moderation management pdf

BT 86.25 39 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf -0.0492 Tc 0.1742 Tw (Guide to Moderation Management Steps of Change) Tj ET 86.25 36.75 248.25 0.75 re f BT 334.5 39 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 180.75 0 TD (10) Tj 12 0 TD ( ) Tj -441 684.75 TD -0.0365 Tc 0.3177 Tw (personal drinking rules, and start on new non) Tj 219 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0395 Tc 0.0395 Tw (drinking activities.) Marie-Christine Chalus on LinkedIn: #entrepreneurs #entrepreneuriat # PDF Research-Based Analysis of the Moderation Management Controversy Tj 91.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -376.5 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0354 Tc 0.0354 Tw (Heed the \223stop\224 signal) Tj 111 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0944 Tc 0.4158 Tw (, that feeling that you\222ve \223had enough.\224 ) Tj 192.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -339.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.117 Tc 0.492 Tw (During your \22330\224 you can rehearse ) Tj 171 0 TD -0.138 Tc 0.138 Tw (the ) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0259 Tc 0.0259 Tw (use of these control skills by thinking ahead) Tj 210 0 TD -0.138 Tc 0.388 Tw ( to a ) Tj -399 -14.25 TD -0.0738 Tc 0.3238 Tw (typical drinking situation you might be ) Tj 189.75 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (in) Tj 9 0 TD -0.2148 Tc 0.9648 Tw ( later) Tj 24 0 TD -0.128 Tc 0.878 Tw (. Tj 122.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -289.5 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0474 Tc 0.1974 Tw (So in the early stages of practicing moderation, accentuate the positive) Tj 338.25 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.141 Tc 0.641 Tw ( to yourself ) Tj 57.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0.1035 Tc -0.1035 Tw (bout ) Tj -405.75 -13.5 TD -0.0622 Tc 0.4372 Tw (the progress you\222re making. We do so utilizing a So ) Tj 147.75 0 TD -0.2844 Tc 0 Tw (think) Tj 24 0 TD 0.0672 Tc -0.0672 Tw ( about) Tj 30 0 TD -0.12 Tc 0.12 Tw ( area) Tj 23.25 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.096 Tc -0.096 Tw ( such as:) Tj 41.25 0 TD -0.0639 Tc 0.5139 Tw ( your inner feelings, relationships ) Tj -270.75 -14.25 TD -0.0129 Tc 0.2629 Tw (with others, work issu) Tj 105.75 0 TD -0.0972 Tc 0.6329 Tw (es, physical health, your finances, any legal issues) Tj 240 0 TD -0.082 Tc 0.382 Tw (, and spare time or ) Tj -345.75 -13.5 TD -0.0754 Tc 0.4254 Tw (recreation. The real goal of Moderation Management is to get people involved, get them to address their drinking and then ideally move on to a place where drinking is a small, but enjoyable part of their lives. Old ) Tj -327 -14.25 TD -0.1159 Tc 0.5659 Tw (habits die hard, and the new more positive habits can t) Tj 260.25 0 TD -0.052 Tc 0.052 Tw (ake ) Tj 20.25 0 TD -0.1225 Tc 0.4225 Tw (some time to get well ) Tj -280.5 -13.5 TD -0.0753 Tc 0 Tw (established) Tj 52.5 0 TD 0 Tc (.) Keep busy ) Tj -32.25 -14.25 TD -0.0695 Tc 0.3374 Tw (and avoid activities during which you customarily drink, like watching sports on TV. Try ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0809 Tc 0.5809 Tw (to minimize stress, especially stressful situations that typically trigger heavy drinking for ) Tj T* -0.1875 Tc 0.1875 Tw (you. ) Tj 46.5 0 TD 0.0024 Tc -0.0024 Tw (Under ) Tj 33.75 0 TD -0.0937 Tc -0.2813 Tw (\223The Occasion\224 ) Tj 79.5 0 TD -0.2013 Tc 0.9513 Tw (record the) Tj 48 0 TD -0.084 Tc 0.084 Tw ( time ) Tj -402.75 -13.5 TD -0.304 Tc 0.304 Tw (of day,) Tj 32.25 0 TD -0.276 Tc 1.026 Tw ( and) Tj 21 0 TD -0.1177 Tc 0.4927 Tw ( where and with whom you we) Tj 147.75 0 TD 0.0235 Tc -0.0235 Tw (re drinking. ) Giving yourself ) Tj -273.75 -14.25 TD -0.0963 Tc 0.5249 Tw (rewards for good work on moderation can be helpful, including modest things like a DVD) Tj 432 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -435 -13.5 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (or ) Tj 12.