depression glass pattern identification

2023 LoveToKnow Media. Depression glass patterns range from simple to ornate, and their beauty sparkles just as brightly decades after they were produced. Do not clean Depression glass in a dishwasher. Feel the heft of it. The company began to reissue old patterns in the 1960s and went out of business in 1984. The precious glass was produced for the use of masses during the period of depression. When you comparison shop online, look for items in their original packaging, not just in Woolworth packaging. Colors like jadeite (opaque pale green), white (milk), ultra marine, red (royal and ruby), yellow (canary), delphite (opaque pale blue), black and amethyst monax, also exist. One story goes that some food manufacturers and distributors wanted to include an incentive with their products to boost their sales. Of course, the value of collectibles does go up as long as there is a demand. Though it looks similar, this glass is much thinner than what is known as milk glass. A. Mouth-blown Manufacturing - This section addresses the manual processes for making bottles, used prior to automation of the industry, where the bottle was blown/expanded with the power of human lungs; thus the term "mouth-blown.". Dev earned her MA in English Literature from Ohio University in 2017. "Glassmaking & Glassmakers" Related Pages Organization & Structure. Use a book or online guide to identify your pattern. Indiana Glass Company Located in Dunkirk, Indiana, this company produced many popular Depression Glass patterns, including Harvest, Sandwich, and Teardrop and Dot. Also known as "Ballerina" or "Dancing Girl" pattern. It features the Block Optic pattern in green glass and has consistently retained a value of $4 to $5 for a number of years. Elegant glass usually shows an etched, highly polished design, while Depression glass features slightly raised designs. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Manufacturers created a few patterns in unique hues such as alexandrite and tangerine, which ultimately failed in the marketplace. Sometimes called the "spoke pattern," this Depression glass pattern was manufactured by Federal from 1933 to 1937. Tip 1: Know your Depression glass history. I have never seen it anywhere. However, these older books can offer a lot of information and can be used to identify your pattern. The company was founded in 1900 in Columbus, Ohio and produced handmade, etched glass. Someone gets a bargain, and you get rid of stuff. Made by Hazel Atlas, part of the "Royal Lace" pattern range. For the most part, real Depression glass is lighter than reproductions. Depression glass has raised patterns that are applied to the glass. Usually, a piece of a set will not be valued as high as if you had the entire set. You'll see Boopie without any cutting and also see Laurel on other glass shapes. Today, it's common for single pieces t. Take a walk down the brick-lined memory lane with these vintage Lego sets. 20th Century Glass. Elegant glass is sometimes included in the genre though many purists disagree. The Cameo pattern is another popular depression glass pattern. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. In 2006, this pitcher was valued on eBay for $100 and that has stayed steady through the years. However, identifying authentic depression glass isnt so difficult if you know what to look for. Manufactured from 1938 to 1944, it comes in clear. With a saucer, it may sell for around $15, and it's common to find complete sets of four to six together. Some items appeared in opaque red, black, or green. Made by Hocking Glass Company between 1935 and 1938, it's often valued between $30 and $40 in excellent condition. Use the search to locate reliable pages. Count large, obvious details such as the six straight edges on the green Florentine #1 sherbet plate as illustrated below. Check online auction sites. How to Identify Depression Glass: Popular Colors & Patterns - WikiHow The exact origins of what constituted Depression Glass originally are somewhat unclear, as the term is now used to describe a wide variety of mass produced glassware that became popular during this period. Clean lines make this vintage piece perfect for a modern home. What is Carnival Glass and how does it differ from Depression Glass. One is a stout mug-like shape, one a footed bowl, and one a taller footed cone. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. I have vaseline glass. People who were able to hang onto jobs often had their hours cut, and the rest lived in fear of job loss. The Hocking Glass Company's Block Optic green luncheon plate dates to between 1929 and 1933. Featuring 170 Depression glass patterns, detailed pattern drawings, values, a shape guide and glorious color pictures throughout, the handbook is the most extensive portable guide on the . wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Some reproductions were created to fool buyers as the value of Depression glass skyrocketed. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. You can also check out the Corning Museum of Glass, a site that offers a wealth of information on glass. Antique China Made in Germany | LoveToKnow While it was valued around $35 in 2006, more recent online listings show an asking price between $40 and $70. In the photo the glass itself is Boopie and the cutting is Laurel. The company, then named Hocking Glass Company, was based in Ohio, and would later become a part of several acquisitions and mergers that would lead it to modern day success. Monax is the name MacBeth-Evans gave to the company's milky-colored glass. Find a glass club online or in your area for more information. Many guides provide simple images to make this easy. Answer: The set you refer to is often called the poinsettia pattern because the image resembles that popular Christmas plant. Glassware Facts Not all Depression glass is colored. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. This makes comparison easier without the distraction of color or pattern details. The domeis the most valuable part of the dish. The company began in 1887, in the town of Pennsylvania that shares the companys name, as a simple bottle company. Dealers can be quite informative, especially if the shop is not very busy at the time of your visit. An American art deco pink depression glass sugar bowl. If you find that it did not, your piece is a reproduction. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. It was also made in an amethyst-colored glass as well as semi-opaque glass called Plantonite in a variety of colors. 20 Rare And Most Valuable Depression Glass: Identification And Value Look for faint markings on the bottom or bubbles in the glass to make sure it's authentic. Depression Glass is clear or colored translucent glassware, inexpensively produced during the time of The Great Depression the severe, worldwide economic downturn that took place in the 1930s. The shapes used for this pattern are very similar to Jeannette's Depression-era Windsor pattern. Sometimes referred to as "Stippled Rose Band.". Look closely at it. Opaque white is thinner than milk glass. China Pattern Identification | Replacements, Ltd. "Depression glass tends to be very thin," says Jeni. This 3-inch footed sherbet dish made in the green glass is from the Federal Glass Company and is dated from 1931 to 1936. It's often valued around $30, though the pair tends to bring just $40 or so. These pieces of Depression Glass were known as oatmeal glass and were often in the form of small plates, bowls, or cups. Being now highly sought after by collectors, Depression Glass is sold through a variety of channels, including antique stores, online marketplaces, and at glassware shows and conventions. Pamela has over 30 years of experience and has been writing for 20 years. Depression Glass - Kovels Shape guides display the general outline of a plate or bowl. In 2008, the lone dish would be valued at around $6 and you can still find them for that price. Answer: When we think of Depression Glass, we usually think of the popular dishware manufactured during that period. She co-founded the Costume Jewelry Collectors International, a global educational website. What if its depression glass? "It helped me look up a Hazel Atlas pitcher and tumblers I picked up at a thrift store that I thought was really. Whilst really quite elegant glass, some of which mimicked traditional crystal, keep in mind that depression glass pieces are typcially of marginal quality, due to several factors. The value of pink depression glass may range from a few dollars to almost $100 for individual pieces. The style of depression glass is similar to Art Deco, which was popular during the 1930's. Also, depression glass often bears a floral or other type of pattern. How to Identify and Value Depression Glass - HobbyLark For more tips, including how to identify common depression glass patterns, read on! The Moonstone pattern is another beautiful design. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. It hosts monthly meetings, educational programs, and glass shows throughout the year. You'd be surprised at how many glasses shows there are in many parts of the country. Produced by Hocking Glass Company from 1936 through 1949, they're very common on the antique market. Look for several different things. Depression Glass Patterns: A Picture Identification Guide, starting a collection of Depression glass, Antique Glassware Identification Tips & What to Look For, How Antique Leaded Glass Windows Create Instant Charm. Produced by Hazel Atlas Glass Company in the early 1930s,this piece has been shown in Depression glass books in the past for $75. This size, which is the most common, is a little larger than the berry bowl and measures about 4 1/2 inches in diameter. If Depression Glass was to be produced today, it would likely not be acceptable in the market due to a range of flaws associated with it. Question: I have a pink set depression glass still in its FW Woolworth packaging. For more information on specific Depression glass pieces and manufacturers of each pattern, click on the links provided below the photos (where available). You may see leaves, flowers, loops, petals, fruit, or birds. Dark Green Bowl 