kucoin limit order not working

availableBalance.change GET /api/v1/level2/message/query?symbol=XBTUSDM&start=100&end=200. Kucoin outages reported in the last 24 hours Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. I want to collect the orderid's of all stop limit orders so I can clean out just the ones not associated to an active trade. Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. A stop-loss order is an order that is placed with a cryptocurrency exchange to sell a particular asset when it reaches a certain price. It will be necessary to enable the OCO order type for app clients in the near future. Now accountEquity= unrealisedPNL + marginBalance; Client libraries can help you integrate with our API quickly. With the growing number of trading and investment opportunities on KuCoin, there is no doubt that this platform will continue to grow and attract more users. It should be a multiple number of the lot, or the system will report an error when you place the order. A successful order is defined as one that has been accepted by the matching engine. Thank you for using KuCoin Futures API documentation. Current bankruptcy price: xxx. The trade side indicates the taker order side. Proof of the trading volume in the last 30 days or VIP level on any exchanges. The Take Profit & Stop Loss buttons can be found in the Positions panel before opening positions, and they can be used to set the Stop Loss price. 1 lot of XBTUSDTM is 0.001 Bitcoin, while 1 lot of XBTUSDM is 1 USD. Hello, I updated to the latest version but I still can't get create_limit_order() to work. For some specific topics (e.g. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? To maintain up-to-date Order Book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 2 snapshot. The execution of the order will incur transaction fees. If the privateChannel is set to true, the user will only receive messages related himself on the topic. In a matching event, the visible portion of an iceberg order will be executed first, and another visible portion will pop up until the order is fully filled. Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password. I've been working on a python solution to create limit orders on with requests on KuCoin futures API. A stop order is triggered when the securitys price reaches the stop price, and is then filled at the next available price. There's more than enough volume at the prices I'm putting in to get filled but no matter what price I try, no luck. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? Open orders will remain open until they are either filled or canceled. To adjust the level will cancel the open order, the response can only indicate whether the submit of the adjustment request is successful or not. If set to TRUE, only the orders reducing the position size will be executed. After subscription, when there are changes in the order book, the system will push the real-time ticker symbol information to you. The API key of version 1.0 will be still valid until May 1, 2021. A maker order, on the contrary, stays on the exchange order book and awaits to be matched. IOC Immediate Or Cancel: being matched or not, the remaining size of the order will be instantly canceled instead of entering the order book. Submit a Request Beginner's Guide Deposit & Withdrawal Spot Trading The limit strategy of public endpoints will restrict IP. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. How to Rebind Google 2FA With the Secret Key. (e.g. For example, if the current market price of KCS is 0.96285 USDT. Because each isolated margin account has its own risk factor, the risk of each is independent of the risk of another. This is done to limit an investors loss on a security position. 1547015186532. Apply the new Level 2 data flow to the local snapshot to ensure that the sequence of the new Level 2 update lines up with the sequence of the previous Level 2 data. I just placed a stop limit order on CHSB/BTC pair and my order was executed before reaching the limit price. The system will forcely freeze certain amount of funds for this order, including orders whose direction is opposite to the current positions. There are a few reasons why your Kucoin stop limit might not be working. KuCoin Futures now offers an incentive plan for professional market makers! Select Limit Order from the price box, then enter 0.95 USDT, 100 KCS, and finally the amount in the amount box. After an order becomes done, there may be a few milliseconds latency before its fully settled. Unavailable to place orders. There are set requirements for every level, and you need to meet them at 00:00 AM (UTC+8) to qualify for a level. The difference between your timestamp and the API service time must be less than 5 seconds , or your request will be considered expired and rejected. Read Get Fills to learn more. Scan this QR code to download the app now. KuCoin Futures API Documentation On KuCoin, there are no options available for trading cryptocurrency futures. This endpoint can be used to delete sub-account Futures APIs. E.g. If not specified, all the limit orders will be deleted. This is the Unix timestamp. If the difference between the end and start parameter is more than 500, please stop using this request and we suggest you to rebuild the Level 2 orderbook. Investing in KuCoin futures trading allows you to gain exposure to underlying assets without having to worry about margin trading. Because hedge mode is not currently available, it would allow traders to open long and short positions on the same trading pair simultaneously, which is currently impossible. Do note that when triggered, a stop order may be canceled if the available balance is not enough. UUID, Only allows numbers, characters, underline(_), and separator(-), Stop order type (stop limit or stop market), Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered, A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order, Unique order id created by users to identify their orders, Fixed fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Trade type (trade, liquidation, ADL or settlement), Total number of the unexecuted buy orders, Total number of the unexecuted sell orders, Currency used to clear and settle the trades, Margin amount (min. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? The requested data is not real-time. How to Set a Stop Limit Order (KuCoin Futures) - YouTube Your KuCoin account (email is required, no need to indicate the referral relationship). Market Order: A Market Order is an order placed to buy or sell a specified quantity/amount of assets at the best available price in the current market. Please wait patiently and try again later. Not the answer you're looking for? kuCoin Basics, part 3: trading view, Stop-Limit Orders - Publish0x since = kx.milliseconds() - 1000*86400*10, limit = 20) ## does not return order k_orders = kx.fetch_closed_orders('CV/BTC', since = 1514764800000, limit = 20) . How To Use Stop Loss / Stop Limit Order on KuCoin (2021) If the reduce-only order size exceeds the position size, the extra size will be canceled. Please check the price and amount through on-floor orders before you place a market order. If a partially filled or unfilled order is canceled, the system will unfreeze the remained frozen funds in your account. The leverage parameter is used to calculate the margin to be frozen for the order. If you need to get your recent traded order history with low latency, you may query this endpoint. I found that the code works on some tokens but not others. A stop loss can be a powerful tool for both short-term and long-term investors. The change property of Level 2 updates is a string value of "price,size,sequence". A sell stop order instructs the market maker to sell the asset if the price decreases to the stop point or below, but only if the trader wins a specific price per asset. Before placing orders or adjusting for price changes, traders can determine the take profit and stop loss levels for the security. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? What the fuck KuCoin 4 14 comments Best Add a Comment kucoin_moderator 2 yr. ago It's not broken. This is the default type if the field is left empty. After the order is executed, if you added positions, the system will deduct entry fees from your balance, if you closed positions, the system will deduct the close fees. GET /api/v1/level2/depth20 You can use this field to identify your orders via the public feed. The mark price and the index price can be obtained through relevant OPEN API for index services. For example, if the current market price for KCS is 0.96263 USDT and you plan to buy a sum of KCS valued 1000 USDT without setting prices, you can place the order as a market order. GET /api/v1/openOrderStatistics?symbol=XBTUSDM. New field settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades) will be added to the response from GET /api/v1/funding-history, New field maxLeverage (maximum contract leverage) will be added to the response from the following interfaces: The underlying reference Spot Index Price is a standard point for spot market instruments such as perpetual contracts, and they tend to trade close to it. If a liquidation occurs, KuCoin Futures will cancel any open orders on the current contract in order to maximize margin and keep the position if the position is in Auto-Deposit Margin Mode. New field currency (currency) will be added to the query parameters to filter the profit and loss records; New field currency (currency) will be added to the response from the: Click Buy KCS to place the order. , enter 0.95 USDT in the price edit box and 100 KCS in the quantity edit box. There are no reasonable reasons for them to not have stop loss capability. The reason I want this is I have placed many limit orders. It is one of the most popular exchanges on the planet. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? When the latest price reaches 1.0666 USDT, this order will be triggered and the order valued 100 KCS will be placed at a price of 1.065 USDT. Added topic /contractMarket/tickerV2:{symbol} for requesting the real-time ticker. The cancellation request will be processed by matching engine in sequence. Endpoints like /api/v1/deposit-list, /api/v1/orders, /api/v1/fills, return the latest items by default. Unfortunately, KuCoin is not licensed to operate in the U.S . /api/v1/position?symbol=XBTUSDM). Different from when an order reduces the position size, certain amount of funds need to be frozen when an order increases the position size. You can change your Stop Loss and Take Profit KuCoin combo to any initial order using the GoodCrypto app. Frequently Asked Questions About KuCoin Futures (Part 3) Therefore, if you hold a long position, and the reverse order is traded at this time, the position will be reduced. The Contract/Funding is under the settlement process. jacgy 2 yr. ago Finally, your stop limit might not be working because of a technical issue on Kucoin's end. The primary function of a stop-limit order