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD (book) Tj 24 0 TD (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw ( or ) Tj 15.75 0 TD 0.0075 Tc -0.0075 Tw (eating out, or ) Tj 66.75 0 TD -0.0533 Tc 0 Tw (whatever.) Tj 3 0 TD -0.291 Tc 0.291 Tw ( It) Tj 9.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -426 -13.5 TD -0.1968 Tc 0.1968 Tw (can be) Tj 30 0 TD -0.0294 Tc 0.2794 Tw ( hard to get started, but there are a number of big benefits:) Tj 279 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -309 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 18 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0833 Tc 0.3512 Tw (You may well feel demoralized by your lack of control over drinking, and feel ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0645 Tc 0.3145 Tw (powerless relative to your drinking habit. Tj 59.25 0 TD -0.1075 Tc 0.4825 Tw (Your \223Feelings at the Time\224 are ) Tj -260.25 -14.25 TD -0.1667 Tc 0.6667 Tw (likely to be important) Tj 102.75 0 TD -0.097 Tc 0.597 Tw (, so note those) Tj 69 0 TD -0.0885 Tc 0.4635 Tw ( And, as discussed later, \223Positive Activities\224 may ) Tj -171.75 -13.5 TD -0.0758 Tc 0.5258 Tw (include your drinking management tools. ) Or ) Tj -169.5 -13.5 TD -0.0016 Tc 0.1087 Tw (you can start with shorter periods of non) Tj 193.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.021 Tc (drinking) Tj 40.5 0 TD 0 Tc (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0703 Tc -0.1797 Tw ( and then ) Tj 47.25 0 TD -0.2288 Tc 0.7913 Tw (go for a full month.) A tool for doing that is the ) Tj 270.75 0 TD -0.0606 Tc 0.3106 Tw (diary at the end of this ) Tj -318 -14.25 TD -0.114 Tc 0 Tw (piece) Tj 24.75 0 TD -0.0195 Tc -0.3555 Tw (. The) Tj 159 0 TD -0.0866 Tc 0.5366 Tw ( list of helpful techniques ) Tj 126 0 TD -0.2197 Tc 0.2197 Tw (is so long ) Tj -384.75 -13.5 TD -0.0898 Tc 0.3661 Tw (that you probably can\222t keep them all in mind. With a score of 16) Tj 144.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1053 Tc 0.4178 Tw (19, you may want to see a therapist for support in your ) Tj -149.25 -14.25 TD -0.0289 Tc 0.3503 Tw (work with drinking, including dealing with any non) Tj 247.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1013 Tc 0.8513 Tw (alcohol issues that c) Tj 96 0 TD -0.0826 Tc 0.4576 Tw (omplicate your ) Tj -348 -13.5 TD -0.159 Tc 0 Tw (situation.) Improving Our Understanding of Moderation and Mediation in Strategic Management Research - Herman Aguinis, Jeffrey R. Edwards, Kyle J. Bradley, 2017 Organizational Research Methods Impact Factor: 8.247 5-Year Impact Factor: 11.703 JOURNAL HOMEPAGE SUBMIT PAPER Restricted access Research article First published online January 27, 2016 Tj 244.5 0 TD -0.1183 Tc 0.4933 Tw (These limits are) Tj 75.75 0 TD -0.071 Tc 0.821 Tw ( mostly) Tj 36 0 TD -0.0633 Tc 0.0633 Tw ( the same as ) Tj -356.25 -13.5 TD -0.0986 Tc 0.2861 Tw (those set forth by t) Tj 89.25 0 TD -0.0776 Tc 0.4943 Tw (he US government\222s National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and ) Tj -89.25 -13.5 TD 0.0246 Tc 0 Tw (Alcoholism) Tj 55.5 0 TD 0.224 Tc -0.224 Tw (. Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -406.5 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.029 Tc 0.279 Tw (To stay on the right track when) Tj 149.25 0 TD 0.0105 Tc -0.0105 Tw ( resuming drinking) Tj 91.5 0 TD -0.2437 Tc 0.8062 Tw (, it pays to give) Tj 73.5 0 TD -0.0861 Tc 0.2111 Tw ( a very high degree of ) Tj -314.25 -13.5 TD -0.0833 Tc -0.6667 Tw (attention ) Tj 44.25 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0736 Tc 0.3861 Tw (o occasions when you drink. Tj 37.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -73.