njc pay scales+job descriptions 2019

/FlateDecode 3 0 obj NJC Payscales NICVA (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action) is the lead representative and membership body for charities, voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland. 2 on COVID-19 - 15 May 2020, NJC circular - COVID-19 and social distancing and PPE - 3 April 2020, NJC Circular - COVID-19: critical workers 23 March 2020, NJC Circular - Coronavirus and working at home 17 March 2020, NJC Circular - term time review update - 25 February 2020, NJC circular - Coronavirus 12 February 2020. We help councils develop a framework for their roles and responsibilities as employers. HzC 5. Scale I Scale J Scale H - api.warwickshire.gov.uk VisitYouTubeto find out more about their cookies. Please note that the tabs for Plymouth and Torbay are where staff have been TUPEd across; salary scales therefore do not correlate. 1.2 All posts within the Council are subject to job evaluation to determine the level of pay and grading. /Creator <> Below are a list of cookies that the other sites and services use: These are used to compile reports for us on how people use this site.Cookies of the same names are also used for the same purpose by other websites such asBuilding Futures,Countryside Management ServiceandHertfordshire LIS. /DeviceRGB Click to reveal Please note that NICVA is in no way involved in NJC pay negotiations and agreements. The pay spine sits in conjunction with the NJC Green Book National /S *Normal minimum point for the principal educational psychologist undertaking the full range of duties at this level. Like many other websites, we place small information files called 'cookies' on your computer. For the gender distribution for each individual pay point please include the distribution between Full time and Part time + Full Time Equivalent. As you are aware the NJC pay award agreed a two-year percentage increase and incorporated a joint review of the NJC pay spine. 0000005479 00000 n Medway Council National Joint Council (NJC) Pay Scale Consultation 2019 Following the national NJC pay negotiations, the NJC pay agreement for 2018-20 includes the introduction of a new pay spine on 1 April 2019 that is based on the following: (equivalent to old SCPs 6 & 7) 'Pairing off' old SCPs 6-17 incl. Find out how many different job titles we have and the number of people in each of those roles. 0 Hourly rate calculated by dividing annual salary by 52.143. Y=)d TWe]rVRF 0000003925 00000 n PDF FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who does this apply to? Everyone on NJC 6 The NJC has issued a further general update on various COVID related issues. These salary levels are used by employers to design their local pay grades or pay scales and there are many variations. <<82E42BEBAA04244CA26A5FDCD6B8F369>]>> The NJC has also agreed that from 1 April 2020, minimum annual leave will increase from 21 to 22 days for employees with less than five years' service. R %%EOF NICVA's salary scales are guidance only and indicate the hours, general duties, skills and level of responsibility which is reflective of each particular scale; it is not an exhaustive or prescriptive list, it is intended as guidance and not to dictate how organisations should pay their staff. x]$maogoo$kG@|Y( eZ;R/*rU.XXM?n}+o6{3o 5r(mskyxnv@ ZuR/7Q`4 ZG(bZh:'lNS["Z)uFCLT*L)lY86D)-YH +t#a EEA*)Uvq,V'If{^QRgqtbH2YLDEj0,Zg->0PfT7eqG]Q2&k0PPQ)'0"6DEJ8&e>T3 ( G o o g l e S h e e t s) R This stores your postcode (or partial postcode) when we ask you for your location. 0000007396 00000 n We have a number of presences on Facebook, which we may link to. We have a YouTube channel, which we may link to. Gender pay gap report (PDF 188KB) Opening in a new window. The NJC has issued guidance for CEV people shielding in Tier 4 areas. Performance & security by Cloudflare. 0000063630 00000 n PDF Njc Payscales 2023-24 Please provide the basic pay and gender distribution of NJC/GLPC workers only employed by your local authority for each pay point you use, including any local extension of the pay spine. /PageLabels % >> . 417 Posts. A link to our published Salary rates and scales is provided. stream In 1997, the NJC for Local Government Services agreed a national framework with potential for local modification to suit local service requirements. NJC Payscales for 2022/23 | NICVA A new pay-scale from 2019, with new scale points 1-43 and even 2% pay gaps . 7 0 Thursday 28 March 2019. 926 0 obj <> endobj This NJC pay claim for 2020/21 and accompanying submission is made by the Joint Trade Union Side (UNISON, GMB and UNITE) to the Local Government Association. We provide information on HR and regularly monitor and report on the latest developments with NJC payscales. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> But, doing this may stop you from using some of the online features and services on this website. The pay and terms of conditions of employment for over 1.4 million local government services' workers is determined by the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services. Facebook may set some of its own cookies if you follow these links. 0000003368 00000 n To save the pages that you visit by clicking the heart at the top of the page. This was established in 1951 to provide voluntary collective bargaining machinery for youth and community workers in local government. New NJC payscales - how does the new SCP work? NJC Pay Award Scales 2018 - 2020. Implementing the NJC Support Staff Pay award 2018-20 | Wandsworth /D Performance & security by Cloudflare. 0000009178 00000 n %PDF-1.4 >> There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. This organisational structure chart is based on executive salary data and includes vacant positions. . For more information visitAboutCookies.org. These sites and services set their own cookies. endobj Base Increasing Factors: Master's Degree - $1,600 Additional 20-44 relevant and/or discipline-specific graduate credit hours - $750 Additional 45 or more relevant graduate credit hours or Doctorate Degree - $1,600 We act as the Secretariat for the Employers' Side of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Youth and Community Workers. 0000002693 00000 n /Outlines The NJC has issued guidance about the return to working at home. 2018 and 2019 PAYSCALES & ALLOWANCES Agreement has been reached between the National Employers and the NJC Trade Union Side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2018 and 1 April 2019. n/a** point 18. Important update on local government pay 2023, NJC trade unions 2023 Green Book pay claim, NJC guidance on HM The Kings Coronation and updated Part 4.12 guidance, Local government services pay agreement 2022-23, NJC advice on Christmas working arrangements, An employer circular updating on forthcoming 2022 pay negotiations. The 'Pink Book' is the terms and conditions handbook for Youth and Community Workers. A link to our published Salary rates and scales is provided. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7c0bb963dcc1d91e The action you just performed triggered the security solution. R For most employees (spinal column points 18 to 49), this means a 1% pay rise this year and the same next year (16/17 and 17/18). This used to track user sessions on forms hosted on eservices.hertfordshire.gov.uk. Here you can find out about each role. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. >> >> YouTube may set some of its own cookies if you follow those links. The requested information can be viewed on this spreadsheet. 39.57. This has been updated to reflect the pay award and new pay spine from April 2019 onwards. 0000002472 00000 n endstream endobj 1313 0 obj <>stream This covers the relationships between council employers and their employees, including individual rights and collective arrangements. to create new SCPs 1-6 incl. Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit retain and motivate staff. <> PDF NJC Pay Award 2019 - Nottinghamshire County Council elections obj You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Previous freedom of information responses, How to make a Freedom of Information and other types of information request, Accessing your personal information how to make a Subject Access Request, Feedback about a response to an Information request, Devon County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4QD, Pay and Grading Structure and Pay Spine 2019. 0000010887 00000 n 0000004916 00000 n PDF Pay Policy Statement 2021-2022 - Microsoft The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has today published a new employment briefing on the national salary pay scales for clerks and other employees employed under the terms of the. Each of our senior employees has a unique set of responsibilities. The NJC has issued guidance on the COVID-19 quarantine regulations, The NJC has issued a second general update on issues related to COVID-19, The NJC has issued further guidance on COVID-19, The NJC has issued a further update on COVID-19. Just for the time you are on our website or 30 days (you choose this). '_YhuO^ fB Since this guidance was first published a number of model job descriptions have been published by the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services in School Support Staff: The. %PDF-1.5 % Local government services | Local Government Association To remember your settings, for example your language and location. The pay award for 2022/23 is 1925 (pro-rata for part-time employees) and equates to an increase of 1.025 per hour. 0 If you haven't interacted with the ready reckoner for the set amount of days, the cookies are deleted. 