is to limit the amount of an asset that can be purchased at any given time. How do you withdraw from KuCoin? Orders placed via API with the same clientOId are now working as well. You can check the orders in any status. KuCoin is a low-cost exchange with a variety of features, including the ability to open an exchange wallet and track your transactions, as well as good trading conditions. Instead of trading on the spot market, you trade financial futures with other participants at KuCoin Futures. Kucoin has a minimum order size of 0.001 BTC. Please specify the minimum offset number of the current page into the offset field to turn the page. A success response with order id indicates that the order has been received. Fills are returned sorted by descending fill time. Finding the best crypto exchange with a good trailing stop loss can be difficult, but there are numerous options available. GET /api/v1/contracts/{symbol}. Cancel an order (including a stop order). is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? If the stock price falls to $45, the stop-loss order becomes a market order to sell the shares. If you only use public channels (e.g. AddNew response field maintainMargin,riskLimitLevel have been added to the. Operation steps: Select "Stop Limit" Order, enter 1.0666 USDT in the stop price edit box, 1.065 USDT in the price edit box, and 100 KCS in the amount edit box. Stop Limit Order KuCoin - Blockchain es Taker orders will be charged taker fees, while maker orders will receive maker rebates. The new interface is added a currency (currency) parameter to specify the transfer-out currency (XBT/USDT). If you specify the end time only, the system will automatically calculate the start time as end time minus 24 hours, and vice versa. However, as you are likely not able to follow the market 24/7, you could place a stop-limit order toprevent losses from gaining more. Submit request to get the info of all open contracts. The default value of privateChannel is False. There are two types, Good Till Canceled GTC and Immediate Or Cancel IOC. {"id": "1JpsAHsxKS", "type": "closeTunnel", "tunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}. 2020.08.24. add 20 or 100 depth API for level2 . This endpoint can be used to create Futures APIs for sub-accounts. Is KuCoin secure? Neither an expiration date nor a settlement date is provided. A trailing stop loss is a type of stop loss order that is set at a certain percentage below the market price. A perpetual contract, like a margin-based spot market, generally trades near the reference spot index price in the same way that spot markets do. The system allows you to retrieve data up to one week (start from the last day by default). The value will be returned in order detail. The most common reason is that the stop limit price is too close to the current market price. Discard the feed data of sequence that is below or equals to 16, and apply playback the sequence [17,18] to update the snapshot of the order book. The REST API provides endpoints for users and trades as well as market data. Note that when triggered, stop orders will be executed as either market or limit orders, depending on the pre-specified type. The price specified must be a multiple number of the contract tickSize, otherwise the system will report an error when you place the order. KuCoin also offers a tiered maker/taker fee structure, with trading fees ranging from 0.0125% to 0.17% depending on your tier level. For GET requests, please append the queried parameters to the endpoint. We offer four order types for customers. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. You should support Kucoin because it has always been a fair exchange. Each interface has its own endpoint, which is provided under the HTTP REQUEST module. For "Position", the default endpoint of this API is /api/v1/position. The processing time may be slower if you withdraw a large sum of money. Do NOT include any space in JSON strings. GET /api/v1/recentDoneOrders. GET /api/v1/positions. For API key-V1.0, please pass requests in plaintext. Add channelType field: public(public channel, default), private(private channel), session(session channel) for Websocket. The default value of privateChannel is False. You may select Hidden or Iceberg when placing a limit or stop limit order. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Level 2 order book includes all bids and asks (aggregated by price). At that time, the lowest price was 0.00001116, far from my limit price at 0.00001089. I am not a financial advisor and this video is for educational purposes only. "iceberg" : False, # When placing an iceberg order, you need to set the visible size. Once the stop price is reached, the order becomes a limit order to sell at the limit price or better. Get a snapshot of aggregated open orders for a symbol. KuCoin Fees Explained. Orders placed via API with the same clientOId are now working as well. When a preset limit price is reached, a Stop-Limit Order is created, which allows you to buy or sell a set amount of assets at a preset price until the current price reaches that preset limit. Boolean algebra of the lattice of subspaces of a vector space? Energy Web - EWT 115. If not, the order can only be one to reduce the position. I found that the code works on some tokens but not others. Short-term market movements will be impossible for people to profit greatly from. KuCoin's rich feature set and low fees could make it a compelling choice for advanced crypto investors, particularly