saiga ban lifted

(2) SAIGA 410 GAUGE 15 RD MAGAZINE by SGM - MADE in USA. Saiga Gun Magazines Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it., Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. This will NOT hurt Russia one bit. The number of people that see evil in every action and manipulate random disconnected events to their own conspiracies are amazing. No one wants to give them up, for fear theyll never get their hands on one again. 12E0333 and Jake: To add to that: Knowing and believing is practicing what you know and acting on that belief. But, if you folks feel purchasing weapons from someone like the person mentioned in executive order is okay and youd rather judge the person saying dont buy from the Chomo as an infringement of your rights go for it Im not an AK person, but if I was, I would just buy from another source, while smoking my Cuban Cigars, For those of you about to flame me or dont bother reading my comments but jump to conclusions get over it I am a proud owner of some great items and no one is going to remove my right to own them. Its for training usage only sir. Im into wickedly ugly chicks. They are all in it for themselves. Therefore I choose not to use it. It like DNA and the patriot act. I must say I am dead set against any censorship and believe that political corrects is a violation of the 1st. However please acknowledge that there is an agenda here. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. $5,000 deductible for major medical, and the co-pays were higher then what I pay my doc for a regular visit. Economic sanctions are what they are. The EO bans the Importation of the Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles. In my opinion, the President acted and utilized this current conflict, not to punish Russia, but to impose Gun Control and Attack our Second Amendment Rights.. Nope, so dont say it online or at all. Go back down to Moms basement lay down and look at your sexy Pelosi poster its been a hard day for you. Obstructionism has also had an impact. To Dianne Feinstein..FUCK YOU, YOU OLD ASS UGLY CUNT BAG BITCH. Unknown to the project operators and guys, they were likely detected then attacked and neutralized to a degree which often resulted in their seeming to go crazy. JSC NPO IZHMASH; f.k.a. You struck a nerve, now let it go. JB Pritzker has always stood behind the ban saying it will hold up in court. The photograph showed the couple with We need, rather, to change the average citizen into someone who understands that you should only get what you pay for, that they can best protect their freedom by defending everyone elses freedom, that the government (or rules in general) cannot substitute for individual responsibility, that you cannot give someone a free lunch and expect them to ween themselves off of that free lunch, etc. Nikola I think I need to disagree. Oh wait youre another liberal brain stem. I would be willing to pay more for American made products. Its our constitutional right to bear arms but it never said AKs. The number of executive orders is meaningless. Its so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. 2. One country refusing to buy AKs, the U.S., is not going to impact their sales figures at all! Executive orders should be stopped. Explain that one!!! I know Bush was no prize but update, Obama is president now and is responsible. Rogozin is also chairman of the Russian Shooting Federation, and once called on the actor Steven Seagal to lobby for looser restrictions on Russian arms imports into the United States. There is a reason congress wont back Nobamas decisions. I'm thinking Trump is not a fan of these "assault rifles" at all. WebSDS Imports Saiga Style Shotgun 12GA 10 Round Magazine - Gen 2 Anti-Tilt Orange Follower - US Made - S1210RDMG2 22 Reviews $23 36 In Stock Purchase Now Saiga 12 Gauge 10 Round Mag by SGM Tactical Fits Saiga Platform and Panzer AK-12 Shotguns 22 Reviews $34 99 In Stock Purchase Now Who else is buying from our Federal Govt from Saiga/AK at a time the US Citizen is now banned? I also hope that other manufacturers (not necessarily U.S.) take the recent events as an opportunity to manufacture and import affordable 7.62X39, 7.62X54(not sure this one should be on the list), and 5.45X39 ammo. Why ban all russian products , they didnt do anything (dont watch CNN,BBC,SKY, MSNBC etc..). saiga ban lifted courts already said the were not legal appointments. I myself own a WASR, Romanian AK. Bush worked on his ranch. So, as Peter points out, it's kind of an opposite. Obama will have Putin backing down again, as he has every time. Departing with two comments While they do bypass the U.S. Congress and the standard legislative law making process, no part of an executive order may direct the agencies to conduct illegal or unconstitutional activities., Source: June 24, 2017 If some of you people cant see this its time to take off the rose colored glasses!!!!! Then none of us can enjoy our sport. They are indiscriminately killing christians, all iraqi soldiers, any one they feel is not Radical Isam and doesnt believe in Sharia Law. Makes me wonder if Clinton