Nearby homes similar to 2127 Derringer Ln have recently sold between $864K to $8M at an average of $520 per square foot. Unfortunately, no one seemed to make a holster for it, and the combination of heavy weight and very rounded corners made it slip easily out of a pocket, so there was no secure way to carry the thing. However, there may be times when a boot carry is more convenient. Many years later, I tried to find one like it on eBay and nice ones, in the original package, were selling for about what I paid for my Davis! Yet. A 9mm auto round was a little different. I guess Ill just have to wait and see if any of those new crop of 4 barrel guns ever becomes cheap enough to tempt me. The NAA fires from a rotating cylinder. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips faux Rattle Snake xl extended Excam TA-38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel, Cobra Bearman derringer grip and clip and speedloader combo "right side" 22lr, Cobra Bearman derringer color changing grip and clip "right side", fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood Grips XL "Gentleman Scroll" XL Model NEW, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rustic Texas Flag NEW, SHARPS 4 BARREL DERRINGER IAB ITALY R/H GRIP, Davis D32 .32 ACP Barrel Nice See Pics Free Shipping, Custom Smooth Grips Bond Arms and Cobra Titan Derringer Black, COLT KING COBRA BARREL 6" STAINLESS STEEL BARREL ** BAD SIGHT ** COLT, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood GOLD EAGLE Grips XL, High Standard DM-101 22mag Derringer Parts; Barrel w/ Extractor (Nickel), Davis Derringer D32 32 Cal. what a mistake. My next one will be the .410/.45 colt. $160.49. You cant see his fingers move. Cheap Guns: The Cobra Derringer - Pocket Power on a Budget It has a tough-wearing rubber grip and comes with a cross-bolt safety feature. The simplicity of the design means these derringers have barrels and frames that are built using a single, very solid, and virtually unbreakable screw. But where can I find one now thats worth getting my escape on as I try to just get away. SOLD MAR 21, 2023. I looked at some Bond Arms models and was put off by their prices. One that also offers peace of mind from a safety aspect. What ever happened to American Derringer out of Waco, TX? Also have a 4 round ammo slide to complete the rig. But having said all that Im still left where I started. Ive never had any problems with 3 of the 22lr versions, and one 22 mag version. These pressures can In the winter, when more outer clothes are worn, I carry my Firestar .40 S&W. I can hit a pie plate reliably at across the bedroom distances with the .38 you see here, even though I have to aim a foot plus low. During this period, over 150,000 were sold in four variations. Never let the muzzle cover anything which you are not willing to destroy. Cobra Firearms is a firearm and accessory manufacturer located in Salt Lake City, UT specializing in American made derringers and handguns that are unique. As a footnote, she did get me my Bond Arms the next year I do love that woman !! In other words, Im never going to be Quickdraw McGraw with it, but in case of need I hope to be calm enough to get it out in time to take an accurate shot (or two) and get the hell out of Dodge. The NAA is a revolver. If I remember, Cobra originally bought the toolworks of the Davis company, though I have no idea whether the guns are made on that same equipment today. Ya cant really blame her for calling it a derringer because some are larger than regular pistols. 2127 Derringer Ln, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 | MLS# TR23053843 | Redfin Since then, Ive taken it to the range a couple times and cycled some target and self-defense ammo through it. It is easily carried in your backpack, tackle box, pocket, or purse and has been built to perform. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ive only seen 2 of these in person and both chambered in .38 spl. Always convince myself that "for that price, I could buy a .." Doesn't stop me from admiring then, though, Histed have I ever told you that you are my favorite??? However 25acp and 32acp are basically on the way out so we are lucky if we get anything new. And now we have the bump stock fiasco. Derringers never hit to point of aim, so beyond a face to face encounter, you are required to **not aim** at your target by a great deal (see the video). When cocking it requires two hands most of the time and the action makes strange tinging noises I havent heard from a gun before. Target shooters, hunters, and gun collectors testify to their attention to detail in every aspect of firearms models produced. Just remember the Cobra derringer option when your friend who works at Starbucks asks how cheap they can get into concealed carry. For me the Cobra derringer points and fires naturally. I have attached a PDF of their catalog below as well as instructions on assembling your derringer." Unanswered Questions One that has an excellent reputation for designing top-quality reproduction weapons. Later, my little brother got hold of and it disappeared If historical design style ranks highly in your gun collection, then this Philadelphia Derringer by Pedersoli is a must. To swap out different barrel lengths (and calibers), all that is required are a few Allen Wrench turns. Theresa at Cobra said with the guardian package the half cock function is not active. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. cobra derringer for Sale | Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore The result of this safety function is to help prevent any unintended discharge. It does not make a distinction between simultaneous and sequential fire. If budget really is a sticking point for you, then the Cobra .38 Special is as cheap as they come. It must fire from a fixed barrel. Community : Questions - Buds Gun Shop Taking its place were numerous examples of small, single-shot, breech-loading pistols from a variety of manufacturers. One poor customer fired two rounds and the trigger literally fell out the bottom You probably wouldnt buy a product comparable to this in workmanship anywhere else in your life, dont do it when your life is on the line. Find new and used CC Derringers and Mini-Revolvers for sale at Yet another chance for the company to do some not-so smart marketing of its products to new owners.but Ill forgive them.its strictly business, keeps the carbon footprint small and saves money. The finish is then bead blasted, which results in a totally cool, rough-looking gun. Product Details. Cobra says this is fairly normal. There was a picture with arrows pointing down..yes you got it right ..down and back instead of straight-back when you go to pull that trigger. It makes this series and the RoughNeck models look ready for Rough, Tough and Rumble use. The Savage 11 Hog Hunter: Not your Average .308,, 11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. We were on the edge of our seats. If you carry the gun in half-cock like I showed in the video, in some ways having to cock the gun is a plus. Or do you answer just over $100 for a Cobra derringer? Bond Arms Firearms are not available to anyone under 21 years of age. Cobra derringers are beautifully handcrafted with a wide range of calibers and barrel lengths. A Cobra derringer is about as cheap as you can get into concealed carry with a gun that reliably works. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:22. A handgun with a fixed barrel but a rotating set of chambers is a revolver. = .50cal? I can shoot it quickly with one hand as well as slowly with two hands. Despite immediate medical attention, the President died nine hours later. Accuracy for me was acceptable for a fight in a phone booth or slightly more. At the time of its introduction, it was hailed for its small dimensions and effectiveness in close-quarter self-defense. something or other caliber I've not ever seen ammo for, so I never used it. - EvilE424, There is a cool factor" that goes with these little guns. Quality, reliability, and style are yours. DO NOT use Herter's Brand 357 Mag ammo. Im chasing a bit of a quick draw dream (proving to be a fantasy) with my Bond Arms 45/410, so Ive likely got at least 500 rounds through it. Davis Derringer D-32 Used .32 CAL BARREL WOOD GRIPS, Internal Parts 1 9-928 Remingtons Model 95 over-under double-barrel derringers first went on sale in 1866 and remained in production right up to 1935. cheap clones like the Cobra Derringer One day at a gun show, I decided that I wanted (not needed) an over-under Remington derringer clone. Is it easy to do? Heavy enough that it was more comfortable to fire .357s out of it than .38s out of a 2-shot DA. That's another advantage of old age. Plus they have many different Bbl. COBRA CB38BRMBS MULTI BARREL DERRIN for sale at - GunsAmerica I feel like the derringer option is outside of most