simurgh worm fanfiction

Chapter 1. The data focused around him. -. Two more minutes passed before it was gone in entirety. Each target is conceptualized in the context of twelve to eighty years of history. -. What happens is you get Spheres and Professor Haywires and Leets. -, The Simurgh, for the time being, came part and parcel with Tattletale. The Simurgh had approached from the far side of the moon and descended to hover just above the tallest building in Lausanne. As the multiverse steels itself for the apocalyptic breaking of the ice, the Simurgh makes a visit to Earth Shin, leaving a plethora of Tinkertech in a small area near Shin's portal with Gimel before disappearing. -, She's a telekinetic capable of tossing buildings, she flies, and her scanning ability lets her borrow and copy techniques and mental powers from others - including the power of tinkers (essentially scanning Iron Man and gaining the ability to make what he can make, then telekinetically pulling together a macro-scale version of his devices from surrounding materials). [AltPower!Taylor / Worm] | Page 134, The Reapers - Crystalizing [Worm x Cradle Crossover], The Undersiders and the Holy Grail | Worm x Monty Python. Glimmer (She-Ra) Crossover Superheroes Fantasy Science Fiction As the multiverse steels itself for the apocalyptic breaking of the ice, the Simurgh makes a visit to Earth Shin, leaving a plethora of Tinkertech in a small area near Shin's portal with Gimel before disappearing. She gave no sign shed listened. Please, for the all things Holy, just don't interact with Taylor. [300] Withdrawal could still disengage from his tinkertech frame,[301] allowing him to hard counter her telekinesis[287][302] with his yellow fluid. This happens if he does. [164] It is also slower and much less effective at gathering information,[152] which weakens its predictive power. While she understand that, she also realize that in beggining she's not beyond enough to feel safe. Teacher used it against her here. For more information, please see our Subconscious desires. [51] Her telekinesis is not only Manton-limited,[228] but she could still move even when the Bakunawa Zero cancelled her telekinesis. The shadow of Eidolon stepped down onto the fingertip. Fanfic Create New There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be The Simurgh! News. Cookie Notice The most shocking part of it all was the, She turned to one side, and Krouse could make out her face. [152] Although it lacks planetary range,[115] its range (i.e., radius) is at least 315 km and presumably covers a large area of the Earth's hemisphere while she is in low Earth orbit. Where are you at, Gilpatrick? -, The key here isn't the Flash, or Superman, or Batman. Memories of a Simurgh Victim - Diabolus ex Machina. There was little left but the handle and the base of the sword. Given enough time, she can work around blind spots to some extent. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. It wasnt large, but it didnt really have to be. As for as the world is concerned, Taylor Hebert may as well have died months ago. 1. Who Needs Enemies? [167], If desired, the Simurgh can choose to emit a signal with less strength than normal. Tropes: Attention Deficit. [268], Her active scream can allow her to pull on the perception powers of nearby Thinkers and tap into them; as long as they stay within active scream range, she can then borrow those specific powers. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. First of all, the Sleeper is retreating. Cryptid would remember his bird forms, chosen with a bird aesthetic because they each had a form of, My team was just trying to ballpark how were doing, I told him. [91], After Eidolon's death, the Simurgh explicitly intends to recreate her creator to satisfy her drive to war against him. She knows shell be blind, here and there. Thank you so much! Ziz[1]Israfel[2]The Third[3]Ulama[2]Lady in silver (By Tattletale)[4]The all-knowing angel (By Tattletale)[5]The silver woman (By Titan Fortuna)[6]The winged woman (By Khepri)[7]The winged Endbringer (By Khepri)[8]Simmy (By Tattletale)[9]Psycho alien bird bitch (By Cody)[10]Lunatic alien bird thing (By Cody)[11]Bird woman (By Krouse)[12]The smurf (By Cody)[13] Something a few notches above soprano in pitch, holding long notes that stretched on just enough for him to get used to them. Discard the useless elements, maintain the pivotal ones. With no satellites to use for remote access except the ones she deployed after passing through the portal, she was limited in what she could do. I held on, told myself I wouldnt cut you off until we had another Simurgh attack, to ensure you could minimize the damage, that youd be able to recuperate and adjust for