Until the community and police can work in tandem to fight crime, and heal the wounds of decades, its going to be an uphill battle here. MEMPHIS, TN, USA MARCH 22, 2019/Rolf_52/Shutterstock. Not all of Memphis is a high risk either, but it's such a "block by block" danger in some neighborhoods, you deserve to be aware of the higher crime rates here. They had 80 freeway shootings on I-240 last year which loops around the city. This article is quite misleading. Memphis has long struggled with violent crimes, generally in minority communities caught in a cycle of poverty. I dont know what negative feelings you have, but its false. ", Everyone that I know that lives in Memphis has been robbed at gun point at one time or another. Despite its alarming levels of violent crimes, tourists can feel more secure in Memphis if they stay away from dangerous areas. Right now, he's living in South Korea, but he's always on the lookout for his next adventure. As long as you stay in the tourist areas like Beal Street, Downtown, Fed Ex Forum, and Graceland, you will be fine. You may enjoy more safety if youre in a safe neighborhood, but your chances drastically dwindle if you are in a dangerous place. Mind your own business, and be polite and firm as you walk away from someone trying to hustle you. It would even be ranked at the top of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Note that fewer people mean enhanced safety for you. "That was awesome," Hjelle said. Memphis is the southern location for street gangs throughout Tennessee. Read on for an in-depth look at prevalent dangers and tips on what you can do to stay safe. The area is full of young professionals who want to live in the city but without chaos. 24% of robberies were highway robberies, meaning they happened on a public street. This charming city has kept its old charm and style throughout the ages. Nor with a education capable to enter college. That said, then neighborhoods east of the airport and north of downtown can have more crime. getty. There are 3,415 cases reported per every 100,000 people. AI trailblazer Geoffrey Hinton exits Google - Silicon Valley Business ", "Many residents will downplay the crime in Memphis, but I think everyone should be told up front that Memphis is not a joke and not somewhere you can come and be flippant in regards to your safety. Memphis may not be the safest vacationing spot in the world, but there are things you can do to avoid compromising yourself. I couldnt even sleep at night in the room, with all the hot rodders and drag racers making so much racket. The United States has an average mugging of .73 for every 1000 people. Memphis has a public transportation system called MATA. this is the suburb of choice for Memphians. Is Memphis dangerous right now? Dont go wandering, Memphis is patchy and can turn from relatively safe to super sketchy in the blink of an eye. If every state had a first 48 crime lab there you would see all the dangerous areas it would take over the news, tv shows, commercials, etc. Gas pumps have also been an area of interest for scanners that steal your info to use your identity for other purposes. Especially in the tourist areas like Beale Street, you'll see street performers or gymnasts doing flips and playing music. Memphis may have received a bad rap by some of the statistics floating around. Is Memphis dangerous for tourists? - Garden Center Care Gun violence, homicides, burglaries, aggravated assault, theft, and gang wars are some of the highest occurrences reported in this category. Its a great city that has tons of attractions and a thriving music, art and food scene. My name is Mariska and I'm living my best life while living the van life. The Safest and Most Dangerous Places in Memphis Metro, TN: Crime Maps Crime rates on the map are weighted by the type and severity of the crime. And to the person who says the area around Graceland is safe to visit you are urging visitors to put their safety in danger. You can also be assured the tourism bureau wont send you somewhere dangerous. ", "I have lived in downtown for the last 3 years and have never felt in danger. Memphis, TN. I was there in June of 2021, ate at kooky kanucks, right across from the Peabody first night in town, there was a shooting right outside the restaurant while we were eating, many people ran to the back of the restaurant (I had some drinks and was feeling bulletproof so I just stayed at the bar). A new report shows the most dangerous cities in the USand the safest places. If you find yourself in Spawn, beware of people standing on the street corners, even if they appear to be kids. Many big cities are seeing violent crime surge across America. We deep dived into the statistics, crime reports and talked to the residents of the city to give you a better understanding of how safe the city really is. However, if you let your guard down, you can become a crime victim. Avoid wearing obviously expensive jewelry or calling attention to other expensive items that you might be carrying. While West Memphis is very dangerous, Memphis has a lot of crime on its own. Not only is that dangerous, but theres also a Fentanyl outbreak that causes overdoses and deaths at an alarming rate. Dont touch the water and certainly dont swim in it. The last count showed over 102 gangs in the city, with over 13 thousand members. However, rising crime levels have made Memphis one of the most dangerous cities in America. The main problems are related to drug trafficking, vandalism, assault, and robbery. How Safe Is West Memphis for Travel? - Travel Safe - Abroad The downtown area of Memphis is located along the Mississippi River between Interstate 40 to the north, Interstate 55 to the south, and I-240 to the east. Vestavia Hills City Council approved a $6.3 million plan to add a shopping center to U.S. Highway 31. 