ophelia asteroid astrology

The planets and the fixed stars are used in medical astrology. The major asteroids in astrology are Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Chiron, Eros and Lilith. Where are These Two Asteroids in Your Chart? The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. WebOphelia was also exactly trined to Woods natal asteroid Wood (#1660) at 10 Libra, itself conjunct Lachesis at 7 Libra. ophelia asteroid astrology. Im sorry if the way I phrase things in the post is shit, I kind of just wrote it as the thoughts kept coming. Hence, it's distrustful of love. Ophelia The name of one of Uranus moons. 4450 PAN: Keywords: centaur/faun, the flute/pipe Positive: earthy, sensual, seductive, creative Negative: likely to instill panic, produce change or contact Neutral: 1221 AMOR: Keywords: love felt idealistically, romanticised in pure/unconditional thought Positive: Negative: Neutral: not necessarily sexual. We remember that our outer world is merely a mirror of what we project from within, awake or asleep to the awareness that we are creators, creating with every breath we take and with every beat of our heartsone moment at a timeas time consists of only one moment. From there he rose into the sky each night in the train of his mother Nyx (Night). Dates before 4 Oct. 1582 are treated as Julian Calendar. Arachne 407 - Alex's Asteroid Astrology Universe Guide Constellations Andromeda Antlia Apus Aquarius Aquila Ara Aries Auriga Bootes Caelum Camelopardalis Cancer Canes Venatici Canis Major Canis Minor Capricornus Carina Cassiopeia Centaurus Cepheus Negative: Neutral: medicine, medical treatment, internal dis-ease, 55555 DNA: Keywords: genetic code and nature of the individual, explains specifics about genome and knowledge of the molecule Positive: Negative: Neutral: genetics (and things pertaining to them), ones unique identity, genetic memory, genetic tendencies, 171 OPHELIA: Keywords: in need of help or helper , demale despair/madness, duty to the point of driving one mad Positive: demolishing the instruments of captivity, exposing truth behind oppression, revolutionary gestures against those whom caused opression, disowning weakneses and taking on empowered role, becoming the elektra complex (logic+revenge) Negative: tragic undoing caused from oppression, maddening endurance, innocence gone mad, duty to the point of losing yourself; driving one to insanity Neutral: Karma involving those who have been hurt/oppressed and in need of help who do not get it and help theirselves by transforming their pain and becoming empowered to help others, 341520 MORS-SOMNUS: Keywords: death with dignity, sleep-aids, ethanasia, uppers, stimulants, sleep-walking, mattresses, sleep platforms, feather-filled pillows, night time light, melatonin Positive: alert, conscious, cogent regarding responsibilities/personal domain, aware of immediacy of life, value every moment Negative: lethargic, inattentive, dismissive of the views of others, wasteful of energy/effort Neutral: meditating into deep states, intentional dreaming, 433 ERIS: Keywords: using chaos and disruption as a method of reorganization Positive: liberation from addictions to success, clear priorities regarding matters of love+money, clear sense of sacred marriages spirit to body, self to source, between soulful companions and personal sense of emergence Negative: greed, workaholism, belief that you must take over for source, general sense of being forsaken, condemned or abandoned, lack of spiritual regard for life, superficial, status oriented Neutral: promises, vows (kept and broken), elections, intervention by higher powers, reorganizing things that overturn, scales of justice, battles, disputes, famine, lies, manslayings, murders, oath, quarrels, gluttony, nurse of war. Asteroid Web2.Nessus conjunct Dejanira. ), Ophelia. 14827 HYPNOS (GREEK): Hypnos (or Hypnus) was the god or spirit (daimon) of sleep. She sees what others are too fearful to see and exposes the inevitable patterns that underpin the situation. One of the parties, though eternally alive and remaining youthful, must be asleep to the realities of the world around him. 8275 INCA: Keywords: Positive: Negative: Neutral: 894 ERDA: Keywords: (same as URDA) norn of the past may have relevance to past life recall or retrocognition, energies of the southnode Positive: Negative: Neutral: norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our karmic past, our background, our roots/origins, what is behind, remembering, past-life regression, 294 FELICIA: Keywords: Positive: lucky, happy Negative: Neutral: where one may find joy, and happiness, 3 JUNO: Keywords: the traits of a loyal wife, committed and bonded relationships, wife of zeus Positive: loyalty, devotion, kindness, fidelity Negative: dealing with infidelity of spouse Neutral: protection of rights within relationship, marriage, legal-ties 2 PALLAS: Keywords: wisdom, patterns, dependable for advice, owl and snake, weaving/crafts, objectivity, daddys