at least a few months before she showed up again. -. The Simurgh wanted a fight, wanted conflict, everyone on the planet pushing themselves to the limit, testing a system shed set in motion. [358], The Wardens previously baited in Sleeper and lured him to the City in an attempt to slow down the Titans. No. This guy said she has a weakness. Teams Or do it because Scion killed Behemoth, your brother, and some part of you is programmed with a sense of kinship or whatever. As communications go, it is crude, but she knows her siblings like she knows any other target. She has no alias, and no home. She collects and stacks the pieces. It is unknown whether the death of Behemoth was predicted, given Scion's and Eidolon's interference. [325], Apparently, tried to clone Eidolon only for it to be destroyed. Driving me crazy.. Seed (Fanfic) - TV Tropes We, Elsewhere, other pieces of the same machine were being programmed with the impulses, needs and courses that would slot them neatly into the superstructure. [267] Her flight is not dependent on her wings;[30][303] however, by pointing her wings directly behind her, she can become more aerodynamic. Its going to bounce back from just about anything you could do to it. Basic Information TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. I knew Sveta and Tristan would be boarding it. They varied in size, with some extending over the whole city, while others covered the various territories. What if that kid triggers with the ability to murder entire countries? Status of Class-S threats. Haha, this looks like a promising crack. To handle a temporary blind spot, the Simurgh can use prior information to guess their likely course. The kind that would cover this whole colony, and then some, I said. I think it's likely/possible and would have to, barring extraordinary evidence to the contrary popping up in OPM, say 'definite kill'. Saw Svetas hurt, as she held one arm to a bicep, where tendrils were especially active. There was no reality she could interpret where the result wasnt entirely to her favor. I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh] - Questionable Questing Praise be to sky waifu! Although they share the common drive of going to war against their creator, her siblings have a different paradigm and purpose as they were built with other fundamental drives. What helps the Justice League get the edge is the Martian Manhunter. [267] If relevant Tinkers are not nearby, she can only make cosmetic changes to her tinker devices. Hit the wing! Narwhal called out. I heard her voice. [185] Eidolon built her from structures that presumably have the common ability of flight. A stirring that prompts another stirring, and the temporal effects that can be affected are struck in a particular pattern, strained in a particular order, from the fastest to the slowest. The Endbringers are dormant, were finally building things without them being torn down all the time. -, The remaining Endbringers are quiet, Capricorn said. So it went. Warbling, with highs and lows. It certainly wasn't deliberate. [265] As long as Tinkers stay within active scream range, her signal can allow her to borrow their schematics[266] and techniques,[267] copy the design of specific devices present,[266] and collect knowledge to create related tinker tech via a Thinker/Trump sort of approach. She requires access to particular information. [308] The Simurgh can also fly up and maintain a lazy orbit in the Earth's thermosphere[33] or mesosphere. Lord knows someone should do that for at least one Taylor Hebert. When shed attacked Manchester, Id been barred from joining the fight by bureaucratic red tape. He had ideas on solving world hunger, and building aquatic cities near cities plagued by overcrowding. Did Taylor trigger from that meeting? This time, I put the exit portals against Earths atmosphere, aiming for the general direction of a satellite. She knew Riley Grace Davis, and was recognizable as a member of the flock. Cookie Notice Where had the Simurgh been in contact with a tinker with that particular knowledge? Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. Nice work, damien. Lets get this started., It wasnt Jeanne who answered. "There was no long-term, and trying to cling to one would only spoil it all.". Often, this is the point of their death. Defiants head turned, as if Tattletale had said something. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets. Shin is determined to investigate the Tinkertech themselves, but the Wardens send a group of their own elites, who believe the Tinkertech is tied to something more important than it seems. Read it at Sufficient Velocity or at no they are not expies of other characters regardless of how they seem. Several satellites orbit Earth Bet for applications in communication,[52][53][54][55] internet,[56][57] TV,[58][59] observation,[60][61] imagery,[62][63] and Dragon backups. Sixty-two miles above the surface of the Earth, the Simurgh changed the course of her flight. There were researchers, theorists, civil managers, stables, farms. The impact to the side of his Marduk drove him off course. [81] Regardless of her interference, Sphere's space project was doomed to fail from the start;[82][83] his shard is explicitly dissatisfied with him. Strings of tragedies inevitably occur in the vicinity of her attacks, long after she has retreated. Flim-Flam Every Nation 2-Gumshoe Glory: Worm/Carmen Sandiego19. This is going to be the best trainwreck I've seen in a looong time. But you cant tell me I cant watch T.V., Yeah, and unless somethings changed, Kevin said, The only person he listens to is me. As if to punctuate the statement, the Marduk was hit from the side. [50][51], The Simurgh has not shown any inclination to attack satellites in orbit or prevent space travel in general. One by one, they each came to a complete stop. Holes in time, wells, echoes, slowed time and accelerated time, from confrontations that have occurred, even confrontations she participated in. If you two want to play hardass mom and dad and be controlling assholes, okay. -. Weve heard of incidents where one person became a very large-scale effect. Kronos. Had I been on foot, it was the one I would have caught. -, His computer had a battery of its own, and the machine it was hooked up to gave it a satellite feed. [33] As her silent scream is inaudible, it cannot be tracked or sensed by most individuals,[152] allowing her to subtly gather information without being detected. Doesnt scare me.. [183][184] When going all out, she can deliberately stop using her active scream to better hide her presence[164] and set up ambushes. He just wanted his family to be whole again and QA halped him)). Intrigue, IT FUELS ME. It would have some blend of her powers and Myrddins. Until-, She had other drives. [319] The aftermath of this attack necessitated the construction of a dome around the city. In a vast sea of darkness, with much of the city unlit at this late hour, people were retreating to Garys tent. Give her the bestest 80 foot tall floofy-winged hug, a pat on the head, and send her off on some precoged path to a really relaxing bubble bath. Cold. Hed had three breaks from the screaming, with whatever power Myrddin had used to shunt him halfway into some other dimension, and the two flashbacks. There were enough notes to it now that it almost did sound like singing. Haha, they're going to put Amy in quarantine. To look for the answer why. They obey, they remain calm. Fanfic / There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be the Simurgh! Information on the Endbringers, provided in retrospect, only after Gold Morning when the Endbringers cooperated against Scion and the attacks stopped. [171] The Simurgh can now place a subtle[238][115] and long-term psychic influence that alters their behavior, implants messages, or creates compulsions. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. I think the catch is that most precogs and danger sensers cant see triggers coming, even broken ones. -, Krouse was getting more excited, had to press his hand flat against the floor to stop it from shaking. This is its so crude you couldnt even call it a hack job., The cycle had failed. Your account registration will be rejected because of it. friendship:Amy Dallon & Sabah & Taylor Hebert, friendship:Annette Hebert & Taylor Hebert, Aradia Megido/Feferi Peixes/Nepeta Leijon, Blake Belladonna/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long, friendship:Madison Clements & Simurgh & Taylor Hebert, friendship:Taylor Hebert & Victoria Dallon, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, Riding Acromantulas and Understanding Magical Biology, Taylor Doesn't Always get the Short Stick, Give The World A Hero (And Lose All You Love), Still better than falling for a straight girl, Queen Administrator's Multiverse Adventures - Remnant, My Completely Normal Parahuman: Hogwarts is Magic, Tales of Tattled Tales with Tattletale's Tale Tattled, Nice Guy's Amazing Adventures with those chaps he met from the Slaughterhouse. The amount of trolling Me!Ziz can do to QA using Taylor as a medium is too much to waste. [347][348] Defiant decides to trust in Dauntless[247] and flies his ship right past him at speeds fast enough to peel away damaged hull. Something grabbed me, and my first thought was, She really hoped nothing had happened. She possesses telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition and a