Hallie nurses Stoddard back to health; he pays her back by teaching her how to read. There's a lot in the film if we care to notice. Was Hollywood, at that time, incapable of leaving us a more complicated, conflicted ending? But what if Doniphon is lying, what if Stoddard really is the man who shot Liberty Valance? Senator Stoddard (James Stewart) comes into town for his funeral, which confuses the. But the very final scene of the film had John Wayne extolling the virtues of the American soldier, and in the background, the Cavalry is seen riding out take on the Indians. Tom Doniphon came to the rescue and saved Ransom's life. So the resulting fame for Stoddard was hugely unfair, right? It's pronounced Paw-rick, not Pad-raig. Waynedid not use any scenes shot by Ford in the film (much to the chagrin of Ford) while Wayne was angry with the general impression that was created that it was Ford, and not him, who directed The Alamo; others believed Ford was jealous of Dukes increasing success compared to his own sudden decline. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Movie Review - John Wayne Tom Doniphon tells him that without a gun in his hand and the experience to use it, he will sooner or later certainly be killed by Valance. Ford would repeatedly use Marvin (and Stewart, who also served in WWII) as a stick to beat John Wayne, who hadnt served in WWII, something that always offended Ford. Doniphon (who is courting Hallie) is the only man willing to stand up to Valance. It turns out an unseen Doniphon shot Valance with a rifle from across the street and he later came to regret saving Stoddard as he lost Hallie to the lawyer, but he pushes him to pursue a career in politics to make Hallie proud. There is so much to love about this movie and John Ford is especially skilled at luring sentimentality out of you (even for otherwise comic-relief characters like the town drunk/newspaperman). The Teflon Don - A 90s Crime Boss - History of the 90s - Substack A newspaper reporter and editor begin asking questions about why the senator is back in town; Doniphon, after all, did not die as a man of any significance. Wayne is seen by many as the hero because he realized the only way you could deal with someone like Liberty Valance was through force and he did the deed that had to be done. The reputation of the film continues to grow over the years, and it was a big influence on Sergio Leone, who called this his most favorite Ford film. He knows that his cowardice has lost him his chance at happiness. It would be easy for him to assume the title of town marshal from lovable cowardly drunk Andy Devine, and yet he has no interest. Their opponent? Escena del funeral de Tom Doniphon tomada del hombre que mato a Liberty Valance. But Stoddard is a powerless man; powerless before Valance; and powerless before Doniphon; and Doniphon lets Stoddard have his woman, his town, and his West. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is Ford's deeply personal farewell to a period in American history he loved, a folklore he helped create. But Liberty Valance and his guns work for the cattle barons who want to keep the territory for themselves. The entire film has been Stoddard struggling to remain devoted to law and order, while Tom berates and humiliates him for it. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However, he is rescued by Doniphan. Regardless, it was a great movie, but perhaps could have been greater. John Wayne would never play this character for anybody else, expect for his pappy Ford. He had many murders on his conscience, and much enjoyed using a leather bullwhip. Whatever the reasons, the end result is that the studios refused to finance Liberty Valance, if Wayne was not in the cast. One night Valance demands a showdown and toys with the lawyer, shooting him in the arm and taunting him before Stoddard finally gets off a shot and Valance drops dead. Miraculously, Stoddard kills Valance, wins Hallie (Tom's former girl), and goes to the political convention. The screenplay by James Warner Bellah and Willis Goldbeck contains one of the best-known lines of dialogue in any Ford movie, spoken to Stoddard years later by the town's new newspaper editor: "This is the West, sir. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance from 1962 was one of their final projects together, though John Wayne was cast by the studio against Ford's wishes. Doniphon is not a person of any importance around town, just a sorry old man on the fringes, who passed away unnoticed. Comparison of Tom Doniphan and Ransom Stoddard - Essay Stoddard was the only man in town who would stand up to Valance and if Valance wasnt stopped, hed continued to destroy and hurt people. As played by Jimmy Stewart, Stoddard spends much of the film wearing an apron and washing dishes in the restaurant, sending a hardly ambiguous message about a man who doesn't wear a gun. They soon learn that their father gambled away the family ranch, leading to his own murder. I was praying that it wouldn't be revealed later that Tom (John Wayne) assisted him. His films begins on an optimistic note and ends on an optimistic note; even if the they would detour into darker, pessimistic territory in between, his films always end on a note of hope and glory. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. But the fact is that Wayne is really good as Tom Doniphon; Both he and Stewart, who were 54 and 53 respectability, were too old for the parts, but the film could not have been made without them. The age factor was a bigger problem with Stewart, because he was playing aguy half his real age for most part of the film, but with Wayne, he was again playing a personality, a symbol which represents some abstract values, so it was not a problem for him. Much safer to hide behind sarcasm and mockery. He even takes on the duty of helping out with waiting tables. He faced Valance, who immediately shot him in his gun hand. Tom Doniphon and his handyman, Pompey, find Ranse and take him to Shinbone, where Tom's girlfriend, Hallie, treats his wounds. Fatal Attraction Works As Entertainment, Fails as Social Commentary, Prime Videos Citadel Traps Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden in Played-Out Spy Game, New York Philharmonic and Steven Spielberg Celebrate the Music of John Williams, A Piece of His Fire: Harry Belafonte (1927-2023). The deadliest and most sadistic killer in all Ford's films, Liberty Valance has been filtered through all Ford's other villains, emerging as a composite of the worst features in each. He asks if she wants to move back to the town when they retire, which makes her delighted as she states her heart belongs there. An ending where Stoddard finally breaks down and miraculously kills Valance, ironically catapulting him to political success, strikes me as far more interesting. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Culturedarm The film takes place at that turning point in the West when the rule of force gave way to the rule of law, and when literacy began to gain a foothold. Flashing back, we learn Doniphon saved. Everyone similarly assumes he and Hallie will get married, but he never asks her. Now obviously this revelation makes the frame story of Old Senator Stoddard work better. He had no hope of success. Did Hallie love Tom Doniphon? Personal plans.". Now Stoddard accepts Valances challenge (ignoring Doniphons advice to leave town) to shoot it out with him. There seemed to be a realization. As Tom Doniphon, Wayne just as ideally symbolizes dogged individualism, playing the simple, old-fashioned kind of Westerner who can pat his gun and say "Out here a man settles his own problems," and who replaces community spirit with personal loyalities and friendships. Stoddard grabs a six-gun he can barely use and offers to meet Valance in the street while Hallie summons Doniphon for help. It is also his most claustrophobic western; shot in Black & White and completely on a studio lot with minimal sets, the film has none of his trademark shots of stunning landscapes and colorful panoramic vistas. I think even if Tom had lied to Stoddard about the shooting to ease Stoddard's conscience, it would strike me as more profound. Stoddard believes so firmly in the law that he is willing to lose his life for his principles. Marvin enjoyed playing the larger-than-life Liberty Valance, which he did to the hilt, opposite iconic costars like Wayne and Stewart. The film was a direct influence on Leones own end of the west westernOnce upon a time in the West. But as he would come to reveal in Liberty Valance, he was just printing the legend all along, leaving out the hard facts. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Plot - IMDb The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance paired James Stewart and John Wayne but here's who killed the title villain, and the final twist explained. Personality chivalrous, calm, and tough as all hell. TakeFort Apache (1948) for instance, which is a strong polemic on American military intervention against the Native Americans. Stoddard demands that Doniphon's boots and spurs and gunbelt be returned to his corpse. In this film, it is related to the killing of Liberty Valance, which is shown from two different perspectives. I really enjoyed it but felt somewhat cheated by the 'twist' ending. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Magzter In the end,The Man Who Shot Liberty Valanceis about two men: One man is humble and comes to serve the people of a frightened community and to bring law and peace, and is willing to put his life on the line for it. When John Ford and John Wayne set out to make this film, both of them were at a low stage in their life and career and, in their relationship with each other. John Wayne Western Collection (dvd) : Target Next: The Barbarian And The Geisha Had John Wayne Literally Fighting His Director. Doniphan is ready to kill Valance over spoiling his steak by tripping Stoddard, but does nothing while Valance oppresses his neighbors, and torments innocent people. Only Pompey and a few others saw him. And Doniphon returns home and burns down the room he was building for the day he and Hallie would marry. And the scene where Stoddard (James Stewart) confronts Valance was incredible. The body of Tom Doniphon is at rest in a plain, wooden casket. No problem: It became a hit anyway. His magnificent Western landscapes are always there, but as environment, not travelogue. When Doniphan and Valance prepare to have a shootout over who will pick up the food, Stoddard intervenes, humbles himself, and picks up the food. He forbids Stoddards to teach Hallie to read. His mood made life difficult for all the actors involved but he was especially tough on Wayne, who found himself in the direct firing line again. A man of action and few words (note his instinctive hatred of the rhetoric in the Convention speeches), Doniphon is very much an individual who minds his own business. Just finished watching The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. And he holds the center stage in a film, with his quiet dignity and powerful, charismatic presence, where everybody else, including Stewart, is giving highly exaggerated, even cartoonish performances. Four Earn 2023 Harvard Medals for Distinguished Service to the University, As Gay Ascends to Presidency, 61 Percent of Surveyed Faculty Say Theyre Satisfied With Her