outside the U.S. With the KuCoin platform, users can use a wide range of features such as a multilingual user interface, a comprehensive user interface, and numerous other advantages. A stop-limit sell is an order to sell a security at a specified price, or better, after a given stop price has been reached. Market orderswill be completed immediately, which is the best way to buy or sell quickly. This may include measures such as adjusting your trading strategy, or closing your position. The answer is yes, Kucoin does offer stop-loss orders to its users. There's gotta be something I'm doing on my end but I can't seem to figure out how to get this order filled. Episode about a group who book passage on a space ship controlled by an AI, who turns out to be a human who can't leave his ship? Data Time Range GET /api/v1/contracts/active 2. The platform charges both market makers and market takers 0.1%, which makes it one of the cheapest cryptocurrency exchanges in the online space. Users can use this feature by going to the KuCoin Futures pages Settings section and clicking on the Feature Preferences tab, then selecting Take Profit. The last trade price is the last price at which an order was filled. rev2023.5.1.43405. If the response code is 200, it means the transfer is successful, otherwise it means failure. Topic:/contractMarket/tradeOrders:{symbol}, "error.createOrder.accountBalanceInsufficient", 'https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/position?symbol=XBTUSDM', #Example for create deposit addresses in python, 'https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/deposit-address', # specifying content type or using json=data in request, "KC-API-PASSPHRASE:QWIxMjM0NTY3OCkoKiZeJSQjQA", "KC-API-SIGN:7QP/oM0ykidMdrfNEUmng8eZjg/ZvPafjIqmxiVfYu4=", "vYNlCtbz4XNJ1QncwWilJnBtmmfe4geLQDUA62kKJsDChc6I4bRDQc73JfIrlFaVYIAE0Gv2--MROnLAgjVsWkcDq_MuG7qV7EktfCEIphiqnlfpQn4Ybg==.IoORVxR2LmKV7_maOR9xOg==", "wss://push.kucoin.com/endpoint?token=xxx&[connectId=xxxxx]", marginChangepositionChangeliquidationautoAppendMarginStatusChangeadl, General Logic for Message Judgement in Client Side, Message channel for the 5 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, Message channel for the 50 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, POST /v1/position/risk-limit-level/change, Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. Once an order is placed, your funds will be put on hold for the duration of the order. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? is any one else experiencing this. Judge messages by subject. The login session and the API key in the sandbox environment are completely separated from the production environment. For other cases, please update the price and size. To retrieve more results, users should specify the currentPage number in the subsequent requests to turn the page based on the data previously returned. Please try again later. You can view PNLs history by clicking Assets Futures. There is a link to your PNL history on the BTC website, but if you have USDT holdings, you can view it directly from your USDT position. As for now, KuCoin Futuresdoes not support Hedge Mode yet, and it's not allowed to open Long and Short positions on the same trading pair at the same time. Market orders are always considered takers and incur taker fees. Screenshots of the trading volume of your market making on other exchanges (e.g. So if you want to learn how to set, use or create a Stop-Limit Order to set up a stop loss and take profit order on KuCoin, this video is the video you are looking for!Timestamps:0:00 How To Use Stop Limit Order on KuCoin1:02 Example #1 ( Buy Stop Order)1:54 Example #2 ( Buy Stop Order)2:29 Example #3 (Take Profit Order)3:04 Example #4 (Stop Loss Order)3:46 OutroI hope this tutorial - in which I showed you how to use Stop-Limit Order on KuCoin - was helpful. Please contact our support so we can check what happened. If you need to get your recent trade history with low latency, please query endpoint Get List of Orders Completed in 24H. The maximum size per request is 200. GTC Good Till Canceled: order remains open on the order book until canceled. Enter the amount you want to buy or sell in the Amount field, and then specify your limit price in the Price field. Stop limit orders are a must in any exchange. For GET, DELETE request, the endpoint needs to contain the query string. If you use a pure technical strategy, a stop loss can help you avoid market crashes and even make a small profit while the market loses 50%. The setting of a stop loss is a critical component of any trading strategy, especially one involving long-term trades. KuCoin Shares (KCS) are the tokens that the platform employs as its primary payment system. Please note that market orders, iceberg orders and hidden orders are always charged taker fees. {"id": "1Jpg30DEdU", "type": "openTunnel", "newTunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}, Add tunnelId in the command: Permission list.If modified, permissions will be reset. For high-volume trading, it is highly recommended that you maintain your own list of open orders and use one of the streaming market data feeds to keep it updated. The Hidden and iceberg Orders are two options in advanced settings (note: the iceberg order is a special form of the hidden order). You can request for specific orders using query parameters. Stop-limit is an order to buy or sell a currency at a specific price. In addition, Kucoin also offers a variety of other