Citing multiple non-consecutive sections: Separate sections with a comma. This enables you to mention things like As I discussed in Section 2 or See Section 5.7 for more details. Numbering tables and figure is the norm. Since law school work focuses on academic writing, this guide describes and explains the rules in the Whitepages section. Cite the Code using the initials I.R.C., and place a period after each capitalized letter. or U.S.C.S. Table T.1includes the official names and legal citation abbreviations for federal and state statutory compilations. It is available in two formats: as a print book, and as an electronic publication. 1956 (Lexis through Pub. When a statute applies to numerous sections of the Code, and you wish to cite the Act as a whole, cite using the Public law number. United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.) L. 111260, 1(a), Oct. 8, 2010, 124 Stat. Statutes - Bluebook Citation - LibGuides at Northeastern University It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Unnecessary costs are charged to the party that caused them.,, OSCOLA: Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities. Otherwise, cite a current unofficialcode or its supplements. Rule B11 (page 18)& Rule 11 (page 119) & Table T16 (Subdivisions) (page 328). The Bluebook holds that if you cite a code in an electronic database, you should note the database and its currency in a parenthetical. but the title, section, and text of the statute are almost always identical for all three versions. Finally, many Bluebook rules require certain names, words, and phrases to be shortened. If you are citing more than one statute, you can use the same date for all statutes. Americans capitalize most words in titles, and the Bluebook's capitalization rule, Rule 8, reflects this preference: Incorrect article title capitalization: for constitutions. Citations in Rule - Utah ", Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2020. In the 21st editionof the Bluebook, find Massachusetts on page 263. : Used only if the statute you are citing is found immediately before the current citation. Chat with us! It takes the following form: short title, statute volume (including jurisdiction and year), chapter number, section number (if needed) Example of a statute in an annual statute volume: Fewer Politicians Act, SO 1996, c 28, s 3. Remember that when citing to an annotated code, cite only to the text of the statute, not to any of the annotations or other editorial enhancements. Example: If you were citing this law shortly after it passed in 2005, and it had not yet appeared in the United States Code. Research Guides: Legal Reference Sources: Legal Citations If you do this every time you add a supra citation, you will be able to update all of the numbers in all of the supra citations in your paper in a few keystrokes, regardless of how many footnotes you have. The unofficial United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A. Cite to the official code whenever possible. 13.1-697 (2011). For additional information, please seeBluebookRule 12.3.1. Ohio Rev. So, again, you can use them but you will have to fix them. or the United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.). It is also permissible to use both, placing the popular name in parenthesis. ), 35 ILCS 200/26-20 (West, Westlaw through P.A. The United States Code is the official code for federal statutes. If you are citing to a specific subdivision or subdivisions of a code section, indicate all the subsections. The Bluebook | A Uniform System of Citation ), available on Westlaw, or the United States Code Service (U.S.C.S. How do you refer to sections of legislation? This includes U.S.C. The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities is designed to facilitate accurate citation of authorities, legislation, and other legal materials. 2. It does Bluebook a bit better than Zotero, but its citations are not perfect either. Consult table T16 for abbreviations of document subdivisions. For example: Morse v. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Place a single space after the section symbol and enter the numbers that correspond with the Code. Sess. Cite to Privy Council Reports (Ind. Remember that in a citation (e.g. Explanation: This Act appears (was codified) in a single section of the the U.S.C. It is important to refer to the Bluebookfor each state, as the format varies by state. While holding down the <alt> key, type in 0167 on the number pad. Similar to federal codes, state statutes may be published in both an official code and an unofficial code. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. There are usually annotated unofficial codes and statute publications, ones that most people will use. 71-72). 1983. Tip: Bluebook rules for citing foreign sourcesoften overlap and contradict each other; do your best to follow the examples. 2020 The University of Texas at Austin. Providing an English-language translation of foreign-language article titles is permitted, but not necessary. Table 1 provides a list of statutory codes and . Examples are given for two types of citations: to a chapter number (for very old statutes), or to a public law number (for newer statutes). 