RETIREMENT Time to read: about 9 minutes. Woman charged for fatal wrong-way crash on I-280 last weekend, Foothill-De Anza names four finalists to be next chancellor, Around Town: Palo Alto gets ready to celebrate 99th annual May Fete Parade, Take a look back at April with our month-end local news quiz, Special-education classrooms destroyed in possible arson at Cubberley Community Center. It truly has been an incredible journey, and I will miss all of you more than I can express. He and his team responded to the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995, 9/11 in New York in 2001 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, among other disasters. "They gave it the best college try they could give it, but he didn't make it," he said. It is an honorable and You deserve it! Mastandrea then ended the ceremony by presenting interim Fire Chief Dave Wheelock with a gift. To my brothers and sisters who put the wet stuff on the red stuff, I would like to leave you with this from the History of the Worlds Greatest Fires: In Greek Mythology, Prometheus was a titan trickster who was said to have defied the gods by giving man fire. From you, Ive learned invaluable lessons about life and work; but most importantly, Ive learned that relationships are what matter in the end. It was around that time that he stepped back from medic training to focus on search and rescue work and work toward more management-focused roles. What is your favorite thing about Breakfast withSanta? Vitas also quietly spoke to Mastandrea as bystanders looked on. This is an inspiring story and a wonderful example of what it means to dedicate one's life to serving the community. H6 Radio Straps Decon Comfort Functionality, If you think it is hard to get into the fire service, wait until you try to get out; here are things you can do now to navigate that end-of-career change. Every day has been rewarding in its own way, but today is an especially bittersweet occasion as I bid farewell to all my colleagues and look ahead to the future. The district board also had its own concrete step to commemorate Schapelhouman's legacy in the community. It was an emotional and poignant send-off for retiring Lake Zurich Fire Chief Terry Mastandrea on July 15. WebFirefighter Retirement Speech In your firefighter retirement speech you will speak of the courage and bravery that is an essential part of the job and the way in which the retiree It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for fire service professionals worldwide. He eventually joined the fire class in Sunnyvale because it paid the best among local agencies, and it was there he fell in love with the art of fighting fire, he said. Im proud of the accomplishments and improvements weve made in the department and I know Im leaving it in great condition., Client News, Fire News ceremony, Chief Kevin Partridge, Easton Fire Department, retirement. The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. In his research, Bates found that 95.7 percent of his survey's participants felt that their retirement was successful. Today, we celebrate and recognize someone exceptional who has made an invaluable difference in our organization. Print Edition/Archives All rights reserved. Schapelhouman said he dropped the bag twice on his way up and was sure he would fail, until, finding an inner well of strength, he threw the bag up the last few stairs and jumped on top of it, with two seconds to spare. Awards For Retired Firemen The Almanac Sports Another 40 years from now, he said, he's hoping the district will continue to adapt by gaining knowledge, technology and convenience through automation. Chief, enjoy your retirement and leave the new chief alone! Weve put together a few examples of retirement speeches from the retirees perspective (and from an employees, as well) to help ignite your creativity. "We got as close to 60 kids getting incinerated that day as you can get," he said.It was even through the fire district that he met the woman who would later become his wife. If you need help getting started with your goodbyes, here are some examples of retirement speeches by the retiree (and an employee speech) to help you craft the perfect address: This type of speech is the most common and is often sentimental. 781-428-3299. Retirement Best Retirement Speech Examples for Friend, Employee or The fire department will assign an administrator to communicate the guidelines and options. Aquascape's Annual Fish and Plants Spring Sale! This strategy allows you to focus efficiently on most of your speech and brainstorm ideas for a strong opening. He recalled responding to a call at an SRI building that wasn't marked from the outside, but inside had signage indicating the presence of radioactive materials. Schapelhouman made his way in the door for that written test and passed it easily. Marc Kalbaugh served with the Hauser Lake Fire Department from 2008 to 2019. and the department of defense. It takes a special kind of courage to go into a burning building and save lives. .440 Police and fire department members in city of home rule class or urban-county government -- Qualifications -- Examination -- Tenure -- Reinstatement. All rights reserved. The Gods were incensed and Prometheus was sentenced to be bound to a rock to eternal torment for his transgression