lenni lenape language to love one another

Miqui, quite; far, far off;-palliwi, quite different; A.) Lakenindewagan, accusation. Ntutemawachtin, to question each other. it". Ntiasohen, to feed, to pasture; (out of use. Equiwi, under; beneath. Tachtamse, now and then, often. Lehellechewagan, breath, life; (lehellachemhalgum, A.). Skaphakamijeu, wet ground. if you love. Lekhiket, writer. each other, to abuse each other by words. A.). Wundeu, it boils. Titpikat, cold night. (error: rather a plain with large trees. Ahoalgussit, the beloved. Schauwtteu, withered, faded. merry. Mechmauwikenk, Z., camp. Wuskiochqueu, young woman. Meteu, doctor; (out of use; it is derived from meteohet, Elemamekhaki, all over the country; (lit., "the way Papaisin. Achgeketum, E., a teacher; (A'achgekinket, The results are limitless. Ikih! Mawingewagan, reconciliation. Anschiwi, more by degrees. Wikwames, little house. dream, etc, (to dream good things. -untschi, from thence, therefore; -wentschi, Ochqueu, woman. Winaeleu, it burns well. Elinaquot, so, so as, also, likewise. Achpequot, wounded; achpequat, Z., full of holes, Ajanhelendam, to be indifferent, to be unconcerned. Tangetto, short, small. A.) Schajawonge, hill-side; (should have an, initial w'. A.) Wulistammen, to believe. Hikan, ebb tide; (at the ending of the flow. Wiquon, dull, blunt. Apendamen, to enjoy, to make use of. Witachpin. Wulachen, to give up; (this word means "a fair wind;" Scheyjunuppek, lake; (probably dialectic: not in use. A.) Wulapejuwagan, uprightness. Witawentin, to be together, to live or dwell with each Achgiwalittewagan, deceit, fraud. Klampeechen, still water. Taquatschin, to freeze, to be cold. Petschi, until, unto; until here, so far, (up to here., Kigischgotum, green grasshopper. to put trust or confidence; it is from Hattelu, having. other. Etachgilowank, last winter. Wingilaweman, to do somebody a pleasure. Elgigunkhaki, as big and wide as the world is; all the Hohoh, exclamation of joy. Achgussin, to burn the kettle; (dub., A.) Apachtschiechton, to display, to set something up, to Tequipin, to hold a feast. A.). Schawek, weak. Menantachk, swamp; (with trees meeting above. Nischa, two. A.) Kschiwineu. Kimiwipengeen, Z., to commit adultery (lit., to Gatti, near, almost. Lachkan, sharp tasted. A.) Woaktschiechen, crooked road. Dawamhican, Z., the jaw bone. Miguntin, to remind each other. Tachquipuin, to hold a feast; -ahoaltuwi, to hold Matschachton, to carry away. A) Ochunk, at his or her father's. Wisohen. Woaktschiechton, to make crooked. Chaihoak, Z., clothes-lice. Nochgoatamen, to lick; (I lick. Wdoon. Wunenachgistawan, to hearken to somebody. Geskundliak, pumpkin: (out of use., A.) Allemiapuawachto, -tangawachto, -tatchawachto, Gachene, Papabin, to play; (arch., A.) A.) Mawewigawan, meeting house. Nocha, my father. A.) Ikali, thither; (nellakli'. Skaphakejeu, wet ground. A.) Wulelendamuwi, joyful, merry. Wajauwe, see Wojauwe. Sachapiwak, lightning afar off. Kittuteney, great city. Skattelendam, to loathe, to hate. A.) Allanque, star. Alike, yet, still, nevertheless, however; for; already. A.) A.) Ngagebinque, etc., I am blind, etc. Nattonamen, to seek for somebody. Nendawen, to carry a lamp, to go with a torch. A vale or valley; dim, pachsajetit, Bischuwi, wilderness; (arch., A.) Allohakasin, to teach, to instruct; (lit., to have power Papiluwulissin, to be otherwise disposed. A.) upwards," applied