shantae characters age

She considers Shantae her best friend and truly cares for her. During the events of thefirst game, she is portrayed at the beginning as young and somewhat nave. Shantae is the protagonist of her eponymous series. Ultimate. Risky calls her "the one of whom [the other Sirens] will not speak", and her role in the plot is quite pivotal, so it's impossible to discuss her at length without spoiling the endgame. Gallery Born on , , Shantae Barnes-Cowan hails from Canberra, Australia. PC Shantae and Risky appear as Spirits in Super Smash Bros. Mentioned in the original Shantae and introduced in Risky's Revenge. Discussed, then played straight. She appeared as a playable character in the 2015 WayForward Apple Watch game Watch Quest. The official info stating the character age and if the character looks too infantile. She came up with the basic design and had the idea that she could whip her hair as a weapon and would use dancing to charm or summon animals, which was later changed to transformations into animals and mythological creatures. Strong enough to pull out/carry a heavy cannon. She is described as a troubled genie, born without any magic power, although she was capable of hair whipping already. Gets red scleras in her backer classic costume. Affiliations Previous View GalleryRandom Image Next More: Shantae Uploaded by Ingway Shantae Uploaded by Rylade475 Shantae Uploaded by RamdomGuy2013 Shantae Uploaded by Sum Lu Zer Ultimate as spirits,[47] with Shantae later becoming available as a Mii Brawler costume via downloadable content alongside the "Neo Burning Town" music track from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero on June 29, 2021. Can attack with her hair 6 to 7 times in 1 seconds. She constantly seeks to conquer Sequin Land or take revenge on Shantae for ruining her schemes. Tinkerbats are Risky's silent shadow army. An ordinary citizen by the name of Brandon, by wielding his enchanted blade and uttering the mystical words, he transforms into the most capable man in the galaxy, Bran-Son! They are the titular main antagonists in, "You should go too, before you forget why came here. My half-sister is about twenty years older than me (I'm guessing Risky's . Although she's willing to explore her genie side, hoping that it will bring her closer to her mother, she turns down the genies' offer to stay in the Genie Realm at the end of the first game, and at the end of Risky's Revenge is shown expressing sadness as being even farther from her half-genie nature (and subsequently her mother) after having lost her magic powers. and ultimately ends up helping Shantae defeat her fellow aquatic menaces. This is a good show of Shantae's determination - unlike others, Shantae is not willing to sit around and wait for problems to be solved on their own. A half-genie, the Guardian Genie of Scuttle Town, and the titular protagonist, Shantae works tirelessly to thwart the plans of the nefarious lady-pirate, Risky Boots, and anyone who would threaten the world. PinTweet PROTIP:Press the and keys to navigate the gallery, 'g'to view the gallery, or 'r'to view a random image. She has brown skin, blue eyes and a tiny nose. . Shantae is a DLC character in Blaster Master Zero, vastly more powerful than the base character. [21] A Mii Brawler costume based on her was released as downloadable content for the game on June 29, 2021. Shantae has a deep care for her assumed uncle,Mimic, as well as her friendsSkyandBolo, and at the end of the first game gives up on the chance to enjoy eternal peace in theGenie Realmin order to be with them. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Age Many of these features were ultimately implemented into later titles; background movement, swimming, and the mermaid transformation were introduced in Risky's Revenge, while flying on Wrench and all three transformations were used in Half-Genie Hero. Introduced in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. He's also referenced in Seven Sirens as a doll Shantae must find. [6][7], The character has been well received and is featured in several lists of the greatest video game heroines. After being tricked by Risky near the end of the game and subsequently thwarting her plans, she overcomes her insecurity and shyness and comes to terms with these anxieties, and is happy that the townsfolk still accept her. Age No canonical age Physical description Species Half-Genie, Half-Human Gender Female Appearances Created by Erin & Matt Bozon Appears in Shantae series Super Smash Bros Ultimate Runbow Blaster Master Zero Debut Shantae (2002 video game) Shantae is the titular main protagonist of the Shantae series. Rottytops is a sentient zombie girl who is described as being mischievous and constantly looking for trouble for fun. Lighthouse in Scuttle Town Genie powers can be removed with an empty magic genie lamp. This works exactly as Risky planned against the Pirate Master, but while the Empress Siren's mutiny is appropriately repaid, her gigantification ends with the airship Risky coveted going down in flames, Rotty climbs out of Shantae's pillowcase and reveals she was hiding inside of it. Doubly so for her favorite warbird, Wrench. A sequel exists called Shantae: The Ties That Bind. 1997. Matt later asked her what she would come up with if she was to create a video game character, and she introduced