80! Youre giving the city a bad reputation. The trolley is safer because it's in tourist areas, whereas the buses can go through some rough neighborhoods. I took that advice for granted when I moved here because I had lived in places where car break ins were fairly rare. The most dangerous areas in Memphis is based on data from the local . ", "As bad as it is, its not THAT bad. Anne Schedeen is an American actress who is best known for her role as Kate Tanner in the TV series "ALF" (1986-1990). To remain safe, stay alert and watch your belongings while paying attention to whos around you. Other tourist highlights: Graceland (cheese factor 9000), Civil Rights Museum (not to be missed), Gibson's Donuts (don't forget to go to Gus's right across the street), Memphis Zoo, Sun Studio/Stax(if you're a big music fan), Bass Pro ('MURICA), Peabody Ducks (because it's fun), and I'm sure you have a million other things in mind as well. 1. You might be approached to buy items out of the trunk of a car at a "discount." The latter is north of Memphis in Millington. And I have only seen cops pulling people over one time. Why Is Memphis So Dangerous? Graceland is a must-visit site for Elvis fans and history buffs, but the area can be dangerous, especially at night. Memphis has also kept its reputation as one of the countrys most dangerous cities, an aspect of the town that is slowly improving. Tourist areas like Beale street are full of street performers, gymnasts, and vendors who will expect passers-by to tip them while they play music and show off their moves. Lots of cops on Beale at night which made me feel better. Memphis faces a risk throughout the year of different varieties. The national average for violent crime is 366.7 per 100,000 residents and the national average for property crime is 2,109.9 per 100,000 residents. Stay out of the hood and you will be fine. (2022 Crime Rates And Crime Stats), Is Atlanta Safe To Visit? A small portion of the homicides in the town is due to gang activity. Mind your business and avoid getting into altercations with anyone, as things can take a turn for the worst in a snap. (9 Reasons Why), Why Did Adobe Flash Shut Down? Always think about safety and security first when in Memphis. By the number from 2021, here are some of the risks in Memphis: Memphis has too much history to be considered too dangerous to visit, but you need to have all your safety skills, awareness of the crime issues, and common sense at every step. That's not to say crime is not an issue, but as in any metro city, if you exercise caution and common sense, you will be OK. Is Mexico Safe for American Tourists 2023? Mexico Travel Advisory If you are staying in an older hotel, let your tap water run for a minute or two before drinking it in case lead or copper pipes are still being used. Midtown Memphis is home to Overton Square, an entertainment district with theaters, bars, and restaurants in a charming setting. However, Midtown is one of the few places at the heart of Memphis that is significantly safer than surrounding neighborhoods. The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The United States For 2022 - RoadSnacks Memphis is more than an urban core; its boundaries stretch to the east to include the family-friendly Shelby Farms. Its safer to use a cab or trolley at night, rather than walk too far through the downtown area, especially if youre alone. It was the biggest mistake! Is Memphis TN a dangerous city? Is Fort Lauderdale Safe to Visit in 2023? What makes Memphis dangerous? However, as is the case in any densely populated area, there are always a few bad apples that aim to ruin the peace. It consistently ranks in the top positions for most dangerous cities in the United States. Currently, there are no travel advisoriesthat the government has put out on Memphis. Certain areas of Memphis are very dangerous. It seems that crime here isnt isolated to just a few areas. Why Memphis Is Dangerous? - PartyShopMaine Guess the revival of the 1990s is truly faded away. Its just neighborhoods with mainly drug or gang related crime. Midtown is hella safe too. Plenty of attractions guarantee a good time for any visitor looking to vacation in Memphis, irrespective of the time of the year. The only place I felt slightly unsafe in was up from Graceland along that main road. We may earn a commission when you click this link, at no extra cost to you. But you might as well exercise more caution during your time here or avoid it altogether. . You can expect mugging to be a problem in most large cities across the nation, and they are, for the most part. The city might look a little gritty in places and dynamic in others. However, most tourists will not experience any problems if they follow . A good portion of the town is safe, but some parts have a heavy gang presence. Shreveport saw 9,294 . Girls wearing bonnets out in public like its a hat. Its no surprise to park your car at a particular point you consider safe only to come back to find a car that has been broken into or, worse, an empty parking space. We did get laughed at by the locals when we said we went to the bus station to get a bus and were strictly warned to never do that again (we stood out like sore thumbs) and were even told by a local theyd give us their car keys before we ever did that again we visited the Peabody and stayed in The Hampton Inn and a few other spots and the level of care and friendliness from the staff in hotels was astounding. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes are not surprising to local residents. Tourists are as much a risk as the locals because criminals will target vulnerable people.
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