navy region northwest reserve component command

Commander, Navy Region Southeast Reserve Component Command Fort Worth NOSC Whidbey Island is responsible for the training and administration of Reserve Component Navy personnel assigned to units in the Pacific Northwest. This year, Team Navy is comprised of 34 active duty and veteran athletes, 31 Sailors and 3 Coast Guardsmen. Or,"/yf~fMN tKAW^|IEZe28XeC%EMH{:2lcb[sy7Z%{>g~=F c H5Eu;oYd!7MyV.G 26yb U+ugx}2u=IufY!{y l%Y/*J(%^oIF)pAK'"2EBB-{Pkmt$k9(jZmj-clT}aksag:w_i_`j)Z]y|U~XgeWheMn<6DP Mi5B` l (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kleynia R. McKnight). Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NAVREG NW RCC) and Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) Everett held a ceremony commemorating the Navy Reserve's 100th anniversary, March 14. AO1(AW) Matthew Kline, assigned to Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett and PS1(SW) Adrian Ramirezrodriguez, assigned to Navy Operational Support Center Minneapolis. RCC Navy Region SouthEast NAS Jackson: 904-542-3429 Ft. Worth: 817-782-1660. %PDF-1.5 % NOSC Whidbey Island is responsible for the training and administration of Reserve Component Navy personnel assigned to units in the Pacific Northwest. US Navy Reserve - default Google Translate, a third party service provided by Google, performs all translations directly and dynamically. Rear Adm. John A. Schommer, Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command discussed with guest the importance of Navy leaders in a Reserve force that generates and maintains a ready, lethal force, that continues to provide a critical strategic depth to our Navy. 2 0 obj NRNW RCC is an Echelon IV command under Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command. VA Vet Center 205. - Lt. Cmdr. Our mission is to deliver full time support of the Navy. War fighting readiness. Erin Borozny was fired due to a loss of confidence in her ability to command.. 170906-N-VH054-1210 (Cheyenne, Wy.) FOIA NAS Jackson: 904-542-3429 Higher headquarters . Navy Reserve Ombudsman 'mbu,nbJqT L HN% e;^E^`f^.u1A*HI0P {$#Vb>:E_)cMBC?MMQ6N ]Fm6RQkM;R=rHq^;M`0'74. HUj@}Wcd/7u8"PqKd1;${dGM X4sfJ NRNW RCC is tasked with providing operational support to active-component commands and overseeing the mobilization readiness of Navy-selected reservists serving in Alaska, Idaho, Cmdr. Rear Adm. John A. Schommer, Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command, was the presiding officer. 1@,V 4 C A#):\;Mh`P` J1 H3 uK#$ Miller is well-familiar with Navy Region Northwest, having served as assistant regional engineer and NAVFAC Northwest executive officer since 2018. . Navy Operational Support Center 170906-N-VH054-1500 (Cheyenne, Wy.) <> endobj National Suicide Hotline Subject specific information for the media, An official website of the United States government. 0000000899 00000 n 32 0 obj <> endobj The official text of content on this site is the English version found on this website. Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads (NSA HR) is a United States Navy Echelon 4 regional support commander that is responsible to Navy Region Mid-Atlantic for the operation and maintenance of the installation of the same name that it is headquartered on. Hmk0B/*:I(q6i/eFh}}dVF8wwIz(*8O_hmn!r]P]x-pC Q(d@4HrJ?k"HYK'T.zryI?tW~"d{&4h#:` YjE!-bl{s!MEF.X-e"\}D])gN0:*Q|RCOL8kjD})0_R#Gssq!#o;p]X;vaRSlQ$iZL;s+5;D;`{qrNc$Y(qILb_a,l0MFVY)?@ryw",{ (pxB*@Wz6nv 9d@eY|Ml7X2{2N!U2$f]S7k#nnMpo~y;"T+Fl7U9b9u February 15th, DVIDS Hub works best with JavaScript enabled, Version: 378719a7422dbf16a653a31d0524fb9a2058ed47_2023-04-20T10:09:12, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett Change of Command Ceremony [Image 4 of 4], Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, Strategic Some items cannot be translated, including but not limited to image buttons, drop down menus, graphics, photos, or portable document formats (pdfs). 1 0 obj Great Lakes: 847-688-4916, ext. Thank you all for your partnership," said Brooks. 257-2922. Plan. Capt. Ben Miller Assumes Command of NAVFAC Northwest trailer IRh U,Sq( Y0ZNlEhh. RCC Navy Region NorthWest 425-304-3846. Commander Commander Navy Region Northwest RCC Navy REDCOM Everett Everett WA 2000 West Marine View DR 2000 West Marine View DR BLDG 2102 . Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command - Facebook Veterans Crisis Line Jonas C. Jones, outgoing Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, hands the ceremonial flag to his wife during NRNW RCC Everetts change of command on board Naval Station Everett, Wash. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kleynia R. McKnight), EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Capt. Navy Region Northwest, Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) The automated translations should not be considered exact and should be used only as an approximation of the original English language content. February 15th, DVIDS Hub works best with JavaScript enabled. %PDF-1.5 47 0 obj <>stream Puget Sound is the U. S. Navy's third largest fleet concentration area. Jason E. Small named 26th Commander for the Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett Capt. Today, Commander, Navy Region Northwest provides consolidated base operations support for Navy activities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa. Jonas C. Jones as the 26th Commander of Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett. Navy Reserve Law Program Holds Change of Office Commander, Navy Installations Command, has no control over the features, functions, or performance of the Google Translate service. Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Celebrates Reserve National Domestic Violence Hotline Sailors from Navy Operational Support Center Cheyenne, located on F.E. A retirement ceremony was conducted following the change of command to celebrate the 30-year career of Capt. Erin E. Borozny, commanding officer, Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) Portland, Ore., due to a loss of confidence in her ability to command. Jones, a native of Whidbey Island, Wash., was the 26th commander for NRNW RCC Everett, since it first stablished in 1976. The official text of content on this site is the English version found on this website. "Our Reservists are the best in the nation," said Capt. Some items cannot be translated, including but not limited to image buttons, drop down menus, graphics, photos, or portable document formats (pdfs). Jonas C. Jones, has relieved Cmdr. OAK HARBOR, Wash. (February 4, 2022) Command Master Chief, Frederick C. Carter, renders honors while the color guard parades the colors during his EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Rear Adm. John A. Schommer, commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command presents Capt. Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command | 10 followers on LinkedIn. Bases and a shipyard were operating in Puget Sound by the 1890s, and on May 7, 1903, the Thirteenth Naval District was established in Seattle. The event is part of Fargo FARGO, N.D. (July 21, 2021) Navy Diver 1st Class Collin Kelly, assigned to Navy Operational Support Center Fargo, reorganizes pallets for a 180921-N-WJ362-0113 EVERETT, Wash. (September 21, 2018) Capt. Ships and cutters worked to keep the peace between natives and settlers, and helped negotiate boundary disputes over the San Juan Islands. Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command; and Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Reserve Command. The Thirteenth Naval District was renamed Naval Base Seattle in 1980, and subsequently renamed Navy Region Northwest in 1999. US Navy Reserve - default 0000001382 00000 n WASHINGTON (NNS) - Rear Adm. Les E. Reardanz relieved Rear Adm. Carol M. Lynch as the deputy judge advocate general of the Navy for Reserve Affairs and Operations, and deputy commander, Naval Legal Service Command, at a change of office ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard Oct. 4. 0000007722 00000 n Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve Staff 6 . Navy Reserve Ombudsmen are fully trained to assist both activated and non-activated families. 0000001293 00000 n | Serving the US Navy reserve forces within the Northwest region. Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett 9. Christian Parilla, currently assigned to Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett will assume the duties of NOSC Portland CO until a permanent replacement is assigned. Electrician's Mate 1st Class Disi Zhao, currently assigned to Southwest Regional Maintenance Center in San Diego, won in the active-duty category. NW Reserve Component Command (RCC) HQ. endobj Users are advised to use MS Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox browser to take full advantage of the Google Translate feature. Any individuals or parties that use Commander, Navy Installations Command, content in translated form, whether by Google Translate or by any other translation services, do so at their own risk. When the U.S. purchased Alaska in 1867, the sea services began patrols to regulate fishing and sealing, assist mariners in distress, and establish forward presence in the Last Frontier. In 2004 and 2005, the Region Headquarters moved from Seattle to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, in Silverdale, Washington. VA Vet Center (Supports vets, service members, and their families), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in translated text, refer to the English version on this website, it is the official version. 