explain why accountability is important when handling medication

(2016, Jun 16). 4.1 Explain the importance of the appropriate timing of medication (2011). By continuing well It is important that medications should also be stored according to manufactures instructions in their original boxes and bottles with the tops on correctly, bottles are to be stored upright and clean from stickiness associated with medicines. They come in lots of different forms and we take them in many different ways. working in relation to medication Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your 1/6/2018 9:04:49 PM, by Debbie Watson K6(4`5abP` 1F_]-| 0&. It is vital that training is kept up to date on a regular basis in case of any changes in legislation or policies and procedures. In a health care organization, patients, medical professionals, and the government employ a system of checks and balance to ensure the responsibility and accountability of each agent that plays important role in the advancement of healthcare system and promotion ad enhancement of individuals well being. All reports %PDF-1.5 Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. (Youngwith, 2007). It is also vital to only do what you are trained for and deemed competent to do so, working in line with the codes of conduct. , Read more: Essay AboutAdminister Medication to Individuals and Monitor the Effects. XgZJZdT[c>)dH&=92RreUdYHX+cu|Mi2fIeD\/g-RkeYvTx+&vMytp@KK=o{qHZct@Q*led[e@ZT\{ and Emanuel, L.L. Describe the roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to: Supporting individuals to take medication, Using specialised techniques to administer medication, Describe ways of working to ensure that distractions to the person administering medication are minimised. On the other hand, people with high accountability are often encouraged to join every activity from low demanding to a very complicated activity. <>>> safe and secure handling of medicines Procedures Regarding Handling Medication in Pharmaceutical Playing the decision-making game. All medication must be handled following specialist training as it is in keeping with legislation and organisational policies and procedures. Attend this year's conference in Orlando, FL, USA. WebExplain why accountability is important when handling medication. Fourth, accountability in healthcare guarantees development, innovation, and progress. It is important to acknowledge and be aware of your own limitations when it comes to handling medications; this ensures the safety of the service provider, service users and to others. Youngwith, J. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Unit 47: Administering Medication to Individuals report, The Importance of Accountability in Healthcare. Don Berwick and Kedar Mate. A drug with high risk of adverse effects may be administered only by a healthcare provider. to help you write a unique paper. All medications should be stored under COSHH Regulations 2002; this is keeping in line with the law. WebMedicines and Poisons Regulations 2016. Contact us: [emailprotected]. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/medication-errors/art-20048035, Working to reduce medication errors. 2 0 obj All rights reserved. This essay was written by a fellow student. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resourcesforyou/consumers/ucm143553.htm, fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm164616.htm, dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/bds/nurses/documents/sectionII.pdf, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2957754/, fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/MedicationErrors/ucm080629.htm, Amazon Rx: You Can Now Get Drugs for Weight Loss and Hair Loss Via Virtual Clinic, The 12 Best Prescription Discounts to Help You Save, Heres How Fentanyl Can Affect Your Brain and Breathing, Animal Testing: Why the FDA Is Exploring More Alternatives, Mark Cubans New Online Pharmacy: How It Could Disrupt the Prescription Drug Industry, Supply Chain Crunch Is Causing Drug Shortages for Cancer, COVID-19, and Other Diseases, The Most Addictive Prescription Drugs on the Market, Prescription Drug Prices in the U.S. Are Twice as High: Heres Why, Forget Dead and Buried. Being responsible and knowing ones accountability prevents blaming the other party, encourages action and quality decision among everyone, and guarantees success in such organization because accountability provides systematic organization and management of problems, issues, and dilemmas, which are perceived prevalent in the healthcare industry. Employees that are not accountable are often not given tasks to accomplice, duties to carry out, and activities to pursue. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with knowledge and understanding in relation to the requirements for the safe administration of medication. Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices Certain medications can also affect pupil size. Routes of medication administration are described in the table below. Well-designed administering processes minimize the risk of failures and errors, both of which can lead to adverse drug events (ADEs). Following the basic rule coupled with the 8 rights of medication administration right patient, right dose, right medication, right route, right time, right reason, right response and right documentation can help you avoid medication administration errors. Pharmaceutical companies and managed care plans could be held responsible for groups of parties such as patients, physicians, and government. September-October Issue, pp. Describe the following classifications of medicine: Outline the key points of current legislation and guidance relating to medication, Outline the consequences of not following relevant legislation