Election, Harvard School of Public Health Launches Mindfulness Center Through $25M Gift, Ex-Harvard Chemist Charles Lieber Spared Additional Prison Time, Will Serve 6 Months House Arrest, Hundreds of Harvard Affiliates Sign Open Letter for Increased Access to Mental Well-Being Support at HKS. Ford's greatest films are his westerns, a uniquely American art form he helped create, and a genre of which he is undisputed master. As a result, Stoddard gains an unearned reputation as the man who heroically shot Liberty Valance - a reputation that eventually propels him into the US Senate. And so Stoddard tells them the story, one they decide not to print because, in this case, legend has become fact. The flashback itself was absurdly unrealistic, with Tom being casually tossed a rifle and firing at the last moment. There was lot of tension between Ford and Wayne during shooting. All that said, its a bit of an odd film for Wayne, who got top billing but has one of the least interesting characters. In The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the newspaper editor says, "This is the West. Meanwhile, John Wayne was reeling from the financial setbacks caused by his dream projectThe Alamo (1960), which he directed, produced and starred in. But still he admires Stoddard immensely. Most of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance's story is told in flashback, as Stoddard and Hallie return to the town over 25 years later to attend Doniphon's funeral. Andy Devine .. Linc Appleyard The Man Who Shot Liberty Valanceis one of those classic films I hadnt gotten around to seeing other than having caught the end on TNT one day. A dejected Doniphon, who was hoping to marry Hallie and move into his new house, gets drunk andburns down his house. Valance can be countered only by Doniphon, but Doniphon is a man too busy with his own affairs to want power or to impose his own beliefs on anybody else. Wayne was furious for allowing himself to get roped in to play such a passive character, which he found very difficult to play, and Fords behavior didnt help. Throughout the movie there is a clear message; wilderness V. civilization. But his is the old form of Western prowess; its Stewart who represents the territorys future. Wayne losing out to such a loser of a characterwould anger any john Wayne fan, most of all Wayne himself Wayne (and his audience) like to see Wayne triumphant, not as a tragic, moody alcoholic who dies off-screen. Rodney King was beaten by the police on March 3, 1991. His tragedy is his unwillingness to act. However, when Stoddard decides to face Valance, she sends Doniphans servant Pompey to let him know because she scared of what will happen to Stoddard. Ford was very angry about it, having to secure a favor from his protge and he doubled down on his venom on Wayne during the shooting. (Doodie) Tennison, 18, of Texarkana, Texas. (One stylistic touch: In this film, he habitually calls Stoddard "Pilgrim," which expresses an insight into the lawyer's character.). In a final act of self-negation, he tells Stoddard the truth, absolving him of the act of killing (to which Stoddard had remained steadfastly opposed throughout his ordeal in the West), and taking the sin on himself to suffer alone. Hallie, once Tom's girl, has fallen in love with Stoddard, and in sparing him, Doniphon loses her. Fords westerns portrayed truth, honor, courage, family and community as the chief weapons by which the American West was won. Liberty Valance: Three against one, Doniphon. In all other respects, hes the same character John Wayne played in countless films throughout his career, the competent hero, cool under fire, respected by all. Here, Doniphon is a horse trader while the bad guy Valance is a stagecoach robber; within the framework of the film, both are from the same world and are pretty much allies; both are trapped in obsolescent careers, neither seems willing to adapt; they represent the best and worst of that old-world. Though we still see Stoddard shoot in the direction of Valance simultaneously, almost making the true killer ambiguous. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Wikipedia He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman. Because he did so in violation of the Western Code, he becomes an alcoholic, burning down his house and losing the woman he loves. He wouldnt run, he wouldnt hide. ", Also online in my Great Movies Collection: John Ford's "The Grapes of Wrath," "Stagecoach," "The Searchers," "Rio Bravo" and "My Darling Clementine," and John Wayne in Howard Hawk's "Red River.". how did tom doniphon die - vyrosier.org As a young lawyer, he comes to practice law in a lawless Western town and on the way into town, hes on a stagecoach thats robbed by Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). Good history is necessary because bad history exists. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Once Upon a Time in a Western Doniphon - calling Stoddard 'Pilgrim', an epithet . Questions arise when Senator Stoddard (James Stewart) attends the funeral of a local man named Tom Doniphon (John Wayne) in a small Western town. Director John Ford has been a pioneer, not only of the Western genre, but also the art form of cinema itself; he is an inspiration to some of the greatest filmmakers all around the world; Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles, David Lean,.. Have all expressed their admiration and debt to Ford in developing their own cinematic technique. It was like Gary Cooper inHigh Noonexcept Stoddard wasnt Gary Cooper with the gun. Ford isn't making an anachronistic statement on racism, but he's being sure we notice it. Ford is not interested in reality but in subjective