how is lennie discriminated against quotes

They are also introduced to Curley, the boss's son and Curley's wife. In this novella, Crooks is the symbol of 1930s racism and prejudice. George loses patience with and verbally abuses Lennie for asking the same question over and over again. Theyll take ya to the booby hatch. These authors also demonstrate various kinds of prejudice can make it difficult for many to achieve the American Dream. In the 1930s, men were in search for jobs on the ranches and women were generally working inside the house. Id pet em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead because they was so little. One of those things is to deal with discrimination. Lennie may be a good worker, but is it really discrimination not to want to hire a "crazy bastard," or is it just good sense? Crooks is a knowledgeable and well-read man, but he is not treated with respect. I aint takin it away jus for meanness. ", "Yeah. All Rights Reserved. He cant turn to some other guy and ast him if he sees it too. Author: Owen Arthur. Crooks is discriminated against because he is the only black man on the ranch. | 2 Michele L. Rivera, How crazy it is to be "yourself" by trying to live up to an image of yourself you have unconsciously created in the minds of others. Maybe if he sees somethin, he dont know whether its right or not. Jesus, we had fun. He never done this to be mean. Slim nodded. He aint much of a talker, is he? No, he aint, but hes sure a hell of a good worker. During this time in America people were panning gold, and doing anything for just a little bit of cash. Racism is prevalent immediately upon their arrival. Steinbeck provides a glimpse of the racial elements during the 1930s through character descriptions, actions, and dialogue. Steinbeck shows how easily someone was discriminated against in the 1930s. George has taken responsibility for Lennie because he knew Lennie's Aunt Clara. Jesus Christ! In the novella, Of Mice and Men, the readers are following the life of Lennie and George, who are migrant workers during the Great Depression. George shoots Lennie so he does not have to suffer at the hands of the lynch mob. They were treated like maids, toys, and like a statue. Racial segregation, gender rights, and handicap vulnerability are all problems in Of Mice and Men that reflect the society at the time. I dont know if I was asleep. Candy is a worker on the farm who is both old and disabled, missing a hand and acknowledges his disadvantage by saying, I aint good with ony one handtheyll can me purty soon. I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room." From black people to white people, to the old and the young, almost every person was discriminated against in some way during the depression and even today. Below are some quotes from Crooks about his experience with discrimination. I know there aint. Were gonna go in an see the boss. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you. You know what I can do to you if you open your trap? Crooks stared hopelessly at her, and then he sat down on his bunk and drew into himself. WebLennies foolishness often allows him to speak honestly where others wont, and he sometimes taps into things that "normal" people cant (like the fact that the ranch isnt a good place for him and George to be hanging out). (1.44). She has a Bachelors of Science from Indiana Universitys Kelley School of Business, completed a transition to teaching program in Secondary English Education from Indiana Wesleyan University receiving Indiana state teaching certifications, and has a Masters of Arts in Secondary Education from Ball State University. This highlights the lack of understanding people had for those with a mentality disability like Lennie. The only thing worse than being a woman on the ranch is being a black man. Of Mice and Men Prejudice and Racism Quotes. Go onGeorge. WebLennie dimly understands that something is wrong with him, and that's exactly why he wants rabbits, because "they ain't so little" (1.79). board with our, See ), "You go on get outta my room. "That ranch we're goin' to is right down there about a quarter mile. The story follows two migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Smalls, during The Great Depression. The story is about two men, Lennie and George, trying to find work in a troubling economic time while also trying to overcome Lennies mental handicap. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Steinbeck chooses not to provide a name for Curley's wife to show the little respect given to women. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. He wants the security of knowing that he has somewhere to stay for the rest of his life, and that he will not be discarded. Cause Im black. She also holds a Master of Arts in English literature from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, and a BA in English from Tusculum College in Greeneville, Tennessee. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Symbolism, Allegory, & Imagery in Of Curley mistreats her, and she dreams of becoming a movie star. An a guy tol me he could put me in pitchers She was breathless with indignation. We know what we got, and we dont care whether you know it or not., She turned on him in scorn. Steinbeck uses this example to show how something useless should be destroyed, metaphorically showing the discrimination of Candy, Crooks, and Lennie. I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you on my tail. We aint got nothing to say to you at all. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. George said brusquely, Well he aint now. If he aint, I guess I better look someplace else, she said playfully. Yes, maam. Well, you keep your place then, N*****. Lennie continuously gets into trouble because he doesn't learn from his mistakes. We dont have to sit in no bar room blowin in our jack jus because we got no place else to go. Curley is a small man who constantly tries to show off and act tough. I wisht wed get the rabbits pretty soon, George. He loves to hold mice in his big hands and pet them as they travel. Listen, N*****, she said. First descriptions of George and Lennie. He sleeps in a makeshift shed alone because he isn't allowed in the bunkhouse, which reflects the racial segregation common during this period. George always knew that Lennie never did anything bad out of meanness and that is why he stayed with him; to keep him from getting into trouble. Where we goin, George? The little man jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Lennie. An Crooks been here a long time. Tell about that George. Whynt you do it yourself? Interpretations of quotes are very simplistic as this course is not designed to teach interpretations, it is simply a memory tool. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Lennie is jes like a kid. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Of Mice and Men Prejudice and Racism Quotes | Shmoop Satiday night. Carlson, another ranch worker, tells Candy he should get rid of his dog because it's old and smells. Everbody! They says he wasnt no good to himself nor nobody else. Lennie didnt mean to kill the puppy, he explained that he was jus playin with him an he made like hes gonna bite me an I made like I was gonna smack him an an I done it. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Nice fella too. WebLennie is discriminated against in this way because of how he is misunderstood. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. Discrimination plays a large role to feeling lonely. He was an older man that lived in the bunk house, who lost his hand in a work accident. (2.22), Yikes. 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If we can get jus a few dollars in the poke well shove off and go up the American River and pan gold. These are all examples from the characters of discrimination both in Of Mice and Men and real life. Lennie cant fathom racial prejudice. Lennie puts his hand around her mouth and ends up breaking her neck. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. He tells George that he does not have any relatives, so he would be able to give all of his money to him and Lennie. Yes sir. When Candy and Lennie begin discussing their hopes of buying a farm together, Crooks realizes he may also have some hope for a better life. Discrimination This affected the story by making the audience really sad when they killed his dog. Loneliness is shown through Candy because he feels like he does not belong and because he has no other friends except his dog, so he feels secluded from the others. You drink some, George. Lennie is a hard worker and George knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. Sure. When he tells Lennie about the rabbits he will get to tend, George shoots him in the back of the head. You take a good big drink. He smiled happily. She is as discriminated against as Crooks, Candy, and Lennie. Youre a nice guy. Little skinner name of Smitty took after the n*****. After the mens game of horseshoes, Carlson complains about how good Crooks plays. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame at having forgotten. WebIn the novel Of Mice and Men, Discrimination is present when an individual accepts appearance rather than personality.This present through the character of Crooks, who 4 | Summary & Themes, Dreams in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Overview, Quotes & Significance, Conflict in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Types & Analysis, Lennie & George's Relationship in Of Mice and Men, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck: Ch. Curleys wife is a sweet, young girl who lives on the ranch with Curley where there are no other women but her so she tries to talk to the men. He tells Lennie he cannot play cards or go to the bunkhouse because he is black. Though a big man, Lennie is like a child. His problem is, he does not know of his own strength and does not know how to control it in certain cases, especially when he is frightened. The guys said on account of the n*****s got a crooked back, Smitty cant use his feet. He paused in relish of the memory. This highlights the lack of understanding people had for those with a mentality disability like Lennie. For Example Lennie lumbered to his feet and disappeared in the brush. Its dreams to be sheltered and comfortable through the winter is eventually destroyed by a ploughman, leaving the mouse nothing but 'grief and pain'. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. "Why aint you wanted?" We think it might just be good sense. Her desire to converse is perceived as flirtatious. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. If he hadnt been seen as a vulnerable person then Candy could have stopped them from killing his dog. succeed. The men on the ranch do not realize the strength that Lennie has until he breaks Curleys hand and ends up killing Curleys wife. There are many examples of discrimination in the novel, Of Mice and Men. Instead of letting Candy enjoy his dogs company, the guys instead shot it because it didnt have much use. George is tasked with looking after Lennie, a large man with a mental disability. Racism was a prominent attitude during the 1930s. Lennie Small Quotes from Of Mice and Men Curleys wife, Lennie, and Crooks all deal with prejudice against themselves different ways. Weve already seen he doesnt have a lot of the societal niceties down (like when to pet girls and when not to pet girls), but its actually Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? I mean you pull the curtain away, and you see I'm just as insecure and neurotic and scared and vulnerable as anybody, you know. That is if they let him in on their dream to buy their own house. Theyll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog., This is just a n***** talkin, an a busted-back n*****. Read an analysis of racism and discrimination, and read quotes involving Crooks, Curley's wife, and others. Lennie got them kicked out of many jobs, but they landed a spot as a ranch hand bucking barley. The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. 1 | Summary & Quotes, 9th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, SAT Subject Test Literature: Tutoring Solution, HiSET Language Arts - Reading: Prep and Practice, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, SAT Subject Test Literature: Practice and Study Guide, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Language: Standards, 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, 9th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, 12th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, American Literature Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Common Core ELA Grade 7 - Literature: Standards, Create an account to start this course today. I seen em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. You get another mouse thats fresh and Ill let you keep it a little while., Lennie looked sadly up at him. George threatens to lock Lennie up inside a cage. George tells Lennie if he happens to get in trouble at their new site job to travel back to the riverbed and hide in the brush. Some of the most clearly shown examples in John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men are gender, age and racial discrimination. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. Of Mice and Men is a profound novel that has many things to teach society. Crooks is discriminated for being a black man, Lennie is discriminated for being mentally disabled, Candy is discriminated for being old and useless, and Curley's wife is discriminated against because she is a woman. Candy to Curleys wife, who enters the stable bucks room looking for Curley. Although the 1930s seems pretty far back, discrimination still occurs in society today and can either be intentional or nonintentional. Crooks was a victim of the most common part of discrimination; racism. George tells Lennie not to speak to the boss. And a manure pile under the window. The boss gives him hell when he's mad. Remember, Lennie is more in touch with the natural side of things than the "civilized" side of things, so he doesnt accept the "institution" of racism. The men on the ranch often use racial slurs and derogatory language to show their superiority. She threatens him and says she can accuse him of raping her. Create your account. One way more than the other but everyone has to do things and deal with things that they dont want to do. He paused in relish of the memory. George threatens Lennie, his mentally disabled friend. "An' Crooks been here a long time. Remember, Lennie is more in touch with the natural side of things than the "civilized" side of things, so he doesnt accept the "institution" of racism. Crooks "This is just a n***** talkin', an' a busted-back n*****. All the men head into the bunkhouse for the night after a long day of work. If we could keep Curley in, we might, But Curleys gonna want to shoot im. Chapter 4 | Analysis of Discrimination and Theme Activity He confesses that he accidentally killed his puppy and that George will be mad. Of Mice and Men is a novella by John Steinbeck in 1937. For these characters, racist, sexist and degrading remarks are normal for the time period (early 1900s). Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. A big guy like you! Lennies lip quivered and tears started in his eyes. He would never actually leave him, but his rants about wanting a life of his own symbolize his feelings of isolation. Now, one could argue that since this is simply an animal that ageism doesnt really apply here, but this leads to something larger. Nevertheless, she uses her sexuality to gain power over them, allowing her to earn some respect. Explain how these examples of discrimination relate to other themes in the novel. Not jus one, neither. Lennie tells her he loves to feel soft things like fur and velvet. Crooks uses the racial slurs of the white men to describe himself, to show how he is aware of how little he is respected. Sometimes Curleys in here, she explained. Segregation was prominent in the 1930s, which meant he could not live, sleep, or eat with the white ranch workers. Lennie is allowed to enter Crooks' room due to the similarity of their circumstances. George and Lennie. In John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men characters in the novel are segregated by sex, race, age, physical and mental disabilities. Curley enjoys picking on bigger guys like Lennie because he is much smaller. Lennie watched her, fascinated. But while Lennie may annoy him sometimes George needs him and doesnt want to be without him.

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