9. Concentrate on those obvious motifs in your search. This is not technically a Depression glass pattern but is often placed into this category by collectors. Apple Blossom Etch Cambridge Glass made Apple Blossom during the depression on all their colors of the era, including amber, pink, two shades of blue, emerald and a darker green, yellow, ebony and crystal. The more common one is a 10-inch oval two-part dish. Depression Glass Stemware Brings History to the Table, Collecting Depression glass stemware is a great starter hobby for people who're interested in collecting Depression era items but don't want to break the bank. Produced between 1931 - 1935, by the Jeanette Glass Company the set was originally called Floral. Get DIY project ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help you spruce up your space. Answer: You can find an image of what may be a smaller version of your Dunbar cobalt glass pitcher on the Museum of American Glass website. This handy tool is a great place to browse pictures for research, but images of other things may appear. Other newer pieces were made in colors never originally produced in this pattern. The most popular colors with collectors today are pink in varying hues (some are very light in color, while others have an orange tint to the pink), cobalt blue, and green. It has wide rims and is recognizable by its patterns of tassels and scrolls. This article has been viewed 173,817 times. During the 1930s, the company included pieces of Depression Glass in boxes of oatmeal as a promotional item, as a way to encourage customers to buy more of their products. Because of that, they are often used for a more affordable substitute. A book such as Warman's Depression Glass : Identification and Price Guide will help the avid collector to identify genuine Jeanette Glass items. How can you tell if its either, so you know what youre buying? Sets are however more expensive and cost as much as $100 or more. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. The green glass dome is a unique and ornamental shape that is sought by collectors. ", "Told me about the seams on the depression glass - which makes it real!". Made by Hazel-Atlas Glass Company between 1934 and 1941, 9 7/8-inch green plates like this tend to be valued around $20 a plate. This pattern features swags and florals and is a classic choice. If you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Depression glass was sold in large quantities to businesses, who then gave it out for free to loyal customers or used it as prizes in oatmeal and cereal boxes. It should be smooth and delicate looking - not chunky. The Hobnail pattern has a pattern of circular bumps that surround the piece. Also, depression glass often bears a floral or other type of pattern. Sometimes referred to erroneously as "Swirl" pattern. Generally, a single 8-inch plate will be valued between $5 and $10. In this article, we will cover relevant information about federal glass patterns; their history and worthiness in glass productions . This cup and saucer set was produced by Hazel Atlas Glass Co. in the late 1930s. MacBeth-Evans American Sweetheart Pink Cup and Saucer, Cobalt or "Ritz" Blue Chevron Cream and Sugar, Iris Depression Iridescent Glass Butter Dish, Old Colony Pink With Clear Frog Flower Bowl, Types of Colorful Glass Used in Vintage Kitchenware, 10 Rarest and Most Valuable Coins in the World, How to Identify and Value Depression Glass, Limoges Porcelain Identification and Value Guide, Elegant Glassware Identification and Price Guide, green, yellow, white, pink, and clear glass, The Hobnail pattern has a pattern of circular bumps. Thank you. While the oval dish sells for around $35, the round ones can bring $45 to $70. It was made by Jeannette Glass Company between 1937 and 1938. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. It has a nice, sturdy handle. Can you help me identify it? Question: I have an aquamarine glass plate with three rings in the middle, like a teacup saucer. The other colors are similarly valued. Michigan Depression Glass Society ( This club is dedicated to the study and collection of Depression Glass and other vintage glassware. For instance, in 2006, the set was valued on eBay for $16 to$25 and in 2008 Austin Antique Mall had it valued between $12 and $15. A plate may feature a smooth edge interrupted by dips. Replica pieces of depression glass dont have this distinguishing flaw. Depression glass refers to a particular type of glass that is often associated with the Great Depression. The company produced handmade bottles under the business name Jeanette Bottle Works Company. Two years later, they took [], Perhaps youve just wandered into an estate sale and spotted what you believe to be the most beautiful antique carnival glass youve ever seen. Normandie or Bouquet and Lattice 6 1/2" bowl. But decorating trends influence shopping habits. Hazel Atlas used the color called Capri in several patterns. Just because it shows up on a Google image search does not mean it is Depression glass. Image Credit Federal Glass Values Anchor Hocking made Boopie - also called