to the upper slopes, not top of a mountain. Oschummo, hom; (out of use; wilawan. Schingaskunk, bog meadow. Witgochquall, her sister. Kschiechen, to wash. Pilsohalgussowagan, holiness, purity. Tauwunnasin, to be buried. Wulilawendewagan, comfort. Tatandachgoquehellan, to shake the head. Tschetschpenammen, to separate. Wawangoman, to salute somebody. Pisgapamoaquachtop, it was dusk. Memsochet, traveller; (vagabond, idler. Sagalachgat, so deep the hole. A.) Niskassisku, muddy, miry. Allamuin, Z., the war whoop (arch. A.) Achpoantit, piece of bread, small loaf. WebThe other part is their Cantico, performed by round-Dances, sometimes Words, sometimes Songs, then Shouts, two being in the middle that begin, and by Singing and Drumming on a Board direct the Chorus: Their Postures in the Dance Gulukquihillan, to be lame; (out of joint. A.) Wsihotewagan, gain, profit. brightness. Schachachki, certain, certainly true, surely. Tesquachtaminschi, shiver hickory. Wtellewunsowac, an, name. A.) as soon as. Sakquamallessin, to feel troubled. Mboiwi, mortal, dead. Wulaptonen, to speak favorably. Tschipinaxu, he seems strange, uncommonly unpleasing. Wendachguttejek, up hill: (Iit., from below upwards, Awossijey, over, over there, beyond, on the other side, Chuppecat, deep, high water. Segauchsin, to live so long. in what manner then. Wikimak, my wife; (out of use; Elekhasik, as is written. Wulamhittamoewagan, faith, belief; (rather, the proof A.) etc. Ponelendam, to quit, to give up, to be no more concerned. A.) Like gatotamen. Unidsoagan, Z., an accident; wundso, he Z.. to be lazy. Klakaptonaganall, Z, an amusing tale. Ngemewi, always, constantly. Gischamocholheu, the canoe is finished. Guntschitangewagan, admonition, exhortation. Newen, four times. (after negat.) Apanachen, to come from cutting wood. Tachsigiu, it hails. A.) Quilawelendamoagan, confusion, perplexity. Wuschginquiwi, face to face. Apallauwin, to come from hunting. Mechateu, deep snow; (arch., A.) Sukliattaquall, black thread, black yarn. Amuigenan, to raise somebody up. Winunschi, Z., an onion. A.) A.) Eliwi, both. Gendowewuniwi gischquik, Sunday. Wschewinaxu, painful. A.) Takan, (pl., ik), another, other. out. stream; from anne, stream, and Wulit. Wunspak, Z., juice ouice extracted by pressure; Taneek, perhaps, I don't know; (takeet. Langomuwinaxin, to look friendly. Kommothaken, to steal something out of a field. Machtakenindewagan, bad accusation. for such divisions of the compass, A.) Guttasch tcha pachki, six hundred. Taleka, crane. Wagagapoak, Z., they stand in a circle. Lachgaman, to treat somebody ill. Z.) Memoukek, plain; (not in use; schingek, level. Clagacheu, H., it is aground, or, rests on something. Mehemetan lowaaan, agony of death. A.) Tspinaxu, he looks strancle. Wiquenachk, the end of the fence. Wiakipuin, to have plenty; to have abundance to eat. Tschitanissowaganit, he who is strength. A.). Nahiwi, down the water. Papesu. Juque, now. Wdeleleman, to take some one to be, to consider somebody Kittelendamwagan, earnest. Alemoagan, fear, apprehension; (arch., A.) Hakeyiwi, bodily, corporeal. Kpahotink, prison; (keh'pahotink. Undoochwen, to come or go for something. Winhattak, bad accident; (not in use. term. Kschochwen, to walk fast. Allogagan, servant. grateful. A.) A.) Poquewachen, higher road. Tepilawen, to satisfy. Packcha'ck, Z. Lechauwaquot, a tree with a fork. Pachihillan, to split, to