Alectre Midlea is the one you want to train you, if youre serious about one to one combat. As the tea brewed the Echani sat with their legs underneath them and their hands on their knees. Echani Fire Sticks Traditionally, be it a traditional marriage or not, an Echani couple would take a week away from all duties, work, education, anything, and spend time just the two of them. Physical Information OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Known Residence: Unknown,, None of the Art present is my own nor do I claim ownership of any art used. The Echani also greatly respected opponents who bested them, as represented by the Echani's great respect for Revan. In fact, they began to export their unique weapons to the rest of the galaxy. 2. But know this, if you go down that road, she will know you better than you know yourself by the time youre done. Or the line of Palpatine. The Echani, as a people, were very Spiritual, with much of that spirituality revolving around Saara, the Divine Mother and creator of the Echani. The young Echani is then lead into the common room of their family home where their family resides around a small table. Example Names: Atris, Atrisian, Brianna, Yusanis, Age in Years: Child 1-11; Young Adult 12-15; Adult 16-40; Middle Age 41-59; Old 60-79; Venerable 80+. Still, a couple questions that could still be expanded on include: Did their society revolve around Cortosis, which planets was it found on, and what was the Echani mining industry like? Especially the gritty details of the Bengali Uprising or the Battle of Sintheti. Star Wars Day (AKA May the Fourth) is the annual celebration of George Lucas' Star Wars films, but you won't need to travel to the dimly-lit Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine to get a good drink. WebEchani. Marital Status En route, Cal meets BD-1. Designation The clan elders are those too old to be the individual leading a clan, but their years grant copious amounts of valuable experience and wisdom. Echani vibroblades are often ornately decorated, and many are customized for individuals. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Martial Arts I. An uncomfortable position that they had to hold till the tea was finished brewing. After the fall of the Empire, however, their population was dwindling and, like the Echani, they became isolationists, refusing to participate in any more galactic events, especially regarding the New Republic. One individual named Raygar was first featured in the Ewoks episode "Battle for the Sunstar". SoThank you Vess, for everything. EYES: Silver He did eventually use some of them as sentries or guards, until Palpatine commanded Dooku to send Ventress to assassinate all of them. The first being that Echani had silver-white hair and silver eyes, Before The Clone Wars got its long overdue conclusion in Season 7, writer E.K. Perhaps months would pass before the mutagens had completed the healing process, but even now - weeks in. The Echani art had three tiers, each relying on foundations, and featuring higher forms than the previous one. Like the Mandalorians, who were also defeated by Revan, they respected the combat skill of their enemy. Star Wars race name generators Now equipped with the vault key, the crew returns to Bogano and grabs the Holocron from the vault. Fire Dancers are a unique sect of Echani culture. Star Wars Echani are a near-Human species native to an Outer Rim world of the same name. While there, he teams up with noted anarchist Saw Gerrera to free an imprisoned contingent of Wookiees from the Empire. One of the few people who have felt as much of a passion and interest within the echani, he helped make probably 65% percent of this post in all honesty. Turns out, BD-1 belonged to Ceres former Jedi master Eno Cordova, who left one of those fancy droid messages revealing that the vault contains a Holocron basically a cube-shaped registry of Force-sensitive children across the galaxy. Clans can merge or be taken over by another via a tournament, marriage, or mutually agreed alliance. What is the name of your favorite Star Wars character, either from existing media or from games youve run or played in yourself? Put in any existing name or word, and it will generate a Star Wars friendly name! The Echani were a culture of warriors from the world of Eshan[1] who gave rise to the Sun Guard of Thyrsus. Siyndacha Karolle Aerin Star https:// The largest and most affluent clans are the leaders on their respective planets and colonies. Echani fringers are rare, but Jedi of both kinds were quite common among the Echani during in the days before the Empire. Shes already caught the eye of a local crime lord looking to train up some new muscle. Traditionally cooked slowly for hours with large variety of spices, hardy vegetables such as potatoes and onions, with plenty of meat, commonly chicken. Their products are expensive compared to some other sellers but the quality of their goods easily outweighs the initial cost. Brianna It seems like a vacuum-sealed ending, but Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orders finale was colored largely by the context in which it came out: between the release of The Last