99-495 of the 2015 Legis. To find the currency ofLexis, the information for the statute can be found underneath the "Copy Citation" box but before the text of the citation itself. Footnote #9: Zinchenko v. Davies, 101 F.4th 408, 409 (2nd Cir. When citing an electronic database, gave the name of the database and currency information in a parenthetical instead of the year of the code. 35 ILCS 635/22 (West 2006). General rule: capitalize all words, including the initial word and the word immediately following a colon. This is because thereare three versions of the federal statutes: Bluebook R12.3requires you to cite the official U.S.C. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? citation: 20 U.S.C. 61.13(1) (Supp. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? If you are referring toanon-English primary source in its original language, you should cite the original-language version. Footnote #11: See generally Mbapp, supra note 3. Bluebook R12.3 requires you to cite the official U.S.C. A statutory codeis compilation of laws enacted by a legislative body that are currently in force and organized by subject. If further division is absolutely necessary, cite to the level necessary. Assuming you opt to include a year when citing the print volume of an unofficial U.S. Code: Each of the three codes mentioned herein are periodically updated with supplements or pocket parts (that is, small packets that are kept in the back of the applicable volume). Hearing the voiceless: a respected judge on putting the rights of crime victims above those of defendants, Correct article title capitalization: Nonconsecutively Paginated Periodicals - Abbreviations, Bluebook Quick Reference: Abbreviations and How-tos, The abbreviation of the code used (here, U.S.C. 190 (Vernon 2006). For information on where to find these codes online, please click here. For further information on federal statutes, please click here. Use table T1 to find rules of other US jurisdictions. This guide has a short video that demonstrates how this works for a website (click Bluebook Training Videos in the table of contents tothe left of this text to navigate to it). There is a statutory code containing federal statutes (enacted by Congress) and a statutory code for each state's statutes (enacted by the state legislature). However, when states only publish their statutes online, the online source can be cited directly. The abbreviation for the legal series usually appears as a number followed by the abbreviated name of the series and ends in another number. If you notice a mistake, please on Lexis. Properly citing the year of a code section was historically the most complex aspect of a Bluebook statute citation. Cite therein if available [see rule 12.3 & table 1]. Code Ann. Massachusetts Administrative Procedure Act, Mass. Submit a question or search ourknowledge base. 262-263, abbreviated as Ill. Comp. ), the official federal code, if available.". Short form: Id., Infra, Supra, Hereinafter, include an abbreviation of whichever version of the code is being cited; and. Important: Do not use the abbreviations for the Illinois Compiled Statutes listed in Table 1 (pp. How do you cite multiple subdivisions of a statute? A short primer on Bluebook citation formats for federal and state cases and statutes, as well as books, journals, and other secondary sources. State statutory compilations can be found within Table T.1.3. Law Reviews:Use small caps for the statutory abbreviation. The name of the publisher (West or LexisNexis) The year of the code. There is a video further down in this guide that explains how to use Word's Internal Cross-Reference feature to add footnote reference numbers to supra citations (clickBluebook Training Videosin the table of contents tothe left of this text to navigate to it). Footnote #12: But see id. Thus, federal statutes that are enacted after the most recentedition orsupplement to the U.S.C. Sess.). If your professor allows this,copy the citation shown at the top of the screen, including the A. in U.S.C.A. You can find the relevant U.S.C. Mass. Thus, cite to the U.S.C. If you had found the previous statute online on Lexis or Westlaw, the proper citation would therefore be: 12 U.S.C.A. For example, to cite a North Carolina statute, find North Carolina in Table T1 and follow the requirements. by the Office of Law Revision Counsel. When citing to a STATE CODE, or requiresyear of print edition, in the following order of preference: * This date usually DIFFERS from the one on Westlaw, Lexis, and BLaw. 1350 (2018). Footnote #6: Manuel Neuer, Why the Judiciary Needs Term Limits, 200 Harv. 411 (2006). Rule12.3.2now specifies that citations to a federal code, whether official or unofficial, do not require a date. 35 ILCS 635/1 through 635/905 (West 2006). Consult Rule 12.9.3 for citationof rules of evidence and procedure. For additional examples, see the Basic Bluebooking--Statutes in Legal Documents tipsheet, provided courtesy of the Law Library at the Pace Law School. Rules or situations may have changed since this page was last updated. Gen. Laws ch. Footnote #8: See Neuer, supra note 6, at 9-11 (describing how establishing term limits for judges in Germany has instilled more confidence in that country's judiciary). If you are citing to 18 U.S.C.A. It contains extensive instructions on how to format statutory citations, and it also provides guidance on citing municipal ordinances, rules of evidence and procedure, and uniform and model laws. The official U.S.C. In the 21st edition of the Bluebook, find Massachusetts on page 263. 