Takes place after the third movie (New Chi abilities). In this story created by yours truly, you are a white tiger (So original What if Shifu had a daughter and Po's partner who is the Avatar? Work Search: Then, when prompted, she later deduces that the true meaning of the scroll is to illustrate that each person is their own source of limitless potential and power (trite as she admits she finds the sentiment initially). tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (211), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon) (18), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types (10), My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010) (10), Po (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s) (9), Yandere Toons x Reader (Headcanons & Scenarios), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), My Little Pony Generation 5: A New Generation (Cartoon 2021), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, | Aggressive Retsuko | Aggretsuko (Anime), | Squirrel and Hedgehog (Cartoon), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon), My Little Pony Generation 4: Equestria Girls (Cartoon 2013), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Tenkuu no Escaflowne | The Vision of Escaflowne, Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls), Original Male Character/Original Male Character, comparethemarket.com "Compare the Meerkat" Commercials, | Kimba the White Lion (Anime 1965). Po is a panda with an extraordinary objective. Master Bear. According to author notes, the Custodian saw Tai Lung's Fall coming and tried to warn Shifu, so he could prevent it from happening. Fenghuang | Villains Wiki | Fandom (No K-5 included) Venus De Milo, a 17 year old mutant turtle, lived in the Jade Palace for a year since the mysterious portal took her in the unknown dimension where she befriended Masters Oogway, Shifu, and the Furious Five. In the game, she has escaped from her imprisonment and is up to Po and the Furious Five to send her back to prison. They trained together, competing for who could be the best warrior ever. One piece & xover fanfic. She is a trained and megalomaniacal combatant and elemental dark sorceress. I will refrain if you prefer. Additional fandoms: Don't Starve, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Cars, Corpse Bride, Ninjago, The LEGO Ninjago Movie, Slashers, Cuphead, American Dad!, Percy Jackson, Mob Psycho 100, Spooky Month, Wendell & Wild, The LEGO Movie, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Soul Eater, Silicon Valley, Gotham, Undertale, Bullet Train (2022), Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Stephen King's It. Taylor as Tailei. Oogway knows a lot about Kung Fu, being the inventor of it after all, but he doesn't know everything about it as the art has evolved and developed over the centuries. An 18-year-old bounty hunter who seeks to assist his father in running his humble noodle shop. I can't hear, you're too far away. "Goodbye, Dragon Warrior." Fenghuang threw the Fireball at Po, he smirked. Kung Fu Panda Fanfic: Po x OC story , . Tong Fo briefly shows up, Shirong having tried to con him, forcing Shifu to bail his father out. Likewise, Shifu runs into Taotie and Bian Zao shopping while travelling through the market. When Bowser goes to steal power-ups from Peach's castle for some fun between games, he accidentally stumbles upon a magic mirror. Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight Select a season Release year: 2022 Legendary warrior Po teams up with an elite English knight on a global quest to rescue magical weapons, restore his reputation and save the world! Further, it leaves an open portal between Earth Bet and the Spirit World . Fenghuang created a Mongolian Fireball. Taylor has this reaction after waking up and seeing Shifu at her bedside. You are Master Y/n of the Jade palace. The Valley is calm, and her love for Po grows day by day. Fenghuang is the last enemy to face in the game, appearing in Level 11: Return of the Fowl Owl. While the conversation still ends with Tai Lung rejecting Shifu's peace offering, he's now left with a considerable amount of time to actually consider what was said rather than ignoring it in pursuit of the Scroll, and a seed of doubt has definitely been planted. which an instance of Dragon was just sucked into. He isn't justice, but he's not revenge either.He's vengeance.He's the Dark Knight of China. The furious five and the dragon warrior must head to the emperor's aid, facing their worst nightmares as they seek to put an end to this maniac's invasion. Takes