Can YOU make it? Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. This quiz will tell you 100% honestly, Amazing NBA quiz only 40% of real fans can pass, Stranger Things Quiz Just Real Fans Score 80%, Amazing Naruto Quiz. This story clearly illustrates how excessive power can corrupt those with morals. that you can create and share on your social network. Enjoy!About us. WebThis Death Note Quiz is made of 10 questions about this anime so that you can put your knowledge to the test with data from the most charismatic characters. Which Death Note character are you most like? It From mobile games, apps and quizzes, to party and drinking games. 7 Feminine Archetypes Quiz | Reveal Your True Energy, Dressing Your Truth Quiz. You throw it out into the open, hoping that you could find If you left behind one piece of evidence that could link you to the Kira killings, what would it be. Not many people would like to Misa as a result of the Which Death Note character are you? quiz. Death Note - 10 Questions - by: DeathByBarb - Developed on: 2017-03-20 - 21,431 takers. This quiz includes L, Light, Matt, Mello, Near, Mikami and Beyond Birthday! Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Your Answer: Show Hint Question #7 Below you can see a table that shows what each DN personalitys IQ is. Although Misa is a beloved persona, her unconditional love and trust for Light made many fans judge her. They are an amusing sort, providing me entertainment. A GoToQuiz original that answers the question, "when will I die?" Her actions during the Yotsuba arc also prove that Misa can take the initiative when she is able, and use her charms to disarm the people who underestimate her. Can You Get More Than 10/15 On This "Death Note" Quiz? All of this together intricately crafts a dark and gritty show, so dont let it surprise you that theres a Death Note musical! Those who see Misa as their counterpart in the test are usually outgoing and hyperactive personalities. This Am I Cute or Hot Quiz reveals if you are adorable or attractive by analyzing your fac, This ACE quiz reveals if you have had Adverse Childhood Experiences. Death Note is a compelling anime, bringing light to flaws in humanity, such as violence, greed, corruption, and a false sense of justice. L is a mysterious and world-renowned detective. Spicemas Launch 28th April, 2023 | entertainment, news presenter Death Note is a popular Japanese manga series. Light believes that it is okay to use the notebook to kill people. Most fans take the Death Note quiz to find their soulmate. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy. You create an elaborate set of traps to prevent it from being taken. After reading the instructions on how to use the Death Note, what do you do? You don't like to think so but it could happen. Which Death Note boy loves you? Do you have what it takes to take How about now, in this quiz? not that you will need it, ha ha. Kira is the hand of justice ushering in a new age. Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy. Near is a distant person in general. People who match him have a strong sense of justice and are good at planning strategic moves. Quiz: What Kind of Kid Were You? In his investigations, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is the worlds biggest mass murderer of our time. This is a Kira or L quiz if you want to know which one is you according to your personality type. Or will you just be one of the millions who dies at the hands of Kira? Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong To. If you notice any glitches or visual bugs while browsing GoToQuiz, please report them! Death Note features a lot of different characters, most notable though L and Kira. Take this quiz and find out now which of these two you have most in common with! L is a mysterious and world-renowned detective. He takes on the challenge of catching Kira, the person behind thousands of deaths. You test it out by picking out a few criminals to kill. Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. WebWhich boy from Death Note would love YOU? Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy. How about a manga world? Most fans consider the Second Kira as a brat, but her bubbly exterior conceals a layered character. Have you been abused,, The 7 Feminine Archetypes Quiz reveals if you are the Lover, Maiden, Sage, Queen, Huntress, If you are a superfan of sports animes, you may want to know which Blue Lock character you, This fun NANA Anime Quiz reveals which character you resemble IRL. Let's see if you know Touta is the untested but enthusiastic junior officer that seems to act as the shows comic relief. Jot down your answers to this Death Note Kin Quiz and find out! The plus side of being a neutral force means that you can have fun at everybody elses expense. Required fields are marked *. Which boy from Death Note would love YOU? The "Death Note" Quiz He is a strong believer in whats right, and loyal to his ideals uncompromising even if his closest friends or colleagues try to lead him astray. Theres also a Netflix live-action adaptation, though its widely disliked and unpopular due to its rushed and westernized take on Death Note. L Death Note Death Note Quiz: How much do you know about Death Note? YES! According to a recent study, the most-searched-for characters in 2021 are as follows: We would still love to know the answer to Which Death Note character are you? And you seem to be ready for the big test. Are you a fan of the series "Death Note?" Take this quiz and find out now which of these two you have most in common with! Take it and find your place. Participants who get Near as a result of their test are introverted and shy individuals with high IQ levels. Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. What is GotoQuiz? Kira! This notebook grants its user the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in it. Want to get your very own quizzes and posts featured on BuzzFeeds homepage and app? Most fans take the Death Note quiz to find their soulmate. They want to know which of the main characters has a similar personality to them. So, that is the first thing you get after answering all the questions. We will let you know who you would be if you lived in the mysterious world of Shinigami, Kira, and detectives. You throw it out into the open, hoping that you could find someone else to take over the responsibility. Webentertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 28 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN News 28th Go with options that you feel are the best. Death Note Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers You toss is into the trash figuring that it was some kind of social experiment. We have created a special Death Note trivia quiz category that houses one of the most exciting and large collections of Death note quizzes. WebThe Death Note has plenty of rules written by the Shinigami to outline its powers, although they themselves are unaware of every rule. A GoToQuiz Exclusive: Big Five Personality Test, allows you to adjust sliders to fine-tune your responses to a series of questions. You can find out which DN character you are by answering the following three questions. Do you agree or disagree? Would you be the one to bear the curse of the Shinigami and take the Death Note for yourself? Your feedback is helpful! 100% Honest Suggestion, Quiz: Am I Quirky? QuizExpo contains different quizzes in different fields and tries to entertain the users while helping them to learn something new. A rotten world polluted with crime and violence, all rooted in the greed of humankind. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! What is GotoQuiz? If you were given the chance to forget everything you did, would you do it? WebCreated by: Misa Amane. His opponent is the worlds best detective, L, a mysterious young man and like Kira genius. The primary purpose of the test is to answer, Which Death Note character are you? However, completing the questionary grants additional information such as your IQ level, intentions, and persona. If you notice any glitches or visual bugs while browsing GoToQuiz, please report them! Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Test yourself to find out who you're rather like: L Lawliet or Light Yagami a.k.a. Which Hunter X Hunter Character Are You? Your clothes are mostly made of straps and chains. Are you Nana, Hachi, Ya, Hey, which Enstars character are you? Which Red Flag Anime Character Do You Kin? He sometimes feels useless next to his colleagues, but that doesnt inhibit him from trying to help in any way he can. QuizExpo is not responsible for sudden heart attacks after participating in the test. Find out now which one would love you! Which Kaguya-Sama: Love is War Character Are You? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Harry Potter House Quiz. This quiz includes L, Light, Matt, Mello, Near, Mikami and Beyond Birthday! Light Yagami, who calls himself Kira to stay anonymous, is the main protagonist of Death Note. Enjoy!About us. Death Note is manga series that also got an anime adaptation. You create an elaborate set of traps to prevent it from being taken. Want to get your very own quizzes and posts featured on BuzzFeeds homepage and app? Light is portrayed as a hardworking, talented, and overall genius student. I research the officer and write the name in my DEATH What is your biggest asset to the Kira case? If youre like Light, youre creative and productive, always moving towards the next step of your master plan. - Developed on: 2008-04-15 - 35,566 taken - User Rating: 4.1 of 5 - 14 votes - 10 people like it. No, undoubtedly. You start to doodle inside of it, eventually throwing a few names inside. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! What will you do? Death Note features a lot of different characters, most notable though L and Kira. That is because she is a childish and impulsive personat least, for most of the time. Check it out! He takes on the challenge of catching Kira, the person behind thousands of deaths. Should a person have the power to decide who gets to live and vice versa? During the 37 episodes of the anime show, we see Light and other characters fighting for what they believe to be justice. A mastermind detective who is onto Kira and his heinous crimes. You relax, pop some popcorn, and watch the action. Only real fans can score more than 70%, Quiz: Which Enstars Character Are You? So, that is the first thing you get after answering all the questions. This marks the beginning of Light playing God, twisting him into a ruthless murderer, a distorted perception of justice.. Take this quiz and find out now which of these two you have most in common with! 10 Questions - Developed by: DeathByBarb. The Death Note has plenty of rules written by the Shinigami to outline its powers, although they themselves are unaware of every rule. This is a quiz for how well you know L, and yes this includes questions from the two mini mangas made about his life. Your email address will not be published. Death Note is a widely popular anime and manga revolving around the supernatural theme of a notebook with mysterious powers, allowing the user to kill anyone by simply writing their name. Press the green button on top of the page and dive into the challenging questions of the Shinigami universe. Your email address will not be published. Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. 100% Fun & Surprising Results. Required fields are marked *. Have you ever wondered which Death Note () character you are? Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! 2023 Updated, Quiz: Is Your Marriage Worth Saving? If you are a true Death Note fan, then you will have no problem with the samples we have here. The Death Note quiz on this page can determine what your intentions could be in an anime universe. You'd perch on the chair, curling your toes around the edge. Let us know in the comments below. If so, you'd know all the answers to this quiz! Can You Get More Than 10/15 On This "Death Note" Quiz? "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Death Note Quiz The series writer, Tsugumi Ohba, was responsible for conceptualizing Ls love for sweets. Using your Death Note, what is your preferred method of killing people? Have a look around and see what we're about. There are plenty of available boys in Death Note, and many a fangirl/ fanboy has fantasized about their favourite ones. True False Question #6 What volume of "Death Note" is the only volume in which two major characters die simultaneously? US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Most scenes find him munching on everything from cakes and pudding to strawberries. the fruits red color contrasted nicely with the Shinigamis black. 2023 ACE Quiz: Did You Have Adverse Childhood Experiences? After being fed an apple by Light, Ryuk develops a craving for the fruit and likens it to alcohol and cigarettes to a Shinigami so much so that he experiences withdrawal symptoms if he doesnt eat them. Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. If you were to go to a restaurant, how would you take your seat? What kind of movie would you like to see? The central premise is that Light, a popular and academically exemplary student, comes across a mystical notebook that claims to kill anybody whose name is written on its pages. How about a manga world? Which Death Note Character Are You? Would you use it to make the world a better place? You wouldn't get caught because you figured out what was going to happen. You take it home and eventually look inside. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How Much Do You Know About L From Death Note? L is the poster child of anime characters with a sweet tooth. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. What does the Death Note cast think of you? - Quiz | Quotev You write down every name you could see and go down in a blaze of glory. This story rapidly unfolds as it shifts into a manhunt between the two, his wits rivaling that of Ls; now, the two of them are stuck in a battle that can only end when one is dead. Did you know that there are three Death Note live-action films that follow up the story? Who doesn't want a chilling quiz on the popular Death Note manga? You might think that you are safe, but are your Plus points if you also like sweet foods and walking barefoot. ", Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. Were able to pass and avoid Kira? However, curiosity ensnares him, writing down the name of a felon. The Which Death Character Are You? quiz is not an IQ test. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Part of why Kira was so successful as the owner of the accursed notebook was his clever use and manipulation of the Death Note. Are You Most Like Light Or L From Death Note? The full list of the Death Notes rules can be found in the book Death Note 13: How to Read. More on this below. Who would you strike down first? It makes me feel godlike. (We know he was just joking, though.). While its likely played for laughs, the series also implies that Ls brain uses so much energy that he remains underweight despite eating only sweets. Disclaimer: All the said questions are about provoking topics such as murder, loss of life, revenge, etc. What do you do? If you like this How Much Do You Know About L From Death Note? Death Note initially has over a hundred and eight chapters, and it tells the story of Light Yagami, who finds a book with the power to kill anyone whose name Hey peoples!!!!! 'Must be someone's notebook' you think, making your way to grab it. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Who do you side with? You'd analyze why this person would offer a tool when they could just use it themselves. After he discovers the Death Note, he becomes a mass murderer who wants to free the world of all he sees as immoral.
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