temperature of the gas and its ability to carry water vapor. But with a combination of hard work, dedication, and the right resources, I have faith that you will be successful. The CXR will not be sensitive enough to give you the information you need. In general, an ODI 15 indicates the presence of sleep apnea-hypopnea, A. measuring maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) This cooling lowers the C. measure and record the patient's SpO2 continuously throughout sleep extra tubing will also increase the overall volume of the circuit. Steaming and boiling the equipment can sometimes damage equipment and is not recommended. Bronchodilators and suctioning remove obstruction of the airway due to secretions or edema. rehabilitation program. Faarc, Cairo J. PhD Rrt. C. Chest X-ray D. received the BCG tuberculosis vaccine, General Feedback: You would recommend repeating tuberculin skin testing on those who previously If you meet the high cut score, which can fluctuate, you will receive the CRT credential and become eligible to take the CSE. If the patient experiences cyanosis, dizziness, increased work of breathing, it is important to discontinue bronchial hygiene therapy. (including SIRS), sepsis, major trauma (including burns), shivering, seizures, agitation/anxiety/pain, *A. gurgling Ventilator Settings: Spontaneous Rate 23/min, Minute Ventilation 11.5 L/min, Vital Capacity 500 mL, MIP/NIF -15 cmH2O. If the hypoxemia is Administer Acetylcysteine Concentrations of 10-20% via a nebulizer after pre-treating the patient with a bronchodilator. C. The radial artery has the highest systolic pressure available displays numeric data. C. Respiratory acidosis A COPD patient is receiving sustained-release theophylline Adverse effects of this therapy that you should be on guard for include all of the following EXCEPT: D. 1 and 2 only, 17. Straight with the torso, with the neck hyperextended Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Examination, National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC), Click Here to Access to the Correct Answers (Free), ABG Sample TMC Practice Questions (Arterial Blood Gases), Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) Practice Questions, List of 99 Example TMC Exam Practice Questions, Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) Practice Questions, What You MUST Know About Pharmacology for the TMC Exam. Oxygen and Atropine are the initial drugs of choice for the treatment of Sinus Bradycardia. Thoracentesis is urgent when hemothorax or empyema is suspected (requiring chest, pressure (MEP)Max expiratory capacityVital Max inspiratorypressure (MIP), A. There should be no evidence of C. Adjust the water level in the water seal chamber Flail chest is a different form of paradoxical movement in which the multiple rib fractures, *A. cor pulmonale A. D. Control media verification, 73. Which of the following actions would you take at this time? Late inspiratory crackles are thought to be caused by sudden opening of collapsed B. central vein You will then be asked to store all personal items in a secure locker. Mr. Rench, a National Merit Scholar, graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in mathematics from Texas A&M University. A pulse oximeter reveals an Sp02 of 99%. If the dosage is incorrect, you must call the Provider and ask for clarification of the order. Adequate airway seal D. 1, 2 and 3, 63. A. The patients stomach contents should be aspirate through the #2 tube The ER physician asks you to evaluate a trauma patient who was the victim of a house fire. 2 and 4 only Therefore, the blood gas is a partially compensated metabolic acidosis. This is an example of an uncompensated respiratory acidosis. Based on these data, what is the primary acid-base disturbance? During a single-breath capnogram, the sharp downstroke and return to baseline that normally occurs after the end-tidal point indicate: A. Tracheomalacia A. C. This therapy will help you take deep breaths and expand your lungs Abdominal paradox is a sign of generalized diaphragmatic dysfunction. A. Pleural effusion B. Bacterial pneumonia C. Pulmonary edema D. Atelectasis, 32. C. Increase the PEEP to 16 cm H20 B. Ventilator settings are as follows: FIO2 0.45 Rate 12 Tidal volume 600 mL PEEP 12 cm H20 While awaiting blood gas results, you obtain an Sp02 of 78%. You can assess respiratory muscle strength by measuring the patient's maximum Accuracy of these devices cannot be assumed, and should thus D. 90-100%, 19. To be eligible for the RRT test, you must be at least 18 years old and meet ONE of the following requirements: The TMC exam contains 160 multiple-choice questions, 20 of which are unscored, and you will be given a time limit of 3 hours. John Landry is a registered respiratory therapist from Memphis, TN, and has a bachelor's degree in kinesiology. The patient would say a word like "nine" and the vibration would increase through the chest wall. To obtain additional pertinent data, the most appropriate diagnostic pressure monitoring provides essentially no information regarding right heart performance. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this problem? C. increased compliance Practice questions for TMC Exam in preparation for boards. Until the proximal (mouth) end of the tube is at the teeth B. D. Esophageal bleeding, 45. A. FRC If you want more, definitely consider getting access to our TMC Test Bank, which students are using to increase their TMC Exam scores. Which of the following conditions is most consistent with resuscitator, your first action should be to squeeze the bag more slowly. at least a 10-20% improvement in the 6MWD to consider the treatment effective. Decrease the flow to a lower level B. VC B. Just far enough so that the tube cuff is no longer visible C. Until its cuff has passed the cords by two to three inches D. Until its cuff has passed the cords by two to three centimeters, 30. D. Replace the tube, 7. severe enough to compromise O2 delivery to the tissues, anerobic metabolism and a metabolic acidosis, Strategic Learning Associates All Rights Reserved, *A. sputum culture and sensitivity The PH is acidic-less than 7.35, PCO2 is high-greater than 45 mmHg demonstrated hypoventilation, and there is a normal HCO3. On a pneumatically-powered IPPB device, switching the air-mix control to 100% oxygen will have which of the following effects on flow? *C. be clearly opacified with smooth walls Each respiratory therapy student must pass the Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Examination to become a licensed respiratory therapist. There are four reasons why Creatinine is used to determine kidney function: the rate of production is fairly constant; it is eliminated only by the kidneys; it is not-protein bound so it is easily filtered by the kidneys and the rate of elimination is almost the same as the glomerular filtration rate. Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation. 1. inflate the cuff to 30 mm Hg above brachial pulse stoppage 2. place the lower cuff edge 3 inches above the antecubital fossa 3. deflate the cuff at a rate of 2 to 3 mm Hg per second 4. place bell of stethoscope over the brachial artery A. normal breathing reserve. In reviewing a sleep study, you note 20 to 25 episodes per hour like that depicted in example 'A' in the LRP requirements include the following: On the day of your exam, you must present one form of valid government-issued photo identification with your signature. Measurement of the patient's vital capacity also can be useful as a, A. no known risk factors for tuberculosis A. In unheated humidifiers, as water vaporizes 20 to 30 cm H2O In addition, it is critical that the, General Feedback: The systemic arterial pressure provides information valuable in assessing left C. atelectasis D. The capnograrri indicates hypoventilation, 15. C. 350 mL A physician has requested your assistance in extubating an orally intubated patient. The most B. obtain an arterial blood gas and measure the SaO2 using a CO-oximeter Face tent Increasing the amount of tubing between the "wye" connector of a dual limb ventilator breathing significantly. *C. serial vital capacity measurements Too high a PEEP can decrease lung compliance as the lung cannot properly deflate. Incorrect answer. Reassess the cuff pressure during expiration D. Applying the head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver, 58. When selecting an endotracheal tube, you should consider which of the following to minimize airflow A. C. Hyperkalemia Res 130 Lung Expansion Therapy/Bronchial Hygiene Exam 2 (33 cards) 2021-10-20 13 . A. Bronchiectasis C. Pulmonary edema You may choose to schedule an in-person appointment at a testing center or an online appointment via live remote proctoring (LRP). Which of the following best describe the key rationale for intubating nasally rather than orally? Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring is used primarily to assess asthma patients' airway tone over time, B. serial P(A-a)O2 measurements B. end of a normal resting inspiration Which of the following is the most likely problem? You cannot leave the webcams view during your exam, use other monitors, or talk to anyone. The most common way to determine the proper CPAP level for an individual patient is to: You are performing a spot check on a postoperative patients SpO2 using an oximeter that only Based on this information, which of the following can be correctly concluded? B. D. Place sample in ice slush. D. metabolic alkalosis, General Feedback: In ARDS, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, and surfactant loss combine to reduce lung D. Self-administration techniques, 40. 1, 2 and 3 only C. 1, 3 and 4 only D. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 28. pressure, consider other potential causes (e., pneumothorax, endobronchial intubation) before, A. aerosol is interfering with the O2 analyzer A "normal" chest wall would have no feelings of bubbling, cracking or vibration with speech beneath your hands or fingers. 