Airplane Repos Mike Kennedy (Photo courtesy of Discovery Channel), And as for Mike Kennedy, well, hes flown a lot of airplanes, most just once or twice while repossessing them. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. 8/30/15. For multiple reasons, one, why not just show up with the cops and a repo order? This is to help clarify and explain the use of fixed-security cameras, used in the repo events, in an attempt to duplicate or produce found footage style cinematography. I would speculate almost all the repocessions are setup for the show in some way. So the more skilled you are at securing these "payloads" if you will, the more money you can bank, and the stars from the show have managed to make a pretty penny over the years getting these planes back to the companies that own them. Airplanes are always girls. Airplane Repo on Philo. Watch Airplane Repo Streaming Online - Yidio Unfortunately, the TV repo man came for Airplane Repo, and the series seems to be on indefinite hold if not cancelled outright. The writing and acting in reality TV shows is notoriously bad. I got one car repossessed back in the 80s it was horrible, but I do not blame the repo man. Season two of Airplane Repo finished in October 2014. August 26, 2015; Discovery; Ken Cage and Danny Thompson repo a tour . four strong winds peter, paul and mary; western finance association 2022; assemblies of god church membership requirements; lane funeral home, ashland terrace Thompson is also a MMA fighter who spent 13 years working as a bounty hunter. What kind of net worth have each of the cast members from 'Airplane Repo' managed to secure over the years? [7], Season 2 premiered on August 22, 2014. As to the legalities of it all, Lacey says that different states have different rules, but that yes the recovery strategies used are perfectly legal. He is a pathetic excuse for a man, he isnt capably of protecting himself or his wife & family! Ken Cage and Danny Thompson return to demonstrate their skill as a repossession duo. They dont steal airplanes! Mike Kennedy Airplane Repo Biography. Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. And a bit funny at times. This has lead to physical violence on this show. Kevin Lacey doesn't just repossess planes for a living, but he fixes them as well, which also helps to supplement his income. So, what does the future hold for everyones favorite sky bounty hunters? . On the one hand, if you wanted to be generous and believe in the magic of the show, maybe you can believe these events really happened and they are recreating them as best as possible. CC . Start free trial. . Sure, losing your plane is bad, but its hard to believe those people arent playing for the cameras. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to sw Read allIn an epic episode, Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. By what name was Airplane Repo (2010) officially released in India in English? Ken Cage and Danny Thompson repo a tour bus. For the time being, therefore, the sky bounty hunters of the shows airplane repo agency appear to be grounded. Danny Thompson - Close Protection/Executive Protection - LinkedIn Season two of Airplane Repo finished in October 2014. Cant tell him nothing cuz he thinks he knows everything but is an epic fail his entire life! It's a pretty penny. I do like airplanes but have a terrible fear of heights. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkie/repo man Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot to seize a charter jet. Given the fast-paced and dangerous nature of this line of work, often our repo men (and now, women!) kevin lacey airplane repo death - And in Texas, Kevin Lacey runs into trouble when he's recognized at an airport. Danny Thomson (born 1991), Scottish footballer Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to swipe a deadbeat flight school's entire fleet of Cessnas, Season 3, Episode 7 TV-14 Philo Sign in. But the group wasnt about to spend the week stealing airplanes they were at Oshkosh to have fun and to meet their fans. For a show that has been struggling until this year, her addition to the cast brings some serious flaws to the action . Each episode of the series flowed roughly the same way. 70+ channels . You might not think that reality TV shows make a lot of money for their cast members, but that's not the case at all. Lacey says that kids and parents are often intimidated by airports these days, and he likes helping them get through to the other side of the fence. Not even a tinker toy plane! An ATP with multiple jet type ratings, Kennedy is known for being the daredevil of the group. Required fields are marked *. Danny Thompson Airplane Repo overall revenues are growing day by day, and he is becoming more popular on both sides. Repo men, such as Kenny Cage and Danny Thompson, along with others, such as Heather Sterzick, a former aircraft controller for the military, would get a case regarding a plane that needed to be repossessed. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Self: Airplane Repo. isk82 Lmfao WoW! Arrangements are incomplete at this time, according to DIAL-MURRAY FUNERAL HOME, MONCKS CORNER. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The American Consulate had to help me get out, Kennedy said. They show up with the finance companies paper work and diesel the airplane! Ken Cage and Danny Thompson need to repossess a luxury yacht that is worth $1.9 million. Nothing! SD. Never ask a person about marriage, or divorce. This has evolved into a glut of bounty hunter and repo shows of people taking back expensive possessions on which the owners have defaulted on payments. Interview with the Stars of TVs Airplane Repo! from Capnaux on Vimeo. He usually works with Ken Cage to help bring planes back to their rightful owners and, according to Celebrity Net Worth, has managed to secure $400,000 for himself as a result. [1], The Discovery Channel show first premiered on December 12, 2010 with a three episode pilot season. Many of these "real life" programs earn big, big ratings and since they're way cheaper to produce for the most part than scripted TV shows, that means that cast members can earn some sizable paychecks for appearing on these programs. Season 3, Episode 8 TV-14 Finally, theres the question of how accurate the show is to real airplane repo-ing. CC Audience members want to see themselves as potential airplane repo men. Airplane Repo - Episode Guide | TVmaze TV-14. Danny Thompson was born in Charlotte NC. A single airplane repo job can net anywhere from $10,000 to $900,000. HD When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in night clubs at night. When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in. Ken Cage got so scared & so desperate from getting his ass kicked so many times he resorted to paying another man to protect him! One of the most notorious bits of fakery that many of the shows critics charge it with is that events are staged. Northeast Florida surfer dies in Nicaragua - The Florida Times-Union . Sarina Houston is NYC Aviations assignment editor, and also writes extensively about aviation for This happened to me and my partner, Danny Thompson, when we were on the Discovery Channel show Airplane Repo in 2014. When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in night clubs at night. Be the first one to add a plot. . Airplane Repo men chase luxury planes for big dollars, but are the rewards worth the risk? Watch Airplane Repo videos, only on Discovery. We were repossessing a $3 million custom-built yacht when another repo crew . While aircraft owners at Oshkosh may have been intentionally avoiding eye contact with Airplane Repo guys Kevin Lacey, Ken Cage, Danny Thompson and Mike Kennedy, NYCAviation tracked them down to get the scoop about the shows upcoming season. Meanwhile, Mike Kennedy's on a mission to repo a plane being stripped by a stolen-parts ring. Ken Cage, co-owner of International Recovery & Remarketing Group (IRG), claimed in his Discovery channel bio that he had completed 1,200 high-end repossessions including boats, airplanes, construction . Airplane Repo takes viewers into the lives of aircraft repo experts as they repossess high-dollar aircraft from the rich and famous. His character is one of great interest because of his build and looks. Season 3 episodes (10) 1 Ken Gets Played. Aviation. 'Love After Lockup' Is as Real as Possible, but It's Heavily Edited, Scammers Pretend to Be Companies Like Netflix to Steal Personal Information. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled? As always, it's important to take these outlets' financial reports with a grain of salt, and some of these figures may be a bit dated, but with four seasons of their show under their belts, it's very possible that these four men earned a decent amount of money from their business ventures. This itself is a pretty common charge to make against not just reality TV shows, but any show that employs a reality or found footage style. Chronically, from his inability 2 make the right decision! The man was still alive late Friday night, Salavantis said. In an epic episode, Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. Buy Airplane Repo, Season 3 - Microsoft Store Chronically getting a beating! is kevin lacey from airplane repo still alive - Ting Anh Nhanh TV-14. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to . 2019. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson try to repo two planes from a much-feared criminal. Stunt Man turned Repo Pilot Mike Kennedy sky-dives into an airfield to snatch a Dehavilland Twin Otter airplane. I am glad the rich is finally getting there planes, boats taking from them they consider them toys. That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. Our Lineup. A debtor suddenly swipes the helicopter that Ken and Danny were only seconds away from repossessing. They come out of the woodwork to ask me questions.. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. See production, box office & company info. Airplane Repo - Episodes - IMDb There is no denying that reality TV is one of the biggest entertainment forces in the world today. Kevin Lacey faces armed guards on a nighttime repo, and Mike Kennedy is caught in a gun-smuggling operation. Standing in a tight circle in front of the press headquarters tent at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the cast of Discovery Channels Airplane Repo looked like they could be casing the joint for an escape route in case they needed to repossess an airplane or two. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Season 3, Episode 6 TV-14 I ended up in a Mexican jail for five days. Heather definitely has more skills & credentials then that little, short, fat guy Ken Cage that tries to boss everyone around swearing at everyone all the time because he has zero communication skills with a 7th grade education! Not even a single engine plane! Job Diary: I Repo Private Yachts When Owners Default on Their Loans Airplane repo jobs are delicate procedures, which is why these repo companies pay so much money to get their planes back. He still holds records in NC for power lifting. Some days youre tracking down a crop duster, others its a private jet. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkie/repo man Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot . All Rights Reserved. Internet Service Terms That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. CC too. Blackmailing A Cheating Husband To Repossess A $1.9 Million - YouTube CC CC The United States Military trained her 2b a pilot! 4.8. SD. Airplane Repo men chase luxury planes for big dollars, but are the rewards worth the risk?