Dr. Luke Salter was born on 14 September 1972. [395], There is a large John Major Suite at The Oval, home to Surrey County Cricket Club; the venue also contains a painting of Major. Two plaques commemorating John Major in South London. Since stepping down as an MP in 2001, Major has focused on writing and his business, sporting and charity work, and has occasionally commented on political developments in the role of an elder statesman. [234] He stood down from the House of Commons at the 2001 general election, having announced his retirement from Parliament on 10 March 2000. [333] The incident prompted Cabinet Secretary Robin Butler to warn Channel 4 head Michael Grade against any further calls for fear that state secrets could be inadvertently leaked. As a former Prime Minister, Major with Lady Major had a place of honour at the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on 19 September 2022. [122] These discussions went well, and for the first time in several years budgets were agreed without recourse to the external adjudication of the so-called 'Star Chamber'. [174][175] With the 'Lawson Boom' showing signs of running out of steam, exacerbated by rising oil prices following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, there were fears of a potential recession and pressure to cut interest rates. 'Elizabeth and I and the families are very upbeat about it and believe I will beat it. Search stock photos by tags [261] As a result of this, Major was the only current or former prime minister out of the five then still alive invited to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in May 2018. [88][89] He became Secretary of the Environment Committee and also assisted with work on the Housing Act 1980, which allowed council house tenants the Right to Buy their homes. [7] John Major later described the family's circumstances at this time as being "comfortable but not well off". "[323], The media (particularly The Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell) used the allegation by Alastair Campbell that he had observed Major tucking his shirt into his underpants to caricature him wearing his pants outside his trousers,[324] as a pale grey echo of both Superman and Supermac, a parody of Harold Macmillan. I can't believe he's here and sometimes I think he can't either. Major's second ministry was also defined by conflicts within the Conservative Party regarding Europe after the government's defeat on the Maastricht Treaty. In April 1992 Labour-run Lambeth Council rebuffed plans for a plaque commemorating Major in the borough, stating that there was already "sufficient monument to John Major in the form of the Stockwell Park and Moorlands Estates". 2 He married Elizabeth Major, daughter of Rt. Neil Kinnock was replaced by John Smith as Labour leader and Leader of the Opposition in 1992. his home, a converted water tower in the Leicestershire village of Somerby, near Melton Mowbray, he said of his illness: 'It's extremely rare, and usually associated with children not adults. [135][136], Amongst Major's first acts as Foreign Secretary was to cancel the sale of Hawk aircraft to Iraq, over concerns they would be used for internal repression. [242], Major has further indulged his love of cricket as President of Surrey County Cricket Club from 2000 to 2001[243] (and Honorary Life Vice-president since 2002). DETAILS Restrictions: [180][177], The rest of Major's Chancellorship prior to the leadership contest was largely uneventful; he considered granting the Bank of England operational independence over monetary policy, with the ability to set interest rates, but decided against it. [280], He was touted as a possible Conservative candidate for the Mayor of London elections in 2008, but turned down an offer from the Leader of the Conservatives at the time, David Cameron. He was succeeded as prime minister by Blair. In December 1989, she had survived a leadership bid by Anthony Meyer; though she won easily, 60 MPs had not voted for her, and it was rumoured that many more had had to be strong-armed into supporting her. The journalist Peter Oborne was one such figure, though writing in 2017 he stated that he now regrets his negative reporting, stating that he himself and the press in general were "grossly unfair to Major" and that this was motivated at least in part by snobbery at Major's humble upbringing. The veterinary nurse wed medical student Luke Salter, 28, at All Saints' Church at Somerby in Rutland. "[312] Seldon reiterated these views in his contribution to the 2017 volume John Major: An Unsuccessful Prime Minister? [286][287], Major was a vocal supporter for the Remain campaign in the 2016 referendum on British membership of the European Union. [276] Major denied doing so, saying that he had not heard of the request until the scheduled release date and had merely asked to look at the papers himself. [212] By December 1991, unemployment was at 2.5 million (compared to 1.6 million 18 months earlier). [145][146] Major also met US president George H. W. Bush in Washington, D.C.