0000000836 00000 n The automated translations should not be considered exact and should be used only as an approximation of the original English language content. Where the west leads the best. Jonas C. 180906-N-WJ362-0006 EVERETT, Wash. (September 6, 2018) Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Matthew M. Kline and Master-at-Arms 1st Class Justin Monson 170906-N-VH054-1500 (Cheyenne, Wy.) 0000004617 00000 n Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett, Committee votes on major defense policy bill expected in May, Military families share workout with first lady Jill Biden, US conducts first evacuation of its citizens from Sudan war, Ukrainian drones strike Crimea oil depot, Russian official says, Interior designers remodel Jack Teixeiras camo bedroom monstrosity, Understanding the role of artificial intelligence, Mark Kitz keynote speech at the C4ISRNET conference, The latest on software, data and artificial intelligence, Military sex assault reports rise, even as Army numbers fall, Zero trust could have limited Pentagon leak, Navy CTO says, Taliban kill mastermind of suicide bombing at Kabul airport, Ship fires cost the Navy dearly, but lessons still need learning, Russian spy intrigue fizzles in Coast Guard vet, wife ID theft case. Google Translate, a third party service provided by Google, performs all translations directly and dynamically. Any individuals or parties that use Commander, Navy Region Northwest, content in translated form, whether by Google Translate or by any other translation services, do so at their own risk. -@nPpa>18sbd! Jonas C. Jones as the 26th Commander of Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett. 2009 EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Rear Adm. John A. Schommer, commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command presents Capt. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kleynia R. McKnight), 210924-N-WJ362-0098 EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Capt. Those Sailor, and the ones here who mobilized them, have my deepest respect., Reserve Component Northwest team, you are superb, said Jones. The Chief of Navy Reserve gave us a pretty simple mission, said Small. 0000006203 00000 n endobj The Commander oversees the assigned shore organization and provides facilities and space management, exercise coordination, and support to homeported and transient ships, submarines, and aircraft as well as afloat and ashore tenants, military and family members. Erin E. Borozny, commanding officer, Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) Portland, Ore., due to a loss of confidence in her ability to command. Jonas C. Jones, outgoing commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, speaks to guests during NRNW RCC Everetts change of command on board Naval Station Everett, Wash. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kleynia R. McKnight), EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Rear Adm. John A. Schommer, commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command presents Capt. Commander, Navy Region Northwest, has no control over the features, functions, or performance of the Google Translate service. In doing your job everyday with excellence, treating your fellow human being with dignity and respect, accomplishing tasks with no training, with the COVID task we had no preparation for that, and you knocked the ball out of the park every single time.. RCC Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Norfolk: 757-444-7295, ext. DVIDS - Images - Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command This service is meant solely for the assistance of limited English-speaking users of the website. s0s))9+oRLFc$~S*0:D!auaK6]p})F>u}MR$"e Jason Small. 32 16 Over 200 Sailors perform monthly weekend drills in 13 augmentation units. d. Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett, Chief Ansel Glendenning, e-mail: ansel.glendenning(at), tel: (425) 304-3831. e. Navy Region Southwest Reserve Component Command San Diego, Chief Roslyn Tyler, e-mail: roslyn.tyler(at), tel: (619) 532-1879 f. Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Reserve Component Command Great Lakes, Commander, Navy Installations Command, does not directly endorse Google Translate or imply that it is the only language translation solution available to users. REDCOM more accurately depicts the Reserve Force's focus on warfighting . 5 . 3 NAVFAC Northwest <<< Naval Station Everett: - Carrier Strike Group 11 - Destroyer Squadron 9 - Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command - Afloat Training Group, Pacific Northwest DET - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance, DET Everett. PDF Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest Program Overview - ACEC-WA PORTLAND, Ore. -- Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (CNRNW RCC), Everett, Capt. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in translated text, refer to the English version on this website, it is the official version. Version: 378719a7422dbf16a653a31d0524fb9a2058ed47_2023-04-20T10:09:12, Petty Officer 1st Class Victor R Navarrete, Strategic The United States Navy has been operating regularly in Pacific Northwest waterways since 1841. 0000002308 00000 n Jason E. Small relieved Capt. Christian R. Parilla, assigned to CNRNW RCC Everett, has assumed the duties of NOSC Portland commanding officer until a permanent relief is assigned. % Jason E. Small relieved Capt. Through World Wars, natural disasters, and incredible changes in the population and economy of the area, the Navy remained a steadfast presence, providing defense, security, and stability. CNIC Fleet and Family Readiness, does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated. Further proceedings are not anticipated at this time. Google Translate, a third party service provided by Google, performs all translations directly and dynamically. Due to social distancing precautions, the ceremony was limited to . Leadership | U.S. Navy JAG Corps Plan. Jones. Jonas C. Jones, outgoing commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, with the Legion of Merit during NRNW RCC Everetts change of command ceremony on board Naval Station Everett, Wash. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kleynia R. McKnight), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Reserve Component Command, Navy Region Northwest This service is meant solely for the assistance of limited English-speaking users of the website. Jonas C. Jones, outgoing commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, solutes Capt. Users are advised to use MS Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox browser to take full advantage of the Google Translate feature. All site visitors may choose to use similar tools for their translation needs. Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command, Everett He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at The Navy statement announcing the relief states that further proceedings are not anticipated.. The 126th annual Cheyenne Frontier Days is a 10-day festival drawing nearly 200,000 visitors and features the worlds largest outdoor rodeo and western entertainment in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Capt. EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Capt. endstream endobj 33 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <>stream Puget Sound is the U. S. Navys third largest fleet concentration area. In addition, units routinesly drill worldwide, onsite with the active component gaining commands. Some items cannot be translated, including but not limited to image buttons, drop down menus, graphics, photos, or portable document formats (pdfs). Few details were available Friday afternoon, but a Navy statement said that Cmdr. Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads - Wikipedia All site visitors may choose to use similar tools for their translation needs. Norfolk: 757-444-7295, ext. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, TR Base Support Vehicles and Equipment (BSV&E), Navy Motorcycle Rider Training Registration, Drinking Water Sampling and Testing for PFAS, Navy Fire and Emergency Services Newsletter, Commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Central, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - 3. Jason E. Small recently became the 26th Commander for the Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett. 22. Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Reserve Component Command Norfolk 7 . Each and every one of you. xref Naval Hospital Bremerton, the Reserve Component Command, and many others. Prior reserve assignments include Staff Judge Advocate, Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer Program; international and maritime counsel, U.S. Northern Command/North . 4 0 obj IE users: Please note that Google Translate may not render correctly when using Internet Explorer. Reserve ombudsmen may contact their regional Reserve Component Command . We have 16 reserve centers over 11 states, 4,000 reserve members, said Jones. This service is meant solely for the assistance of limited English-speaking users of the website. Jones. Commander, Navy Installations Command > Regions Capt. Naval Sea Systems Command - Other Navy . Navy fires commander of Portland Navy Reserve unit Apr 27, 2023. Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Reserve Component Command Great Lakes 8. We mobilized 208 of those over the last eight months or so to support COVID operations, when the country was overwhelmed by the virus. Users are advised to use MS Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox browser to take full advantage of the Google Translate feature. Maintenance window scheduled to begin at February 14th 2200 est. Jonas C. Jones, outgoing commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) Everett, solutes Capt. Jonas Jones and Capt. Component USNR. <> PDF Supply Corps Background. Some items cannot be translated, including but not limited to image buttons, drop down menus, graphics, photos, or portable document formats (pdfs). All site visitors may choose to use similar tools for their translation needs. Commander, Navy Region Northwest, does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated. Jonas C. Jones Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC), Everett, in a change of command ceremony Friday, September 24th 2021. Small native of Carson City, Nevada will carry-on Jones term by leading the largest geographical Region comprised of 16 Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSCs) across 11 states. CNIC Fleet and Family Readiness, has no control over the features, functions, or performance of the Google Translate service. The head of Navy Operational Support Center Portland, Oregon, was relieved of command Friday. During my time here, three year, we mobilize 657 reserve Sailors all over the globe. This work, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett Change of Command Ceremony [Image 4 of 4], by PO1 Kleynia McKnight, identified by DVIDS, must comply with the restrictions shown . 