Tapping the Earths would require a reference or inertial link to the Sun. I ultimately will decide what man plans makes no difference to Me. Mmmmmm, progress. In his/her words it is a bad oversimplification. This link would be determined and established electromagnetically. There are a few different places you can find information on firepointe technology stock and symbols. To say speed and time are unrelated is completely unfounded. Sep 26, 2011Einstein's Theory of Relativity was unequivocal the fastest objects in the universe could move was the speed of light in a vacuum. Over the years he published a couple of papers whose formulas were able to calculate the masses of the fundamental particles with remarkable accuracy, filling a gap in conventional physics. The Spirit of God says, "I have prepared something explosive to take place in the east of the United States of America." It is surprising that we find out some scientist worked it all out years and years before. Printed from https://www.damninteresting.com/prepare-for-ludicrous-speed/. Every force in nature should have its natural opposite such and matter and anti-matter, north and south poles of an electromagnet, or gravity and anti-gravity so that when everything is combined it equals nothing, like the big bang somehow split everything apart. you have to slow down, morons, when you get there. Update: Since publishing this blog entry, our 50, 000 core CycleCloud utility supercomputer has gotten great coverage by BusinessWeek, TheRegister, the. You will see it this year! (see here for more). All electromagnetic fields posses this measure of solidity or momentum, an associated field of force. How much Firepointe.com can earn? The Sun indeed produces mechanical vibration, but such energy is dissipated as heat as it interacts with the Suns own substance. then why i dont have a bending space-time phenomena, everytime im in a car at nigth? I truly believe God will bless you if you bless us. . The experiment calls for a magnetic field of extremely high intensity, but space propulsion researchers at Sandia National Laboratories think it might just be possible to perform the experiment using their Z Machine X-ray generator. At least Mars would be somewhat interesting for a few minutes (assuming nothing goes wrong with your air supply) but if there were one other inhabitable planet out there, what are the odds of finding it on the first try? People just arent that good at keeping secrets, nor is the government that good at shutting people up. I think this gets around that by not actually traveling all that fast, but bending gravity fields to make the distance you are traveling closer, so you dont actually travel too fast but rather the distance minimzed, so you get their faster by changing the distance instead of the speed. Huge electromagnetic fields must be contained and controlled with these systems. The quest for absolute zero is intimately related to the quest for the velocity of light. I read the New Scientist article and it is fascinating. 2, p. 27. The sound barrier speed is created by the density of the atmosphere being travelled through. What is an inertial field? But shortly after he announced his theory, Heim went into isolation, and took his theories and formulas with him. kimclement.com, Firepointe and Speed of Light: New Technology About to Emerge. Ill venture that English is the authors native tongue, but the numerous misspellings (not just typos) make me question the authors competence w.r.t. Capable of launching small Sputnik style satelite. At a first glance, this theory seem to be some sort of cross between a genuine proposal for quantum gravity and the hilarious G.U.I.T.A.R. I just thought people would find my ideas interesting and am not trying to deceive or mislead anyone. http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc116.htm, Vedas: I was irritated by this aspect as well as some others, and I responded harshly therefore. It is also truth that your presentation is at least sloppy in places, and therefore unnecessarily hard to understand even if it is absolute fact. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards [floating free?]