Kiwi more details, see here. Turangawaewae, Ngaruawahia. NZ Waiata Maori * versions of Haere Mai - SONG Ko etahi o nga tane he iri, he whakapono pea, e pa ana ki te moepuku, no reira ko te tare wahine he huarahi ki te huri i tera. Modified for small screens Apr 2021. Pull the canoe Draw up the canoe To its landing place Where it will lie Share out the Whakaaria mai Tou ripeka ki au Tiaho mai Ra roto i te po Hei konei au Titiro atu ai Ora mate Hei au koe noho ai (ano repeat) Amine Shine your cross before me Shine on in the night For I am here Watching skywards In life, in death You reside with me (repeat) Whatiwhati to hope Ringa pakia e (Pakia pakia) Waewae takahia Ka huri o kanohi e (Ka huri kanohi) Titiro whakarunga Titiro whakararo Haere whakamua Hoki whakamuri Whatiwhati to hope Ka huri to tinana e Sway your hips Slap your thighs (Slap your thighs) Move your feet Australian Business Number: 65900718330. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. [Verse] D Haere mai i ng herenga D7 Ki te moenga Pukeroa G Ko taku rourou iti a haere D Maringi kai whenua G Ko taku rourou iti a haere D B7 Maringi kai moana [Chorus] G A D A Haere mai ki ahau, ki Maniapoto e. (interjection) come here! Call us the visiting groups from afar who have arrived woman during a pwhiri, or welcome, for visitors from Song : A Intro : A Lui : A Haere mai na ta'u i here Haere mai na Haere mai na ta'u i here Haere mai na Haere mai na ta'u i here Haere mai na Elle : A Bb A Haere mai ta'u i here A Bb A Haere mai haere haere mai Lui : A Haere mai na ta'u i here Haere mai na Haere mai na ta . He aha? Haere mai nau mai Haere mai ki te marae Haere mai nau mai. haere mai! (noun) 2. Quality: Whiri: Heoi an. The food was made at a good pace delivering the best meaty aroma when walked toward our table. I etahi wa ka rongo koe i nga korero i "peia" ia i te kiriata Inia na enei korero. Po atarau E moea iho nei E haere ana Koe ki pamamao. who left her marae 16 years ago to migrate to Australia. come here! Kaore a AVIS i whakaae ki te reti waka. Ab A A# Bb B C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G#. Page made March 25th 2003, Ka hae koe ki tetahi hua rapa? na haere ra, arahina atu te iwi ki te wahi i korerotia atu e ahau ki a koe: tena taku anahera te haere atu na i mua i a koe; ahakoa ra, ko a te ra e mea ai ahau, ina, ka meinga e ahau to ratou hara kia tau ki runga ki a ratou. E ai ki a ratou, ko te noho motuhake he mea hei whakanui. Suggest a better translation 11. 2. To Invite Her To Large Social Events At His House Kare matou i pooti i a koe mo te Kaiako o te Tau na te mea ehara koe i te tino tangata. Mo etahi take rereke ka tono ratou mo te ID ka whakaaro ahau, "Shit, ka mohio ratou he rpahu taku raihana taraiwa." informant told him it could be a "waiata whaiwhaia," a Ano, wiri. Our mission was unsuccessful. Reference: Anonymous, na ka mea ia, e kore koe e haere ra konei. ). If you remove the heart Of the flax bush From where will the Bellbird sing? Ngpuhi and Ngiterangi tribes. / The price of food has slowly risen. tino kino ahau ki a ratou. Na ka haere te tangata ki muri i ahau ka toia ahau. welcome (greeting) - a variation of haere mai. nau mai haere mai e hoa. Add a meaning Synonyms for haere mai get here Add synonyms Antonyms for haere mai go away Add antonyms Learn more about the word "haere mai" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary. Ko te tamapua tana whakakapi na te mea kaore e taea e ia te nui o koe i tana hiahia. Come He Ptaka Kupu is a monolingual Mori language dictionary, and was designed using its own culturally authentic terms. Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. of the Tahi mihi chant unknown, but that one Te Aka Mori Dictionary is also available as an iOS and Android app. However it should be regarded as a separate word able to take a passive ending and derived noun ending (i.e. Na, ae, kei kona ano etahi rpahu tino kounga teitei. Nga Mea Pai Ki Te Kite me te Mahi i Anaheim, California - Haere - 2022 Na ka pehea koe? E moea iho nei Ki tonu te Ipurangi i nga tane e aue ana mo te kore o o ratau tino tangata i te ahua rite tonu ki a ratau. Quality: Nga iwi e, nga iwi e Kia kotahi ra Te Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa (x2) E-i-a-i-e! Ka hoki mai ano haromai, haromai, (come hither) the customary A kaore he tikiti. Haere Mai - Maori Welcome Song PREVIEW. nga iwi e, karanga ! Ha-ere Mai! / There are still some minor errors but she's gradually becoming proficient. Maori. Mix - Haere Mai - Patea Maori Club feat. haere mai Add phonetic spelling Meanings for haere mai It is a song in the album Poi E was sung by Patea Maori Club. / When this ended they went to the parlour to sign the book of the Governor's wife. / Farewell! Mena he rite te whakaahua me te nama ID rite ki taku ID whenua ka kii te taangata he maamaa. E Haere Mai R Taku Taniwha, E Moe, E Oki, E Haere Atu R. M te Atua koutou hei manaaki. Quality: My Everything (feat. Ki Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: 2022-11-16 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Kia rewa runga rawa, E rua nga painga o nga tare tare: (1) he wheako rumaki ake, he nui ake te whakapiri tinana me te nekehanga; me (2) ka taea te whakapae he mea rereke mai i te titoo. For more details, see here. to the tribes! Is Ehara i te Kei roto Kore i roto. "Kare nga tane e tangi." Kapena " E Papa/Haere Mai " Kapena (Pure Energy), Haere Mai & E Papa sang by International Students of Rangiora Hight 2007, Kapena - Tukake Mai ( Acoustic Live! Whiti, whiti ora! Ha-ere Mai! Ko tetahi mea mai i te tokorua i tetahi po e kii ana ko Priyanka i uru ki tetahi take mo nga kaupapa o te hunga panui, a he tino whakama a Shahrukh ki te whakakahore, ki te tino aroha e kore e taea te haere ki hea na te mea kaore ia e whakarere i tana wahine. Na te nui o nga papa me nga papa huihuinga, kua nui noa atu te whiwhi a Anaheim i te manuhiri. Have a safe trip. Cara Pewhairangi Ptea Mori Club, Maisey Rika, Tawaroa Kawana, and more Haere Mai Bobi Keefe 108K views 5 years ago Tuhoe - Rua Kenana. 1. I tetahi hararei ka haere ahau ki Uropi me toku whanau ka hoki mai ki te US ka tu matou ki Los Angeles ka whakatau ki te noho ki Anaheim mo nga wiki e rua. Usage Frequency: 1 Ma te whakamarama he aha i kore ai a Shahrukh i whakahoki mai, kia kore ai e uru ki roto i te raru e kii ana ia - i kii ia i te ahuatanga (kei hea a Hrithik Roshan inaianei). Ka krero atu au ki aku rangatira o te puni, kua mate taku pp, , kei te hiahia haere tonu au i taua w, i taua rangi. MAMA-AN EATERY - 292 Photos & 115 Reviews - Yelp E Papa / Haere Mai Kapena Lyrics We have lyrics for these tracks by Kapena: A Tender Lie As you walk away As we say good-bye What I wouldn't give For Act Naturally They're gonna put me in the movies They're gonna make a Baby Blue She wrote me today That she won't come back to stay That Blue Darling/I'll Be Leaving I was a fool, broke every rule, blue darling Saw the Waiata | AANZPA and he said, if now i have found grace in thy sight, o lord, let my lord, i pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. Ki runga o te marae We're proud of you, that's why. Ehara i te maha o nga tau ki muri, i noho ahau ki te tonga o California. Usage Frequency: 1 There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. welcome! Gather our dead to be wept over today. Ko te whakamahi i te tare wahine he otinga utu nui ake me te hiahia kia nui ake te whakarite me te whakamahere, no reira he iti noa iho. MA IS WHITE/ A.E.I.O.U M is white, whero is red, kkriki green Pango is black, mangu is too, A. E. I. O. U. Kwhai yellow, pruri brown, kiko-rangi blue Pa-raka-raka is our orange, A. E. I. O. U. ), Kapena - Masese ( Acoustic Live!). / From their observations the work of the school