0 Performance & security by Cloudflare. In addition, gender information can be found on page 9 of our HR Dashboard. PDF National Joint Council for Local Government Services For workers in local government and schools, pay and other terms and conditions are determined by a negotiating body; the National Joint Council (NJC) for local government services. ] /Type endobj Click to reveal We use a Google cookie to track the success of our marketing campaigns and make them more efficient. This ASP.NET_Sessionid cookie is essential for the Netloan secure online payments website to work, and is set when you arrive to the site. xb```b`` & @1VK/~|g0L . TV@!kP(d}%a /Contents These cookies are set to help us report on how people are using the site so we can improve it. x;]ot ]!JZ,iMr,Quiwiu!93^vv:[E?|ru]vq|z}~EG(?*UTT2-,_?GN7:}w}VRD2EOIHb,O+a(c= U&SSmoIFy3!di Performance and feature cookies these cookies help to improve the performance and feel of this website, for example providing you with personalised services. VisitFacebookto find out more about their cookies. [._[)-|ow).(QQeJup$+Rx95,x|-S,Ck)F*_)-57"eJ5p$%[N]sJtfm;uloBb{mHSi{2;#(d[7t}e; . It covers approximately 7,102 staff in the statutory sector as of August 2021 including those on the: The National Employers have made a pay offer to the JNC Staff Side. Together they make up the national pay spine, which is what the NJC negotiates on. ] Pay offer to craftworkers. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. 0 The NJC for Local Government Services has 70 members: 12 on the employers' side and 58 on the trade union side. We have a number of presences and feeds on Twitter, which you may wish to follow or read from this website. 1.7 As a consequence of the 2019/2020 national pay award it may become necessary, having regard to . Your IP: 842 4 0000005044 00000 n This cookie is used to remember which language to translate each page into if you have chosen to do so. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Your IP: /Transparency endobj The. 0 Changes put in place for the NJC pay-scales | MHR The difference in average earnings of men and women in Hertfordshire County Council2022 Summary Report. 0000005071 00000 n R Job classification, also referred to as job evaluation, is a process used to objectively evaluate job descriptions belonging to a job family in terms of compensable factors to determine the pay grade for each job. 1 NJC Pay Scale Mapping April 2019 -2020 The below table shows which point employees will move to on the 1st April 2019. It expires at the end of your browser session. endobj 926 32 0 (3UiPtpdxJO.H+)Q943.IPyLD|6]%*N'z6k[pKYI. XEzRG,qtr^p[W@wY! IP 1.02 New Hire Salary Schedule - Unpublished - NJC Local government pay scales and car allowances. %/Xhx8 A|4@ ~& -`q..+@@Y,,.LN. |(8&Ty!~}& This means you dont have to keep entering these details when you visit a new page. 0000003873 00000 n [.6w4]-S NJC pay points 6 - 49 are negotiated nationally for Local Government Services by the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council. Your IP: There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. It replaces theexisting NJC pay spine of salary scale point (scp) 6 to 49 and replaces it with scp1- 43, whilst inserting 5 new column points and re-numbering of all of the spinal column points. The annex below lists the new pay scales for clerks and other employees employed under the terms of the model contract including SCPs 50 and above. A 16% pay increase for those currently on the lowest scale point, SCP 6, over two years. obj This cookie is deleted when you close your browser. For details of Senior Officer Remuneration please refer to the Statement of accounts 2019-20, Organisational Leadership Pay Scale October 2022 (PDF 145KB), Senior Manager Salary Scales April 2022 (PDF 46KB), Senior Manager Salary Scales April 2021 (PDF 55KB). /Parent The pay offer was for a flat rate payment of 1,925 on each scale point with effect from 1 April 2022. Although the national pay spines were produced at national level, the implementation of the Local Pay structure in terms of the application of the new pay spines to local pay grades is a matter for each individual NJC employer. E.g. /Nums NJC Pay Award 2022/23 (Revised Payscales) - nipsa.org.uk 4 0 obj Employers' and Trade Unions that make up the NJC for Local Government Services have determined a new pay spine and this has been adapted by the Greater London Provincial Council. 