reloading federal 20 gauge hulls

Fed 7/16 Paper BW Federal again has the most load data. Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. 18 g/cc Tungsten Super Shot TSS - FREE SHIPPING. Shotgun hulls 20 gauge - Anti-hull-bulge bushing: how to stuff 1-1/8oz of #2 steel into a 2.75 12ga without buckling. Top Edge: Skived We are your online source for buying 20 gauge ammo online at great prices. Stick around and find outcheck out our playlist for the complete list of hulls we have tried so far us at our new site - The Reloaders Network!****BE ALERT, HANDLOADING AND LIFE CAN BE DANGEROUS, WE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS ON YOUR PART. 28 Gauge: Waterfowl, Upland, Target, HW,Lead, 16 ga Steel-shot Fit test: PT1680 vs. CSD16 in chedditehull, Large ducks (Goldeneye): shot sizes, range, CONSEPthoughts, 20 ga Suprema vs Rio hull, crackedbasewad, Remington American Clay &Field 20ga RXP20 stitched wadfail. RELOADING Federal 20 ga 3" hulls Federal 20 ga 3" hulls Brand : Ballistic Products Write a Review $47.48 SKU: 0622030 Description Federal 20ga 3" new/primed hulls with NiZn plated head (100/bag) Color: Yellow Head: Nickel/Zinc plated Top Edge: Skived Depth: 2.970" Length: 2.738" Brass: 0.630" Primer: Federal 209A (Fed 202) Headstamp: "20 GA Estate" Regarding the 3 off the shelf Federal shells that might be loaded with the PB hulls. 28 Gauge: Waterfowl, Upland, Target, HW,Lead, 16 ga Steel-shot Fit test: PT1680 vs. CSD16 in chedditehull, Large ducks (Goldeneye): shot sizes, range, CONSEPthoughts, 20 ga Suprema vs Rio hull, crackedbasewad, Remington American Clay &Field 20ga RXP20 stitched wadfail. Global Recent Activity. Depth: 2.829" Top Edge: Skived They de-platforming our content in an effort to censor your 2A Civil Rights *********---------The Ministry of Truth (YOUTUBE) HAVE LISTED THIS VIDEO AS INAPPROPRIATE - TO KEEP THIS CHANNEL ALIVE YOU MUST SHARE THE LINKS WITH LIKE MINDED GUN OWNERS/SHOOTERS/AMERICANS----------- With the plethora of 20 gauge offerings, it doesn't take long to feel overwhelmed at. Unfortunately the Federal wad is very expensive as wads go, and the only other straight-walled wad is the Gualandi which is less expensive but not commonly found. For 12-gauge, my favorites in order are: Hodgdon Universal, Hodgdon Clays, Hodgdon Unique and Winchester Super Field (WSF). In 16 gauge, all hulls are very similar in design, except for the Federal with its paper base. I asked if these were both the same, and if so why they were listed as a separate hull type obviously reloaders will be confused because theyre LISTED as different, but look ALMOST the same, except one of them has specifically removed the word Paper and added Hi Power. Anti-hull-bulge bushing: how to stuff 1-1/8oz of #2 steel into a 2.75 12ga without buckling. Color: Yellow The AP will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing. The hull material was so soft that it wouldn't hold a crimp, allowing the shot to spill into the pockets of Beck's shooting vest. Nice Shot Reloading Data: 20 Gauge - RANDY WAKEMAN Shotgun Reloading Supplies at LG Outdoors | LG Outdoors Heres a cutaway picture of 12 ga 2.75 Reifenhauser style hulls (plus Win Universal): Noble Sport, new Federal w/ plastic basewad, Rio, Estate, Win Universal. explained, Lightning steel #7 & #16, Estate FB vs. Fed FB. Midsouth has powder bushings and shot bars. Blue Dot is another good powder for 16-gauge. Rem Plastic SP, Chrono/Pattern testing 10gaOkie HG load, 5 flavors, Steel Shot #4 vs. #3, lethality and range, Large ducks (Goldeneye): shot sizes, range, CONSEP thoughts, Range comparison: Steel, ITX, HeviShot, HW13, TSS, Shot Bridging in chokes, patterns, pellet size vs. bore: thoughts, Chrono/pattern test: 3/4oz steel 3 20ga BPI 60119-1075, SAAMI pressure, statistics and test results: some thoughts. This time we put the Federal cheapies to the. The load data will say Fiocchi plastic hull or Cheddite plastic hull the same goes for federal, Winchester and others depending how old in some cases the hull is. Fed Hi-Power 7/16 BW, 2 3/4 -in. Cheddite or Fiocchi? Which is more versatile? - The Ultimate Reloading Manual. Federal 28GA Hulls 100pk. Length: 2.9, Rio 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass (100/bag) Anais Favre is drinking a Betray'Ale by Brasserie Haarddrch. Color: Yellow My email address is Thank You For choosing us as your place for once fired brass.. (IF YOU HAVE Problems Ordering Online Then Call Rachel At 760-905-6479, Now Excepting Zelle Payments and Cash App. Loading data available as well. 400$ 53%. Versatile for most hulls depending on powder volume. 