is odysseus a hero or villain

One form of selfishness Odysseys shows is adultery. WebOdysseus is not a hero because he was not a good leader. Free Essay: Odysseus: Hero or Villain - 663 Words These characteristics impact the characters day to day, or in the books case, the quests. The 3 archetypes, Whenever I think of a hero, visions of characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman often come to mind, as these strong figures have save their respective communities from danger using their remarkable skills. This shows that he is really selfish because instead of sacrificing his life he was thinking about him self and he killed his crew members. On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. One of the many reasons I believe this is because he shows that he cares for his comrades. Why Is Odysseus Not Considered A Hero? - FAQS Clear War itself may also be considered an antagonist in the poem war is what separated Odysseus from his home, and he spends much of the poem battling the traumas he and his men suffered in the Trojan War. For instance, Odysseus says that Circes luxuries appealed to his and his mens battle-hardened spirits. However, it is true that Odysseus was kept as Calypsos captive for In The Odyssey, Odysseus along with his men try to go back home to Ithaca but due to Odysseus nature, only he actually returns alive. In many cases he only saves himself, he is selfish, and he isnt humble. I chose these three archetypes because I recognized them the most while we were reading the Odyssey. His pride clouds his mind and he wants the fame of being the only man to have survived the Sirens song, he never once considers what might have happened had he failed. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. Although she did not help during his travels, Athena assisted Odysseus in his battle against the suitors in his kingdom. Despite multiple pleas to return to fighting, he continually refuses until his companion Patroclus is killed by Hector. While he is not a modern hero, he is a compelling character in the Odyssey, and the reader roots for him to achieve his goal of returning to Ithaca. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus makes mistakes that causes his men to be killed. Odysseus cheats on his wife more than once; it was not a simple lapse in judgment. This is not how I would describe Odysseus from the book The Odyssey by Homer, everyone always thought of Odysseus as the hero of the story, but he was quite the opposite. While Odysseus does demonstrate some qualities that are not heroic, he is still defined as a hero because of his better, more heroic qualities in which he is far superior in than any other man. His motivations are not due to his own honour or to take revenge, but for the greater good of the world itself. Odysseus also possesses the personal qualities of an epic hero. However, think about his so called heroic actions and the way he made everything work out for his own benefits. The Odyssey Project - Is Odysseus a Hero or a Villain? sword from my hip I went along his flank to stab him where the midriff, There is yet one more difference between Odysseus and the other two heroes which may help to find the reason why his tale does not end, Lizeth Marin Honors Introduction to Literature Period 3 18 April 2008 Odysseus: Hero or Villain? He has no regard for anyones feelings but his own, and he believes nothing and no one can harm him, not even the gods. Odysseus relies on his wit to help him in battle and on his journey home, just as Batman and Iron Man use mental acuity to build their own suits and gadgets. Odysseus is a villain because he is stubborn in Polyphemuss cave, disrespectful to the gods, and is unfaithful to his wife. These events lead to him losing crew members and putting them into dangerous situations, elongating his voyage home, and putting his integrity at risk. This shows that he is selfish. Instead of beginning with fighting the Cyclops, he takes his time and sets up a plan. People describe them as brave, daring, and trustworthy. The villains that try to keep the hero from his quest are usually uglier, more evil, and more cunning than anyone we know in ordinary life. The ancient idea vastly differs from what we think of as a hero today but there are parallels that are interesting to consider; ancient heroism still arguably impacts modern-day perception. These are the hero archetype, the monster or villain archetype, and the hero's journey archetype. However especially in the later books of the Aeneid which focus on war he is still seen accruing kleos by going on a killing spree, and partakes in considerable bloodshed and vengeance; notably, at the end of the Aeneid, he kills Turnus unnecessarily to seek revenge for the death of Pallas. Odysseus, the crafty ruler of Ithaca is not a hero because of his lack of many important heroic qualities. For example, when Odysseus