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 29 0 obj 9636 endobj 27 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F3 20 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 28 0 R >> endobj 31 0 obj << /Length 32 0 R >> stream This is normal. The goal of this article is to advance our understanding of the meaning, analysis, and inter-pretation of moderation and mediation in strategic management research. The standard drink ) Tj -273 -14.25 TD -0.1484 Tc 0.6484 Tw (here is one twelve) Tj 86.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0609 Tc 0.2917 Tw (ounce bottle of regular \(5% alcohol\) beer, 5 ounces of table wine \(12%\), ) Tj -90.75 -13.5 TD -0.0544 Tc 0.0544 Tw (or 1.5 ounces of 80) Tj 91.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1268 Tc 0.8768 Tw (proof liquor \(40%) Tj 86.25 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0 Tw (\).) Moderation Analysis | SpringerLink A straightforward test of a linear relationship Moderation Management is a lay-led non-profit dedicated to reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol. A usual quantity ) Tj 371.25 0 TD -0.1425 Tc 0.1425 Tw (for a ) Tj -371.25 -13.5 TD -0.1244 Tc 0.4994 Tw (moderator is more likely to be 1) Tj 153 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc (2 drinks ) Tj 42 0 TD -0.0321 Tc 0.2464 Tw (per occasion, as a matter of individual choice.) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0512 Tc 0.2387 Tw (You should note these management strategies right on ) Tj -161.25 -13.5 TD -0.1225 Tc 0.6225 Tw (your list of triggers.) Moderation Management will come up as a source. Tj 66.75 0 TD 0.021 Tc -0.021 Tw (Maintain ) Tj 46.5 0 TD -0.0877 Tc 0.0877 Tw (a high degree of ) Tj -339 -13.5 TD -0.0333 Tc 0.1404 Tw (attention to your drinking during this period, ) Tj 217.5 0 TD -0.0681 Tc 0.0681 Tw (including keeping a diary.) What Is Moderation Management and Does It Work? It happe) Tj 339.75 0 TD -0.0487 Tc 0.2362 Tw (ns that men\222s bodies ) Tj ET endstream endobj 14 0 obj 10201 endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 13 0 R >> endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 19 0 R >> stream The challenge we face is to serve a constantly evolving membership. K) Tj 134.25 0 TD -0.1035 Tc 0.5074 Tw (eeping a drinking diary is a great tool for that. Tj -230.25 -13.5 TD -0.0578 Tc 0 Tw ( Tj 117.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -117.75 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0542 Tc 0.4292 Tw (Individual Therapist Support) Tj ET 86.25 528.75 138 0.75 re f BT 224.25 531 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -138 -14.25 TD -0.0414 Tc 0.4164 Tw (For a list of moderation) Tj 112.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.07 Tc 0.57 Tw (friendly therapists, go to \223Find a Moderation) Tj 213.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.078 Tc (F) Tj 6.75 0 TD -0.1656 Tc 0.9156 Tw (riendly The) Tj 55.5 0 TD -0.0703 Tc -0.6797 Tw (rapist\224 ) Tj -398.25 -13.5 TD -0.1353 Tc 0.8853 Tw (under \223Tools) Tj 63 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1239 Tc 0.4989 Tw ( on the home page.) In) Tj 77.25 0 TD 0 Tc -0.75 Tw (cluding ) Tj -380.25 -13.5 TD -0.4365 Tc 0 Tw (your) Tj 21 0 TD -0.0789 Tc 0.3289 Tw ( key trigger situations) Tj 104.25 0 TD -0.0617 Tc 0.3295 Tw ( is good. DON'T DRINK AT ALLif you are younger than 21, or if you are or may be pregnant, or if you have health problems that could be made worse by drinking. Distribution of grades across bands will be looked at. Performance Management: The Handbook to HR [Best Practices 2021] - KiSSFLOW Tj 156 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -398.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0703 Tc 0 Tw (Delayin) Tj 37.5 0 TD 0 Tc (g) Tj 6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1007 Tc 0.6007 Tw ( your first drink) Tj 75.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( a bit) Tj 24 0 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (, and/or get) Tj 54.75 0 TD 0.0195 Tc 0 Tw (ting) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0583 Tc 0.2083 Tw ( to the occasion a ) Tj 87 0 TD -0.293 Tc 0 Tw (little) Tj 21 0 TD 0.168 Tc 0.582 Tw ( late) Tj 21 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj 88.