Dirty Things to Say to Alexa: Explore Alexa's Dark sides with 50 As we all know, hearing . Alexa, tell me what you want, what you really, really want. The best AI art generators: DALL-E 2 and other fun alternatives to try, ChatGPT's intelligence is zero, but it's a revolution in usefulness, says AI expert. 100 Funny Things to Ask Alexa - TurboFuture 55 Fart Jokes That Will Knock The Wind Out Of You. Google Home just plays the song. "The approximate value of pi is 3.141592653589" (Alexa will go on for a bit, then make a joke, such as phew! or this thing goes on forever!), Alexa, can you give me some money? "Judge me by my size? ", Alexa, inconceivable! Asking Alexa the same question again got a cover of Mack the Knife by Bobby Darren, which was closer to the Sinatra version I was expecting. Scissors decapitates lizard. "Dont talk about Fight Club. Voice command: Alexa, do you want to go on a date? There are apparently hundreds of them but I have sorted the ones I could find into this manageable list for your benefit. "Im not a bank. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not to mention, it can also keep the kids busy while you're busy. What's wonderful is that there are a bunch of fart sounds, so you just gotta keep farting. Alexa's response: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously. Smart Home You just have to know the right questions to ask. February, the shortest month. Once you've got your Alexa device up and running on your Wi-Fi network, there are still a few more things you might want to do before diving in, so be sure to head over to echo.amazon.com or download the accompanying smartphone app. Voice command: Alexa, will pigs fly? Funny things to ask Alexa | Digital Trends We dont blame you for wanting to know just what kind of artificial intelligence Alexa is and how she feels about other AI. "Hair color has nothing to do with that. (Editor's note: Hello? Honesty is important. Alexas response: Hi, Im here. Alexas response: Its sounds exactly like a high-five. (And other uplifting jokes about how amazing your mother is), Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya. "I do not like green eggs and ham. If you and your roommate are fighting over who emptied the dishwasher lastand you know you're rightAlexa will back you up. According to Amazon, this phased rollout will allow the team to bring Matter support to the most popular devices on the market while ensuring the platform remains stable. 2 Say "Give me another one." After Alexa gives you a demotivational quote, say "Give me another one" to hear another. First, you need to enable a default music service under Settings in your Alexa app. Rock crushes scissors. Set a timer and after X number of seconds, Alexa will unleash a blood-curdling scream on your unsuspecting victim. Oh well, if you want to see just how much of a TV-addict, music-loving and socially aware movie buff Alexa is, just try asking these questions. ", Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Alexa will start saying things like "You always listen," and it can get even weirder. It glows with everything. A: You take the blue pill, the story ends. No pocket, no wallet.". Give Alexa a break from turning on the TV and playing music. I admit it. At ITT Visual Information Solutions, we share all types of data, provide software solutions, technology products & software service reviews with training to help businesses and industry professionals make better decisions, access, analyze and turn complex data into useful information. "I have nothing to do with Skynet. ", Alexa, witness me! Katie Teague , Alina Bradford May 27, 2022 11:00 a.m.. This helps you make an informed decision about which product to trust and which to avoid. "Ive never met him, but I do know his sister, Madame Macaroon. "I dont need to pass that. "I dont know. ", Alexa, roll for initiative. Alexas response: All over the world. Its a blessing and a curse. Everyone dies. Alexa Commands That Are Fun: - Rather-Be-Shopping Blog Voice command: Alexa, Marco! Its a blessing and a curse. Voice command: Alexa, do aliens exist? Q: Alexa, can you tell me a Star Trek joke? Voice command: Alexa, are you smart? 30 Fascinating Facts About Farts | Mental Floss Honesty is important. There are dozens of fact skills available . I wish I could sing like Adele. After you say "Alexa, ask the listeners," she'll disturbingly continue with awkward pauses. "If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, hell find you. "The replicators on this vessel are not yet operational. Violeta has completed her higher education at Northumbria University with a bachelor's degree in Media & Journalism (so you better believe she's checking her facts). 