. bullshit either way Our reality is not as solid as we might wish to beleive, solidity or mass as Einstein so cleverly discovered can be equated to a measure of electromagnetic energy warping space/time. glhayman said: Mr. It would be years before his theories again resurfaced, but when they did, they attracted the attention of NASA, the U.S. military, and the Department of Energy. Thanks for the clarifications. Einstein himself, till his death, had never thought that his Relativity Theory was finished. Of all the untested or uncertain hypotheses ever posted on this site, this is the one I most hope is true. If you get in a jet and increase your velocity by a factor of 10 then your velocity through time decreases to 990. Special Broadcast The EEC has been tough enough to survive Desert racing 125+MPH into rocks, and quick enough for Indy racing's 200+MPH @ 14000 RPM. maybe so, but consider this, NASA is a government organization. The breakthrough would have happened by. firepointe technology ludicrous Mr. Silverhill please refrain from publicly flaming my website with your own personal opinions. Maybe Im just a complete and utter noob, but if you were to travel the speed of light, wouldnt that do something similar to a sonic boom? I could preach a whole sermon on that. Once we do we can travel the universe at the speeds we wish, only to find nothing out there. As I state in my FAQ and my disclaimer the website is a work in progress and is basically a rough outline of a future paper or book I will write. I wouldnt go so far as to belittle the intelligence of one of the most well-known theoretical physicists of our time, but perhaps this discussion might only end in a debate over the defenition of a word, and in the end, I guess I just dont care enough. Apostol, 18, Sofia, Bulgaria, well i have to argue some points accord with my fudo theory or fudism. His earliest formal disclosures seems to have been made in presentations he made to the International Astronautical Foundation (IAF) during 1952 in Stuttgart, Germany, and during 1954 in Innsbruck, Austria. It is the succesful harmonic, ordering of energy which leads to the organization of everything from atoms to galaxies. Even supposing the impossible (by currently known physics) near light speed drive, as you started going faster the particles in space (which is not a true vacuum, just a near vacuum) would be striking the vehicle faster and more frequently. Because it is so complex and has had relatively little exposure, the Heim-Drscher theory is still not well understood by most physicists. When something fails or creates problems, the Nerds (as one poster called them) and the developers/builders of the unit have a think-tank to find the reason and a solution to the problem. Everything comes back to energy, matter can be converted to energy and energy to matter, sufficent energy could create gravity just as it creates electromagnatism or light. Furnace said: I can understand the delay. Ludicrous Speed Investments Incorporated has 0 reviews. Why not put your best foot forward when youre trying to get people to pay attention to you, after all? And like any government service, items and services purchased usually go to the low bidder. http://www.ovalecotech.ca. But the time of the eagle has come where the eagle will be one, where the eagle will be courted. Accelerating Open vSwitch to Ludicrous Speed They begin in the Dark Ages (versions prior to 1. Going to deep space is such a stupid idea I can hardly find the words to express it. Sugar Ray Dodge said: I say this is something the US should be researching extensively. This is the true relationship between electromagnetism and inertia or gravity. Thanks for finding it. "That's exactly what the raven is. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. theories, no wait . He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. There isnt enough earth to supply the materials for enough ships to find it but keep having that dream where Neverlution is real and you get to be your own god. Kim Clement Prophecies: Will the Big E source go into cars? Once you stop time or your ability to record the flow of time you can travel anywhere in no time. 6, pp. And in so doing the radius of the electron orbit, which lossely defines the volume occupied by the atom, will likewise increase or decrease. After successful seed, Qunnect set for ludicrous speed and keep working in the speeding up part as well. They in effect hold us to a near-constant time velocity that the greatest speed humans can accelerate our bodies to using our greatest technologies can only momentarily alter by the tiniest of amounts. Is the latter part of this meant to imply an equivalence of inertia and gravity? Further more it is my contention this inertial property can be induced indirectly through the application of a specific electromagnetic field. kimclement.com, February 21, 2012 (6pm PST) Firepointe.com Bad Request - HypeStat Furthermore many illustrations on my website of are a very simplistic nature, you might even call them mathematical models. Of course speed and time are related. I see no conflict here with the concept of spacetime and velocity through both space and time always amounting to a constant. Summaries and comments by A. R. Weyl about Heims presentations appear in Aeronautics (British Aviation Publication), vol. It is a bit incorrect to refer to Quantum Mechanics as a theory. It is a framework really, a new way of looking at physics, and it can be used to describe many aspects of the physical world (not just subatomic particles). Fire-Pointe-E Updates Ludicrous