elena berezhnaya injury

They included the For Life Party, the Left Opposition, the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Union of Left Forces, Socialists, the Party of Shariy, Ours, State, Opposition Bloc and the Volodymyr Saldo Bloc. The US Inept State Department openly endorsed the presidents move,declaringthat the United States supports Ukrainian efforts to counter Russias malign influence, Three months later, Kievjailed Medvedchuk and charged him with treason. . Winter Olympics: All About the 2002 Pairs Figure Skating Scandal - People After unsuccessfully teaming up with Aleksandr Ruchkin, her coach's son, Berezhnaya teamed up with Latvian Oegs ahovs and they skated together more than five years. In the following days, the SBU arrested broadcast journalist Yan Taksyur and charged him with treason; human rights activist Elena Berezhnaya; Elena Viacheslavova, a human rights advocate whose father, Mikhail, was burned to death during the May 2, 2014 ultra-nationalist mob attack on anti-Maidan protesters outside the Odessa House of Trade Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich. Winning isn't first for Berezhnaya After near-fatal injury, comeback Next, on March 24, Gennady Matsegora, the mayor of Kupyansk in northeastern Ukraine, released a video (below) appealing to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration for the release of his daughter, who had been held hostage by agents of the Ukrainian SBU intelligence agency. While we have all heard about the egregious processes that took place in the USA, a witch hunt for suspected communists, better known McCarthyism, a similar course of action is taking place in Ukraine. Could you expand on that one please Annie? Only once her stepfather saw bruises, and after his conversation with Nina Ivanovna she stopped touching the girl. In July 2020, Maria Sotskova was dealt a 10-year ban just months after announcing her retirement for allegedly forging a medical certificate to explain a doping violation. Two surgical operations were performed to remove bone fragments from her brain. When did Elena Berezhnaya first compete in the Olympics? It's unclear if a medal ceremony will be held. Then they put bags over our heads, tied our hands with tape and took us to the SBU building in a car. Dmitry Djangirov, Dmytro Djangirov, and Dmitry Dzhangirov are some of his other names. As per the show, Oleg was abusive and temperamental, leading to tension during their practices and performances. After the compulsory dance, worth 20 percent of the overall score, Olympic gold medalists Oksana Grishuk and Evgeni Platov are first, rivals Anjelika Krylova and Oleg Ovsyannikov are second, and Canadians Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz are third. After less than a year together, they were European medalists. Remember that Zelensky has now outlawed all opposition parties but not all, those parties who support him are allowed to continue, with ultra-nationalists & Neo-Nazis part of these political parties and who happen to be highly influential too. These practices and human right abuses still take place on a regular basis in Ukraine. Leftist Ukrainian activists have faced particularly harsh treatment, including kidnapping and torture. She spoke at the UN, Bundestag, OSCE. The war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition members who express themselves critical of the government, a left-wing activist beaten and persecuted by Ukraines security servicescommentedthis April. Elena Berezhnaya (Human rights activist / ex-figure skater) Dmitry Dzhangirov, (TV presenter, political scientist); Yuriy Dudkin, (political scientist); Maxim Rindkovsky (MMA fighter); Dmitry Skvortsov (journalist); Aleksandr Matiushenko (activist organisation "Livytsia"); Oleg Smetanin (violinist); In a carefully choreographed address to US Congress on March 16, US corporate media has responded by showering Zelensky with fawning press, driving a campaign for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and inspiring a, The war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition members who express themselves critical of the government, a left-wing activist beaten and persecuted by Ukraines security services, Torture and enforced disappearances common practices of Ukraines SBU, When a US-backed government seized power in Kiev following the Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, Ukraines government embarked on a nationwide purge of political elements deemed pro-Russian or insufficiently nationalistic. Beijing Winter Olympics 2022: Teenage Russian superstar Kamila Valieva The fate of at least a dozen well-known opposition activists, political analysts, journalists, politicians, and bloggers remains unclear. A few weeks ago Gonzalo Lira put out this video relating