crack. Sakquipaan, to come in a troublesome time. Sakime, mosquito. Mauwikhattoak, Z., camped, encamped (collected Untschihilleu, to come from somewhere rapidly, to flow Wdapandewagan, commandment. Tepelendam, to have enough, to be satisfied, to be content. Wiwunochwen, to go all around; to go around about. A.) A.) Pallawewagan, transgression, guilt. A.) The Pioneers | James Fenimore Cooper This national disposition Tigamikat, cold house; (cold room. Lilenowagan, custom, rule, law; (holding an office. Waliechtschessu, a hollow tree. Achgukbi, Z., an elm tree. Wipachsoagan, fear; (out of use. Alalechet, the dying. finger-ring; (out of use. Pasawinchikan, yeast. etc. Kitschitachquoak, autumn month, September. Kschikan, knife; (pachschikan. Petschimuin, to fly or escape hither; (error; it means ), but. Nutschisquandawet, doorkeeper. A.) Machoachk, Z., a pumpkin. Wawulamallessin, to be always Well. Kschiechek, clean. Pitelaweminschi, honey locust tree. Gischaclisunirnen, to enlighten. Nowaton, to know. Pachgammakan, cutlass. A.). Juhuh! Tepiken, ripe, full grown. Pindassenakan, a tobacco pouch. to attack. Pumoe, a boil. Wiwaschin, to carry a load. A.) Lekhiken, to write. Tetuptschehellak, wagon, cart; (from tuppett, referring A.) Wuleleminaquot, it seems wonderful. Pachgihillan, to break, to break asunder; (pachgee, Gangamattok, bad action, bad behavior; (out of use. A.) Juchta, now (used in petitioning or interrogating). Windasu, mentioned, named. Pipinamen, to choose. Wulilaweman, to comfort, to give satisfaction. Tatamse, often, sometimes;-ne leep, there was more Mos, elk, cow: (applied only to deer and elk. Tepilawelian, to satisfy somebody. Oapelukquon, one. Netichtin, to see each other. Pakitatamauwan, to forgive somebody. Northeast Indian Delaware, also called Lenni Lenape or Lenape, a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic from what was expected. Wonachxitall, tops of the toes. A.) Neka, he, she, it. Meechxit, the red one. Amoquigachschechin, to bruise the finger nail. Blenhotik, black snakeroot. Kutschin, to come out of the house. Geptschat. Hoos, kettle, pot. Chaaschtchapachki, eight hundred. A.) Wsamgi, un, too big. Pachhalqueu, noon. Psindamoakan, parched meal. Wachtuchwepi, body, flesh. A.) Schauwessin, to make haste; (schauwesoagan, Z., Miechheken, hair. than; -ametschimi, Manunxin, to be cross, to be angry. Maniton, to make; nin mattineto, Z., I make; A.) A.) there were many. Chokquineu, A., he has a disease with coughing. Nechasin, to be careful, to be watchful. Mechasktschat, thick bellied. Tachtakan, thick, stiff. negro (lit., black face. Yapewi, Z., on the river bank (on the edge of the Machelemoachgenimgussowagan, the receiving of honor and Psattewoan, tinder. Machkten, twilight; (redness of sky. Wdallowelemuwi, excellent, precious. Machtschipoquot, ill tasted. Welilissit, pious person. referring to sleep. abroad; (quotsch' mink. Petasemowik, giving light, shining hither, toward one another. Megungi, wholly, entirely, purely, quite, alone. long. Chauchschisis, old woman. Woh! Mamschalan, to remember somebody. Welemukquek, round hill; (arch., welumque, it is to a fatal accident. in mind. Lowaneu, northward, northerly, north; (lowanewunk, Awechemos, creature, cattle. Wikathoos, an iron pot with feet. to give one an advantage. Tangitehewagan, humility. Lennowinaquot, manfully. Mattelemuxowagan, the being despised. Nagewitti, in a little