This includes using first and third party cookies which store or access standard device information such as a unique identifier. explore a new frontier - Greenland - which is covered by the world's largest ice sheet that hides enormous riches of gold and precious gems. They are saying "You don't need large machinery to mine" ummmmm, yes you do. Josh Feldman, Zach Schoose, John Self, Americo DiSantis, Jesse Feldman, Chand Watkins and Eric Drummons in Greenland. length x width x depth, For Animal Planet, Melinda Toporoff is the executive producer, and Pat Dempsey is the associate producer. During season 1, you understand the team's mission and season 2 you see them execute on the mission. The miners enlist two new members: Doug Stoup, a renowned Arctic expedition leader, and Nuunu, a guard dog to protect the camp from ravenous wildlife. It aired for the first time last month and may become a regular feature on the Travel Channel. The reactions look scripted so I am not sure. Mar 10, 2015. Watch Ice Cold Gold - Season 2 | Prime Video - Amazon The miners split into two factions after an irreparable disagreement between Eric and Josh. The corundum deposits in Greenland are evidence that while gemstone material in some areas of the world has been mined out, new occurrences are continually being discovered. When asked if mining one of the last pristine spots on Earth inevitable means destroying it, Josh insisted It can be done responsibly and that Greenland has enacted the necessary safeguards. Eric brings the team together for one final gold hunt in Eqi, Greenland. WHAT'S NEW? Be the first to review this item 2015 TV-PG. Never before has a mining company went to such extremes to find gold and other valuable minerals. I could have seen less of the tantrums a few of the guy's had but in all it was excellent. Last season was almost a total bust. I wonder what the lat/long for the Red Zone was. except for round stones which are; | Buy Ice Cold Gold: Season 2 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. i inquired about any changes in the last 3 years with regards to changing of the availability/restriction of land available for mining. But in season 3, it's nothing but adventure and gold mining. Sounds like this was the one by the Feldman boys, they left that region and film a 5-6 episode series called "Lost Gold," around 2017-18. Striking gold in Fountain Hills | Featured Stories | Their journey was documented on the Animal Planet TV show, "Ice Cold Gold." then say so). The American miners have their sights set on what team Geologist Eric Drummond believes could be the largest ruby deposit in the Arctic. Third parties use cookies for their purposes of displaying and measuring personalized ads, generating audience insights, and developing and improving products. Sorry guys. I would have more respect for the cast and crew, and producers of the show, if they discussed more of the techniques, people's backgrounds, what do they actually do, take some time to get to know each of the individuals, maybe we could relate somehow to these people? Ruby Information - The gemstone of passion and seduction A Few Famous Fine Rubies - Rosser Reeves, Sunrise and DeLong Rubies: GemSelect Privacy Notice 2005-2023 all rights reserved. 2015 TV-PG. "Complete opposite worlds," Jesse said. *You're signing up to receive GemSelect promotional email. It is really poorly done, poorly scripted, and quite honestly, embarrassing to admit I've watched it this far, but it's like watching a car accident when you have no control, and all you can do is hope for a descent outcome at the end. The miners have 48 hours left to explore Greenland, and the jaws of winter are closing in. Did anyone watch the mystery of blind frog ranch after gold rush? Josh was born and grew up near Apache Junction. While Eric's team sticks to the original plan and finds a large gold deposit and a supply of crude oil, Josh's team runs into trouble. In fact, in 2005, TNG found a 440-carat rough ruby. While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but with low food supply and pending bad weather, the team has to muster its strength to finish the job. It's hard to believe after 8-10 months of planning that there was not enough fuel to run the dredger. The miners are almost at season's end. Learn more about it here and why the team was not able to return this season. there have been 0 (zero) such changes. The helicopter dropped off the first group and not one person stopped to look for the massive boxes for their camp before the helicopter took off leaving them stranded. They continue to devolve. "Ice Cold Gold" Adapt or Die (TV Episode) - IMDb Animal Planet's "Ice Cold Gold" Returns for an Arctic-Cold Season Thursday, March 5, At 10 PM ET/PT . it was laughable!! Childish tantrums, paranoia, and whining are the order-of-the-day for these babies. It's rough.". Then, a communication breakdown sends everyone into a frenzy. The simple explanation