Families can easily learn about events, enrichment activities and opportunities offered by community organizations as well as school-affiliated organizations by visiting Plano ISDs Online Materials Distribution Portal. Join Plano ISDs Parent Education and Engagement Program (PEEP) program and community partner Capital One for a virtual presentation about Financial Literacy 101. The session will be via Zoom on April 12 at 10:00 a.m. For more information, view the event flyer or visit the PEEP program website. This session is scheduled for February 22 at 10:00 a.m. through ZOOM. Azle ISD officials confirmed Tuesday morning that the district has had two positive cases since the start of the school year. Parents may request student devices through the Parent Portal during the annual registration period or any subsequent time throughout the school year. Please view this, Families, staff and community members are invited to. African American History Month Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion Art Contest. On Aug. 31, the district said three fifth-grade employees at Indian Springs Middle School tested positive. Summer Programs: Summer School & Camps. An interview at the event is more likely for those who submitted their application in advance onPlano ISDs employment pageand meet the minimum job requirements. It is not clear if those are the three cases on the band. All 132 Alvarado High School band members will quarantine until Oct. 24 after three cases of coronavirus were confirmed within the marching band sphere. Additionally, the District will continue to utilize other COVID-19 mitigation measures in its efforts to safely serve the Districts students. If you do not wish to provide income information, scroll past that section of the form and select the following option: I choose not to provide this information. Annual registration for currently enrolled Plano ISD students will occur in late July through Parent Portal. This program will feature six daytime sessions at various Plano ISD locations throughout the 2022-2023 school year, culminating in a recognition for graduates on the evening of April 25, 2023. Do you have a question, concern or compliment to share with Plano ISD district staff? Rsums can be sent in advance to fansjobs@pisd.edu or through Plano ISDs Employment Page where more details about open positions are listed. If you do not receive a notification letter sent by your campus, in accordance with the new required protocol, it is because your childs classroom was not affected. Walk-ins are welcome to the event, but attendees should come prepared to interview, including bringing a resume if possible. Schools may also share additional information via their campus newsletters and/or go-home folders. An email will be sent to the volunteer applicant communicating the status of their application and criminal history search within 3-5 business days of completing these steps. The next virtual college fair is taking place on October 16. The Collin Adult Education and Literacy program is funded by the Texas Workforce Commission. Students who miss school due to illness or quarantine will be eligible for Remote Conferencing. Plano Independent School District begins accepting online applications for PreK on April 4. To learn more about the IB programme at the elementary level, visit the schools website. ), Please note that parents/guardians will be notified when there is a positive case on their childs campus. before considering a motion whether or not to extend a temporary indoor mask requirement at Plano ISD schools, facilities and district-provided transportation. For more information, including additional important dates and the online program application, visit the Plano Mayors Summer Internship Program website. Understanding the ripple effect this has on our district and community, we will announce a new grand opening date as soon as we are able. Join PEEPs Facebook group to receive daily parenting encouragement, evidence-based parenting articles and community resources. These are the cases that have been made public by school districts. For more information on the app, including download instruction, visit theMobile App webpage. Testing will be done on a voluntary basis for those employees or students who are experiencing COVID symptoms, and need a negative test to return to work/school. Regular hours of operation will resume on Tuesday, May 31. To register, visit the PEEP programs website or contact Sharon Bradley, Plano ISD director of Family and Social Services. District officials at Malakoff ISD in Henderson County confirmed Sunday that another student at the district's high school had tested positive for COVID-19. Join Plano ISDs Parent Education and Engagement Program (PEEP) for a 3-part virtual series "Parenting Children with ADD/ADHD" each Wednesday in February at 1:00 p.m. Thank you for your partnership as we work to safely and effectively resume instruction tomorrow, February 25. Level four is when either positive COVID-19 cases reach 5% of the population or if staff is unable to operate effectively with in-person learning. , pending full legislative approval and funding from the Texas Education Agency. ), Two-way dual language is a program that integrates English speaking and Spanish speaking students in the same classroom. Registration is now open for virtual college fairs scheduled for September 25 and October 16. Virtual Content Creators: A selected team of PISD teachers at each grade level will work with the curriculum team to create and post content for parents and students who are participating in the Parent Led Temporary Virtual Option. As a member of the inaugural Raise Your Hand Texas Principal Leadership Development Program at Harvard University, Mrs. Bonser has an unwavering passion for redesigning instruction to improve student outcomes. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. We will start our search by looking at internal candidates who can help maintain the momentum and forward trajectory inspired by Saras leadership.. Any student who lives within the Plano ISD attendance zone and who will be enrolled in grades K-5 is eligible to apply. Revised sections are noted in the, COVID-19 Campus Response Protocol & Notifications, Families should continue to monitor their childrens health. : Weather-related closures and updates will be posted in real time on the Plano ISD home page as well as campus websites. Free school supplies packets to the first 200 Plano ISD students (thanks to Liberty Mutual). The eight cases are below the 5% threshold, but the close contacts among staff members were a concern. Grade level and program offerings are subject to enrollment minimums. The Texas Education Agency has limited our ability to require an individual, or an entire classroom, to quarantine due to exposure. Parents are invited to join the Plano ISD Parent Education & Engagement Program (PEEP) and the Grant Halliburton Foundation for a free virtual film screening of LIKE: Finding Balance in Our Digital World on Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m. LIKE explores the impact of social media on our lives and the effects of technology on the brain. Qualified senior high school students, in addition to college students and adults, can apply to work in Plano ISDs PASAR after-school care program for students in grades prek-5. A la carte items will be available for purchase. Apply by visiting Plano ISDs employment page or register for the PASAR August 24 virtual job fair at www.pisd.edu/jobs. Plano ISDs Transportation Services Department is hosting a job fair on Tuesday, February 22 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Clark High Schools cafeteria, 523 Spring Creek Parkway in Plano. District science coordinators are currently writing a curriculum for K-5 elementary computer science that will allow students to engage with coding learning opportunities during the school day. Student attendance will be coded as RC- Remote Conferencing, which is considered being PRESENT. The total amount of RC instruction. Keeping children home when ill or while awaiting test results. Plano ISDs Transportation Department is hosting a job fair on Wednesday, June 8, from 8:00 a.m. to noon to hire school bus drivers and bus driver assistants. District officials stated the staff member at Walnut Creek did not come into close contact with students. Plano ISD community members are invited to apply for Class 2 of the, Plano ISD Leadership and Ambassador program. That commitment included becoming one of the first districts in Texas to roll out a nationally recognized peer-to-peer mediation effort on all of its campuses. This process allows the notification letters to be specific to those most at risk of exposure while the individual was infectious. The form previously used for scheduling appointments will no longer be used for the PCR test appointments. Originally scheduled as a student/teacher holiday, Monday, April 18, is now an instructional day. Plano ISDs transportation department has created a webpage where information about buses running more than 30 minutes late is shared. Directory - prosper-isd.net Individuals will be informed of test results via email, which can then be provided to your campus nurse in order to return to school. For more information about the transfer process and how to request an online tracking number, visit the Student Transfers page at www.pisd.edu/pisdtransfer. The district has two active COVID-19 cases: one student who attends Bastrop Intermediate and one district-level employee, according to the district's COVID-19 dashboard, which was last updated . District officials said they notified families and staff earlier this week. Last school year, the district underwent an extensive audit by an independent investigator to make sure that we are doing all that we can in the area of bullying prevention. Quarantine guidelines for employees who have tested positive for COVID or are experiencing COVID symptoms have been updated based on current CDC and. Links to the meetings will be shared on the Huffman Elementary School website prior to the meetings. Food Services and Transportation are hosting in-person job fairs on July 22 and 27. Symptoms to watch for: fever (100F or higher), cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, fatigue, congestion/running nose, nausea/diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell. It is important to know that buses will still go by all the bus stops to pick up students. Parents interested in having their children attend Plano ISDs IB World School at Huffman Elementary in the 2022-2023 school year are invited to attend one of two information meetings: Saturday, December 4 at 10:00 a.m. (in-person) or Tuesday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. (virtual). For more information about this session and other parent education and engagement program opportunities, please contact Sharon Bradley. Spanish subtitles will be available. Campus staff supervising cancelled or postponed events will communicate directly with parents and students. Contact your childs physician or locate a vaccine provider. Three calendar drafts began development over the summer and were vetted during the months of September and October by district cabinet members, the Plano Leadership Executive Committee, PTA leadership, the Superintendents Student Advisory Council, Faculty Advisory Council and district and campus administrators. Additionally, every scholar participates in a World Language, Chinese Mandarin. For more information or details related to this law, please see the links below: Job seekers are invited to attend Plano ISDs Food and Nutritional Services (FANS) job fair happening tomorrow, September 9, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Wilson Middle Schools cafeteria, 1001 Custer Road in Plano. Recently, she was chosen to serve in the new Superintendent Leadership Program launched last year by the Holdsworth Center, designed to support strong diverse leaders who are driving transformative change. To learn more about the IB programme at the elementary level, visit the schools website. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, Counseling, Academic Guidance, and Mental Health, Summer Programs: Summer School and Summer Camps, Handbooks / Student Code of Conduct / Dress and Grooming, Suicide Prevention & Awareness/Mental Health, Technology Useful Information for Students. To view the daily parent class schedule and registration form, please view this flyer: For more details about services such as 1-on-1 parent partnering, free GED/ESL classes, etc., please contact Director of Student, Family & Community Services Sharon Bradley. Reply Y to confirm, HELP 4 info. Due to statewide staffing and supply shortages of TEA-approved COVID testing vendors, COVID testing through Plano ISD was not able to begin this week, as anticipated. March 23-27 (by appointment only): Call 469-752-7160 to schedule an appointment. Rsums can be sent in advance to. Officials also stated they contacted parents by phone for students who had close contact with the patient within the two days before the notice was sent. The 2021-22 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance coverage is available for Plano ISD parents to purchase through AXIS Insurance Company using this Enrollment Form included on page 4 of this document. The webinar event will provide families a general overview of the four Academy Programs of Plano offered at the high school and senior high school levels. Benefits include a steady work schedule; opportunities for advancement; weekends, holidays and summers off; a retirement plan; and health benefits. be a rising junior or senior to a Plano ISD senior high school; have a cumulative 3.0 GPA (minimum) and solid attendance record; be 16 years of age by June 13, 2022; be eligible to work in the United States; and be able to work the entire eight weeks of the internship from June 6-July 29 (or dates determined by the employer). Each campus will determine the time and place for device distribution and communicate those details accordingly. For more information about Plano ISDs 2021-2022 health and safety protocols, view the Return to School Plan online in, If your child has tested positive for COVID, and has been present on campus, please submit a. . These school selections can also be changed by the volunteer by logging into their account at any time. Being a viral illness, COVID-19 symptoms look very similar to symptoms of the flu or common cold. Senior Reagan Starnes recalled a younger teen who now regularly joins her table at lunch after she kept following up and making clear I wanted to be their friend. The student now talks openly about his challenges with social anxiety. But its core, best exemplified in its schools, is still tight-knit and small-town proud. Students who have not yet registered should see their counselor or AP teacher. Ensure that independent assignments are completed without assistance. On Sept. 2, two students at Keller High School have tested positive for COVID-19, the district said. November 9 (in person) from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at Plano East Senior High Schools cafeteria, 3000 Los Rios Boulevard in Plano. Qualifying families may be eligible to receive a car seat, free of cost. In addition to hourly pay, the positions offer a flexible schedule, health benefits and weekends, holidays and summers off. Testing Calendars. Being a viral illness, COVID-19 symptoms look very similar to symptoms of the flu or common cold. To request a Spanish translation of the virtual meeting, please contact IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) coordinator Callie Anthony. is August 6-8. Nominate an individual or group whose program or initiative has proven to promote diversity through stronger relationships, improved communications and enhanced understanding within Plano ISD or the broader community within the past year. At the event you will also be able to meet staff, complete applications and participate in tours of a school bus. Prosper High School junior Baylie Bishop said she is all too aware that teens mental health has deteriorated in recent years and deaths by suicide have surged. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. Come join our team and enjoy the benefits of a great schedule, weekends, holidays and summers off, opportunity for advancement, and health benefits! Grounded by Tradition, Soaring to New Beginnings, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM This is led by the dual credit office at Collin College and questions can be sent to, Returning students who are not enrolled in spring 2022 at Collin can take up to 6 hours this summer (questions can be sent to, and it will be administered by Crystal Eberhart), Students who have never received college credit can take up to 6 hours this summer (questions can be sent to, read the press release from Collin College, Read the latest updates from the Plano ISD Special Education Department in the, Families are now able to access information about events, activities and programs within our Plano ISD community directly from the. However, weather closures will be sent to all app users, even if you are not logged in to the system. They are 24 hours fever-free without using fever-reducing medication; Improved symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc. Bus driver jobs include paid training. Register via this link: : Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. What issue would you shine a light on if you had the opportunity and why? View updated health protocols in English | Spanish. The Plano ISD Diversity Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for the 21st Annual Plano ISD Diversity Leadership Award. Plano ISDs Board of Trustees sent the Governor a letter requesting the ability to manage the Districts mask policies through local control. Plano ISD is providing free summer meals through June 24 for children 18 years and younger at several campuses throughout the district. State and federal funds are allocated to school districts based on this information. There were multiple factors considered in this decision, including the continuing repairs at the camp facilities due to the February winter storm, staffing shortage, as well as health and safety concerns. Individuals will be informed of test results via email, which can then be provided to your supervisor or campus nurse in order to return to work or school.
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