concealed carry discussions. Write us: P.O. This gives you the option of the big .45LC throwing serious bullets around, and also the versatility of the .410 which gives you a wide variety of options for what you can do with the gun. 9am-6pm CST Tue-Fri, 2023 Omaha Outdoors, LLC. 24. As quickly as they were produced, they sold! simple . The point of this article is for when a friend who works at Starbucks asks you how cheap they can carry. Also, I wonder why NAA doesnt make models in other rimfire calibers besides .22. No, the ULTIMATE pepperbox. So Ill conclude by saying that this gun should only be used by experienced shooters of which I thought I was after 50 years of shooting guns until I pulled that Cobra trigger the first time. They don't pull down your pants wearing shorts. Most recently, Standard Manufacturing introduced (but hasnt yet released) the S333 Volleyfire, a six-shot derringer that fires two .25ACP loads with each trigger pull. Modern Derringers - Personal Defense World You might shoot your eye out kid. Without consistency from the agency tasked with determining the meaning of a law,the law is meaningless. For many years I carried a S&W revolver, and Ive also carried a Para-Ordnance P-10, a Beretta PX4 Subcompact, and for a while after Hurricane Wilma I tried a full time belt gun in a full sized Para P-14 LDA. They work effectively to snugly hold the Texan Defender while also allowing a reasonably efficient draw. Sucks because I like shooting this when it is functional. "NOTE - The derringer parts kits (barrel, trigger, grips shown below) are sold by a company called Excalibur for $35.00. Told my wife I wanted a Bond Arms in .45LC/410 and she got me a Cobra in .22LR (Xmas gag). grips I missed my chance to get a DoubleTap for under $200 too. These boot holsters are a sleeve with a rubber side outer that squeezes between boot and leg. I am working on improving my mind set so I can truly become proficient with my chosen carry gun and be fast and accurate with it rather than worrying over caliber and power and capacity. Pink Pistols For Sale | Pink Handgun For Women. Chambered in .22mag, its a fun little toy that, when loaded with ratshot, would likely make any menacing small to medium critter think twice about attacking me while I walk my dog. I used to think that too, but then COVID/Election/whatever hit and my other SNS pistol interests started costing as much as brand new guns from Ruger/Taurus/etc. Other than you just want one why? Bond Arms does make a quality gun, however, but if one needs to get something fixed, in this ones experience its an effort in futility. Defender, Ranger, Century 2000, Slayer, Patriot, Rowdy, Defender, Ranger, Century 2000, Slayer, Patriot,Rowdy. My tongue twisted in my mouth as it struggled with the desire to blurt out a technical correction. $696 . The Cobra Derringer is a firearm that is proudly 100% manufactured in the United States and comes with a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. While perusing on of the online gun auction sites, I ran across a Cobra derringer with a funky looking trigger guard. Evan Marshall has said that 38 snubnose revolvers are modern derringers. Avid gun collectors will want a derringer in their collection; those looking for a backup and an easily concealable weapon may also consider one. Cobra will replace the barrel if too much is removed, but it's a nightmare to deal with unless you have a lot of one specific type of ammo and never change. Its a heck of a sexy gun, a connection to our more sordid and violent history and a great conversation piece. She loves it, she shoots it and most importantly, carries it everywhere. There is a "cool factor" that goes with these little guns. I really wanted to like this little gun. They are generally well under $200, though I see them online a lot for upwards of $250 in custom finishes. Cobra Firearms Gun Parts for sale | eBay JW, to each his own. I cant even get rid of it because no one will take it on trade. Usually I used a hard lead. 12pm-6pm CST Mon Design is based on an infamous derringer model. if your cobra does this all you have to do to fix it (yourself) is get out your dremmal tool and being ever so careful, grind that inward dent to the breach out. My personal carry gun is the original Springfield XD-S in .45 ACP, post factory recall mod. This reproduction Pedersoli Philadelphia Derringer model has brass furniture and a case-hardened lock. *Barrel