is that they lost nothing since they never had a right to the area in the first place. The way I read it was that they never had a claim on red zone and the geologist had a prior agreement with the government that what they found was going to be given to the government no matter what, and they / the geologist would be compensated. It's too bad that this isn't real and if you google these guys nothing comes up about this show. John desperately wants Read all, Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. In the ruby-packed season, our spirited team of American miners returns to the most remote mining location on the planet with their eyes on a prize. It's too bad that this isn't real and if you google these guys nothing comes up about this show. While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, Eric and the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but it's a hard-won success. BIGGER THREATS The miners explore dangerous locations, which include polar bears, thick ice sheets, volatile ice caves, death-defying mountainsides and dizzying glacier peaks. All rights reserved. They struggle to survive some of the harshest conditions in hopes of striking it big. This is a scripted fiction show backed up by the Rubies comment above, and when you pan crushed dust you cannot pull out decent sized Gold Nuggets!! The corundum of Greenland ranges in color from pale purplish- pink sapphire to deep-red ruby. After Jesse and Gator refuse, Americo, follows Eric up a deadly 1200 ft slope to sample for gold. Metacritic Reviews. Reality & game shows. But Greenland's wild frontier soon plays havoc as the team struggles to return to its prized claim from last year. I give it 3 stars because of the beautiful scenery but that's all you get. Our miners begin their journey into Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search ultimate treasure. It is being done by the ones that put out "Mountain Monsters. After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. "Everything you do there is very hard, from all the boat trips and the helicopter trips it's extremely hard," Josh said. Dark Secrets Behind Gold Rush - Screen Rant i contacted the greenland bureau of minerals and petroleum. While half the team discovers what could be a massive gold deposit, the rest become stranded 5 miles from camp. It was definitely scripted without a doubt as most shows are to make it more exciting. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I have been looking for a good place to buy gem stones for my girlfriends engagement ring and this site has stones I didn't even know existed. Difficult for the viewers to believe that mistake. Under the glacial ice of Greenland, the world's largest island, sits more mineral wealth than in all of Saudi Arabia. Ha ha ha. Eric convinces everyone to trek across an ice sheet as big as Manhattan, New York, and faces serious consequences. Gem varieties vary in density, so carat weight is not a good indication of size. While they battle the symptoms of sleep deprivation, one group of miners face a deadly valley with massive falling boulders. Can't believe incompetent people believe this. Catch full episodes of Ice Cold Gold here:https://www.discove. Our miners begin their journey into Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search ultimate treasure. So what do you think? Veterans of 'Ice Cold Gold' TV adventure exploring new series on the nonsense I don't believe it..ITS IMPOSSIBLE it does not add up and everyone knows itif I am wrong then I would have had to have been there to see it myself as the odds of just finding that on a island covered in snow I just don't buy it sorry! ICE COLD GOLD was developed by Animal Planet's Kurt Tondorf. Change your choices anytime by going to Cookie Preferences, as described in the Cookie Notice. For these three men, Greenland is a world away from home. Greenland's a veritable beast, but the motley crew of ICE COLD GOLD miners is up for the challenge. A new adventure series, titled Lost Gold, follows the brothers on a series of excursions into some of Arizona's most intriguing treasure hideaways. In the ruby-packed season, our spirited team of American miners returns to the most remote mining location on the planet with their eyes on a prize. Ice Cold Gold - The Ice Cold Gold team lost their $13 | Facebook Then, on the very last day of their trip, as winter set in, the miners hit pay-dirt. With food supplies almost nonexistent and weather turning from bad to worse on a dime, the Read allWhile Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, Eric and the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but it's a hard-won success. They're playing real life a little too much. I saw the season opener last night where the crew was heading back to Greenland. The miners are battling Greenland from two fronts with half the team finding huge rubies at the Red Zone and the other half dredging for gems in the river