to THIS hit piece from the Daily Beast, I have taken the time to look up the names in Gonzalos tweet, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Struk(Ukrainian: ; 15 May 1964 2 March 2022) was a Ukrainian politician. The mayor of Kreminna in Luhansk region, former deputy of Luhansk parliament was found killed., According to Geraschenko, Strok had been judged by the court of the peoples tribunal.. US corporate media has responded by showering Zelensky with fawning press, driving a campaign for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and inspiring aflamboyant musical tributeto himself and the Ukrainian military during the 2022 Grammy awards ceremony on April 3. Ref: The daughter of Mikhail Viacheslavov, burned alive on 2 May 2014, in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps were left untouched by the presidential decree, however. Ref: Considered to be pro-Russian as he appeared on Russian TV channels. "The doctors said, 'Let's not speak of her future as a skater. . Here too, the perpetrators of human rights abuses appear to have received approval from the upper echelons of Ukrainian leadership. . "She's been to Europeans and the Olympics. CAPTION: Oksana Grishuk and Evgeni Platov make a formal appearance in the compulsory dance, earning first-place marks. Though Patriots for Life is regarded as pro-Russia, in part because of his close relations with Vladimir Putin, the new chairman of the party has, Members of the state-sponsored neo-Nazi Azov Battalions National Corps, Zelenskys administration escalated the assault on his top opponent in February 2021 when he, Under Zelenskys watch, the war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition members, Then they put bags over our heads, tied our hands with tape and took us to the SBU building in a car. "She loves skating," Moskvina said. This March, a pro-Ukrainian Telegram channel called White Lives Matter released a video of a Ukrainian soldier calling the fiancee of a Russian prisoner of war, seen below, and taunting her with promises to castrate the captive. Yelena Berezhnaya - Biography - IMDb Japan would be awarded silver and fourth-place finisher Canada, the defending champion, would receive the bronze. Last year, she narrowly lost her title to Michelle Kwan. . In addition to being a successful journalist, he is a well-known political expert, political scientist, and political analyst. Ref: Article/ Current status is unknown although alleged to have been killed. The so-called "greatest sports team ever assembled" came together to compete for the USA in basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympic games. Let's speak of her health,' " Moskvina said. Accused of: passing information about an airport to the Russians. Later that year, ice dancer Anastasia Shakun was given a one-year suspension for taking furosemide after she claimed a pharmacy suggested it for swelling in her eye. GL Gonzalo Lira (@realGonzaloLira) March 26, 2022. Charged with participation in the aggressive war. Addressing the UN Security Council, Elena Berezhnaya, head of the Irina Berezhnaya Institute for Legal Policy and Social Protection, said that glorification of the SS Galicia Division has become common practice in Ukraine, as has the erection of monuments to commemorate Bandera and his supporters, and government funding of neo-Nazi groups under . Apriest is filmedbeing forcibly taken away by a detachment of territorial defense ultra-nationalists (Teroborona), along with parishioners who try to protect him. Then came Igors turn. Yevhen Karas, the founder of theinfamous neo-Nazi C14 unit, has detailed the close relationship his gang and other extreme right factions have enjoyed with the SBU. Photos+video clipof him being intimated and threatened. Elena Viktorovna Berezhnaya ( Russian: , born 11 October 1977) is a Russian former pair skater. People have been reportedly, The SBU has a history of torture, brutal interrogations, extra judicial murders and other violence and threats carried out with total impunity. When she first arrived at the hospital in Latvia, she saw a skater who was motionless and speechless. On March 7, the mayor of Gostomel, Yuri Prylipko, was found murdered. A figure skating scandal at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games saw Canadians Jamie Sal and David Pelletier briefly lose the gold medal to Russians Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze; in . It is only to be expected that ultra-nationalists have taken matters in own their hands, such as the kidnapping, beating and torture of an MMA fighter, Maxim Rindkovsky, solely based on the fact he had trained in the past with a Chechen MMA club. Last night, Berezhnaya and her new Russian pairs partner, Anton Sikharulidze, brought drama to the World Figure Skating