while. Siquon, spring of the year; (siequanke. Manuppekhasu, skimmed. exclamation of approval! Amochol, canoe, boat. Tpoku, last night; (arch., A.) blunt, dull. Wingi, fain, gladly, willingly. Pichtaweu, double. Shawano, woman. I Ahoaltin, to love one another. Wiwasch, bundle, load. Tankhakan, basket. Anatschiton, to take care. Witamehhellen, to walk with. Nianque, Z., a wild cat. Utsche, fly; (utcheuwes. A.) Mattaptonen, to speak uncivil, to talk roughly, to scold. Gintschglennin, to push. spring. A.) Winuwelchittewagan, supplication. Pemachpin, to be present. Luen, to say; (to give a definite sound of any kind. askasqueu, it is green, for a leaf, etc. Migihillan, to bow one's self down. Abtschinaluxin, to be afflicted, to be tormented to death. Manunxuagan, Z., anger. Schashiwilawechgussin, to be put to grief. A.) well. Mattaptonaltin, to speak bad to one another; to scold each other, to abuse each other by words. Allogalgussin, to be sent. A.) except. Woapim, chestnut. Ili, however, nevertheless, still, yet, though; -matta, He, he! Samumptan, to tie something (not in use. Guwin, to sleep. Wsami, too much. Clammieche, Z, to lie still. Pisgeu, dark, night; (lit., it is dark. Ahoaltowagan, love. A.). Patatammoewagan, merit. Pemhallachpen, to hunt in company. Pakantin, to box with each other; (to strike with anything. A.) Kihneu, sharp, biting, harsh, jealous; (means sharp, only. Ha, ha! Notamaeishican, H., a fishing spear. Metelensit, humble being, low-minded person; (one who What is thy wife's name?). Auweken, to make use of. Witalamuin, to cry with; to sing in company with. Gojachti, for the most part, mostly, nearly; (arch. chewest. Elelemukquenk, what we are destined for. Schewek, weak, tired. (Compare moekaneu and linchum.) Langan, easy, light, not heavy. Amiga, long, a long time. Ganschelendam, to wonder, to be surprised. Pakenummuihhilleu, it grows dark. Tankhannen, little creek; (especially the narrows of a Achsinn'aminschi, sugar maple. Achtschingi, scarcely, hardly. A.) Quidhikewagan, forbiddance, reproof. leaves (of the trees) tum red (in the autumn). wonderful! of. Schipinachgen, to put forth the hand. Ahowoapewi, strong; (power of endurance. Majauchsu, one person, a certain one; (one alone. Netami, first, the first. Pachat, split; (pachhaque, to split. Getanittowit. See luwunsuagan. A.) Assisquohasu, daubed with clay. Eschochwen, to go through, to drive through. called tiecht'pan. hand) A.) to each other. Ejaja, etc., where, wherever or whither I go, etc. in the north; lowanne lenpe', Z., northern Mechhanneck, large creek, large river. A.) Nihil'lan, to kill somebody. A.) Misseachpitschik, those who live scattered. too much. in the morning. Z.) Ktemakiechin, to lie sick in a poor condition. Tpisgauwiechton, to do something just so, to make it alike, one corner, a square corner. Witschewan, to go with somebody. Kombachquall, leaves, foliage. Kschatev, strong tobacco. Nagisgawachtin, to meet each other. A.). Peki, perhaps then. Schipaquitehasu, crucified, outstretched. Ehachtubuwing, Z., a cup. Machtallogagan, bad, wicked servant. Pankhanne, steep bank. Suppinquall, tears; (from the eyes) (always with a possessive. Wingilauchsin, to live willingly in a particular manner. Quekulukquihilleu, lame. Schkaa'k, a pole-cat, skunk. Littin, to say to each other, to say among themselves. Wulaku, evening. Wachtschuwiketo, mountainous. Wtelgixowagan, worthiness, merit. Nguttitehen, to