him to Shantae. Voiced by As the Guardian Genie of Scuttle town, Shantae lives in alighthouseby the sea where she can spot incoming ships and trouble. Never seen without her pet war bird Wrench, she is described as being in a hurry to grow up. [8][9], In 2017, readers of NintendoLife voted Shantae as the 8th-top most wanted character for Super Smash Bros. In the first one, he stated that at the time, Erin had very long hair and Matt would often take a blow in his face each time she turned around, which inspired him for Shantae's trademark attack. In Risky's Revenge, she's shown to have grown more confident, enough to believe that she's the only person able to stop Risky Boots and discarding Mimic's suggestion that Sky and Bolo should go instead. [4], The archived version of WayForward's site also depicts Shantae with a very different appearance, as a brunette with a less manga-ish appearance. [49], Merchandise of Shantae characters has also been produced. The next day Shantae begins to feel suspicious, so she decides to venture into the islands underground terrain to uncover its secrets and come face-to-face with the Seven Sirens, freeing the other Half-Genies along the way, despite her allies (specifically Mimic and Sky, though the dialogue implies that Bolo doesn't want her to disappear either) forbidding her to go in an attempt to protect her. Strong enough to break free of ropes tied around her arms. Can fight off hordes of soldiers and monsters and not get tired. Four of the labyrinths were supposed to be based on the four seasons; the first labyrinth, which was featured in the demo, was based on autumn, and its hub room was filled with falling autumn leaves. He claims that he did a saucy dance in order to join the army. WayForward Dev on Shantae's age | Shantae | Know Your Meme As with the original game, Shantae Advance was developed by Matt Bozon on his own time. Vs. Shantae | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom However, she is also extremely untrustworthy, crafty, and manipulative. Bolo is Shantae's friend and sparring partner. She also considers the zombie Rottytops as her friend, although Rotty's own attitude towards her, while friendly for the most part, is more ambivalent, as she does not hesitate in claiming she would like to eat Shantae's brains (which Shantae seems to take as a joke). They are intelligent and skillful, yet skittish and non-communicative. First Appearance "It's the imperfections that make the character, don't you agree? Her disguise in. Human form's schoolgirl outfit, despite being one of the more conservative get-ups in Rottytop's Wardrobe, has some shades of this. Its poor sales are generally attributed to its late release on the Game Boy Color, which at the time had been succeeded by the Game Boy Advance. [14], In the first game, Shantae is described as a half-genie, the offspring of a human father and Guardian Genie mother whom she never met, as they disappeared when she was only a baby. Shantae, the original indie darling! Shantae is a young girl with a very slender build. She can also shape-shift into animals -- like an elephant -- to gain access . Matt Bozon stood by Shantae, believing that she "had to exist" to see "if there was an audience reaching back", although, after the game's commercial failure, he later acknowledged that publishers probably "genuinely knew their markets". It follows the story of a sexy half-genie who uses her hair as a whip to beat up enemies including skeletons, zombies, and pirates. He describes 'the player' of the game he wants to make going on one of these in, Helps Shantae get into Risky's hideout in the end of, After Shantae restoring Scuttle Town with her powers and giving it back to Mayor Scuttlebutt using a genies wish. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and like drones serving a queen they act as an extension of Risky's will. You fight them in the very last stages of each of these games, too. Shantae is a series of platform video games developed by WayForward. Shantae / WMG - TV Tropes Finally, the credits of the game shows a picture of him and his tank trapped in the quicksand of Tan Line Island. Allies Her lighter skin on the first sketches in contrast to her former design generated minor controversy, and WayForward worked to fix it later on. Home the pillow is the game's most damaging melee attack! Sky's father is a Relic Hunter like Mimic. This, however, backfires in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse when the magic that escaped Shantae's body awakens Risky's old mentor, the Pirate Master, which leads to Shantae and Risky reaching a temporary truce to defeat him, as Shantae needs to fight with magical items and Risky's pirate equipment since she no longer has her powers. 