Jedi, which suggested Star Wars could be a story about more than one dynastic family, and The Rise of Skywalker, which basically undid everything posited by its predecessor. All Star Wars Jedi: Survivor achievements and trophies, Shattered Moon collectibles (first visit), Devastated Settlement orb puzzle walkthrough. The family has high expectations of any scion born to the name, whether force-talented or not, however. WebThe Echani were a sentient species that lived in the galaxy. This is a place for some of my unofficial novelizations, short stories, and fun fan collaborations! By any means necessary. In their unique ways the Echani worshiped Saara through her divine children, primarily Talla, Trul, Echan, and Thyrsus. Pots of teas, Echani Wine, and other beverages would be passed along the family as they celebrated the past and future of the now fully recognized and adult Echani. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The echani art is at its core, an unarmed form of combat meant to master the practitioners body as a weapon. Echani | Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki | Fandom The Count walked through the city, it's Stormtrooper Corp presence was minor, a couple of squadrons spread about following a path according to Leon's. After this they would place the pot back on the warming pad, sit, and with their family sip tea, while their family reminisced on their childhood. In their culture wearing heavy armor is rarely called for, and when it is worn, especially when it isnt appropriate means the echani in question has something to hide, raising their suspicion. Star Wars and Fossil Launch Limited-edition Watch Collection That someone is Atos. By the time Fallen Order rolls around, Order 66 has resulted in the government-sanctioned extermination of the Jedi. Matriarch of House Aerin Automatic Languages: Speak and Read/Write Basic. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Thanks to: Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG,, /r/swtor, The Sith Imperium, SaberForum, L'Iris Noir, Star Forge RP Community and and all sites catering to Star Wars RP!Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG,, /r/swtor, The Sith Imperium, SaberForum, L Clearly Dave Filoni is a massive Star Wars fan himself, which is partly why his live-action shows like The Mandalorian have become so widely popular since premiering This loyalty is shown in the custom of grieving after the death of a fallen comrade, a ritual which includes prayer for the dead warrior. Fire Dancers are echani chosen as children to train under a direct apprenticeship of another Fire Dancer. -I| NAME |I- Vyrien Qorath Paskal Vincent Mikaru II soon after claimed Insipid's life forfeit. Echani culture was very Combat and Family oriented. Seriously, it doesnt even cover that characters death. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Years ago, Drovec was the most feared name on all of Eshan. LS Move Left Stick. Thank You: I would like to thank Vess before we get on with this. They saw a certain purity in the way techniques are used in battle. SKIN: Alabaster Taking place on the last night of the Telcla within the dining hall of the family or clan. By 50 B.B.Y. -I| OTHER ALIASES |I- Vyr Echani gain the bonus feats Martial Arts and Quickness. No one had ever accused Commodore Kiro Torne of being self-congratulatory. In this manner, battle was seen as a form of communication similar to art. Current Locale Society: Echani culture was rooted in combat and martial arts. Echani culture held the belief that combat was the only means to truly know someone, a pure form of expression where words were swept away, allowing for action to reveal the true nature of the people involved. And whether hed on your tail or not! However, this, is simply a tactical skill arising from living in a culture where combat was seen as something akin to a form of communication. For example: Smoke Stances movement is fluid, airy, with large sweeping arks meant to keep their opponent off balance and distracted whilst Stone stance is very firm, anchoring the practitioner as much as possible and meant to wear their opponent down as a battle of attrition. RS Press Right Stick. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. SPECIES: Echani While they lived primitive lives, they had developed advanced technologies like space faring vessels, eventually colonizing five other planets around their original homeworld of Eshan. Copyright 2019-2022 All rights reserved. This, however was simply a tactical skill arising from living in a culture where combat was seen as something akin to a form of communication.