12 L/min Once your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to schedule your exam appointment. B. Pneumomediastinum Thanks for reading, and I wish you the best of luck! A. Other bedside measures of muscle strength include the, A. review the auto-CPAP records and switch the patient to standard CPAP In analyzing overnight oximetry data, a desaturation event represents a decrease in SpO2 of what D. Overinfusion of fluids, 55. A non-compliant lung can contribute to Auto PEEP occurring. a 5 mm Hg rise in the arterial PCO2 IV. B. The proper starting point for FRC measurement via helium dilution or nitrogen washout is: A 20-year-old woman with diabetes who takes insulin has the following ABG results while breathing Providing a secure route into the larynx and trachea Passing this exam is the first step to earning a registered respiratory therapist (RRT) credential. The larger the tube's ID (and the rtboardreview standardized exam version prescription for an aerosolized drug for patient under your DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home D. Replace the probe, 16. B. C. Yes No Yes C. 80-90% A. Which of the following would you expect to occur AFTER an unheated bubble-diffusion humidifier is Standard two-wavelength pulse oximetry is unable to measure carbon monoxide following figure. D. septic shock, General Feedback: Cor pulmonale is right heart failure due to chronic lung disease. B. C. end of a maximum inhalation Each question on the exam will be further categorized into one of three levels of complexity: Here is each section of the exam in more detail: The questions in this section test your ability to do the following: Get practice questions, video tutorials, and detailed study lessons. pressures. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When did the designation "respiratory therapist" become standard?, The majority of respiratory care education programs in the United States offer what degree?, Which of the following are predicted to be a growing trend in respiratory care for the future? Professional Presence and Influence (D024), Survey of Special Education: mild to moderate disabilities (SPD-200), Emotional and Cultural Intelligence (D082), 21st Century Skills Communication and Information Literacy (UNV-104), Critical Thinking In Everyday Life (HUM 115), Complex Concepts Of Adult Health (RNSG 1443), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), UWorld Nclex General Critical Thinking and Rationales, EES 150 Lesson 3 Continental Drift A Century-old Debate, Ch. Consolidation of lung tissue A doctor wants you to assess whether a patient with a progressive neuromuscular condition will likely A patient tells you that he has been coughing up thick, white sputum. A. C. 5-6% or more Bedside spirometry performed on a patient reveals the following: Respiratory rate = 22 Tidal volume = 360 mL Dead space = 150 mL Inspiratory capacity = 1.0 L Based on these data, what is the patients minute ventilation? inspiratory and expiratory pressures. D. Cystic fibrosis, General Feedback: Most often, patients with asthma will cough up thick, white (mucoid) secretions. D. peripheral vein, General Feedback: To assess gas exchange at the tissues we need to assess blood after it leaves the D. It may occur even in the presence of adequate O2 delivery, 49. A. an increase in cardiac rate of 15/min III. *B. the ventilator is auto-triggering due to a system leak C. review the auto-CPAP records and switch the patient to BiPAP 2 minutes B. D. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 57. (100+ videos). C. Infection with pneumococcus D. TLC, 22. 1-2 cm 7th ed., Mosby, 2019. 3rd right intercostal space, left sternal border B. C. Right ventricular hypertrophy A. Tracheomalacia B. Gastric insufflation C. Aspiration D. Esophageal bleeding, 33. D. decrease in inspired PCO, General Feedback: Any extra tubing between the "wye" connector of a dual limb ventilator breathing The radial artery is the most superficial artery available 0.7 - 1.3 mg/dL. Pneumothorax, pleural effusion, atelectasis all can affect the position of the heart, but not its, A. a patient who asks a lot of care-related questions This application should include all necessary documentation to support your eligibility as well as the $190 examination fee. Need access to the correct answers? B. To confirm this, an, A. serial end-expired PCO2 measurements B. The normal I:E ratio for an infant with normal lung compliance and an infant with obstructive lung disease is the same: 1:1.5 to 1: 2. General Feedback: Tracheal tube cuff pressures should be maintained in the 20 to 30 cm H2O range. Which of these patients is most in saturation of 3-4% or more. C. 15 L/min Only patient B has more, A. No Yes Yes patient has a tidal volume of 600 mL, an arterial PCO 2 (PaCO 2 ) of 50 torr, and a mixed. You must have at least four years of CRT experience and at least 62 college credit hours. When inspecting the x-ray of a patient in ICU, you note a large area of radiolucency between the left lung border and chest wall and increased density of left lung. Which of the following would tend to decrease a patient's energy expenditure? A. Crepitus is a crackling feeling beneath the skin when your fingertips press on an area. During the course of therapy, the patient becomes very dyspneic. 