Berwick - in the 1940s and early 1950s. This is a great guide when, "Your article helped me distinguish true depression glass from reproductions. Movie theaters and businesses also handed out a piece of this Depression Glass glassware to loyal customers upon them entering into their movie houses or offices. According to, it was made between 1930 and 1939. By using our site, you agree to our. If you want to collect a particular pattern, get to know that pattern. Initially designed to stand out and be bold, these pieces will instantly grab any collector's attention. It's also common to find sets of four to six sherbet dishes. In 2006, eBay sellers were valuing them around $15, and that dropped to $5 or less by 2008. Home Page (Jeanette Glass Company, 19371938). Take a close look at the pattern on your piece. Though clear pink and green have long been popular colors, other colors included amber, blue, amethyst, ruby red, and black. How to Identify Fostoria Glass - Pattern Identification Guide The cup and saucer set is Fostoria Tojan topaz yellow elegant glass. Here are several resources: Also, check out the National Depression Glass Association, where you can find information on dealers, conventions, seminars, and shows. Depression Glass Patterns Identification Guide - The Spruce Crafts Vaseline glass refers to glass made primarily from 1830 through World War II, when there was a ban placed on uranium. In 1905, the beginnings of Anchor Hocking Glass Company occurred near the Hocking River. Visiting a show will help you learn about current values. Check the piece for chips at the edges, as this is also indicative that it is not a reproduction piece. Dating between 1934 and 1936, this colonial butter dish was made by Hocking Glass Company. TheQueen Mary pink cup is dainty and beautiful. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. It's not extremely common, though can be found rather easily, sometimes still with the matching sugar bowl. Made by Jeannette Glass Company from 1936 through 1946, it was valued between $25 and $35 in 2008. It's common to find the cup and saucer valued between $10 and $20. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

\n<\/p><\/div>"}. Once the economy recovered, many people threw their depression glass out or gave it away and replaced it with higher-quality glass. Warman's Depression Glass Handbook: Identification, Values, Pattern Sellers may over value their wares, so just because you see something offered for sale at a high price does not mean the seller will actually achieve that price. So, it was often sold as a promotional item, given away for free with the purchase of other products (by including free gifts of a piece of the inexpensive glassware in food boxes), or sold in sets as a way to encourage consumers to buy more. Polly Pocket: History & Value of Barbies Biggest 90s Rival. Common depression glass colors include amber, blue, pink, and green. You may also find information online at the Corning Museum of Glass. Many businesses failed as a result of the harsh economic conditions. Examine the quality of the pattern. Due to the high price these pieces hold, you can often find Asian-manufactured fake products in the market. When possible, check the sold price. This guide is your open window to the world of these . Reproduction pieces of depression glassware pieces don't have seam lines. Keep reading to learn all about depression glassware: what it is, what makes it valuable, and how to identify it next time you go antiquing. Familiarize yourself with popular depression glass patterns so you can more easily identify depression glassware when you see it. Most often seen in green, but yellow and pink can also be found. Question: I have a set of six glasses plus matching pitcher in green poinsettia pattern depression glass. Look closely at pattern details to help identify your pattern. Another lovely floral design from Jeanette Glass, this Depression glass pattern features all over sunflowers with a large center medallion. Mainly found in clear, but other colors such as yellow, amber, and red can also be found in certain pieces. The Hocking Glass Company made a couple of different Mayfair "Open Rose" relish dishes in a beautiful blue glass between 1931 and 1937. This Depression glass pattern was put out by Anchor Hocking. PO Box 26029. However, here are some points to remember while buying depression glass items: Depression glass is not heavy to hold Pink Depression Glass Patterns and Value - Antique Mall wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Pattern information is as up to date as possible, and it is updated whenever new information is found. You should soon be able to judge what is real versus what is fake. If the glass was handmade or hand-finished, it is generally not Depression glass. The standard and quality of the product was very low. Answer: When you search for information about a piece, include the size and material in your search. These were so common that in 2006 a single plate was valued at around $2. Jeannette Glass Company also made a similar pattern called Doric and Pansy, which includes