viewpoint, not fact but romance and legend. They're just too good to be stopped. When Stoddard nominate Doniphan for delegate, he refuses the post which would bring him into conflict with Valance. Thom Donovan (born Thomas Joseph Donovan; July 24, 1974 in St. Louis, Missouri) is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer.He has released five solo albums and was the lead vocalist and guitarist of the band Lapush.His international performance career has included concerts across the United States as well as cities around the world. He arranges his characters within the frame to reflect power dynamics--or sometimes to suggest a balance is changing. Is it that the Randian half of him is ashamed of his altruistic impulses? With that one line of dialogue, John Ford pretty much dismantles the entire mythology of the American west that he had created over a course of 40 years. Tom Doniphon from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | CharacTour In How Green Was My Valley, Ford's adaptation of Llewellyn's novel of Welsh coal miners, the story resembles a dream, seen in retrospect by a man who has had his entire life to romanticize the past: his childhood and his family. It's not saying too much to note that Ransom Stoddard is elected to the U. S. Senate because he is "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." But it's hard to avoid the feeling that, in retrospect, she loves Doniphon, too. Thirty years ago the swaggering, tough-talking leader of the Gambino crime family was found guilty of murder and racketeering after eluding prosecutors at three previous high-profile trials. Doniphan offers Stoddard a wagon out of town, and he considers it. There are here to attend the funeral of a man named Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). Stoddard, on the other hand, is of another breed; the movement West, triggered by Greeley, came after the settlers in the wagon trains, and brought with it well-established Eastern customs. John Carradine Maj. Cassius Starbuckle Out of either James Stewart or John Wayne, who was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and how does this alter the ending? In a long flashback involving most of the film, Ford recalls the events leading up to that day. But things are not that easy. Stoddard is recovered by Tom Doniphon (Wayne), a rancher, and taken to the local eating establishment, the home of Hallie and her Swedish parents, Peter and Nora Ericson. We also meet Link Appleyard (Andy Devine), the drunken town marshal; Doc Willoughby (Ken Murray), the drunken town doctor, and Dutton Peabody (Edmond O'Brien), the editor of the paper. Also, he was angry that Ford always put him in colorless characters, while other actors in the film got all the juicy scenes. When movies depict the past, that past generally becomes the immediate present of the audience. The tall, confident Woody Strode appeared in five Ford pictures, all the way from "Stagecoach" to Ford's final film, "7 Women" (1966). When the legend becomes fact, print the legend., Tom Doniphon: It aint mannerly out west to let a fella drink by himself., Tom Doniphon, about to leave town and knowing the newspaper is about to pick a fight with Liberty Valance: Take note of what goes on around here, because by the time I get back there aint gonna be no newspaper to read it in., Linc Appleyard, on the prospect of getting tough with Liberty Valance: The jails only got one cell, and the locks broke and I sleep in it., John Wayne as Tom Doniphon, the one man in Shinbone willing to stand up to Liberty Valance in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), James Stewart as Ransom Stoddard, victim of a stage holdup in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Vera Miles as Hallie trying to talk Ransom Stoddard out of a showdown in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Andy Devine as Lince Appleyard, the rather meek sheriff of Shinbone in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Ken Murray as Doc WIlloughby, realizing the day hes wished for has arrived in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Woody Stode as Pompey, welcoming Ransom and Hallie Stoddard back to Shinbone in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), ohn Qualen as Peter Ericson, father of Hallie and owner of a restaurant in Shinbone in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Jeanette Nolan as Nora Ericson, taking English lessons at Ransom Stoddards school in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), John Wayne as Tom Doniphon, sharing a secret about the night an outlaw died with Ransom Stoddard (James Stewart) in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), James Stewart as Ransom Stoddard and Vera Miles as Hallie Stoddard, reflecting on their visit to Shinbone in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962). Ford started the film full of enthusiasm and fire, but he lost interest in the film almost as soon as shooting began. This famous aphorism (One of the most famous lines in Movie history) is spoken by the character of a newspaperman in Fords 1962 western,The Man who shot Liberty Valance. Answer, Bart Allison (Randolph Scott) to rancher Morley Chase in 1957's. When they confront each other in the restaurant, Ford cuts directly back and forth between close shots of the two of them, establishing the direct link between them and the instinctive understanding each one has of the other. What Doniphon craves most is domesticity, but by finally shooting Valance, he loses that opportunity; thismakes Doniphon the most tragic character that John Wayne has ever. However, he was nowhere near good enough as Doniphan proved in ahumiliating display. That Stoddard, thus relieved of the sin of murder has no problem committing the sin of dishonesty says as much about the nature of politicians as it does his own character. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance at 60: the great American western The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, made by the 67-year-old Ford in 1962, is unmistakably the director's final statement on the West. And confessed that it was he who, out of love for Hallie, fired from the shadows that.. To inflict and how did tom doniphon die violence t feature Tom or Jerry committing suicide film. The legend of how Stoddard stood up to Valance and killed him spread wide and helped him build a career in politics. But he is a sort of reluctant hero, who minds his own business, and is roused into action only if his path crosses with the outlaws. Tom Doniphon is played by John Wayne, while Ransom Stoddard is played by Jimmie Stewart. After this film, his career would see a meteoric rise and, by the mid 1960s, he would become one of the top stars in the industry. Christ there was no place for me. He always wanted to play heroes and he always looked at cinema as a medium for the audience to believe in heroes; there is the famous story where he chastised Kirk Douglas for playing a mad and tragic Van Gogh inLust for Life. Marvin is magnificent as the snarling villain. That he does this by mixing in history, humorous supporting characters and a poignant romance is typical; his films were complete and self-contained in a way that approaches perfection. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Rotten Tomatoes Farmers want statehood. So Ford had to go back to his favorite son to get this picture made, and he didnt like it at all and neither did Wayne. Stoddard goes into the street to face Valance. Some of this motivated by his desire for Hallie (Vera Miles) whose heart was slowly moving towards Stoddard. The characters in Liberty Valance are the archetypal figures of all Ford westerns brought together for a last reunion, in order that they might be destroyed. The territory is granted statehood and, being the man who shot Liberty Valance, Stoddard became its first governor. At the convention, Stoddard and an ally (a local newspaper and town drunk played by Golden Globe Winner Edmond OBrien) are elected, but Valance threatens to kill him. At the end of the film, we learn that Tom Doniphan (John Wayne) really had shot Liberty Valance while the public had given credit to Ransom Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) who went on to have a successful political career. He is the author. The newspaper refuses to accept the lamer story and the disconnect between Stoddard and his wife on the train made for a decent ending. Related: True Grit: How The 2010 Movie Compares To The Book & John Wayne Version. It takes place in the town of Shinbone, in an unnamed territory that is moving toward a vote on statehood. While Howard Hawks westerns emphasized professionalism and comradeship among the settlers of the old west, and Anthony Manns westerns shed light on the dark side of this civilization: greed, vengeance and violence; the westerns that John Ford made were not just simple genre pictures, they were about the building of the American nation. The film ends with the defeat of American cavalry and the pathetic death of Col. Thursday (Henry Fonda). And so Stoddard tells them the story, one they decide not to print because, in this case, legend has become fact. And while most of us dont have the talent of Tom Doniphan, perhaps by Gods grace, we can be more like Ransom Stoddard in our towns and communities. The film, surprisingly for its downbeat nature, made money, at the box office,though not on the level of a John Wayne picture. The final line of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance sees the conductor ensuring the couple of a smooth journey and stating nothing is too for the man who killed Valance. Next to me., Tom Doniphon, after reading Ransoms Attorney at Law sign: Pilgrim, you really aim to hang that up outside somewhere? Tom Doniphon was rough-edged, but gentlemanly to all but Liberty Valance and his henchmen. The drunken marshal won't protect him. Your comment may take some time to appear. It also seems that Doniphans decision to put Stoddard in as delegate and then offer him a wagon out of town when Valance threatens him is motivated by his desire to keep Hallie to himself. [Spoilers] My thoughts on the ending of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. When Liberty Valance was finally released, it met with mixed critical reaction, the American critics didnt think much of it, but the European critics called it one of Fords masterworks. He appears to be a roguish heroic type at first blush, but when you look deeper, you find a very self-centered character. Ford turns the ending into a rousing beginning and constructs an elaborate mythology for the American military. When Stoddard found the town marshal was a coward, he began to take an old gun out and practice. Collin Brendemuehl: Fake history is worthy of exploration if to correct bad history. It is the Ford town, complete with a drunken doctor, a crusading newspaper editor, a cowardly marshall (brillantly played by Andy Devine), two saloons-one high class, and then the Spanish place down the street--and assorted cowboys and farmers. Now with his conscious clear, Stoddard returns to the convention, accepts the nomination, and is elected to the Washington delegation. He built a home which he assumed Hally (Vera Miles) would share with him as his wife, but he lost her to the hero of the moment, Stoddard.
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