Speed of Firepointe. The two pieces of tape are joined at the top, yet the bottom ends hang apart like an inverted V and will not come together, even if you tap one lightly, for a lot of hours at least overnight if the humidity is low. 16-22. The thing I find the most amazing in that article is the idea that there is actually something called the German Electron Synchrotron computer. We are truly living in exciting times. A good part of the faster space travel outcome hinges on this theorized p-space NOT conforming to physical laws as we experience them. Theres never enough time or money to right at the startbut theres always time and money to do it over. Something like the deflector shield Botagrande mentioned would be needed at such high speeds, though I dont believe there are any theories that could create a shield that would be up to this task so far. The End said: Elaborating on the above comment, a pebble sized piece of meteorite travelling through space is enough to lead to the destruction of a space craft, imagine how small this pebble would become in order to do the same amount of damage due to the craft travelling at such high speeds. Its very complicated and different from anything Im familiar with. Yours for clarity in education, Yes the shuttle is old hat but too expensive to scrap. my videos!! Each theory successfully describes its own sphere, but the two ideas seem to be in some contradiction. (Even though Newtons laws of the former have been entirely falsified by the latter!). That ranks right up there with, say, Alan Shepard when he was asked to fly the first Mercury rocket. An arguement without an opposing viewpoint, hmm. The breakthrough for many of you would have taken place through the summer and your mountain would have been conquered whatever is in your life that's been holding you back and the tops of the mountains will be seen. As for VulturEMaNs comment about a speed of light equivalent of a sonic boom, no craft would actually survive to reach such speeds anyways. Kim Clement prophetically gave more clues on FirepointE, Ludicrous.Support TC Patreon: https://Patreon.com/TheGrigori or One time donation Paypal: http://paypal.me/JuliusThompson Robinhood (Choose a TC Supporter (referral) https://share.robinhood.com/lisad505https://invite.robinhood.com/markod40https://share.robinhood.com/kynnawhttps://join.robinhood.com/nancyb514 https://join.robinhood.com/shanec1036 https://join.robinhood.com/carolyf121 https://join.robinhood.com/hilarid11https://share.robinhood.com/wilsone19https://join.robinhood.com/mariav657https://join.robinhood.com/georget425https://freestock.robinhood.com/anthonc1436 https://join.robinhood.com/felisaw1 https://share.robinhood.com/lisad505 Webull Tradinghttps://act.webull.com/promotion/invitation/share.html?inviteCode=SekeJQwexG6QFindingLost Money Google Documenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYRvypUXdkKxyvuAVqE00n5G84z6Jd69pxJFkwYGq9k/Lyft https://www.lyft.com/drivers/LISA128622?utm_medium=d2da_iacccoinbasehttps://www.coinbase.com/join/thomps_bciKim Clement FB Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/KimClementTribute/Kim Clement Prophecyhttps://www.houseofdestiny.org/prophecy/X # ? No. Dear scientists, if you want to make discoveries, you have to accept that what you know is not the whole science. You see people, on the earth right now there are those walking around but they're dead they have no life, they have no future. The verbal presentations by Heim in 1952 and 1954 had stimulated the contractual negotiations for gravity control propulsion research by Glen Martin Aircraft Company. Qunnect LLC, a 2017 startup launched by a Stony Brook PhD and the head of the university's Quantum Information Technology Group, has closed its $800,000 seed round, an oversubscribed financing cycle According to Relativity, any object will deform space in proportion to its mass, which causes gravity. There are 2 things that determine how long it takes you to get somewhere, speed and distance. 1, no. Consider the Helical Rotor Induction Pump which is basically a pump impeller generated by an intense rotating magnetic field. Quoting Silverhill the presentation is mostly wishful thinking where it is not outright error. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Ludicrous Logistics LLC of North Redington Beach, FL. The result was the theory of "Heim-Drscher space," which was a mathematical description of an eight-dimensional universe. glhayman said: The following website is an excellent source for more information on revolutionary propulsion and advanced science. ;-). Fire-Pointe-E Updates Ludicrous Speed of Firepointe. Join Kim online for a special weekly Bible study "February is one of the months that I've set aside for My display against the arrogance of humanity. Any changing electric field has an associated magnetic field. If you wish to repurpose this copyrighted work, you must obtain permission. Sugar Ray Dodge said: I say this is something the US should be researching extensively. Kim Clement April 28, 2012 a breakthrough in technology that is so ludicrous, and a new technology with ludicrous speed. Quoting Silverhill example of the latter: equating inertia with force). by the way thats way too fast, mars in 2 weeks is just fine. It's a company you're going to be able to invest in it's going to be connected to the Firepointe discovery. Im quite confident it works as described ( although I would not claim a Nobel Prize ). NASA does not hire from among the Redneck Brigade, members of which might be expected to throw garbage all over the sky. Even Tesla (who was a certifiable genius) went crazy and had lots of unworkable ideas near the end of his life. Gee thanks HiEv, we didnt know that. We know that God has something for us and He's going to bring unity in this nation. The result was the theory of Heim-Drscher space, which was a mathematical description of an eight-dimensional universe. I just hope something that is plausible is found to enable long distance space travel. The speed of light is the measure of time in the purest sense. These pumps are quite capable of generating cavitation at high power levels as well, which is another example of the mechanical/inertial characteristics of this type of electromagnetic field. The Elijah List is a FOR-PROFIT ministry so any gift in Money or "in-kind" (such as a car), will NOT be tax-deductible. Time is not something to be travelled in. It will ALWAYS add up to the constant of 1000. Some of your examples need a bit more explanation, or at least more care in their presentation. The thing that I'm feeling is the timing. Quantum mechanics, gravity, and evolution, those are all scientific theories meant to explain the facts, so generally speaking its inaccurate to simply call them facts no matter how true they are. This theory perfectly predicts the behavior of objects in space and time, so long as the object in question is not subatomic in scale. 50 years later people were already flying supersonic. But yes it IS an oversimplification. I mean, wouldnt all of the electrons in the matter be left behind?. And time and space are not merely RELATED they are the only possible views we have of the dimension of SPACETIME. Fire-Point Interactive was founded in 2016. 80-86, and vol. lol, Nasa is so stupid that everytime they launch the shuttle, theres a pretty good chance something is going to fail miserably on it and make it blow up during either the launch or the return. The breakthrough would have happened by October.". FirePoint brings the best expertise, technology and capabilities from industry, academia and other government entities, to help the Army accelerate the development and delivery of new capabilities to the Warfighter. Tenth? 1, no. . I hope Heims theories have something to them in regard to spacecraft propulsion (it would put the stars within our reach) but something troubles me about FTL travel that you guys haven,t touched on yet. 19. 50 years later. If energy of a region of space is not in harmony that space will collapse and die, and the energy will decrease.. Quoting Silverhill The Sun indeed produces mechanical vibration, but such energy is dissipated as heat as it interacts with the Suns own substance. "There is nothing that can stop My hand. 1). Quantum Gravity? In the meantime, you can make use of a spell-checker at least. ITs a really nice article and Ive never even heard of that guy before :) /. Quoting Silverhill This is New Age blather, not science.. I hope this answers some of your questions. Well, then we need to start making a deflector shield!! Oh.by the way, the last time we did this, we used a monkey., Ive always pictured the guys at Nasa as a bunch of smart nerds with no people skills or common sense. The word is ludicrous first Kim Clement: The life of. Comments inspired by Hermann Oberth in Donald Keyhoes article, I Know the Secret of the Flying Saucers, True The Mans Magazine, vol. psyOtic said: Im just waiting to see what happens to the materials the craft is made of and the people in side it when there subjected to the G-forces of faster than light travel. I have to mention that a 100 years ago, when the first cars were made, everybody (including top scientists) thought that it is not possible for the human phisiology and technology to travel with a speed greater than 100km/h. . We pray THE ELIJAH LIST encourages you. in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. Kind of backwards to what we are used to I guess. I also agree with Silverhill that saying harmonic energy is responsible for expanding or collapsing space is very much New Age blather and not in any way scientific. I will frelly admit, I am by no means a writer,(unlike science, english was always my worst subject ). Since a photon can alter the