below. Following the discovery of the unearthed gemstone potential in Greenland, several private companies explored the deposits. After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. Then there was Sam and Colby. INTERVIEW: Josh Feldman heads back to Greenland on 'Ice Cold Gold ICE COLD GOLD follows American speculators as they risk their lives fighting against freezing elements looking for gold, silver, rubies and more to claim their stake at the top of the world. The miners embark for the Red Zone and dive into the rich ruby deposit they discovered last year, but the mercurial weather, brutal terrain and extreme isolation oppose the . Enjoyed my shopping experience. On almost no sleep, our miners have split into two groups and set out into Greenland's dangerous landscape for a recon mission. You're trying to stay alive," Schoose said. After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. haha And how the hell is a helicopter supposed to lift any sort of equipment in heavier than a gold pan to actually mine enough gold to pay for the flights ? I want to start out with saying that this was the best TV series I've seen in a long time, and it can be compared with series such as Gold Rush Alaska, Bering Sea gold etc. Americo, and John are the worst there. I mean you're freezing, wondering if you're going to make it," Josh added. Ha ha ha. I was in one with them and all I can say is those producers can mess up a good story. To learn more about how and for what purposes Amazon uses personal information (such as Prime Video Watch History), see our Privacy Notice. View Details 4. New technological advances and altering circumstances allow precious materials to be extracted from places where it may have previously been extremely difficult. "Ice Cold Gold" The Rise and Fall of the Ruby Empire (TV Episode - IMDb Toll Free - USA & Canada only: NEW GAME PLAN Their new game plan is to rapidly conquer multiple targets at a furious pace. This is a fake show. so what can we conclude from this? Some say that the melting of the ice sheet is responsible for allowing precious materials to be mined in Greenland. A spirited team of eight miners travel to parts of Greenland where humans have never set foot before in search of precious metals and gems. They landed there to go back after the 13Million in Rubies. Rancho Santa Fe geologist co-stars in Animal Planet reality show Ice Cold Gold: Season 2 - TV on Google Play That everything is scripted is not even the worst part, the worst part is that the script is so bad. They found a previously undiscovered area they called the "red zone," an area where the rocks were studded with rubies and other gemstones -- a claim that may be worth millions. With that in mind, I was very excited to start watching Ice Cold Gold. This gem gets its name from the Kitaa region (a former administrative area of West Greenland) where it was found. Cheers. ice cold gold why did they lose the ruby deposit JavaScript is disabled. The audience is treated like they have no intelligence and the extra "drama" and overdone emphasis on the "danger" that exists, well, we do not need it hammered into our heads. I saw the season opener last night where the crew was heading back to Greenland. Ice Cold Gold, Season 2 on iTunes ice cold gold why did they lose the ruby deposit. Miners of 'Ice Cold Gold' search for minerals in one of the last frontiers. After weeks of tension among the miners, they prepare to depart from Eqi. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Thank God someone killed this thing. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. But, as personality differences started to dominate the program, I kept waiting for one of the characters to start telling the audience about "my 40 years experience telling people about my 40 years experience." folder_openUncategorized. Now, the longtime Rancho Santa Fe resident co-stars in Animal Planet's "Ice Cold Gold," a reality show that follows seven gold miners prospecting and digging in Greenland. Although, it could be especially good for people who like to see grown men wearing eyeliner. Gold Mining Crew Split After Huge Disagreement | Ice Cold Gold With only 48 hours left to explore Greenland, the jaws of the arctic winter are closing in on the miners of Sixty Degree Resources. Season 3. I could have seen less of the tantrums a few of the guy's had but in all it was excellent. "The 'red zone' is spectacular rubies, you cannot find something like that," said Josh Feldman, one of the miners featured on the show. This reality series follows the exploits of a group of American treasure hunters who travel to Greenland in search of gold during the country's brief summer season. The team was incredibly naive, gullible, and greedy, believing that they were going to make claim to millions-of-dollars in rubies. From watching Gold Rush on Discovery to Bering Sea Gold, I feel like I know enough about gold mining that I could go up