(1994 Jeff. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. (C) Building temperature shall be maintained at a comfortable level. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Jeff. No. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007). BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Created byFindLaw's team of legal writers and editors Ord. No. Am. Any facility and/or business operation or person designated by the Metro Government pursuant to . 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. (5)Any chain or tether shall be at least ten feet in length and have swivels on both ends. Further, usually pure aesthetic considerations, such as the "look" of a funeral home in a residential area, will not rise to the level of a nuisance. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. Ord. 86-2010, approved 5-3-2010), (A)All boarding kennels or catteries shall, in addition to the other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007), (1994 Jeff. No. Ord. (Lou. ", (B)The waiver must be in bold print and signed by the buyer. WebJefferson County Website (Tennessee) (jeffersoncountytn.gov) Jefferson County Trustees Office Property Records (jefferson-tn.mygovonline.com) Jefferson County Noise Ordinances & Codes (noisefree.org) Jefferson County GIS Maps (jcgiscb.maps.arcgis.com) About the Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds (H)The requirements of this section shall not apply to livestock or assistance dogs unless there is an enjoinment order and/or an abuse offense pertaining directly to livestock or an assistance dog. (a)Enclosures for dogs and puppies shall be a fence or structure of sufficient height and construction to prevent the animal from leaving the owners property. Web(1) A person who operates or uses a sport shooting range is not subject to civil or criminalliability for noise or noise pollution, nuisance or any other claim not involving In addition to Tennessee's partition fence laws, most properties are also covered by local zoning rules, building ordinances, and homeowner's association covenants. (C)The cost of an individual unaltered dog, cat, or ferret license registered before the effective date of this chapter shall be as provided in . Click on the links below to download PDF versions of these documents: Jefferson County Zoning Regulations. (B)Upon conviction, an offender shall be required to register with MAS. He asked Anderson if the sheriffs office had either. Code, 91.021) (Jeff. No. K-12 public education in the county is conducted by Jefferson County Public Schools. Ord. (5)Animals shall not be worked more than two hours without being given a total of 30 minutes rest. (B)Upon a hearing before a district court judge, and that judge finding probable cause for the charge, the court shall order the animal to be held or continue to be held by Metro Government and shall further order the owner, within 24 hours of such finding, to post a cash bond with the court equal to the cost of care of the animal(s), including all estimated boarding and veterinary fees in the amount of $450 ($15 per day) plus all other fees, fines, and penalties imposed under this chapter for each animal, for the first 30 days of its impoundment. (C)Room temperature of the shop shall be maintained at a level that is healthful for every species of animals kept in the shop. No. In the event that an animal is found so abandoned, such animal may be taken by an Animal Control Officer or peace officer and impounded in MAS facilities and there confined in a humane manner. (F)No animal shall be caused to fight, wrestle, or be physically matched against any other animal or person. Metro Am. When you're involved in a property line dispute, it's important to find a resolution before emotions and legal costs soar out of control. On the other hand, no matter how rural, if the feedlot is located in a "residential" zone, a court may be more likely to allow injunctive or other relief. Ord. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. No. (b)The seriousness or extent of injuries, or number of individuals affected. Here are some tips on what to bring with you on, All Rights Reserved 2023 hostellombardia.net. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. The amount of said fees contributed to the fund shall remain in effect until amended by the Metro Council. Such notice prescribed in subsection (C) shall be in accordance with all of the following: Such citation or notice prescribed in subsection (A) or (C), respectively, shall be properly served on the owner or his or her agent or an occupant when responsible for the violation, as the case may require. (4)No chain or tether shall weigh more than 1/8 of the dog or puppys body weight. Ord. Ord. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. (F)Where an Animal Control Officer or any other peace officer has not witnessed a violation of this chapter, and upon the request of a complainant who has witnessed a violation, the officer shall take a sworn written statement from the complainant as to the circumstances of the violation, and shall file the complaint with the District Court in accordance with the rules and procedures of that court. Jefferson County No. We already have disturbing the peace, we can go that route. Anderson said it is treated as any other misdemeanor. This section, and all other provisions in this chapter authorizing such inspections, shall be reasonably construed and applied by MAS personnel. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Lou. Any whip or riding crop must be used so as not to cause injury to the animal. No. (2)Grounds for such revocation or denial include, but are not limited to, conviction pursuant to any violation of this chapter or conviction pursuant to any related state or federal law. Two protective physical barriers shall be present between the elephant and the public at all elephant ride sites. This term includes hotel or motel rooms, extended stay lodging facilities, nursing home rooms and assisted living units. (I)The food shall be free from contamination, wholesome, palatable, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. (c)An emergency plan to evacuate the elephant riders in a safe manner in case of animal safety incidents or non collaboration of the elephant. (D)Any animal deliberately used to facilitate an act that is illegal under federal, state, or metro law shall be impounded. Ord. The violation notice will stipulate a compliance date and associated fee and late fee, as well as a waiver provision providing that the person to whom the violation notice is issued waives all rights to protest such violation and waives all rights to a hearing on the issues relating to that violation. Metro Ord. Ord. Ord. Metro Am. (A)All dogs and cats purchased or obtained from MAS must be surgically altered to prevent breeding prior to the purchase. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007). apply for your license by clicking this link. As a condition of reclassification, the Director may require the owner, at the owners sole expense, to (1) assign the dog to complete an obedience class designated by the Director; (2) have the dog evaluated by an animal behavior specialist approved by the Director; or (3) attend a responsible ownership class. Get back to enjoying your home and contact a local attorney today about your property-related issue for a free initial review of your claim. Ord. Jefferson City, TN 37760 Ord. Noise 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. The list of convicted animal abusers in Jefferson County. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. (B)There shall be available hot water at a minimum temperature of 140 F., for washing cages and disinfecting, and cold water easily accessible to all parts of the shop. 145-2017, approved 8-23-2017; Lou. Metro Am. (5)Include a statement of penalties provided for the violation(s). Those who live here are proud The maximum working period for any one animal shall be ten hours out of every 24 hours. (1)Any dog, including an at-risk dog, as defined herein, which, when unprovoked, in an aggressive manner bites, scratches, or bruises any person. No. Am. Be Nice: No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. According to a data profile produced by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development in 2018,[21] the top employers in the county are: Like all of Unionist East Tennessee, Jefferson County has been overwhelmingly Republican ever since the Civil War. The owner shall be responsible for all fees during the quarantine period and any stay at MAS facilities in connection with a quarantine. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. Metro Am. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. All animals from three months to nine months of age are to be fed at least two times per 24 hours. Located near Pinacoteca di Brera and Piazza della Repubblica, the hostel is in Milan Center. Am. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. Metro Am. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. (B)Any moneys in the program shall not lapse but shall be carried forward to the next fiscal year. (H)Any employee of MAS who disseminates, or does not disseminate, registrant information in good-faith compliance with the requirements of this subsection shall be immune from criminal and civil liability for the dissemination or lack thereof. Code, 91.058) (Jeff. Such permits may not be renewed or transferred to any other individual or entity, and will subject the new owner to the prohibitions set forth herein. 79-2012, approved 4-30-12; Lou. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Ord. The owner shall also be responsible to pay all costs of care from the date of the impoundment until the time of the first hearing and the posting of the initial bond, as well as any other associated expenses not covered by the daily boarding fee(s). Please try again. Metro Am. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. Name A Chattanooga area homeowner's association can make even more restrictive rules governing color and placement of a fence, or not allow a fence that is otherwise acceptable to the city. Am. Anderson said he would ensure it would be an option for complainants in future. Metro Am. 9-2020, approved 2-21-2020) Penalty, see . 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007), (A)No person shall abandon any animal. (6)Any chain or tether must be attached to a properly fitting collar or harness worn by the animal. Ord. WebJefferson County Zoning Codes & Ordinances (law.justia.com) Jefferson County Noise Ordinances & Codes (noisefree.org) Jefferson County GIS Maps (jcgiscb.maps.arcgis.com) About the Jefferson County Assessor's Office If the owner is cited and the animal(s) impounded, the animal(s) shall remain impounded subject to the conditions set forth in . Am. (1994 Jeff. No. 290- 2007, approved 12-20-2007; Lou. All other animals must be fed at least one time per 24-hour period. (1994 Jeff. Tennessee | Municode Library To view our latest e-Edition, click the image on the left. Metro Am. Code, 91.119) (Jeff. No. Ord. (L)The speed at which any animal is driven shall not exceed a slow trot. Ord. No. 45-2019, approved 4-25-2019, effective 10-22-2019). Metro Am. The fence or structure must be in good repair. No. 7-2020, approved 2-21-2020, eff. (1)Upon a plea or finding of guilt, the cash bond shall be immediately paid to MAS. Metro Am. Metro Am. We are concerned about it, we just want you to know that, Hancock told attendants. Metro Am. Ord. Metro Am. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. Every owner of a puppy, kitten or ferret that is between three and four months old may have such animal vaccinated against rabies. Ord. Ord. Ord. The racial makeup of the county was 95.66% White, 2.32% Black or African American, 0.31% Native American, 0.27% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.63% from other races, and 0.77% from two or more races. (A)A Trap-Neuter-Return Program will be developed by LMAS to address the issues presented by feral and other community cats. (g)Allowing or permitting an animal to habitually charge in an aggressive manner a fence separating from another property when the usual residents are taking pleasure in such property without provoking such animal. (3)Any enclosure where animals are kept shall be graded and raked to keep the surface reasonably dry. Metro Am. If no proof of vaccinations, parasite exam, or current license is shown, a rabies vaccination and/or parasite exam voucher(s) and/or license must be purchased before the animal is released. Invalid password or account does not exist. (D)When a rabies voucher is purchased from MAS at the time of license application, the person purchasing such voucher shall, within seven business days, take the dog, cat, or ferret to a veterinarian who will vaccinate the animal, issue a regular vaccination certificate in the manner prescribed herein, and return the voucher to the animal shelter. (B)(1)Those parties legally possessing wild animals under a state-issued permit, which would have been legal before the effective date of this chapter may continue to possess such animals until the expiration date of the original permit. No. No. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, give away, permit to be sold or given away any rabies vaccine live or killed to anyone but a veterinarian or other qualified person. No. Any disease, deformity, injury, physical condition, illness or any defect which is congenital or hereditary and which would adversely affect the health of the animal, or which was manifest, capable of diagnosis or likely to have been contracted on or before the sale and delivery of the animal. We also offer discounts and other great promotions from time to time. The notice shall advise the owner of (1) the provisions of this chapter relating to the requirements for ownership of a dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog; and (2) the owners right to appeal the Directors determination together with the process for filing an appeal. No. Am.Ord. If the Animal Control Officer finds probable cause to believe that the dog is a dangerous dog as defined in this chapter, the dog shall be immediately impounded pending a final determination by the Director. The following codes are all from the 2018 International Residential Code unless otherwise indicated. In accordance with No. Containers are to be cleaned and disinfected each day. By bringing suit, the plaintiff usually seeks to control or limit the use of the land owned by the defendant. No. A fence dividing two properties is known as a "partition fence." The median income for a household in the county was $32,824, and the median income for a family was $38,537. Ord. Code, 91.007) (Jeff. Metro Ord. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Jeff. No. These outdoor enclosures may be separated or attached to the indoor enclosures. Metro Am. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. (3)Obvious signs of emaciation, malnutrition, lameness, or exhaustion. (2) Raising the level of compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Ord. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. (6)Before the sale, exchange, or transfer of any animal, all persons and entities are encouraged to check the Animal Abuse Offender Registry. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to doing business with you. Tennessee's partition fence law sets out the rights and responsibilities of fence owners in rural and urban areas. Nothing in this section shall preclude a determination pursuant to . Code, 91.006) (Jeff. Boards and Commissions, etc. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007; Lou. Am. The provisions of this section shall apply solely to the inspection, licensing and regulation of boarding services offered or advertised by offices of veterinary medicine unrelated to the medical diagnosis or treatment of an animal. (B)Indoor enclosures (cages, kennels, or runs) shall be provided for each animal housed. (3)The owner or purchaser may retain the puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or ferret and attempt to cure the disease, defect, infection, or to ameliorate the condition caused by the disease, defect, or infection. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007; Lou. Ord. MAS shall not grant authorization for elephant rides at a circus if any of the requirements in this section are not satisfied. (d)Allowing or permitting an animal to habitually or continually roam or be found on property of other than its owners or caretakers, trespassing school grounds, parks or the property of any person. At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Ord. [9] A railroad bridge at Strawberry Plains was among those targeted by the East Tennessee bridge-burning conspiracy in November 1861. Animals which are on heat stress treatment which has been prescribed by a veterinarian may be worked while under such treatment, as long as a veterinarian is on the premises of the workplace. The pet shop, animal dealer, or other person shall be responsible for the cost of veterinary fees incurred related to the disease, defect, or infection for which the puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or ferret was certified as unfit, up to the full purchase price of the puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or ferret plus tax. Ord. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007). No. No. (1994 Jeff. The fee schedule, in whole or in part, may be amended by the Director with the approval of the Metro Council. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. Ord. 222-2005, approved 12-27-2005; Lou. Further, this section shall not apply to the processing of fish or wildlife taken through legal hunting and fishing methods or to the practice of taxidermy. No. All gates or doors to the fence or structure shall fit properly and shall be locked or secured by a latch. Ord. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Lou. 5-21-2020) Penalty, see . (c)The number of safety incidents in which the elephant was involved. DIVISION OF ANIMAL CONTROL AND PROTECTION. (B)Animals kept temporarily (not in excess of 30 days unless granted an extension by MAS) for the purpose of breeding or showing shall not require an individual dog or cat license provided the owner has proof of a current rabies vaccination. Ord. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007), No person or private corporation shall keep, or permit to be kept, on their premises any wild or vicious animal for display or for exhibition purposes, whether gratuitously or for a fee. (1994 Jeff. When outside an approved enclosure, the dog must be kept at all times on a leash no more than four feet in length, and under the control of a person physically able to handle the dog. (C)Keeping of wild animals not prohibited by this chapter shall be in accordance with standards set forth in the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations. The fee schedule set forth in this section shall be effective on the effective date of the ordinance amending and re-enacting this chapter. The animal then must be spayed or neutered within 30 days. An unprovoked attack in an aggressive manner upon a human in which the victim suffered a bite(s) or was shaken violently, and which caused serious physical trauma or death. 45-2019, approved 4-25-2019, effective 10-22-2019), (A)The Animal Abuse Offender Registry Program is established for purposes of collection of fees and administration of an online registry pursuant to . No. Metro Am. 17-1990, adopted and effective 12-19-1990; Jeff. Metro Am. (F)In addition to a citation issued to the owner, any animal sold or offered for sale in violation of this section may be impounded by MAS. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. If the Animal Control Officer finds probable cause to believe that the dog is a potentially dangerous dog as defined in this chapter, the dog may be returned to the owner provided that (1) the dog is not an immediate threat to public safety and welfare; and (2) the owner signs an acknowledgment on a form provided by MAS that he/she is the dogs owner, and that the owner will confine the dog to the owners property pending a final determination by the Director. (1994 Jeff. 186-2003, approved 10-10-2003; Lou. Ord. Applicants shall include the names of handlers and the experience documentation in their initial application for a permit or license, and in their renewal applications thereafter. Code, 91.075) (Jeff. Any person cited pursuant to this subsection may pay the minimum civil penalty within seven days from the date of issuance or request a hearing of such penalty by the Code Enforcement Board (Board) in accordance with . (7)No animal shall be over-ridden or driven to result in overheating or exhaustion. Ord. Code, 91.008) (Jeff. (C)Any person adopting an animal is required to comply with all stipulations and conditions set forth in the adoption agreement. As of the 2020 United States census, there were 54,683 people, 20,154 households, and 13,998 families residing in the county. Ord. No. Ord. Ord. (H)An unlicensed animal whose owner has previously been notified or cited by MAS for failing to license such animal may be impounded if the animal is found to be unlicensed a second time by MAS. (E)Any animal impounded under subsections (C) and/or (D) shall not be released, except upon terms and conditions imposed by the Director that are in the interest of public safety and welfare. Am.Ord. (1994 Jeff. Any dog, cat or ferret which has been neither spayed nor neutered. Metro Am. Ord. (A)No more than three dogs, excluding puppies, may be quartered outdoors on an individual tract, lot or parcel, or dwelling unit, (as defined in the Land Development Code), which is .5 acres or less and has on such property any building or structure containing a residential use. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. Ord. If you purchase or adopt any puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or ferret and: (1)Within 30 days after such purchase, the animal is certified by a veterinarian as having been unfit for purchase or adoption because it suffers from, or dies as a result of, a disease or parasitic condition; or. (B)Any person owning, controlling, or having care or custody of any animal shall take such reasonable and necessary precautions as required to protect all persons from physical harm from such animal, and to protect the private property of any other person. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. No. Am. Ord. The community of Jefferson City, Tennessee, offers a vibrant way of life both personally and professionally for individuals and families! 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007), (A)All Class B kennels or catteries shall, in addition to the other requirements of this chapter comply with the minimum standards of this section. WebNo person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on any street, highway, alley, parking lot, or driveway,either public or private property, shall operate or permit the operation Any cat that is a companion to a person, is regularly fed and sheltered in that same person's habitation. 