be of one heart and mind, to agree. Gluphokquen, to look back; (from root glupk, back Skattek, burning, ardent, fervent, zealous, hot; (see Memoschanigat, toothless. Ngachkenumen, Z., the break of day. Nundajelensowagan, Nanni, this, that. Schabuwihiheu, Z., diarrhea (lit., running through, A.) A.) Ktakan, another; otherwise, in another manner. A.). A.) Gettemagelensuwi, humble. Hummak, Z., head lice. Wimachtendienk, Z., brotherhood. Ehachpit, his place, his habitation. Wulinaquot, it looks well. is a compound, is no longer used. quenschukey, a woman. A.) Ktschinquehhellen, the sun rises. A.) Wtschagamique, in the earth. Quatscliee! Wisu, fat, fleshy. Neichtin, to see each other. Achsehhellen, to scatter, to disperse; (seh'ellen, Nenapalek, unworthy, good for nothing. Hittuk, tree; (the prefex M' is necessary. Lalhan, to scrape something; (to rub, to polish A.) Gattati, come! Ink (suffix), in, in the, on, out of. Messikanelan, to hail. flour. Tachquondikan, pair of pincers. Undauchsowgan, food to live upon. A.) Wiquiechink, end, point; (wiquajunquik, Z., Tuptschehelieu, it roils, it revolves. Apel, apple. A.) Wtenk, after, behind; thereon, thereafter; lastly, at Achwangundowi, very peaceable. A.) Schellachton, to hang up. Schagaskat, grass wet with dew; (sachgaskat, green ), Paalochqueu, Undaaktschehellan, to jump hither. Aschtetehasik, Z., the cross; (aschtetehican, A. the former Wdaliewussowagan, power, might. Metachgelonen, to have told a ready lie. Mis, elder sister; n'mis, kmis, my, thy, Wendasemowik, it shineth from thence. long for. Penquon, dry; (alludes to fabrics, clothes, skins, etc. The STANDS4 Alaaptonen, to break off in speaking. Nil, these. Dellsoagan, manner, custom, habit; (thy habit, A.) A.) Tschipinaquot, it looks strange, it looks disagreeable. Woakus, the gray fox. Tschuppik, root; (tschappik, root generic, also Tschannilissin, to do wrong, to make wrong. Achquipelawon, hoe. Gegochbisik, Z., a belt, a girdle, (gochbisink. Mehokquitamen, to bleed at the nose. to moan. Wawinuwen, to beg; to ask for. Achgettemagelo, merciful. Ktschukquilques, Z., grasshopper (lit., it moves Nihillapeuhoalid, my Redeemer. Nutindam, to watch a place. Wachtschangussin, to be enslaved. Atschimolsin, to consult, to hold counsel. Nechohalennin, to be alone. Nachxummen, to kindle, to light. Palliuntschi, from somewhere else. Nacha, three. (dub., A.) sense in this and most of the following words. Tauchsittam, to hear privately. H., for shame! Pimihilleu, it is oblique. Woaphattaquall, white yarn, white thread. Machtalipachquall, bad shoes. concern. hypocrisy. Nuwingi, I like it, I am willing, etc. Goschgoschigawan, hog sty. Achquetschiechtowagan, temptation. Lenni lenape Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com Mamachtaptonagan, wicked language, vile talk; rough speaking. Wisachgak, black oak; bark canoe. Metakhammen, to cover. Skulm, to keep school; (EngIish.) Nosogamen, to follow; (to imitate a person's conduct. Kschippehellen, the water flows rapidly; strong current. Kiwikaman, to visit somebody. Quilawelensu, doubtful, uncertain. as. Palippawe, buck. Elogamgussit, messenger. Mahallamagen, to sell. right road. Pikschummen, to cut fine. A.). WebAs a young man he became familiar with European customs, language, and religion and when he relocated to Pennsylvania he used his knowledge to advocate to the colonists on behalf of the Lenape who could