Leads Ali Wong and Steven Yeun issue a joint statement along with show creator Lee Sung Jin. 0000008404 00000 n This free, anonymous service is available to provide counsel and resources for anyone with questions or concerns about bullying situations. Welcome Letter for Teachers. A pair of robins recently built her nest in the window sill at the school, providing a unique opportunity for students and the community to witness the . Download today from the links below.Did you know Lansing USD469 has a free downloadable app available on the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android)? Schools, Middle All rights reserved. xref Sunny, with a high near 65. QJ ,e69iQ&yudgoE>/2"-dSei3E6\dK,'90K/qE,|jzW[qX6!\qv?|],ZwK>|wr80$=nRj%.&OYS1drxW K>}3j[54iSz+. The reset will be sent to the email . Higher Education. Adult and Career Education Human Resources, Learning Continuity Plan and COVID Community Report, Beyond the Bell (Before and Afterschool Programs), Before and Afterschool Programs (Beyond the Bell), Early Education (Transitional Kindergarten), Chief of Employee Support & Labor Relations, Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Local District Northeast - Operational Center, Local District Northeast - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Northwest - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Central - Central Instructional Center, Local District Northwest Operation Center, Division of Risk Management and Insurance Services, Linked Learning Vendor and Community Partners, Curriculum Instruction and School Support, Division of Access, Equity and Acceleration, BOOST (Building Our Own Staff as Teachers), Career Assistance for RNs in Education (CARE), Los Angeles Administrative Services Credential, Certificated Assignments and Support Services, Certificated Performance Evaluation Support, Credentials, Contracts and Compliance Services, District Intern Program: Professional Development Plan, ESSA Title II, Part A Private Schools Support, Non-Classroom Teacher and Support Services Vacancies, Special Education Certificated Employment, Verification Process for Special Settings, HR Certificated Assignments & Support Services - Wireframe, HR Teacher Growth & Induction - Wireframe, Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE), Business Applications Supporting Education, IT Project Management and Enterprise Systems, L.A. Unified School District Mobile Application, Accounting Controls (To Be Decommissioned), School Listings: Quick List Location Code, Data Privacy, Analysis, & Reporting Branch, California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, California English Language Development Test, National Assessment of Educational Progress, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Family, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Staff, Procurement and Contract Administration Branch, Credit Cards, Travel and Vendor Services Unit, Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan, Office of District Operations and Digital Innovation, Preparing for Storms: Rain and Flood Safety, DOTS District Office of Transition Services, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support_RP, Professional Learning and Leadership Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Administrator Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Educator Development and Support **MyPGS Files storage**, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Policy and Partnerships, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Professional Learning and Leadership Development, ESC North Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District South Parent & Community Engagement Center, Parent & Community Engagement Unit - LD Central, Local District West Parent & Community Engagement Center, ISIC Parent & Community Engagement Center, Downtown | MacArthur Park Community Of Schools, Eagle Rock | Highland Park Community Of Schools, Glassell Pk | Los Feliz Community Of Schools, Jefferson | South Central Community Of Schools, Manual Arts | Vermont Square Community Of Schools, Koreatown | Mid City Community Of Schools, Student Medical Services & Medi-Cal Program, Master Plan for English and Standard English Learners. Weve got you covered here. Sign-in with your LAUSD Single Sign-On (SSO) When reporting an absence, always wait for the Job Number before disconnecting or the absence may not be recorded. Now, survivors and their descendants seek reparations. . As Staff Page Only, Template: Districts depend on us for timely results. Construction . Microsoft Edge. 0000003632 00000 n All decisions regarding services and programming are made at the school level by the IEP team, which includesthe parents and/or guardian of the student. . Lansing participates in the Tiny-K Early Intervention Services for infants and toddlers. She was nominated by her classroom teacher Mrs. Maize, who . Access ID Password Forgot Password? Lansing USD469 is thrilled to announce Christina Mills as its 2023 Elementary Teacher of the Year. 1509, Dr. Sandy Van Cise: 913-727-3957, ext. Welcome to SmartFindExpress. Display: . The blue jellyfish-like creatures were swept by the winds of California's recent storms. LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Clear, with a low around 39. Copyright . . Update of Lansing High School Students and Graduates Enrolled in KCKCC PCC - Construction, Biology, HVAC, Lansing Students Represent Community with Exceptional Solo Performances, April 29, 2023 Lansing Elementary Weekly Update from Dr. Jennifer Kolb, Lansing Band Department Presents its Annual Jazz-A-Que - Sunday, May 7, 2023, 2023-2024 Physical, Concussion & Head Injury Release, and Medical Consent Forms, A Front Row Seat to Nature: Watch Robins Care for their Nest at Lansing Intermediate School, Lion's Pantry In Need of Non-Perishable Items. Americas #1 Choice For Substitute Staffing. endobj May 1-5: Teacher & . 