[2]. Into Star Wars Roleplay Amino? Alignment: Neutral What makes a great Star Wars name in your opinion? Female What is it you wish to know? Cal defeats Trilla and reclaims the Holocron. Name: Evelyn Shaw Look how important the Skywalker line is to the plot, for example. You can just call them bounty hunters. They force Cal to compete in a Thor: Ragnarok-style combat arena, but Cere and Greez rescue Cal and whisk him back to Kashyyyk, where they get another lead on the key to the Bogano vault. Then Rebuffed, he visits Zeffo, the Zeffo homeworld. Star Wars is in a very different place in 2023 than it was in 2019. Adventurers: Most Echani are soldiers or nobles. The Echani has anatomy similar to humans, but a common feature is that they have light skin, white hair and silver eyes. That was no shooting star my child, that was the tear of a warrior, a warrior who somewhere [CI]has finished their final battle. Prerequisites: Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts. Being very religious and male oriented, the Thyrsians were spurred on by their most prominent cult known as the Sun Guard, a large sect of secret Sith worshippers. This martial art was adopted by the wider galaxy as a form often only taught to elite soldiers, the most notable being Emperor Palpatines Royal Guards back in the days of the galactic empire, but the outsiders who claim to be masters still pale in comparison to a natural born master in their prime. LS Press Left Stick. Star Wars offers lots of options for different kinds of strength, and different kinds of names, however. Spicy Hawkbat Stirfry The Right of Ascension normally lasted for several hours, anywhere from two to eight hours. This was to show their family their endurance, as they slowly filled each cup in a clockwise fashion. They saw a certain purity in the way techniques were used in battle. Once the tea was finished brewing, the 14 year old stood, and took the hot pot of tea in their hands, not by the handle, but by the sides of the hot pot. Together, all the elders of the Families that made up a Clan formed the Elder Council, who convened on recording the Spiritual history of the clan. The Star Wars timeline is generally filtered into years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope, and after (ABY). An Aeta Ignias could be either till the death of one of the individuals or till one was incapacitated in another manner. They didnt share the trait with the mainline Echani where they all looked identical, and were very distinguishable from each other. She is very much a part of me, like a [I]child, or a spouse. Combat achievements and trophies. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Galaxy at War. The Meditation of Chal took place after after the Tea Ceremony. They average 1.8 meters tall and are very lithe. Before The Clone Wars got its long overdue conclusion in Season 7, writer E.K. However, the conflict on Thyrsus would last much longer, eventually leading to the Pact of Almera only a few hundred years before the Clone Wars where Thyrsus gained their independence and the hostilities finally ceased, at least for the most part. To an Echani, a combat between two people said more than hours of talking. (This technique may be implemented in other weapons, but requires 4 ranks in Knowledge [Echani] and in the appropriate craft skill; it may only be applied to melee weapons. Echani Combat has nine basic forms: Smoke Stance, Vine Stance, Stone Stance, Glacier Stance, Wind Stance, Blood Stance, Tallow Stance, Moon Stance Sun They are then clothed in a long flowing robe that contains the seal of their clan upon their back. Additionally, the loud humming associated with vibroblades has been silenced in the Echani version. Required fields are marked *. Sources indicate that females played a large role in their society. Drego isnt quite to that level yet, but a few more jobs and he reckons he wont be far off. [4] The Maktites learned this to their own sorrow circa 3,951 BBY, when their stores of thermal weaponry were rendered ineffectual by relatively simple adjustments in the traditional Echani light armor.[3]. After almost a century of conflict, Bengali was finally reclaimed by the Echani Command. It prioritized speed, movement, agility, and non-reliance on tools, weapons, or armor. While they did not formally join the Republic, they didnt treat them with hostility either. ALIGNMENT: Neutral Dark As such, family politics was very feudal in nature. If you havent, the in-game recap of Fallen Order will come across as little more than a foggy supercut of snapshots and voiceovers. Names used by the Echani are often, though not always, multi-syllabic in nature. WebThis is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters A through E. Star Wars is an American The stats here represent a typical, generic version, but some stats might be altered for a customized version and the customized version might be mastercrafted. Still, their martial arts could be better explored visually in Canon so we know exactly how they move and apply their combat style to their lifestyle. WebEchani are a race of humanoids native to the planet Eshan. The Holocron would give Cal and Cere a chance to rebuild the Jedi order. (If you saw the Disney Plus show-that-shouldve-been-a-movie Obi-Wan Kenobi, youll recognize the Inquisitors. Countries of the World. Prerequisites: Echani Martial Arts, Echani Martial Arts Expertise, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Improved Martial Arts, Advanced Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes. RANK: Mercenary, Security Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Echani fringers are rare, but Jedi of both kinds were quite common among the Echani during in the days before the