place before the events of The Dragon Knight. WARNING!!! Aussie, OUT! Work Search: Kungfupandaxmalereader Stories - Wattpad Related to the above, Mantis tells Taylor he doesn't care much about her nudity; most bugs don't wear much in the way of clothing, so he's doing this all the time. Elle still has the basics of her canon power, with a fundamental difference. Rating may change to Explicit later on. Discussed when Master Poison Dart Frog fights Kai. Yao mentions that in his meditations he's seen into other worlds as well: One where instead of settling in China, Oogway settled down in England, where he helped. . She was called in by the First Five after Po invites them to Shifu's anniversary of becoming a Kung Fu Master. Fung and his group of former bandits get one when they decide collectively to not steal from an orphanage, only for Jiang to burst into the meeting, having already stolen the funds. Crane and Po worked together to battle her. Kung fu panda fanfic | Fandom Mantis is very used to this situation due to being the smallest of the Furious Five. Here, thanks to Viper and Taylor wanting to try out a restaurant in town, the Five go to Mr. Ping's restaurant and meet the Panda five years before they would have normally. It seems her father's nickname of "Little Owl" is now a bit more literal. Watch Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight | Netflix Official Site Several of Taotie's inventions count as this. Please consider turning it on! But when a strange procession of tigers rolls into town, the kung fu master finds herself in a whirlwind of change. Kai (Kung Fu Panda) - Works | Archive of Our Own Taylor's home story is titled "Worm", which is also named after the Entities themselves, who are described as Worms. Armsmaster built a defibrillator into his armor set to go off if his heart ever stopped beating over the objections of a doctor. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Earth Aleph, the only world that Earth Bet has regular contact with, with fewer and weaker parahumans than on Bet. It ends up reviving him after he electrocutes himself. Leo, Shifu, Po, Tigress, and some new and familiar faces, must rally together to face their biggest opponent yet, or risk losing their souls forever. Unfortunately, this took the form of giving Shifu job posters, a flip book showing a flower growing too tall too fast and wilting, and a picture of Tai Lung having a breakdown. Fenghuang is released from her manacle as per the agreement, much to the First Five's skepticism, and she ends up leaving on them, vowing to make her next move. Fenghuang | Kung Fu Panda Wiki | Fandom Kung Fu Panda (Movies) Teen And Up Audiences Graphic Depictions Of Violence Gen Work in Progress 29 Apr 2023 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Boss Wolf (Kung Fu Panda) Wolves (Kung Fu Panda) Wolf Twins (Gray's OC) Angst and Tragedy Tragedy Gongmen City Gongmen Harbor Drama But that changed when Fenghuang's heart turned dark and she left the Jade Palace after losing a battle to Oogway, after which they became enemies. A MOVIE INSERT-- Fenghuang is mentioned several times but hasn't had any major appearances. Oogway's Little Owl is a crossover Fan Fic between Kung Fu Panda and Worm that can also be read here on Archive of Our Own. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. One remains on Earth Bet and has merely forgotten the last ten minutes. Fenghuang fell to evil, while Taylor suffers from. Training along with the Furious Five, the citizens Y/n, a crane working in a noodle shop alongside her adoptive father, and her brother Po, has been destined to be the Phoenix Warrior, one who will fight alongside The Dr Hana is Po's older sister. After a comforting talk from Master Sloth, it decides to the form of a massive spider. The Vall Yeah, don't judge. After she taught him the Mongolian Fireball, Fenghuang ordered Po to kill Shifu. Tattletale, while trying to encourage a depressed Danny to do better and not fall deeper to despair, misreads her power's clues, screws up and puts all the blame on Danny for Taylor disappearing. The Halloween Equivalent for the KFP world is. Oogway even decides to take her to Japan when he receives word of the monster in Japan (who is secretly the QA shard). I had a sudden burst of inspiration and decided to make this for my gay ass. Is it possible to make his biggest enemies get along with each other and, why not, became good men together? Drabbles spanning the three films and supplementary material, with focus on Po's friendship with the Furious Five. If you'd like to suggest