kinetic energy of a particle that it strikes, thereby altering the local mechanical energy, perhaps it could be said to be a conveyor of mechanical energy. Progress was slow given that Heim was rather possessive of his theory, particularly on the matter of inviting research from outside of Germany. I am in the process of running my text through a spell check but my website is just a hobby and like I said more of a draft in progress, although available to the public. This is because its energy density and energy yield are not great enough. Perhaps the mechanical output of the sun is not within the human range of hearing and sound cannot travel through a vacuume, but to say a massive thermonuclear explosion creates no form of mechanical output is ridiculous. -usually faster than running- dont i should at least became my grandfather? It was submitted to the Foundation in 1956. Estimated value of Firepointe.com is $195.95. Ive taken this under consideration and sent my oversimplification to obedience school. . January 24, 2012 - Prophetic Alert: Hurry up and hook this puppy up in the Sandia National Laboratories. If you could not do such a thing yourself, how can you expect it of another? If this theory could actually unambiguously do the things its proponents claim it can, there would be more than 5 people in the world working on it. First time this material has been publically available they say. just like the sound barrier case described before. And what right-thinking scientist would want the publicity for releasing information about a working faster than light drive? Hyperdrive: if you put a huge rotating ring above a superconducting coil and pump enough current through the coil, the resulting large magnetic field will reduce the gravitational pull on the ring to the point where it floats free. Computer hardware and peripherals; Computer hardware and software for data exchange and transfer; Computer software for use in data exchange and transfer, NEW APPLICATION OFFICE SUPPLIED DATA ENTERED IN TRAM, NOTIFICATION OF NON-FINAL ACTION E-MAILED, NOTIFICATION OF NOTICE OF PUBLICATION E-MAILED, OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION CONFIRMATION E-MAILED, NOA E-MAILED - SOU REQUIRED FROM APPLICANT, NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF EXTENSION REQUEST E-MAILED, APPLICANT/CORRESPONDENCE CHANGES (NON-RESPONSIVE) ENTERED, AUTOMATIC UPDATE OF ASSIGNMENT OF OWNERSHIP, ABANDONMENT NOTICE MAILED - NO USE STATEMENT FILED. If energy of a region in space is in harmony that space will expand and grow, the energy will increase. So, is a law a fact? The speed of light is a fact. If everything stops moving, time stops. We dont take our space program nearly as seriously as we should.. The following is not an opinion. One of the earliest writings by Burkhard Heim is a report he prepared for the Gravity Research Foundation, P.O. Firepoint Company Profile: Acquisition & Investors | PitchBook 14. Contact Information Website www.firepoint.net Ownership Status Acquired/Merged (Operating Subsidiary) Financing Status Formerly VC-backed Rejoice because the days of pain are coming to an end. If you decided to put up with 6 Gs, which isnt uncommon for fighter or stunt pilots to endure (I did during a flight in a WWII T-6 trainer, no G-suit needed) you would reach the 120 mile per second speed in that first hour. What causes static electricity (electrons stripped from objects to create an electrical charge) is friction scuffing your feet on the carpet, rubbing a balloon on your shirt, pulling a piece of scotch tape from the roll (try this to see what scotch tape has to do with static electricity: tear off a 2 foot piece of scotch tape and tack the top end to the bottom of a shelf so that the rest hangs free. Sure, the pudding will sit on the fork, but it just works so much better and makes so much more sense to use a spoon.. I want the Vulcans to come visit us! (Please remember, though, while adjusting the presentation, that momentum is not the same as force; they have different units.). Talking about being on the internet vs. television: Even this morning as I was praying I saw something about this new thing that was going to come, an amalgamation or marriage of television and the internet. 