. Rose. From the St. Charles Parish perspective, it could be interpreted as a sign the school district is taking proactive measures to limit the effects of the shortage locally, including an increased focus on recruiting. See the proposed Jefferson Parish school attendance zones | Jefferson The national. In February, the School Board hired a consulting firm to recommend how to more efficiently use the district's current resources. You can access your child's student ID from here. He is a native of Lubbock, Texas, and a 1994 graduate of Monterey High School. We invite you to learn more about our school "Where Life-Long Learners Excel.". Karen L. Boudreaux was elected to the school board in 2022 and began serving in 2023. Ranking factors include state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, public school district ratings, and more. He received the Distinguished Board Member Award in 2010 from NSBA, was recognized as a Friend of Public Education in 2016 by LSBA, and received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Trailblazer Award in 2016. Growth Rate (2017-21) 1.5%. By working together, we accomplish amazing outcomes for our students. 63301 Office: 636-443-4009 Fax: 636-443-4099 #SCSDunited Students in the St. Charles Parish Public School System had been back in the classroom for less than a month while navigating a resurgence in the COVID-19 pandemic when Hurricane Ida blew. The new maps can be found online at and will be available for in-person viewing at schools that would be affected by the proposed changes, as well as the Jefferson. The school district's graduation rate of 87% has decreased from 89% over five school years. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Map of St. Charles Parish School District Boundaries and its Surrounding Districts The St. Charles Parish School District high school list above should give you more information on how to choose the right school or contact any of the schools in the St. Charles Parish School District Click here to get a spreadsheet of Louisiana high schools 15045 River Road High schools. NOTES In addition to Ms. Boudreaux's service on the school board, she is involved in community and professional organizations as a member of the Louisiana School Boards Association, Board Secretary for A Safe Space (domestic violence organization), worship team leader, young adult & youth ministry leader, and member of the Des Allemands Assembly of God Church. Here they are. Note: Fiscal data (including per pupil count used in this table) from 2018-2019. St. Charles School Tuition Schedule 2022-2023. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or religion. Use the Louisiana Secretary of State's polling place locator. Around 13% of the district's 47,000 students will be affected by school closures or changes in attendance zones. Saint Charles Parish. In addition to Mr. Alexander's service on the school board, he is involved in community and professional organizations as a member of the National School Boards Association, Louisiana School Boards Association, Louisiana Caucus of Black School Board Members, and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Click here for the updated link to PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal. The clerk of courts office handles qualifying for elected officials in local elections. Our students and staff have been honored with numerous awards on the local, state and national level, and the district is ranked among the top in the state. 2019 Elections Provides auto-suggestions when entering text, Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. President (District 7) 119 Lake Catherine Drive Luling, LA 70070 Email: 504-339-9866 Mr. Aucoin's Bio: Art Aucoin was elected to the school board in 2010 and began serving in 2011. Lafourche superintendent responds to St. Charles teacher raise
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