some, feel free to. Hana wasn't always blind but when Mr.Ping found her she was. This wiki contains *SPOILERS* for Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight. Once things have settled down, Bowser learns that he's in a version of ancient China, populated by anthropomorphic animals. ), "- - , . English - Topics: 43 - Since: 07-23-10 - Charlie B.Barkin Kung Fu CHAOS! Kai is comingand he's ready for a rematch. having a run-in with the Queen Administrator Shard. Kung fu panda: The soldier by jaidenisms1 reviews John is left stranded on a unknown planet, and is being hunted, all he can hope is to convince the residents that he is not a threat, and to return home. Whatever she decides there will be grave consequences for her actions. Dragon's Reign, a kung fu panda fanfic | FanFiction She served as one of the primary recurring villains of the series. When the director grows bored of the usual snow white and changes the setting, somebody's bound to be unhappy about it. Curious, Fenghuang asked Po who told him she was evil, and mentioned Oogway. Canonically, they first met him when he fell out the sky in front of them at the tournament to decide the Dragon Warrior in the film, and Oogway picked him to be the Dragon Warrior. Taylor has this reaction again after Crane remarks she looks like she had a run-in with Tai Lung; Taylor's panic is from hearing the 'Lung' part and assuming it was Lung (AKA the pyrokinetic rage dragon) from Earth Bet. Tai Lung also notices the similarities between 'Tailei' and his own name. A series of which various characters from different franchises will be dressed in frosty iridescent clothing. [2] In "Crane on a Wire", she battled them again. Now they have the task of finding why the long absent Padriac Rattigan is in Zootopia, all while those hurt before try to recover, finding a long road stretched ahead. And she isn't quite the sweetheart herself. also Lei Lei is my daughter and I love her, And I wish we had more Bad Po scenes on screen, And Shifu alwasy gets emotional when oogway is mentioned, Aru just wants to watch kung fu panda again and again, AU from the end of the first movie onwards, basically i thought of this after watching kung fu panda 1 today, can't believe there was no Po/Mei Mei tag, exactly what it says on the tin: its KFP but lesbians, I blame it on the Epic Orchestral Remix I was listening to of the Kung Fu Panda 2 villain theme, i definitely wanna write more Crane/Mantis, I don't know what to do with Tigress but let's say that she's one of ZPD background character, i just need some oogway and shifu bromance, I really looked at Kai and said that man deserves to get railed and Jindiao is just the guy to do it, if bubblewrap existed crane would put it on tigress after this, includes an entire essay on kung fu panda, it's like kung fu panda except with swearing and smut, kai is just that ex who tries real hard to show how he is over oogway, Mind control is scary and I need the furious five to be explored more, monkey and po are best buddies don't tell me otherwise, My (Very Detailed) Elaboration On The Prologue Of Kung Fu Panda 2, or that really wise turtle from Kung Fu Panda, po doesnt know what romantic attraction is, Po gets hurt and Tigress talks to him about stuff, Po gets thrown around by a random kung fu master, Po is a movie character played by an actor, POV: I take the Kung Fu Panda Movies Way Too Seriously, Shen is flirty and more than a little creepy, Shifu is kind of a bad parent but he regrets it now, Shifu one hundred percent has a man crush on Oogway. Drawn by a cry for help, he senses a soul in unimaginable pain - and a demon approaching that soul. talk with Taylor about chi and discuss her origins on Earth Bet. This IS a Kung Fu Panda Fan-Fic. Apologies. [2][3] Her final attempt on revenge resulted in her banishment to oblivion by the Shuyong Tree. Various themes and storylines are tackled in this, and each chapter has additional warnings listed at the beginning if necessary. Upon the Shuyong Tree judging Po and Fenghuang even after they bested the Shuyong Tree's guardians, the Shuyong Tree deemed Po worthy of using its fruit and the Shuyong Tree used its powers to send Fenghuang into oblivion, To which she states in her last words that she's allergic to it. Before the enemy destroys China, and maybe even the world she knows. As The Dragon Warrior, Po is destined to defeat and kill that tiger. This tag belongs to the Fandom Category. As the most powerful (former) member of the Former Furious Five, Fenghuang demonstrates a swift and graceful fighting style, some of which involved the use of several secret, rather mystical kung fu techniques to overpower her opponents, such as the Thundering Wind Hammer and the Mongolian Fireball. To Taylor's embarrassment, people think that before she had her "accident", she was part of a very rich family, so much so that they had people to preen their feathers for them. Comically seen with the sheep village where one of them muses that villagers disappearing is practically a tradition at this point. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. During her retelling of "Mulan", the Five question why being a woman in the military was such a serious crime, before Viper chimes in to say that at one point in history, there was a series of hot summers and it resulted in far more males than females being born a real, biological phenomenon among reptiles. Emma and Sophia are scared that Taylor escaped the Locker by triggering, and that she'll be coming back for revenge. In "A Stitch in Time", Fenghuang has mastered five additional Impossible Moves and used them (along with the Thundering Wind Hammer a few times) to defeat Shifu and the Furious Five in the Jade Palace, saving the fifth new one (the Flying Ring of Energy) just for Po, then Po uses the Shuyong Seeds to learn how to avoid the new Fenghuang's move, but she managed to go back in time with him and finds out about the Shuyong seeds that Po had found. - . , , ! One day, while Master Oogway of the Jade Palace is deep in meditation, his soul reaches out further than it ever has before, all the way to another world entirely. filter bookmarks. Trending pages Tai Lung Oogway Po Kai Shifu Shen Tigress Mr. Ping All items (484) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Akna Alfred Alien rice weevils Amoch Ancient pandas Antelope Anvil of Heaven Arachnid Clan B B'ah Baboon Boss Kiarah, that's her name. But for the first time in his existence..The first time ever in his existence did he see such a particular case.A soul already there in the spirit realm, but not one that needed to be taken yet. Tigress x OC She meets Masters Sloth and Bear, and Bear skeptically questions her name being a-little-on-the-nose. Po/Relationships | Kung Fu Panda Wiki | Fandom Besides that M/n is a hard-working person that helps out at his father's noodle shop. Po Ping is a simple farm boy living with his goose father, content to live his farmer's life until he dies, never questioning the rules, until he sees something he's not supposed to. The way she does this, Oogway saves Taylor, pulling her into his world. When she planned to go back in time to prevent Po's birth, Po grabbed onto Fenghuang with the resulting battle causing the Shuyong seeds to fall and send both of them back to the beginning of time where they find themselves before the Shuyong Tree. Finally, even with this refined search, he will still see the ghosts of those that a person has contact/is involved with and even see objects like a van carrying them away. You cant really kill someone who died centuries ago, so what exactly did happen to Kai? Kung Fu Panda Forums | FanFiction He is claiming she's not a dragon because he's used to the idea of, planning a party to celebrate the one year anniversary of Taylor's arrival at the Valley. While both are owls, they're wildly different. the reason Tigress has been doing odd-jobs for money had been to gather the funds to save Bao Gu Orphanage, where she grew up. [2] Her response to Po's repeatedly calling her evil is to assume Oogway told him that, suggesting that Fenghuang genuinely does not believe that she is evil, and sees herself as wronged by Oogway. The Croc Bandits zig-zag this trope. Fenghuang is an ex-member of Oogway's Furious Five and a teammate of Shifu, She defects upon being a slave to her prowess and attempts to usurp Oogway in a fit of jealousy, leading her to get banished from the team. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). As a result, Fenghuang became villainous and power-hungry. Both Taylor and Queen Administrator passed through here on the way to the Kung Fu Panda universe. One of Lord Shen's wolves appears well before the timeline of the second film. "@ . To prevent her evil from getting in the way, they place a manacle on her to keep her from flying far as they defeat the last enemy the First Furious Five with Shifu defeated, Xi'an, when the demon turns up, and promising to free her as soon as she uses the technique she used to protect the team from Xi'an during their last fight against the demon. Oogway's cryptic teachings are just as likely to be for his own