10; thinkhector; Fri 3rd Jun 2022 @Rainz It probably makes the most sense to start with Risky's Revenge. Shantae has never looked as good as she does in Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. In Half-Genie Hero, Shantae has gotten her magic back and is tasked with protecting Scuttle Town from various threats like the Barons of Sequin Land, that person no one can remember, etc. Whether it's for her heroic stance or her brains is left to the player to decide. Matt Bozon: "Shantae has no official age, but we consider her to be an adult in all video game depections up to this point." He winds up summoning Squid Baron, and they become a, One year has 8760 hours, so his community service would last centuries, After the defeat of the Empress Siren, the. it was Shantae's magic the whole time. Depending on the adventure and circumstance, she also has worn many differentoutfits. Once she is restored, Shantae reveals that she had gotten caught up in trying to be a hero to make up for her human half, but forgot that she could rely on others along the way and rushed things. [23] In 2018, readers of Source voted Shantae as the 10th-top most wanted character for Super Smash Bros. Risky Boots will get the airship, leave the island then promptly turn around and obliterate the unsuspecting Empress Siren, assured in her destruction due to her not actually having five drops of half-genie lifeforce. Kid reviews for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero | Common Sense Media Shantae also appears to have low self-esteem (possibly tied to the loss of her magic), as when she was threatened with losing her hair after getting dismissed as Guardian Genie, she says, "They can't take my hair, can theyuncle? In Half Genie Hero, Shantae's self esteem has increased again, since she has her magic back. Took an explosive cannonball to the face uninjured. Also it looks like we finally got a direct confirmation on Shantae's age for those who won't stop asking about it. [33][34][35], Shantae Advance, also known as Shantae 2: Risky Revolution, was a sequel that was in development for the Game Boy Advance, but was canceled after not being picked up by a publisher. DLC", "[NC US] WarioWare D.I.Y. Risky Boots | Villains Wiki | Fandom The Following Chronological Order Of Character That Has Been Feature In Shantae Series. Shantae - Wikipedia Poe is a polite, gentle and caring member of the Cadaver family and is in charge of keeping their caravan in good shape and running. microgame Shantae NAB!, created by Matt Bozon. [7] Bolo appears as a playable character in Half-Genie Hero's "Friends to the End" mode. The series has been met with strong critical reception, and is considered the flagship series of WayForward. Shantae Barnes-Cowan: Age, Wiki, Biography, Trivia - FilmiFeed Risky knew that Shantae's goody-two-shoes nature would change the dark magic back into light magic, allowing Shantae to defeat the Pirate Master. Character From Mighty Franchise Will Be Listed. [5], Her catchphrase, "Ret-2-Go", came from a friend of the Bozons who kept using it in the animation clean up team for the Warner Bros. movie The Iron Giant to break for lunch. Contents 1 Background 2 Powers & Abilities 3 Equipment 4 Alternate Forms 4.1 Nega Shantae 5 Feats 5.1 Strength 5.2 Speed 5.3 Durability 5.4 Skill 6 Weaknesses 7 Fun Facts Background [48] Shantae was planned to be featured as a playable supporting character in the crowdfunded game Indivisible, but was later canceled. With the age gap, it explains Risky knowing Shantae's mother. Shantae ultimately succeeds and recovers her magic. Throughout the series, Shantae has had the ability totransforminto many different things. In Matt Bozon's vision, Shantae uses it because she thinks it's cool but her friends actually can't stand it (although other characters have used it in-universe). [5] It was later refined as the transformation dances. Shantae thwarts Risky's plans and the genies reward Shantae by informing her of her mother's whereabouts: Shantae's mother left to the Genie Realm long ago with other genies to ward evil beings, leaving Shantae in Mimic's custody, asking her to understand her sacrifice and reassuring her of her love. Shantae is a half-genie, whose job is to protect her home, Scuttle Town. In the early 2000s, WayForward exprimented with protoyping a 3D Shantae game for the GameCube, but these plans were set aside in favor of focusing on a handheld sequel. Sky can't wait for Shantae to see more of the world and life's surprises, and seems to be in a hurry to grow up. However, he later stated that Erin's first sketches of Shantae already featured the Hair Whip. Adaptational Nice Guy: Played straight. She chasesRisky Bootsacross the map in order to stop her plans and has a strong enmity for the pirate as a result. But he cares very much for his family (and property). Sky is a sort of desert rat, always nesting in out of the way places at length. Both possess abilities that let them undo large amounts of collateral damage at once - Shantae with her wish-granting and Marinette with her Magical Ladybug technique. The series consists of five games: Shantae (2002), Shantae: Risky's Revenge (2010), Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (2014), Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (2016) and Shantae and the Seven Sirens (2019).