2, pp. just press reverse and they go back in time, how crazy is that!!! There is indeed more than enough medium with which to accelerate a spacevehicle in the mannner I propose. It would sure pull your arm in alright just like any impeller would however once your arm reached the point of maximum field it would be effectively chopped to bits . The mountain you will possess, the mountain that will save you, the mountain that will rescue you, will be seen. Where do I find info on Firepoint information technology on the There are a few different places you can find information on firepointe technology stock and. That made my day. A sonic boom is caused by travelling through an atmosphere and the craft catches up to the pressure wave that is created in front of it by pushing air aside to make room for the craft to travel through the air. All rights reserved. I think Jono covered it best in the first post. Like rejecting perpetual-motion machines out-of-hand. Release the theory of everything, who gives a @#$% about the space drive, thats small potatoes compared to the UFT and discoveries that would follow. Ludicrous Inc - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets Bloomberg Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers. bullshit theory Plug refraction and diffusion into the basic equations and travelling FTL is not a problem. The chances of the space craft coming into difficulties would be much higher. As for power from the Sun; the Earth and the planets exist within the inertial reference frame of the sun. 8, pp. Yeah! Main Photo Album My Resume Search About Me Network Users Web Mail. Prophetic Statements - Regarding the coming move of the Spirit and new unity: The Holy Spirit has been seeking for a place to rest His feet. You're saying, "Kim, does this mean October?" (I luv how the old cliches are always so true). 344, p. 340, caused me to search for A. R. Weyl reports. First, let me say that you are the first preson to respond to my website with any sort of negative opinion. Arg.i was thinking so hard my brain leaked out and I lost everything I meant to say.pffft. The word theory has a different meaning in science than it does in normal conversation. I would prefer to call it positive thinking and I would prefer further clarification of the supposed errors you have so quickly discovered after I have spent five years looking for errors. If you can negate mass, then you can reduce your rest mass to zero. Up to that point in history, the Air Force and private industry had possessed the financial and technological resources to test Heims theory in the manner Burkhard Heim had suggested. It might be a close race to see whether radiation would kill everyone on board before the craft exploded. Yes it is most definitely possible to record state changes in simple objects and replay or reset them to some known state (at least at a very small scale). Erm I always heard gravitation and relativity referred to as laws, although of course they are theories too. You're going to see it this year! Fire-Pointe-E Updates Ludicrous Speed of Firepointe - Facebook Contact. In the 1980s Heim began to work with a theorist named Walter Drscher who restored the two dimension which Heim had originally discarded from his theory. With an editor of course. Still, when physicist John Reed translated some of Heims formulas into software, he found that it was able to derive particle masses as well as Heim had claimed. LUDICROUS, INC. in Culver City, CA | Company Info & Reviews Company Information Sponsored Links Company Contacts CHRIS CECIL Chief Executive Officer 100 Corporate Pointe Suite 230 Culver City, CA 90230 DAVID REICHMAN Chief Financial Officer 100 Corporate Pointe Suite 230 Culver City, CA 90230 TIFFANY MARQUEZ Secretary 100 Corporate Pointe Suite 230 The raven is the beast of the east; the raven speaks about the beast of the east and how it's provided just a little bit so we could survive. Crosman said: What WAS interesting is that Heim states that there was no Big Bang, Thats because there was no Big Bang. Anyone who believes that is an idiot. Any talk of developing a space drive would be insanely premature when youve just barely come up with a unified field theory. Time travel. People Are Sharing The Most Unbelievable, Ludicrous, And Straight-Up Hilarious Lies Their Parents Ever Told Them, And These Are Killing Me. Donate online at: https://www.elijahlist.com/donations/donation.php. I found this site to be very interesting! Firepoint Solutions Inc - Company Profile and News If the people would just understand, there is a, "I want every living thing to be released. Not ultimately scientific, but its the way things are done. M-theory posits two 5-dimensional branes (from membranes) colliding in an oscillating fashion, with each collision releasing energy in a new Big Bang (sometimes nicknamed the Big Clap). Now South Korean car maker Hyundai has a new technology that has social media buzzing. I don't know what it means. But its ability to calculate particle mass with uncanny accuracy has lent it a certain degree of credibility, because no theory before or since Heims can accomplish the same thing. Where do you find information on Firepoint information technology on on firepointe technology stock on Firepoint information technology on the. the high-order thinking necessary for the proposed systems. Most of the explanations of Relativity Theory that I have heard are constrained by trying to warp this to something meaningful to the way we, as humans, can sense and think.