can you help me? 1) In a mode of group 01 except G00 and G01, G41.3 (startup) is specified. +5 VDC of the control circuit power supply is abnormally low. A speed higher than 511875 units/s was attempted to be set in the nth axis (axis 18). Fanuc Powermate D Alarm 414 (LV5V Control Power Low Alarm) - ;2) At startup, the included angle of the tool direction vector and move direction vector is 0 or 180 degrees. In torque control of PMC axis control, a specified allowable speed has been exceeded. (5axis mode) This alarm is issued when;1) Threedimensional cutter compensation (sideface offset and leading edge offset) is applied during cutter compensation, or cutter compensation is applied during threedimensional cutter compensation (sideface offset and leadingedge offset). Don't attempt to perform anything discussed in this presentation if you are not both fully qualified to do so and have the equipment owner's permission to do so.Once you are done troubleshooting and before performing any maintenance, follow all plant safety and lockout procedures. A06B-6140-HXXX 2) series SVU: IPM (intelligent power module) detected an alarm. Over current flowed into the input of the main circuit. 200-V control power (CX1A) is not supplied. 6) A value outside the limit of {1 to the number of control axes} or a noncontinuous value (Parameter 1023 (servo axis number) contains a value out of the range from 1 to the number of axes, or an isolated value (for example, 4 not preceded by 3).was set in parameter No. ;5) Tool center point control is provided during tool axis direction tool length compensation, or tool axis direction tool length compensation is applied during tool center point control. In the main circuit the DC voltage at the DC link is abnormally high. Consult the list below for a brief description of the code indicated on your CNC machine controls. For further information please visit our dedicated Fanuc Alpha I Power Supply Module Page. Refer to diagnostic display 722 or 723 for details. Check that the servo interface module and servo amp are connected. Please contact us for free consultation about any of the following error codes, or any other problems with your FANUC power supply. The input power supply is abnormal. Fanuc Alpha Spinde Drives. Nestled at the base of Utah's Wasatch Mountains just a few miles from Salt Lake City, Murray City Power is a publicly owned, municipal electric utility created in 1913 when the community demanded affordableand more reliableelectricity, along with local control over a vital service. In the main circuit the DC voltage at the DC link is abnormally high. The main circuit power module (IPM) has detected an overload, overcurrent, or control supply voltage decrease, overcurrent, or control supply voltage decrease. My tech is looking for some type of diagram or information. Refer to procedure of trouble shooting. FANUC Power Supply Module Alarm Codes List - TRI STAR CNC SERVICES LLC Your email address will not be published. The regenerative discharge unit is heated. Even though the nth axis (axis 18) READY signal (MCON) went off, the servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) is still on. A cooling fan of external cooling has stopped. These apply to : PSM-5.5i, PSM-11i, PSM-15i, PSM-26i, PSM-30i, PSM-37i. NMI OCCURRED IN SLC: 972. NOT ALLOWED IN BG.EDIT (M series), SYNCHRONOUS/MIXED CONTROL ERROR (T series (At twopath)), ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SYNCHRO MODE (T series (At twopath)), R CODE NOT FOUND (Grinding machine) (M series), TCODE NOT ALOWEE IN THIS BLOCK (T series), SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS DETECTION RELATED ERROR, SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS PARAMETER INCORRECT, SERVO ALARM: n AXIS SYNC TORQUE (M series), G05 P10000 ILLEGAL START UP (HPCC) (M series), HPCC: CRC OFS REMAIN AT CANCEL (M series), ILLEGAL COMMAND (G100, G102, G103) (T series), NEW PRG REGISTERED IN BAXS MOVE (T series), ADDRESS R NOT DEFINED IN G81G86 (T series), ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G02.3/G03.3 (M series), DIFFERENT AXIS UNIT (PMC AXIS) (M series), IMPROPER GCODE (G05.1 G1 MODE) (M series), IMPROPER MODAL GCODE (G05.1 G1) (M series), G08 CAN NOT BE COMMANDED (G05.1 G1) (M series), CAN NOT ERROR IN MDI MODE (G05.1) (M series), G41/G42 NOT ALLOWED IN MDI MODE (M series), G41/G42 NOT ALLOWED IN MDI MODE (T series), ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.2/ G42.2 (M series), ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G43.4/ G43.5 (M series), ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G43.4/ G43.5 (M series), EXCESS VELOCITY IN G43.4/ G43.5 (M series), MANUAL