a set of children's dishes. What is the best way to find a relative value of this set of glasses? However, the Normandie pattern offered by the Federal Glass Company from 19331940 did have an iridescent quality. It was always patterned and often had geometric shapes and designs cut into it. A Comprehensive History and Patterns Listing - Depression Glass Many lost their life savings when banks collapsed. Dev Murphy is a wikiHow Staff Writer with experience working as a teacher, ghostwriter, copyeditor, and illustrator. Produced from 1936 through 1946,this pink Depression glass piece in excellent condition can be sold for $10 to $17 on its own. Deep red and cobalt blue American Sweetheart pieces are rare and quite valuable. References. The Most Popular Depression Glass Patterns | Heirlooms at Home Collectors can look for common Depression glass patterns, each of which is distinct and some offering more ornate details than others. Really neat to have this resource. The set in excellent to mint condition generally sells for around $10 to$15, though the value has been known to fluctuate. Look at the "sold" price. A pink Windsor pitcher (like the one shown above) sold for $40 online. The backstamp includes a lion or crown, in honor of the royal house. This is an imperfection that cannot be fixed and which significantly reduces the value of the glass. Most valuable color is cobalt blue. It came in clear, green, pink, and amber as shown here. The glass piece itself should be fairly thin. Primarily found in pink, although some crystal (clear) and red were made in this pattern. Some are crystal clear colored glass like pink, pale blue, green and amber. When the glassware was manufactured during the Depression, each piece would be dried while resting on straw. This pattern is most often found in cobalt blue. Some businesses that remained open offered incentives for consumers in order to remain afloat. Cookie jar, juice, and water tumblers have been reproduced in a very dark cobalt blue, according to Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence. Refer to Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence for more information. Pamela has over 30 years of experience and has been writing for 20 years. These organizations provide opportunities for collectors to share their knowledge, learn about new patterns and pieces, and connect with other enthusiasts who share their passion for Depression Glass. If you're considering starting a collection of Depression glass, it's fun to look at patterns to see the variety. You can even find the dome alone if you need a replacement. One of the leading donors of Depression Glass was the Quaker Oats Company. But buyers should still beware of the fakes of the late 20th century. Yellow and amber patterns were the popular choice for the era, followed by green, blue, pink, and crystal. Depression, Elegant, and 1940s, 50s, and 60s Glass Patterns, Identification Guide, by Kejaba Treasures. Some excellent books are no longer in print. Peruse pictures of pink Depression glass patterns to see what you should look for in antique shops and online. Usually, amber, green, blue, tangerine, yellow, or pink depression glass comprises brightly colored cheap glass. An American art deco pink depression glass bowl. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. This plain banded pattern was also made in Platonite (bright or dark fired-on colors with a white glass base) from the late '40s to early '50s in full size and children's dish sets. Notice dips, scallops, or beaded edges. It was manufactured from 1942 through 1946, placing it just after the Great Depression. Royal Lace Green Creamer 8. Pink is not too common of color in the Petal Swirl pattern, and you're more likely to find it in ultramarine green. Look for faint markings on the bottom or bubbles in the glass to make sure it's authentic. Follow the suggestions in the article to understand the value. This glass has the hearts of many collectors and art lovers because of its lovely bright hues and scintillating patterns. The opaque white glass used in production of this MacBeth-Evans pattern is known as monax. National Depression Glass Association - Patterns Important to the Elegant Glassware Identification and Value Guide - The Spruce Crafts The Hazel Atlas Glass Company marketed thiscobalt color of glassas Ritz Blue. Konigliche Porzellan Manufaktur is also known as K.P.M. It was a time when there was little economic activity and many people were very poor and without any jobs or support to sustain them and their families. The iriswas a common flower in Depression glass and it's seen here on an iridescent butter dish. Federal Glass made many popular glass patterns including Normandie, Mayfair, Colonial Fluted, and Raindrops. Depression Glass was produced in the USA during the Great Depression, and was usually given away as free gifts with food or other products. Cups in the block optic pattern were made with a number of different handle styles. Question: Did they ever make pink frosted globes for chandeliers or light fixtures?

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