getting impeached wasnt just everyone else being jealous. What a crock of shitObama is a worthless Asshole Lowlife scummer! If you hate your government so much, wait 4 years for it to change or find a government that meets your expectations. Not likely, this can has been kicked do the road by every President since 1988. Additionally, this can be replaced by a 20-round ammunition drum. The passage of some 20,000 gun laws would belie that. This is the single most important issue facing the country right now.. WHO TOOK THE MOST VACATIONS AND WHO SPENT THE MOST MONEY ON VACATION. WebWhat specific Saiga rifle? The NRA went on to spend more than $30 million supporting Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign. Wood: $7,324,251,000 (1.4%) Price: $49.95. Now please let it go. 8) Class Warfare Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. About his cover-up of the same? sanctions. Please be respectful of others. At this point I will take it where I can get it. And of course lacking their own intellect, these libs have to fall back on their talking points handbook and find themselves left with Al Sharptons spin that Obama took only 93 days of vacation time as compare to Bushs 367 days. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Your very freedom is at stake and you dont even realize it. But he was cautiously optimistic, expecting the case to now head to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. He kept most of Bushs policies and even kept some of his appointees afterwards. / CBS Chicago. Blame the director of the AFT at the time for the screw up. Do your research. Everything you need to know Probably not run out and buy an AK. The first Bush knew it thats why he left sadaam in power.You fail to address any of this in terms of the world order or lack therof today.. Point after point and all you can do is revert to the childish name calling and dismissiveness that is so characteristic of most of the comments. Got converted ones and some in their original stock. A judge denied that request for an injunction, writing that the ban is constitutionally sound. Why dont you buy guns made right here in America? But thats no excuse to side with either of these two bat shit crazy groups. Inorganic chemicals: $5,009,209,000 (1%) When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty. I will bet you a bright shinny nickel that if Putin became the nicest guy on earth tomorrow all sanctions but one would be lifted. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Talk about sheep. Itll shoot whether its covered in mud or filled with sand. Totally agree. On Wednesdaya day before the Malaysian airliner was shot downPresident Obama quietly signed an executive order targeting Russian oil, natural gas, finance and defense companies. That is a fact. I know why though, his stimulus package included selling stateside ARs. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. Tiffany Madison In retaliation, the United States imposed economic sanctions on the Kalashnikov Concern and several other Russian companies. It could be assembled by this country and shipped to America as made in xxx country. Is a saiga 7.62x39 sporting rifle legal to own in CT? : r/CTguns CONCERN KALASHNIKOV; a.k.a. There has been a steady push to bankrupt and push us further under control of the Feds or worse. a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, But we all know, I f you give someone inch ,they take a mile..If you give upon one think before you it take everything. True there are people like McCain that want to invade everyone but We the People dont want our sons and daughter off to war again. What REALLY pisses me off is that it is fairly easy to program a small unknowing child to play with daddys big gun and end up killing him, herself or a friend-basically sacrificing them to help further the call for more gun control. I could say the exact things about you. Mississippi is my old home. ban lifted Some people just need to be verbally smacked around from time-to-time. This is the reason we are in the position were in. First off in order to properly lay all the facts on the table, there are only two official categories of travel for the President, First Lady, and Vice President: They are either Official or Political. Moron lmao 2@ pelosi sexy poster lol now thats funny . You see that all these guys seem to be or go crazy,do the act and then most all uniformly conveniently eliminate any further consideration of their pathology by offing themselves I have encountered similar before during my look at what was in those days called the Stargate spy program where the Army, CIA (?) Yes, changing the minds of half of the country in an Unimaginable task. Finally, Somebody sees and got the greater picture! He is right, you are wrong! Most cheap AK ammo comes from Russia, even though we do get ammo from other locations. Guess which one. The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Russian global shipments during 2013. There are plenty of USA manufacturers of AK variants that Id rather buy from anyway. As listed above, there are so many more (likely thousands