celestron starsense explorer dx 102az vs 130az

The StarSense app also lists 5-inch and 6-inch Schmidt-Cassegrains . Review: Celestron StarSense Explorer Telescope Here is a quick video that shows how this works: This is a great, innovative feature that takes advantage of the smartphone that you probably already own, and gives you something simpler and cheaper than a fully computerized telescope. Yes, the Celestron StarSense Explorer telescopes are good. Both are pretty mediocre, a Dob would probably be a better choice. Before the purchase, be sure to install the StarSense Explorer app on your phone. You can find the Celestron dx 130az on Aliexpress for a relatively cheaper price. Celestron Starsense explorer dx 130az uses Newtonian reflector type optics. You can unsubscribe at any time. Users of the Explorer have found it to be a very capable device and quite easy to set up. Read why we prefer High Point Scientific to Amazon. How would you rate the StarSense DX6 version (6 inch SCT) compared to a Skymax 127 on GTi mount? The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ offers access to the myriad targets that grace our night sky, but can be tricky to locate if the astronomer is just starting out in skywatching. The telescope attaches to the mount using a standard dovetail, but as it came out of the box the clamp assembly was twisted through 180 degrees, with the locking screw at the bottom. The images will generally be sharper because misalignment isnt very common, Refractor based devices tend to be more expensive than their similarly powered reflector counterparts (A 4 inch reflector may only set you back $100 one example being the. Read the full Earning Disclosure here. Overall, this is a great option if you prefer a smaller and less cumbersome refractor telescope, but want something more powerful than the 80mm option above. Some of the Celestron Astromaster telescopes use similar OTAs (telescope tubes) and similar AZ mounts. A used StarSense Explorer scope will likely be missing the code for the app and many of the scopes floating around have had their phone brackets yanked off as well for use on other instruments. It takes just 15 minutes to set up the Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ. But with eight different models, which is right for you? Why you can trust Space.com (Explained!). Robin Scagell is a lifelong astronomer. It doesnt have issues like chromatic aberration like the dx 102az. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Stargazing Help came into existence when some young minds got mesmerized by outer space while camping. Ultimately, due to the somewhat inferior nature of the phones used (at least when compared to a GoTo Computerised Mount) the field of view will only be limited to a max of 0.25 degrees (half the width of the moon). I am trying to get my 9 Year old interested in this and the only reason why I was considering the 130 was because of the Star sense app which makes it super easy to find deep space objects and galaxies. The downside is that it is generally in the higher budget range and that it is less portable, heavier, and bulkier. Generally, refractors are less bulky and easier to operate. COAST HX4 Dual-Color Utility Beam LED Clip Light. Celestron Starsense Explorer DX 102AZ Vs 130AZ Winner: Even for this round the clear winner is Celestron Starsense Explorer dx 130az. We recommend High Point Scientific (#1 US retailer) for finding thecurrent retail price and purchasing/backordering. In this review Ill cover the pros, cons and the 102AZs features to ultimately help you decide on whether the system is worth investing in or a beginner level device that you should skip out on. Pentax K-70 Astrophotography: The Ultimate Camera on a Budget! StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ | Celestron if youre not butchering it for the StarSense hardware, thats what Id buy. Celestron StarSense Explorer: 8 Models Compared (2023) The accessory tray is a nice, sturdy affair and an actual tray rather than the silly eyepiece rack supplied with many scopes. The Celestron StarSense Explorer LT 114AZ is different from the models above in that it is a reflector telescope. You can find the Celestron dx 130az on Amazon which costs around $450. Their knowledge of the subject, combined with features like a price match promise, free lifetime tech support, a 30-day return policy, and financing choices, makes them a great pick. Here we focus on becoming a knowledge hub for astronomy and astrophotography enthusiasts. It also avoids the confusion of viewing the moons features or star fields back to front. The instrument comes in just two main parts the tripod and the tube assembly so it seems straightforward to assemble. Therefore these models will suit those where space is at a premium at home and would prefer something smaller, easier to store, and more portable. This free guidetells youwhat gear you need to get started photographing the Milky Way, Planets, or Deep Sky Objects. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. The mounting of the Celestron StarSense DX 102AZ is completely manual, with flexible rods to allow what are called slow motions, to provide finer control over the movement than simply pulling and pushing the instrument. A tabletop telescope is the best choice at this price range. Thank you for the advice Mike and Tfer. Celestrons main explanation is that many beginners would buy the bracket and attempt to fit it onto substandard telescopes (or simply do it improperly) and become frustrated. For $399 you can get a much more capable telescope with a larger aperture, e.g. But it can suffer from spherical aberration. In principle, the StarSense Explorer tech is basically a bracket to point your phone at a small mirror that has been aligned to the telescope mount, and then uses the phones onboard camera and processing power to plate-solve. Celestron dx 102az has an aperture of 102 mm as the name says. Heres how it works. Open star clusters look great and benefit from the 102AZs wide field of view, but globular star clusters are little more than fuzzy balls. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ 102mm f/6.5 AZ 22460 B&H Even heavier and larger. Which is better than the image youll see from normal reflector optics. With Celestron dx 130az you will get about 200x magnification. One major source of problems is the mirror that is crucial to finding objects. StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Smartphone App-Enabled Refractor Telescope. After much debate, we finally know everything that there is to know regarding the two telescopes. I had what seemed to be a related question, which has come up somewhat in that main thread: whether to purchase the DX . The good news is you can at least upgrade your Celestron finderscope later. There are some other manuals as well as computerized scopes in the DX 102 AZs price range that you might want to take a look at: A new star diagonal is probably the #1 thing you can do to improve the StarSense Explorer DX 102s performance. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. The length of the tube is around 63.5 cm. Improved focal ratio for better photography, Less cumbersome than the larger models below, Less power (aperture) than the two reflector options below, More aperture and better views with 4.5 inch aperture, One of the cheaper options alongside the 80AZ model, Larger, heavier, more cumbersome, and less portable than the refractors above, Large aperture for the best views of objects in the night sky, Larger, heavier, more cumbersome, and less portable than the other models. What's more, the instrument comes with everything you need for a night under the stars: two eyepieces a 25 mm and 10 mm, which offer magnifications of 26x and 66x a StarPointer red-dot finderscope, star diagonal and tripod. So, what is so special about the Celestron dx eyepieces? ), Celestron Omni XLT 102 Review (Worth It Or Overpriced!? To connect the Starsense app with your telescope put your smartphone in the Starsense dock. Neptune and Uranus will be barely visible. Also, you look into an eyepiece on the side, rather than at the bottom. $469.95. Mainly interested in the mount and optical tube. Its StarSense technology links a smartphone to a telescope in a simple, yet robust fashion. This means we may be compensated if you click links on this page at no extra cost to you. The StarSense has an Aperture of 102mm, a focal length of 650mm resulting in a focal ratio of just under f/6.5. There is an issue though in that if you are using your smartphone attached to the telescope to use the StarSense technology then you wont be able to attach it to the eyepiece to take a photo at the same time. The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ telescope is all about the smartphone app used to align it, though it's a more manual affair than you might expect. Overall The StarSense Explorer 102AZ is very competent refractor telescope, thats potable, easy to set up, has solid optics and decent enough in box accessories for the price. This would be my first telescope and looking for Push To feature to help my 9 year old and me get into exploring the skies. Dx 130 on the other hand weighs about 8.16 kg. This model and the 102 AZ are refractors. Refractor devices can also double as a spotting scope of sort and the 102AZ is no exception. Galaxies, nebulaes, star clusters and large parts of the messier should be viewable although there may be issues showing accurate colours with some stars. Its focal length is 660 mm. Deep-sky objects are a little less exciting. Value $12.60. Smartphones can be fitted into a spring-loaded slider on the StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ, allowing for basic astrophotography. Can you explain how they are still about equal in light gathering? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. I find it exciting to hear that the StarSense explorer seems to make it quite easy and fast to explore the sky. He has made numerous TV appearances explaining astronomy news stories, and lectures aboard cruise ships. The mount's not even ideal. I recently purchased the 130mm version for a great price. We are an independent astronomy and astrophotography-focused publication that conducts objective research to make product recommendations. Popular Science by Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5" Smartphone App-Enabled Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope. The 80mm/3-inch aperture is the smallest of the range and will limit the brightness and clarity with which you can view night sky objects. The erect-image diagonal (which is necessary to allow the instrument to focus) introduces very little distortion, only marginally noticeable on a star image using a magnification of 130x. If youre interested in other refractor systems, maybe due to the slightly inferior light gathering abilities of the 102AZ, this list may be helpful. Because all these mountings use a standard Vixen-type or CG-5 dovetail attachment, you can attach any other instrument that uses the same dovetail, taking into account the load capacity of the mounting. Is LT127 a better choice? The Celestron StarSense Explorer comes in six different models. Patented, award-winning StarSense sky recognition technology uses your smartphone to analyze star patterns overhead and calculate the telescope's position in real-time. For a summary of the entire discussion take a look at this table: Between these two Newtonian and refractor telescopes Celestron dx 130az is a better option. UNLEASH THE POWER OF YOUR SMARTPHONE: Let your iPhone or Android phone take you on a guided tour of the night skyno telescope experience required. Add to Wish List Item in Wish List . Need more information regarding both telescopes? Celestrons StarSense Explorer line of telescopes