ENGL1120 or ENGL1127. Focused topics in literature and theory of ethnicity, sexuality, gender, race, class, or disability. Advanced course in developing complex professional writing projects. I take roll everyday (because I like to know who attends class), but this class does not have a specific attendance policy. Here is a list of the 10 easiest classes offered at USF St. Pete so you can get that A and raise your GPA. Harper Lee. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. ENGL 4450 TOPICS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE (3) LEC. If circumstances out of your control cause you to miss multiple classes or if you foresee circumstances affecting your performance in the class, let me know as soon as possible. Pr. Introduction to the craft of poetry writing; reading, studying, and writing poetry. ENGL 3130 SURVEY OF CRITICAL THEORY (3) LEC. Blog | 10 of The Easiest Classes at The University of Alabama - OneC Intended and required for international students who are non-native speakers of English. ENGL 3870 WORLD ENGLISH LITERATURES (3) LEC. Pr. easiest literature class at alabama The system of sounds, syntax, and meaning are illustrated in English and other languages. Culturally diverse readings in world literature from c. 1600 to the present. For each test, half of questions will come from class material (lectures, discussions, etc. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours. There were approximately 66 English language and literature students who graduated with this degree at Auburn in the most recent data year. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. Writing in medical and health-related fields. A Best Colleges rank of #157 out of 2,241 colleges nationwide means UA is a great university overall. Introduction to rhetorical strategies, critical reading and thinking skills, composing processes, sentence-level conventions, and reflection skills needed to participate successfully in the University of Alabama discourse community. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Advanced study of topics in rhetorical theory and practice. 3. Students must take ENGL2020 (Introduction to Literary Studies)as the gateway course to the Literature Track. Pr. Major literary movements, authors, and /or genres. | Data Access Request The schools below may not offer all types of English language and literature degrees so you may want to filter by degree level first. Overview of significant theoretical issues, approaches, and conversations in literary and cultural theory, historical and/or contemporary. Study of various practical applications for creative-writing-related skills and techniques, including arts programming, teaching, and literary publishing. 3. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. WebIf you want to know more about our grass & bamboo straws, please contact us via Email, Phone, or Facebook Survey of British literature from the end of the 18th century to the present. Examining the interconnections between film and literature. EN329 may be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. Topics related to the intersections between the environment, literature, and culture. ENGL 7920 INTERNSHIP IN ENGLISH STUDIES (3) INT. Survey of world literature from the Classical period to the Renaissance. ENGL 7990 RESEARCH AND THESIS (1-10) MST. Web1) Take a lecture coursebut dont be afraid to take a specialized lecture. Pr. ENGL 7130 FICTION WRITING (3) LEC. ENGL 3710 SURVEY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE BEFORE 1900 (3) LEC. When choosing the right school for you, it's important to arm yourself with all the facts you can. 3. A cross-genre survey of tragic literature that may begin with the classical tragedians and proceed through the present. Prerequisite: Enrollment only by previous arrangement with a specific instructor and with the permission of the director of undergraduate English studies. Alabama Survey of rhetoric from Ancient Greece to the present. An introduction for English majors to the methods employed in the discipline of English. Amy Tan, Rules of the Game. 3. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Unless we have worked out arrangements ahead of time, missed exams cannot be made up or rescheduled. Pr. Covers rhetorical strategies, critical reading and thinking skills, composing processes, sentence-level conventions, reflection skills, as well as university-level research and source usage techniques. A cross-genre survey of major literary figures, critical movements, historical events, and significant texts since the Second World War in England. ENGL 4200 FICTION WRITING I (3) LEC. Pr. British literature since 2000. ENGL 3210 FICTION WRITING I (3) LEC. Special problems, topics, and materials in English studies not covered in other existing courses. Survey of world literature from the Enlightenment to the Modern period. Every year, there are more undrafted free agents than first round picks on NFL rosters. Research-based best practices in grant and proposal writing. UNA is a moderately-sized public university located in the city of Florence. Introduces students to the academic study of literary texts in English with an emphasis on formulating an argument about a text, developing goals and strategies for research, and managing the different stages of the writing process. Continuation of students practice in rhetorical strategies, critical reading and thinking skills, composing processes, sentence-level conventions, and reflection skills. Exempted for transfer students who have earned a C or better grade in a face-to-face, university-level composition course at the 102 level (ESL courses do not qualify). r/auburn on Reddit: Literature class 3. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. Provides an overview of the field of composition studies: teaching writing, history of the discipline, and discussion of professional issues in rhetoric and composition. If you must miss class, you are responsible for getting the notes for that day from someone else in the class. You must complete 42 hours of eligible English courses at the 200-, 300-, and 400-level. ENGL 4160 TECHNOLOGY, LITERACY, AND CULTURE (3) LEC. The University expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. 3. Advanced fiction writing. Topics in writing for students in the Honors College. To view a particular group of core courses, select the attribute of your choice in the box below and click submit. 801 Campus Drive Issues and developments in rhetorical theory and analysis, with special attention to the rhetoric of written texts. SU. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. American literature from its beginnings to 1800. ENGL 7810 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE (3) LEC. Pr. Pr. 3. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Iowa and Clemson had two picks each. Pr. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. African American literature from 1900 to the present. Supervised client-based experience in tasks commonly performed by technical communicators analyzed through current research in technical communication. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. EN433 can be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours. Pr. May not be taken concurrently with ENGL1120 or ENGL1127. This course is a prerequisite for EN423, EN424, EN425, EN466. There were roughly 29 English language and literature students who graduated with this degree at USA in the most recent year we have data available. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. ENGL3210 or ENGL4200. Reading and assigned writing experiments in a broad range of poetic forms. An introduction to the teaching of English at Auburn University. NFL Draft 2023: Bryce Young, Jake Haener lead ENGL 4620 MILTON (3) LEC. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Concentrated investigation of varying topics in African American literature and culture. A. pp. Students who qualify for EN103 (see EN103 description above) are awarded an additional 3 hours of composition placement credit with a grade of pass upon successful completion of EN104. Grades are reported as A, B, C, or NC (No Credit). Web18.3% Growth in Graduates. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260. 3. Intended for native speakers of English. Students will recognize and identify key concepts in the arts, sciences, and humanities to provide a broad perspective on the human condition. UA is a very large public university located in the city of Tuscaloosa. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Pr. A Best Colleges rank of #367 out of 2,241 schools nationwide means UAB is a great university overall. 3. ENGL 7770 AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE (3) LEC. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. Honors survey of African American literature from 1935 to the present. Study of one or more periods or kinds of drama. 006: American Literature A. pp. WebNo more than 6 credit hours may be at the 2000 level At least two 4000-level literature courses must cover material produced before 1800 and at least two 4000-level literature courses cover material produced after 1800. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. 3. The course material includes poetry, drama, autobiography, fiction, and nonfiction. Pr. Pr. English Composition Core. Pr. Grades are reported as A, B, C, or NC (No Credit). ENGL1120 or ENGL1127 or ENGL 1123. A student who does not write with the skill normally required of an upper-division student will not earn a passing grade, no matter how well the student performs in other areas of the course. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. 3. Introduction to critical methods and theoretical approaches to the study of literature. 3. Alabama, Ohio State and Georgia led all teams with three first-round selections each. Pr. Authors may include Thomas Carlyle, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, and Oscar Wilde. 3. ENGL 7140 POETRY WRITING (3) LEC. Typically devotes approximately half the semester to a close reading of Paradise Lost. ENGL 3200 TOPICS IN CREATIVE WRITING (3) LEC. 3. 3. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. ENGL 4800 (Seminar in Literature) is the capstone course for this | Privacy These assignments include exams, your major graded essay, and the reading response quizzes. University of Alabama at Birmingham is a wonderful option for students interested in a degree in English language and literature. ENGL1120 or ENGL1127. A cross-genre survey of major literary figures, critical movements, historical events, and significant texts within the first half of the twentieth century in Britain. ENGL 7070 GRANT AND PROPOSAL WRITING (3) LEC. Covers rhetorical strategies, critical reading and thinking skills, composing processes, sentence-level conventions, reflection skills, as well as university-level research and source usage techniques. The course covers locating, evaluating, and integrating research materials into literary critical writing, as well as the entire process of writing a research-based paper. An introduction to the external history of the English language along with the study of the accompanying internal changes in structure. ENGL2010 or Departmental approval. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. Students are required to complete a Core Literature sequence. and if your request has been made PRIOR to the assignments due date, then you may be granted an extension. If prerequisites exist, please refer to the catalog or the course listing within myBama for a detailed listing of prerequisite courses. Natural Science (N) This course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. I am allowing you a good deal of freedom with your individual topics, but your paper needs to focus on texts we cover this semester. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. 3. ENGL1120 or ENGL 1123 or ENGL1127. ENGL1120 or ENGL1127. Alabama The Short Story: Genre Formations, Read American Literature 1820-1865 (Norton Vol. SU. However, they are great for the degree levels they do offer. Pr. Survey of English literature from the seventh through the eighteenth century, including works from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Restoration, and Enlightenment. Pr. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. 3. Pr. Raymond J. Harbert College of Business. Young was the first Alabama quarterback to win the Heisman Trophy when he took home college football's most prestigious award in 2021. Alphabetic Listing. Please see the departmental website for the application form and further details. Reading and assigned writing experiments in a broad range of forms of the genre. | Accessibility, The Office of the University Registrar The University of Alabama, Advising and Administrative Access Request. ENGL 4920 INTERNSHIP IN ENGLISH STUDIES (3) AAB/IND. The 2024 draft class is going to be special. The Creative Writing Honors Thesis is an individualized class that culminates in a complete, long-form piece of creative writing such as a poetry chapbook, novella, essay collection, short story collection, or extended creative non-fiction piece of publishable quality, approximately 30-60 pages. Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures and their development. After graduating, English language and literature degree recipients generally make around $26,620 at the beginning of their careers. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Authors may include John Locke, John Bunyan, Mary Astell, Jonathan Swift, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Samuel Johnson, Hester Thrale, and James Boswell. Check. If you have a disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call 348-4285 or visit 133-B Martha Parham Hall East to register for services. This course is required for any student who wishes be eligible for departmental honors through subsequent enrollment in EN499. GY 110 - People, Places, and the Environment. Advisors. Workshop in the craft and writing of fiction. Honors survey of African American literature from its earliest expressions to 1935. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 133-B Martha Parham Hall East, before receiving academic adjustments. Works from pre-conquest England may include Beowulf, Bede's History of the English Church, and poems from the Exeter and Vercelli manuscripts. Periods, movements, or major figures of the literature of Ireland. See department advisor for approved list of pre-1800 courses. Pr. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. 3. If you must miss class, you are responsible for getting the notes for that day from someone else in the class. Introduction to the history, practice, and profession of technical and professional communication. Students can produce a literary close reading that addresses both the form and the content of one or more text(s) in the construction of an argument about the texts meaning. An introduction to Milton's English poetry along with the history, politics, aesthetics, philosophy, and theology of seventeenth-century England. ANT 2000- Introduction to Anthropology This class is not only interesting, but it's easy! Student must take their final exams during the date and time as scheduled by the University. Major literary movements, authors, and/or genres. Located in the small city of Auburn, Auburn is a public university with a fairly large student population. ENGL1120 or ENGL1127 or ENGL 1123. Iowa and Clemson had two picks each. The course will also include professionalization in the field of creative writing, covering topics such as how to approach publishing and editing, how to submit creative writing for publication, how to apply to graduate school, how to prepare for careers in writing, and how to identify and connect to resources in the field. ENGL1100 or ENGL 1103 or ENGL1107. Pr. Pr. 10 of the Easiest Courses at USFSP To enroll students must submit a research proposal to the Departmental Honors Coordinator before the end of the previous semester, and that proposal must be approved by the Honors Committee. ENGL 4510 18TH-CENTURY NOVEL (3) LEC. Pr. Enrollment is limited to 15. Prerequisite for EN423, EN424, EN425, EN466. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. 3. 3. A grade Examination of varying topics related to the intersection between literature and gender. Yes or No based on whether or not prerequisite requirements exist for the course. Pr. ENGL 3720 SURVEY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE AFTER 1900 (3) LEC. 3. At least two 4000-level literature classes must cover material that was predominantly produced before 1800, and at least two 4000-level literature classes must cover material that was predominantly produced after 1800. ENGL 4760 TOPICS IN DIASPORA LITERATURE (3) LEC. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. If the professor determines your circumstance to be extenuating (such as in the event of hospitalization, family death, etc.) You can earn your MA in English entirely online with Southern New Hampshire University! Milton's principal poems, especially Paradise Lost, with some attention to his prose. I take roll everyday (because I like to know who attends class), but this class does not have a specific attendance policy. 3. even if the syllabus is later modified or updated. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB) Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. ENGL 7180 19TH-CENTURY STUDIES (3) LEC. British literature, 1770-1830. Over the course of the semester, you will complete 12 reading response quizzes. Literature (L) ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. ENGL 2280 AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE AFTER 1900 (3) LEC. Gateway Course: 2020 Introduction to Literary Studies (3 hours) No more than 6 hours may be at the 2000-level; at least 18 hours must be at the 4000-level or above. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217 or Departmental approval. NEWS: Wichita State transfer Jaykwon Walton has committed to Alabama. Does anyone happen to know how many people ENGL1120 or ENGL 1123 or ENGL1127. 3. There were about 33 English language and literature students who graduated with this degree at Jacksonville State University in the most recent data year. Students must complete a minor in a subject approved by their advisor. This is not a guarantee of current or future availability of honors offerings. Study of one or more genres across literary periods. A 6-hour discipline depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, Connections between technology, literacy, and culture, including instruction in advanced computer applications. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Designed for advanced English majors, a special topics course that focuses on issues in genre criticism. Departmental approval. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. Fri, Jan 27, 9:00 AM + 31 more events. Depending on your system, the document may download with either a .doc or .html extension. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. There were about 60 English language and literature students who graduated with this degree at UAB in the most recent year we have data available. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, Copyright 2023 The University of Alabama Examines works of the Old and Middle English Periods, the formative years of British literature. Pr. ENGL1120 or ENGL 1123 or ENGL1127. Offered each semester. Core Curriculum The Office of the University Registrar ENGL1120 or ENGL1127. 3. A cross-genre survey of English literature during the period 1660-1800. Pr. Survey of American literature from its beginnings to 1865, including, work by Poe, Thoreau, Emerson, Melville, and Whitman, among others. WebThe plan of study prepares students with critical knowledge, research skills, and communication skills to further their education in graduate and professional study in a variety of disciplines including African American Studies, Public Health, Criminal Justice, Public Administration, and Education; obtain employment in public health, social 3. 3. ENGL 4730 TOPICS IN POPULAR CULTURE (3) LEC. History (HI) Course may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): EN101. ENGL 3740 IDENTITIES (3) LEC. ENGL 7830 MAJORS AUTHOR(S) (3) LEC. WebFrom the Student Records System Either EN 101 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- And EN 102 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- Or EN 103 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- Or EN 104 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- Or EN 120 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- And EN 121 (undergrad) with a minimum grade of C- Required Note: This course schedule is subject to change, but students will receive appropriate notice from the instructor well in advance if changes are deemed necessary. Limited to a maximum of three authors. Easiest Classes This topics course in literature examines how identity is constructed in texts. (ENGL1120 or ENGL 1123 or ENGL1127) and ENGL2000. 