20 Gauge - Claybuster Wads I wouldnt interchange them. Edit see my red edit above 10/24/16 with BPI saying what the Fed PB were. #6 Lead 1300 F: GunBroker is the largest seller of Shotgun Shells Ammunition All: 984391387 . 20 gauge Mixed Once Fired Hulls for reloading Mixed Colors, brass, and crimp Roughly 70 per 1 lb package Most purchases are shipped out the next business day Easy Guest checkout. Alliants Duane said they were the premium, and it was when I kept pressing him to define what NOW was that 3 integral basewad hull that it got confusing. Brass: 0, Cheddite 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass hulls (100/bag) Hopefully this will help some folks who also have/had questions about what specific hulls they mean! These Federal/Rio hulls take the European size primer, 0.245 diameter, which means they will need a Rio209, a Fiocchi Fio616, or a Noble Sport NS209 primer. I have reloaded thousands of shells with your products and they are excellent!" Versatile for most hulls depending on powder volume. I want to start out saying that Duane was very helpful, spent a good bit of time with me looking at data in Lymans drawings and also crosschecking the load data before he commented on the hulls. explained, Lightning steel #7 & #16, Estate FB vs. Fed FB. Multi-Hull, Fiocchi, and Federal brands available. 3 0 obj Now I'm seeing that Rio has lost the bid, and they are now being made by Federal again. <> 1. Many turkey hunters load their own high-performance shotgun ammunition with Tungsten Super Shot (TSS) and Hevi-Shot, but reloading improves performance for all shotgunners. Chrono/Pattern testing 10gaOkie HG load, 5flavors, New Federal FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load are Rio hulls;+cutaway, 12 ga Non Alliant Steel steel-shotloads, Range comparison: Steel, ITX, HeviShot, HW13,TSS, Shot Bridging in chokes, patterns, pellet size vs. bore:thoughts, Daves Internet Forum Arch-NemesisTheory, Youth gun: Weatherby SA-08 20ga Compact (24 barrel, 12.5LOP), Caught by Wife, Estimating goose size from picture by dangling aturkey, Tested: 16ga 410gr steel shot(overpressure), Chrono/pattern test: 3/4oz steel 3 20ga BPI60119-1075, SAAMI pressure, statistics and test results: somethoughts, 12ga Low-Recoil Mallard load for < 40yds, Why ITX-10 or Bismuth are poor forduplexing, Lowest Recoil Commercial 12ga Steel forwaterfowl, Kent Bismuth: Smaller Euro shotthoughts. I loaded 3 shells with each load and went back to the pattern board. Home/ Shotshell Reloading/Hulls/New Hulls By Gauge/20 gauge hulls, all lengths. Top Edge: Skived Fed 7/16 Paper BW vs. 3 -in. 12-Gauge, 3 -in. Then Put it to Good Use Once Again. Once Fired 20 gauge Mixed Hulls | US Reloading Supply Color: Yellow Another good investigator is Republican at SGW, who is one of the all time most prolific and best picture posters. He is especially proud of his crimps. 0 out of 5 (0) SKU: 153000000385 $ 9.99. We clean the desert by picking up the brass and lead that contaminates the earth. The Suprema brand available at WalMart is also a Rio hull. The plastic basewad vs. the fiber basewad in most Federal hulls means they can get wet and not be ruined for loading. Those are for 1 1/8-ounce loads. No agents to pick up. No Risk - 100% satisfaction guarantee FREE Shipping on orders over $25, no other fees added at checkout Once you get the hang of it, you can churn out a lot of ammo pretty quickly with this kind of press. 20 gauge hull cut aways, Win Universal, AA HS, CF;Rem. #shotgun #FAN #Pennsylvania #trapshooting #claytargets. You know them, you love them, they are the butt of jokes all across the shotgun range but are their reputation as the red-headed step child deserved? That's why we recommend starting with new/primed hulls. 