[147] and Domingo Cavallo, the Argentine foreign minister, the first such meeting since the end of the Falklands War seven years earlier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. view all 20 Immediate Family John E. Major husband Elizabeth Major daughter Edward Major son Anne Finch Major daughter Katherine Major daughter Maria Major daughter George Bernard Major son George Marable father Ann mother Lt. Edward Henry Marable brother JOHN MARABLE brother William Marable brother view all Martha Marable's Timeline M N O P Q R S Netflix defended the series as a "fictional dramatisation". Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. [120][121][nb 7] The then-Chancellor Nigel Lawson generally made significant decisions with little input from others, and Major was put in charge of agreeing departmental budgets with the Secretaries of State. In the leadership election, Major comfortably beat John Redwood in June 1995. [226] This was the worst general election result of the 20th century for the Conservatives, seeing the loss of all the party's seats in Wales and Scotland. [171][172][173] The move was supported by the Bank of England, the Treasury, most of the Cabinet, the Labour Party, several major business associations and much of the press. [195][194] Both John Major and Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd supported Thatcher in the first round. Economic growth wasn't re-established until early 1993. [388][389], A large bust of John Major by Shenda Amery in Huntingdon Library was unveiled by his wife Norma in 1993. Look who's talking. [221][222], On 12 May 1994, John Smith died from a heart attack and was replaced by Tony Blair who continued Labour's modernisation under the slogan of "New Labour". [213] Additionally, inflation was in double digits and interest rates reached 15%. It was replaced with the physical Euro currency in 1999. It is believed the newly-weds agreed exclusive rights to film inside the church and reception with Hello! He has suffered hair loss as a side-effect of the intensive chemotherapy he has had to try to shrink the tumour. [358] After leaving office Major became aware that his father fathered two half-siblings extramaritally: Tom Moss and Kathleen Lemmon. GRO Register of Births: JUN 1905 7a 741 Gainsborough Gwendoline Minnie Coates, mmn = unknown. [356][357] John's sister Patricia Dessoy kept a much lower profile; she died in 2017. [163][160] Extra funding was also made available to Scotland in order to limit the impact of the Community Charge (widely dubbed the 'Poll Tax'), which had been introduced there that year. [235] Jonathan Djanogly took over as MP for Huntingdon, retaining the seat for the Conservatives at the 2001 election. It will make our country poorer and weaker. What Happened To The Cast Of Major Dad? - Looper [148][138], Major's last major summit as Foreign Secretary was the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Malaysia. 1 [42][43] Another formative influence on Major in this period was Jean Kierans, a divorce 13 years his elder with two children who lived opposite the family on Burton Road, who became his mentor and lover. [188][189][190] Thatcher's staunch anti-European stance also alienated pro-Europe Conservatives. Wearing a full, flowing white dress with satin bodice, she waved for photographers before going into the church. Elizabeth Major was present in court for the hearing. ", "John Major appointed European Chairman of the Carlyle Group", "Carlyle begins roadshow for float of private equity pioneer", "Royal wedding guest list includes friends, family and a few dictators", "Royal wedding 2018: Prince Harry and Meghan married at Windsor", "Nelson Mandela: UK to send huge political delegation to South Africa", "Dignitaries from around the world attend funeral service of Barbara Bush", "Former British PM John Major will attend Bush's funeral service", "Sue, grab it and run the country: The Major libel case was a farce with a darker side, says Steve Platt, editor of the New Statesman", "The Major-Currie affair what the papers say", "John Major, Edwina Currie and me, by Clare Latimer", "Forty million dollar Bill: Earning power of an ex-leader", "Bow Group President Sir John Major reflects on 20 years of the Northern Irish Peace Process and his role in it", "Mr Major's Statement on ERM Paper