Limitations: You must order through a dealer for any barrel purchase: Customers in Maryland are restricted to certain barrels for certain Bond Arms Models, but you are responsible for following the laws (click here for Maryland guidelines on which barrels you can purchase). Looks intriguing. For those familiar with Cobra derringers, the Long Bore family has longer barrels than the companys Big Bore series. Cobray Parts kit | New York Firearms Forum Kind of off topic, but along these lines, it would be great to see Ruger make a Wrangler in .25 ACP it would make a neat camp/kit gun. I thought about getting a cobra, but their reputation isnt good and they look uncomfortable to shoot. Think I've shot it 3 or 4 times? They may have one, two or more barrels set together and may fire in either single or double action, via a hammer or striker. The derringer is an iconic style that has been popular for over 100 years and continues to be the ideal choice for personal protection. Accuracy, not bad for a minuscule gun with virtually no rear sight a small front sight. A forum community dedicated to Hi-point firearm owners and enthusiasts. I had 30 days physical therapy I agreed to after an almost fatal flu. Built to last a long time, it will perform well in close encounter situations. When looking at the top derringers out there, shooters should concentrate on the excellent range offered by Bond Arms. Processing times are now between. To give excellent handling and reliability, this model weighs in at a solid 20 lbs. Youve set a high bar! I really loved these guns and Bond had a good reputation so after much research and waiting I bought a Roughneck 45acp. It dropped approx. If two shots are better than one, more would be better still. Ive been known to do that. Ranging from 2.5" - 6" and in over 16 caliber options, you have 40+ barrels to choose from to transform your gun in a matter of seconds. Your email address will not be published. A derringer has always been a winner in looks and concealment, and with calibers available in 22LR, 22 WMR, 38 Special, and 9mm, Cobra pistols are clearly the winner in visual appeal, discreet carry, and firepower. Ill say one more thing, i hope never to use this in self defense. Many shooters who own Bond Arms derringers opt for IWB (Inside Waist Band) holster carry. They are made of an alloy much like Heritage Arms(Rough Rider 6-shooters). Cheers and stay safe! But get the conditions. Cobra Firearms Derringers for Sale at Classic Firearms Got a blue "Davis Derringer" in 22 Mag. But then after several hushed expletives, I remembered something I read, again online, about the trigger. Very little recoil for such a beast! Brand: Cobra Enterprise Inc. I had to lay the gun on its side and feed the lip of the auto round onto or into the extractor.Otherwise the barrel wouldnt close. two .25ACP loads with each trigger pull When it comes to loading and unloading the Texas Defender, simplicity is again the key. derringer barrel for sale | eBay Cobra Firearms / Bearman BIG Bore Derringer 2.75" Barrel 22WMR 2rd - Satin W/ Black Grips - BBG22SB . Derringer is state of the art concealed carry circa 1850. Salt Lake City, Utah's Cobra Firearms is known for producing one-of-a-kind derringers and handguns, among other firearms and accessories. Cobra/Bearman Derringers | Hi-Point Firearms Forums As production and techniques developed, Deringer began using a percussion cap action. But thanks for sharing all the stuff you carry. By the 1830s, his Deringer design was highly popular. Compact, lightweight, and very concealable, these three factors highlight what a Derringer is all about. All derringers fire from a fixed barrel. Actually I think its more like .25 x .25 = .0625. no stupid it is not the area of a cube. Prices listed reflect a cash discount. This one would wager that Cobra probably provides better customer service than Bond Arms. Mine is for fun but could be for minimum concealed carry if desired, however for my minimum concealed carry I have either a keltec 380 or a North American arms 22 mag. This thing has a 4.1" barrel chambered in .410/.45LC, which is pretty standard for derringers like this. No restocking fee on new and unopened items. Reloads are cumbersome, almost irrelevant. Product Details. Cobra Enterprises of Utah recommends FEDERAL AMERICAN EAGLE, CCI OR PMC Brand. Brand: Cobra Firearms Brand Type Gauge/Caliber For Gun Type Condition Price Buying Format All Filters