0000000816 00000 n Our . Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 3 0 obj Family Says Mental Health System Failed Their Son, A Los Angeles Family Seeks Answers And Accountability After Black Mom Dies In Childbirth. PAJARO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. She was nominated by her classroom teacher Mrs. Maize, who stated "Erin is a great role model for her . Providing internet access to the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS). <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 14 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 951-253-7064 or 951-253-7069. No Staff Template Click here to access Orientation Videos for the SmartFindExpress system: For the latest national news from NPR and our live radio broadcast, visit LAist.com/radio. Password. The schools educationalteam will review the IEP from your students previous school district, and they will work with you to implement programming that meets the special education needs of your student. New web address for Subs and Teachers: LINK: To Smart Find Express. Data-as-a-Service. . Every weekday, you'll get fresh, community-driven stories that catch you up with our independent local news. Connected Intelligence P20W. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. stream Lodi Unified School District Access ID Password Submit Forgot Password? Parents employed full-time by the Los Angeles Unified School District who have young children will get a $500 a month subsidy to help pay for child care. 3r/wg(p*q,T>('#%VH[*Ex_ r8'OtC7Yi\H2M{I4901. Come . The 24-hour hotline can be reachedat 1-800-332-6378 or 1-800-CHILDREN. Unified Solutions. . PRESS 3 to Bypass this Step. Sunny, with a high near 63. The students' . <> Well help you solve your substitute shortage, reduce your workload, and support your schools with better fill rates. . . Please call 913-727-1755 for assistance regarding the LINCS program. Optimized for your mobile phone, our app will keep you informed while on the go. . <]>> It is your responsibility to make sure that your credential is renewed as required and LAUSD Credentials, Contract and Compliance Services has your credential. endobj In the 1950s and 60s, the city evicted the mostly Black and Latino working-class residents of Section 14 and destroyed their homes. . Edustaff is a national leader in K-12 substitute staffing serving over 550 public school districts nationwide. We are proud to announce Erin Slattery as a recipient of a Mufasa Leadership Award. FIRST TIME USER? California Child Care Spaces Have Been Disappearing For Years. Services are available for children with disabilities age three to five (prior to entry into kindergarten). Sunday, May 7, 2023 . https://www.pvusd.net/Departments/Human-Resources/Substitutes/SmartFind-Express-for-Substitute-Teachers/, Browse All Students with disabilities and exceptionalities moving to the Lansing District with an individualized educational plan (IEP) from another school district in Kansas, another state or country: Special Education Services (Birth to 3, 3-5 years, and 18-21 years). Welcome to the Pasadena ISD WebCenter System. . Edustaff has the highest district retention rate in the K-12 staffing industry. Ms. Hoverson is an Interventionist at Lansing High School and has made a significant impact on her students and colleagues. Northwest wind 9 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph. Welcome to the Lansing USD 469 Website. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. . . An onslaught of velella velella washed up on shore this weekend on Southern California beaches. MTSS. We really appreciate your donations to the pantry. Mrs. Mills is a third-grade teacher who . (Questions about the districts reopening plan? % LES Calendar of Events Submit. Programs are offered for students with a learning disability, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, deafness, blindness, other health impairments, speech and language disorders, intellectual delays, orthopedic conditions, as well as gifted students. GO LIONS! . Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 0000007201 00000 n How to donate towards Accessible Playground Fund, Food and Nutrition (Meal Prices / Menus / Free & Reduced Lunch Application), Racial and Disability Harassment and Complaints Process. Forms for substitutes I need to cancel the job I accepted Help logging into SmartFind Express Help me with my e-mail Help! 5. . Browse All To support our non-profit public service journalism: Donate Now. District Username Northwest wind 9 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph. I see this as a huge first step toward a longer term solution, said San Pedro High School teacher Maya Suzuki Daniels. Forgot Password? endobj Lansing USD469 is proud to announce that Christina Hoverson has been named the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year. Sunday, May 7, 2023 She started an online petition that gathered more than 2,000 signatures calling on the district to better support educator parents. Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 268-0550, TDD (877) 521-2172, regarding the institutions compliance with regulations implementing Title II, Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504. LAUSD ECE-Certificated. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. . . LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool UPDATED SFE LOGIN INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 2022 Your LAUSD Single Sign-on (SSO) will be used to login to the system and is your full District LAUSD.net email address and you will use your LAUSD email password. Weve reached out to the district for more specifics on qualifying child care programs. Lansing USD 469 is proud tohighlightourLansing High School students and graduates enrolled in Kansas City Kansas Community Center Pioneer Career Center (KCKCCPCC) each . . Download today from the links below.Did you know Lansing USD469 has a free downloadable app available on the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android)? left), then PRESS the STAR KEY. . Theres one rate for each employee type. Teachers. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. Internet Reaction Is Not Great, There's Something Else Blooming In The Desert: Massive Art Installations, What We Know About The Odd Blue Creatures Washing Ashore On SoCal Beaches, The Palm Springs Government Burned Down Their Neighborhood Now They're Seeking Reparations, The Very Busy Ports Of LA And Long Beach Are Effectively Shut Down, Everything Is Blooming In The SoCal Desert. . . I can't believe school will be out soon. x\mo8 ~k"8q,g;($N^~Sof(9%E7ppH>w>2qt';8LZ8L?Iv#`X4:N[KYBJ:.lyJ9xd!gbx%a7~'7F2u d_ . 1 0 obj Any person having inquiries concerning Unified School District 469 compliance with the regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2001, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)-, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or reports of specific complaints, or alleged discrimination, is directed to contact Unified School District 469, 200 E. Mary Street, Lansing, Kansas 66043, (913) 727-1100. The Top 5 newsletter catches you up with LAs top 5 stories in just 3 minutes. Ms. Hoverson is an Interventionist at Lansing High School and has made a . . Schools, Elementary N'EnI/Fkkd. For more information contact the office at 913-727-1755, or visit the district website, www.usd469.net. *@5/.\ hn2^V}[ICm+BW"7*+,7k$98+_#b3"`- $-M_QzucQ:q6U8uDQ,pWRE+Z) All rights reserved. Lansing USD469 is thrilled to announce Christina Mills as its 2023 Elementary Teacher of the Year. Today on Public Media Giving Day, keep LAist strong with your support. A: Substitute teaching assignments can be filled utilizing the online SubFinder Webconnect system at: http://subfinder.lausd.net or by phone at (877) 528-7378 or (877) LAUSD SUB. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Sometimes just having someone to talk to is all you need. Even with an extra $500 a month, families might still have a hard time finding care. 2 0 obj Sign-in with your LAUSD Single Sign-On (SSO) . . And we always deliver. 0000006025 00000 n These forms must be updated every year . Sunny, with a high near 63. It is your responsibility to give the information to Credentials, Contract and Be sure to bring a copy of your students most recent IEP and evaluation report. The district announced the program a week before some elementary schools and early education centers are scheduled to reopen. . 0000000016 00000 n Further instructions will be sent to the email address on your profile. san diego unified school district. 0000001272 00000 n Simplify workflows, get deeper insights, and improve student outcomes with end-to-end unified solutions that work even better together. . Enter the Absence Reason Number (refer to chart at. Lansing USD 469 is proud tohighlightourLansing High School students and graduates enrolled in Kansas City Kansas Community . A pair of robins recently built her nest in the window . Just a reminder that the Lions Pantry mission continues throughout the summer. <> I can't believe school will be out soon. startxref How's That Going? . %%EOF 0000015605 00000 n . PeopleAdmin. If your child plans to participate in any sports at Lansing Middle or High School, they must submit a Physical, Concussion . Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Unified School District 469 are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability or any other basis prohibited by state or federal law in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in, its programs and activities. . Students with more significant needs may attend a host program. She was nominated by her classroom teacher Mrs. Maize, who stated "Erin is a great role model for her peers. 