Release", "John Major leads calls for inquiry into conflict", "Cameron snubbed again as Major rules out mayor race", "BBC News Ed Miliband asks Lib Dems to help draw up Labour policy", "Sir John Major urges Tory and Lib Dem pact to continue", "Private school influence in public life 'shocking' says Major", "John Major 'shocked' at privately educated elite's hold on power", "Scots independence threat to UK influence, says Sir John Major", "Scottish independence: Former prime minister John Major gives warning", "Sir John Major condemns Boris Johnson for 'routine attacks' on PM without 'any coherent' Brexit plan", "John Major calls for Commons vote on second referendum", "Boris Johnson faces Brexit challenges as he steps up talks with EU: Live updates", "General election: Former Tory PM John Major urges people to vote against Boris Johnson's candidates", "John Major warns rushed UK-EU trade deal will be 'flimsy', "Boris Johnson 'shredding' UK's reputation with Partygate saga, says former PM Major", "Former UK PM Major: Boris Johnson must go now, for good of the country", "Brexit 'colossal mistake', John Major tells MPs", "Boris Johnson agreed Brexit protocol knowing it was a 'mess', says John Major", "Who has been UK's greatest post-war PM? In response, Currie said "he wasn't ashamed of it at the time and he wanted it to continue. [246][247], John Major has also been actively engaged in charity work, being President of Asthma UK,[248] and a Patron of the Prostate Cancer Charity, Sightsavers UK, Mercy Ships, Support for Africa 2000[248] and Afghan Heroes. [184][185][186] By early 1990, it was clear that bills for many under the new poll tax regime would be higher than anticipated, and opposition to the Tax grew, with a non-payment campaign gaining much support and an anti-poll tax demonstration in Trafalgar Square in March ending in rioting. [396], There is a 'Heritage in Sutton' plaque on St Helier Hospital, where John Major was born in 1943,[397] and a plaque commemorating him in Archbishop's Park next to Lambeth Palace, included as part of the Lambeth Millennium Pathway. [227] Major refused, saying: "It would be terrible, because I would be presiding with no authority over a number of candidates fighting for the crown. Tom Major had planned to move the family to. Drinking, smoking or eating comfort food with a partner improves your relationship but can be detrimental to Do not sell or share my personal information. "[374], In the 1999 New Year Honours List, Major was made a Companion of Honour for his work on the Northern Ireland peace process. Footage of Major's 1992 election win is used in Patrick Keiller's 1994 documentary film London. [209] By the time of Major's appointment, Labour's lead had shrunk to 14%. Daughter of Humphrey Jones, Jr. and Elizabeth Jones Wife of Samuel Iremonger Major Mother of Richard Major; Lodowick Jones Major; John Major; Francis Major; George Majors and 8 others; ; . In spite of this, conflict raged within the parliamentary Conservative Party, particularly over the extent of Britain's integration with the European Union. During this period, Michael Portillo had frequently been touted as the favourite to replace Major, but lost his seat in the election, thus eliminating him from the running. Major held several junior government positions under Thatcher from 1984 to 1987, including Parliamentary Private Secretary and assistant whip. Biography She is the daughter of Norman Wagstaff and Edith Johnson, and was born Norma Christina Elizabeth Wagstaff. Alamy and its logo are trademarks of Alamy Ltd. and are registered in certain countries. [209] However, by 1991, the Conservatives had narrowly retaken Labour in the polls.[210]. I will beat brain tumour says Major's son-in-law - Daily Mail [304] In 2012 Oborne had written that Major's government looks ever more successful as time goes by. He was born in Surrey, South East England, and grew up there, before his family moved to Brixton. They were married at the parish church, All Saints, in Somerby in March 2000. "[228], Major served as Leader of the Opposition for seven weeks while the leadership election to replace him was underway. Major addressed public meetings opposed to the protesters, organised by parish councillors, and also met Bill Westwood and separately Michael Heseltine to discuss the issue. [81][82] In 1977 the Major family purchased a house at De Vere Close in the village of Hemingford Grey. [298] Whilst few observers doubted that Major was an honest and decent man, or that he made sincere and sometimes successful attempts to improve life in Britain and to unite his deeply divided party, he was also perceived as a weak and ineffectual figure, and his approval ratings for most of his time in office were low, particularly after "Black Wednesday" in September 1992 which destroyed the Conservative's reputation for effective economic management. [262] Major has also attended the funerals of notable political figures, such as Nelson Mandela in December 2013,[263] former US first lady Barbara Bush at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas on 21 April 2018[264] and the state funeral of George H. W. Bush on 5 December 2018.