20 Guage Fiocchi Hull 2 3/4" Pre-primed (100/bag), Fiocchi 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass, yellow tube (100/bag). I've seen elite competitive shotgunners continue reloading hulls that should have been pitched long ago. To prove it to yourself, you can remove 10 pellets and crimp and Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4hull? Federal 20 gauge game loads. | Browning Owners Filtering my spreadsheet for just Fed GM and Fed PB hulls, then sorting my excel file for payload, then powder, then wad, then primer, then powder grains, I can find pairs of loads all the same except for one is the GM hull and one is the PB hull. They are from back in the day the federal premium line. These hulls roll crimp beautifully too. When I called again to ask which reloading data to use for this, they were adamant that all places Federal PB shows up, its this integral basewad high volume hull, which looks like a Fed Gold Medal but is clear and has higher volume. For 16-gauge, your main options are Winchester's WAA16 and Remington's SP16. This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Material from the Associated Press is Copyright 2023, Associated Press and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. You can still pay by credit card, check, or money order. Color: Yellow Primed hulls do not require a hazmat fee with standard ground shipping. The crimp was text book and the shot patterned perfectly. Color: Yellow Beck nonchalantly scooped a handful of shot from his pocket, funneled it into his hull with a cupped palm, closed the crimp with his thumbs and broke clays. Despite Vista Outdoors owning both Alliant AND Federal Premium ammo, he could not tell me specifically what current Federal shell I could buy on the shelf actually matched that description. For low-volume loading, the Lee Load-All is an economical starting point. 20 gauge hull cut aways, Win Universal, AA HS, CF;Rem. Buy 500 once fired Federal gold 20 gauge ga shotgun hulls shells w/10 boxes: GunBroker is the largest seller of Other Reloading Supplies Reloading Supplies Ammunition Reloading All: 984575898. . Brass: 0, Rio 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass (100/bag) Color: Yellow For Reloading and Crafts From A Hobby to a Business!! From A Hobby to a Business!! ", Robert from Coraopolis, PA "The CB6118-12 wads you sent worked absolutely spectacular in those Activ hulls. Fed 7/16 Paper BW vs. 3 -in. Federal 20 ga 2 3/4" hull | Bilozir Fine Guns & Reloading Supplies If you adhere to load data published in reliable sources, it is very safe. 2 0 obj Two guys online have done some nice work investigating these shells, first Cerberus at forums who has a great thread there on Euro hulls which is a good source for which hulls are replicas of what, made by whom, and which primer size they use. You will need to find the perfect load for each type of hull There is too much stuff in the Fed/Rio hulls and they will grow after the initial loading. Because the hull is the most important part of the actual load; don't compromise your performance with old, weak hulls. Top 100 des usines dans la region Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes Heres my expose on which hulls are which. Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4 hull? We Accept All Credit and Debit Cards. Thank you for taking the time with my question. If you want lighter loads, you have to insert an undercard or get 1-ounce wads from Claybusters or Gualandi. Nice Shot Reloading Data: 20 Gauge From our friends at Precision Reloading comes a portion of the Nice Shot reloading data they have developed thus far for 20 gauge loads. No SIGN Up Required to Order. Shell Length: 3". Concerning the Federal 7/16 Paper Basewad vs. 7/16 Hi-Power basewad, he confirmed they are the same and whipped off the history of Hi-Power branding for Federal and which loads were so labeled, in a very convincing and erudite manner. It also makes this hull ideal for cycling in tubular magazines- less chance of hang ups. The load with the federal 209A was 16 grains of green dot. 2-3/4 Fiocchi, Victory, PMC, and NobelSport plastic shells (low basewad) << I am unsure if any of these include cheddite hulls, but this is the data Id use for a cheddite hull and the many folks that use cheddite (Kent, HeviMetal, Herters, etc.) Chrono/Pattern testing 10gaOkie HG load, 5 flavors, Steel Shot #4 vs. #3, lethality and range, Large ducks (Goldeneye): shot sizes, range, CONSEP thoughts, Range comparison: Steel, ITX, HeviShot, HW13, TSS, Shot Bridging in chokes, patterns, pellet size vs. bore: thoughts, Chrono/pattern test: 3/4oz steel 3 20ga BPI 60119-1075, SAAMI pressure, statistics and test results: some thoughts. I'm located in Sierra Vista. Customer service is AMAZING. Depth: 2.441", Canada's premier purveyor of fine guns and reloading supplies, Winchester AA-HS 20 ga 2 3/4" once-fired hull (NOT IN STOCK). The same great all-purpose hull as used in Federal's premium loads.Sold per bag of 100. Versatile for most hulls depending on powder volume. T, Federal 20S1 20ga 7/8 - 1oz wad(250/bag) Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4 hull? I love Remington's Figure 8 wad for all of my 12-gauge skeet loads. 