port macquarie council complaints

Make a call, email us, find the right form or visit the right webpage by clicking the buttons below. There are many benefits of making a complaint and telling someone about your problem. stream ABN: 11 236 901 601 endstream Our Minister for Local Government should have a look at the complaints, not just in our council and what is going on, but in other councils as well.". I corrected it and advised of what I had actually said. Police appeal for . "He wouldn't tell me what the complaints were or who made them. Council's around NSW have seen a significant spike in the number of complaints and the cost to deal with them in the past two years. "Rr_NGvN"wV}?Tq1m[@b-e?gL!0~\[ 0ILF:.8QN8H$F} R\t]`9ILvg>)0fnym,2P{4:"knhd2~KmKMj?MDM S9HkW=Neb?ZQ841 *}igmRT|"h$R6p 7~'f6^FX' u=kMUg>o7*yKP &O@,jA:oj!9$iK7MI?v`XC_ yc3xqGxz{Z4,~8A phM2,$^v!YK_k>f'$K8_u 0'yr5~1 4!1R-P0VB\;]('q_c!$!vk?.Ig1GZFP>BKHQ3Grvn E_2e#,b\9S8 kmvfJ~7#Xfss@/XHQ]s^0meyi5=oDj9k?QtP1yW/>SK_ {I^S5J"V. College to strengthen focus on opportunity in 2020, Top 10 sporting moments from 2019 around the Hastings, 'Exceptional year': flying fox numbers skyrocket at Port Macquarie camp, Enfield tops the local charge, but not by enough to take out Junior Surf Pro, Surf, skate and music attracts thousands to fundraising festival, Tale of two halves, Pirates brilliant in the first, ordinary in the second, Pop culture characters take centre stage at Cosplay event, 'Clover's Law': Timbertown doubles down on no dog policy after pet's death, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. We are publicly exhibiting the Customer Experience Policy, Customer Complaint Policy and Draft Unreasonable Customer Conduct Policy so that any member of the public can provide feedback on any or all of the policies between Friday, 23 October 2020 to Friday, 20 November 2020. We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who choose to call Port Macquarie Hastings home. "Three months ago, I got a phone call from a gentleman telling me he was in investigator appointed by council to investigate complaints for breaching the code of conduct. That was three months ago and I have heard nothing since. ,QZ0f`[mlKV 3P`Pff` A Our journalists work hard to provide local, up-to-date news to the community. Not to be confused with customer requests, complaints tell us about customer dissatisfaction with either. endobj Crime in Port Macquarie. Safety in Port Macquarie - Numbeo Port Macquarie court list. We live in an environment where anonymous people can make complaints - what can you do about it. We support people with disability, Aboriginal peoples and have information in easy English and other languages. Ask a question, lodge a service request, report a local issue or provide feedback through an online form. Public Interest disclosures also covers local government, Parliament, and also some private sector operators. A Byabarra farmer has taken his complaints against Port Macquarie-Hastings Council's handling of its unsealed road network to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Your feedback should be received no later than Friday 20 November 2020. Port Macquarie NSW 2444. If you look objectively at the process they (ratepayers) would be shocked at what went on. "If we don't know, or can't analyse the inside of these complaints, we will never understand whether what is said is true.". "Whilst council correctly reported zero complaints made about councillors and the general manager during the reporting period 2019-2020; there was an administrative error regarding the financial data accompanying the report, which should have read zero.". Contact us for any help on browser support. The Port News has been at the heart of its community for more than 135 years. Your digital subscription includes access to content from all our websites in your region. 14 0 obj council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au Mail Reach us by posted mail. And you have a right to complain to the Ombudsman if that doesn't happen. "In line with the Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct Part 11, council is required to report annually the total number of code of conduct complaints made about councillors and the general manager under the code of conduct in the year to September," the statement said. We can help people who have been unfairly treated by community services that are run or funded by the government. 12 0 obj )N}R%$LtE^z4;{zUn(qmkR\1ZAEDy4.*5 If your issue is an EMERGENCY, call us directly on (02) 6581 8111 for issues such as: burst water mains sewerage leak tree fallen over the road hazardous pollution issues (e.g. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their continuing connection to land, sea and community. ?.ArOqKc+]'5qTe)?x "I'm horrified and our community should be too. PDF Revised Customer Complaints Policy Group Manager Customer Experience and Communications, Draft Unreasonable Customer Conduct Policy, Draft Customer Experience Policy (235 KB) (pdf), Draft Customer Complaints Policy (236 KB) (pdf), Draft Unreasonable Customer Conduct Council Policy (129 KB) (pdf), Delivering a customer experience that aligns with customer expectation, Using technology to unlock smarter, more efficient ways of how we deliver services, Building the communitys trust and confidence in us. Here areall the different ways you can get in touch with us. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Contact a Councillor Find information on our council, and their contact details. Enter your search term and click on Apply to see results, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Courts: Find out how our services are being delivered and how you can access them. Deputy mayor Cr Lisa Intemann said if there is no way to "de-identify" information without breaching the confidentiality clause of the code, then there is also no way of putting in place corrective measures to improve behaviour; or even determine if a person, or a group of people, are simply making spurious claims against a councillor. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council had four complaints and spent investigating $2650; after investigation, none of the complaints were found to have been a breach. "These 14 complaints have cost us (council) $51,000. "I consider that money has been taken away from important assets to our community. << /Type /XRef /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 109 /W [ 1 2 1 ] /Index [ 7 29 ] Depending on the complaint, the . Ruby Pascoe. asbestos, chemicals in water) :5m x <2>(|m!,..NO1yr?FI ShV0CR6!pgKS@:nki`J_\ec"qJ|qMQpq]@0AnxA0WF \=9}H!c|U'heuNV=02XB,S%1 oz Y$FK),k&%A6Z$'v1:+KN+sUu9~P8)#/gp$5cT78q( }_cY3SZBi&bei4Er8Amb\,"Lt[PQk.^kP{c8>&wK:EA05%WUMdsgdPk% /hXeM.J6Vh_r""8T"f04j1SyTbwYc5Q4%6zsV2n1kd %'|gE{5Wwk_lSFeAg6?QLW(Wg.S^tS!`!~sTtg^o{.Q\ [y!R.1$YS!yGIg Make a call, email us, find the right form or visit the right webpage by clicking the buttons below. PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444. Part 1: What is unreasonable conduct by a complainant? Complaints can: You have a right to good services and fair treatment. If the Department of Local Government tells us we can't reveal de-identified information, then we should throw our hands in the air. . What happens after you make a complaint. For example, a complaint is made if a councillor is accused of finger-pointing or abuse for simply raising a point of order in a meeting, when in fact points of order are allowed. "I agree with Cr Levido that in the great majority of cases complaints come from the community and not councillors and that there must be something done to make this a more reasonable and lawful process," Cr Intemann said. Email Send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. I don't know who lodged them (the complaints) or what is going on. endobj We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders, past, present and emerging. endstream IN the last two years, code of conduct complaints against council and councillors have cost Port Macquarie-Hastings ratepayers more than $51,000 in investigation expenses. endstream Compare Port Macquarie with: Do you live in Port Macquarie? Customer Service. Hd5(8p6asnh3;6rc^UgX IbYY"b hm$#%&Fbkao21v2q>V"[5feGG>:0E&i9Q[ao 4)-)GAx^adehd@ ge%){MS?,8gdu`A=~8skq%fG8qp0G^4z/K=A|64QJGAuXhz4qb6.=GLp~{b'auM]4[uX="^f&*p$ZEW7i |R?D M4zC>{kh'n8xWRqG@j Otu0\AadS4F6pdb{aGFt p\, Kc5m'n4V Contact us for any help on browser support. We acknowledge the Birpai people, the traditional owners of the land in which we work and live, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. k9Q4X\NJmF hC1l':nyz"U+A ]L\j>FeT4 o[.HR7 e'N\nB92I@EEi#i 5u-/x,:D1U(2[sjZ:gf)SZ`T+}#K7PRI?djgi[B"M&Q*O^f jhE Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has announced further workplace reform changes with firebrand CEO Clare Allen appointing new internal ombudsman to the team. x[hgvmP,i " rX6,+&w\:"wS_6z9b@hyO]K7=EHzshy4]Xii]LBXL#wb-uWr[g#tx,kj,-a]L:j:2eVdO4M QBdL/Ws5l/q68>T"B#WVA -\f1q@#N9K?r9`U@GI,q$X0cD%#=Y#A' Part 2: Staff strategies for responding to unreasonable conduct, Part 3: Communication and unreasonable conduct, Part 4: Management responsibilities and supporting staff, Part 5: Restricting and controlling access, Effective complaint management systems workshop, Managing unreasonable conduct by a complainant workshop, Public interest disclosures management training, Supporting young people to make complaints and advocate for systems change workshop, Child Death Review Team / Reviewable Deaths, Submissions to Parliamentary Committees and other bodies, Public Interest Disclosures Annual Reports / PID Steering Committee, Annual reports relating to former functions, Monitor operation of the Mandatory Disease Testing Act, Oversee public interest disclosures (whistleblowing), Email or post this page in social media sites, increase the chance of getting a better outcome, let agencies and service providers know there are problems, and help them improve their services, provide you with an explanation for why something has happened. [__yp.>c:VNgq38|jg{:^/daG37?KqN\'OwWyO endobj <>/PageUIDList<0 211>>/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> Cr Justin Levido, who drew the spotlight on himself at the December council meeting, said the code of conduct procedure is "an absolute disgrace". Contact us - Port Macquarie-Hastings Council the best way to lodge a complaint or a request for service (which is via our website). endstream Opinion. The new policy also reflects recent changes such as the appointment of an Internal Ombudsman, and the introduction of an Internal Staff Speakup program to strengthen our culture. Find out what to do and what information you'll need to provide. Calls received outside of business hours are diverted to our after hours call centre. Access unlimited content, the digital versions of our print editions - Today's Paper, as well as the Newcastle Herald app. Complaints investigations come at a cost to ratepayers Ph: 6581 8111, 17 Burrawan Street These policies are available to download in the document library to the right (or below if viewing this page on a mobile device). "If the Department of Local Government tells us we can't reveal de-identified information, then we should throw our hands in the air.". A Byabarra farmer has taken his - Port Macquarie News - Facebook Level of crime: 34.81: Low: Crime increasing in the past 3 years: 64.25: High: Worries home broken and things stolen: 34.11: Low: Worries being mugged or robbed: Port Macquarie NSW 2444. Phone: 1300 352 000 (National Enquiry Centre) Hearings can be observed by any member of the public. And it has raised the ire of some councillors who question the validity of the process and the intent of the complainants. PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444. We review the information you give us and decide what action to take. Mayor Peta Pinson also requested the general manager provide the code of conduct complaint statistics since 2016 to the Minister for Local Government. 17 Burrawan Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444. Lismore Council recorded the most complaints with 52 recorded costing $82,614 in investigation costs, resulting in two breaches of the Code.

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