46-1996, adopted and effective 12-10-1996; Lou. (A)Every owner reclaiming an impounded animal which is subject to the terms of this chapter shall pay all redemption fees. There are some other points to consider if you are thinking about bringing a nuisance action. Code, 91.096) (Jeff. The judge will issue an order to three disinterested "freeholders" to examine the fence and decide the amount to be paid to the owner building or repairing it. If additional space is not provided, either indoor or outdoor, then this enclosure must provide an adequate exercise area. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. (7)All livestock other than poultry as set forth in subsection (8), below shall be confined by a fence in good repair sufficient to prevent the animal(s) from leaving the owners property. Metro Am. [10] Metro Am. (b)An endorsement that requires the insurer to notify MAS in the event that the policy should lapse or be cancelled. Ord. (D)Any person who is found present at a dogfight, cockfight, or combat between animals, and who is charged with being a spectator in violation of this chapter, and who is in possession of and/or is the owner of an animal of the same species as that involved in the animal fight, shall be charged with intent to engage in an exhibition of fighting in violation of this chapter. This provision shall become effective the first day of the month following the adoption of this chapter and the amount of the fee paid the licenses facility shall remain in effect until amended by the Metro Council. Do we need it this elaborate or do we need something more like the county of Ada or the City of Boise, or other places within the city of Idaho?. An action for a physical invasion of property is known as a trespass action. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Share with Us: 24-2000, passed 10-10-2000; Lou. Applicants shall provide documentation that the handler has had not less than one year of experience in elephant handling, and no safety incidents with the elephants that he or she handled. Ord. Anderson said no. (B)The Director is authorized to expend public funds for this purpose, provided that all such expenditures shall be made in accordance with all metro ordinances, policies, and procedures relating to contracts and expenditures. Metro Am. (5)Notwithstanding any other provision of subsections (A)(1) through (A)(4), no fine or penalty imposed under this section for a violation of this chapter shall be less than or greater than that imposed under any provision of the Kentucky Revised Statutes for the same offense. Ord. Jefferson County Property Records Search (Tennessee) Its accessible through the Montenapoleone Fashion District. Relief that is injunctive in nature generally requires the defendant to take some specific actions to minimize the negative effect of its operations on the plaintiff, from limiting the hours of the action to placing an all out prohibition on the negative action. Ord. No. 24-2000, adopted and effective 10-10-2000; Lou. Metro Am. (1994 Jeff. Ord. No. (I)Animals shall be kept clean, particularly in the areas in contact with harness or other tack. (1)The owner or purchaser may return the puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or ferret for a full refund of the purchase price plus tax. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Costs for the building and maintenance of the fence are to be shared equally by each landowner. (H)The owner of a dog which has been declared a potentially dangerous dog may petition the Director for removal of the classification if a period of 18 months has passed since the Directors determination without a complaint or incident of a violation of this chapter involving the dog. Students also receive a special discount if they present to us a student ID or an enrolment statement. No. A veterinarian or other qualified person who purchases a dog, cat, or ferret does not have to purchase a rabies voucher from MAS, but must show his or her permit number. No. 97-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. By FindLaw Staff | Ord. Ord. Jefferson County Subdivision & Past experience and knowledge of MAS personnel of the prospective owners, as well as previous violations of this chapter by the prospective owners, may be grounds to refuse the sale or adoption. (2)The medical history of said animal, including but not limited to vaccinations, diseases, and treatment. (B)Indoors: animals which are kept primarily indoors shall be provided with wholesome food and clean water, a clean living environment free of accumulated waste and debris, comfortable temperature and ventilation, and provided veterinary care when needed. (1994 Jeff. WebThe Jefferson County Clerk is an agent for the State Departments Passport office. Please do your part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face mask in public. No. Ord. No. [5] Its county seat is Dandridge. Ord. Am.Ord. (4)Other standards and requirements for restraining dogs shall be as set forth in . Code, 91.015) (Jeff. Code, 91.097) (Jeff. Code, 91.081) (Jeff. No. Metro Am. The license shall apply to up to five dogs and cats. Ord. Ord. Each vaccination certificate shall bear the name and address of the issuing party and a serial number and a brief description of the animal vaccinated. Don't Threaten: (G)A licensed or registered animal which is found for the second time by an ACO loose and not under restraint, but wearing its required tags, shall be impounded and the owner cited under the provisions of this chapter. Metro Am. Ord. Metro Am. Jefferson County commissioners commit to creating a noise ordinance.
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