perpetual psychic scream. Long seconds passed. For more information, please see our Heroes won,[318] but as in previous attacks the aftermath necessitated the quarantine of the city. A wall of it, moving down the corridor. (follows A Cliche Harry Potter Fanfic) by EverythingNarrative (133 chapters, 128k words, last updated: 10th Feb, . The armband beeped, then beeped again a second later. Simurgh's multiple wings and attempt at modesty might, therefore, be a reference to Biblical seraphim. When she wasnt fighting, she was a distance away from my teammate and friend. She was subtle. Too likely that I was mentally unstable. As trials get longer and harder, so must she, unless a Void inside consumes her. She made him better. [360], The range (i.e., radius) of her active scream is at least a quarter mile, Illustration by NotForYouHiggins on Reddit, Thats one of the other names for Behemoth. Spread out over several targets at once, it serves as her primary sense. Well this is going to end in fire, tears, and most likely Piggot laughing maniacaly as Ziz trolls the everloving fuck out of her. They will be shut in with no hero presence except maybe New Wave to keep them in check, and the city will turn into a warzone when the gangs fight for the choicest pieces of the carcass. Brace yourselves, aura! I raised my voice. [226][227] Note that this psychic pressure is psionic in nature as her telekinesis is Manton-limited. Uphill/doomed project from the start. I lifted her. The screaming was a roar in my ears, like the adrenaline in my ears when Id been trapped. -, I'm a huge fan of this rendition, because it really does have the sheer intensity and scale of the wings that many other images have lacked. The Fragile One held one of the syringes Id had her knock to the floor in the first move. Instead, like watercolor paint, a different perspective began to bleed into the surrounding sky, too bright, too blue a sky, with pale, squat buildings almost glowing in the comparative absence of clouds. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat. These are the first arcs Crossposted from The full story can be found there. Might be why shes attached to me. [114], Reports had it as her being active again,[327] her intentions were unknown. It had been a park, once, but there was no grass, no water, there were no trees. There was a steady repetition, I cant promise it would work, but hair can confuse the Manton effect. Its a fresh start. [295][296][297] Withdrawal's tinkertech frame has mechanical extremities not covered by the Manton effect; she can pin these extended limbs. [86][87], Eidolon created the Simurgh with a fundamental drive to go to war against him. [88] However, because he unknowingly built her from greater structures intended to salvage a situation where the host species eliminated itself, she also has a drive to collect, consolidate, and sort information[89] produced by parahumans and humanity in a world of conflict. What area?, Example: one phase of the peripheral systems check involved collecting the uploaded data that had been deposited on the satellite network by her agent system, the onboard computer within the Cawthorne rapid response unit. Privacy Policy. [290] The Bakunawa Zero can send out spherical waves capable of stripping away the Simurgh's telekinetic hold. [118], She calls Eidolon an administrator of the highest order[119] and uses male pronouns when referring to her creator. "Ziz" is the third creature in what can be called an Abrahamic trinity of beasts. [320] This was a factor in Canary having a highly biased trial that sent her to the birdcage.[321]. Withdrawal was back in his frame, now, covered in yellow that looked like hed sloshed a bucket of paint over himself. [222][223][224], The psionic signal of her active scream exerts a psychic pressure[153][169] that the minds of living beings (e.g., animals and people[12]) interpret as an impossibly high and drawn out scream. I simply cant envision their towering, nightmarish forms anymore when all I see staring back at me is their concerned eyes. It is unknown if the Simurgh was involved in the creation of Khepri. [221] It also opened a window of opportunity afterward: the discombobulated Endbringer could only leverage prior information about the surrounding facility[156] and had to restart her warm-up information gathering phase once this temporary blind spot effect disappeared. The Marduk roared, the velocity causing hull to peel away, where the lasers had caught it. [331] She later ambushed the leading group, that was securing the complex, killing several heroes in the process. On the battlefield, the Bakunawa Zero was her tool against Pouffe, a ship loaded down with ten different disruption factors. Not