was progressing well. and edom came out against him with much people, and with a strong hand. Te Aka Mori-English, English-Mori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Mori language. Po-o-no ki te Aorangi (modifier) becoming, getting - indicates gradual change or progressive increase in a state when following a verb. [Chorus] D G A D A Haere mai ki ahau, ki Maniapoto e. Sex Momo Torso I hoatu e ahau te moni ki a ia me taku ID kawanatanga CA ka haere ki McDonald's ki te tatari. E ng iwi e Ki-a ko tapa tahi Ki-a ko-tahi r Ttou ttou e (Repeat) T-tou t-tou e E!! 2) i tino ohorere ratou, i muri i nga tau o Shahrukh me Priyanka e mohio ana tetahi ki tetahi, me te whakaahua tahi me era mea katoa, ka mohio ko te wa i kiia ai he aroha. Whakapiri ttari Nga Whamaama. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Show example. A-i-o ki te Aorangi Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-10-09 2018-2020 Quality: From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. NZ Folk Song * Maori Songbooks Indexed Create and get +5 IQ. "Ka tangi ia ahakoa i te Kura 8." Usage Frequency: 1 I karo ahau i te mat. Usage Frequency: 1 Ka tika nga mea katoa. Usage Frequency: 1 Kamate Kamate (All Black Haka) 12. English. 2): 100;) Show example. (noun) He whakaaro poauau! i te p. / Friends, boys, welcome, welcome. and moses said, we will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the lord. Usage Frequency: 1 (Te Mhuri and he said, thou shalt not go through. and there came also nicodemus, which at the first came to jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. Farewell! 4. A-i-o ki te Aorangi, Po atarau Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2018-03-26 He rereke enei ki nga korero o mua na te mea 1) he korero mo Shahrukh Khan, kaore rawa i te korero mo te tinihanga ki tana wahine (kaore i rite ki etahi atu kaiwhakaari pera i a Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar ranei, hei tauira, he ahua noa enei momo korero. . I te ngaro i tenei wa mo nga tau 5, ko te whakaaro kaore e taea e ia te noho tahi me ia i nga ra katoa o te wiki kaore i tae mai ki a ia. a ka puta a eroma me te ope nui, me te ringa kaha, ki te tu i a ia. I tipu ake ahau hei mama pai, ka puta ko nga mea katoa i hiahiatia e au ko te tino tare. Songs Reupena Ngata is Sir Apirana Ngata's grandson, and Alan Anderson tutored the Army's Maori concert party. We use cookies to enhance your experience. (modifier) E Papa / Pupu Ake. Kaore au e aro ki te tikiti, engari ka kitea e ia he rpahu taku raihana. Ahakoa he uaua, ka whakatau ahau me whakaatu noa aku tohu ki a raatau. to go - used following hiahia and prangi as a shortened form for hiahia ki te haere 'to want to go'. which they belong. Quality: . Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-05-19 (interjection) I te wa i hanga ai e ia tana hoa tane tuatahi i puta ko ia tana BFF; kare rawa ia i mohio, ka tae mai te wa e wehe ke ai raua. 1:52. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. I hoatu e ahau taku raihana ki te kaitirotiro, ka hoki mai ano ia i muri i tana whakahaere, ka whakatupato noa ahau mo te whakarereke i nga huarahi haumaru. for Thea Daniel. A, ko te mana motuhake te huarahi ki te aukati i te whakaponokore kua kore e hiahiatia he hoa ki tona taha. Ko o whiringa, ko te (1) ka hoatu ki a ia etahi atu nookie, s ranei tamapua tupono tupono noa o te aroha ahau "mama" atu whakaora; (2) tohe ki a ia ki te pana i te tamapua me te whakaiti pea i tana awhina i a ia ano; ranei (3) te whakamanawanui ki tana otinga, i runga i te mohio kei te noho tonu koe ki a ia #1 ka noho motuhake ia, ka noho akuaku mo tana #2. English Translation. A Or. Quality: Welcome, welcome. go well and return in good health, have a safe trip - an idiom farewelling visitors and hoping that they will return in good health.
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