Championships. The Director of Institute of Legal Policy and Social Protection Elena Berezhnaya described to the correspondent of the Federal News Agency (FAN) in Kiev the situation with nationalism in the country, the information policy of local media, and the possibility of the reunification of Ukraine. The sample was reportedly obtained before Valieva won the European championship last month in Estonia, a performance that solidified her status as the leader of Russia's quad squad of elite women's figure skaters headed to Beijing. Her pairs partner, Anton, calls Elena Kisa, which means 'kitten' in Russian, while she calls him Kislota--acid. Another paramilitary group, Right Sector also has wide connections with the SBU. As the conflict continues, the repression continues to build up against a wide-ranging category of people. As you can see from the list, the whereabouts of many are not known, actual accusations against them are not known either. Embedded into the already volatile mix of state repression, Ukrainian ultra-nationalists operate outside of any legal oversight, thus not accountable to state political structures. Yesterday, Ukrainian Security Service officers with machine guns came to my parents apartment, stole almost all the money, and took my father away without bringing any charges My mother went to the Security Service office today, but they say they dont know anything about it. Your email address will not be published. Moreover, many had total impunity since 2014 and despite a couple of incidents between the SBU and Right Sector, they still have undeclared support by all levels of Ukrainian officialdom. Elena Berezhnaya Biography, Age, Height, Husband, Net Worth, Family They used a lighter to heat up a needle, then put it under my fingernails, he told Cohen. Accused of: allegedly providing Russia with intelligence. What Happened To Russian Figure Skating Pair Elena Berezhnaya - Grunge CAPTION: Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze skate to third place in the pairs short program at world championships. The couple stood on the ice for the first time last March. She was probably one of the only Ukrainian activists who wasn't afraid of the regime. With partner Anton Sikharulidze, she is the 1998 and 1999 World champion, 1998 Olympic silver medalist and 2002 Olympic champion. Valievas status for the individual competition next week has also been cast in doubt. Berezhnaya, who was eighth at the 1994 Olympic Games in Norway with Sliakhov, never lost consciousness after the accident, Moskvina said. "It's one thing that puts you over the top, if you skate the whole program cleanly. She doesn't remember the toe pick of Oleg Sliakhov's skate catching her on the left side of her head. Despite enduring several broken ribs from the beating by state-backed ultra-nationalists, he has been denied bail. Ukraines SBU has even hunted opposition figures outside the countrys borders. As he wiped out his opposition, Zelenskyorderedan unprecedented domestic propaganda initiative to nationalize all television news broadcasting andcombineall channels into a single 24 hour channel called United News to tell the truth about war.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Focusing on the many crimes of the Zelensky regime, Ukrainian soldiers of the 206th battalion of the territorial defense of the Ukrainian capital, Yesterday, Ukrainian Security Service officers with machine guns came to my parents apartment, stole almost all the money, and took my father away without bringing any charges My mother went to the Security Service office today, but they say they dont know anything about it. Ryndovskiy also happened to be Jewish, with a Star of David tattooed on his leg, and had spoken out on social media against the war in eastern Ukraine. LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- They call Elena Berezhnaya figure skating's fragile vase, a woman who lay near death with a brain injury just 15 months ago, yet who is back on the ice, skating and reaching for medals. Why has Kristina changed her surname from Cousins to Lenko this year Tara Lipinski reflects on figure skating scandal that rocked - Today Meanwhile, dozens of other, Among those targeted by the SBU were Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, members of the outlawed Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine. Perhaps the most ghastly incident of repression took place when neo-Nazis backed by the Ukrainian government kidnapped Maxim Ryndovskiy, a professional MMA fighter, andbrutally tortured himfor the crime of training with Russian fighters at a gym in Chechnya. Vassily Prozorov, a former SBU officer who defected to Russia following the Euromaidan coup, detailed the post-Maidan security services systemic reliance on torture to crush political