and his men approach the giant he offers him liquor to wash down your scraps of men (Homer 991). Odysseus from the Ancient Greek epic The Odyssey by Homer is often considered a hero, although he does not share the same characteristics that most people who are considered heroes in todays popular culture have. Odysseus, the hero in Homers epic poem The Odyssey, fought in the Trojan War and embarked on a ten year journey to return to his kingdom, Ithaca. For example, when his men are tempted by the Lotus eaters or captured by Circe, Odysseus rushes to save them without hesitation. Therefore, Odysseus is not a hero. Odysseus is in between. The only life Odysseus saved was his own. They can be villains, scapegoats, damsels in distress, and the hero themself . Odysseus, when it comes to his crew and family, is confident, compassionate, wise, and always knows a way to get out of any problem. Odysseus has some good traits, some bad flaws, and has been in some ugly situations, but overall he is a true hero. In one of Homers classic epics, The Odyssey, Odysseus is admired by many people as a man who has intelligence, nobility, and confidence. Odysseus :: The Trickster Hero - Greek Mythology In conclusion, Odysseus throughout his actions proves to be not only veil but a villain. Odysseus He also neglects to let them know of the journey that lies ahead. Odysseus was a authentic persuasive speaker and genuinely intelligent. He was known for his defining In Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus can be seen as a hero or villain based on his actions. He leads his followers into lousy situations where many people were hurt. When he faced the Cyclops he stabbed his eye, so the men could get away.The crewmen then escape the cyclops's cave by riding under the bellies of the cyclops's rams as Odysseus even ties each and every one of them to a ram by himself. While he and his men were on the land of the lotus eaters Odysseus could have left, After defeating the Cyclops and heading back out into the sea he stood on his ship mocking the Cyclops. The majority of those who read The Odyssey consider the protagonist of the story, Odysseus, a hero. Achilles heroism stems from his excellence in battle and not necessarily his own personal virtues. Homer is describing the crew lashing Odysseus to the mast so that he may hear the sirens sing. The Odyssey. The Norton Anthology of World Literature: Shorter Second Edition. Odysseus is a hero because he is a courageous leader, a quick thinker and a modest man. Instead, he charms the people he meets and uses his wise words that cause them to help and pity him. In myths and stories especially, heroes tend to have supernatural capabilities in one form or another, such as superhuman strength, intellect, or even magical abilities. The hero's journey is about self-discovery and self-development. protagonist Everyone has their favorite super hero, whether it be Superman, Batman, or even Ironman. He is consistently referred to with the epithet a man of many ways (compared to the swift-footed Achilles), demonstrating that Odysseus heroism is due to mental rather than physical strength. Odysseus is no different from the common heroes we hear today. What are some reasons why Odysseus is or is not a hero? A hero accepts who he is as an individual, but strives to change himself for the better. The themes of warfare, human emotion, loss, and struggle are enduring and can resonate with anyone across the world. The Odyssey is an amazing piece of literature. Odysseus was a war hero, fighting against the Trojans as depicted in The Iliad. He led the raid once inside the walls of Troy and is also credited with the idea of the Trojan Horse. On his way home from war, Odysseus is taken on a long journey encountering mythical creatures and gods. However, he is also a villain; he intrudes and assaults helpless creatures and also he returns home expecting his wife Penelope not to have cheated on him while he was gone. Modern day depictions of heroes are influenced by popular media such as comic books, movies, and TV. Hero With the help of the gods he can survive things most men couldnt., I think Odysseus fits the title of a hero very well. Joseph Campbell once said, A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. True heroes are those who do something for others rather for themselves, Odysseus doesnt exactly show this trait in The Odyssey. WebFrom Villain to Hero explores the reception of Odysseus in philosophy, a subject that so far has been treated only in tangential or limited ways. Odysseus doesnt do this only once through his journey back, he does it again with Kalypso for seven years and by will: He lay with her each night, for she compelled him. (V, 163). Odyessus is more wit then might and he actually applies this to his survival, however there is no doubt that these talents are given by the Goddess Athena who watches over his