[265]. [354] The marriage ended in an acrimonious divorce in 2003, with Noble accusing Major of "unreasonable behaviour". Open your image file to the full size using image processing software. John Major was born on 29 March 1943 at St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary's Hospital for Children in St Helier, Surrey, the son of Gwen Major ( ne Coates, 1905-1970) and former music hall performer Tom Major-Ball (1879-1962), who was 63 years old when Major was born. His will be judged an important if unruly premiership at the end of the Conservative century, completing some parts of an earlier agenda while in some key respects helping to define a Conservatism for the 21st century. He inherited a majority government from Margaret Thatcher who had been the prime minister for the previous eleven years. Despite the recession finally ending in 1993, the Conservatives' popularity didn't improve. [196][197] Following discussions with her cabinet, in which many stated that though supporting her they doubted she could win, Thatcher withdrew from the contest and announced that she would resign as prime minister once a new leader had been elected. [373] He shied away from the topic when in office, stating that "I have always been a little wary of politicians who parade their faith, and prefer a little English reserve on the subject. Major also abolished the composite rate tax and stamp duty on share trades, whilst increasing taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and petrol. London - The daughter of the former British prime minister, Mr John Major, yesterday announced her engagement, after her fiance, Mr Luke Salter, proposed to her on Christmas morning. [244] In March 2001 he gave the tribute to cricketer Colin Cowdrey at his memorial service in Westminster Abbey. [205][206][207] At 47, he was the youngest prime minister since Lord Rosebery some 95 years earlier. The additional bitterness on the right wing of the Conservative Party at the manner in which Margaret Thatcher had been deposed did not make Major's task any easier, with many viewing him as a weak and vacillating leader. [33][34] Major's father died on 27 March 1962. Lord Cranborne, his chief of staff during the election, and the chief whip, Alastair Goodlad, both pleaded with him to stay on: they argued that remaining as leader for a few months would give the party time to come to terms with the scale of defeat before electing a successor. [132] There were also fears within the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) that Major would be Thatcher's 'hatchet-man', as her relations with the department under Geoffrey Howe had been poor and characterised by mutual distrust. [303] The sentiments echoed that of much of the press at the time, which was generally hostile to Major, especially after Black Wednesday. [6] His birth had been a difficult one, with his mother suffering from pleurisy and pneumonia and John Major requiring several blood transfusions due to an infection, causing permanent scarring to his ankles. [98][99] Shortly thereafter he and Norma moved to a larger house (Finings) in Great Stukeley; Major generally spent his weekends there, and weekdays at a rented flat in Durand Gardens, Stockwell. One day both yet may come to recognise and appreciate it. He describes the illness as 'a form of cancer of the meninges, the layer of tissue that overlays the brain and spinal cord'. Elizabeth Major, daughter of former Prime Minister John Major, with [406][407] Major Close, in Loughborough Junction near where John grew up, is also named for him; the street was to be called 'Sir John Major Close', however this long name breached council guidelines.