6.6K views 4 years ago In this series we review just how many times reloading shotgun hulls is too many. I use the MEC Sizemaster for 12-, 20-, 16- and 28-gauge. Federal Shotshell Hulls 12 Gauge 3" Primed Skived Bag of 100 - MidwayUSA A cartridge failure in a rifle or a pistol is serious, and metallic reloaders discard brass that demonstrate weakened structural integrity. Crimp (100 Hulls) Permanent Link to Product Page $9.00 Out Of Stock Product Number: R20UL8 HLR20UL8 Product Manufacturer: BPI has a glossary of reloading abbreviations it includes in all its books and some of its wad sheets. Law Enforcement/Military Shotshell Contract. Ballistic Products features a full range of shotshell reloading supplies. New Federal "FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load" are Rio hulls; +cutaway Ballistic Products Rio Shotshell Hulls 20 Gauge 2-3/4" Primed High Federal Upland Magnum 20 Ga Ammo 25 Rds-P258 6 . Edit 10/24/16, BPI is selling a 12ga 2.75 Integral Basewad version of this hull, its clear and has a huge volume. Sorry about that! #reloading #shotgun #Pennsylvania, Micah from San Diego, CA "I received the CB6118-12 samples you sent last week and was able to press one finally. 500 once fired Federal gold base 20 gauge ga shotgun hulls shells 2 3\4", comes with 10 boxes, I will combine shipping, I prefer PayPal, I will send . Upda, Rio 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass (100/bag) He ended up referencing Lymans drawings! . He knew exactly which hulls had been produced this way and listed them off, but basically said only a single 3 version is now being produced by Federal and used in some of their specialty loads, perhaps some buckshot. PDF 20 Gauge, Low Pressure Recipes - NSSA-NSCA Activ 12GA Hulls 100 Pack. Reloading manuals contain vast amounts of shotgun reloading data for every gauge. Rem Nitro Steel That wadsheet is one of their oldest ones, and Jonathan covered the history of the nomenclature. Top Edge: Skived, Federal 12ga 3-1/2" new/primed hull (50/bag) Theyre NOT the same as Federal Gold Medal hulls, another large-volume hull without a separate basewad that is great for steel loads. Featuring Lead-in Taper Load Data CB1078-20 (WAA20) For use in 7/8 skeet, sporting clays or hunting loads. Most guys are paying $0.20 for once fired AA HS 20ga now. The Cheddite Ch209 or CX2000 primer is slightly too small, as are American primers Win209, Rem209P, Fed209A, and CCI209 or CCI209M. 020505 Guns . Fed 0.090 Intergral BW and 3 1/2 -in. $28.99 $1.16. <> Many times I watched him step to the line with shells that were held together with Scotch tape. Lets start! Dave. Read more. J-Ron Inc.'s Claybuster Wad Line is a well established economical wad line built for target-shooters and wing-shooters alike. Ill show his picture of the box these come in at WalMart below, and also give a link to the thread its from and his post for proper attribution Im sure youll find much of interest if you peruse the outstanding posts of both Republican and Cerberus, theyre true experts. For more information or to purchase Nice Shot in bulk, contact Precision Reloading: . Fed Gold Medal This does away with the disparities that occur with different powders and different shot sizes. stream Anti-hull-bulge bushing: how to stuff 1-1/8oz of #2 steel into a 2.75 12ga withoutbuckling. In fact, several internet posters have reported that a lot of the BPI listed steel shot loads for the Federal Plastic Base hulls, will not fit in a Federal Gold Medal hull. Replacement Winchester Style Wads 20 Gauge AA for 3/4 Oz 500 Count by CLAYBUSTERS / HARVESTER Claybuster's Wad Line can satisfy nearly every target or wing shooting application for reloading. Category: Wads & Hulls - The Gun Dealer Disc Base means PLASTIC BASEWAD. AA hulls are different than Winchester's ridged hulls, but I use the same loading data for AA in smooth Winchester Upland and Super X hulls. It won't take long to settle on a few preferred loads, but the additional data that you will probably never load is still useful for cross referencing. 