INTERVENTION IN 3D CIR (M series), PARAMETER SETTING ERROR 1 (TLAC) (M series), PARAMETER SETTING ERROR 2 (TLAC) (M series), ILLEGAL DRILLING AXIS SELECTED (M series). Be sure to check out our article covering FANUC CNC Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions here. An error occurred in internal parameter data transfer processing. A06B-6110-HXXX. Fanuc Alarm Codes - CNC Spares List of Common Fanuc Alarm Codes - TIE Information Center Do yourself a favor and make sure it is a Japanese Industrial Standard tipped screwdriver. Alarm DS 611 is generated by the CNC when it detects that a servo amp is in the warning state. Do not confuse these alarms with Fanuc CNC control system power supply unit alarms; which are a different matter altogether. No knot is specified. 5, S. . Some point to the source of the problem itself, others point to the problem and do not identify the failing/malfunctioning component. For more information or to get a quote on a FANUC power supply, please call 800-691-8511 or email A parameter has been specified incorrectly. Overcurrent flowed into the input of the main circuit. xxxx to xxxx) that determines the relationship between the rotation axis and rotation plane is incorrect. Highspeed current loop (bit 0 of parameter No. We're happy to answer any questions you may have, simply click below to get started. PMC SYSTEM ALARM: 951. Tri Star CNC Services helps you diagnose and troubleshoot your FANUC spindle amplifier and other electronic components. When there is a fault in the system you will see the information appear in the top box of the teach pendant. Conveniently, JIS tips work great in Phillips screws so if you've noticed problems with stripping out screws when working on Asian-built equipment, you might want to consider changing out your Phillips screwdrivers for Japanese Industrial Standard versions.Before we down the machine completely, let's talk about moving it. A parameter related to pivot tool length compensation is incorrect. Average regenerative discharge energy is too high (too frequent acceleration/deceleration) The transformer overheats. AL04: In the main circuit the DC voltage (DC Link) has dropped. I HAVE A2 ALARM ONLY POWER UP CONTROL TYPE A06B-6202-H011 , YOU CAN TELL US ? An error occurred in internal parameter data transfer processing. 2) PSMR: The control power supply voltage has dropped. This error occurs as the result of improperly set CMR. The position deviation value when the nth axis (axis 18) stops is larger than the set value. We will perform the neededFANUC power supply repairs or recommend the purchase of a new FANUC power supply module. b. FANUC power supply repair or exchange services. Use of highspeed HRV is specified although the current control cycle is 200 s. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Alternatively, the regenerative discharge circuit is abnormal. a. We also provide repair services for FANUC Power Supplies. Abnormal servo motor load has been detected. If Alarm 59 presents on SPM in combination with AL.2 on PSM; then cooling Fan has stopped in the PSM. f (2)Cause and troubleshooting (a)The input power supply has an open phase. The contents of the error register for the nth axis (axis 18) exceeded 231 power. This would mean that I have an LV5V Control Power Low Alarm. A: A cooling fan of external cooling has stopped. Alarm occurs when regenerative discharge resistor is disconnected. 416 SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS DISCONNECTION. ;If this alarm is issued, cancel the relevant mode, then specify a different mode. At a quick glance, JIS and Phillips appear to be the same, but a close look reveals that their design is slightly divergent. 4) Illegal data (a value below 0, etc.) Joe has worked in the automation industry for over 10 years providing support to some of the largest companies in the world. DC voltage of the main circuit power supply is abnormally high. Certain power supply module alarms occur that can force the spindle amplifier module to alarm in Tandem. Alarm Code 5 (1)Meaning (a)The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). In parentheses, the alarm will indicate the axis that the amplifier controls. This handy Fanuc Alarm Code reference list will help you diagnose the source of the alarm by explaining what each alarm code means. Fanuc power supply alarm on PSM modules from the group that has been repairing Fanuc ALPHA power supply modules for over 20 years. Fanuc Servo Amplifier 400 Alarm Codes; Alarm Code Message Description; 400. . A06B-6091-HXXX PSMR: The external dissipator cooling fan failed. The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is low. Thank you Thank you for contacting TIE-FANUCWORLD. A cooling fan of external cooling has stopped. 