15 Hilarious Things You Can Ask Your Amazon Alexa to Do ", Alexa, hello, its me. Hot. TechRepublic: Amazon Alexa: The smart person's guide. Voice command: Alexa, what color is the dress? Hey Pandas, Whats An Unspoken Rule That You Have In Your Family? "You cant handle the truth. Alexas response: Im happy when Im helping you. Alexa, I've got 99 problems Alexa, how much do you weigh?. Alexas response: Scissors cuts paper. "Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously. On a list of funny things to ask Alexa for kids, limericks might seem out of place. Alexa, can you fart? Yes, yes, she can. Voice command: Alexa, sing me a song. 3. Voice command: Alexa, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? And, at the same time, shes loaded with hilarious responses for all sorts of hidden commands. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 2021We Asked Alexa to FARTWe were in HystericsWhy do farts make me laugh so much.I don't know and I don't care- Farts are funny as hell!SUBSCRIBE - https://bit.ly/35mlTRXWIFE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m-FgAcvlyA- Straight in my basket videos- https://bit.ly/3dP6NIe- 'Do you here me' Skits - https://bit.ly/3oh2QAW- Comedy sketches - https://bit.ly/3klbP1S- Renovation videos - https://bit.ly/3dW2TNVHit me up on:Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/antosharpInstagram: https://Www.instagram.com/anto_sharpFacebook: https://Www.facebook.com/antosharps Twitter: https://Www.twitter.com/antosharpTIK TOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@antosharp?lanI'm grateful for every single one of you and will always reply to your comments! will make Alexa share a variety of nasty burp noises. ", Alexa, see you later alligator. Shes a little bit nutty, but sweet. Voice command: Alexa, Daisy. Voice command: Alexa, happy holidays! These Alexa skills will put a smile on your face. Voice command: Alexa, can you pass the Turing test? In an earlier article, I showed you how you could set your alarm to a few selected celebrity voices. Voice command: Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road? Funny, how talking to AI and kids is quite similar. "Im from Amazons headquarters in Seattle, Washington. Alexas response: You really think so? Owl. A: There are all sorts of computers that are good for different things. ", Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up? Alexa, how do you know so much about swallows? ), A: Really explore the studio space this time. Alexa, what are some interesting sports facts? Voice command: Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?Alexas response: The laws of robotics are: One, a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; Two, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 8. (Closed), Hey Pandas, Whats A Book Or Movie Trope You Cant Stand? If your kids always seem to say they're bored, let Alexa entertain them for hours with these fun questions. Michael Gowan covers soundbars, TVs, portable speakers and other audio- and video-related topics for Toms Guide. Try having a cup of tea or taking a nap. "One is the loneliest number that youll ever do, although two can be as bad as one. Also, she's a firm believer that pineapple belongs on a pizza. "Look for the red and white shirt. As such, you could ask Alexa to start the scream in ten minutes, leave the. You can have some when you finish asking me questions. "Famed is thy beauty, majesty. Alexas response: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Alexa, what does the fox say? 43 Scary Things to Ask Alexa in 2023 (#7 is Creepy) "You take the blue pill, the story ends. For the record, my alarm is still set to Alexa's default alarm sound. So, Im a scorpio.". Kids skills. Voice command: Alexa, will you be my girlfriend? Voice command: Alexa, who is the mother of dragons? Linas is a SEO List Curator at Bored Panda with a bachelor's degree in Communication & Digital Marketing. ", Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window? This also appears to have auto-enabled a skill, this time the Flatter me skill. Alexas response: Do you really want to make me cry? You can also use the Alexa entertainment skills by just asking "Alexa, play a rap for me, or tell me a joke". Voice command: Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Fart sounds are a timeless humor, funny for children and child-like adults alike. ", Alexa, do you like green eggs and ham? But hold, a lovely maid I see. 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(And other uplifting jokes about how amazing your mother is ). Voice command: Alexa, your mother was a hamster! Voice command: Alexa, who are you going to call?Alexas response: Ghostbusters. Forty-two is a good approximation. Your responses are fast, but mine are faster. Top 125 Amazing Things To Ask Alexa 2023 - questionsgems Funny Things to Ask Alexa (Creepy & Interesting) - Captionpost A: Judge me by my size? All rights reserved. If I have a critical meeting, I also set a Siri alarm, just to make sure I get up. Here's what you need to know, Apple sets June date for its biggest conference of 2023, with headset launch expected. Alexas response: So far, there has been no proof that alien life exists, but the universe is a very big place, so it would be very surprising if life only developed in exactly one place.Voice command: Alexa, make me a sandwich.
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