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -417 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0413 Tc 0.4163 Tw (\223Controlling Your Drinking\224) Tj 141.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0633 Tc 0.2133 Tw ( by Miller & Munoz is particularly strong on discussing ) Tj -141.75 -13.5 TD -0.0699 Tc 0.3199 Tw (alternative activities to drinking.) PDF Assessment DEFINING MODERATION FOR AND OF ASSESSMENT moderation Moderation is required for all components of summative assessment, irrespective of the level of the work or the credit weighting of the assessments. Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach for Problem Tj 228.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -347.25 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0.1185 Tc -0.1185 Tw (Focus on the fu) Tj 75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (n) Tj 6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.102 Tc 0.252 Tw ( of the occasion, not ) Tj 99 0 TD -0.111 Tc 0.111 Tw (the drinking.) So with moderation you can ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.047 Tc 0.3283 Tw (capture the benefits of drinking while avoiding the negatives.) Tj 332.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -350.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0756 Tc 0.3756 Tw (Usually does not drink faster than one drink per half hour.) Instead of ) Tj -299.25 -13.5 TD -0.0703 Tc 0.0703 Tw (having a) Tj 41.25 0 TD -0.1243 Tc 0.4993 Tw (lcohol ready at hand in the house, you might want to keep ) Tj 280.5 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (it) Tj 6 0 TD -0.0604 Tc 0.3104 Tw ( out of the house at ) Tj -327.75 -14.25 TD -0.078 Tc 0.3124 Tw (this time, or put away or locked up in some inconvenient place. Moderation Management MM follows 9 Steps Toward Moderation and Positive Lifestyle Changes: Attend meetings or on-line groups and learn about the program of Moderation Management. Tj 54 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -230.25 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0747 Tc 0.5033 Tw (\223Avoidance\224 involves keeping away from things that ) Tj 258.75 0 TD -0.0591 Tc 0.8091 Tw (give you) Tj 40.5 0 TD -0.0136 Tc 0.1636 Tw ( drinking urges. Tj 163.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -163.5 -13.5 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.3283 Tw (d. Develop your own personal rules that will keep your drinking moderate.) 425-483-5293 moderation management pdf - KMITL Tj 405.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -405.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0458 Tc 0.2333 Tw (Habitual drinking at a certain time of day is another common trigger. Tj 70.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -70.5 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.072 Tc 0.822 Tw (\223Confrontation\224 involves) Tj 120.75 0 TD -0.0808 Tc 0.4899 Tw ( recognizing that you\222ve got a drinking urge, and focusing your ) Tj -120.75 -13.5 TD 0.0682 Tc -0.0682 Tw (attention on) Tj 56.25 0 TD -0.1989 Tc 0.6989 Tw ( dealing with it) Tj 72.75 0 TD 0.027 Tc 0.223 Tw (. PDF Resource Worksheet for "Alcohol: How Much is Too Much" Brochure Tj 46.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -176.25 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0867 Tc 0.3992 Tw (You get a space unclouded by alcohol to further develop your res) Tj 315.75 0 TD -0.1342 Tc 0.3217 Tw (olve for a new ) Tj -315.75 -14.25 TD -0.0414 Tc 0 Tw (lifestyle,) Tj 41.25 0 TD -0.2313 Tc 0.4813 Tw ( to work out) Tj 57.