girl, prized daughter, virginal protector of women, equal to men, peace, reconciliation, mental agility, activism Positive: strategy, intellectualism, powerful perception, recognising patterns of human behaviour, patterns of communicating with others, understanding complexity of language, seeing both spoken/unspoken, reading between the lines, tapping into objectivity, overcoming emotional/psychological blocks, creative intelligence, gain clarity, fierce Negative: shrewdness, independance, debate, defense, reason argument, discernment, jugdmental Neutral:where we are able to figure things out, where we strategeize, where we have the ability to use logic/reasoning along with spark of creative understanding, space between thought and action, equality, where we receive intuitive information, heavenly flashes, telepathy, divine/occult knowledge, kundalini, 1 CERES: Keywords: unconditional love mother/child, agriculture, nourishment Positive: selfless love, nurturing, sustaining, mothering, caring, concerned, Negative: judgmental, critical, self-hating, dependant, destructive, clinging, deprived, abandoned, over-protecting, smothering, insecure, controlling, barren Neutral: domesticating, providing, powerful, concerned, 4 VESTA: Keywords: the virgin, scorpio/virgo theme, devotion to serving, ritualistic, ancient symbol for sexuality, sacred flame, keeper of the flame, channelled kundalini energy, purity/purification, chastity, constancy, sexual themes, self-discipline, unmarried, focus, Positive: sacred sex, devotion and dedication to beliefs, tantric sex, passion for ritual, sex and spiritual transformation, being utterly focused with a single aim, quiet passion to maintain focus, where you keep your inner flame burning and what must be tended to, the utmost care, a life of service Negative: putting aside personal wishes as necessary, much difficulty in seeing the light, self-absorption and exclusion from all else, inability to focus, unwillingness to commit, a sense of being divorced from ones spirit/mission in life, sexual fears, guilts and inadequacies, alienation, denial and seperation in personal relationships, fear of intimacy, Neutral: one who helps and serves others from a pure heart, gives not to get but to truly give, spiritual practicioners, celibacy, fire, divine-spark, essence of all life, where you take full responsibility and make sacrifices for the greater good, where you are dedicated to working hard, avoidance of marriage and children, 46 HESTIA: Keywords: health & home, (symbolises innerself, attention an focus upon spiritual and whole) commitment, symbol of self, inner still point associated with a feeling of wholeness Positive: dedication to accomplishment of goals, autonomy, capacity to focus on what is personally meaningful, going inward to find meaning/peace, gaining insight into others characters/patterns Negative: dispassion, using work as compensation, emotional distancing, impersonal, hardwork and career demands, meaning and peace is lost if forgotten and dishonored, out of step feeling, need physical order/to center, controlling type Neutral: self-sacrifice, sublimates others interests into focus, importance of inner sanctuary, focuses attention inward to spiritual center, absorbed in meditation, independant, self-sufficient quality, CHIRON: Keywords: powerful healing energy, saturn/uranus bridge, the wounded healer, teacher, wounding, illness, shamanism, holism, accidents, psycholocial/physical, rainbow bridge Positive: overcoming disabilities/set backs, healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body, responding to lifes challenges focusing on growth and learning, developing compassion for self and others, seeking knowledge, truth, wisdom and teachings and those dedicated to healing fields Negative: drawn up hidden issues, parental rejection, standing out, not fitting in any known category, apathy, agony, emptiness, absence of any humour, bitterness, opens door to flood-gate of emotions, invades/overwhelms us, confrontation with paradoxes Neutral: advid learner devouring knowledge, transition through awareness, bringing shadow to light, doing things ones own way, solving problems oneself, sarcastic humour, inner-key healing process, encountering the key to our life but difficulties in personalities, healing arts, wholemaking, guru/mentor, holistic, synergism, 2063 BACCHUS: Keywords: god of wine and mystical ecstacy, orgies, god that could enter underworld/resurrect the deceased, student of chiron and rhea/cybele. Her curse is that she is not identified with her feelings leaving her misunderstood and marginalized. 