amusement as they are to teach a lesson (oftentimes both). Po eventually left the Valley of Peace in order to protect his friends, who feared that he would become evil, and he traveled into the Northern Mountains. Three villains discuss how they were defeated. : . Until she was the most powerful of the Five, and that's when she started to change. When her two worlds collide, it might not be as wonderful as it may seem. All the credits go to him. Po and the others must find a way to help this woman become a warrior of herself, to let go of the past and control her emotions. Work Search: Dragon's soul, or at least a part of it, now resides there after exposure to a rift in Taylor's locker. They manage to save Elephant, but Fenghuang surprises the team by disposing of the sword in the volcano. Despite herself, she finds herself bonding with him and Mr. Ping. She then surprised them all by destroying the demonic sword they had come to recover; Po then convinced them to allow her to go free as had originally been agreed, despite their previous intention not to do so. Basically, instead of Po, we get a white tigress. Little does he know that he's about to discover what the universe is really like. It is a reflection and a refraction. She has even claimed she could teach Po all of the Impossible Moves. (Dw I'll make a better summary than this shet ltr. Shifu gets a second chance to be a loving grandfather to Tigress and Pos daughter since he couldn't be a good father before.Includes TiPo. Oogway's Little Owl (Fanfic) - TV Tropes This is because Taylor doesn't know how to preen her feathers, which is considered such a basic skill that only people with more money than sense wouldn't know it. Upon meeting each other for the first time in years, Fenghuang's name originates from the legendary. Back to Downplayed. Of course, since in the future Lidong will eventually grow up to be the. A phoenix is not meant to be tamed, despite what they tell her. The opposite and also the true nature of reality. Outraged, she was then towed away to Chorh-Gom Prison, swearing that she would have her revenge on Po. Despite her dishonorable and self-absorbed nature, it is possible that Fenghuang has a merciful side to her, or else simply a desire to have people around that she can use for her own benefit, as she saved Po from falling to uncertain depths in the cold mountains by her own free will, despite apparently recognizing he was from the Jade Palace. Fenghuang met Shifu again at the palace, and the red panda was carrying the incense she loathed, making her frown. On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mystic Realm relished its last moments of idyllic peace. Kung Fu Panda (Movies) | Archive of Our Own Various Masters of Kung Fu begin mysteriously disappearing in the dead of night, one by one, and their worst fears are soon realized: an old foe has returned, and this time, he's made a friend- and it's going to take more than a few kung fu moves to stop their reign of terror. When Taylor starts to talk openly about her troubles before coming to the Jade Palace, she talks about how her father became a, Taylor points out that, since there were several days in-between Tai Lung being rejected as the Dragon Warrior and his rampage, he hadn't suffered a psychotic break but had likely been stewing over his resentment instead. Taylor has gradually started picking up his habits, as seen when she uses her. Contains vore and death of the main character. Oogway suggests a cure to be found and that the finder shall be chosen from the Furious Five. In this fic, she's an outright, A huge point of the story, since Taylor gets transformed into an owl. He can only see up to the past three days, though the more familiar he is with a location or with the people he's seeing, the further back he can look. Fenghuang wears a violet robe with gold trimming. Master Leo Lung has dealt with everything from vengeful leopards to genocidal peacocks. "Aha! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. New Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction Stories | Quotev A collection of yandere works featuring characters from every fandom listed in the tags and more. Crane delivered the finishing blow to knock her out.