risk management tools, including trailing stop-loss orders and take-profit orders. When it comes to trading cryptocurrencies, one of the most important tools that traders use to manage their risk is the stop-loss order. Aleph Zero - AZERO 113. What is KuCoin Staking Program? New private channel (topic: /contractMarket/advancedOrders, subject: stopOrder) is added for stop orders. You will be charged a maker/taker fee, with trading fees ranging from 0.0125 to 0.0300 per share depending on your tier level. Null means it will never expire, Settlement date. If the total amount of these orders exceeds the position size, the system will cancel the extra no-fund-frozen orders to ensure they wont be executed. KuCoin Futures implements IEPR(Immediately Executable Price Range) rule, in which the price of a buy order cannot be higher than 1.05 * mark price, and the price of a sell order cannot be lower than 0.95 * mark price. If not, the system will return the code and msg fields. When you query orders in active status, there is no time limit. One method for doing so is KuCoin lending. There is a reasonable fee structure and a high level of user experience. When the process is completed, the function will be restored automatically. If this were the case, you would use the Trailing Order as a dynamic Stop Loss. What's in House Republicans' bill to lift the debt ceiling and cut I have been a KuCoin member for a couple of months now and decided that I am now officially done. GET /api/v1/level2/snapshot?symbol=XBTUSDM. Too Many Requests -- Access limit breached. GET /api/v1/transaction-history, New parameters including a) memo (for coins without memo, no need to fill the memo field), and b) chain optional will be added to the response from the interface. Cancelling a stop-limit order on Kucoin is just as easy. This means that there are not enough buyers and sellers willing to trade at the prices you have set. Selling case into Spot Stop-limit option As you can see in the picture, you have to fill three fields: I've experimented with this but it only shows 'normal' orders or the . The HasMore pager uses sliding window scheme to obtain paged data by sliding a fixed-sized window on data stream. Unsubscribe from topics you have subscribed to. However, as you are likely not able to follow the market 24/7, you could place a stop-limit order toprevent losses from gaining more. The best price conditions exist for entering and exiting a trade, so this is what you should use. There are two types of Kucoin limits: stop-limit and limit. Cannot contain any spaces. The United States has strict regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges, and KuCoin is not licensed to operate in the states. A size of "0" indicates that the price Level can be removed. Please note that size is the updated size at that price Level. However, when you query orders in done status, the start and end time range cannot exceed 24*7 hours. If you want to use reduce only Kucoin, you will need to create an account and deposit funds into it. GET /api/v1/contracts/active The minimum visible size shall be greater than the minimum order size, or an error will occur. Slide direction. GET /api/v1/funding-rate/{symbol}/current. A stop-loss order is an order placed with a broker to buy or sell a security when it reaches a certain price. . For sell orders, it will be filled by the best available orders show in the buy order book until the funds you want to sell ran out; for buy orders, it will be filled by the best available orders show in the sell order book until the funds you used to buy tokens ran out. (e.g. This endpoint requires the Trade permission. The order placing/cancellation is currently not available. Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? or is there an issue in my code? The order type you specify may decide whether other optional parameters are required, as well as how your order will be executed by the matching engine. The close price shall be greater than the bankruptcy price. Check new signing method, New field "memo" (address ID) is added to the response from GET /api/v1/withdrawal-list. No funds need to be frozen when closeOrder is set to TRUE, or when reduceOnly is set to TRUE. If youre in a holding position, you can set a stop loss price by clicking the Take Profit button in the panel of positions. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? What is the KuCoin bonus program? The body will also contain a message parameter indicating the cause. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. A taker order matches other resting orders on the exchange order book, and gets executed immediately after order entry. Sub-account name, create sub account name of API Key. When errors occur, the HTTP error code or system error code will be returned. The Sequence Number is used to judge whether the messages pushed by Websocket is continuous. Does anyone know how to get all open limit orders please? The concept of KuCoin futures is to purchase or sell a crypto asset at a predetermined price in the future, and to specify a predetermined time frame. Despite the fact that KuCoin is not yet legal in the United States, this is understandable given the current regulatory environment. Can I use the spell Immovable Object to create a castle which floats above the clouds? A trailing stop order, in other words, is a type of trading strategy that allows you to buy or sell tokens while reducing the risk in any trade.

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