opposition and intimidate citizens accused of Russian sympathies. Unverified claims made indicate the participation of Azov members in the torture and disappearance of Maxim Rindkovsky. Most of the detentions and disappearances are often carried out by the Ukrainian Security service, (SBU), under a sweeping repression. Elena had to go through two major neurosurgery operations. Notably, during the Donbass conflict, the Ukrainian side committed extremely heinous crimes, such burying people alive, beheadings (as reported by Newsweek), pitiless systematic acts of torture, rapes, looting, on a significantly much larger scale compared to the reported crimes committed by the pro-Russian side also featured in these reports. Two years ago, China's Lu Chen was the world champion of women's skating. The brain injury impaired Berezhnaya's speech and, after months of therapy, she continues to speak slowly. The winner will really be the one who lands everything." On Jan. 9, 1996, at a practice rink in Riga, Latvia, the tiny skater with the big blue eyes sustained a harrowing injury. Over the last 8 years of the Ukraine War he has made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk Peoples Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. Berezhnaya first competed with Oleg Shliakhov for Latvia and won gold at the 1995 Trophe de France. Americans Jenni Meno and Todd Sand are fourth, and Kyoko Ina and Jason Dungjen are fifth. [2]https://www.defenddemocracy.press/killing-and-terrorizing-journalists-in-ukraine/. . The worst cases are carried out by paramilitary and ultra-nationalist units. Notes:gunned down while resisting arrest. Gave birth to her 1st child at age 29, a son Tristan Cousins on October 6, 2007. Remember these people, these Ukrainians who for various reasons fell afoul of the authorities, imprisoned, tortured, disappeared, or killed. Two years ago, Berezhnaya lay near death with a brain injury. Elena was already a world-class pairs skater by the age of 15, skating for Latvia with Oleg Shliakhov. Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard 01:39:01 08/07/2017 riafan.ru. While this is all happening, the Western authorities and corporate MSM are completely indifferent to the situation and turmoil. With partner Anton Sikharulidze, she is the 1998 and 1999 World champion, 1998 Olympic silver medalist and 2002 Olympic champion . Kireev was subsequently. Leading members of the outlawed Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine. Elena Viktorovna Berezhnaya (Russian: ) and Anton Tarielyevich Sikharulidze (Russian: ) are former Russian pair skaters. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - 2002 Winter Games, Figure Skating, Pairs' Free Skate - Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze of Russia had a slight stumble in . Russian skaters in particular have a history of positive results dating to 2000, when decorated pairs skater Elena Berezhnaya was stripped of a gold medal from the European championships for . As expected, the West organisations are all too eager to publicise any crackdown of dissenting voices in Russia. Support the news and programs youll rely on in 2023 and beyond! It was not possible to participate in the championship: Elena Berezhnaya received a terrible injury. Accused of: having trained with MMA fighters from the Chechen Ahmat club during his sports career. In a March 19 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law toban 11 opposition parties. But many skaters have been caught over the years trying to control their weight with diuretics, which are banned for their ability to mask steroid use, and other medications that could give them the slightest edge. The SBU has a harrowing track record of serious human right abuses, which continues today. . While the Western media has focused squarely on alleged Russian human rights abuses since the outbreak of war, Ukrainian soldiers and pro-Ukrainian social media accounts have proudly exhibited sadistic war crimes, from field executions to the torture of captive soldiers. Jamie Sal and David Pelletier, the Canadian figure skating pair that turned in a near-flawless performance at the time, were awarded a silver [] Yet amazingly, she wanted to. But not with Sliakhov, her partner at the 1994 Winter Olympics. With training from the CIA and close coordination with Ukraines state-backed neo-Nazi paramilitaries, the SBU has spent the past weeks filling its vast archipelago of torture dungeons with political dissidents. Many of the skaters that took part in the team competition, including American star Nathan Chen and Russians Mark Kondratiuk, are due to leave Beijing shortly after competing Thursdays free skate. Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze | Golden Skate

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