Cobra Bearman derringer upper clip on laser mount picatinny $14.99 Free shipping SPONSORED COBRA Patriot OEM .380 acp Factory 10 Round RD Magazine Mag Clip (2) $33.24 Was: $34.99 $5.65 shipping Only 1 left! Cobra Firearms Derringers for Sale - Buds Gun Shop Ironicatbest understands, I will assume, that HBWCs are only one type of wadcutters, and are not often used except at low velocities, because the hollow base tends to deform at higher velocities (higher pressures). Why wont it slide over? However, this model is far more than just a pretty face. I wish I had the resources to shoot 500 rounds a year!!! Lastly, why not have a look at the Best Concealed Carry Holsters, Bodyguard 380 IWB Holsters, the Best IWB Holsters For Glock 19, the Best Belly Band Holsters Reviews, the Best Galco Ankle Holsters, the Best Safariland Holsters, and the Best OWB Holsters For Glock 19 to choose the perfect holster for you. Bought a new Cobra .38 Spl. There are real, robust personal carry options in a derringer, from Bond Arms these days, but those cost as much as a real gun. I dont have any use for a Derringer. Specializing in Active Shooters, Counter-Ambush, Low-light, and Patrol Rifles, he has trained thousands of Law Enforcement Officers in firearms. With the modern small pistols there is really not much reason to own one. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips faux Rattle Snake xl NEW, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips White Mother of Pearl Grips High Luster Imop, Cobra, Bearman Derringer Grip Screws & Allen Wrench for Big / Long Bore Black, Cobra Derringer Box Vintage Factory Original w Manual, Cobra Bearman derringer hammer boot"HAMBOOT" 2pc 22lr 22mag .32 cal, Bearman Derringer BBG38 Parts: Barrel 2.75 Black Matte & Hinge Screw, Cobra Denali Slide, Barrel, Grips, and Internal Parts, Excam TA-38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel Lever, Bearman Derringer BBG380 Parts: Barrel 2.75 stainless Matte - K30, Brand new Cobra Bearman 9mm .380acp derringer grips, Rubber derringer handle grips Bearman Big Bore Cobra black 9MM 38SPL 380 custom, Davis Derringer D38 38 SPL Chrome Barrel & Extractor, Burgo Derringer .38SPL Pistol Parts: Barrel, Ejector, Hammer Parts, Custom derringer grips bearman cobra Davis 32 22 22m white curvy, FIE D38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel Lever, HIGH- STANDARD DERRINGER DM-101 22 MAG. Some guns just scream out, BUY ME! And I have to say, over about $300, I can resist the urge (well mostly). He was not expected to perform. Flare Pistols & Launchers. cock and pull trigger , repeat . Im not sure what general direction the shot will go. So for not much more than a wrinkled C-note and a chance at unlimited conjuring of all sorts of Wild West saloon poker-playing. Given the perfect combination of percussion ignition, large caliber, small size and good quality, the Philadelphia Deringer was an immediate success. Those shooters looking for a rough and ever-ready looking backup gun will appreciate the Bond Arms Rowdy model. I dont understand why people saddle their wives with a pile like this. However, on the evening of April 14th, 1865, a similar pistol was used to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. Thats many thousands of rounds later. The Rowdy derringer is compatible with all standard Bond Arms barrels. I appreciate your opinion, and I wish you luck in attaining your need for speed with your Bond Arms derringer. Read your piece about your visit to the Bond Arms factory I did sand the contact points of the trigger and hammer to give it a lighter trigger pull and scrulpted the front of the trigger to make it more confortable. The thought of paying $150-$200 for a SNS w/o box and papers is gag unto me with a spoon. I have to agree with Bill. But more than anything it can be a fun gun and a great conversation piece. That is not true whatsoever. Bearman took over the production of Cobra Arms derringers in February 2020, and the choice of models remains good. Coming with a capacity of two, you will benefit from fixed rear and blade front sights. The warranty is very solid, and if parts are required, they are easily available. Times change and equipment improves with technology. Davis Derringer Model DM-22 Parts 22 LR & Magnum: Barrel Screw H4 $12.95 $5.05 shipping SPONSORED Davis Derringer Pistol Firing Pin and Screw Cap Bushing Lot Fits 25 & 32 Caliber $19.95 $4.50 shipping Davis D38 Derringer .38 