I I am now in a walking boot only because my other ER visit due to swelling and purple again put me in on the 26th I go back to see my ortho and were supposed to start trying to put light weight bearing and then an ankle brace and so forth so hopefully this purple will quit coming to my foot and I can continue with a full life once more. I found that when walking after the surgery my right hip was in agony, it was discovered that my left leg was shorter than my right. 2012-2020 - DoctorSpring. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities: A critical review. I turns a deep dark purplish red. I forget what it's called on my left foot and fractured my right ankle. Dr. Bennett Werner answered. to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. Keeping your toes in tip-top shape is key to staying pain-free. You will recover but it takes a long time. Right around 3 weeks post-op I started sitting in a chair with the foot down, and those issues seemed to start going away. Now at 4.5 weeks it still swells and gets uncomfortable if it is down for an hour or two without putting the foot up, but it is definitely improving dramatically and no longer gets purple. the purple foot from the surgeon is that he did a major surgery with nearly 5 different procedures and that is why it turns purple. My surgeon said that this was all normal, and he agreed that starting to sit in the chair with the foot down and get the foot to start getting acclimated to the circulation pressure again couldn't hurt. Purple Feet: 7 Medical Reasons You Should Look Out For - Angiologist If you have poor circulation, its important to exercise and move. So I started sitting up more with the foot down until it got fairly uncomfortable (this was the first step to being more comfortable standing up/on the knee scooter), and after a few days I got to the point where I could drive and work half days in an office. Foot & Ankle Problems Message Board HealthBoards Bone Joint Muscle > Foot & Ankle Problems > 3 months post-op, foot turning purple! 3 months post-op, foot turning purple! Whole foot and ankle are purple after bad ankle sprain, is that safe National Institutes of Health So so my question here, even tho I know I have asked before (sorry!) In some cases, however, the cause may be more complicated. It is important to keep the foot elevated and in a protective position to decrease pain and prevent infection. Purple Foot After Cast Removal (Why It Happens & What You Can Do) Concentrate on calf and ankle exercises to improve the muscle tone in your lower leg and ankle. Its normal to have discoloration on your foot after cast removal. Your doctor will have specific guidelines on how long you should elevate your broken ankle. The swelling went down fairly quickly after the op and i got a cast after a week. The pain and swelling may be minimized by applying ice to the affected area. If you have ischemic foot, it means your foot isnt getting an adequate supply of oxygen-rich blood. Avoid strenuous activities like sports unless your doctor says its finally okay. Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really Has VAGINA CANDIDIASIS on suppository. worry? Foot turning purple and white after ACL reconstruction? : r/ACL - Reddit I have been scouring the internet for positive feedback and cam across this post this morning. A great review on the various causes of shin splints, along with treatment options. Compression and ice will also help to reduce inflammation. Your doctor might also recommend you undergo laser ablation. I was running late for work and had something in both hands, I thought I was on the last step and fell down and hurt both feet. This article reviews the top 5 ways to increase your. Even though i'm losing weight my legs swell badly and my feet turn purple. People with COVID toes may experience other symptoms like blisters, itching, pain, raised and painful bumps, and rough areas of skin on their toes. There is very minimal swelling remaining, so I cannot figure it out. This causes your toes or feet to turn blue, purple, or gray. Wait at least three days before shaving the hair off the area. If youve recently suffered an ankle injury, you may be wondering why your foot is turning purple. My foot would immediately turn purple and the pain was through the roof. This may require medications, as well regular exercise and a diet that will help keep your weight in a healthy range. What to do if i have really poor circulation so my feet turn purple. Many people's feet turn purple when they are not moving. When sitting or standing my feet turn purple & grayish sometimes. Superficial frostbite turns exposed skin red and hard. Thank you Andrew and all of you writing here. Elevating your foot Make an ice pack by putting ice in a plastic bag and wrapping a cloth around it. The only way to fix it was the fusion. Pain, numbness, or tingling in your affected foot, Snug or tight feeling of your affected foot, Burning, stinging sensation of the skin under your cast, Excessive swelling below your cast could mean restricted blood flow, You cant feel or move your toes, and they become blue or bruised, A crack, spot of drainage, and foul odor from the cast. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. You could also have a blood clot thats blocking blood flow in an artery. This way you and your doctor can spot early signs of high cholesterol, high blood sugar, or other conditions that can affect the color and future of your feet. appreciate it. The topical application of nicotinic acid derivatives and minoxidil also may relieve symptoms. It has been 4 1/2 months since my ORIF surgery. appropriate medical assistance immediately. It was so great to get to your Registered in England and Wales. Bruises may take up to 2 weeks before they go away. but there are other causes of color changes. I had the same surgery almost 14 weeks ago. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Just a crazy weird pain on the inside and side of my knee that has been there since surgery. Keep your leg elevated and if you are really worried, see your doctor/ surgeon. 2.5 weeks after ORIF and foot still goes purple when i put it - Patient Why did you have to have surgery? A neurologist may be able to help you diagnose this discoloration. painful purple foot was just put in a boot. Test result. Foot & Ankle Problems: Bunion Surgery & Purple Foot! Pat the area dry and apply a fragrance-free lotion to lock in moisture. Dont rub frostbitten skin. 3. I can't imagine what kind of bruising you'd get three months post-op. Do physical therapy to move your joints and muscles and increase blood flow. Because of supply chain shortages as well as staffing shortages particularly during the pandemic, many institutions extended the time between dressing changes for chronic wounds. This condition is called peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Adverse events did not seem to be any better or wors. Metatarsal fracture (acute) - aftercare - MedlinePlus I am officially 4 weeks post op from my bunion surgery and am noticing that my foot turns quite purple when it is "un-wrapped". But I'm now driving (my break was the left foot), spending half days in the office, and able to get around quite well on crutches or a knee scooter. There are a couple of reasons for this, including blood clots and poor circulation. 7 weeks off work now with no pay. Had an xray at the same time which they were happy with. Thank you so much for sharing your story and letting others like myself find comfort in knowing its just not me thats going through this. Not being able to move around is really killing me as i'm very active. It's easy to do. While this is a slow process, I am also a very active person and got very down in the first few weeks without being able to even get up to the bathroom without the purple/swelling/pain. I couldn't spend much time on my feet after my bunion surgery. I had surgery April 19, still red, purple, swollen. #1 I had my cast for 6.5 weeks and have been in the boot for a week and a half. It could be a result of a neurological short circuit, age, weight, or medical history. MEDNET Quality Board. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek My husband had surgery for a pilon fracture of his right ankle and a compound fracture of his tibia and break of his fibula 4 weeks ago. I am on meds but not making a difference. You should be seen by vascular dise -like Raynaud's symptoms. I have fractured my 1st, 2nd and 4th ??? Was acctually thinking today that maybe i should as you said train my foot by having it down for longer periods. The thinner the person the greater the positive impa, One of the best ways to help yourself heal faster after surgery is to eat well. Happy to get some positive feedback from here! Acrocyanosis episodes tend to persist. In serious cases, you may also feel pain when youre at rest. Starting rehab next week and have been using a knee scooter for 2 weeks which has given me new found freedom and gotten rid of the depression from being bedridden with my leg elevated like a ballerina frozen in mid dance for so many weeks. Your doctor may want to check the circulation of your feet, which is essential in treating foot discoloration. There are several possible reasons why the foot may turn in after hip replacement surgery. My husband had the same procedure 10 yrs. Do chronic wounds need to be dressed daily? After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. If I put my foot down for 5 minutes it is so blue half way up the leg and swells bad and hurts, any ideas? please help!? You are wright about the horror stories, there are quite a few out there. I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in respect of any healthcare matters. Your venous system is not working properly. Another possibility is that the muscles and ligaments around the hip joint are not properly balanced. If the pain persists for a long time, see your health care provider. Cold temperatures can reduce circulation in your hands and feet because your body prioritizes healthy circulation to your internal organs over normal blood flow to the extremities. Purple feet are a sign of a circulation problem that can be potentially serious. This condition is called the blue toe syndrome, sometimes also called occlusive vasculopathy or trash foot. Often, minor injuries can become more serious if left untreated. A medical condition or injury can result in discoloration of the skin on your feet. Call your doctor when you experience signs of infections such as redness, abnormal swelling, and high fever. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? I used a wheelchair for most of that, as I am pretty hopeless with crutches. 5 Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide Naturally, What You Need to Know About Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis. or something else? In many cases, though, treatment can help improve circulation and get your feet closer to their natural, healthy color. The more you try to sit normally the longer the recovery will take. Purple feet: Causes and treatment - Medical News Today Clarify, ask further questions for free in private conversation. Its a painless condition that usually causes no other noticeable symptoms. Its important to let your surgeon know when cast complications occur. Simply click here to return to Ask the doctor. Acrocyanosis: An Overview. Since you had surgery and have been resting your muscle tone is depleted and you're not moving the leg as much - this means that gravity is winning the fight and keeping your blood down in your foot. Found that it helped a bit with my mood. Bottom line is what you are going through is completely normal, and at least for me started to improve dramatically right around the same time as where you are at. It was a godsend. Food choices that raise your risk of type 2 diabetes. Regardless of the type of injury, you should consult a qualified podiatrist for proper care. (2013). Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Have regular blood work and physical examinations. how long does it last. Good luck with your recovery and absolutely commit to your PT. THANKS FOR A WONDERFUL AND VERY HELPFUL SITE! If youve been keeping your foot above heart level when your cast was still on, youll most likely experience your foot turning purple once you try to put it down after removing it. This condition has shown up in people with negative and positive infection results. Had to wait 2 weeks for ORIF and now I'm soon 3 weeks post op. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); .errFld{padding:3px}.errFldOn{padding:0;border:3px solid red}.errMsg{font-weight:700;color:red;visibility:hidden}.errMsgOn{visibility:visible}#edit textarea{border:1px solid #000}.editTitle{font-size:22px;font-weight:700;text-align:center}#preview .editTitle{margin-top:0}.editName,.editCountry{text-align:center}.editName,.editCountry,.editBody{}.editBody{text-align:left}#preview{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.GadSense{float:left;vertical-align:top;padding:0 8px 8px 0;margin:0 8px 0 0}.gLinkUnitTop{width:466px;margin:12px auto}.gLinkUnitBot{width:120px;float:right;margin:4px 0 24px 36px}. I usually do my research on the Mayo clinic website. Amazing I thought I was the only one who could do that but apparently there are a few of me. Alternatively, you can visit a walk-in clinic. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Poor circulation in the feet is a symptom of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), Raynauds disease, lupus, and diabetes. I had surgery to repair 3 breaks at the ankle on June 20th. So I was curious if you had any of the same issues or just what prompted you to get it looked at by a different Dr. DOI: Mayo Clinic Staff. This makes it difficult to differentiate a bruised foot from a fracture. Why does my 10 month hands and feet turn purple and cold? If any tissue is permanently damaged, it may have to be surgically removed. It can result to slow or poor blood circulation in that area. Wearing gloves and thick socks in cold temperatures may help reduce episodes. This is considered a medical emergency. to [emailprotected], if you would like to upload more. Abnormally elevated blood sugar levels can damage the arteries, affect nerve function and reduce blood circulation in your lower legs or feet. Peripheral Cyanosis (Blue Hands and Feet): Causes and More - Healthline Bunion Surgery & Purple Foot! Avoiding hand or feet exposure to extremely cold temperatures may help prevent future episodes. Sometimes, when discoloration on your foot doesnt go back to your normal skin color and gives you other symptoms, it may indicate an underlying health condition. Why do my feet turn blue when I am sitting. I have been laid up here now 5 weeks, 4 weeks since surgery and I have been so worried about the swelling and discoloration, when the foot is down. Both conditions are often triggered by cold weather and both cause skin to turn blue or light purple. Thank you so much for making me feel better and more hopeful. I am 4.5 weeks post ORIF and I had the same issue of the foot swelling, turning an angry purple color, and being painful whenever I would get up on crutches, and the pain/purple/swelling immediately went away when elevated. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance.
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