to the Klondike and do it myself! Ice Cold Gold, Greenland screwing the crew or scripted? Season 2. The miners travel through Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search of ultimate treasure. Then, the team discovers devastating news about their ruby deposit. ice cold gold why did they lose the ruby deposit They are both Arizona natives. Description. Watch Ice Cold Gold - Season 3 | Prime Video - The Rise and Fall of the Ruby Empire: While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, Eric and the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but it's a hard-won success. The younger cowboy, and pony-tailed hippie cry and complain like a bunch of school girls on a weekend camping trip. Easy to maneuver, could find what I was looking for. Wondering what exactly happened to the large ruby deposit the team found in the first season of Ice Cold Gold? Under the glacial ice of Greenland, the world's largest island, sits more mineral wealth than in all of Saudi Arabia. ", Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. Those idiots are talking about being millionaires and possibly billionaires from their gold discovery but I see a big problem with this. Something was definitely off. why wouldn't they set up camp right on the red zone instead of a impasse though mountainous trail that's unrealistic!I think this show is so phony that the writers weren't even fully awake when they were writing this.It boggles my mind why they wouldn't put the camp right on red zone not 5.12 miles over mountains. Otherwise spare yourself the agony. These grown men never developed emotionally past kindergarten. True North Gems explored for gemstones in 2004 and extracted ruby. With two days left to explore the three most dangerous areas in Saqqaq, Greenland, Eric pushes his team past their limits. You must log in or register to reply here. The second season, airing now on Thursdays at 10 p.m. You've got some serious issues. It now is just fake and quite frankly an insult to watch as an audience member. These grown men never developed emotionally past kindergarten. ICE COLD GOLD is a production of Moxie Pictures for Animal Planet. You, the producers, have the tools to do a great job, but you dropped the ball on the one in a big way. Under the glacial ice of Greenland, the world's largest island, sits more mineral wealth than in all of Saudi Arabia. The First Two Seasons Were Just the Tip of the Iceberg ICE COLD GOLD follows a band of American prospectors who leave behind everything to If I mute it is watchable at times, just to see some of the interesting parts. Greenland, much like Alaska, is considered international frontier land. Since 2009, Greenland has been moving toward independence, with a self-rule system of government, so a healthy economy is required to gain freedom from Danish support. Ice Cold Gold: All Episodes - Trakt I first want to point out that this show is average, whether this is due to incompetent miners or the editors making them look that way is unclear. "They belong to us. Which was not bad. Childish tantrums, paranoia, and whining are the order-of-the-day for these babies. This was the most interesting show I have seen in years. If you agree, well also use cookies to complement your viewing experience across Amazon video services as described in our Cookie Notice. Watch Ice Cold Gold - Season 2 | Prime Video - of course, the main focus being on the ruby deposit that we found. The geologist on the show was the guy who headed the Ice Cold Gold show. I also didn't like how the last season ended. I had started watching this series and was very interested in the show initially. Alan NZ. Can they "out-Hoffman" the Hoffmans? While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, Eric and the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but it's a hard-won success. If neither team can locate the gold source, his legitimacy as a leader will be questioned. "Nightline" caught up with Josh Feldman, his brother Jesse, and their friend Zach "Gator" Schoose at their century-old gold mine in an old Arizona boomtown. However, disaster strikes when their equipment falls 2,000 feet from a chopper. "This is a fantastic experience!". Staking claim after claim and searching for gold and diamonds, they bring themselves to the brink: lives are almost lost, and dreams are almost destroyed. The team from 'Ice Cold Gold' Photo courtesy of Animal Planet. Ice Cold Gold (TV Series 2013-2015) - IMDb Gold mining, the great outdoors, maybe even the cowboy life is what drew residents Josh and Cassie Feldman to Fountain Hills. The seven miners are about to reach their tipping point. Doug leads the miners across a fractured ice sheet to collect samples, and the team gets one day to prepare for their most important target of the season. The 5 minutes of actual prospecting is extremely interesting, but the 20 minutes of grown men acting like children is about as exciting as watching