Special Barrel Good Condition See Pics $79.99 $5.50 shipping DAVIS DERRINGER 22 CAL. It shoots 7 rounds of ammo, and is lighter than most any Deringer. BUT DO NOT TRUST THAT HALF COCK ONLY ! Add to Compare. whiskey swilling, card-sharp dealing historical connection to those heady days, I too became a Cobra derringer owner.all black in .38 special. He is understood and for 10-14 years was SELLING DRUGS not ARRESTING DRUG SELLERS!! My Davis rattles a bit, and keyholes all shots, but its still fun to shoot. One more thing NEVER load a Cobra rim fire derringer before placing the hammer in the half cocked position! I picked regular, off the shelf .38SPL+P rounds bought from the Range at Austin. If voting could change anything for the better, It'd already be illegal. These concealed carry handguns are compact guns for men and women. This factor, along with renowned reliability, will give you the confidence you need should you ever find yourself in an emergency self-defense situation. (BARREL W-EXTRACTOR) (ITEM # J-4229). However, if truth be told, it could at best be viewed as a backup gun for real emergencies. Cobra 38 derringer with 4 2-3/4" barrels chambered in 38spl, 380acp, 9mm, and 32 h&r mag. I Still Love Me Some .32 ACP Pistols, But Is That Enough Gun Any More? I wondered about that at first, but apparently its not a NFA item. I built and rode 4 motorcycles for 15 years but after continually being beaten by co p s like Chris janawski who complimented to steal from me and injure me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The question many will ask is: Why does the Rough N Rowdy series of derringers come in at such a low price compared to top-end Bond Arms models? Sign up below for all new product announcements, contests, and more. Had a light strike again on a 9mm round. More importantly, as I explained in the video, there is a lifetime warranty on Cobra firearms. {Top 5} Best Derringers You Should Buy in 2023 [April Tested] - TheGunZone This put him at the cutting-edge of pistol design. A fine first entry to the contest, good job! In this respect, the. It is sure to bring envious glances wherever you show it off. It also came with a spare barrel in 32? I fired the High Standard DM101 .22 WMR back in 1976, and it was a hoot at dusk, and shot flames out of each barrel. Roughneck What barrel exists has very shallow rifling, so the bullet is prone to tumble. Ratshot would also be a painful distraction if shot into the face of a carjacker. Bond Arms | Barrels We did the same thing, but drawing from the table, with his hand on the gun when the buzzer went off. You are buying a new gun, not an old gun that is probably someone elses problem gun. I sent it in to Bond. . Unique gun tho. This has been (and still is) the case for getting on 200 years now. .Not One More Inch..Retired United States Air Force Master Sergeant, But that is not the case with these five models. Purchase also includes a Cable gun lock. Even my holsters work better and weigh less. This means ease of caliber conversion to suit your shooting preference. SPONSORED Brand new Cobra F.S. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood Buffalo Nickel Grips XL ,, Bearman Derringer CL22L (22LR) Barrel 2 3/8 Black Matte With Ejector. Gun was still cocked.wouldnt fire. But I say any gun that you are just going to take out a couple of times on a rare occasion need not cost much, and if you are happy, yay, good for you. This is where the Philadelphia Derringer model comes into its own. JavaScript is disabled. When it comes to classic gun history, the .45-caliber Philadelphia Derringer has to be seen as a true icon. We were there to shoot the new BullPup. Are they safe to carry? It was small, light weight & would fire each barrel in succession with consecutive trigger pulls. Keep your finger OFF the trigger until your sights are on the target. As with all Bearman derringers, the Cobra comes with a Guardian package which includes a hammer assembly, main springs, specialized trigger design, and a trigger guard. Now I shoot 500 rounds a week, but each week with different guns. Its the guns fault that you were carrying it in an unsafe manner? I do not carry. The trigger can be slightly sanded and polished to make a huge differencebut please study the trigger and thoroughly understand how it works before attempting any trigger work that could result in a very unsafe firearm.
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