are some of the newest, and arguably most innovative telescopes on the market, and the newest effort of Celestron to make using a telescope as easy as possible. Optical Design: Newtonian Reflector. Refractor optics are also categorised into two types. Instead, it occasionally uses plate-solving technology when you first set up the telescope or move it across a significant portion of the sky, then tries its best to extrapolate finer movements using your phones relatively inaccurate gyroscope and accelerometer. will also probably upgrade in 5 years or so. Just recently purchased DX130. The StarSense Explorer app is ridiculously easy to set up. Would one model be a better purchase vs the other? It seems immovable, and many beginners will wonder if they are meant to be forcing this round at all. All the telescopes from Celestron Edge HD and Schmidt-Cassegrain are compatible with the Starsense app. The Starsense app will work with most of the telescopes that have computerised mounts. These are still decent entry level specs and will allow beginner level astronomers to see the following celestial objects provided enough of the StarSenses power is used : The tube isnt too big coming in at around 81 cm whilst the tripod will allow the device to extend to 1.24 meters, which honestly isnt that great. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Reviewed: Partially Recommended Since both are beginner-level telescopes, comparison comes to mind. This is necessary when aligning the telescope, as you need to point it at a recognizable object at the start of observing. I'd ideally want it to not be too hard for them to reach the eyepiece. This is the best measurement of a telescope's capacity to provide good views. Celestron StarSense Explorer Review & Comparison. However, its enough to get you started. Thankfully, even with 1.25 eyepieces, you can squeeze out a field of view of about 2.5 degrees with a 32mm Plossl or similar, so this should not be of huge concern to a beginner. Their Starsense explorer has been quite popular among stargazing beginners. So the views become much sharper and clearer. How about Starsense Explorer DX130 compared to Astromaster 130EQ? Get the 130. Does the difference between this and the Meade infinity 102 justify the $170 increase? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The eyepieces provided with the 102az arent so good. Thanks for the great review! Unlike household mirrors, its reflective coating is on the front surface rather than the back, so regularly wiping it clear could result in damage to the coating. But it needs collimation from time to time since the alignment gets messed up often. The DX 102s optical tube is a 102mm f/6.5 refractor with a focal length of 650mm, the same as used on many other Celestron telescope/mount packages like the Omni 102 AZ and NexStar 102SLT. We make money through affiliate commissions and this means we may be compensated if you click links on this page at no extra cost to you. For example, if Saturn or the Andromeda galaxy are above you that night, you can select them on the app and then follow the arrows on the app to point the telescope at them. (14) notify when in stock. Your smartphone's camera must be sensitive enough to image the brighter stars on a night setting. What Do The Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ's Specifications Mean? The larger the aperture is, the brighter you can see in the telescope. Just follow the arrows to locate stars, planets & more! However, refractors are traditionally more robust than reflectors, so there is no ideal instrument to suit everyone. The optical design is dreadful, the mount and the focuser is plastic, and the accessories that come with it are useless. These are very average specs and maybe even subpar when you consider reflector telescopes tend to offer a lot more bang for the buck nevertheless, the specs should be competent for beginners. All Rights Reserved. Get to know more about us here. The StarSense Explorer DX-102 is limited to brighter objects by the nature of its small aperture. They wont find things automatically for you, but they will search for what you can see and guide you to look at whatever planet or object you want to look at. Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102. Bear in mind that not all smartphones will work, so remember to check your model against a list on the Celestron website before taking the plunge. I already have eye pieces. Not only does it have great focal specs for exploring the night sky and perhaps getting in an astro image or two, it has StarSense tech that helps a learner locate and view objects that would otherwise be difficult for a beginner to find. The accessory tray that sits in the middle of the tripod legs, however, needs to be attached by fiddly little thumb screws that are already in place but the wrong way round in their holes! Same focal length. Celestron Starsense Explorer 8 Dobsonian, Celestron Starsense Explorer 10 Dobsonian. They are generally more expensive though. Small planets will be visible so are faint objects like clusters and nebulae. The software constantly checks the alignment of the instrument and complains if it cant see the sky, so snapping on the cover in between observations is not easy or ideal. I would recommend it though. It shares many of the characteristics of the other refractor in the range above in that it is smaller, lighter, and less cumbersome to operate, but it is more powerful with the larger aperture and you will be able to see more through it. For Celestron dx 102az the former type is used and also they are low in quality. Brand new in 2022 are the two new Dobsonians in the range this Starsense Explorer 8-inch Dobsonian, and the 10-inch version covered below. This means they have the advantages of GOTO technology and are smaller telescopes in terms of physical size.

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