so much that precogs are rare, but that theyre limited. Her features were delicate with high cheekbones. Finally, she decided to cede ground. A Young Girl wakes up in a hospital and ponders just what heroes are made of. The second option is that the moon base works fine, the first colony gets out there, and then somewhere along the line Gramme's well of inspiration and his eye for key details in his tinkerings just stops. [172][239] Several people in any population are already on the verge of a mental breakdown and only need the right prompt from the Simurgh to snap. See, I grimace, and just as Legend is about to let loose a blast of deadly lasers, I speak. Was it someone on our side? When the spears disruption overrode the Simurghs signal, the signal got through. [112] Although she makes no further attempts to clone Eidolon over the next two years,[113][114] the Simurgh plans on recreating him to be her nemesis once she has merged with Titan Fortuna and set up her forced simulation. The Simurgh? She shrank to tiny size, and I shifted my grip, still holding her. [88] Eidolon, who has Eden's counterpart shard to Scion's Queen Administrator,[120] created her via the shard network[121] out of Eden's[122][123] pool of emergency resources. Simurgh Fics. : r/WormFanfic - Reddit That happened, we don't really know if it's Amy or Victoria that will get Simurghed but I think that one of the two will die. Im spooked about what comes next, and if we can even beat her. Had he been here when Id used my power? [230][222][223] After years of experience against the Simurgh,[231] humanity came up with a system to evaluate the danger of sustained exposure via two thresholds: code yellow and code red. This serves as a larger clue to the Endbringers' constructed nature that they deliberately tap into these belief structures. Memories of a Simurgh, Part 3: Helping is Hard. -, Shower: Its interfering with others ability to access things. Small, slow, steady, but it was creeping in, building up, and it was doing it faster than it had initially done. Agatha H. and the Bay of Capes 2-Jaegering Around: Girl Genius/Worm21. A single crack at the lattice at one shoulder widened, inching down toward one nipple-less breast. My coat. The Simurgh wasnt on his shoulder, but flapped lazy circles, flying in a way that didnt feel intuitive with the flaps. Generally just a bunch of stories that I couldn't turn into full-length stories for one reason or another. A whole section of the dust cleared away, stripped of the Simurghs telekinetic hold. -, She is utterly blind in the present, with no eyesight or other senses to perceive things in the now. Thirty years in the future, a child was programmed. PRT divisions and precincts in neighboring cities were all too willing to send along staff and officers to assist, but her firm requests for the fundamentals -for computers, printers, satellite hookups, electricians and IT teams- were ignored all too often. Weve been holding them off but -, Defiant steered a careful course around the cluster of Titans, mindful of the Simurghs plotted course, as she tried to stay away from Dauntless and the attacks the Titan made with the spear of light. I am Contessa, and I have a little challenge all set up for you. The Simurgh exhibits precognition, perfect awareness of the immediate future, and the more she sings/scans the further it reaches. [263], Although the Simurgh is normally unable to make tinker devices herself,[264] her active scream can pull on nearby Tinker powers. Scan this QR code to download the app now, giantess dommy mommy god-queen kuudere gf. In Isaiah 6:2, above the throne of God "were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying." The Titan Dauntless moved again, the spear sweeping up. When Gold Morning occurred, the Simurgh concludes that Scion is now an obstacle to remove:[92] she starts planning for his death via hijacking Dinah's plot[93] of creating Khepri[94][95] and also begins planning for events after his death. Her hair whipped around her, nearly as long as she was tall and platinum-white. The Simurgh | Worm Wiki | Fandom Israfel. No apparent past or future. Three or four billion years would pass before one of the entities returned to this world. Probably wouldn't draw his notice until people with shards started leaving in any greater number. Withdrawals trick with the paint was great, but it was defensive. [89] She seeks to establish a system that will last until another entity arrives in an estimated three or four billion years. In the lobby of the headquarters, before Dinah Alcotts use of her power made deciphering the following events difficult, before the heroes started strategizing about this battle, he would watch Dragon offer