[408]. John Major's son-in-law is fighting an inoperable form of brain cancer which is so rare it went undiagnosed for at least six months. His task became even more difficult after the election of the modernist and highly media-savvy Tony Blair as Labour leader in July 1994, who mercilessly exploited Conservative divisions whilst shifting Labour to the centre, thus making it much more electable. Major made tackling inflation a priority, stating that tough measures were needed to bring it down and that "if it isn't hurting, it isn't working. He supported the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign for the UK to remain in the European Union, and has often criticised Brexit since the outcome of the 2016 referendum. Guests, including the bride's brother James and his pregnant wife Emma Noble, gathered at the small church about an hour before the bride arrived. [279], In December 2006, Major led calls for an independent inquiry into Blair's decision to invade Iraq, following revelations made by Carne Ross, a former British senior diplomat, that contradicted Blair's case for the invasion. 'But I have not tried to hide this from anyone and both our families are fully aware of my condition.'. [255][256][257] He stood down from the Group circa 200405. [77][78] Growing increasingly frustrated, Major resolved to make one last attempt, applying for selection to the safe Conservative seat of Huntingdonshire and finally he succeeded. [278] He later publicly approved the release of the papers. Mr Salter, whom friends describe as a good all-round sportsman, particularly keen on cricket and golf, has had to stop his work as a doctor for Leicester University Hospitals NHS Trust. [96][97], Major comfortably won re-election to the now slightly enlarged seat of Huntingdon at the 1983 general election. [187] The Conservatives lost the 1990 Mid Staffordshire by-election to Labour and the 1990 Eastbourne by-election to the Liberal Democrats, both Conservative seats, causing many Conservative MPs to worry about their prospects at the upcoming general election, due in 1991 or 1992. [79][80] Major was in some ways an odd choice, being a born-and-bred Londoner in a largely rural constituency still home to many landed families; however, he was seen as being the most likely to win-over the increasingly large numbers of upwardly mobile London over-spill families living in the area, and he was helped to familiarise himself with the area by local MP David Renton. Despite being reelected as Conservative leader in the 1995 leadership election, his administration remained unpopular, and soon lost its parliamentary majority. He said that he wanted a "firebreak from politics" and to focus on writing and his business, sporting and charity work. [248][254] He was a member of the Carlyle Group's European Advisory Board from 1998 and was appointed Chairman of Carlyle Europe in May 2001. In February 1970 Major became Chairman of the Housing Committee, being responsible for overseeing the building of several large council estates. Major never succeeded in reconciling the "Euro-rebels" among his MPs to his European policy, who although relatively few in number, wielded great influence because of his small majority and their wider following among Conservative activists and voters. In the 1997 election on 1 May 1997, Labour won a 179-seat majority, ending their eighteen years in opposition. [183], Opposition within the Conservative Party to Margaret Thatcher had been brewing for some time, focusing on what was seen as her brusque, imperious style and the poll tax, which was facing serious opposition across the country. [299], Major defended his government in his memoirs, focusing particularly on how under him the British economy had recovered from the recession of 19901993. [199][200] Major's platform was one of moderation on Europe, a review of the poll tax, and the desire to build a "classless society". Elizabeth Major along|Cambs in jockey gear PAN R-L|Huntingdon LACMS To the surprise of many pollsters, the Conservatives won a majority, with 336 seats, and earning 41.9% of the vote. [218] This was the Conservatives' fourth consecutive election victory. "[314] Noted political historian Dick Leonard, however, writing in 2004, was more harsh in his assessment, concluding that Major was "A man of evident decent instincts, but limited abilities: as Prime Minister he pushed these abilities to the limit. Major was later to learn that the flat was in fact owned by his half-brother Tom Moss. The news of Mr Salter's tumour comes three months after his wife's brother James Major, 27, suffered a meningitis scare and a burst appendix. His mild-mannered style and moderate political stance contrasted with that of Thatcher. Membership of the Order of the Garter is limited in number to 24, and as a personal gift of the Monarch is an honour traditionally bestowed on former prime ministers. The ballot was held on the afternoon of 27 November; although Major obtained 185 votes, 2 votes short of an overall majority, he polled far enough ahead of both Hurd and Heseltine to secure their immediate withdrawal. About 180 guests packed in for a ceremony which the Reverend Reg Stretton admitted was "the biggest I have ever