1. adjust and analyze FIO2 2. connect to a 50 psig air source 3. replace the air compressor filters 4. replace the air compressor In general these devices provide longer flow durations, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Give Me Liberty! B. B. Patient A C. Nonrebreathing mask C. 30-40 cm B. Inspiration of fresh respiratory gas B. hyperventilation Increasing the Pressure Limit allows for the increase in MAP. B. All content on this website is Copyright 2023. Its the national certification exam administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). A wick humidifier microorganisms, or chyle are found, or when a transudative effusion is present in patients with heart Which of the following are potential causes of this problem? Which of the following is the best way to avoid bright lights interfering with a pulse oximeters signal? Obstructive Lung Disease causes an increase in chest expansion. The NBRC evaluates the competency of respiratory therapists and ensures that graduates of accredited respiratory care education programs have every opportunity to earn the RRT credential. The pharmacological action of meclizine is that it can be used for the treatment of a variety of upper respiratory tract infections such as laryngitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, and otitis media. The patient has partially compensated metabolic acidosis *B. chest x-ray increase the risk of accidental extubation. D. chest X-ray, General Feedback: Due to the patients involvement in a house fire you should immediately suspect the In the sniffing position Capnography gives you the most immediate information. Which of the following is false regarding switching from an esophageal-tracheal Combitube (ETC) to an oral endotracheal tube? Which of the following is the most likely problem? Yes Yes No of breathing, typically resulting in dyspnea and tachypnea, In addition, physiologic shunting causes severe B. C. timed forced expiratory volumes Discrepancies between the analyzer reading and the D. Initiate inverse ratio ventilation, 48. Version 1, A. use the standard dosage listed in the package insert Take this free Respiratory Therapist practice exam to test your knowledge of respiratory therapy subjects. Respiratory Therapy Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet 1. a large leak in the cuff of the tube 2, obstruction of the tube that is unrelieved by suctioning 3. separation of the pilot tube from the endotracheal tube cuff D. Displacing the soft palate and uvula posteriorly, 13. Remember that the lungs are normally compliant. D. Fully occlude the ET tube while you quickly pull it out, 53. The kidneys have not started to adjust the Bicarb level by holding onto it. Based on the 6-minute walking distance (6MWD) data provided below, for which *C. a patient who cannot describe how to take her medications D. Fully occlude the ET tube while you quickly it out, 21. B. 8th ed., Mosby, 2019. small high pressure cylinders (usually B/M6, C/M9, or D size). Decreased Decreased Nor mal The normal apical impulse (PMI) usually is identified where? C. Respiratory acidosis 1. suction the pharynx 2. preoxygenate the patient 3. confirm cuff inflation 4. suction the ET tube Acute asthma C. Gullian-Barre syndrome D. Obstructive sleep apnea, 29. leakage type aspiration The case worker is responsible for ensuring the patient has what they need when they go home to ensure proper care is continued. procedure would be which of the following? Adjust the vacuum level on the suction regulator B. Based on this change, you should increase downstream flow resistance and create back-pressure. C. Tilted forward toward the chest B. bronchoscopy Acetic Acid soak for 20 minutes. Increasing the I-Time increases the time the flow is entering the lungs which will increase the airway pressure. To assess left ventricular preload (filling pressure) C. Increase the minute ventilation Which of the following is the most likely problem? Increased need for . A. What is your interpretation of this display data? rate against either a manually palpated pulse or that measured by an ECG monitor. circuit and the patient's airway will increase mechanical deadspace and rebreathed volume, thereby Patient B The Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam is a standardized certification exam administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care and used to certify respiratory therapists. An adult male patient on ventilatory support has just been intubated with a 7.0 mm oral endotracheal tube equipped with a high residual volume low-pressure cuff. C. Airway resistance Respiratory alkalosis Which of the following are FALSE regarding oropharyngeal airways? A. Blots breathing Ai Passing this exam is the first step to earning a registered respiratory therapist (RRT) credential. Which of the following of the following inspiratory/expiratory ratios would indicate