every move. Penelope didnt need saving either. Odysseus knows how loyal his crew is to him so, if one of them was to untie him they could have all ended up dead. Athena, however, aided him when he arrived to his homeland. Is Odysseus A Hero Or A Villain Analysis | Odysseus left Calypsos Island and began his journey back home. Another plan he implemented was to kill the suitors which is also a success because Odysseus and Telemakos themselves kill over a hundred men without an injury to themselves .Odysseus is a quick-thinker whose resourceful ideas save many lives. Odysseus of Ithaka. Odysseus is thought of as a hero in the physical and spiritual sense because of his bravery while facing the many dangers of creatures, goddesses, and many other things for almost 20 years trying to get home to his wife and son. Odysseus Odysseus is not a hero because he was not humble or good at accepting the help that he received, and he also acted before synthesizing the consequences that he would face in the future. Crying is often seen as a weakness in a man, but this makes Odysseus more endearing as it reveals the labour of his love. Being a hero is loyal and responsibility. He is not necessarily up against anything (Hydra is not Hercules' opponent but a task he has to complete). Throughout the novel The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus continuously shows his personality of being an admirable hero to everyone by using strategy instead of strength. The trojans didn't know Odysseus and his men were inside the big wooden horse, Odysseus and his men eventually came out and attacked the trojans and won the war. In addition, when the cyclops asks Odysseus for his name he responds. Another way in which Odysseus shows he is a villain is when he finally reunites with his wife Penelope and reacts with rage when she tests him. Odysseus is another prominent example of a Homeric hero. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is quite the legend known to people, whether you are high up in the sky with Zeus, or deep in the ocean with Poseidon, everyone knows Odysseus. WebOdysseus. Odysseus tells the Phaeacians in his story, So they spoke, but they could not persuade my great-hearted spirit; and I answered him again with angry heart: Cyclops, if any one of mortal men shall ask thee about the shameful blinding of thine eye, say that Odysseus, the sacker of cities, blinded it, even the son of Laertes, whose home is in Ithaca(Homer.9.500-506). At first his wife did not recognize him which filled him with rage even though he should be happy that his loyal wife wants to make. These statues usually period pieces from Italian or French masters such as Donatello or Praxiteles were always sculpting realistic visions of the Gods such as Hermes. This hero may be tall and handsome, but he is often arrogant, disrespectful, conceited, and rude. is Odysseus Odysseus says, Then he tore them apart and gobbled them up like a lion in the wilderness. All of Odysseuss men are killed by the end of the book. He knew he was a villain and somehow still got away with. It is sometimes difficult to reconcile this man with the one who willingly gives up eternal life for the moral condition and the chance to return to his wife. That is why he began this trudge across lands in the first place; to be a hero. The first archetype i 'll be explaining is the hero, characteristics of a hero, sage, and villain. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. Of course, though, he never tells his loyal wife Penelope about his love affairs with Calypso and Circe. He takes the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to see those who have invaded his house. With great power comes great responsibility this quote is used by many heros and odysseus obviously shows no responsibilities, so his power is simply bad, or evil . The hero that is portrayed in the Odyssey is a man named Odysseus. He spends five long years on the Island of Calypso and another five with Circe. Odysseus Odysseuss actions may seem selfless and/or heroic however they are actually being mistaken for acts of selfishness. But, in his adventure home Odysseus is definitely not taking the responsibility of a hero among his men. Academus CIC is a company registered England and Wales (Company No. The superheroes we idealise today are heroes because of their selflessness and commitment to helping others rather than personal motivations. These events lead to him losing crew members and putting them into dangerous situations, elongating his voyage home, and putting his integrity at risk. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. King of Megcenae on Twitter He was also clever and dedicated to all his plans and ideas to conquer creatures and return home. An epic hero embodies several heroic traits such as; having superior or super-human strength; being intellectual and courageous; and being a strong and responsible leader. Odysseus has no reason to save his mens lives but for his own convenience. The, Odysseus is perhaps more closely paralleled to a modern-day hero like Batman or Iron Man. THE STUDY CLUB - JSTOR Odysseus is truly a heroic figure because he demonstrates courage, improves his character, and wins the support of the gods. Archetypes are characters or character traits that is created and recreated all throughout literature. Odysseus is a hero because all he wants to do is go home and protect his family. However, it is true that Odysseus was kept as Calypsos captive for a time. In homer's Odyssey the main character Odysseus is a person who only tries to help himself. He earns the respect of his men during the Trojan War by making good sound decisions and caring about the welfare of his men. Odysseus: Hero or Villain Essay - 650 Words | Bartleby Odysseus is finally home, on Ithaca, and is then helped by Athena and disguises himself as an old beggar. Odysseus is difficult to identify as a hero because of his many vices. Odysseus was also a prominent character in another Homeric epic, the Iliad. These events lead to him losing crew members and Why is Odysseus an epic hero? If a hero is reinforced as a hero, The innate nature of humanistic narcissism strengthens. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. He cares more about honor than the safety of his crew. Odysseus defies the suitors and wins his wife and kingdom back. I could not welcome you with love on sight! For generations people have been correct to honor the great Odysseus, for his actions along his adventures. A hero takes many forms, such as an allegorical hero, a tragic hero, or an epic hero. With this presentation, I will explore Odysseus' heroic role in the ancient world and whether or not he could be considered a hero for our modern culture. This can be said for most of Odysseus's actions in the story, as his main objective is to reach his home. WebOdysseus inherits many character traits that make a good hero, but the ones that truly outshine the rest are how Odysseus is very rational and has a very sharp intellect. The majority of those who read The Odyssey consider the protagonist of the story, Odysseus, a hero. There is many thing that can support this claim. He may as well be on Americas most wanted list with all the trouble he was causing. Odysseus vs Batman - Ancient and Modern Concepts of Heroism - by Mansi Dhokia, Achilles fighting against Memnon Leiden Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden, Odysseus is another prominent example of a Homeric hero. (19.542-43). Due to the many unfaithful and self-centered decisions he makes in the story, Odysseus is not a hero. Dexter Morgan. Odysseus is not a hero because he killed a lot of men, whom he didn't know, to save his family. A hero is a figure undertaking a quest (Odysseus). (For tales of his wanderings see Polyphemus, Aeolus, the Laestrygones, Circe, the Underworld, the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, Lampetia & Phaethusa, Calypso, Leucothea .) He was a role model for his son Telemachus who wanted to be like him. The first archetype this essay will be explaining, Ancient Greek civilizations and their morals. Odysseus puts his men in danger due to hubris and stupidity. Once back to Ithaca there were many suitors insulting him, his wife, son, house, and the gods and begging for Penelopes hand in marriage. He put himself before his men because he wanted a gift from the cave owner. WebOdysseus is not a hero because he was not a good leader. Even though they disobey him constantly, Odysseus is still loyal to them. The Odyssey Project - Is Odysseus a Hero While he was extremely driven by one goal, getting back home to his family, he performed some not-so heroic deeds on his quest and once he arrived back in Ithaca. Odysseus could have left his men behind with Circe or the Lotus Eaters, but he. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2009., I will be writing a essay of the book The Odyssey written by the person Homer. He is selfish, disloyal, hypocritical and harsh; everything a hero is not. Now, is Odysseus a villain? Odysseus is not a hero because he is selfish. He realizes and readily admits that opinions other than his own make complete sense yet he refuses to acknowledge them and ends up dragging others into danger Odysseus himself says My men came pressing round me pleading: Why not take these cheeses, and make a run for it? Odysseus fits the description of a hero because hes done a few things that are heroic. Not every narrative has one. WebOdysseus inherits many character traits that make a good hero, but the ones that truly outshine the rest are how Odysseus is very rational and has a very sharp intellect. Odysseus might think he was performing a heroic action but in actuality he was performing an act of selfishness. The quintessential hero of the Iliad is Achilles, aristos achaion (the best of the Greeks), who is the most esteemed warrior in Homeric epic. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus makes mistakes that causes his men to be killed. However, it is true that Odysseus was kept as, Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus shows multiple times where he made bad choices due to his hubris.He has shown many careless acts were he only thinks of himself. Many think being a hero is having super powers, but on the contrary it's more than that. Odysseuss inability to think through his rash decisions and recognize the right choice over the honorable and selfish one makes him unfit to be a, In conclusion Odysseus is a true hero even though he was thoughtless, selfish and deceitful. He tries desperately to return home to Ithaka and his wife, Penelope, and newborn son, Telemachus. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus is rational when dealing with many situations. Harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy.(The Odyssey line 3). The most heroic attribute of Odysseus was that he was smart. He stayed faithful to his homeland, Calypso promised Odysseus immortality if he were to stay on her island with her forever, yet he refused the offer and still longed for home. When people think of a hero, they think of a tall, handsome, loyal, brave, and a type of man that could do no wrong. All the little kids probably looked up to him but now kids don't even know his name. The Odyssey is the perfect story for examples of archetypes seeing as it has so many of them. He never failed to remember his main goal was to get back to his wife and son in Ithaca.Odysseus was brave enough to conquer these many obstacles on his way home. Being a hero originally means a brave person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. Odysseus was a legendary hero in Greek mythology. The old soldier in despair: He has spent ten years (seven of them as Calypsos not entirely unwillingly captive) trying to get home (652, summary). Odysseuss first situation was with Kalypso. A hero consists of anyone who puts their best selves forward in service to humanity. You don't always have to save a person's life. Heroes are supposed to be rational, faithful, and honest, whereas, Penelope spent twenty years waiting for Odysseus to return home. Such as next a reasons why Odysseus is not a hero is because he was the cause why his own mother died., If one were to walk methodically through an art gallery viewing the lovely artworks of the past you'd have to really stop and notice those of the Renaissance. He is unfaithful to Penelope many times throughout the book. The rest of his crew that wasnt under Circes spell would have been lost if Odysseus died because they rely so heavily on him. The goddess of war, Athena, told Odysseus what he should do to save them and helped him get home. Odysseus had come up with a plan for his men during the war. This reveals Odysseus is a villain because he reacts as if he was innocent and some way being betrayed by his own wife. Third example is that when the nurce, Eurcilia bathed Odysseus when he was wearing a disguise, she found a scar on him that he got years ago. WebEvidence proves that Odysseus is a villain, because he tries to convince that he was kept unwillingly by Calypso. Some people question whether the main character, Odysseus, is a hero or not. When on the beach in Phaeacia he confidently stalked as a mountain lion exultant in his power strides through wind and rain and his eyes blaze and he charges sheep or oxen or chases wild deer , and when he sees Nausicaa He launched in at once, endearing, sly and suave . She came up with a ruse so she could stall having to remarry: Ruses served my turnwith honor. In the age of postmodernism, there are instances where a person can be both a hero and a villain. Homer remains one of the most well-read texts even today. The old soldier in despair: He has spent ten years (seven of them as Calypsos not entirely unwillingly captive) trying to get home (652, summary). He is cunning, sly, suave, strong, confident and self-possessed. If Odysseus took the cheese and left, his men would not have had to dealt with Polyphemus. I armed myself long ago against the frauds of men. One reason for this claim is odysseus is smart, brave, and kind and another reason is he wants to go home and protect his family. In consequence he possibly endangers the rest of his crew from safely reaching home by endangering himself. Odysseus is a hero because he returns home with a changed perspective which reflects his heroic abilities, such as his bravery and dedication to return home. Although they shouldn't commit them often only when it is absolutely necessary. First off, Odysseus had to leave his family to go to Troy. Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home.

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