2085 (flexible field gear rate) have not been set. In the main circuit, the DC voltage (DC link) has dropped. The difference between the errors in the semiclosed loop and closed loop has become excessive during dual position feedback. Main board Power supply unit Process I/O Panel board Servo amplifier (A-cabinet) - 87 - 3.TROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE B-82595EN-2/06 Servo amplifier Panel board Optional slot Main board Power supply unit (B-cabinet) TROUBLESHOOTING USING THE LEDS ON THE MAIN BOARD (Total edition 09B or earlier) (1) Troubleshooting using the status display LED . Check that the servo interface module and servo amp are connected. Learning control (bit 5 of parameter No. Power Supply Alarm 10 or ASpindle Amplifier Alarm b3CNC Alarm SP9113Applies to Alpha i Power SupplyAlarm 10 or A on the Alpha i power supply indicates a failure of the external cooling fan mounted on the heatsink.When the power supply faults out for a bad external fan, the system does its best to get your attention. Fanuc Alpha Servo Drives. 410 SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS EXCESS ERROR. 2078 and 2079. In the interference check evade function of cutter compensation, a further interference occurs for an already created interference evade vector. Today, Murray City Power employs 47 individuals . To release this alarm, press RESET and CAN. The motor operation is continued under the warning. 2084 and No. A broken wire in the builtin pulse coder was detected by hardware. To release the alarm, eliminate the cause of the alarm before turning control power supply ON. If you need a replacement part, please call 800-691-8511 or email AL03: The Temperature of the main circuit heat sink has risen abnormally. An error was detected in the RAM write/read test at powerup. PDF Troubleshooting (Serial Interface Spindle) - Kfasllc The nth axis (axis 14) overload signal is on. Regenerative discharge energy is too high. AL06: The Input Power Supply is abnormal (open phase). This water is delivered through a piping system fed from two water tanks that were replaced . FANUC alarm codes vary in specificity. Fanuc Power Supply Alarm Code List - Alpha Series - MRO Electric Blog 4 In the main circuit the DC voltage (DC link) has dropped. When executing M51, the M30 automatic power-off function cannot be executed. After one minute the PSM moves into the alarm state and stops working. 1 (for PSM-22i to 55i) Over current flowed into the input of the main circuit. The main circuit power supply has an open phase. PSM: The external dissipator cooling fan failed. 1) A G41.3 or G40 block contains a move command. E The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). In a modal state in which threedimensional circular interpolation cannot be specified, a threedimensional circular interpolation (G02.4/G03.4) is specified. A communication error for the serial pulse coder was detected. If your CNC machine tool is throwing an error you need to track down the source of the problemwhich isn't always as easy as it sounds. The cause is one of the following;1) The ratio of the deceleration rate to the acceleration rate is below the limit. 201, 720 or 721 for details. SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS PARAMETER INCORRECT, This alarm occurs when the nth axis (axis 18) is in one of the conditions listed below. Intermountain Power Agency (IPA) is a political subdivision of the state of Utah organized in 1977 by 23 Utah municipalities. +5 of control power is abnormally low. (Digital servo system alarm). In the main circuit the DC voltage (DC link) has dropped. Fanuc Alpha I Power Supply Alarms. When there is a parallel axis with the drilling axis, the parallel axis is also specified at the same time. BUT, Alarm still is on display. Temperature of the main circuit heat sink has risen abnormally, Copyright Tri Star CNC Services LLC. The temperature of the main circuit heat sink has risen abnormally. A speed higher than 524288000 units/s was attempted to be set in the nth axis (axis 18). (T series), ILLEGAL CONDITIONS IN POLAR COORDINATE INTERPOLATION, COMMAND G68/G69 INDEPENDENTLY T series (At twopath), FORMAT ERROR IN G81 BLOCK (Hobbing machine, EGB) (M series), G81 NOT COMMANDED (Hobbing machine) (M series), DUPLICATE G83 (COMMANDS) (Hobbing machine) (M series), ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G81 (Hobbing machine, EGB) (M series), RETURN TO REFERENCE POINT (Hobbing machine) (M series), PARAMETER SETTING ERROR (Hobbing machine, EGB) (M series), CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE (RIGID TAP) (M series), ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SYNCHROMODE (T series), COMMAND G250/G251 INDEPENDENTLY (T series), ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SYNCHRMODE (T series), DNC OP. 5400 is set to 1, and a reset does not cancel G68, this alarm is issued at the time of program restart. The generating station is located in Delta, Utah. Refer to diagnosis display No. To order a replacement part or a repair job, please call 800-691-8511 or email 2023. Power. (PSMR), High current flow the the main circuit of that axis has occurred, DC voltage of the power curcuit for that axis is high, The regenerative discharge unit has overheated. Excessive speeddeviation NOTE How to check the speed feedback signalObserve the speed feedback signal with an osciloscopeafter turning on power and setting the rotation command off(motor stopped and drive power set off). Fuses F1,F2,F3 for AC input blown out. Position control system fault. This difference makes it easy for Phillips screwdrivers to strip out JIS screw heads when they are screwed in tight. Fill out the form below and a knowledgeable FANUC automation expert will be in touch. Over current flowed into the input of the main circuit. Theres a list of Fanuc Alarm codes below to help. 1023), odd number and even number, highspeed HRV control can be performed for one axis and not for the other. Lakeside CNC Group, Inc. is an independent repair lab situated in Bensenville, IL. 200, 201 for details. Discharge operation is started at voltage of main circuit voltage plus 60V. These codes apply to power supplies that start with the following prefixes. Power - Power Supply - Page 1 - TIE Industrial FANUC service>>FANUC alarm codes>>Power supply module alarms. All Rights Reserved. Inverter: control power supply undervoltage. Then high voltage on the DC bus due to the PSM or power to the PSM. Although NURBS interpolation is not completed yet, the NURBS interpolation mode is turned off. (required), 2022. Thank you for your assistance and your time. Please refer to the following alarm codes pertain to the FANUC 200VAC and 400VAC PS modules with codes PSM HV, PSM, and PSM-R (part numbers started from A06B-6077, A06B-6081, A06B-6087, A06B-6091). Fanuc Power Supply Alarm Codes Alpha Series - Medium 1) PSM: The spare discharge circuit of the DC link is abnormal. 2) PSMR: The spare discharge circuit of the DC link is abnormal. 2023 (number of speed feedback pulses per motor revolution). The temperature of the heat sink has risen. AL02: A cooling fan for the control circuit has stopped. When it first detects a fan problem, the PSM goes into a warning state, and if the fan issue hasn't self-corrected within one minute, it goes into an alarm state.While the PSM is in a fan warning state, the spindle and servo amps will report that they are also. A cooling fan for the control circuit has stopped. b. FANUC Parts We Service: FANUC Alpha, Alpha i series & Alpha is series The temperature of the main circuit heat sink has risen abnormally. If Alarm 51 is present on the spindle power module then PSM issue indicating: DC Bus link is low. Curious about other common FANUC CNC problems? 4) series SVU: The link voltage is too high. Refer to procedure of trouble shooting. The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). 200 and No.204 for details. The regenerative discharge unit is heated. Corner circular interpolation (G39) of cutter compensation is not specified alone but is specified with a move command. Use of highspeed HRV is specified for a controlled axis of an amplifier which does not support highspeed HRV. Fanuc Alarm 4063 RF POWER SUPPLY - Helman CNC From early PMS modules to the latest aiPS; the alarms have been relatively consistent. In the main circuit the DC voltage (DC link) has dropped. Step 3 - Alarm 8, 9, and A are all the same problem. The spindle amplifier will cause the word FAN to flash in the status bar - if you have alarms occurring at the same time, you'll just see ALM flashing.While the power supply is in the warning state, the servo amplifiers are still powered up and able to move the machine around. 415 SERVO ALARM: nTH AXIS EXCESS SHIFT. AL07: In the main circuit the DC Voltage at the DC link is abnormally high. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The sign of feedback data from the builtin pulse coder differs from that of feedback data from the separate detector. If youre a CNC Beginnner, check out our CNC Beginners Cookbook. IPA's Intermountain Power Project includes a two-unit, coal-fired, steam-electric generating station, with a net capacity of 1,800 megawatts. A high current is an abnormal current that can be caused by noise. If Alarm 30 is present on the spindle amplifier module. FANUC Servo Amplifier Alarm Codes List | AC Robot Error Code GE FANUC The input power supply is abnormal. Internal cooling circuit failure, Overload, Input supply voltage imbalance, IPM failure, or control supply voltage decrease of the power module. We tried the B-65162 manual and could not find what we needed. Current exceeding the preset value has continued longer than normal. PSM: Overcurrent flowed into the input circuit. An alarm code may indicate a problem with the CNC machine (mechanical or electrical), or with the g-code program the machine has loaded. Is Manual Machining Faster than CNC for Simple Parts? The problem is for voltage of the fan must be same. Relay contacts for the dynamic brake is faulty. ABNORMAL REV.DATA (INT) 363. n AXIS : ABNORMAL CLOCK (INT) 364. . 1023) are an odd number followed by an even number (a pair of axes 1 and 2 or axes 5 and 6, for example), a different current control cycle is set for each of the axes. The interference check evade function of cutter compensation determines that an evade operation will lead to danger. ;2) A G1.3 block contains a G code or M code for which buffering is suppressed. Input supply voltage imbalance, IGBT defective. Due to an NC or servo system fault in the reference position return, there is the possibility that reference position return could not be executed correctly. 2024 (number of position feedback pulses per motor revolution). was set in parameter No. FANUC common servo alarm and solution - CNCmakers The input power supply of the main circuit has an imbalance. SVM: The control power supply voltage has dropped. Included series are: A06B-6077, A06B-6081, A06B-6087, A06B-6091. We're here to help. When the absolute pulse coder is used, the motor has not yet rotated through more than one turn after the first powerup. For the specific table, please refer to the FANUC system maintenance manual. FANUC Spindle Amplifier Alarm Codes List | Alpha Drive Error Code GE 3) series SVU: The motor current is too high. . 2) series SVU: The motor current is too high. Overcurrent flowed into the input of the main circuit. ; To find out more about this fault Select MENU and arrow down to 4 ALARM and hit ENTER. 2013) are incorrect. 3) series SVU: The internal cooling fan failed. Check the values of the dual position conversion coefficients in parameters No. The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). (Keepthe cable on the Servo Amplifier side connected.) Cause of alarm: Servo amplifier or common power supply voltage is too high. Some errors, depending on the machine and its series, identify the symptom of a problem, and others point straight to the cause. Observe the test points indicated below, while turning themotor slowly by hand. During simple synchronous control, the difference between the torque commands for the master and slave axes exceeded the value set in parameter No. contact tri star cnc for repairsBack to Top. Once the system has reached this point all the drives become NOT READY and the machine will not be able to move.The amplifier units tend to look alike so it's not a bad idea to access the electronics cabinet with power on (please do it safely) and look at the status displays of the units while the alarm is occurring. Alarm Code #3 Because there is no interference evade vector, the interference check evade function of cutter compensation cannot evade interference. Or, when the power was turned on, DRDY went on even though MCON was off. The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). AlM: 02 Cooling fan has stopped A broken wire in the separate detector was detected by hardware. So when the PSM has a bad fan, it tells the spindle and servo amps and they all let the CNC know. The power supply doesn't have direct communication with the CNC like the spindle and servo amplifiers do but the power supply (or PSM - power supply module) does talk to those units. High Voltage Alpha Amplifier A06B-6097-H***. For the two axes whose servo axis numbers (settings of parameter No. The possible causes are as follows: 1) The FSSB communication cable was disconnected or broken. The external dissipator cooling fan failed. FANUC POWER SUPPLY ALARMS - CNC West There is excessive short-term regenerative power. These procedures should include releasing all energies related to the maintenance procedure performed.How come Mr. FANUC video guy can't figure out if my power supply will have an A or a 10 on it? 1) A G code that belongs to group 01 except G00 and G01 is specified in G41.3 mode.
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