where each day an eagle would feast on his liver only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. The biggest blessing must be my meaningful collaborations with some of my favorite coworkers over the years. If a notable team member is retiring, its an excellent opportunity to express gratitude for their contributions and commitment while highlighting hard work and excellence for other employees. News Thank you for everything you have done for us! Remarks at Bloomington Fire Department Awards A short retirement speech will allow you to be concise and still convey your message. "Fire seasons aren't getting smaller. The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. At one point he received a vote of no confidence, which he said was "breathtakingly disappointing.". of his retirement after 32 years of distinguished. Partridge closed the ceremony speaking about his history in the fire service and thanking his family and those who have helped him throughout his career, as well as the fire chiefs from around the region who attended. Copyright 2023 You have to understand that 25 years ago Covington was a different city, and it will evolve over the next 25 years to become whatever it's meant to be and the proud serving members of the Fire, Police, and Public Works will continue to see those changes through. "The job essentially is bigger than any of us the responsibility to protect the community and serve the community," he said. After years of living on a work cycle (mine was 24 hours on and 48 hours off), you'll find yourself needing to adjust to the world of the 40-hour work week, especially if you take on another job. Retirement speech for an employee Not every day is as special and a truly emotional occasion like this one. The restaurant's name means "pot on fire.". Become a Member Kate Bradshaw reports food news and feature stories all over the Peninsula, from south of San Francisco to north of San Jos. He spent time after high school working in commercial construction, and he credits that work for not just helping him to build fitness, but to develop an instinctual understanding of buildings, a skill that would set him apart later in a field dedicated to saving structures and their inhabitants during disasters. - Andrew Bernstein. Hauser Lake Volunteer Fire Department | Hauser, Idaho | Established 1952. Look no further if youre stuck and need some ideas or inspiration. S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K _____ 6639 2023-2024 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y April 25, 2023 _____ Introduced by M. of A. PHEFFER AMATO -- read once and referred to the Committee on Governmental Employees AN ACT to amend the retirement and social security law, the education law and the administrative code of the Help sustain the local news you depend on. Though my time has come to an end, lets not forget why we are here tonight: remembering and celebrating all of you for all that you do in service to this community. View all posts by Hauser Lake FPD. That transition, he said, "has been a huge evolution in patient care. Retirement to Take Effect February 16. When creating an outline for your retirement speech, make sure to consider the following steps: By crafting an effective outline and following these steps, you can ensure that your retirement speech is well-received by everyone in attendance. But the physical test was another story. He had been passed over in his first effort to join the Los Altos firefighting staff and had recommitted himself to his college coursework. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Email if you wish to be placed on a SPECIFIC email list for your beat, agency or community. Essentially working 24/7, 365 days a year, means sleepless nights and missed meals, taking time away from your own families and their needs to meet the needs of others. and suppliers. ", He became part of the district's first group of emergency medical technicians, and has seen the way first responders' skills have transformed from providing basic first aid to the more comprehensive responses that paramedics offer now. Don't miss out on the discussion! He has helped make the Fire District one of the most innovative in the Nation and he was one of the key players in the creation of the National Urban Search and Rescue Teams. PRIDE AND OWNERSHIP: THE LOVE FOR THE JOB - Fire Looking aheadAfter 40 years in the field, Schapelhouman said he's proud of the financial direction the district as well, over the course of his career seeing a transition from firefighters being equipped with substandard gear to top-of-the-line technology, including an ambitious drone program, earthquake warning systems and thermal imaging equipment. And then there were the regular house fires with their own complexities, like when two overlapping roofs at a house on Altschul Avenue created a hidden fire, causing the roof to collapse immediately after a new fire chief had commanded him to step away. In his Executive Fire Officer Program research paper "Problems and Success Factors Inherent in Fire Service Retirement," Gerald Bates wrote that he found a significant relationship between the participants' rank at the time of retirement and their perception of their personal and social relationships. interacts online and researches product purchases