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0.0129 Tc -0.0129 Tw (your own) Tj 45 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0831 Tc 0.8331 Tw (drinking ground) Tj 78 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1133 Tc 0.1133 Tw (rules and ) Tj 46.5 0 TD -0.0335 Tc 0.0335 Tw (control strategies) Tj 81.75 0 TD -0.069 Tc 0.319 Tw (, and to ) Tj -361.5 -13.5 TD 0.048 Tc -0.048 Tw (get them) Tj 41.25 0 TD -0.1929 Tc 0.7554 Tw ( firmly in mind. ) Tj ET 86.25 473.25 137.25 0.75 re f BT 223.5 475.5 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -137.25 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0659 Tc 0.2802 Tw (Moderate drinking, first of all, means keeping drink) Tj 249 0 TD -0.112 Tc 0 Tw (ing) Tj 15 0 TD -0.0462 Tc 0.2337 Tw ( quantities under specific ) Tj 123.75 0 TD -0.1569 Tc 0.1569 Tw (limits. ) The study . moderation and provides guidelines to justify the inclusion of moderator(s) and perform the analysis. If and when you have slips, do a post) Tj 183.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1299 Tc 0.4513 Tw (mortem to see what went wrong, and ) Tj -234 -14.25 TD -0.0909 Tc 0.5909 Tw (change your personal drinking guidelines if necessary.) Testing and Interpreting Moderation in Ordinary Least Squares Regression Models Moderation in Statistical Terms The simplest form of moderation is where a relationship between an independent variable, X, and a dependent var-iable, Y, changes according to the value of a moderator variable, Z. (PDF) Experience, Knowledge, on Financial Behavior, Mediation of Loc Let your imagination roam a bit. ) Tj 207 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -288.75 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.01 Tc 0.26 Tw (Secular Organization for Sobriety) Tj ET 125.25 140.25 161.25 0.75 re f BT 286.5 142.5 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (. ) research'' (Wiersema & Bowen, 2009, p. 688) and benefit strategic management researchers as they pursue answers to questions that are important to field. Drinking larger amounts) Tj 239.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj 3 0 TD (o) Tj 6 0 TD 0.0153 Tc -0.0153 Tw (r too quickly) Tj 60.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0043 Tc 0.1543 Tw (brings on loss of ability ) Tj -318 -14.25 TD -0.1455 Tc 0.8955 Tw (to fu) Tj 22.5 0 TD -0.0669 Tc 0.3794 Tw (lly experience what is going on, loss of control, and other negative effects.) Tj 83.25 0 TD 0.375 Tc -0.375 Tw ( On th) Tj 30 0 TD 0.0249 Tc -0.0249 Tw (e positive side, think about any) Tj 149.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD 0.018 Tc -0.018 Tw (other ) Tj 28.5 0 TD -0.0938 Tc 0.2437 Tw (types of situations in which ) Tj -294 -14.25 TD -0.1119 Tc 0.5619 Tw (you usually tend to drink moder) Tj 153 0 TD -0.013 Tc 0.013 Tw (ately. ) Start on a ) Tj 54 0 TD -0.0457 Tc 0.2707 Tw (period of abstinence of 30 days or more, to experience t) Tj 268.5 0 TD 0.0273 Tc -0.0273 Tw (he positiv) Tj 46.5 0 TD 0.0645 Tc -0.0645 Tw (es of ) Tj -411 -13.5 TD 0.25 Tc 0 Tw (non) Tj 17.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0265 Tc 0.0265 Tw (drinking. Tj 200.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -432.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 120 -13.5 TD 0.0199 Tc -0.0199 Tw (Further Written Steps of Change Material) Tj ET 206.25 363 199.5 0.75 re f BT 405.75 365.25 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -319.5 -14.25 TD -0.0769 Tc 0.4519 Tw (For further reading) Tj 90.75 0 TD -0.069 Tc 0.069 Tw (, on the ) Tj 38.25 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 78.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.165 Tc 0.165 Tw (home page) Tj 51.75 0 TD -0.0768 Tc 0.3268 Tw ( check the \223Suggested Reading List\224 ) Tj -259.5 -13.5 TD -0.0051 Tc 0.7551 Tw (under \223Tools.\224) Tj 70.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -73.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD 0.003 Tc 0.747 Tw (The \223) Tj 27 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0375 Tc 0.7875 Tw (Responsible Drinking\224) Tj 111 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.132 Tc 0.432 Tw ( book by Rotgers et al lays out the MM ) Tj 190.5 0 TD -0.0825 Tc 0.4575 Tw (program at length.)

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