Thank you for your website feedback! Shane Tye, 28, Halfoed Street, Thrapston Northampton Crown Court Contact Details, Email, Cases, Daily & Archive A Northampton man has been remanded in custody after appearing in court charged with nine offences in Kettering. Jonathan Plumb, aged 63, of Elder Drive, Daventry, speeding; fined 223, surcharge 32, costs 85, three penalty points. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Richard John Underwood, aged 67, of Turnberry Lane, Northampton, speeding, did not have proper control of a vehicle;; fined 1,050, costs 90, three penalty points, three penalty points. Zuleikhaan Ejaz, aged 26, of Loyd Road, Northampton, speeding; fined 266, surcharge 34, costs 90, five penalty points. Tracking address: Tracking code - do not email: The Difference Between Civil and Criminal Cases, Find the Magisterial District Court in your area, DUI ARD Program (First Time Offenders) FAQ, DUI ASP Program (Second Time Offenders) FAQ, Attorney Referral and Information Service, Language Access Plan (LAP) Information & Forms, Alternate Procedure for Custody Filings (Attorneys Only), Administrative Order for Guardian Fees-Incapacitated Persons, Judicial Emergency Orders and COVID-19 Information page. Third Party use maybe available upon request., Ronald J. Waskiewicz, Chief Probation Officer. Fax. Olisemeke Mogbolu, 34, St Edmunds Road, Northampton On July 17, he assaulted a man and was in possession of cannabis. /FitWindow true YDy2YYsiDS$mot)6(v>'OM>%le-\%+7%qib Find information about jury service in this county. Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, Ethan Timms, aged 20, of Hemans Road, Daventry, drug-driving, no licence, no insurance; disqualified 12 months, fined 182, surcharge 32, costs 85. Never miss a story from our courts by signing up for our Northants Live newsletter here 04:00, 28 APR 2023 Northampton HMO landlord slapped with 100k fine after reports of fly-tipping and noise Northampton Bookmark In misdemeanor and felony cases, Magisterial District Judges have jurisdiction to issue arrest and search warrants, hold preliminary arraignments and preliminary hearings and set bail. If you are a victim or witness in the case and have left the court before the trial has ended and would like to know the outcome of the case, you can contact the person who asked you to come to court. Northampton County DA Democratic primary preview Forks Township; Palmer Township; Tatamy Borough 3 Weller Pl Easton, PA 18045 Check your local paper. In court Previous page 1 2 3 4 5 Next page On 11/11/2015 failed . Search court records for the Northampton County Trial Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. Whether you need to fix, build, create or learn, eHow gives you practical solutions to the problems life throws at you. The prosecutor's office acted as the solicitors for the state in the individual's criminal case. Irinel Costel Todirascu, aged 19, of Derby Road, Northampton, fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, six penalty points. stream Karol Czarnecki, aged 38, of Spencer Bridge Road, Northampton, no licence, no insurance; fined 880, surcharge 88, costs 90. Use this button to show and access all levels. Rhoan Anthony Blackwood, aged 50, Milton Street North, Northampton, speeding; fined 380, surcharge 38, costs 90, six penalty points. Verdicts and sentences are normally given out in open court and so are in the public domain. Jordon Luke Ross-Smith, aged 29, of Kingsley Road, Northampton, assault by beating, criminal damage; eight weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, surcharge to fund victim services of 128, prosecution costs 50. >> For safety and security, all users and their possessions will be searched by security when they enter the building. Get an interpreter at a court or tribunal. Online services for payments, citations, court notifications, filing, and more. Aivaras Verseckas, aged 33, of De Bray Close, Lower Harlestone, no insurance; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, six penalty points. Online services for payments, citations, court notifications, filing, and more. Vending machines are currently out of order. Elise Jode Crimmin, aged 44, of Agnes Road, Northampton, handling stolen goods; fined 53, surcharge 34, costs 200. National World Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Newspapers such as ours therefore have the right to publish outcomes of all such criminal court cases. This prosecutor will be able to answer your question. . Cymraeg, Campbell Square PVTA buses stop regularly on weekdays at the Atwood Drive location. Youve