not speak English or appeal to the colonial government. Wulongachsis, a man's cousin; (out of use; it is fromwulonquan, to be concerned for somebody. Tachquoakches, fall skin. or bend of the limb. A.) Wtelli, thus, so. likhikqui, once, sometime or other;-tamse. Lechauwak, fork; division, separation. Niskelendam, to loathe. Mahematschellat, cock of a gun lock. Schachachgageechen, straight road. Ehasgitamank, watermelon. Tesquoalintsch, the little finger. Cheli, much. avert. Pachganuntschi, white walnut; (at present, quinokquim, A. ) The word means It on both sides" and not opposite Lohumanwan, to show somebody. Glikenikan, sumach. Gakloltowagan, quarrel, dispute. Pakandamen, to beat. A.) Schauwussu, weak. A.) Anatschihuwewagan, care, cautiousness. Tsquall, frog. Ngaltin, to quit each other. Wscheton, lip; (w'schej'toti. Schaback, Z., the box bush. A.) Wulampton, to tie well. Pemauchsoheen, to make live, to cause to live. Menachtin, Z.. to get drunk (lit., to drink together. Timmeu, wolf; (out of use. kindness. Pulpecat, deep dead water (walpecat, very deep as often as, so often; -mcheli, as much as. Meschikaan, to come nigh to me, to draw near to somebody. A.) Land Acknowledgement Woaktschinni, bend it. Kitschikele, yes, it is true; (incorrect; ele is a superlative A.) Tpisquihilleu, the time is at hand; it falls upon. Machtauchsuwi, sinful. The ancient medicine men Nochnutemaliuwet, watchman, keeper; (mechnotaliwet. A.) Luppoe, wisely. Wochcgalan, forehead. Togenan, to waken somebody. Ajandamuwi, desired, wished for. Gunammochk, otter. yes! Lawochgalauwe, middle of the forehead. sakwihillak. Pomminehiken, to dispute. Schiwilawechc,un, to be put to grief Pohonasin, Z, to beat the drum (to beat; to pound; to Goschgotit, little pig. Latschessowen, to enjoy riches; to possess. Lennotit, little man. Wattenkginem, colic. Allamijey, in there, therein, within. Pachsegink, H., in the valley. Schingihakihen, to plant unwillingly. A.) to compassionate some person. Lachpihhilleu, it goes fast, it moves swiftly- Nutamemensemin, to have children. Kinhochkus, pike fish. A.) Wentschipennassiechen, where the road goes down the hill. Lauhakamike, middle of a piece of ground. A.) Ansenummen, to take together. Achquoani'kan, bushnet. Wengup, whence he came. A.) Scbingtscbenamen, to hate excessively, to be unable to Elgigui, as, like as, in like manner, like that; so, so Pakachtechin, to fall to the ground; (to fall forward. Tschitani, strong. A.) Machtakenimgussin, to be ill spoken of. Lawilowan, middle of winter; (lawilowank. Tschikachpoochwe, sled. Machkametank, stream of a reddish color. Hukqui, chin; (w'ikqui, his chin. Mamintschimgussowa(yan, the beina praised. Ehoalachgik), beloved, dear. Mescheki, whole, entire, every bit. Schauwinaxowagan, weakness, weakly look. Otchuwewagan, his coming. Tachquatten, frozen; (frozen together. Ajanhissowagan, indifference, calmness of mind. Lekhammen, to write. Papallachwilsummen, to miss one's luck. Gunagen, to stay out long. A.) A.) Schinginamen, to hate. Nagajek, by and bye, in a little while. Wiechenin, to boil, to cook, to prepare food; (not in A.) Allowelemuwi, valuable. Matschiton, to spod something, to make mischief. sakima, A.) Kschiechsin, to be clean. oh that! A.) A.) gospel. Getschachgenummen, to loosen. Mequit, bloody. A.) Kloltin, to quarrel, to contend; (to use bad words to Putamohen, to cause to escape. Wulowachtauwoapin, to look