The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. He was an instructor for fire, EMSand hazardous materials courses at the local, state and federal levels, which included more than 10 years with the National Fire Academy. Heartfelt/Serious Electronics Recycling Event for Earth Day, Volo Museum Titanic tribute opens April 14. Parting Words from a Volunteer Firefighter Hauser Lake Fire Salutes were given by all fire department personnel in attendance, which included not only Lake Zurich firefighters, but also representatives of many departments from Buffalo Grove to Skokie. The farewell celebration took place at Easton Fire Station 3. (Lets ask her again at day 100!) Ceremonious Send-Off For Retiring Fire Chief Terry Mastandrea Home 7 Of The Best Cordless Phones For Seniors In 2023 To Make Their Lives Easier, 27 Nice Things Every Parent Needs To Say To Their Grown Son, 11 Reasons Some Grown Children Ignore Their Parents (Except When They Need Money), 35 Hobbies That Are Perfect for Women Over 50, Creative Calm: 15 Must-Try Coloring Pages for Senior Adults, 39 Great Things To Write In A Retirement Card To a Co-worker. You have that A Great Speech: A Firefighter's Plea To Think Small Whether it was getting to all those projects that you never seemed to have time for or taking care of business for family and friends, your weekly schedule can fill up in a hurry. So begin your celebration by expressing your heartfelt appreciation to your team and excitement for the next phase of life. With the extremely risky work Schapelhouman took on, they worried about how a family would fit into the picture. "The primary determinant of a successful and satisfying retirement appeared to be directly related to the level of planning that went into it," he wrote. To the Auxiliary, some folks say you join the fire department to fight fire, I think I joined because at 3 oclock in the morning being handed a sandwich, beef jerky, and a beverage means so much. Easy to download youll get a selection of speeches that are easy to mix and match. .442 Authorization for civil service commission in city with population of 8,000 or more -- Rights of employee accepting management position. FireRescue1 is revolutionizing the way the fire service community The district was known for firing people regularly and often, he said.The traumas of his job early on almost deterred him from the field, he said. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. "It's a job where you can find the better part of yourself, if you're looking," he said. "I took that real hard.". Our amazing team accomplished so much in the years Ive been here, and Im proud to have played a part in our success. A heartfelt or serious retirement speech is perfect for those who have put their life and heart into their career. Think about how many retired firefighters finally get surgeries for those knee and shoulder problems that they've been putting off for years. I leave the fire service going to a different chapter. Its been an honor to serve as a fire chief with all of you.. Over the years, Schapelhouman kept working in his chosen field, developing a specialty in urban search and rescue operations. Those little nagging aches and pains take on a new significance, especially when you don't have that peer pressure to keep working through them. Knowing what to say when passing the baton and sharing final words of wisdom is challenging. A hero has faced it all: he need not be undefeated, but he must be undaunted.. Your contribution matters. The Fire Service is not just a job or just a profession but rather it is a Calling. A portable fire department bell is then tolled by another member. Although he had earned his full retirement a decade ago, he has continued to serve for ten more years because of his love for the Calling and his devotion to our community. He brought in attorneys to push for his return to the chief position, and took steps to ensure he could still do the job well, like finding specialists to evaluate him and securing the right adaptive equipment. Fail one, and you were out.The hardest was a timed test that required carrying more than 120 pounds of equipment up a training tower, and many strong-looking candidates were failing. A call intended to blow up firefighters with propane bombs, in which the bombs miraculously did not explode. At last weeks Board of Commissioners Legislative meeting on August 8, 2017, Covington Fire Department Captain Dan Frederick, Battalion Chief Seth Poston, Assistant Chief Chris Black, and Engineer Nick Nazzarine announced their retirement after 120 years of combined service, effective August 31, 2017. During their time here, they have gone above and beyond in every task and project they were involved with, delivering results consistently and serving as a role model of integrity and professionalism for all of us. In 1962, General Douglas MacArthur uttered these famous words during a speech that embodied the spirit of sacrificing oneself for a higher cause: Duty, honor, country. Things were going well with his search and rescue work and legislative advocacy when he was tapped to become the next fire chief. Following the parade, a ceremony took place with several speakers to honor Partridge. The City of Covington thanks Captain Frederick, Battalion Chief Seth Poston, Assistant Chief