done". His wife, former game show hostess Emma Noble, 30, rushed him to hospital with a severe headache and high temperature. [28][29] Major has attributed his political ambitions to this event. I hope that everyone will respect that wish., Mr Salter, a keen cricketer and golfer, revealed in August that. John began attending primary school at Cheam Common School from 1948. Since leaving office, Major has tended to maintain a low profile in the media, occasionally making political interventions. Throughout his time in office Major was often acutely sensitive to criticism of him in the press; his biographer Anthony Seldon posits this to an inner vulnerability stemming from his difficult childhood and adolescence. Elizabeth Major, daughter of former Prime Minister John Major, with her fiance Luke Salter at her family home near Huntingdon, where they formerly announced their engagement. GRO Register of Deaths: Sep 1970 5a 1807 Croydon Gwendoline Minnie Major, DoB about 1905. [104][105] Major narrowly avoided the IRA's Brighton hotel bombing in October 1984, having left the hotel only a few hours before the bomb went off. [359][360][361], Research conducted by Paul Penn-Simkins, a genealogist formerly employed as a researcher at the College of Arms and as a heraldic consultant at Christie's, and subsequently corroborated by Lynda Rippin, a genealogist employed by Lincolnshire Council, showed that John Major and Margaret Thatcher were fifth cousins once removed, both descending from the Crust family, who farmed at Leake, near Boston, Lincolnshire. He needed emergency surgery to remove his appendix, but has fully recovered. [220] This event would later be called Black Wednesday. Polly Cooper 96 episodes, . [161][162] Tax cuts were also made which benefited football associations, the aim being to increase funding on safety measures following the Bradford City stadium fire and Hillsborough disaster. The department was later split into two separate ministries for Health and Social Security in 1988. After Blair succeeded Major as prime minister, Major served as Leader of the Opposition for seven weeks while the leadership election to replace him took place. [345][62][63] She was a teacher and a member of the Young Conservatives. [371][372] Major is a Christian, though his upbringing was never especially religious and he states that he is "a believer at a distance". Casey Cooper McGillis 96 episodes, 1989-1993 Marisa Ryan . Yesterday he told of his fight with the potentially fatal condition, known. Genealogy for Elizabeth Major (Jones) (c.1715 - 1795) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. [350][351] Salter died on 22 November 2002 from cancer. Managed by: Private User. Brexit may even break up our historic United Kingdom. A spokesman for both families said: I can confirm that Luke died this morning as a result of his brain cancer. [343], Major was portrayed by Jonny Lee Miller in the fifth season of The Crown in 2022. [238] In 1999 he published his autobiography, covering his early life and time in office, which was generally well received. [251], Major has also pursued a variety of business interests, taking up appointments as Senior Adviser to Credit Suisse,[252][253] chairman of the board of Senior Advisers at Global Infrastructure Partners,[248][253] Global Adviser to AECOM,[253] Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the National Bank of Kuwait,[248] and Chairman of the European Advisory Council of the Emerson Electric Company. This image could have imperfections as its either historical or reportage. 'I'd had the ring for about six weeks but I had the moment planned for a long time,' he said at the time. Though a Labour stronghold, the Conservatives received a huge boost following Enoch Powell's anti-immigration 'Rivers of Blood speech' in April 1968 and Major won, despite strongly disapproving of Powell's views. Sir John Major KG CH (born 29 March 1943) is a British former politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from November 1990 to May 1997 and Leader of the Conservative Party from November 1990 to June 1997. John also had two other half-siblings from his father's affairs which he was not to learn of until much later. [73], Despite his setback at the 1971 Lambeth Council election, Major continued to nurse political ambitions, and with help from friends in the Conservative Party managed to get onto the Conservative Central Office's list of potential MP candidates. [31][32] Major began working with his brother Terry at the garden ornaments business; this had been sold in 1959, enabling the family to move to a larger residence at 80 Burton Road, Brixton.
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