0000005405 00000 n 0000006978 00000 n until 0400 est. Ft. Worth: 817-782-1660, RCCNavy Region Mid-Atlantic Navy Recruiting PDF Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest Program Overview So everything we do, if it ties back to war fighting readiness we are doing the right thing. Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command (CNRNW RCC), Everett, Capt. "B]aMJnb^'B] H27\N jq2, rt|HH/O8>>M'urr|C@eD9`,2Cz,{+LNfbwulw 0000001199 00000 n We know our mission and we can execute our mission. PDF Commander Na Vy Reserve Force Forrestal Drive Norfolk Virginia Commander, Navy Region Northwest, does not directly endorse Google Translate or imply that it is the only language translation solution available to users. until 0400 est. Commander, Navy Installations Command | 716 Sicard Street SE Suite 1000 | Washington DC, 20374-5140 Official U.S. Navy Website All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command - Facebook endstream endobj 39 0 obj <>stream With the reading of Jones and Smalls orders, command was officially passed to Small, transitioning him from his previous role as the Reserve Program Director of the United States Pacific Fleet. The automated translations should not be considered exact and should be used only as an approximation of the original English language content. hb```f``ZAX^#Qw*vcC + Site Map, Privacy Policy Our job is simple, make sure that all 4,000 of those Sailors are ready to mobilize whenever, where ever required by this nation. Even in the inland States of the Region, Navy Reserve and Training centers gave testament to the fact that the Northwest, like all of America, was dependent on Sea Power. This is a transition between two incredible leaders, Capt. The ceremony shifted from the change of command to Jones retirement, where he thanked his family and command personnel for all their hard work and devotion to the United States Navy. Welcome to Commander, Navy Region Southwest Navy Region Northwest, Reserve Component Command (NRNW RCC) was established in 1974 and was formerly known as REDCOM Northwest. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. (U.S. Navy video by Mass Communication Specialist Harry Andrew D. Gordon), Taken: 07.23.2022 | Video by Petty Officer 1st Class Andrew Gordon, Maintenance window scheduled to begin at February 14th 2200 est. stream Jonas Jones, Commander, Navy Region Northwest, Reserve Component Command (CNRNW RCC) Everett. RCC Northwest is, as Jonas likes to say, where the west leads the best. Jason E. Small, after reading of official BUPERS orders. 17 were here. IE users: Please note that Google Translate may not render correctly when using Internet Explorer. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue Marine (forerunner of the U.S. Coast Guard), explored, charted, and protected the area during the mid-nineteenth century. This work, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett Change of Command Ceremony [Image 4 of 4], by PO1 Kleynia McKnight, identified by DVIDS, must comply with the restrictions shown on "To know we are a critical enabler of this nation's warfighting readiness makes this a great time to be in the Navy Reserve." Commander, Navy Installations Command, does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated. Capt. Jason E. Small named 26th Commander for the Navy Region Northwest Kline and Ramirezrodriguez were two of only seven CNRFC BSO-72 FTS Sailors meritoriously advanced to First Class Petty Officers from across the Reserve Force. endstream endobj 40 0 obj <>stream Commander, Navy Region Northwest, does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated. Google Translate, a third party service provided by Google, performs all translations directly and dynamically. 3 0 obj Commander, Navy Region Northwest, does not directly endorse Google Translate or imply that it is the only language translation solution available to users. Find NOSC 0000000616 00000 n Jonas C. Jones, Commander, Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command Everett 180921-N-WJ362-0091 EVERETT, Wash. (September 21, 2018) Rear Adm. Thomas W. Luscher, Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command and Capt. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in translated text, refer to the English version on this website, it is the official version. IE users: Please note that Google Translate may not render correctly when using Internet Explorer. NCIS Tips, An official website of the United States government, EVERETT, Wash. (September 24, 2021) Capt. All site visitors may choose to use similar tools for their translation needs. Capt. Jonas C. Jones, has relieved Cmdr. His post-command tours include Director, Fleet Support - Navy Reserve Law Program, and Staff Judge Advocate, Navy Region Southeast Reserve Component Command Fort Worth. x\[&}o=&K>?Jdd}W?_zo}o?woo.^RbKf6?_^;//sw_^}>>>~|l[9JU'>[n[Z[ F-o_^o uoadt #G4-DNuFD7mvGm*m{c*8PHtHm+q(5BJeka08r'" :y$P,#H~?w:\G2"G2#~-Gi@Gt$kHi`LF5c/` }ys4>jR%eL ea6DW[[*PFD KkK`TmT*O N^)$(W9sGkm=aT0aW&ErxTHq6o%rj8QJ]LjT|8fGuCE(wR2\9$ `l>,`IP^'v^t(z%3s(01PUGqm *)(D[Z\DI"BTr}A!ARGaM3 Y411W2d;7iP0n' REKt[ZiZ@~rt)^K?}JoFv iAQ P/'h3LY t+DXc3$

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