accepted additional cookies. Court Records Criminal Law Disability and Language Access Divorce and Marriage Domestic Violence Family and . Andrew Griffin, 29, Stanley Road, Northampton On May 17, 2021 he breached a suspended sentence and so was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison. Terry Graham Sargent, aged 55, of Five Acres Fold, Northampton, speeding; fined 500, surcharge 50, costs 90, six penalty points. A lock icon ( They may demand payment and claim to be from HMRC or enforcement. Este artculo fue escrito, editado y revisado exhaustivamente por el equipo de Cuida Tu Dinero con la finalidad de asegurar que los lectores reciban la mejor y ms detallada informacin posible. They will be able to give you the information on the sentence. Northampton For birth, death, marriage, and other public records, please reach out to Northampton County's Register of Deeds. You can read more about what to expect if you have appeared in court on the IPSO website HERE. Register's Office (413) 584-1132. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Hampshire Probate and Family Court, is, What to know before going to a courthouse during COVID-19, Receive assistance in the virtual registry, Probate & Family Court division protocols for court operations, Hampshire Probate & Family Court HVAC System Evaluation. /Pages 2 0 R You can also correct any listing errors or omissions. Docket Number: CP-48-CR-0000273-2021 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 4 of 8 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Andylee Gava Jr. What do unspent criminal convictions mean? Pursuant to CDC guidelines residents, employees and visitors to the Northampton County Juvenile Justice Center, including juvenile detention and treatment, must wear masks irrespective of vaccination status. Hampshire Probate and Family Court | Samuel John English, aged 28, of Ryeland Road, Northampton, not wearing a seatbelt; fined 366, surcharge 36, costs 90. Iain Stuart Billingham, aged 48, of Orchard Way, Northampton, speeding on December 17, 2020; fined 153, surcharge 34, costs 90, three penalty points. CourtServe - Live Magistrates Court Lists Live Court Listings delivering lists to the legal profession Crown copyright. NOTE: Schedules by Court type updated April 2020 For 2022 events, check the full calendar above. Halifax Courier 13:55 26-Apr-23. News search | Northamptonshire Police endobj You may be able to read about the sentencing information you are seeking. Jenelle Crisafulli, Deputy Court Administrator, oversees the operations of the District Courts. Newby's 100 county tour first began in Cherokee County in May and is expected to end in Dare County in 2022. . Daniel John Harding, aged 33, of Stimpson Avenue, Northampton, no insurance; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. Find information and announcements on cases currently before the courts. Court of Common Pleas of Northampton County Mark Ames You can change your cookie settings at any time. Northamptonshire Northampton County PA of Court Common Pleas - Serving the People of Naomi Jones, aged 50, of Elkins Close, Yelvertoft, no insurance, no MoT; fined 880, surcharge 88, costs 90, six penalty points. 21-27 St Katherines Street Stephen Sean Young, aged 48, of Crow Lane, Northampton, expired provisional licence, no insurance; fined 880, surcharge 88, costs 90, six penalty points. Regent's Pavillion Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, Ferry runs aground with baby on board after smoke in engine room, Nurses strike continues: Major disruption for NHS services in England, Additional flight to evacuate Britons from Sudan today, Ryanair cancels 220 flights over May 1 bank holiday due to strikes, Hardcore coronation fans already camped outside Buckingham Palace, One dead and seven injured in Cornwall nightclub knife attack. Some page levels are currently hidden. Veronica Lee, aged 38, of Bedford Road, Northampton, used threatening or abusive words or behaviour; fined 220, surcharge 34, costs 85. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Hertford county. Northampton Magistrates' Court - Courts Database Probation Department (413) 586-5670. Tracking address: Tracking code - do not email: The Difference Between Civil and Criminal Cases, Find the Magisterial District Court in your area, DUI ARD Program (First Time Offenders) FAQ, DUI ASP Program (Second Time Offenders) FAQ, Attorney Referral and Information Service, Language Access Plan (LAP) Information & Forms, Alternate Procedure for Custody Filings (Attorneys Only), Administrative Order for Guardian Fees-Incapacitated Persons, Judicial Emergency Orders and COVID-19 Information page. > Court Home > Calendars > Miscellaneous Hearing Lists Administrative Order 2022-09 Pursuant to CDC guidelines residents, employees and visitors to the Northampton County Juvenile Justice Center, including juvenile detention and treatment, must wear masks irrespective of vaccination status. That said, most all court cases start in a Magistrates' court and a few are passed to the Crown Court if the criminal offenses are more serious. Irrespective of vaccination status, all individuals who enter a courtroom in which a resident of the Juvenile Justice Center and/or treatment center is present must wear a mask. 1 06/24/2021 Court of Common Pleas - Northampton County Arraigned 1 07/22/2021 Dutko, Charles Edward Jr. Motion for Continuance 2 07/22/2021 Koury, Michael J. Jr. Order Granting Motion for Continuance 3 07/22/2021 Czaplinski, Destini Lee Waiver of PA.R.Crim.P.600 & Application for Continuance 1 08/04/2021 Northampton County Clerk of Courts . COURT CALENDAR NORTHAMPTON COUNTY COURTS All Regular Court Sessions Begin at 9:00 A.M. JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SATURDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MONDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY 2022 2022 New Year's Day ARD/Summaries Juvenile ARD/Summaries Argument Juvenile . Their contact details should be on any correspondence they send to you. Please alert the security officer if you have a pacemaker. 5 0 obj Stefan-Marius Feraru, aged 23, of Haselrig Square, Northampton, speeding; fined 220, surcharge 34, costs 90, three penalty points. 2021 , Press Release. Stephen James Poulter, aged 40, of Lindsay Avenue, Northampton, breach of sexual harm prevention order; 18 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, surcharge 128, costs 85. This is a new service your feedback will help us to improve it. Meshach Jeremiah Clements-Graham, aged 23, of Gladstone Road, Northampton, no insurance; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, six penalty points. NN3 6AS. /Length 2107 Search by name, citation number, county, and more. Find information, training, and resources. Electronic payments are accepted for Northampton County Criminal Court Cases (Magisterial District Court and Common Pleas Court cases) with outstanding costs/fees, please click the brochure link below for more information or the PAePay link to make a payment. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. Joanne Mary Nelson, aged 50, of Beaumont Drive, Northampton, no MoT; fined 220, surcharge 34, costs 90. Magisterial District Judge Listing :: Northampton County Court of Verdicts and sentences are normally given out in open court and so are in the public domain. Piers Costello, aged 21, of Bellropes Square, Northampton, possession of a Taser; fined 300, surcharge 34, costs 85. Find information, training, and resources. Full 2023 Court Calendar Schedules by Court Type Regular court sessions begin at 9:00AM, unless specified differently on the following schedules. Magisterial District Judges have jurisdiction over minor criminal offenses, traffic offenses, landlord/tenant matters and other civil actions where the amount claimed does not exceed $12,000.00. Magistrates' court listings now published online - GOV.UK 669 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042 (610) 829-6500 Contact The Court. Court/hearing room video facilities and prison to court video link facilities are available by prior arrangement. Campbell Square This order lasts until 29/03/2021. More information is available on ourJudicial Emergency Orders and COVID-19 Information page. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY - Judiciary of Pennsylvania Jordan Luke Ross-Smith, aged 30, of Purser Road, Northampton, breach of court order, committed an offence while on a suspended sentence; 18 weeks in prison, surcharge 128, costs 85. Eight interview rooms are available at this court. The Magisterial District Judges are part of a unified judicial system governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Darren Andrew Faulkner, aged 40, of Kislingbury Road, Rothersthorpe, drove while disqualified, no insurance; fined 1,166, surcharge 117, costs 85, disqualified for eight months. Zivile Medelinskiene, aged 28, of Pikemead Court, Northampton, no MoT; fined 220, surcharge 34, costs 90. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-48-CR-0000100-2022 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 1 of 10 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Joshua Lee Hoch CASE INFORMATION Judge Assigned: Dally, Craig A. Northampton General District Court 2A Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet. %PDF-1.7 The Case Tracker allows users to search for information on applications or appeals in the Court of Appeal, Civil Division. Skye Graca, aged 50, of Bickerstaffes Road, Towcester, failed to give information relating to identification of a driver suspected of an offence; fined 120, surcharge 34, costs 90, six penalty points. Search statewide judicial forms by keyword, form number, and more. >> W. Rob Lewis, II will serve as district court judge in Judicial District 6, serving Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, and Northampton counties. He was fined 1,275. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Hertford County. NN1 3HQ, (Fines enquiries only) Stephen Stevenson, aged 28, of Acre Lane, Northampton, no insurance; fined 320, surcharge 34, costs 90, six penalty points. All calls to judicial offices and court staff will need to be made using 10-digit dialing with the area code plus the number. Find information about jury service in this county. Arturas Pranevicius, aged 35, of Derby Road, Northampton, drink-driving; disqualified 18 months, fined 500, surcharge 50, costs 85. Jean-Luc Bland, aged 29, of Blackwall Close, Northampton, speeding; fined 110, surcharge 34, costs 90, five penalty points. Tenants banned from their home in Wisbech by order of a court 13:40 26-Apr-23. Faces of 13 kidnappers, abusers, drug dealers, thugs and sex offenders locked up at Northampton Crown Court in April 2023, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, This website and its associated newspaper are members of Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Adam George Waker, aged 23, of Welland Walk, Northampton, obstructed a police constable in execution of their duty; detained in the courthouse deemed time served, costs 85. from entering a street in Corby. Esther Mbugua, aged 51, of East Oval, Northampton, no UK licence, no insurance; fined 160, surcharge 34, costs 90, six penalty points. If you know the date and venue of the end of the trial then you may be able to find the result of it in the Weekly Law Reports (WLR) which are published and available on-line (usually updated monthly, ironically), or the English Law Reports (ER). What to know before going to a courthouse during COVID-19 View daily list Request access to a public hearing Receive assistance in the virtual registry Probate & Family Court division protocols for court operations Family Resolutions Specialty Court Hampshire Probate . . PDF All Regular Court Sessions Begin at 9:00 A.M. - Baby changing facilities are available in the disabled toilets on the 1st floor. beta Piers Costello,. People from Halifax and rest of Calderdale up in magistrates court including Halifax lead thief . Youth Court and Prison Video Link facilities. Addresses included here are provided by Northamptonshire Magistrates' Court Service and are those given by the defendant. To find information on current cases, click Search Court Cases, Calendars, and Dockets." We understand that some people may be angry or upset to see their name and address published here but covering court cases acts as a deterrent against crime and it is important that justice is being seen to be done. Lianne Emily Cohen, aged 32, of Fairfield Road, Paulerspury, failed to give information relating to identification of a driver suspected of an offence; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, six penalty points. Alex Matthews, aged 28, of High Street, West Haddon, possession of a quantity of cannabis; fined 50, surcharge 34, costs 85. Northamptonshire magistrates heard the following cases on July 5 Alexander Robert Williams, aged 28, of no fixed abode; drove without due care and attention; fined 162, pay a surcharge of 32 to fund victim services, pay costs of 300 to Crown Prosecution Services, nine penalty points. HMCTS publishes courts and tribunals lists and forthcoming hearings in different ways across jurisdictions: Crown Court, magistrates' court, County Court and Employment Tribunal hearing. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. You can change your cookie settings at any time. In court Two men appear in court over Northampton drugs offences 19 Apr 2023 Two men have appeared before magistrates charged with drugs offences in Northampton. Northampton You may also be interested in using resources from the British and Irish Legal Information Institute, which provide free online access to case judgments, laws and sentencing in the UK. Please limit your input to 500 characters. % All calls to judicial offices and court staff will need to be made using 10-digit dialing with the area code plus the number. Court building open: Monday to Friday 9am until close of business, Visiting The Northampton County DA annual salary currently is $211,495, which is set by. For birth, death, marriage, and other public records, please reach out to Hertford County's Register of Deeds. Through the judicial system in the UK you can view detailed information about this courts function such as sentencings, judicial review, appeals as well as family court and civil court cases. Christopher John Welch, aged 19, of Hampton Street, Northampton, criminal damage to CCTV camera belonging to Northampton Borough Council; compensation of 300. 1 0 obj Leave your comments, questions and feedback on this listing below. Case tracker - Justice UK Date Filed: 01/18/2022 Initiation Date: 12/07/2021 OTN: R 208636-1 LOTN: Originating Docket No: MJ-03204-CR-0000251-2021 Fax:413-584-1132 A county district attorney, as the top law enforcement officer, holds broad discretion over how laws are enforced. HMCTS hearing lists - GOV.UK President Judge Michael J. Koury, Jr. exercises general supervision and administrative control over the Magisterial District Judges. Mohammed Kaizer Ahmed, aged 27, of Bridge Road, Stoke Bruerne, racially aggravated assault of a police constable, possession of class B drug cannabis, damage to a cell and PACE book belonging to Northamptonshire Police, used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour; six months in prison suspended for two years, curfew for six months with electronic monitoring, two-year supervision order, compensation of 200, surcharge 128, costs 85. In the dock: Latest cases from Swindon Magistrates Court Swindon Advertiser 13:24 26-Apr-23. When someone is sentenced, they can get one of four main types of sentence: discharge, fine, community sentence or a prison sentence. Florin Ascunseanu, aged 25, of Bruce Street, Northampton, driving while unfit through drugs on October 27, 2020, no insurance, no MoT; four weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, three months curfew with electronic monitoring, disqualified 24 months, surcharge 128, costs 85. XHIBIT: Northampton Daily Court Status Northampton Friday 28 April 2023 16:07 The Daily Court Status can be seen here everyday from 10:00 am. Newspapers such as ours therefore have the right to publish outcomes of all such criminal court cases. Pay and display parking available, located opposite court building. Moulton Park Estate matters, adoptions, property disputes, and equity issues are all heard at the common pleas level. The Magistrates' Court lists are reproduced under licence from the Secretary of State for Justice. Northampton County | North Carolina Judicial Branch - NCcourts ENTRIES Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By 1 03/02/2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Information Filed 1 04/15/2021 Northampton County Clerk of Courts Criminal Court Scheduled 07/07/2021 9:00AM Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. >> NN1 3EB, Postal These Court lists are for personal viewing only. Northamptonshire Courts The latest news from the courts in Northamptonshire, including Northampton Crown Court and Northampton Magistrates' Court. . More information is available on ourJudicial Emergency Orders and COVID-19 Information page. Ferry runs aground with baby on board after smoke in engine room, Nurses strike continues: Major disruption for NHS services in England, Additional flight to evacuate Britons from Sudan today, Ryanair cancels 220 flights over May 1 bank holiday due to strikes, Hardcore coronation fans already camped outside Buckingham Palace, One dead and seven injured in Cornwall nightclub knife attack. IN COURT: Who's been sentenced from Corby, Finedon, Irthlingborough Civil Contested Cases 1:30 p.m., Contested Civil or Miscellaneous (Scheduled by Judge) Tuesday 9:00 a.m., Traffic - State Police 10:00 a.m., Traffic - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel 11:00 p.m., Traffic - State Police 1st . George Valentin Stanciu, aged 31, of Thorn Hill, Northampton, no insurance; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending. There is ample free parking available at the court location. XHIBIT: Northampton - Justice NN1 3EB, 85-87 Lady's Lane Explore North Carolina's counties for court services and information, such as courthouse locations, jury service, contacts, and more. Northampton They also have authority to perform marriages, handle protection from abuse matters and issue subpoenas.