Chris Black, and Engineer Nick Nazzarine for their years of service. Easton Fire Department Bids Farewell to Retired Photo by Daniela Beltran B. He is outspoken on any issue where there is a threat to our community even when doing so was not politically correct. Giving a Farewell Speech at Work (With Examples and Lexipol. Being light-hearted at the end of ones career is a graceful but uplifting way to bid farewell. We were not Chiefs, or Officers or Engineers, we were just new Firefighters starting our path in life as the rest of our generation trickled in, adding a few every couple months. "If you can't do that with compassion and forgiveness in your heart and the ability to move past people who aren't nice to you, then this isn't the job for you. A call intended to blow up firefighters with propane bombs, in which the bombs miraculously did not explode. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The only other careers that parallel that of the fire service that strong sense of camaraderie, daily exposures to the unknown, and retirement at an early age are found in law enforcement and the military. Lexipol. 8 Prospect St. Community Calendar He has held almost every rank in the Fire District and held each with distinction. Retirement from a life-long career can be a stressful event, regardless of the field. "We almost died that night," he recalled. Express / Weekend Express 5 Retirement Speech Ideas with Examples 1. I'm not saying you get there overnight, but in the end, it's the reason the fire service is the most trusted profession.". Photo by Daniela Beltran B. Being a fire officer also means that you probably had some significant roles and responsibilities managing people, physical resources and budgets. Plus, Schapelhouman admits to having a workaholic streak. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Chelmsford Police Department Welcomes Two New Officers, Andover Fire Rescue Welcomes Two New Members from Massachusetts Firefighting Academy, Concord Police and Fire Departments Respond to Crash into Assabet River, Acton Police Department Places Officer on Administrative Leave Following Arrest, Town of Ipswich Receives Metropolitan Area Planning Council Technical Assistance Grant. I have had some fire chiefs tell me that they have had to politely tell the retired fire chief to leave, with a simple, I got this. If youre the retired fire chief, be respectful. The honor guard was followed by Mastandrea, his wife, daughter, two sons and his mother. Our fellow firefighters became our second family; truth be known, we spent more time with that family than we did with our spouses and children. You know you're going into a fire driven building, but you're not just firefighters. At one point, a fight broke out, after which Menlo Park firefighters insisted that nobody could save spots in line.Schapelhouman made his way in the door for that written test and passed it easily. Suicides witnessed and responded to. Harold Schapelhouman almost didn't become a Menlo Park firefighter.The chief of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District, who retired late last month after a 40-year career, was a student when his fellow firefighters in training at the Los Altos Fire Department woke him in the middle of the night and asked him to join them in taking the test for the district.Schapelhouman, then 20, needed some convincing. College Of Lake County Honors Student-Nominated Faculty Award Winners, Local Jobs: See Who's Hiring In The Lake Zurich Area, Man Accused Of Threatening Members Of Jewish Synagogue In Lake County, 2 New Homes For Sale In The Lake Zurich Area, Ravinia Festival Tickets Set To Go On Sale Exclusively Online. The Green Oaks Family Academy Elementary School Fire Protection Act became law in 2002, but Schapelhouman expressed disappointment that the legislation didn't cover existing school campuses, just new ones. His family lived in Mountain View and Los Altos, and as an adult, he lived in Sunnyvale and Fremont before settling in San Jose's Willow Glen neighborhood, he said.As a youth, he thought he'd pursue law enforcement work, joining a police explorer program. Hostage situations. At one point he received a vote of no confidence, which he said was "breathtakingly disappointing. The hardest was a timed test that required carrying more than 120 pounds of equipment up a training tower, and many strong-looking candidates were failing. People indicated when I put in my retirement letter that there would be some big shoes to fill; I want to assure Dave that those shoes arent as big as people think they are, Mastandrea said. But I also look forward to embracing new challenges and experiences on my new journey ahead. Wheelock waspresented witha boys size 11 patent leather shoe, and the celebration then moved on to a local restaurant to continue to honor the chiefs long and committed career. The bagpipe player walked away, continuing to play his music, as the fire engines headed out to answer the call. Its difficult to put into words just how much this moment means to me. He played a pivotal role in creating Menlo Park's urban search and rescue team, and was called upon to respond to some of the worst national and international disasters of the past decades. "He channeled lessons about detail orientation he'd picked up from his father