[3]. Notes From The Underground Chapter 12: The Owl And The Panda Part 2, a Though this affected Po momentarily, he used the Thundering Wind Hammer technique to attack the owl, but surprisingly she blocked the move, slyly commenting, "What you cannot absorb, you deflect.". While explaining Armsmaster's Tinkertech, Taylor gives Taotie and his son the idea to create gadget-incorporating armor, as well as making him realize why his other designs like "trap armor" keep failing he made them too huge and bulky, making them impractical. Fenghuang was shown as one of them, but was crossed out, and Shifu explained to Po that she had become "twisted and dark", as all of the most powerful members of the Five had before her. Naruto, after fighting against Orchimaru whilst consumed by his Tail beast's Chakra, finds himself changed. But before he could contain her, she flew away from the palace. Played straight for Leet/His Shard. Taylor Hebert was experiencing the worst day of her life, betrayed by her best friend and left in a locker full of toxic filth to suffer, when she finds herself waking up to an elderly talking turtle who knows kung fu. She carries the Taint, a strange sexual disease of sorts. Of course, Po wastes no time in going there to bask both in the glory of being the Dragon Warrior and into the delicious food that they prepared just for him.What he finds out is a gathering of some of the most dangerous foes that he had ever faced, all together and ready to pummel the panda into submission. Category:Characters | Kung Fu Panda Wiki | Fandom Fenghuang was once part of the Former Furious Five, but after being dubbed the most powerful out of the quintet, she challenged Oogway and lost, fleeing to the Northern Mountains for refuge. Thank you so much! Contents 1 Appearance Aphids are also noted to be non-sapient and are farmed much like cattle by other insects. When Shifu finally reaches Chorh-Gom Prison, Tai Lung gets his chance to speak his piece to his former master/father. Please consider turning it on! Shifu (subtly) tries to do the same thing to Taylor that he would to Po going very hard on a Kung Fu student in the intention of making them quit. Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction Stories | Quotev She didn't even know what Chi. As he trained her, she just got stronger. It's a common tag. After Shifu tells her about Tai Lung, Taylor, almost without thinking due to the effect that unlocking her chi had on her, asks the Five what qualities they think that the Dragon Warrior would have. What if the mocking words of the Furious Five had a much more drastic effect on Po? He can also narrow down the number of ghosts he sees by making it show only specific types of people, such as 'teenagers' and 'teenagers in danger' or 'Taylor'. X3 Po Ping is a simple farm boy living with his goose father, content to live his farmer's life until he dies, never questioning the rules, until he sees something he's not supposed to. Master Bear (Kung Fu Panda) Master Boar (Kung Fu Panda) master chicken. Even so, M/n wa. and may become the Dragon Warrior sooner than in canon. Viper and Po feel this way about Taylor when she tells them Halloween Horror stories, since the purpose of Halloween is to be scary, when their equivalent holiday is very much, Due to presence of terrors like the Slaughterhouse Nine, Taylor hears the word "Rampage" and assumes the absolute worst. 402 Y/n was a cat, a cat who in the past had been an acquaintance of puss in boots. Fenghuang was once one of Oogway's students at the Jade Palace and part of the Former Furious Five. Completed campcretaceous kungfupanda #4 Kung fu by Who? 28.5K1K15 Kung fu panda various x reader. But things change when a blast from the past comes to help him and encourages Po to go on a journey to become the greatest stud in the weirdest way. Vampires, ghouls, and other hellish creations are errors that need to be corrected. As they fought, Fenghuang asked Po why would he fight for friends who had wanted him gone. Fenghuang, "Owl Be Back" from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Work Search: (Slams table) Po and Tigress have a healthy relationship dammit! Fenghuang first met Po when she saved him from falling to his death, and it was from him that she learned of Oogway's passing. Instead of using the phoenix for good, they have used it for their own needs. She was the adopted daughter of the greatest Kung-Fu master, Shifu and friends Lili is kind, loving gardevoir who works in her father's noodle shop in the valley of peace. Haunted by ghostly accusers, Po is left with no choice but to move out of the Panda Village and seek all the help he can get from the Valley of Peace, both in the Jade Palace and from other less savory sources. Though things turn bad when Elephant gets possessed by Xi'an after holding the sword for too long, and attacks the heroes.
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