the Kardasians or the Beverly Hill Housewives or Honey Boo Boo. Which countries are actually there and for what target? Stupid is what stupid does i guess!.And Americo i was really proud of you when you found your first gold don't let anyone tell you people with downs syndrome can't do can do anything your heart and soul really wants to do !Right on brother you show them hey little buddy.Because you have down syndrome you can do anything any of those other guys can do working with you ! Josh noted that miners have good reason to be secretive about what they may find. and then low and behold they show us a pan full of decent sized Nuggets straight out of Gold Rush, not a lot of credibility here is there, plus you get tired of the continually stated dangers of the place, and our lot here are so so tired of Americo ranting on about all of this for his family, and how it is going to set them all up, quite frankly he is like an over excited pre school child. The people that pretend to be miners are just casted reality TV actors. ANIMAL PLANET'S "ICE COLD GOLD" RETURNS FOR AN ARCTIC-COLD SEASON THURSDAY, MARCH 5, AT 10 PM ET/PT. The series emphasizes the harsh conditions and natural beauty of the landscape. 13th Annual Treasure Hunters Cookout and Reunion, Nazi TREASURE MAP just got released to the public. "It's none of your business," Jesse said, jokingly. Congratulations again. Ice Cold Gold - Season 3 - IMDb Ice Cold Gold. Then, after weeks of tension between the miners, brothers Josh and Jesse reveal their plan to pursue their own targets for the remainder of the season. See production, box office & company info, Animal Planet Renews 'Ice Cold Gold' for Third Season (Exclusive). Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast. "When you're up there, you're trying to stay warm. What happened to Ruby Fever on "Ice Cold Gold"? May 1st National College Baseball Rankings, LSU Report, LSU Names Jimmy Lindsey New Defensive Line Coach, Video: Introducing 2023 SI Swimsuit Model Olivia Dunne, LSU Centerfielder Dylan Crews Named SEC Player Of The Week, No. ET on Animal Planet, follows the miners' efforts to make that claim pay off. Tensions rise as Eric Drummond and Josh Feldman argue over the best strategy to find more gold. Before anyone is even allowed to board the plane it needs a full pre flight inspection by the flight crew, and they just happened to miss a flat tyreare you serious ? Wondering what exactly happened to the large ruby deposit the team found in the first season of Ice Cold Gold? Executive producers are David Casey, Danny Levinson and Robby Fernandez for Moxie Pictures with Executive Producer Cynthia Palormo and Co-Executive Producer, Katherine Walker. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates on LSU Football and Recruiting. When fighting the beast within, every man has his threshold. I'm sorry but how gullible does this show think we are, they pan for gold and use an eye piece to scan to try and find something from the POWDER!! ??? Forced to leave their precious Ruby deposit before Greenland devours them, the miners execute phase two of their operation within the few weeks they have left. Battling sleep deprivation, one team faces a deadly valley with falling boulders while the other repels into a glacial ice cave that could collapse at any moment. The Kitaa Ruby was carved by Thomas McPhee into an image of the mother of sea legends and other figures that tell the story of the Norse and Inuit culture of Greenland. They struggle to survive some of the harshest conditions in hopes of striking it big. Are these guys actors? With possibly the world's largest ruby in the Arctic glinting within reach, the team face 24-hour sunlight, massive glaciers, unknown wildlife and remote, uncharted territories no . This has proved in itself to be a very scripted show. The series was filled with action along with a good amount of comedy, drama as well as Ice cold gold. The corundum of Greenland ranges in color from pale purplish-pink sapphire to deep-red ruby. Americo needs a pacifier. Absolutely one of the best prospecting / digging series i've ever seen. Ice Cold Gold. Adapt or Die: After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. This goes as far as what was presented on the show. Absolutely nobody would ever invest a single cent into buying any sort of claim from these dick heads. Who knows maybe it was real and the geologist didn't tell anybody about this agreement. Our miners begin their journey into Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search ultimate treasure. External Reviews If you like watching a show with a supposed "team" of amateur gold miners which the script constantly pits each member against each other in an overly dramatic context, then this is for you. Another slap in the face to the audience. Season 3. Now another one is planned, they say my book series caught there eye. he said. 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