[1]. Getting valuable treasures. Now, eighteen years later, that legacy continues with the release of the fifth entry in the franchise, Shantae and the Seven Sirens. Moved fast enough to leave a light after image. However, he later stated that Erin's first sketches of Shantae already featured the Hair Whip. ", "Results from Mega Smash Poll (Switch Edition)", "Massive Smash Ultimate poll reveals the most-requested DLC fighters", "Crash Bandicoot tops poll as most-requested Smash Ultimate DLC", "Mega Smash Poll Ultimate: The characters YOU want for Super Smash Bros. This could be used in the gameplay to rotate the world, lining up the foreground with objects in the background, thus giving the player access to new areas. [19][20], Shantae appears in Super Smash Bros. [2] For all subsequent appearances, the character has been portrayed by voice actress Cristina Vee,[3][4] who had started collaborating with WayForward in 2012. Both are considered "klutzes" and are often late to events. She disappeared, and when going after her after some time, he found her working on sketches of a character, Shantae, in dancing poses. Back to your old tricks, I see,". Introduced in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. She is described as having few magical abilities, including being capable to whip her hair as a weapon, but has a strong sense of right and wrong and is a skilled dancer. Shantae | Heroes Wiki | Fandom The parents of Sky. Rottytops' other brother. To be fair, Rottytops is stowing away in the former, the loss of her magic at the end of the prior game, Once Shantae has her magic restored, she practically. During the events of the first game, she is portrayed at the beginning as young and somewhat nave. Shantae (character) | Versus Compendium Wiki | Fandom When this happens to Shantae, this pale-skinned doppelgnger is the result. [36], Shantae Advance was planned to consist of eight chapters of gameplay split over seven towns, six islands, and six labyrinths; this was estimated to take about twenty hours to play through. ", was created by Matt Bozon in WarioWare D.I.Y. [3] Matt Bozon liked the idea and fleshed out the background and mythology surrounding the character. The hand-drawn animation is bright, colorful, and fluid. Her parentage is uncertain, but it is known that her mother was a genie and there is speculation about who her father was. Long before the indie boom of the late 2000s, WayForward's hair-whipping heroine has been an indie icon since her first appearance on the Game Boy in 2002. She has a relatively thin yet curvy figure and is rather short compared to some other characters in the game. The archived version of WayForward's site also depicts Shantae with a very different appearance, as a brunette with a less manga-ish appearance. The fifth game in the series, Shantae and the Seven Sirens was announced in March 2019 and released for Apple Arcade in September 2019. Shantae is a fictional character who first appeared in the game Shantae. Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug from Miraculous Ladybug, another character Cristina Vee voices, shares many similarities with Shantae: Both are heroines that use magic to call upon animal-like powers. She wishes to prove her worth as Scuttle Town's Guardian Genie, despite her scarce magical abilities. [6] By the end of the game, she has come to terms with her nature and is relieved to hear from Mayor Scuttlebutt that the fact she is not a full genie doesn't matter, since she proved her worth by stopping Risky.[15]. Guardian Genie, Half Genie Hero Filia | Skullgirls Wiki | Fandom [38] A Shantae-themed microgame, "Shantae NAB! At the end, if the player collects all the dark magic from Cacklebats and gets the true ending to the game, Shantae gets her magic back and is eventually re-hired as Guardian Genie as she was fired in the previous game. Shantae character age? - Memes Feel [31] Ports for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were released on May 28, 2020. Year Created If you don't support the games then your opinion really doesn't matter. When the evil lady-pirate Risky Boots comes to the town and steals her adoptive uncle Mimic's steam engine, she sets on an adventure to stop Risky and recover the engine. In the first one, he stated that at the time, Erin had very long hair and Matt would often take a blow in his face each time she turned around, which inspired him for Shantae's trademark attack. the machine he was tricked into building starts to corrupt Shantae. Shantae using her long ponytail like a whip to fight bears a certain resemblance to Jeannie, the genie girl who uses her smaller red ponytail while using her magic to move her head, where the distinctive crackle of the whip is heard. Talk about it, post fanart, and of course, news on Undeath even fixed her eyesight, seeing how she doesn't wear glasses anymore as a zombie. For example, her uniform shirt unbuttoned at the bottom enough for her belly button to be visible, plus a skirt hiked up to her lower midriff, and some thigh-highs to go with it. Kid reviews for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Common Sense says age 13+ Based on our expert review Parents say No reviews yet. This is probably because she was originally intended to be the POV character for the player. The nefarious lady-pirate Risky Boots, Shantae's sworn nemesis and the primary antagonist of the series, is known throughout Sequin Land for her love of wealth, power and all shiny things. Outside of the Shantae series, Shantae has been featured as a guest character in a number of other games. 2. Shantae: A New Genie contains examples of: Adaptational Early Appearance: It's one of the clues as to the identity of her human soul. She was created by Erin Bozon, wife of Matt Bozon, WayForward's creative director. This look is also known as the red bedlah attire and is the default look in every game, though it does change slightly as well.

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