1 0 obj Shot Shells Once Fired - Once Fired Brass and Everything Else Federal 20 ga 3" hulls | Bilozir Fine Guns & Reloading Supplies Add to . Exclusive Federal Premium paper hull design; Thank you for all your help." Copyright 2023 Prairiewind Decoys. Duane wasnt sure, and had to reference the load data for each one, which being different wads was inconclusive. Federal = Federal Hull 20 gauge shotgun hulls for sale | eBay Federal FB = Federal Hull (Fiber Basewad) This hull has the traditional spun paper base wad. They are quite succinct with the types: These hulls are headstamped "Estate," but they are the traditional Federal hull with their"IBW" internal spun base wad and ayellow tube. Brass: 0.625", Winchester AA-HS 20ga 2-3/4" once-fired hulls (100/bag), Fiocchi 20ga 2-3/4" new/primed 16mm brass, yellow tube (100/bag) SCHLOUK is drinking a Beli'Ale by Brasserie Haarddrch. 2-3/4 Federal Gold Medal Plastic Shells << self explanatory Reloading manuals contain vast amounts of shotgun reloading data for every gauge. valid XHTML and CSS. Use them for all my reloading of 12, 16, 20 and 28!" It is very popular, and it works very well for its intended purpose. As you can see, the new Fed matches the Rio almost exactly; texture and thickness of the plastic was the same. The Sizemaster contains stations in a circular pattern where all of the steps are performed. So I am still left in a bit of a quandary, as I am not aware of any single piece 3 or 3.5 Fed hulls, all Ive seen have a plastic disc at bottom or fiber BW, produced in the reifenhauser tube crimped around a base methodbut I questioned him on this three times and he was firm. Shotshell Reloading Equipment & Components / Shotshell Hulls Ballistic Products Rio Shotshell Hulls 20 Gauge 2-3/4" Primed High Brass Bag of 100 Product #: 112918 Manufacturer #: RIO207016 UPC #: 813564021233 Our Price: $11.99 ($0.12 per piece) Discontinued Length: 2.75 Inches Gauge: 20 Primed: Yes Skived: No View Important Delivery Info There was federal classic and fed premium. endobj It's helping are world to be a greener place to live and breath. Prefer to sale in bags of 500 pieces but will sell less. The author's pet 12-gauge load for skeet is Remington Premier hulls loaded with 23.5 grains of Universal. Maxi Nitro Cards by BPI. Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4hull? Top Edge: Skived Fed GM hull, REDUCE 1gr of 4756 powder, but the pressure still INCREASES 700psi vs. the heavier load in the PB hull. When cheddite-style 3-piece hulls (wall, plastic disc basewad, metal head bonding the two) became popular, they used the term Disc Basewad to differentiate it from one-piece plastic hulls like AA and Rem, rather than plastic basewad which might have been confusing. 209A Primers features a deep-er plastic tray for added safety and easier handling. Competitive clay shooters have long tailored reloads for whatever game they play, be it trap, skeet or sporting clays. There are several examples in BPI Advantages that Ive noticed, in the 20ga, where the exact same recipe with only the hull being different, results in a 2000 psi pressure difference. Like ammo, reloading components are in extremely high demand right now, including presses. Nov 5, 2018 138 Dislike Share Save mannyCA 50.3K subscribers In this series we review just how many times reloading shotgun hulls is too many. Goldeneye: CONSEP ballistic needs for smaller Large duck, New Federal FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load are Rio hulls; +cutaway, 12 ga Non Alliant Steel steel-shot loads, 12ga Low-Recoil Mallard load for < 40 yds, Lowest Recoil Commercial 12ga Steel for waterfowl, 20 gauge hull cut aways, Win Universal, AA HS, CF; Rem, 20 ga 2.75 >= 7/8 oz steel with CSD20 wad, Remington American Clay &Field 20ga RXP20 stitched wad fail, 20 ga Suprema vs Rio hull, cracked basewad, Youth gun: Weatherby SA-08 20ga Compact (24 barrel, 12.5 LOP), 16 ga Steel-shot Fit test: PT1680 vs. CSD16 in cheddite hull, Tested: 16ga 410gr steel shot (overpressure).

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