over, to look beyond. Lawachtohen, to set a price. Guneu, long. Tipatit, little chicken. Wdallachquelendam, to grudge, to be unwilling to give; one who leave the road; pachgi- hillan, to leave the road not necessarily intoxicants. Kichkinet, Z., a guide (from kichkican, Wonatammoagan, faintness. Nelema, not yet. Poawin, to conceive; to be pregnant (lit., to become swollen. Aschanquussin, to be cast away; to be rejected. Patachwilsin, to gain, to get; (pachtachwilsin, Ehachpink, place; ehachpit, Z., his place. Sleepy, drowsy (arch., A.) Wulakenindewagan, good report of somebody. Kpahi, shut the door; (kpah'hi'. Mehokquamileno, hail. Lachxowi'lenno, Z., captain (one experienced in Tonquihilleu, open. Nachpauchsowagan, conversation, familiarity, fellowship. Mechohakihan, old field. Peteuchtummen, to come weeping. Weblanguage, but with a rich oral tradition of telling stories. one's self sinless; to think that one is holy. Wewoatamowino, wise man. A.) Elangomat, friend, relation; (lit., a member of one's The Lenape languages arent nearly as widely known as they once were. eating by crunching the grains, A.) glorify some one. Guttgennemen, to return something, to give back. Woachejek, light. Nihillapejuwagan, redemption, ransom. A.) Wulatenamen, to be happy; (wulah'tenamin. Psakulinscheu, Z., a squirrel. Awossagame, heaven; (lit., the place beyond or out of Schachachgek, just so. Lauchpoame, middle of the thigh. Tachquahoakan, mortar, mill. Kimi, secretly. Wulaque, yesterday. Wapahamink, back, backwards, behind; (at present pachhammink Nunoiwi, trembling. Allemih'hillen, to pass by, to fly; (ellameh'hilan. Tghauchsuwi, good, kind. Cheinutey, saddle bag. by no means (-taku). Miechhaqul, moss on trees. Nahih, down stream. A.) Pachenikan, frow, splitting iron. Gutginquechin, to look back. Linquechin, to look, to behold. Ochquekangan, neck. Undachqui, hither, this way, that way. Tachqtioakike, in the fall. Elikhikqui, at this time. tgaitte. Schachihilleu, it slips, it slides. Chauwalanne, fork-tailed eagle. leanness. Pecho, soon, by and bye; linitti, directly, in family. Achpoem, roasted corn. wrenched, violently torn; tschachgilleu means straightened here. Gelohittamen, to disbelieve. Pachkschikan, knife. Sukamek, black fish. Pemauchsowaptonamik, word of life. Kittan, great river; (arch., kitseepu would be Wochkunk, above, at the top. Woapaschapiall, white beads. Wuliwoatam, to know well, to be of good understanding. Pommenan, to beat somebody, to conquer somebody. Mehittschoak, barren tree. Allowelendamoagan, great esteem, high estimation. Moschhakquat, clear weather. Machtschiteliewa-an. Witen, to go with. Mamtschitsch, the last time, lastly. Passihillachgechquiminschi, swamp oak. Tschutti, Z., a comrade, a friend, n'tschit, Takachsin, lead. Getternageluwi, merciful. Pokqueu, clam, muscle. Dalakihillen, to tear, rend in two. Wundenasik, where it is to be gotten from. Wisachgamallessin, to feel sore pain. Nihillachquen, to kill a bear. Ndauwat, scarce, rare; rarely, seldom. Pisgihilleu, it grows dark, night sets in. bark, which is called wiquey. Awendam, to suffer pain. Pechuwelendam, to think one's self near. Mehittuk, tree. Gachpees, twin. Poquiechton, to break. Nischitquin, to kneel down; (nishitquihin. exclamation of surprise. Tschuppinamen, it seems odd, it looks strange. Machxitachpoan, bread mixed with beans.

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