3. Major literary movements, authors, and/or genres. 3. Study in one or more kinds of poetry. WebUndergraduate Majors. Authors may include F. Scott Fitzgerald, Willa Cather, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, N. Scott Momaday and Leslie Marmon Silko. Hes not the only NCAA star still waiting to hear his name called. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. 3. From Public Spheres to Private Spaces: Emily Dickinson, 4/27 Read biographical note, Emily Dickinson (Norton 2554-58), 112 Success is Counted Sweetest (Norton 2558-2559), 124 Safe in their Alabaster Chambers (Norton 2560), 236 Some Keep the Sabbath (Norton 2563), 340 I Felt a Funeral in my Brain (Norton 2568), 409 The Soul selects her own Society (Norton 2574-2575), 466 I Dwell in Possibility (Norton 2576), 479 Because I could not stop for Death (Norton 2578), 519 This is my letter to the World (Norton 2578), 620 Much Madness is divinest Sense (Norton 2581), 764 My Life had stood a Loaded Gun (Norton 2584), 1263 Tell all the truth but tell it slant (Norton 2590), 1773 My life closed twice (Norton 2594), Section 014 (12:30-1:45 Class): Monday, May 3, 11:30 am to 2:00 pm, Section 006 (2:00-3:15 Class): Wednesday, May 5, 8:00 am to 10:30 am. Pr. View All English Language & Literature Related Majors >. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. The course also emphasizes university-level research and source usage techniques. Special topics in Creative Writing. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credit hours. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. ENGL 4330 AGE OF REVOLUTION IN BRITISH LITERATURE (3) LEC. This online English degree program can help you increase your analytical and communication skills. Available on a limited basis for qualified students; requires advance permission of the department graduate committee. Pr. 3. 2023 NFL Draft prospects: Ranking top cornerback in ENGL 4550 STUDIES IN FILM AND LITERATURE (3) LEC. Grades are reported as A, B, C, or NC (No Credit). College of Architecture, Design & Construction, Center for Educational Outreach & Engagement, Government & Economic Development Institute, Office of Professional & Continuing Education, College of Architecture, Design, and Construction, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's (ABM) Programs, Download PDF of Entire 2022-2023 Bulletin, Download PDF of College of Architecture, Design and Construction, Download PDF of Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, Download PDF of College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Download PDF of College of Human Sciences, Download PDF of James Harrison College of Pharmacy, Download PDF of College of Sciences and Mathematics, Download PDF of College of Veterinary Medicine, 4600- or 4700-level Author or Topics course. 3. Required Reading in High School ENGL2000. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. Pr. ENGL 3250 CREATIVE NONFICTION WRITING I (3) LEC. 2023 Best English Language & Literature Schools in Alabama ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. 3. There were about 147 English language and literature students who graduated with this degree at UA in the most recent data year. ENGL 4710 TOPICS IN GENDER AND LITERATURE (3) LEC. ENGL 4540 STUDIES IN DRAMA (3) LEC. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. ENGL1120 or ENGL1127 or ENGL 1123. 3. Offered each semester and in summer school. Pr. 21 classic books that you read in high school 3. ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. ENGL 4230 POETRY WRITING II (3) LEC. Pr. College of Architecture, Design, and Construction. Auburn is a very large public school located in the city ENGL 3850 STUDY IN LONDON (3) LEC. Pr. Focus may be on poetry, fiction, nonfiction or a combination. 3. Students who graduate with their degree from the English language and literature program report average early career wages of $26,583. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours. Curriculum in English: Literature < Auburn University ENGL2000 or ENGL2010 or ENGL2230 or ENGL2240 or ENGL2250 or ENGL2260 or ENGL2200 or ENGL 2203 or ENGL2207 or ENGL2210 or ENGL 2213 or ENGL2217. 3. ENGL 4600 CHAUCER (3) LEC. Fun, Easy Classes - University of Alabama - College Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Pr. Language will be presented as a constantly changing phenomenon that is embedded in culture and steeped in ideology. Top Alabama Colleges Additional seats may be open by application to students who have completed at least two creative writing courses. Honors Survey of world literature from the Enlightenment to the Modern period. Authors may include Samuel Beckett, W. H. Auden, Doris Lessing, Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, and Jeanette Winterson. Biblical backgrounds to English and American literature; the Bible as literature.
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