0 The support for childcare is another step were taking to help our employees so they can keep doing all they can to serve the needs of students and their families.. Any person having inquiries concerning Unified School District 469 compliance with the regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2001, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)-, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or reports of specific complaints, or alleged discrimination, is directed to contact Unified School District 469, 200 E. Mary Street, Lansing, Kansas 66043, (913) 727-1100. Terms of Use | Privacy | Full Site. LAist is part of Southern California Public Radio, a member-supported public media network. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. I can't believe school will be out soon. Hundreds of L.A. County child care providers permanently shut down during the pandemic, and many that are still open are operating at a limited capacity to comply with public health guidelines. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright A9 2005-2023 PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliates. Become a Substitute Teacher. Educational staffing is our only subject and weve got it down to a science. LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool. Lake Elsinore USD. . Lansing USD469 is incredibly proud to announce that 25 singers from Lansing High School recently participated in the Regional Solo Contest and put on an amazing performance. Translate En Espaol The Case Remains Cold, Even 'Affordable Housing' In LA Isn't Affordable. Clear, with a low around 39. Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. ulDg4"gmH agf?J#`WadC&n'_{Q{V89U*7VF"xFw0RyV;5M2-S|biF|8v8M/IkY-7OW~nLf0rlxy%p@PRz!}\+aFJ"JFH2~D)U' tZYa:]vR\R@J =z,M{-XVpSE|mJ0eiT9?uK#~/G :4xXiRj::>*]cZA);9*}R_(CK gMU\Li2x7b lV>J YA{uSzTKcC,kj$tX;.FCJz2:kG>~LVzt/EKI^_A6%J> X&GIX~qH]b\?~5|AwI7[Txax3w~+/yx>MK;|% /0~h0~pyM0\T`6&\ U;HKO.=_0RZ}LQ9xag5 A Front Row Seat to Nature: Watch a Robin Build Her Nest at Lansing Intermediate School, Golf: Boys Varsity Conference Tournament vs Seaman (Away), Baseball: JV Double Header vs Turner (Home) (Time & Location Changed), Tennis: Boys JV Dual vs Leavenworth (Cancelled), Tennis: Boys Varsity Conference Tournament vs Multiple Schools (Home), Baseball: Varsity Double Header vs Turner (Home), Track and Field: JV Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools (Home) (Date changed from 05-04-23), Softball: JV Double Header vs Turner (Away), Softball: Varsity Double Header vs Turner (Away), Swimming: Girls Varsity Meet vs Multiple Schools (Home), Soccer: Girls JV Game vs Spring Hill (Away), Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Spring Hill (Away), Golf: Boys JV Tournament vs Jeff West (Away), Golf: Boys JV Tournament vs Turner (Cancelled), Golf: Boys Varsity Tournament vs Maur Hill Mount Academy (Away), Track and Field: 7/8 Conference Meet vs Tonganoxie Middle, Lansing Middle School (Away), Golf: Boys JV Tournament vs Turner (Date Changed to 05-03-23), Track and Field: JV Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools (Date Changed to 05-02-23), Golf: Boys JV Dual vs Bonner Springs (Away), Baseball: JV Game vs Bonner Springs (Away), Softball: JV Double Header vs Eudora (Home), Softball: Varsity Double Header vs Eudora (Home), Baseball: Varsity Game vs Bonner Springs (Away), Tennis: Boys Varsity Regional vs TBA (Away), Track and Field: Varsity Meet vs Shawnee Mission-North (Away), Baseball: JV Double Header vs Topeka West High School (Away), Baseball: Varsity Game vs Basehor-Linwood (Home) (Rescheduled from 03-24-23), Golf: Boys JV Tournament vs Multiple Schools (Home), Baseball: Varsity Double Header vs Topeka West High School (Home), Softball: Varsity Double Header vs Topeka West High School (Home), Softball: JV Double Header vs Topeka West High School (Home), Soccer: Girls JV Game vs Shawnee Heights High School (Home), Swimming: Girls Varsity Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools (Home), Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Shawnee Heights High School (Home), Baseball: JV Game vs Basehor-Linwood (Cancelled), Soccer: Girls JV Game vs Louisburg (Home) (Location Changed), Baseball: Varsity Game vs Basehor-Linwood (Away) (Time Changed), Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Louisburg (Home) (Location Changed), Tennis: Boys Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away), Baseball: JV Double Header vs Basehor-Linwood (Home) (Rescheduled from 03-24-23), Track and Field: Varsity Conference Meet vs De Soto (Away), Golf: Boys Varsity Regional vs Seaman (Away), Softball: Varsity Regional vs TBA (Away), Soccer: Girls Varsity Regional vs TBA (Away), Baseball: Varsity Regional vs TBA (Away), Soccer: Girls Varsity Regional vs TBA, TBA (Away), Track and Field: Varsity Regional vs TBA (Away) (Date changed from 05-19-23), Swimming: Girls Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away), Track and Field: Varsity Regional vs TBA (Date Changed to 05-18-23), Golf: Boys Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away), Soccer: Girls Varsity Quarterfinal vs TBA, TBA (Away), Baseball: Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away), Softball: Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away), Track and Field: Varsity State vs TBA (Away), Soccer: Girls Varsity State vs TBA, TBA (Away). Please enter your User ID. From configuration to execution and training, our onboarding process makes every step as seamless as possible for our districts. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 0000003709 00000 n % Sunny, with a high near 65. . . Sign-in with your LAUSD Single Sign-On (SSO) Optimized for your mobile phone, our app will keep you informed while on the go. endstream endobj 15 0 obj <$*cKm6idA )/P -1340/R 3/U(\r .\r )/V 2>> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <> endobj 22 0 obj [/Indexed 27 0 R 15 37 0 R] endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <)/CapHeight 656/XHeight -546/Type/FontDescriptor/ItalicAngle 0>> endobj 25 0 obj <> endobj 26 0 obj <>stream Lansing USD469 is proud to announce that Christina Hoverson has been named the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year. Full-time employees are eligible for a $500-a-month payment for each child ages 5 and younger that is in a child care program. Access ID. How to donate towards Accessible Playground Fund, Food and Nutrition (Meal Prices / Menus / Free & Reduced Lunch Application), Racial and Disability Harassment and Complaints Process. Remember, SmartFindExpress only works from touch-tone telephones! Will Orange County's Fledgling Clean Power Agency Survive. CA Ascendra Donald, Director of Special Education: Rebecca Dalton, Elementary Coordinator: 913-727-1755, ext. . She has empathy and cares for her . . Please make sure you register your ID by calling the number below! <> Safari. stream 0000011830 00000 n Lansing Intermediate School is anticipating the arrival of some new family members. Please see development screening flyer on this page. Schools, Behavioral Health and Counseling Services, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), January 26, 2022 - Virtual Special Board Meeting, February 15, 2022 - Virtual Board Meeting, Educationally Related Mental Health Services, Expanded Learning After School & Summer Programs, School Accountability Report Cards (SARCS), Section 504/Legal Compliance/Student Due Process, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), SmartFind Express Quick Reference Guide for Employees and Substitutes, Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates, Student Nondiscrimination/Bullying Policy, Student Rights Under Title IX - Sex Discrimination, Uniform Complaint Procedures/Annual Notice, Immigration Protections: Know Your Rights. . Just a reminder that the Lions Pantry mission continues throughout the summer. Mozilla Firefox. All rights reserved. Breezy, with a northwest wind 18 to 21 mph, with gusts as high as 31 mph. Ms. Hoverson is an . . Parents can find the child care resource and referral agency that serves their neighborhood here. May 1-5: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (See flyer below) PRESS 5 to Bypass This Step. We are proud to announce Erin Slattery as a recipient of a Mufasa Leadership Award. 0000003094 00000 n I'm new to substituting. Watsonville, Default Staff Template: Notebook_Blue Fresno Unified School District uses an automated computerized SmartFind. <>>> Forgot Password? Her toddler son is currently in the phase where he likes to climb up on top of things and then occasionally fall off them.. trailer Schools, Financial/ Budget Document Archive - Copy, CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance & Progress, Best Practices for Effective Communication, Resources for Parents/ Recursos para padres, English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), English Learner & Biliteracy Instructional Models, School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA), Social Emotional Resources/ Recursos Socioemocionales, Previous Year Personnel Commission Agendas, SmartFind Express for Substitute Teachers, District English Learner Advisory Committee. Help Desk Phone Number: (831) 786-2100 Ext.2650. Pre-K Program students attend 5 half days a week, and both morning and afternoon sessions are available until all slots are filled. . ), Its been a very long year since COVID-19 led to the closure of schools, and many of our employees have had to juggle their responsibilities at work with the need to take care of their own families, including young children, Superintendent Austin Beutner said in a press release. 0000003382 00000 n Rising Demand For Child Care Rests On Providers Getting Vaccinated. . Parents employed full-time by the Los Angeles Unified School District who have young children will get a $500 a month subsidy to help pay for child care. Prince William County Schools. . endobj Our unique three diamond approach to substitute staffing makes Edustaff the clear choice for your district. 0000002564 00000 n North northwest wind 13 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 24 mph. Sign-in with your LAUSD Single Sign-On (SSO) 1551, For records requests, please contact Helen Culliney, Special Education Records Clerk, ph: 913-727-1100 ex.