Name Vibration The emotional energy of the name Cheetah resonates with the Pride level on the emotional vibration scale. Cubs born in the wild weigh 150300g (5.310.6oz) at birth, while those born in captivity tend to be larger and weigh around 500g (18oz). Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [133], Cubs as young as six months try to capture small prey like hares and young gazelles. Another unique feature of these incredible animals is that they are the only cats that cant fully retract their claws. Cheetah Name Symbols Name Color: Blue The connection with the color Blue suggests that people with the name Cheetah are keen to keep relations tight in their life. Again dividing the distance by time, but this time to determine the maximum sustained speed, completing the runs in an average time of 7 seconds. Populations are feared to be declining. [195] The animated series ThunderCats had a character named "Cheetara", an anthropomorphic cheetah, voiced by Lynne Lipton. [180] Deaths result from several reasonsstillbirths, birth defects, cannibalism, hypothermia, maternal neglect, and infectious diseases. 2. Elqenna: ( ehl-ken-nah) A pretty exotic girl name meaning "superior". [58][123], Cheetahs are induced ovulators and can breed throughout the year. [5], The Global Cheetah Action Plan Workshop in 2002 laid emphasis on the need for a rangewide survey of wild cheetahs to demarcate areas for conservation efforts and on creating awareness through training programs. Elongated and slender long bones of the limbs in general, as well as the pelvis, specially the ischium. [2][66][128], After a gestation of nearly three months, a litter of one to eight cubs is born (though those of three to four cubs are more common). [3] This in turn comes from Sanskrit: (Chitra-ya) meaning 'variegated', 'adorned' or 'painted'. Growls, hisses and moans are accompanied by multiple, strong hits on the ground with the front paw, during which the cheetah may retreat by a few metres. The serval also resembles the cheetah in physical build, but is significantly smaller, has a shorter tail and its spots fuse to form stripes on the back. [127] Mating begins with the male approaching the female, who lies down on the ground; individuals often chirp, purr or yelp at this time. Saying cheetah in Middle-Eastern Languages. 50 Famous Amazigh (Berber) Names For Baby Boys and Girls - MomJunction [20] In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group revised felid taxonomy and recognised these four subspecies as valid. Early captive cheetahs showed a high mortality rate, with an average lifespan of 34 years. [182][183] High density of cheetahs in a place, closeness to other large carnivores in enclosures, improper handling, exposure to public and frequent movement between zoos can be sources of stress for cheetahs. Both animals are assumed to be clocked at 50 mph (80 Km/h) by speedometer reading when running alongside a vehicle at full gallop.[101]. Your vibration is full of life. cheetah, ( Acinonyx jubatus ), one of the world's most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. Alfhild was so impressed by Alf's skills in combat that she married him! A group of cheetahs is called a coalition. Some females, generally mother and offspring or siblings, may rest beside one another during the day. [64] The ears are small, short and rounded; they are tawny at the base and on the edges and marked with black patches on the back. Cheetah Synonyms: 2 Synonyms and Antonyms for Cheetah - YourDictionary [64] In 18771878, Sclater described two partially albino specimens from South Africa. What Does The Name Cheetah Mean? [80] While running, in addition to having good traction due to their semi-retractable claws, cheetahs use their tail as a rudder-like means of steering that enables them to make sharp turns, necessary to outflank antelopes which often change direction to escape during a chase. It diverged genetically from the southeast African cheetah 72,00016,000 years ago. The oldest cheetah fossils, found in eastern and southern Africa, are approximately 3.5 to 3 million years old. [81][82], The cheetah resembles the smaller cats in cranial features, and in having a long and flexible spine, as opposed to the stiff and short one in other large felids. However, they may have to wait until as long as 15 months of age to make a successful kill on their own. [67] Saharan cheetahs have canine-like slim faces. Please find below many ways to say cheetah in different languages. By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Baby Names with their Meaning. And who wouldn't want their child to be free and independent? Nearly all the cheetahs remaining in the wild live in Africa. 1. [174], In comparison, theories of the cheetah's taming in Egypt are stronger and include timelines proposed on this basis. Because only two dozen or fewer chassis were built, with only a dozen complete cars, the Cheetah was never homologated for competition beyond prototype status; its production ended in 1966. An open area with some cover, such as diffused bushes, is probably ideal for the cheetah because it needs to stalk and pursue its prey over a distance. [157], In 2001, the Iranian government collaborated with the CCF, the IUCN, Panthera Corporation, UNDP and the Wildlife Conservation Society on the Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah Project (CACP) to protect the natural habitat of the Asiatic cheetah and its prey. [8][58][117] The diet of the Asiatic cheetah consists of chinkara, desert hare, goitered gazelle, urial, wild goats and livestock; in India cheetahs used to prey mostly on blackbuck. [5] By 1987, the first major research project to outline cheetah conservation strategies was underway. [172], Hunting cheetahs are known in pre-Islamic Arabic art from Yemen. [66][108] Playing can improve catching skills in cubs, though the ability to crouch and hide may not develop remarkably. [46][47] A prominent instance was the deadly feline coronavirus outbreak in a cheetah breeding facility of Oregon in 1983 which had a mortality rate of 60%higher than that recorded for previous epizootics of feline infectious peritonitis in any felid. The cheetah is a vocal felid with a broad repertoire of calls and sounds; the acoustic features and the use of many of these have been studied in detail. [58] It gradually fell to extinction in Europe, possibly because of competition with the lion. Is