an abnormally Present your ID and scratch paper for inspection and follow any directions provided. B. pleural effusion B. cuff compliance The patients stomach contents should be aspirate through the 42 tube Yes No Yes Respiratory therapy exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet D. The tube is in the right mainstem bronchus, 2. C. the patient has a large tension pneumothorax Respiratory Therapy curriculum can be divided into 3 phases. Rule-based procedures designed to help detect, respond to and correct blood gas analyzer or hemoximeter errors over time best describe: *C. thoracentesis B. Nasal tubes offer less resistance to gas flow B. The pressure manometer is out of calibration Core Mandatory Part III v1 Phlebotomy Physical Therapy Assistant Psychiatric Technician/Behavioral Health Tech Rad Tech/X-Ray Tech Respiratory Therapist Exam A Respiratory Therapist Exam B Speech Language Pathologist-PEDS Speech Language Pathologist -Adults Exam A Speech Language Pathologist-Adults Exam B Surgical Technologist/Scrub Tech Exam A . D. diminish in gravity-dependent zones, General Feedback: On a normal pulmonary angiogram, arteries should appear opacified (due to contrast Secretions from pulmonary edema are often thin and frothy. A. You can download them now for FREE! Separating the tongue from the posterior pharyngeal wall Which of the following statements regarding CENTRAL cyanosis is FALSE? B. methacholine challenge (provocation) test Pulmonary infiltrates, atelectasis and consolidation would be evident by a dull percussion, *A. hypothermia Examinations - The National Board for Respiratory Care This guide has sample review questions that can help. C. Aspiration D. Restlessness and tremors, 46. B. thick and yellow or green (mucopurulent) secretions, while those with pneumonia may have, A. flail chest There is no, General Feedback: Although all patients have PCO2s above 50 torr, only patient B has a life-threatening *B. Of the tests listed, only dose, frequency, or medication is needed for this patient would be pre/post bronchodilator spirometry. They are contraindicated for use with infants and children Relias Healthcare Assessments | Relias This pattern is known as which of the following? Patient B The cuff pilot balloon and line is obstructed respiratory alkalosis. In reviewing the chart of a 55 year old male patient, you note the following symptoms: obesity, loud snoring and insomnia. and peripheral nerves, causing acute muscle weakness and diminished reflexes. following effects on a jet nebulizer set to an FIO2 of 0? These free RRT exam practice questions were developed using the NBRC RRT exam testing matrix to help you study and pass the TMC exam. The RSBI which is the Respiratory Shallow Breathing Index is used as well. "We have long-term breathing problems, dystonia. You must have at least two years of CRT experience and at least an associate degree from an accredited respiratory therapy education program. C. 2 and 4 only A. CVP *B. D. Add 10 cm H20 PEEP, 12. A bubble humidifier Which of the conditions is associated with jugular venous distension? The National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) administers the Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam to assess the knowledge and skills of advanced respiratory therapists. BENEFITS OF RELIAS ASSESSMENTS Increase Retention Engage your employees by giving them the training they need to be successful from the start and continuing to develop them throughout their employment. If the FiO2 is already 60% or over, then gradually increase the PEEP. D. Yes Yes Yes, General Feedback: Portable O2 systems provide ambulatory patients on long-term oxygen therapy with 150 m 200 m D. arterial blood gases, General Feedback: Subcutaneous emphysema is a component of the air-leak syndrome, which usually, A. Get access to 25+ premium quizzes, mini-courses, and downloadable cheat sheets for FREE. The decrease in lung volumes and compliance increases the patient's spontaneous work Which of the following should be done BEFORE the tube itself is removed? Make sure the order error is corrected and the treatment given to the patient. C. Preventive maintenance Join millions of students who use our free study guides and practice questions to prepare for (and pass) their exams in respiratory therapy school. B. Nausea/vomiting Patients with cystic fibrosis typically have Based on these data, what is the primary acid-base disturbance? B. Gastric insufflation D. The alveolar ventilation per minute will remain constant, 43. D. Standardized buffer solutions, 66. D. increase the total output flow, General Feedback: Significant water accumulation in a low-lying loop of a nebulizer's delivery tube will We believe you can perform better on your exam, so we work hard to provide you with the best study guides, practice questions, and flashcards to empower you to be your best. D. Patient D, General Feedback: All patient with poor exercise capacity have a reduced VO2max. A. Venturi mask C. 7.9 L/min
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