and his accountant brother as a youth, and kept working at it, he said. I worked extremely hard.". Harold Schapelhouman almost didn't become a Menlo Park firefighter. Obituaries Through it all, he worked at mastering the art of staying professional through the trauma by seeking to do justice to the grand calling of firefighting, many people's last line of defense in the face of grave danger. As firefighters, we know the value of conducting The others passed on, far too many, not long after retiring, we buried them, folded a flag for the family and placed a gold star on their picture in the Union Hall. served with the Chesterfield (Virginia) Fire & EMS Department for 26 years. "It was a real privilege to come back and prove I can do the job, and be able to do it and do it well," he said. All rights reserved. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. When you need help, turn to the award-winning team at the John Guilfoil Public Relations Agency. $ 39.94. Redwood City Pulse, 2023 Palo Alto Online Place a Legal Notice Expand on your ideas with the right tone. "Meanwhile, those risks Schapelhouman was taking also had an impact on his home life, he said.At one point, he said, he and his wife had a serious conversation. For many of us, that journey started in the volunteer ranks where we cut our teeth in the business. Whether it's a retiring long standing Fire Chief or Officer, or just a "moving on" rank and file guy (or gal) - outgoing firefighters deserve to be honored appropriately and with dignity. It had five grueling challenges, and to be considered for the district, each candidate had to complete all five. Then, showing the true commitment offirefighters, the fire radiosounded reportinga two alarm-fire in Deer Park. Larry Shapiro photo. Webof New York (ACNY), the Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL), and the rules of the Fire Department Pension Fund, the applicable laws will govern. "Somebody has to do the dirty work," he said. Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman at the Menlo Park Fire Protection District emergency command center, September 2011. A parade of fire, police and other emergency response vehicles, with their lights and sirens activated, traveled through the town before arriving at the station. "The most satisfied retirees tended to be those who planned for their retirement several years in advance.". She had come to see one of the district's exhibitions with one of the district's administrators. Become a member today. All rights reserved. [Name] has worked at this company for [number] years and has been an integral part of its success. "After he returned, he said he helped to come up with a five-year agreement with the district's union that provided stability to the organization among other initiatives he's led since returning to the department after his injury. In the aftermath of the Green Oaks Academy fire, he pushed legislators to mandate that automatic sprinkler systems and fire alarms be installed on school campuses. You can't take it personally or you're going to be a basket case. Jason McKenna was promoted to Battalion Chief. Consider these retirement target hazards and pre-plan accordingly. This type of retirement speech allows for more time as you pour your heart out and express how the people around you have positively impacted your life over the years. I would like to thank the commissioners, past and present, for all their support throughout the years and for what they do to keep this Department moving forward and outfitted. He finally took on the role March 31, 2006, after he was told that if he didn't, the next chief would come from outside of the district. He credits the community and the staff of the district for shaping his life in a profound way. He played a pivotal role in creating Menlo Park's urban search and rescue team, and was called upon to respond to some of the worst national and international disasters of the past decades.He and his team responded to the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995, 9/11 in New York in 2001 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, among other disasters.Schapelhouman's daughter, now 21, was born just months after he returned from a trip abroad to provide search and rescue aid during the Chi Chi earthquake in Taiwan in 1999.Over time, Schapelhouman began to work more in the realm of fire prevention and advocacy. Privacy Policy for. Firefighters Retire He was also presented with a commemorative plaque with an American flag and a firefighters axe attached by Healey and Mills. Many others worked for two or three paid-on-call services or comboed a fire department job with an EMS gig before getting that one job that paid enough to make it their sole fire service endeavor. If there will be drinks and toasting (there will be), then make sure to plan it ahead of time. Microwaves can destroy any great dinner that has been sitting 5 hours while you were out on calls, sleep was actually something your parents made up so they had some peace and quiet, you can make 25 EMS calls in 24 hrs, and never ask anyone why they were "doing that" at 4:30' in the morning from there you realized something; the only 2 things a Firefighter wants in his or her career are time and opportunity.
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