sellafield contact number

Search over 700 International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). Following receipt at the recycling facility, 2 banks of sealed, non-spill lead acid batteries were discovered among the waste metals. Most Sellafield Ltd offices are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays). As part of routine maintenance of the Site Ion Exchange Effluent Plant chillers on the Sellafield site, that are used for cooling pond water, it was discovered that there had been a leak of refrigerant gas since the previous scheduled maintenance. As part of the improvement work, small holes were identified in ductwork outside the facility. The Sellafield site is not open to the public. Please refine your search by(Localization + What, who? The quantity lost is not environmentally significant. COVID-19 information box has been deleted from the page. Were always looking for the best people, with or without nuclear experience. For transparency purposes, we publish our activities and we share our prime contractors best practices as well, aiming to inspire and influence. The batteries were not declared on the inventory of the consignment and they are outside the standard waste acceptance criteria of the receiving facility. 0845 055 1233 - Calls will cost 57 pence per minute from a landline. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. As part of the improvement work, defects were discovered in locations relating to the ventilation ductwork outside the buildings in October 2018. There was no safety consequence as a result of this action. And they solved the problem of how to safely look after every type of nuclear waste. Updated Sellafield site exercise dates for 2022. How to find and apply for opportunities at Sellafield. WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCYWHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY(warbling noise)If you hear the Site Incident Siren, you can carry on with your normalactivities as the hazard is confined to the site. Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. A water leak from the air handling unit was identified in Encapsulated Product Store 3 at the Sellafield site. The event has been rated 0 (anomaly) on the International Nuclear Events Scale. The leak, that was directed into a stainless-steel drip tray, overflowed and left the building and on discovery the transfer and the leak were stopped. LINC work package 3 has been added to the LINC area on this page. As a precaution, and in-line with well-rehearsed procedures, personnel were evacuated from the building. Sir Robert McAlpine constructed two ponds for the underwater storage of spent nuclear fuel, prior to reprocessing. Our focus remains on progress and in delivering our purpose. First . Share. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. As a purpose-led company, we know we have a pivotal role to play in addressing the climate Nickel is used as an additive to assist processing in the plant. For more than 70 years, our teams have provided integrated solutions to help solve the most complex and hazardous challenges of space exploration. As a result we have reviewed our procedures and introduced enhanced arrangements to both respond to this and for completion of the remaining package production programme. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Last week the consortium holding a 22bn contract to clean up the Sellafield nuclear site was sacked, writes David Lowry. Find out more about what to do in an emergency at Sellafield. This position is maintained by closing a valve which isolates the basin from the drain line and prevents inadvertent release of the basin contents. There were no safety or environmental consequences as a result of this breach. You will hear a pre-recorded message giving brief details of the current emergency state at the site. Sodium Hydroxide is a non radioactive chemical that is used to condition the effluent stream during this process. FAQs | Graduates | Sellafield Ltd Careers Now, weve even developed a unique capability for the retrieval of radioactive waste and sludge in extreme environments to support the sites First-Generation Magnox Storage Pond program one of the highest nuclear risks in Europe. Nuclear - Sir Robert McAlpine Through these forums we aim to encourage the constructive dialogue using a collaborative platform to identify and promote opportunities for mutual learnings, improvements and development, knowledge and best practices, innovation, market trends, areas of common interest. The focus of Sellafield Ltd is now on the remediation and clean-up of the hundreds of nuclear and non-nuclear facilities across the site; safe and secure storage of special nuclear materials; and the safe retrieval of nuclear waste from the legacy ponds and silos, for storage in modern facilities. Daily results of suspended solids in the effluent discharged from the Sewage Treatment Works have been elevated during reduced occupancy on the Sellafield site due to COVID-19 since March 2020. Discharges have been resumed and in the interim we have introduced additional controls and monitoring enabling us to maintain nuclear safety and minimise the potential for any environmental impact. This service is produced by Kompass. Our hazard reduction experience at Sellafield also includes waste retrievals from the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo, one of the sites legacy facilities. A brighter future. Information on what to do in the event of an emergency at Sellafield. Movement of radioactive material through the ground takes many years and there is also no health risk to the local community. There was no personal contamination or ingestion by the operator and the contamination was contained in the immediate work area. Our manifesto also reminds us that we are all nuclear professionals. There was no harm to the contractor and plant operations were unaffected. In doing so, they made a significant contribution to national low carbon power generation. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. A team leader at Sellafield Ltd discovered a leak from a short section of a lagoon discharge pipeline which runs under a concrete plinth. There is no health risk to the workforce or the community as a result of this leak. Once our value was measured in kilowatt hours of electricity produced, or the commercial price of reprocessed fuel. We closely monitor and audit activities on the Sellafield site. We are investigating the cause of this misconsignment. Sellafield Sellafield Ltd has carried out a thorough investigation, has been liaising with the Office for Nuclear Regulation, and is in the process of implementing the findings. We have carried out a detailed spillage assessment and concluded that there were no safety consequences, and the radiological release was well within regulatory limits. About us - Sellafield Ltd - GOV.UK The Sellafield Ltd major framework and contracts document gives an overview of all our major frameworks and contracts in existence to deliver works on the Sellafield site. SELLAFIELD LIMITED Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet During routine sampling work in a Sellafield drum filling area, a bottle containing uranium trioxide powder accidentally fell to the floor causing approximately 100-150g to spill out. Our purpose is to enable innovation within the organisation through the introduction and support of governance, capability, and cultural change. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Operating Status Active. Alliance (DSA) with Sellafield Limited. Our regulators have been regularly updated on the duct and are fully aware of the current situation. During a routine investigation we noted that the chemical had changed state. Martin Clough, Sellafield Ltds head of environmental management at Sellafield, explains why the nuclear industry is the perfect choice for those looking for a career in environmental safety and protection. Sellafield Ltd is carrying out an investigation and will take action to address the findings. The operator handling the samples was wearing the correct personal protective equipment and the correct safety procedures were followed. The surface water drains feed into a lagoon, and we have detected no increase in activity discharged from the lagoon. If you see or hear these words, you will know that this is a test. No supplier data has been transferred to the new system - all suppliers will need to re-register in Atamis, except for those previously qualified to LINC in CTM. No other areas of the flasks were found to be over the expected levels. Non-SMEs are free to qualify with LINC but their participation will be limited to a supporting role only. You can change your cookie settings at any time. While transferring cement grout washing liquid to a settling tank on the Sellafield site, a small amount of liquid was leaking out of the drainage area and into the exterior surface water drain. An internal investigation is being carried out. The environment agency has been informed. Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities (7220), ISIC 4 (WORLD) : You have accepted additional cookies. A Sellafield Ltd employee has received a radiation dose which takes them above the annual whole body dose limit set for workers. Contact Who is Sellafield Energy Resources Headquarters 6772 Poppy Hills Ln Apt 738, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28226, United States Phone Number (516) 234-1392 Website Revenue $5.1M Industry Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment General Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment Sellafield Energy Resources's Social Media As they were carrying out the work and when the drill they were usingwas withdrawn from the work surface, a buried conduit with several copper cores was exposed. In January 2019 some nitric acid was found to be leaking from instrument pipework into a purposely designed bund on the Sellafield site. This has now been confirmed by the United Kingdom INES National Officer. As a precautionary measure, a controlled evacuation of the Magnox Reprocessing Plant was carried out in order to investigate the chemical and devise the appropriate course of action. Together, were at the forefront of engineering, innovation, project management and leading-edge support functions. Well send you a link to a feedback form. ", Address: Sellafield, Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1PG, Twitter: @SellafieldLtd; @SelLtdCareers; @Selltdpress; @Selltdcommunity, @SellafieldLtd; @SelLtdCareers; @Selltdpress; @Selltdcommunity. A skin dose assessment confirmed that no significant radiation dose was received by the individual. The Environment Agency has been informed. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Emergency preparation, response and recovery, Dates of emergency exercises at Sellafield, Warning and Informing Registration Service. The exercise scenarios are agreed with the Office for Nuclear Regulation and test both the management of an incident as well as the employee response.

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