106. However, there is often official codes (unannotated) for which the bluebook says you should cite in print (see Table 1). Only cite to the supplement/pocket part when statutory text is included (partially or reprinted in its entirety; see the examples below). For print, you will choose the year of the volume that you are consulting. The case name is italicized in the in-text citation, but not in the reference list. 245 (2018). 2021). 2913.02 (LEXIS through file 59 (HB 1)). are shown at the top of the screen on Lexis and Westlaw and at the top of the page and the beginning of the statute in print and the exact copyof the print found on HeinOnline. Please consider using this headache-preventing device. in theBluebook, all abbreviations are listed in the tables, which begin on page 227. Let's break down each component: Identify that you are citing to the Annotated Code of Maryland published by Lexis. Statutes - How to Cite - Bluebook Quick Reference: Abbreviations and For more information on how to cite electronic media and online sources, please see Bluebook Rule 12.5. Here's an example of this from an English-language translation of the Swiss Civil Procedure Code that is available on the Swiss government's website: Cite foreign books just like U.S. books according to rule 15. Click on the "More Symbols" option. The United States Code contains statutes that have been passed by Congress.Reading a Statutory Citation. A guide to legal citation using Bluebook rules. According to rule 15, both the author and the title of the book must be in small caps. The chapters or section(s) being referred to. Right inside the front cover there is a quick guide to the major rules, with citation examples. Illinois has one semi-official (unannotated) code and two unofficial (annotated) codes, one published by West and the other by Lexis. Statute citation is covered in Bluebook Rule 12. Looking at the spines of the official LexisNexis published Colorado Revised Statutes (red in color), notice that the titles contained within the . It has gotten more flexible over the years. Sess.). In some instances you may need to give the name of the statute within the citation. Why is there anA. in the citation on Westlaw and an S. in the citation on Lexis? The officialUnited States Code (U.S.C. or the U.S.C.S. Table 1 (p. 227)has jurisdiction-specific rules for citing U.S. federal and state cases, statutes, and other primary legal materials. Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. To find the currency ofWestlaw, the information for the statute can be found at the bottomof the page underneath the statute, Notes of Decisions, and Footnotes. Example: Ohio. andsupra. Example: Neb. Federal Laws/Statutes - How to Cite U.S. Government Documents in APA Ohio does not have an official code - the session laws are official. This is shown in footnotes #8 and #12 in the example below. For more information on how to cite supplements, please see Bluebook Rule 3.1(c). L. No. For other U.S. Jurisdictions, see Table T 1.4. Country abbreviation (in round brackets). The U.S. Code, and many state codes, are arranged by numeric titles. State Statutes Both the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and The Bluebook Manual of Legal Citation indicate that state statutes (laws that have been passed and added to the state code), should be cited to the code. Citing multiple non-consecutive sections: Use two section symbols in a row to indicate more than one section is being cited. This rule is slightly different for cases, however. Code Ann. Gen. Laws Ann. To buy a print copy or a subscription to the electronic version, visit Cummings Center for History of Psychology. Impact Aid Coronavirus Relief Act. tells you that Colorado Revised Statutes is the source, 31 specifies the title, 25 specifies the article, and 408 specifies the section. To cite a court case or decision, list the name of the case, the volume and abbreviated name of the reporter, the page number, the name of the court, the year, and optionally the URL. 2022). Material. Format as shown inR12.5(a): If you are citing more than one statute, you can use the same date for all statutes. (1) Often an act from a legislature is inserted into the official code at myriad places, making it impossible to view it as a whole. The examples on this page are for briefs and memos. 594). EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. How to Cite Statutes Citation of statutes is quite straightforward. If you are citing to multiple sections, use . 510(b) (Supp. For additional examples, see the Basic Bluebooking--Statutes in Legal Documents tipsheet, provided courtesy of the Law Library at the Pace Law School. How do I reference a section of Act Oscola?