a helping hand to a heroine he had bumped into. The hallways- I checked both, and both were lit. She sees not the obstacle, but she can see things that are set in motion around it. They might terminate our connection to the computer database via the satellite feed, but not the lights. -, You state your location as the north end of Brockton Bay, profess to have a generator and satellite internet. A city in black and white, with a shadow of gold due to the prevalence of the solar windows reflecting tinted light down onto snow. [335], In a desperate attempt to subsume Titan Fortuna before Dauntless can join her network, the Simurgh flies towards Fortuna's small army of Titans. [44] Although Tattletale believes the Simurgh runs on more emotional response patterns than other Endbringers such as Behemoth and that the belief system of the Simurgh's creator has influenced how she functions, Tattletale still believes her mindset vaguely resembles that of a shard. -, The Simurgh lifted Lucas apartment building into the air and tore it into shreds. And the other way? Other times, they disappear into darkness, obscured by another power. The screaming was finding its way back into my head. -. well. -, Lets assume they have clear goals. Svetas, the one that was supposed to give her a body, left deliberately behind. -. [20], The Simurgh does not command her siblings. [119][132], Should their objectives align, the Simurgh can use her understanding of them to better persuade her siblings to pursue common interests. She was able to fake her destruction at Zion's hands and helped to break his mind. Are the labs clear?. [90][91] The Simurgh describes these drives as being just as fundamental to her as water and food are for humans. I don't know what to think. ItinerantThe Kronos Titan (Formerly)[27][28][29][30][31][32]Earth's thermosphere or mesosphere (Formerly)[33][34] But she faces an obstacle that she is utterly blind to, now. I don't know about your writing style or the plot you have in your head but the possibility is just not worth it. An Endbringer who runs a shop. Ten being fantastic. You were dealing with the Simurgh., "Tattletale said the thinkers are analyzing Titan Fortuna and the Simurgh. Dragon started work on an early warning system for the Endbringers, to see if we cant anticipate where theyll strike next, prepare to some degree. -, He was all too aware that he could be walking into her trap. Defiant! Lookouts voice came through the console. Wow. Below me is a planet. Pretercognition. Parts of my outfit that werent close enough to my skin to be considered an extension of. Each and every one of us, weve got a board and were sitting on the other side of the table from the all-knowing angel. [216] According to Tattletale, the Simurgh knows she will be blind sometimes; in a fight, the Endbringer collects and stacks pieces to ideally reach a point where she has so many factors on her side that she can make blind moves and still win. She is a fucking protagonist but why the hell all SIs fawn over her so much? [153] Note that she explicitly needs time for the victim to pass their code red threshold before she can get her hooks in;[238] this process does not get any faster when she goes all out. Taylor Hebert/Simurgh (Worm) Sophia Hess/Simurgh (Worm) Taylor Hebert; Simurgh (Worm) Sophia Hess; Emma Barnes (Worm) Original Character(s) Bittersweet Ending; Implied Relationships; Summary. The titan. Read it at Sufficient Velocity or at Most likely sequence of events, accounting for future-viewers obscuring possibilities, is that she finishes her journey in the ensuing ten minutes. Unclear whether she finishes her note or writes something lengthier. The Simurgh, for her part, seemed to be busy building other tinker devices, drawing on the abilities of tinkers in the immediate area. Fair warning, some of these cut off in weird places, because they aren't at a realistic stopping point yet. There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be The Simurgh! Answer the questions, Chris, Sveta said. His powers were adapting. [181], The Simurgh can telekinetically create and control "decoys" made from debris. Lausanne, December 30th, 2002. Discussion of it is still prohibited as per Rule 8, Chapter 2 - Confusion, Defiance, and Dickery, Chapter 3 - Discussion, Deliberation, Delivery, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Im fucking annoyed with this. She seemed human, but fifteen or so feet tall, waif-thin, and unclothed. Messages From An Angel Taylor talks to the Simurgh via PHO I believe. Personally I'd like it if Victoria was the protagonist, Victoria and her aura could be devastating as a mastermind in a Simurgh plot.

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