Empire. Wookiees rightly deserve their reputation as fearsome warriors. Dishes contained, normally, lots of Rice, or rice based noodles and when served, were served in large pots in the center of the table with each eater taking their share into smaller bowls. Echani | Wookieepedia | Fandom You play as one of them: Cal Kestis, a padawan trained by Jedi master Jaro Tapal (who did not survive Order 66, as detailed by flashbacks in Fallen Order). (LogOut/ Biology: The Echani were nearly identical to humans, sharing the same internal biology, general features, reproductive organs, height, lifespan, etc. Combat is a prized part of the culture and many believe that you cannot truly know someone until you have fought them. Beyond Cal, Fallen Order heavily features ex-Jedi knight Cere Junda and pilot Greez Dritus, who captains their spaceship, the Stinger Mantis. There are fighter pilots and there are fighter pilots. Most Thyrsians supported the Empire, however, and were actually allowed to join its ranks because they were so similar to humans. There are lots of fun ones in there. 1 - A female with an Echani father and a Dathomirian mother. There are two main leading ranks within the clans, the leaders themselves and the clan elders. Most Echani are soldiers or nobles. Format: Holoslate Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox! Think of Han, or Luke. Many of the less radical Sun Guards became mercenaries and pirates, however, most had returned to Thyrsus by the rise of the Empire. FACTION: The Confederacy How exactly did the Thyrsians come to be? You can use that in creating your Star Wars names as well. Anyone wearing medium or heavier armor, or any species which recieves a bonus to Fortitude saves in cold environments (or recieves such because of equipment such as an all-temperature cloak), is immune to this damage. As previously mentioned, they were most likely failed Arkanian experiment, although they had long since evolved past that and away from their Arkanian creators. (The Star Wars Jedi games are nothing if not exercises in backtracking.) Compared to and often described as lighter armored and armed mandalorians (much to both cultures distress) the Echani have mastered their bodies as living weapons, often fighting in minimal armor and clothing as to not hamper their movement in any way. BASIC INFORMATION So Uncivilized. Many galactic blades and vibro weapons were actually inspired by traditional Echani designs, and Cortosis could also be found among the Six Sisters, making their blades incredibly valuable, durable, and great anti-lightsaber weaponry. Retracted quarterstaffs deal only 1d4 damage and do not deal extra cold damage. A table as long as the hall could handle would be covered in foods, both Echani and exotic in nature. You gain the ability to augment your weapons further with your focus. Learning the tenth stance, Flame Stance, they master it as well as the Echani Ritual Brand most commonly or another exotic weapon, mastering their art to such a degree and weaving their weapons in complex patterns it seems more a dance than combat, making them all the more lethal in combat. Female Echani names are not much different from those of their male counterparts, though they will employ vowel and sibilant endings slightly more often. Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Your email address will not be published. Star Wars All these things and more would be focused upon. The Ceremony was in itself broke down into 4 smaller ceremonies, the Telc'ta Tea Ceremony, Meditation of Chal, Right of Ascension, and the Feast of the Warrior. Unexplored: The first question is, are the Echani and their martial arts the same in Canon as they are in Legends, or do they have a completely different culture in Canon? Thus, being able to distinguish between like individuals through reading of body movement became an essential requirement. The remaining cultists discovered Darth Plagueis and swore fealty to him, believing him to be the fulfillment of their prophecy of the son of suns. However, when he was murdered, they changed their allegiance to Darth Sidious, despite his initial disregard for their skills. While the Echani produce vibro-blades for galactic trade, each echani has their own unique weapon created as part of their coming of age ritual. Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield. GENERAL INFORMATION [Ed. Title(s): Or run. Jedi: Fallen Order is set five years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. JavaScript is disabled. The morning of an Echani's 14th birthday, they are woken early, upon the dawn of the world they are on. Every part of it they craft themselves, from the hilt to the blade they pour their very being into the weapon, and on a subconscious level the weapon is attuned to them within the force. Born in the streets, no stranger to getting her hands dirty, Teckla will do anything to make sure her belly is full and she has a shelter of some kind over her head. Though their personal energy shields were popular during the period surrounding the Jedi Exile's travel through the galaxy, they eventually fell out of general use. This gives rise to a society with no room for lying, and furthers the mentality of wearing minimal or light armor to show their bodies and body language. For some time energy shields were also popular and acceptable for their combat style, but they eventually became obsolete. While there are members of the echani people spread throughout the galaxy individually owing allegiance to one faction or another; Echani Merchants are the most common source of contact with the outside galaxy from the Six Sisters aside from mercenaries and mercenary companies that roam as well. Aruzan [ edit] Echani children began by learning the foundations, progressing over time from one tier to the next as the instructor saw fit. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. They were a solely matriarchal society, answering to the greatest Echani female warriors and priestesses who made up the Echani Command. From birth, their combat-centered traditions were ingrained in the young, All Echani were warriors, and bonds/romances were born from fighting one another. Echani are a near-Human species native to an Outer Rim world of the same name. Star Wars What was their first interactions with non-Echani like? Traditionally, only Elders could marry an Echani Couple, for it to be recognized by the Family or Clan. Do you have any stories about playing Echani characters? The Lagos control a majority of the trade in and out of Lothal. A table as long as the hall could handle would be covered in foods, both Echani and exotic in nature. Homeworld Give him a nice barroom brawl any day. Star Wars Not conquerors or warmongers, theyre quite peaceful which is somewhat ironic given the fact, almost all of their culture revolves around combat in some fashion. Movies War. Echani clans are typically made up of three or more families, the largest having upwards of fifty. When Star Wars Jedi Survivor takes place, plus Fallen Order story A warrior who has gone to the place where all warriors go, [CI]when they are done with their battles. I built her [I]by hand, crafting the hilt over weeks of trial and error. There was a local military and law enforcement, but even though he welcomed combat he was aware he needed to take precautions. Your email address will not be published. Training them? What they would be, soldier, scholar, priest, merchant. This year, a few local restaurants and bars are teaming up on the holiday to bring you Star Wars deals and space-themed parties on Thursday, May 4. Other than that, they have been explored rather ???. [2] During the High Republic Era, when the Nihil attacked Valo, an Media Name: The Almera Accord. Acting as general wear, as well as armor. Allegiance: Herself Honorary Echani, was an individual considered by an Echani or an Echani clan, to be honorable and worthy enough to become an honorary member of a clan. Merrin is likely one of the last Nightsisters. Whether that is lucky or unlucky depends on your point of view. Effect: You can double the damage bonus provided by your Strength modifier to Unarmed Attacks (minimum +1) provided you make only one Unarmed attack this turn. -I| RANK |I- Lt. Here are all the important story beats from Jedi: Fallen Order that youll need to know for its sequel. One thing stands in her way, however. Should their father be unavailable, by death or other circumstances, then the child normally participated in the Right with their paternal or maternal uncle. Click here to see our name suggestions & backstories ! Echani were usually very similar in appearance, with family members almost always appearing as identical to each other. For the Echani, it was not at all unusual for children of the same parents to be born so as to be completely indistinguishable from one another to outsiders. If they were Canon, how would they interact with eras like the High Republic or Age of Resistance, and would the Thyrsians believe that their son of suns would be Vader, Kylo Ren, Snoke, Maul, or even the revived Palpatine? From there the power trickles down to the various clans on each world. Male Names. Here, the Echani would begin to brew a pot of tea, normally Red Tea. But because galaxies are pretty big, some Jedi survive. Their goods are often classified on a scale of one to five, five being the most common and one being a specific special order from an echani Weaponsmith or Armorsmith. In order to come up with a name for your character that will be just as memorable, weve got a few tips! By submitting your email, you agree to our, Remembering Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orders key events, characters, and story ahead of Jedi: Survivor, Sign up for the We visited hundreds of planets to find the best Star Wars names. The Echani were a Near-Human subspecies of the world Eshan bearing few notable differences from Humans. Change). Due to a cortosis weave in the vibroblade, it retains its damage reduction versus lightsabers. The Echani, they understand a lot just by fighting a person. Benefits: When fighting unarmed and wearing armor no heavier than light armor, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to Defense. Echani believed, that if you drew a weapon, you were committing yourself to use that weapon, as a drawn weapon demanded itself to be used.