1 0 /CS 6V(oMf{5}1AHD#u-S The National Agreement Part 2 Para 7.2 will. Twitter may set some of its own cookies. There are links and content from other sites and services on our website. PDF NJC Pay Scales - Voluntary Action Sheffield << Cookies do a lot of different jobs, and we use 2 types of cookies: Required functionality cookies these cookies are essential for the website to work. Payscales 2018 - 2020 | NICVA VisitBingto find out more about their cookies. (on the new scale) will have lost 22% of their value by the end of the current settlement. (equivalent to old SCPs 6-28 Visit theGoogle Analyticswebsite for more information about the cookies they use.You can prevent data from being collected and used by Google Analytics by installing Google'sOpt-out Browser Add-on. You can change the settings of your web browser so that it wont accept cookies. << 0 0000010049 00000 n 2 0 obj New Pay Spine 1 April 2019 The NJC pay agreement for 2018-20 includes the introduction of a new pay spine on 1 April 2019 that is based on the following: (equivalent to old SCPs 6 & 7) 'Pairing off' old SCPs 6-17 incl. Pay and Grading Structure and Pay Spine 2019 - Freedom of information Find out how we pay our employees and ensure they get a fair and secure wage. The National Employers have issued guidance related to COVID-19: The NJC has issued further guidance on COVID-related workforce issues. This keeps a history of all answers submitted to the ready reckoner. National Joint Council (NJC) pay rates Annual salaries and hourly and annual leave element rates for NJC workers. xref Take a look at a list of cookies we use on our website: Just for the time you are on our website. The JNC determines pay for youth and community workers - previous settlements as follows Youth and Community Pay Awards 2000-2019 30.89 KB - PDF Contact Email: Youth& community@local.gov.uk. Craftworkers' pay agreement 2022 There will not be any mid-year adjustment rates. National Joint Council (NJC) pay rates - West Sussex County Council 0000000016 00000 n Visit HotJar to find out more about their cookies. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. trailer Hertfordshire Local Government Pay Scale - April 2023 (PDF 153KB) Opens new window, Hertfordshire Local Government pay scale - October 2022 (PDF 151Kb) Opening in a new window, Hertfordshire County Council Salary Scales - April 2023(PDF 165KB), Hertfordshire County Council Salary Scales - April 2022 (PDF 163Kb) Opening in a new window, Educational Improvement Professionals (PDF 120KB), How our executive staff are paid. >> /Annots Organisational Leadership Pay Scale October 2022 (PDF 145KB) Senior Manager Salary Scales April 2022 . The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has agreed the new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from 1 April 2020. R Hertfordshire County Council Organisation Charts - April 2023(PDF 668.8KB) Opening in a new window. Visit Siteimprove to learn more about their cookies. PDF National Joint Council for Local Government Services 4.3.4 The evaluated job score equates to a pay band on the Council's Salary Scale which is attached as Appendix B (1). Local government pay - the National Joint Council (NJC) ZcaMeApj#PlrRf"bLT21)-(zMl(U19Jw$\q^I***t]``cR HNJab,,T6Yn Bq)5)3>@8;2(3j >@Qf6cCMeMl)[>QMbw NJC Payscales | NICVA PDF National Joint Council for Local Government Services 1 0 obj NJC School Support Staff Model Role Profiles 2.1 The profiles evaluated by JETWG are: Teaching and Learning Support Job Family Teaching Assistant 1-5 Additional Needs Support Assistant 1-3 Cover Supervision Early Years 1-5 Specialist and Technical Job Family ICT Support 1-3 Library/Resource Centre 1-3 Technician 1-4 PDF E01-20 | 2020-21 NATIONAL SALARY AWARD - Society of Local Council Clerks 0000011600 00000 n 0000003345 00000 n 0000001971 00000 n 0000002306 00000 n 0000063053 00000 n 0000001431 00000 n The NJC has issued a circular that provides important advice about Coronavirus COVID-19: The survey was the first of its kind for a number of years and was conducted duringwinter 2018 and was sent to all heads of human resources (or equivalent position) inEnglish and Welsh councils with the aim of helping council employers to benchmarkthe characteristics and pay of their senior teams as well as establish a base-line for national policy discussions and future research.

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