and guidance. The importance of professional accountability The current browser does not support Web pages that contain the IFRAME element. When dealing with all aspects of handling medication it is essential that everything is recorded following the organisational policies and procedures. Experts say name-brand drugs are the primary reason for higher prescription prices. The MAR should also be used to record when non-prescribed medicines are given, for example a paracetamol for a headache. Defamatory Accountability of individuals affects the working culture of an organization in many ways. In these cases, your healthcare provider would need to monitor you when you first start treatment. If you take a medication yourself, its up to you to watch for problems, such as a rash, swelling, or other side effects. The loci of accountability in healthcare comprise the different parties that could be held accountable or hold others accountable (Emanuel and Emanuel, 1996, p. 229). This article presents specific steps leaders can take to reinforce effective patient safety practices and address workarounds that may unintentionally result in harm. It is vital that the trolley and medications are never left unattended, as anyone could come along and take medication from the trolley which could do serious harm to themselves or to others. First, accountability is important in the healthcare system because the healthcare system deals with matters associated with life, health, and death of a human being. WebRCN and NMC have issued guidance on accountability and delegation definition below. Personal accountability is important for staff on every level of the organization. When receiving medications, it is vital that it is checked. The results from these tests would help your doctor adjust your dosage until they find the one thats right for you. Before any medications are administered; it is essential to ensure that the right medications, right quantity, right form are administered to the right person and at the right time of day. Third, accountability affects the decision-making process of an organization. Accountability is particularly important when it comes to medication handling and administration as it means staff are responsible for: Only carrying out tasks they WebPrinciple 1: Establish assurance arrangements say what we do and why we do it 2.5 The senior management/leadership team has overall accountability for the safe and secure handling of medicines in the organisation and supports this through corporate governance systems which are maintained and regularly reviewed. Any party or group of parties is held responsible in carrying out the domains of healthcare. In addition, accountability involves the acknowledgment of responsibility for self and contribution as a member of group or team. government accountability Drugs can be dangerous, though, even when theyre meant to improve our health. This include patients, physicians, healthcare providers (nurses, therapists, and nursing assistants), hospitals, managed care plans, pharmaceutical companies, professional associations, employers, private payers, government, investors and lenders of capital, lawyers, and courts. Amazing writer! <> Here are five key channels to look for the pressure points of accountability: Political Accountability. Each party plays an important role in ensuring the well being of patients and in securing the quality of health of each human being in every community. Click on Accept All Cookies to agree to the use of cookies on your device or Manage to review and update your preferences, QQI Level 5 Early Childhood Care and Education, QQI Level 6 Early Childhood Care and Education, Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education & Care, MA Early Childhood Care and Education Management, QQI Level 5 Care Skills & Care of the Older Person, QQI Level 5 Intellectual Disability Studies, Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership & Change, Unit 1: Understand Medication and Prescriptions, Identify the different types of medicines available and why they are used, Describe the different routes by which medicines can be administered. When all the parties know their one objective (as for healthcare the objective is to ensure well being) and their responsibility to one another it is likely that they would work together to achieve their goal and provide assurance and security to the other party. Entrusting your life to someone you do not know is hard. Last, medical professionals are Are there any side effects I should watch for? To avoid the culture of blame in healthcare, first, it is important that each organization utilizes a delegation system wherein specialization in the task or job is distributed among individuals or groups (Youngwith, 2007). <> Pakistan ka ow konsa shehar ha jisy likhte howy pen ki nuk ni uthati. Webreason for the medication (e.g., pain, anxiety, sleep). The Five Rights of Medication Administration, by Frank Federico, RPh, Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Q30 explain why accountability is important when Am I taking any medications that this drug could interact with. WebDrugs: Include benzodiazepines (Xanax, Librium, Klonopin, Valium), benzodiazepine-like drugs (Ambien, zopiclone, zaleplon AKA Sonata), long-acting barbiturates (phenobarbital), partial agonist opioid analgesics (Talwin), butorphanol (Stadol, stimulant-like drugs (modafinil), pentazocine, and antidiarrheal drugs (difenoxin). Second, SHOM Unit 4.docx - Unit 4: Safe Handling of Medicines It is important that trained authorised staff are aware of stock control, as too much medications can result in errors and that they have a used by date. (2018). Delegation is the process by which you (the delegator) allocate clinical or non-clinical treatment or care to a competent person (the delegatee). Annals of Internal Medicine, 124, pp. For example, state and federal laws can hold companies accountable for their WebThe final aspect of medication management is just as important to efficient patient care as the administration of any medicine . This protects the service users and themselves from any errors being made which could lead to an allergic reaction, if given to the wrong service provider, or an accidental overdose; which could prove fatal. whom the medication is for. Drugs > E2KnP\+PQjNP%#c swv(_W'A"TD[EuPDGRPkrT.e %fkW(bY $(yPx[/4m20PuTJ"IsT,M]i$Ffi -S)k-RsS:ZYy5YXxS>ZS%NhN?wLLP:%A u^rUy9 $F%xJPL#U@_o4tRa`HfE.BUHsSE/wZbXbVb~?n4W|zn1/0$loRG=rR&}:y6 h!,C The service provider should use the MAR to record medicines carried over onto a new chart. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with knowledge and understanding about the supply, storage and disposal of medication. The service provider must have a record of medicines currently prescribed for that person. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice? Second, healthcare organizations need to employ quality problem-solving process to avoid failure (Rooney and Hopen, 2004). Second, accountability affects the process of delegating tasks, duties, and activities to every employee. (2017, Feb 16). (Z`&!4OgGX?l_yyIaz_x|!gR$B$8&n%K5Azq Cx Z"N*\)h8Q {(.25Y What Should Healthcare Administrators Know About HIPAA? submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. pharmacists, doctors, and nurses. To ensure proper accountability in any organization, the system of checks and balances plays an important role because this system allows one branch to test, verify, prove, and limit the activities, actions, and decisions of other branch like in the case of government where there are three branches (executive, judicial, and legislative branches) that provide checks and balances to each other. endobj Handling On the trial to a solution: A seven-part series to improvement your organizations problem-solving efforts. Failing to have specialist training or allowing a person who hasnt received this training is in breach of the law and could lead to disciplinary action which could lead to legal action. Medications need to be checked to see that it has the correct service user name on the label and the prescription. rmto medicine. 2 0 obj When the administration of medication is required it is an essential practice to be fully trained to the required level and be fully competent in this area, following all organisational policies and procedures. Third, the healthcare organization should have a strong decision-making system (Suutari, 2001). and then Add to Home Screen. You are about to report a violation of our Terms of Use. To use this Web Part, you must use a browser that supports this element, such as Internet Explorer 7.0 or later. Administering Medication in Schools | Responsibility, legislation Medication It is a means to exert political control or oversight. These effects can include an allergic reaction or an interaction with another drug youre taking. By having the specialist training needed, the service providers concerned will know how to order, receive, store, administer, record and dispose of medication correctly. Graduateway.com is owned and operated by MAGMA EUROPA S. z O.O. More to this, knowing each healthcare players responsibility saves time, effort, resources, and life, after all, health problem is a matter of life and death (for patients), financial gains and losses (for providers), and trust and service (for government and other medical institutions). When dealing with the storage of medications it is vital to ensure that all organisational policies and procedures are followed. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 3 0 obj Medication Handling and Accountability Policy The concept of accountability in healthcare is comprised of three significant components: the loci of accountability, the domains of accountability, and the procedures of accountability. WebThe importance of identifying the individual for whom the medication is prescribed: ensure the correct individual receives the correct medication Confirm the medication against the Turn on the Lights podcast is IHI's thought-provoking series of candid conversations about how the US health care system is working and not working, hosted by Drs. When administering medications it is important to also record the information on to the service users personal care plan. *[|NJw:[@ u[-/6/i&mKS(/s0fLd,Nx(2O-F9@SnvA[s[ z_Bv?qC1c]CLh?:qu"FRbqw6^$?K)9{n_60HOlXM DjD}up80KeT|gs&S_4O(aKAnt]Z*;/oXG;_EB#-Mgi'v"5+v lML;6{]$kz_,KID =, EA\8|!}vEIR)c]F .6TnU~> U26Iyp*ttVY-%bXKqi.Dh\-S[KDzPHs< >UipIj^/gsL/TU0 aZ{=N,6~XU@x&A/7|(x6a4{&ao1yLaO6=qK ~Lo5 x@|e^mf2 p:"' u7FAx> Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? 3.3 Describe the common adverse reactions to medication and the appropriate action(s) required in line with agreed ways of working . WebMost medication should be stored in a locked cupboard or locked container which is out of reach of children in an area that is below 25. o. C. A few medicines, such as asthma inhalers, may need to be readily available and in this circumstance must not be locked away. Adverse events, or unwanted and negative effects, can happen with any drug. For example, physicians are accountable to promoting the well being of the patients. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism There are times when physicians blame the patients or the pharmaceutical company for failure in treating certain disease; patients blame physicians, pharmaceutical industry, government, and other institutions for failure to prevent the spread of diseases, and so on. WebAccountability definition, the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable. They need to be given at specific times, such as every morning, to keep that amount of drug in your system. An organization that employs less accountable workers is likely to fail on solving the encountered and perceived problems of an organization. QQI Level 5 Care of the Older Person & Care Skills. the medication should come with a written prescription detailing Ms.Smetzer continues, Thus, the healthcare practitioners duty is not so much to achieve the five rights, but to follow the procedural rules designed by the organization to produce these outcomes. Privacy Policy, We use cookies to ensure that you have the best browsing experience, to help us improve our website and for targeted advertising. tell you is a lot of medications can be ruined by excess moisture, Political accountability is arguably the strongest form of governance anchored in democratic principles. 4 0 obj ny*@gmlN@$7FuXbX-rOLQ0`$~}/\'(fW_'.m5]oOo!`7nu8t=n{H|WvQIqu"nJbGEGV0JI. Reordering medications begins on 14th day of the cycle so that time is given between prescriptions been requested and written, the prescription been checked then given to the pharmacist, then dispensed and double checked prior to giving them to the service user. A drug accountability process should be initiated for any study that uses study-supplied drug. To help avoid these problems, be sure to tell your doctor about any other medications youre taking or any times youve had an allergy to drugs or foods. However, if you do not take them correctly: They may not be Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best / Improvement Stories / Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? required to be certified in the handling of the medications. cite it correctly. Copyright Violation and handling them would transfer any water, oils, or sweat from WebAccountability, in terms of ethics and governance, is equated with answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving. The Importance of Accountability in Healthcare In leadership and managerial roles, accountability is regarded as the acceptance and assumption of full responsibility for actions, decisions, policies, and products accounted to one individual. You may use it as a guide or sample for No insurance is accepted, so it's cash only. medication An auditor reviewing a company's financial Before enumerating the importance of accountability in a healthcare organization, one needs to become familiar with the concept associated with it. When following the policies and procedures it is necessary to receive the appropriate level of training associated with handling medications this includes: storing, ordering, receiving, administration, the recording and the disposal of medication. requirements? But its especially important for leaders and managers to lead with honesty First, accountability is important in the healthcare system because the healthcare system deals with matters associated with life, health, and death of a human With todays shrinking health care budgets and growing focus on costs, it has never been more important to have a robust safety plan. The six domains in healthcare involve legal and ethical conduct, professional competence, public health promotion, adequacy of access, community benefits, and financial performance. Resources Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Illegal/Unlawful The Journal for Quality & Participation, 27 (3), pp. Accountability - Wikipedia Learners are required to complete six written assignments, based on assessment briefs prepared by the tutor, which demonstrate their understanding of the learning outcomes for this unit. These should be signed when they are given as individual doses or full packs if the person self-administers. Helps staff realize that protecting patients personal health information is as important as infection control and medication safety measures Reduces executive and organization liability, and protects the staff from personal The Food and Drug Administration receives more than 100,000 reports of medication errors annually through its MedWatch program. Can you exxplain the impitance of accountability in relation Based on available literature and consensus among leading suicide prevention experts, this article highlights three key areas of mental health that all health care leaders need to prioritize: reduce stigma, increase access to mental health services, and address job-related challenges. Administering medication. The route used to give a drug depends on three main factors: For instance, some drugs are destroyed by stomach acid if theyre taken by mouth. WebOutline the roles of self and others in the process of: Prescribing medication. In the healthcare system, accountability is very important as dealing with life and health problems of different individuals is very sensitive and complicated. One of the recommendations to reduce medication errors and harm is to use the five rights: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time. This How-to Guide describes key evidence-based care components to prevent ADEs by implementing medication reconciliation at all transitions in care. It is important because the individual can dispose of the medication What are the importance of accountability IN public sectors? endobj Read on to find out which, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. The Importance of Accountability in Healthcare Organization. Dont know where to start? <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.2 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> There are several different ways drugs can be administered. Registration number: 7252303643

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