a cheetah African? See more. [148] Illegal wildlife trade and trafficking is another problem in some places (like Ethiopia). [163] Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary and Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary were suggested as reintroduction sites for the cheetah because of their high prey density. [86][87][88][89][90] Estimates of the maximum speed attained range from 80 to 128km/h (50 to 80mph). An adult cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 60 MPH in three seconds, thats as fast as a Porsche 911. ", "Cheetah do not abandon hunts because they overheat", "Motions of the running cheetah and horse", "Fiber type and metabolic characteristics of lion (, "Myosin Heavy Chain Composition of Tiger (, "Skeletal muscle histology and biochemistry of an elite sprinter, the African cheetah", "Vocalizations of juvenile cheetahs during feeding at Schoenbrunn Zoo", "An acoustic analysis of purring in the cheetah (, "A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cheetahs", "A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in juvenile, subadult and adult cheetahs", "An acoustic analysis of agonistic sounds in wild cheetahs", "Acoustic structure and contextual use of calls by captive male and female cheetahs (, "Cheetah mothers' vigilance: looking out for prey or for predators? CHEETAH Synonyms: 23 Synonyms & Antonyms for CHEETAH | [49][50], The low genetic diversity is thought to have been created by two population bottlenecks from c. 100,000 years and c. 12,000 years ago, respectively. In central, northern and western Africa cheetahs inhabit arid mountain ranges and valleys; in the harsh climate of the Sahara, cheetahs prefer high mountains, which receive more rainfall than the surrounding desert. Being a more accurate method of measurement, this test was made in 1965 but published in 1997. A higher concentration of fast-twich muscle fibers than other cats and animals in general. [12] In 1917, Reginald Innes Pocock placed the cheetah in a subfamily of its own, Acinonychinae,[13] given its striking morphological resemblance to the greyhound and significant deviation from typical felid features; the cheetah was classified in Felinae in later taxonomic revisions. [98] Running cheetahs can retain up to 90% of the heat generated during the chase. "Recent reported cheetah deaths suggest that some of the cats had their stomachs ripped open by hidden branches." Noun A large wild cat, typically with a spotted coat and native to Africa and Asia leopard panther wild cat cougar catamount puma cat jaguar cat-a-mountain mountain lion Types of Types of large species in the family Felidae cat lion [121] However, on a daily basis, a cheetah feeds on around 4kg (8.8lb) meat. Cheetahs prey includes: gazelles (especially Thomson's gazelles), impalas and other small to medium-sized antelopes, hares, birds, and rodents. Smaller antelopes like the common duiker are a frequent prey in the southern Kalahari. [57] The appearance is caused by reinforcement of a recessive allele; hence if two mating cheetahs are heterozygous carriers of the mutated allele, a quarter of their offspring can be expected to be king cheetahs. [58][61] Whether males settle in territories or disperse over large areas forming home ranges depends primarily on the movements of females. [174] Tomb figurines from the Mongol empire, dating back to the reign of Kublai Khan (12601294AD), represent cheetahs on horseback. This may be accompanied by moans, hisses and growls, and hitting the ground with the forepaws. [58][65], The cheetah is superficially similar to the leopard, which has a larger head, fully retractable claws, rosettes instead of spots, lacks tear streaks and is more muscular. Luckily, there are a lot of humans trying to preserve this species. [8][60][61] The weight can vary with age, health, location, sex and subspecies; adults typically range between 21 and 72kg (46 and 159lb). [176] A Roman hunting cheetah is depicted in a 4thcentury mosaic from Lod, Israel. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. [10][59] Cheetahs typically reach 6794cm (2637in) at the shoulder and the head-and-body length is between 1.1 and 1.5m (3ft 7in and 4ft 11in). This page was last edited on 23 April 2023, at 21:09. [58][66], Cheetahs can decelerate dramatically towards the end of the hunt, slowing down from 93km/h (58mph) to 23km/h (14mph) in just three strides, and can easily follow any twists and turns the prey makes as it tries to flee. [58], The head is small and more rounded compared to other big cats. All males in the coalition typically have equal access to kills when the group hunts together, and possibly also to females who may enter their territory. [51], The king cheetah is a variety of cheetah with a rare mutation for cream-coloured fur marked with large, blotchy spots and three dark, wide stripes extending from the neck to the tail. [125], Urine-marking in males can become more pronounced when a female in their vicinity comes into oestrus. [174] The Egyptians would use their dogs to bring the concealed prey out in the open, after which a cheetah would be set upon it to kill it. Elvire: ( ehl-veer) An exotic French name meaning "truth" or "all true". The cheetah can give up the chase if it is detected by the prey early or if it can not make a kill quickly. [34] However, subsequent research has shown that Miracinonyx is phylogenetically closer to the cougar than the cheetah;[36] the similarities to cheetahs have been attributed to convergent evolution. The name 'cheetah' comes from the Sanskrit word 'chitraka', meaning the spotted one. In Botswana, cheetahs are frequently captured by ranchers to protect livestock by setting up traps in traditional marking spots; the calls of the trapped cheetah can attract more cheetahs to the place. Big cats have always amazed humanity, and though most of the spotlight has gone to the largest cats like the lion or the tiger. [1][146] The cheetah appears to be less capable of coexisting with humans than the leopard. In Bacchus and Ariadne, an oil painting by the 16th-century Italian painter Titian, the chariot of the Greek god Dionysus (Bacchus) is depicted as being drawn by two cheetahs. Chinese emperors would use cheetahs and caracals as gifts. [172], The first cheetah to be brought into captivity in a zoo was at the Zoological Society of London in 1829.
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