227 PHILOSOPHIA: Keywords: philosophy, teachings Positive: Negative: Neutral: religion, spiritualism, the occult, 11518 JUNG: Keywords: named after Carl Jung Positive: Negative: Neutral: behavioural sciences, psychology, cognitive therapies, dream analysis, 4386 LUST: Keywords: sex symbols, sex icons, Positive: desirability, attracted to physicality Negative: superficiality Neutral: to long for. 120 LACHESIS: Keywords: 1 of 3 fates in greek mythology, assigns a life span and destiny Positive: destiny Negative: intervention, what interrupts an involving sequence, interuptions Neutral: 1866 SISYPHUS: Keywords: to restart, starting over, going back to the beginning Positive: Negative: having the rug ripped out from beneath you when you think youve arrived at the destination Neutral: feeling like running against the wing, start again from the beginning, 4197 MORPHEUS: Keywords: god of dreams and sleep, the sandman, the dream realm, personification of an abstract idea Positive: Negative: Neutral: delivers messages from divine to the mortal world, changeable form, 69230 HERMES: Keywords: messenger of the gods, landtravel and literature Positive: to herald, quick, transitions, communications Negative: theives, tricker, cunning, clever, boundaries Neutral: trade, travellers, sports, athletes, caduceus. Keywords: seeking of magic and mystery , magician, mystical, occult, alchemy, balancing of polarities within Positive: sculpting, shaping and directing energy with purpose, remembering your divinity, something else to remember/re-awaken Negative: had enough with lack, limitation, work, dis-ease, struggly, suffering, pain Neutral: attune one to wisdom and power of ancient magicians and alchemists, magicians abilities, 10 HYGEIA: Keywords: goddess of good health, daughter of medicine Positive: good health, fitness, hygeine cleanliness, maintaing health through right living with nature Negative: Neutral: naturopathy, ayurvedic healing, homeopathy, natural/alternative healing methods, 432 PYTHIA: Keywords: a seer, prophet, priestess, oracle of delphi, talent for divination, drug usage Positive: clairvoyant, all around psychic power, oracle, interpretation+explaination Negative: neptunian, foggy, halucinogenic, delirious ranting, deluded, paranoid Neutral: someone with psychic or prophetic faculty, detox, fasting, purification rituals, tarot, symbolism, 212 MEDEA: Keywords: princess, wise-one, witchcraft, occult, magickal herbs, natural healing, working with nature Positive: involvement, feeling involved in something, playing around, trying to be attractive/bewitching, controlling the other with charm, bewitching, herbalism, natural healing Negative: hateful attitude, fury, resentment, scheming, murder, revenge, murder own children, misandrey Neutral: strong (or absent) emotions, love/hate relationships, botany, herbs, archetypal witch, exploring ancient feminen, 34 CIRCE: Keywords: greek sorceress/temptress, wields a magic wand, enchantress, magician, solitary existance, one away from society and surrounding self with animals and ones craft, Positive: offering hospitality, spells, passionate love affair, knowing ones passions and beliefe system, own moral boundaries unapologetically, magic, wiccan/pagan roots, exploring natural means of healing, helping others Negative: ill-effects of misusing magic, cunning, bewitching, dark, manipulative, lies, trickery, shunning traditional feminen roles, aggressor with others forming relationships on her own terms, misandry Neutral: where we may attempt to undermind others, as well as ourselves, place where one seeks alternative answers on ones personal journey, herbalist, magician, healer, archetypal witch, doing what one loves in privacy, little desire to be in the public eye, turning men into animals, 1130 SKULD: Keywords: norn of future, determines the inevitable future fate of mortals, north node energies, water-spirit/ valkyrie, swan maiden Positive: awareness in the present thus creating the future Negative: uncertainty Neutral: tending to trees, norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our fate, our lifes direction, our future, the outcome, what is to come, prophetic, 167 URDA: Keywords: norn of the past may have relevance to past life recall or retrocognition, energies of the southnode Positive: Negative: Neutral: norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our karmic past, our background, our roots/origins, what is behind, remembering, past-life regression. Astarte is sexual love, and Erato is sensual love. Astrologically, Arachne represents intricate, complicated interactions, especially ones in which we become enmeshed or entangled; the web we weave when we deceive others; the complex, thorny or convoluted ways in which we relate to others; layered meanings and entrapment. ophelia asteroid astrology 171 Ophelia Asteroid WebAlex Miller, Asteroid Astrology. Orpheus The name of an asteroid and a space telescope. Asteroid Mythic Named Asteroids (MNAs) Asteroid An asteroid like the Goddess of War would be beneficial in those situations in which one must fight, of which there are many. It is TNT attraction.Once again, the Nessus runs down the Dejanira,but she loves it (until she doesnt, but that is another story) 3. WebApollo is Jupiters son and an important asteroid in your personal birth chart, or as a factor in the horoscope weather in your life as he passes through. For an overview, click here. h56 WHITE MOON SELENA: Selene bestows must have an element of unconsciousness about it. Alex Miller Mythic Named Asteroids (MNAs) Starry Plotter & the Deathly Asteroids - Daykeeper Journal Astrology (208) LACRIMOSA Aries Venus may be the planet of romance, but Juno symbolizes the trials and tribulations of committed partnerships, true love, and soulmates. Phoebe - Greek. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Includes Centaur ephemeris and asteroid ephemeris, as well as Uranian and Galactic points. WHITE RABBIT: Keywords: that of which we chase after Positive: Negative: Neutral: 6735 MADHATTER: Keywords: knowing more than whats spoken, appearing mad infront of others but possessing a deeper understanding than realised Positive: Negative: Neutral: 291 ALICE: Keywords: Our attitude towards the unknown, discovering the bizarre, falling into unusual circumstances Positive: unbriddled curiousity, adventurousness, longing for the unknown, wanderlust Negative: mysteries, foreign, contrary, nothing as it seems, confusion Neutral: unexpected circumstances, things that may fascinate us, things that make us curious, 6042 CHESHIRE CAT: Keywords: appearing and disappearing, seemingly with no reason, offering epiphanies that are both useful and fleeting Positive: Negative: Neutral: smiles, 658 ASTERIA: Keywords: titan goddess, of the stars/starry one , night time, astrology, prophecy, magic Positive: oracles of night, dream interpretation, Negative: Neutral: magic practicioners/witches whom read stars, starseed, mother of hekate, witchcraft, herbal-knowledge, the moon, 100 HEKATE: Keywords: psychonaut, TRI-VIA, magical place where 3 roads meet, magical speech, only child, times in between (midnight, twilight, doorways, crossroads, stairways, birth/death) place of no place/no time, witches, drawing down the moon, maid-mother-crone, ruler of night/torch bearer, portals/passages Positive: emanating stillness, skilled in magical-arts and spellcraft, tender-hearted, affinity for natural magic, potions, shamanism, queen of witches, spell weaver, prophecy/fortune telling, illumination, transition, divination Negative: sorcery, lunacy, fear of the unknown, shadow-self, wild animals, poisonous plants, necromancy, psychedelics, drugs Neutral:bestowed great gifts upon those who prayed to her and made offerings, dominion over earth, sea and sky, goddess whom watched over childbirth, guide for the souls of the dead, black dogs, guards the veil between worlds, 4341 POSEIDON: Keywords:greek god of sea, good side of neptunian/uranian vibes Positive: psychic sensitivity, uplifting people/ideas, psychic vibrations, persuasion, intellectual or spiritual influences, deep intuition, heightening ones senses Negative: Neutral: idealogical or moral stances, spread of ideas, inspiration, religion, mediums, clarity, enlightenment, receptivity to the force, reactions to the media; windows, mirrors, refraction of light, 1108 DEMETER: Keywords: goddess of fertility, to nurture, the mother, agriculture Positive: unconditional embracing, nurturing principle (give & need), caregiving, to give care to Negative: grieving, loss, depression, embracing death Neutral: food, nourishment, cycles, relationship between mother-child, nurturance of others or self. little digest Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Startseite > Uncategorized > ophelia asteroid astrology. Asteroid Online Calculator, Asteroids in Astrology Natal Chart Astrologically, Arachne represents intricate, complicated interactions, especially ones in which we become enmeshed or entangled; the web we weave 1181 LILITH Keywords: Issues of equality in relationships, psychological issues of supressed rage, demonized aspects of feminen Positive: reclaiming inner dark goddess, taboos, raw passion, embodied sexuality, healthy/whole person Negative: resentment, self-exile, rejection, sexual manipulaton Neutral: crescent moon, the maiden, attitudes towards infidelity, h13 /h21 BLACK MOON LILITH Keywords: Magic, creative force, tantric sex, psychic ability, kundalini, animal magnetism, hypnotism, shamanism,mushrooms, psychdelic drugs Positive: intuition, psychic healing, imagination, charisma, glamour, Negative: Neutral: seduction, transmution of distored image to healthy expression, poetry, highly complex, h58 DARK MOON LILITH Keywords: Anti mother, Fairytales, Sadomasochism, emotional pain, toxins, pain of exile Positive: depth psychology Negative: plots/executes vengence, the shadow, rage, madness, nightmares, demons, ghosts, gremlins, nymphomania, psycho Neutral: stalkers. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Collection of asteroid names and meanings from various internet sources: 5 ASTRAEA: Keywords: dealing with endings left unresolved, balance, WebFrom my research the Ophelia (171) asteroid represents rejected love, or love that will turn into dissappointment. Astrology asteroid meaning ophelia 2022 Updated

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