of) items exported by Russia to the USA that Obama could have sanctioned, items that would have a huge impact on Russias economy weapons, however, are clearly not among those items. The President AND CONGRESS are shameless in their lack of basic economic understanding. I define a nigger not as a race but the moral issues of the person. Obozo is just using the opportunity to ban the guns. I own several weapons including military style weapons, could care less about the notorious AK. Electronic equipment: $4,914,638,000 (0.9%) Once again you toss out your racism card, but it really all you have. These import sanctions were intended to punish the Russians for their aggression and military intervention in both Ukraine and Crimea. This EO may, to some extent, punish Russia, but it also infringes on our Right to Bear Arms, and further demonstrates Obamas pension to Selectively Enforce the Law. Maybe Ill do the easy conversion and turn the Saiga into an AK101 and wait for the KUSA to drop a 102. 12EO333 Youre right about one thingyou cant think. I certainly understand the anger over the AK ban however consider this: 1. Are they going to sequester any money sent from the US to them? There is a hint of reality to your statement about paying air fees, but it never applies to the President, and most certainly will never be the cost of a 1st class airplane ticket, as youve described it. Chargable, and Punshable by Death for any attempts to enforce an Unconstitutional law. There can be no more imported until they raise the ban. If you want to believe everyone that disagrees with Obama is a racist or White Trash believe it and thump your chest. single handed changes in Obama care laws in violation of the Constitution. My point is a pro-gun president, regardless of party, easily has the power and effect of sanctions while staying as far away from gun-control as they choose. Same here. He just follows, obammmmmy knows what he is doing. I remember being in Tampa Florida in 3 rd grade and going through air raid drills. He got a BJ and he got impeached. Bush, who you people love to keep tossing up, took his vacation at his ranch he went to his home not Marthas. Nope sorry. We NEED to get this communist out of the white house before he totally destroys OUR AMERICAN United States. Find a Russian website and they will still ship you your parts. Lets face it, in Africa you can buy a fully automatic AK for $20.00, so I know this will not affect the Russian economy at all. Thanks for the information, Be prepared for the elections to be suspended and a national crisis will arise that will result in marshall law being declared so that those in power can stay there, is it possiable? Ahhhhwhere is your indignation to Obamas Fast and Furious? And if banning Russian made AKs prevent that than ok, AKs are not banned, just Russian made AKs. We are only human and not perfect so the laws need to be simplified. And we couldnt resist talking about the Saiga-12. She is a stupid fucking piece of shit and Im pretty sure when they shot Harvey Milk they missed.if you know what I mean. Next week, Obama will want to cozy up to the Russians over or something. Relative family earnings at 1980 levels. Why would Issa investigate the IRA? Youve all made good points but all were doing here is working each other into a pissed off frenzy. . All Saiga-12 configurations are Think of it as SNOW. Hes given amnesty to illegals who have relatives in the U.S. Hes given amnesty to illegals who are parents or guardians of people. Curiously, the decisionis a Trump-era expansion of an Obama-era policywhich the gun lobby once rhetorically blasted. Ever wonder how it got to be that we dont these days kill most of the turds and sphincters that God said we should kill. On Wednesdaya day before the Malaysian airliner was shot downPresident Obama quietly signed an If it is a Republication you can kiss Gun Sales goodbye. Read more at, Here are a few, located after a cursory check , President Obama used an Article 2 signing statement to deem unconstitutional a measure HE had signed into law contained in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Congress didn't want to ban all semiautomatic weapons that would ban most guns, period. And like so many other instances in these forums, I once again find myself completely blowing the liberal mind with the reality of facts which completely dispels the myths these libs cling to and send them scurrying like cockroaches. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Obama Signs Executive Order Banning AK-47s, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Did the President simply act within the Nations interest, or were firearms included as part of a larger gun control agenda? You might want to read Ronald Reagans Legacy a little more carefully. Lysander Spooner Their value is highly inflated due to the import ban. As far as I know, even thats not an Impeachable Crime. Display as a link instead, Russia is doing some pretty messed up stuff right now and to be honest, I dont want to support them at all. Tobacco A legal substance to own and use, again, the Constitution is SILENT on regulation or restriction. And by the way, they called them air raid drills. All of the bleeding hearts that do not like what Obama does need to make sure they VOTE next time and elect someone new. It is mine and your UNALIENABLE RiGHT to OWN any weapon WE CHOOSE It is the ACTIVITY IT IS USED FOR, that is illegal. Seriously, we all know the fight is far from over, but if you don't saver the little victories your nachos will always taste bitter. Firearms A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT to Keep and Bear and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED which DENIES registration or regulation or access too and Firearm, accessories or ammunition. So there will never be an instance for him to decide, as you put it if he plans on flying there on AF1. He will always be on Air Force One. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Every thing seems a bit bass ackwards to me. Then maybe I should sell some of my goodies while the prices are high..$$$$$$. I disagree with dive master but clearly he thinks he knows all and has all the workings of the world figured out (I.e. Make no mistake; Obama selected the weaponry as an anti-gun statement. If I were Putin I would drop tens of thousands of AKs from planes over the U.S. What better way to tell Obama to stick it. Prices on all AK 47s, regardless of country of origin will see significant price increases. I am pro gun, pro rights. Theyre plenty of names to add to the list. can Prolly print a poster size pic of her ugly mug off the net lol. In December 2015, the NRA sent adelegation to Russia and met with deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin, Russias defense industry chief whom the Obama administration had also slapped with sanctions. And every domocrat under him has broken the law for him , fast and furious,lois lerner ,the list goes on and on hillary herself and benghazi is the biggest lie of all and stll being told over and over again,admit dems , your people are crooks ,liars ,and theives.And out to ruin our constitutionional rights at every chance and you still defend them , talk about a moronic party , you democrats are the kings of bs and lies.And george bush was lied to about iraq , he was told we needed to be there and all you dems were convinced of it as well and all voted yes lets invade iraq,so tell someone does not keep up with current events your lies , we dont buy them anymore. Just joking. Veprs became even more coveted in 2014, when the Obama administration imposed sanctions on competitor Kalashnikov Concern following the Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, halting that companys exports to the United States. I could fill a page and you know it. I frankly could care less about AKs, dont own one and never will. Aluminum: $7,181,742,000 (1.4%) The one thing that really scares me however, is the fact he is using executive orders left and right which were made for times of crisis; not whenever he feels like it. This has nothing to do with Russia. I have read that the Oblahblah administration is trying to provoke angry demonstrations and more to justify Martial law. It is simply an unwritten code that has always been left alone. Sporterized Saiga-12s dont have a pistol grip or folding stock. I am not sure that the ATF or any other agency will be able to legally enforce this piece of an Executive Order. Receive notifications when we post a new Feat of the Week and other great gunsmithing blog content. You must be some kind of a Ruskie lover. Without toning down the paranoid rhetoric, we arent any more responsible than the democrats and wont manage to win elections needed to set our country back on the right path. The problem we face isnt just the banning of firearms it is the the fear of our government. Blame the tea party for a weak and disfunctional Republican party and blame fox news and conservative talk radio for stoking the flames of everything negative. Beginning in the 1890s, Izamash began mass producing the Mosin-Nagant, and during World War I, it produced 1.4 million rifles for the Russian Army. Love it or leave it. are both being counted? A quality U.S. made stamped AK (as close to the established Russian manufacturing process, open to improvements) with a solid barrel seems like a wet dream to me. I specifically mentioned RUSSIAN-ONLY AK-TYPEs. Bush did it. Even though they banned the import of Russian parts and firearms. Little piecemeal items like this Russian made AK-47 and parts ban (what happened to the AK-74?) Amen, There is no reason to fund are Enemy, U as a american should no that , We really should have stopped purchasing the shit our selves and there wouldnt of been a band! Hes pissed at Putin and the Russians and hes trying to disarm us. Several factors include declining exports, the Russian military prioritizing precision-guided weapons in its budget, and increased pressure from authorities on the Russian civilian market before the 2018 World Cup. Please expect it to take approx 4 7 business days for any order to ship out , CA Orders may be slightly longer.

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